Markiplier Talks Calling Out Youtube, Money, The Death of Unus Annus, What's Next & More! - Ep. 47

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hey welcome back to a conversation with my name is philip defranco and today we're having a conversation with the fantastic but today broken markiplier hello sir broken man broken just completely shattered yeah i i can see that it's like it's genuinely bothering you it's not like it's not because i i feel like half of the stuff that i see with you is just you're breaking down as a human being your body is betraying you dude we all get older we're all gonna die someday i'm just accelerating the process to dust i'm just trying to break myself down one piece at a time did you have you talked about what happened to your foot just exploded man i don't know i was walking by i literally was walking my dog and i stepped off a curb and it the [ __ ] just broke can i curse it just snapped in half i don't know how i i i tripped on a my on the ground you know the ground is flat i tripped on that and then my foot went like this and then this fifth metatarsal which is the middle it's like this equivalent bone that's in your palm but in the foot snapped right at the base right at the joint so it's actually the bulbous tip that's supposed to be strong snapped i don't know and then it's bro and that's the end of the story there's nothing else happening mar how old are you i'm 31 and you look like you take care of yourself how is this how is this a thing that happened i don't take care of myself what are you talking about what really you you i mean i don't i don't want to immediately just flush you with compliments but you look like you take care of yourself i watched your least and then it just it happens this way yeah no i mean i work out on a daily basis uh but i don't know you get the right pressure on the right bone that thing's gonna just break and twain cause i yeah cause all my all my injuries are like almost injuries i fell off of a bird scooter a year ago and i was like never going outside ever but i didn't even get i mean i i had like a limp for a month but jesus just walking this one hurts so bad like i have a pain scale i did it on uh unisons we made a pain scale i've been pepper sprayed i've had like major surgery i've gotten tumor removed i had an appendectomy lots of surgeries i cracked my skull open i broke both bones in this hand like i've done painful things this this hurt tiny chicken bone hurt like hell is this tough this is the most painful oh no nowhere near yeah no uh this is like but the immediate pain was like an eight like a goddamn eight and uh they didn't send me home with painkillers so i've been dealing with this with tylenol and advil did why why are you because you're not advocating for yourself no no it's because there's a whole prescription painkiller medication epidemic an opioid epidemic across america i don't know if you've been paying attention to it but over prescription is such a problem in american today that is true pharmaceutical companies need to answer for it but me i could have used some so wait i don't i don't understand why you didn't ask are you worried that you'd get addicted no i'm not worried about me getting addicted no it's just like doctors as it probably has a basis like don't want to prescribe for things that should be just tolerable and i get that i'm a badass so i can handle the pain obviously clearly but when it comes down to prescribing i imagine they're trying to prescribe less for pain that could be managed with over-the-top medication i see it i mean do you uh i know that you've talked about that you don't drink would you would you like uh do you smoke for this or or no i i don't like how i feel when i smoke weed it's weird um it's just like i don't like anything that makes me feel like i'm out of control i i tried some of the cbd stuff i didn't like that either um so i'm just i'm raw dog in this pain you know i'm i'm i'm i'm going through it all by myself i'm so tough i like that you're complimenting yourself it's not a compliment it's just a fact is this such a this is a reality have you ever have you ever done anything any drugs done anything like what i've smoked weed once that's it wow smoke weed twice twice so like the uh did did you bill clinton it or did you inhale you're one thing or two a single time uh oh yeah that's right i did not inhale well george bush wasn't that bush i don't know uh bush i don't know bush seems like a dude that does coke coke specifically yeah when i when i first smoked weed uh it was with a friend who i will not name for whatever reason i don't know legality something um but he had to leave halfway through so so like he introduced me to the concept of the weed and i you know we smoked the weed out of the pipe and then like he left because he had to go pick up someone uh so i was alone with the pipe and the weed and so i packed three more bowls and smoked it all by myself because i didn't know what a normal amount of weed was yeah i was so gone just every reality was permeating through my brain horrible i hated it now you feel like you're gonna have did you feel like you're gonna have a like a heart attack i was on the bathroom floor contemplating the reality of the ceiling as it folded inside of it like really gone oh wow it was bad and then my i did it twice because many years later i was like okay maybe that was just a fluke and then i tried again i'm like equally just like watching bill nye the science guy like he knows what he's talking about you know just like i hated it couldn't stand it i i don't like it i don't mind anyone that does i got no problem with it but me personally i don't like it the way you were talking about the pipe and stuff i feel like that's that's how they should do anti-drug commercials just just you explaining what it is to do drugs and people like it just doesn't sound cool hey kids you wanna be cool you wanna smoke from the pipe let me show you in my ten part instructional series on youtube we'd love that mark i'm kind of wondering cause you uh you have so many different projects you got you got you have the the apparel brand you have stuff like that how do you how do you describe what what you do at this point cause you're you're kind of an og you've done so much i mean do you still think of yourselves uh yourself as a like a gaming entertainer a creator what do you how do you describe it i don't know i don't usually bother trying to explain myself um because i don't have time uh i i usually people think that i am on top of things i'm not you know most of the time i'm running around for project project being like oh [ __ ] that was due last week oh [ __ ] i'm supposed to write that oh [ __ ] i need to answer that email um so what i do most of the time is i i consider myself just like i i just like making things you can call that a creator whatever i i like i like making things i jump from idea to idea really quickly and it's a problem because i jump into so many ideas with some half finished i don't know what you would call that probably a procrastinator um but you know i just i like making things i don't know if there's a qualification necessary for it videos just happen to be one of the things i really like making and i like trying different types of videos and i like writing down ideas and i like i like just making things yeah why do you think yeah why do you think that you you have so many projects what i know that you said you like creating things but what where do you get the joy out of it like what makes you go yeah i'll do another one after i just did another thing that was a success you know a lot of people have asked me that especially after unisonis um because i immediately started jumping into other things i i'm it's just the way i'm built like i'm i'm not i'm not saying i'm an incredible idea machine and they just keep pumping out it's just like i find myself swept up in ideas really quickly and i find myself getting overwhelmed with the desire to know everything about that idea whether it's something out in the world or something i'm coming up with myself i i find myself uh writing in uh in a notebook i i handwrite ideas just because i find it's more connective from the brain to uh the real world and i'll find myself just spending four hours in the morning just writing out random ideas it could be literally anything like a video idea movie idea book idea just random notes about some programming i'm learning or something like that or just a weird [ __ ] concept about space that i'm trying to wrap my head around um that it's just a very soothing way to get the chaos in my head out but at the same time it's just how i'm built like i even before youtube yes my friend bob i tried a million different things before i landed on youtube just because i found myself getting inspired i tried like writing game game design comic art you know i tried a bunch of different things it's uh it's just who i am i can't be anything else so is there a is there like a uh top of a mountain for you at this point i asked myself that question about five years ago and it made me incredibly depressed wait what aspect of it made you very depressed because you know i i i looked at my original a lot of people's goals when they come into youtube is like i want to make a 10 million subscribers a million subscribers or whatever i want to get to this level you know i got there really quickly i was very fortunate that i found success you know five nights at freddy's really like spiked me up there um and you know a couple years after that like around 2016 or so i started looking around and and i realized that i was already kind of up there where i really destined to be and when i got up there to like the 15 million range i started being like well it's no different now than it was then do i keep trying to push higher or or do i stay where i am and so i started getting really like in my own head about the concept of being an influencer and and trying to like chase success and and it really started messing with me uh but in a weird way it also caused me to make a lot of really interesting things like i started messing with like choose your own adventure formats uh more sketch comedy stuff like this tour i decided to do with my friends uh because i wanted to like explore different methods of performance i i tried music with that um and i was trying to find like the same drive that pushed me to want to do youtube in the first place because the problem with me getting swept up in so many things is that i lose interest very quickly as well and it's just the way i am it's very hard for me to stay interested and when it came to youtube i didn't want to lose that interest and so that's where the depression came in where i was doing all these different things and i was still not feeling the same urgency to do it and it took a long time to get out of that yeah we don't have to cover it now but it like eventually had to get out of it but it took a long time yeah and when you said no my crutches when you say we don't have to cover do you mean like you you how you worked through it your break or i mean i'm genuinely it's just like it's your show i don't want to no i think of all the time i mean it's my show i want to i want to learn about you oh well like i said it's mostly boring um uh working through it it's because working through it is a complicated thing i couldn't really tell you when the one moment was when i found the love again i don't think there is one moment i think that's it it's the same i mean obviously depression can kind of [ __ ] hit you like a like an anvil but you know a lot of the time it's like this slow grind this like taking layer upon layer off of you and so yeah yeah i mean i mean for me then i guess if it's not this one moment how do you uh we're gonna stick with this analogy how do you kind of add those those layers of self that bring you back to a happy place or at least a neutral place man you know i hate to say this in any way that you know sounds like advice because i never want to give advice to anyone because every situation is different um but for me like i guess the conclusion that i came to is that i am happiest when i'm allowing myself to be consumed with ideas that are new right so my attachment to the original desire of why i wanted to do youtube would never come back it was the acceptance of that idea and getting to that point was a very difficult thing because you don't know the answer when you're looking for it um but kind of like exploring different facets of what youtube could be different ways of making videos things outside of gaming different projects that even projects that scared me like i'm not in any way shy about public speaking but performing music in front of a crowd makes me seize up and i wanted to like tackle that like i wanted to tackle that fear because i didn't know why i was so scared and i realized now why i was so scared is because i wasn't very good at it so i got that i did it out of the way move on and then i also i didn't like it very much but you know getting through these obstacles that i threw in my head because i went i can't leave youtube behind what i realized was youtube doesn't have to be just what i did youtube can be whatever i want my channel is purely an expression of me not in an artistic way but you know it's it's just it's me it's my videos it's what i make so do whatever i feel like making in the moment and then there's no apologies that i need to make to myself you know i don't need to justify the fact that oh this might make me lose what really mattered and i the realization is like chasing these new ideas is is the original feeling but it's it's impossible to encapsulate because you you'll never know what that project is until you let yourself be free to find it do you remember um what was kind of the the video or the series of things where you're like i'm just doing the same thing that kind of broke you down and got you to that point that first point because i know like i know for like a lot of minecraft tubers and fifa tubers there's like number video 1007 of like me doing the same [ __ ] they're like i can't i can't anymore you know i i definitely feel that it's like a different type of burnout i i'd say what really did it for me and this might sound weird for people is doing subscriber milestone videos oh made it so it felt wrong after a while like once i got past 10 million like i made uh my my actual 10 million subscriber milestone video was a video called meow wow i made that on the day i hit 10 million because i did not want to make a thank you video like i was i i was just coming out of a tragedy in my life and i was like i'm not in the mood to say thank you i'm in the mood to make something stupid and i really made it stupid and now i don't know why but youtube's algorithm is suggesting that video to everybody now and then people are like watching and being like i didn't know mark made this oh it's like i wish you didn't know that you know i wish i wish you didn't know that but you know it's it's i i don't regret anything i make just because in that moment i allowed myself to make something that i my brain was just like stupid idea let's just do it uh and and it's not like that moment i realized that was the key looking back now i can see that in that moment i i didn't want to make the video that i thought i should make i wanted to make something else and allowing that creativity to come out is is the only way that you can get the real ideas out whether they're good or bad it's it's you and you need to get it out so uh that was like that was the start of me realizing that doing subscriber milestone videos just felt so empty and felt so self-serving and felt so pointless because you know how many times can i say thank you to people that you know i don't know i don't know where i'm trying to go with this conclusion but there's there's some pretty words in there you know how can i say thank you to people that should already know that i'm grateful right before sounding in gen in disingenuous no i get that you know with because you've you do so many different things whether it be the videos or the projects or uh your charity work or or or make a wish when when you're making things you're doing things what do you think the the split is for you as a human being of you doing things for other people versus like what you feel doing it i mean hopefully there's a balance but that's an ideal that no one can reach um there's always one side versus another i don't blame any creator that does things because it works i would never blame anyone i i say this a lot in private i never hate on any youtuber that plays the game the game being the chasing of fame the the subscribers the stuff the the the plugging of of like getting bigger fan base i never fault anyone for chasing the game i'm like [ __ ] yeah go chase the game get success get that success like i chase that success and just because it wasn't the end-all for me doesn't mean it's not the end-all for someone and for some people i just want to see what the [ __ ] they can make so just like go for it um but you know for me personally the blend has to be very selfishly mostly me like there's some things that i do for the fans uh because they want it but the vast majority of the time i say no because i don't want to do it like my try not to laughs here is not that mine everyone does it like a reaction thing like that um but i stopped it because it got tons of views every single one was a banger but it wasn't my it wasn't anything of me it was just me like there's nothing wrong with that i don't fault any other youtuber for doing it i would never fault them but for me it was just so unfulfilling right so that was like starting the process of like detaching the the success generators no way hey i hope you're still enjoying the podcast i just want to take a second to thank one of the sponsors of today's episode of a conversation with 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10 off and help support your heart health and normal muscle and immune system function today with that said let's get back to the podcast am i um am i remembering this correctly i feel like it was a while ago did you get like an award for for doing the most like make-a-wish visits at some point or am i not the most i forget what the name of the award was but it was like uh it was a special recognition for doing a lot or um it was uh 2016 2016 2016. i want to think so i i can't remember specifically is there is there something that that that drew you to that that i mean did you approach them did they approach you why did you what was your kind of thinking of i'm gonna do this a lot well i mean no honestly uh with make a wish i just have a personal policy or i try to as much as i can to where if if there's someone that wants to see me for make a wish i drop everything and i go um because dying kid in the hospital like there this might be the last chance there's no time to wait for that kind of [ __ ] like uh my life can pause uh because like uh what i'm doing cannot be more important than making some kid happy that's just like me personal policy and i know saying that like there's been times when schedule conflicts just can't work so i can't say that i've done it every single time but like for me oh like i just do that like of course absolutely um so just that apparently that policy impressed the people that make a wish enough that they wanted to give me an award and and personally like i was just like i i don't like awards i i generally don't like awards just because i i feel like awards are the same reason i don't do uh thank you videos anymore or like subscriber milestone videos anymore it's like it feels self-serving and i don't really care about acknowledgement for something like that the more meaningful thing to me is uh say like my girlfriend telling me i did a good job if if i just pulled like an all-nighter working which i do a lot a million times more meaningful is if she says she's proud of me and that'll make me tear up immediately but an award i don't know i feel like it could go to someone more deserving or some that would appreciate it more you know like this this i might not worry this question the best way but does doing it that often does it break off a piece of you because i know that you've like jokingly said that you're an [ __ ] but you've always struck me in a certain way as like a very probably empathetic person where a lot of things probably hit you straight in the chest um and obviously if you're working with kids that are part of the make-a-wish program there's a limited time there right there there's a line in the sand that you know is kind of around the corner um how how do you deal with that or is that not part of it that it you're you're so focused and able to part compartmentalize that i'm doing this good thing i mean it i i definitely recognize that like oh yeah no i i i'm doing this thing because it's a good thing to do like the uh it's not it's not completely detached from that that mindset but but also just like that's not a bad thing to recognize you know it's not a bad thing to recognize like i'm doing this because it's good but also because it's the right thing to do in my mind um so did i answer that question not really does it does it weigh on you does it oh way on me and it's the reason i think it's like a hard question is because obviously you don't want to say anything that like they're like there's some sense of like that there should be guilt because that's not a thing it's just i'm interested in just kind of like the emotional human level of what that does to someone that is very giving with your time oh like how does it affect me personally seeing these kids all the time yes and because i know that you've then provided updates of then you like learn when one of these kids passes and if if you're doing it that often i mean that that has to be heavy i mean for me it's it's another equation of like the pain i would feel and knowing that a kid passed which is painful is nothing compared to what they went through like uh for me it's it's infinitesimal right compared to what they did so me sacrificing to be there and experience that hurt i'd take a million hertz if i could save one life by taking every single herd of that one i'd do it in a heartbeat like uh but life doesn't work that way when i and it's not like it doesn't hurt i'm not i'm not a robot when i when i heard that you know one of the first kids that i uh that i met passed i didn't even think it was a possibility i didn't even consider i thought that you know after i saw her that she would go on because that's just how it happens you know people don't consider it and then i i mean just then it changes you you know it changes you a lot of things in youtube has changed me in that way where realizing that the people on the other side their lives continue on like the intersection between like a comment bridging their life with my life is brief and tiny and on the scales that we have with youtube it's impossible to fathom the amount of just life that goes on without us and like that connection is is is no less real because of the tiny nature of that connection their entire life encapsulated in that moment for us but for them it means the world to them and recognizing that every single person has their own life their own story their own connections their own tragedies really makes me try to put that in perspective for myself all the time with what i do um and i think that you know the world would be a better place if more people did that but also i'm not i'm not exactly like the best about keeping up with people because of yeah i got that because of the nature of who i am i get swept up in so many things i often forget checking on my friends like that's why i say i'm an [ __ ] is i i think everyone has a baseline level of empathy and i definitely feel the empathy and i i rationalize the feelings of empathy but at the same time i'm really bad at human connection i'm bad at it i'm great at speaking i'm great at getting to know someone i'm bad at maintaining a connection would you say then like if you had to go like gold silver bronze you've got family work friends or is it work family friends for me it's work work work and i'm trying to change that i'm trying to change that it's taken a long time to try to change that um and and it's not even like i love working because i get i know superman i get stressed just like everyone else but it's a compulsion it's it's a have to i have to and to fight that it hurts and not hurting the pain that people know but it feels wrong it's fighting against my nature and and it's very difficult but i also recognize the value in it and and i try to emphasize it for people that would listen to me blather on which you've given me an opportunity with blather is is like just because you feel uncomfortable doing something or just because something is against your nation doesn't mean it's not worth doing like it's the same reason that i would take on that hurt of knowing the make-a-wish kitties like because it's infinitesimal compared to the benefit mm-hmm it's it's it's nothing compared to the benefit like and i recognize in my life that bridging these connections with people that i care about like especially my friends and family especially my girlfriend like trying to be there when i need to be there as opposed to obsessing about work all the time or obsessing about my ideas like that's the that's the hardest challenge of my life but it's worth it what do you think what do you mean necessary i mean yeah so i mean is it for you is it this thing where you're like there i'm almost uh a victim of it or do you have this fear of what happens if something comes before family like what how what's what pops up in your brain when when there's there's not a lot of noise happening and you're able to kind of think about it which may not happen for you i mean yeah that's that's pretty much the default i mean what comes up is just like the hard lessons that i've learned from losing people you know losing friends losing uh connections with family member like it happens all the time with me and it happens all the time because i get obsessive and i recognize the damage that does you know for a long time in my past you know it's not like i throw people away i just never work at the relationship and then expect them to be there when i decide i need them and that's not a that's not a friendship you know because you're always kind of player one in the relationship yeah exactly yeah i i find that you know i have a very kind of like aggressive personality sometimes and i can come across like very uh not it's not like i'm an aggressive angry person but just like i i have a tendency to dominate conversations and i try to restrict that because i love talking and i love talking all the time but you know that's a small scale example but scale that up to every facet of a friendship and i'm the same way was that um what you what you were talking about earlier was that your first experience with uh a loss or a proximity to losing a person or well if not who what was the the first which part when you said the the first time you learned that a uh one of the kids that you visited from make-a-wish passed was that your first experience or uh no because i've i've really only lost one person in my life so whenever it's a topic that's always kind of just interesting to me yeah i mean i lost my dad when i was in high school or well first year of college uh when i was 18. so that was hard loss um but lesson not learned from that definitely not because obviously well i mean the lesson being my dad was a great dad and i had a great relationship with him um but i never worked at that relationship so what in the years following way way down the road like this is as of five six years ago i realized i didn't know that much about my dad i really didn't i didn't know the stories of his life i didn't know like the trouble he got up to i didn't know what his career really was i didn't even know his job fully i knew he did layout for books but i never asked i never inquired and i realized this you know going back through my life looking back at my passion how i came to be here i i tried to do a lot of introspection uh and self-reflection you know i and i realized like oh i never tried to know my dad never tried i never once felt the need to and and you know i i i don't like regret the life that i had you know growing up with my dad you know you can't go back and fix mistakes so i try well i don't live with regrets but i i try to live with lessons that going forward can hopefully help me in the future and and slowly building these lessons have has guided me not perfectly but towards a better me and you know all i can do is try at that yeah i mean i hope you don't feel guilty about that because that's that's that's a very common story where a parent is kind of just this yeah this parental figure that like i didn't really think of my dad as a regular person until i think we were i was like 28 and he smoked weed with me for the first time and he opened up and we talked about like real things for a second i was like oh my god and it was that moment that i realized oh he's an actual real person so i yeah i think that's that's normal but what it wait so what did your your dad do did you say he laid out books or did last year he did layout design for like computer books yeah so i forget old books from programming and like small programs that were on like windows 3.1 or 95 or stuff like that old computer books and then before that he was like a career army guy i didn't know much about that because he never talked about those times which you know i can understand you know he actually fought so wow i'd understand that he didn't want to talk about that very much but later on you know if if he had lived longer maybe we could have shared a few beers like you had we'd i don't regret any of it i like i don't want anyone to worry like i i don't i don't live with regrets or i try not to as much as i can um but yeah you know it's just it's lessons it's it's lessons that i have to try to apply in the future and if i don't learn from the lessons it's my loss yeah and what's uh what's a mama markiplier like oh god she's hilarious yeah i but like it's it's so it's so unfair because every time i do a video with her she's funnier than me and everyone knows it and it's just not fair like her instagram is the most hilarious instagram i've ever seen of anyone and she's she's effortless at being funny and it's just like i'm so jealous um but our relationship used to not be so good but it's much better now so what uh did it change once you moved out oh well well she and my dad got divorced early on long story short divorced as a young kid two christmases you know whatever how young were you eight or something that's actually that's that's that's actually kind of a hard age yeah well that's in my fourth grade uh advanced english teacher miss what did what did miss do i distinctly remember uh whatever her name ends up being when you when you she called you two christmases mark uh yeah now she pulled me aside because i was doing poorly in school and i like did a really bad book report because i just made up [ __ ] and she pulled me aside i was like i know your parents are going through a divorce but i'm going through a divorce too and it's not that bad so you pull it together cause i was bringing the class average [Laughter] or some [ __ ] like that i don't remember [ __ ] that's insane yeah yeah no i hated her i i wonder if there there still have to be teachers that are that are that rough and and bad that go because there's part of me that like i i would hear stories about how like my mom's teachers were and it's just like oh that was a nightmare i grew up uh early on with a in a catholic school and like i remember getting like grabbed by the collar crazy [ __ ] like [ __ ] that like you'd be on the news now um and wow i'm going through a divorce so you need to suck it up mark yes [Laughter] the streamlined divorce process she's going through real easy so okay so you're you're young there there's a divorce but then and wait so did you did you kind of bounce back and forth or did you live with one because that's always oh no no my dad had custody so i did get to grow up with my dad and then we visited my mom every other weekend so after my dad passed uh i actually still had a great relationship with my stepmom still do to this day yeah love her to death uh then you know i lived with my mom for a bit uh you know during college uh and then uh my youtube career and then i moved out here to la and you know haven't seen her in a while covet and all that you know yeah what's how has how's that been treating you have you been because you you still i mean you're still putting out content well actually i mean you don't have unisonis but i know that you always have secret projects so how how has that changed in the uh the age of covet i'm an introvert so i never really left anyway but that's a cliche excuse that everyone says uh like i i i suffer from the beneficial effect of being able to entertain myself you know i i'm good on my own i can last uh you know probably i would do great at that astronaut training where they isolation chamber you um but even i'm getting a little wanna go outside i miss movies well okay i will say i yeah a thousand percent i miss movies because like like finishing a show early and then like running over to the arclight and just being by myself in a room and enjoying something for two hours like that that was so great but i i wanna know once there's a handle how much of this is us telling stories to ourselves like like that we're gonna go out and continuously enjoy the company of other people even if that wasn't the case beforehand because i'm not going to enjoy the company of other people no god i go to i go to movie theaters by myself okay yeah what are you talking about i go to restaurants by myself shamelessly i don't give a [ __ ] unless amy and i were going out on date night that's very different of course that's different but if i'm trying to get time by myself i want to be i want to be in public by myself i want to be doing my own thing by myself very difficult when you're a youtuber and people come up and say hi i don't have a problem with that come say hi to me but i'm also going out because i i just want to walk around clear my head i want to sit in a cold room and watch a big screen with flashing lights that's all i want yeah that's i i miss it that's i like uh i've talked [ __ ] about the the movie theater industry when i felt like they were trying to open up a little bit too early but yeah like i don't want all these places to go bankrupt because yeah like it's sure it's great that hbo max is releasing movies but it's a different experience it's not the same yeah yeah it's completely it's just not i might have enjoyed wonder woman if it was with people yeah if there was a crowd there i i haven't seen tenet yet and i'm like hoping that some of these movies that i really want to see will be re-released when when like everyone is vaccinated they're like i want that one mark do you what are you the are you the only successful youtuber that doesn't have a theater in their house no i know that a lot of youtubers get that same cookie cutter house i've seen it in so many people's videos it's it's all white walls and this all has a movie theater in the basement sure i know i know this because i've toured to shop house shopping many of these same goddamn houses it's the same one in every video um but no i don't have a theater i don't i i don't i all right does anything in here look fancy to you i don't like wait this easy transition because i saw you talking about this with like raising money for charity and you talked about what is your relationship to money mark like do you hate it do you just not see the value in it do you see it as a tool i am interested in this okay all right here's here's the thing i talk about this a lot actually recently uh money is meaningless then give it away mark give it to give it to all your viewers it does not say useless i did not say useless but it's meaningless right people apply meaning to it but natively it means nothing very useful and it's only useful because we believe it's useful and that's the whole basis of trade and economy and on a macro scale minor scale macro scale whatever it's just people believe that it's a certain value and that's what it is and i always go back to those rocks you know what i mean the rocks walk me through this the rocks the rye stones ray stones the rhinestones they're 8 000 pound rocks right an island uh country i don't remember the name of it but their currency was 8 000 pound rocks right you couldn't really move them like you would trade with them though i'd be i have rock i also have a bushel of vegetables do you want it or you have a bushel of vegetables i have a rock and i'm like i want that bushel of vegetables and you would go how much rock you got and i go one rock and there you'd be like oh hell yeah take my vegetables and we wouldn't even have to move the rock you would go that's my rock now and i would go everybody that's his rock now and then that's exchange and that's exactly what happens today when you look at your numbers and your phone for your bank that exists you look at the numbers in the box and i go to you i'm like oh i owe you one number for dinner the other night and you go like oh hell yeah one yeah it was one number all right idiot and i send you the number and you're like yeah i got it thanks for the number and i go you're welcome thanks for the food and same thing right it's the exact same thing people think that the rock the 8 000 rock idea is crazy but the system with you today when's last time you used a dollar bill right right yeah especially now i buy everything through my phone with magic numbers that show up because of the other numbers i get on youtube i get a lot of youtube numbers i get a lot of money numbers in exchange for those youtube numbers you know what i mean it's all numbers it's all rocks yeah everything's rocks all the way down man oh wow rocks are you taking turtles all the way down to that i like that um so but i mean okay because i i will agree that i think a lot of the way that people talk about money it's like it's kind of dumb right but then so if you have that relationship with it i guess why would you do things like launch the clothing brand is that more of a creative thing or is it the numbers still matter and there's utility and so it enables things what what is it my manager thought of that idea oh my god that should be the tagline for cloak i like it it's a good idea but that was that was my manager's idea yeah and he said like hey you should launch a clothing company i'm like why and he's like it could be very successful i'm like okay you could launch your own clothes that you want to wear and i'm like i like that idea i like the thing where i want to i make what i want to wear and then i was on board so so those those magical numbers they in no way do they control your sense of success or failure or worth not mine but that's that's the healthiest thing i've ever heard from a person and i actually feel like you're being honest about it why wouldn't i be but i also recognize that like say making a company like the clothing company is good because it allows other people to sustain themselves right like i i'm a big proponent of job creation and paying people what they're worth like that's that's my big thing like my editing team i try to make sure they are compensated exceptionally well i try to beat other youtubers offers just because i want to keep them on board and how dare anyone try to offer but i also give them like good healthcare because i know that uh it doesn't matter like how healthcare would affect my bottom line on my business that's stupid profitable uh get him the best healthcare that it's a no-brainer for me uh so it's not like i don't care about money i recognize its value but for me what what do i need i'm able to buy a 20 meal delivered to my house two times a day and that never hurts me that's enough why would i ever need more the fact that i do that is a waste but i can do that because my youtube channel is is large and successful i don't need more i have a tesla i don't need anything else that's shit's great yeah you know like i why do i need two cars let alone the one the one is like it's exact same thing the food every day delivered is an excess an excess that doesn't hurt me at all and i recognize that and i'm able to do that and in the covet days i have no apology for it because i need delivered anyway but like same with the tesla like it's an excess but that's it and after that what do i buy some video games like some computer hardware do i what do i do with the rest of my money i just throw it into a stockhole i let my accountant go stock crazy and then suddenly more money appears that's the most insane thing that is that is the most insane thing to me you have money money just makes more money what is that money doing like i get it with like the companies and stuff that money definitely gets money to other people so that they can pay their bills and feed their family and feed themselves and hopefully get them something that they enjoy as any sort of a thing that they want because it's their money but when you throw money into a stockhole and what is it doing what is it like i don't get honey why does honey how does honey make any money i don't get it you know well i know how well i'm glad you brought this up i think there's something very suspicious about honey i think there's something have they ever sponsored you no i would never let's go never take oh never not their blood money no no [Laughter] something shitty going on you're gonna get a cease and desist from this free speech i can criticize them if i want yeah i don't okay it's not blood money i don't know what they do mate legally distinctly maybe there's something wrong but i have no proof no honey honey honey is the reason that i never offer coupon codes because it completely [ __ ] me i'm just like i'm just like oh well there went 20 of my profits because everyone got a [ __ ] plug-in great i need to i need to be more pg pc friendly so i can get these these youtube deals and or have any motivation to do anything other than the two things that i do hey keeping life simple is is it is a god that's kind of part of the goal my life is so [ __ ] chaotic all the time i was just getting on top of it and then i broke my foot and i'm so pissed because i was one week away from getting a head on everything i was like super motivated super focused and then i broke my foot and this whole week has been a wash like but i feel like i feel like you're living and i don't mean this in the monetary sense i feel like you're living a one percent of a one percent life i saw a tick tock so that means that it's 100 accurate but it said that 98 of your life is habit right and so i'm gonna just take that as fact that you just do the same thing and for a lot of people it's like right you wake up you choose a food you go to work you come back you do a personal thing you essentially do the same things on repeat you have your weekend things and stuff like that but it sounds like thanks to pure chaos and uh your body betraying you constantly you are living a unique uh uniquely unique life i wouldn't say that there's still habits uh but the habits are like you know they're less about regimented schedule they're most mostly just about returning to doing certain things and behave it's behavioral habits as opposed to like organizational habits um because because my life is very chaotic but i will often find myself falling into these loops of uh default activity like writing in my notebook is one of my default activities that is inherently unproductive because most of the time when i'm writing i'm not writing about the things that i should be working on like i need to do a lot of writing and typing writing like script writing is not helping me here uh so i'll i'll find myself falling into those those loops a lot um but that that's absolutely true it's i find most of your time i find writing stuff down though like i don't know like i'll type things out but there there is something different it feels better it feels like i'm actually getting sometimes it's good ideas sometimes just poison in my head well yeah but that's okay right yeah because it's in your head it's it's stuck it's not real i i'm a big proponent of if you have an idea make it real as soon as possible and the best way to make it real is writing in a book because then there's tangible proof that you made that idea it doesn't matter if it's just in words the idea is out and the idea exists and you know it doesn't matter if you follow up on the idea it's just out of your head and then you get another perspective i mean if you look constantly in the ideas in your head you're only looking at it this way you need to look at it this way before you can decide if it's good or bad yeah mark we're gonna we're gonna shift to uh some some questions from people that follow you are you ready i'm great yeah oh my god i bet i've heard these never okay so we'll completely originally okay we'll do it we'll do it so you're like i like okay so if it sucks i'm gonna blame your fans how dare they they're horrible i blame my fans all the time all right so we can turn into a quickie section then if if it's just repeating it's fine mark uh compare the internet in the early 2010s to the internet now has youtube changed what are the biggest differences and maybe you can even make it specifically about being a creator in the space uh you know honest truth i didn't watch youtube very much in the 2010 era yeah in the 2010s like the teens of youtube yeah oh okay well yeah that's it's definitely is it really that different though all it really comes down to is algorithmical changes like what type of content is being pushed to the forefront because the one thing you can say about youtube is that the experience has been very consistent as far as like watching so there's really no change there um but i would say it's just defined in errors of content you know going all the way back to like reply girl type stuff was the earliest things that i was dealing with when i was first starting um to gaming content really surging which was beneficial to me to uh there was a time when animation was very very very very profitable and useful it was pushed a lot and then there was the the drought of animation and now the resurgence of animation uh as of a few years ago and kind of leveling off um yeah the animation i feel like died while when vlogs became like the go-to yeah vlog era that was one of the areas that i was not in any way a part of i did vlogs of course but yeah vlog era was interesting daily vlogs you know like it was a fun way to watch people snap i know right god when you're documenting your life every day i mean i'm doing daily videos myself it's stressful enough but documenting your entire life and trying to make every day of your life more interesting than the last it's a recipe for disaster there's no way that it could have ended well some people did but then you have like families that are just trying to come up with content with a stick come on be funny it's weird yeah i don't know even that is like i try to figure out what's the what's the right amount of allowing my kid to appear online because there's some weird [ __ ] i i think i talked about it on a live stream but my wife found this uh someone sent her a page where someone was like using photos of our kid and saying it was that it was their kid and it's like it is so [ __ ] weird it was so weird and they were like catfishing this person it was so weird anyway uh mark are you comfortable with the idea of being someone's hero i'm fine with that i don't like hero worship myself but if i think hero is just another word for inspiration you know like you looked up to someone for inspiration and i find a lot of value in inspiration i think inspiration is one of the most valuable currencies mankind has ever done who's uh who's someone that's been inspirational for you now or or when you were getting your start you know i i i really couldn't tell a lot of names when i started like i i watched um i watched like freddie w you know quarter crew i like the really cool like special effects stuff i thought they were technically very interesting and uh like it was so captivating to see that some small team could make some really really fantastic effects and and i've actually had a chance to meet some of the corridor people i've met freddie you know you know getting to work with some of these people is just like such a treat now um but nowadays like my inspirations are i don't really look to youtube for a lot of inspiration for things right because i'm so much better than everyone else no uh mostly just because like i've kind of tapped what i wanted to do on youtube to an extent so when i'm pushing my other projects i look to other sources for inspiration like choose your own adventure is like an entirely different field uh like trying to push into movies is an entirely different field they have to look at directors and cinematographers for inspiration stuff like that um general inspiration like is is a different field did you watch i'm sure you did you remember when um like uh the the two falcon boosters came down spacex like they came down and landed on the pad simultaneously i think about that video all the time because that's a different level of inspiration i'm not saying elon's my hero i think elon's like fantastic dreamer like visionary dude kind of a weirdo but hey aren't we all i'm i'm a [ __ ] weirdo sure like we're all human but the the accomplishment itself the fact that there were two reusable boosters in doing something i never imagined could be done and i think that's the key it's something i never even imagined was possible seeing it real in front of me changes a person it changes you it changes your entire perception of reality and what can be so if someone looks at my stuff and gets even a slim iota of that out of what i make yeah sure i'm fine with me being a hero but also never hear a worship they'll always disappoint you just like i will if you ever meet me i think that's healthy that's honestly a healthy thing to say uh mark what do you think about gotcha culture uh taking over social media not cancel culture but people going out of their way to comb through years of tweets videos other content to find gotcha clips i don't know i i don't really experience this very much most of the time when people got to me it's that picture of me after i shaved my head and they were like what the [ __ ] is this ball deployer in there like yeah it's that's me that's pretty much it um i feel like uh people like to involve themselves on things and feel justified you know like i have no judgment on the psychology behind it because i don't know enough about psychology they even make a judgment about it but people like to feel right that's kind of a human thing people want to feel right people want to feel like they've done good people want to feel like they've corrected something wrong in the world so it's just an extension of that but to an extreme level when you get behavior like that it's it's part of a feedback loop where they get like a rush of dopamine of feeling like they're justified and right and and it's self-fulfilling so they go looking for it more and more and they chase that feeling of justification and sometimes they it's a good thing sometimes it's just whatever pointless like people showing me the bald picture they do that for the meme but you know like uh i i can't speak to it because i'm not an expert on this subject right but that's what i would guess is just like i i have no opinion this is what i just think it is sure mark are you actually a masochist no uh oddly enough no um it's serious answer to this question i get all the time is like i i legitimately am not a masochist i don't like pain but i like knowing that i can handle something case in point when i broke my foot that was extremely painful i would not want to go through that again uh but because i i've gone through pain like that before i knew that it wouldn't kill me i knew that i would be fine because my girlfriend was was with me at the time thankfully and she was stressing because she was like what do i do what do i do and i was like i'm just going to sit here and i'll let this pass because i know it'll pass eventually and i'll get through it like a few months ago in december uh i was in the hospital with abdominal pain because i had another blockage you know though there was a whole twitter thing about me pooping yes yeah okay yeah yeah no i learned about i learned about it because they were trending on twitter and learned about what i wanted i was like what okay yeah look it's like when you talk about those [ __ ] rockets landing that's how the [ __ ] internet reacted when you were like it passed no but it's it's like i i knew that i number one amy was not home at the time i i knew that i could get myself to the hospital i knew that i needed to get to myself to the hospital not only did i know that i could handle it i knew what it was so i knew that i needed to take care of it very quickly there's there's many times in people's lives when they have a problem and they don't take care of it hence me appendectomy that i needed a long time ago i almost didn't go to the hospital because i didn't know what it was and i was like this [ __ ] hurts but i guess i'll be fine if i didn't go it would have exploded yeah that would have been a lot of trouble it's it's not masochism it's just an acceptance that pain is is is different than being in danger and knowing the difference is important to me and knowing what i'm able to handle as a representative of the maximum amount of pain you know i want to get a good idea of what i can tolerate also i'm a [ __ ] badass and i can take anything try me i'll get you you take that bat you try to hit me i dare you to hit me i dare you to hit me okay just just just sign the piece of paper that i'm going to send to you and then we'll do it no signatures no come on just do it i'm just going to do this at the court of law he didn't say when or if he knew when it was going to come ah no i'm not one for lawsuits you can trust me you can trust me those are those are dangerous 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kind of music that i enjoyed because it was just captivating orchestral pieces and and i don't really listen to music casually but i love scores of music i love soundscapes and i love that kind of stuff and just like my love of space emanates from that game because it was it was bigger than any game i've ever seen in my life because this is i think it came out 99 and 998 but you know the games back then weren't high fidelity sure but this this was just a void of space there was you could see planets in the distance you could like orbit things the the it was all 3d and even then at that point was pretty interesting and combined with the sound the story it all it was nearly perfect i could go back and i could find floss but for me as a kid that was the most perfect experience it was the same as seeing those falcon boosters i'd never imagined something like that was possible not just like a game that could do that but the world that the game could bring me into completely different a game that changed me for the worst was world of warcraft suck me in suck me dry i i like all my i wasted many years on that game that i could have been doing amazing things you know when did i get to a point you were like no i'm putting it down putting it away world of warcraft yeah uh when i got a job uh you know well not a job like a part-time job i actually worked in engineering co-op and i had to like be there 10 hours a day and you know there really wasn't time and i started being like okay maybe maybe oh cause you were uh or you are a a smart boy right you almost you almost graduated graduated with the uh engineering degree be careful with those words calling me smart in the same senses you'll get people coming after you i went to engineering school yes biomedical engineering and is that is that something that you always thought that you wanted to do or was it something that your parents were like this is the smart move engineering smart move safe move that was it i i didn't really want to do it but i also wasn't bad at it so whatever i could do man the world needs more hey i i would rather kids want to be engineers rather than [ __ ] one of us you know that's the tragedy of today because if if someone asks me if they want to be a youtuber i'll be like oh yeah [ __ ] yeah chase your dream but also learn things because that's important because because i would tell people logically speaking me and amy had this conversation logically speaking if i went to someone i'd be like look college may not be the smartest choice for you but also don't be dumb you know because it's like education is important you don't you don't have to go to a college to get an education i learned so much outside of it but also i got a fundamental education and it's important to understand critical thinking is very very essential but you don't need to go to college or school to get that but also that's not an excuse to just skip out of college and then never apply yourself like it's it's a conundrum it's it's a problem because like learning how to learn is a very important skill and learning that you always need to learn is an important piece of information those conclusions may not be reached in a world where things like youtube exist that allow for career paths that don't necessarily require a brain i'm not calling out any other youtubers but i think we can all agree there are some [ __ ] dumb youtubers out there and hey more power to him if they chase the game as i said before i'm never against anyone playing the game but i don't want idiots in my game you know what i mean i i want i want generation to be smarter than the last one and if people don't learn they'll never be smarter but you don't need school to learn but just have the self drive to crutches have the drive to always chase knowledge whether it's because you can tackle the youtube problem better if you can think your way through problems every moment in youtube or whatever is an opportunity to problem solve that's what humans are very good at so if you want to get better at youtube we're more successful at tick tock or whatever it is gotta be smart you gotta know how yeah yeah big brain listen to matpat and that guy's smart right he's smart right it's not an act right at least he transfers he's actually smart is he whenever i talk to him i always i always leave going i feel like i learned something and he's also a nice guy is that true though i think so really i've always i've always suspected thanks he's the honey of youtube he's lovely no one please cut that i don't put that in or leave it in i don't care no i mean but lovely but on that note i mean it was something that stood out to me and it was something i think that uh people that made it to like an hour 50 minutes into the the bella bean podcast she was like people only uh talk about and notice the people that succeeded right no one's talking about the million people that didn't become markiplier right that's not that's not in the new york times that those people aren't going on uh uh seth meyers and they're like i aimed for my dreams of being a youtuber and it didn't work out he's like thank you for coming on yeah well i mean yeah it's weird because it's very it's in a way it's kind of paternal like you you want people to be happy and shoot for the [ __ ] skies but you also don't want to be the one that gave him a nudge off the [ __ ] cliff yeah it's it's a really fine line because i don't know where you're at in terms of creation not you specifically uh but you know someone watching this siri was just [ __ ] shut up you're still learning a long way to go siri was like i'm gonna roast this dude okay no stop leave me alone stop listening uh what is it uh yeah cause cause like i want people to succeed i i don't get people to get jealous of like the next generation of uh youtubers or internet creators or something like that getting more views than the last generation i am so happy to see that like the next generation gaming youtubers like if someone makes choose your own adventures they get more views of me i'm fine with that i'm fine with that because it's paving the road for that that's the goal i want more people to succeed even bigger than i ever could have i want that but i also recognize that competition for that is going to be really fierce extremely fierce so i want people to realize that not only do they have to be skilled lucky they have to be smart they need all of this and and maybe they'll get more luck than skill or smarts and they'll they'll hit it like i was lucky i'd like to think i'm relatively not dumb uh and and it's like a combination of taking advantage of opportunities that are in front of you and you may not see all the possible solutions unless you are aware of them so i want so much more for every creator that desires to be a creator but i'm also realistically looking at it and i'm like there's only ever so many slots and the the weird thing about the future is yeah people get more views but oddly enough the attention gets narrower the focus gets like pressed on these these couple of of youtubers or or tik tok people tick talkers yeah i'm a [ __ ] old man um it gets focused on on a few and yes many other will will get success but because of the measures like the the secondary level of like creators is usually about the same from generation to generation but the the few that have peaked are bigger and bigger peaks and then like it just creates this dissonance like like someone's the one percent and then the 99 you know yeah well but very yeah very few people can hold on to it i mean it'll be interesting to see i'm really fascinated by mr b's career right that's been that's been really really interesting felix right i honestly don't watch any of his videos but then again i don't watch many people's videos i've i've never met him i've chatted with him online um and i always feel bad because i i never know what he's working on everyone's like did you see the mystery video i was like ah i didn't and i feel like a hipster doing that because like watch this video it's like i don't watch anyone's videos i watch warhammer 40k lore videos with like 20k views that's my content i like i don't watch the same youtube that a lot of people do um but i think that's the thing is i think especially people really don't realize that i think everyone thinks everyone watches everyone and it's like no people live in regular i like i have two kids and a wife and i'm just trying to [ __ ] survive i'm not watching watching [ __ ] that's also part of the reason why i like dropped my today an awesome segment i was like i don't know what's good because i'm not watching anything at all yeah you could hire someone for that just uh is this good hey man to try and make my [ __ ] news work for under 60 seconds i need to hire someone that's like under the age of 22. just yeah i'm like just do it do the thing just yeah but uh okay we have i'm gonna finish one last page of these questions mark are you ever worried about calling out youtube no god i'd do it all the time i wouldn't think so i think yeah well i think i think it would be different if you were smaller because you have like if you if you didn't have like the fall like the fully turned on faucet of views it might be different but i feel like you're shielded because you're you and i think that's why also it's important that voices like you speak out on it i mean it's for me it's like i'll call them out when they've done something wrong but i'm also the first to bat when they've done something right i feel like people [ __ ] on youtube too much because it's an easy target and it like i'm also a big promoter like companies don't care their companies but i also know that people work at companies the people care i care about the people behind youtube and i recognize what youtube has done to allow me to have the career and the expression that i do and i also understand on a fundamental level even though i disagree with a lot of decisions why they do the things the way they do because they want to create the most fair platform even though it's not but the thing is their main failures are the way they communicate like when you see departments like sometimes completely blindsided and like unable to explain why certain things are happening they're like yeah i don't know what that is an internal problem and it's also because that's they're so massive yeah it's a scale how do you talk to everyone like even the ceos of google and youtube i don't really consider them to be like visionary leaders in the same way as to go back again like elon musk he's clearly the leader of tesla and his companies he has a vision and he makes everyone follow that vision whereas like say susan lovely person a matter of a few times a great ceo businesswoman fantastic at what she does however you cannot connect youtube's direction to her vision not on its surface anyway i would not say that she is the pioneering leader of youtube pushing forward her vision no matter the cost which is what i think of when i think of like a true connected leader and then everyone under youtube is not like following lock and step with her vision because the vision is unclear and it's not a bad thing it's just a different way to run a company i'm not saying that elon musk is better ceo than anyone else he has a lot of failings obviously but a lot of successes and it's because when you have a vision and like me directing my own projects like i have a vision and i want it done a certain way and i will accept no substitution except where budget calls for me to accept no substitution like uh it's just different and i would say that maybe youtube could benefit from that clear leadership and vision but i don't know it works what do you think i was gonna say what do you think what would that look like if if uh if you don't see susan as that like what do you think because or how what do you see her as like so is she more managerial in your mindset is she more like just kind of keep it thing keeping things on the rails managerial trying to like she's she's trying to think of the business side of youtube and i get that she her her priorities are like profitability future prospects because in her mind obviously profitability means security for the creators that's good future prospects of different like advertising companies coming in means better uh profits for the creators you know uh different integrations for youtube as a platform in terms of like tv and stuff like that i can see her connecting threads to allowing like creators to expand into these different aspects that are typically reserved for other systems in hollywood um so i could see that as being like the business side of things the brand cast i get it like it's it's good but internally there's not as much focus on the experience of being creator the tools of creation the the play box the sand box you know the the methods by which the users can have a more involved uh role in terms of communities you know tools for that like trying to get i i tried to work with the membership team for years of like getting features for members and stuff like that because i believe that the membership system was very strong i still do like i like the membership system but there was a lot of ideas that got tossed around over emails for years that just never came to fruition is because they didn't have that clear line that was like this is the way if if susan said this was the way for members get done and do you think youtube gaming has that figure or has close to it because i know as far as like a creator that then became integrated you have people like ryan wyatt um who's been kind of championing youtube as this like not only gaming destination but a genuine not even a twitch rival like something that can wildly wildly surpass that and any potential competitors in the future do you see that or no you think that's still not there the unified vision part of it no i don't think it's there okay i i think that the ideas are there and there are people that want to push the ideas but that's the main problem is there's just people that want and if there was someone with a unified vision it wouldn't be a want it would be a get it done it would be a need it would be happening and like the the the problem is obviously it's a it's a complex problem to solve i don't have the solutions for it and i don't think many people do but the oftentimes the solution is just being like we're gonna do this and everyone's gonna make it happen and we're gonna try it and youtube does that with some things they're like this is just the way it is mostly unpopular decisions but google honestly yeah that's totally man good for creators uh but you know it's it's like if if they were making tools that wanted to say compete with twitch right surpass twitch as a gaming destination like they would have to really start cranking out innovative ideas like like twitch did after it was acquired by amazon let's just give credit where credit's due they came they rolled out tons of features like with expanding gifting subs and like their their bit system got more fleshed out their their point there was a point system rolled into it like clips got it renovated a lot of amazon that that amazon did was bad don't get me wrong but they started going they were just making [ __ ] happen they're throwing spaghetti at the wall what didn't work they peeled off what didn't work is sometimes still there i'm not saying it's completely out of flaws but just feature after feature after feature a robust tool set for streamers to work with there are so many tools if you log into twitch i stream on twitch weekly you log into twitch there's so many tools there's like polls that i can make i can make a i can let my fans gamble with their channel points it's baked in there they can i can put polls and i can put predictions where they can predict the outcome of certain things there's an ape there's a built-in extension library of things that i can just start putting into my stream there's so many tools and where twitch obviously is going wrong with their dmca protection is garbage and and this is where kind of youtube's effort to make the whole content id system is like oh this was the good idea whereas before everyone was like oh this is [ __ ] stupid how dare you when in reality you look at what twitch did and they're like oh that was the alternative oh i like youtube's method better yeah you know people can kind of see the pluses and minuses but that's also where communication could come in a little better where youtube had been like look it was either this or we take down your video like ah we chose this and i'd say in the end it was a better choice it is gonna be interesting to see yeah based off of the the efforts made where these social networks are in the next three to five because i think i think like obviously it's not what we were talking about but i think twitter uh is a really is becoming a really really interesting place with them trying to essentially take clubhouse's thing and facebook groups like i'm like is that something that can thrive is that was that what happens is the is the future of youtube is this shorts play that they're they're trying to like dabble with is it is it ill-fated and short like kind of not the the greatest thing i don't know i i say why not right just try it the worst it could do is waste a month of coder time you know at best it's suddenly successful and more people are using it and then it's another method of advertising like they have money and financing so why not spend the resources to try it because clubhouse i haven't tried clubhouse but i recognize that clubhouse is growing very quickly and it's it's a niche it's interesting like ted talks everywhere that's a great idea um but why not integrate that to your social media if it could benefit you why not why not who cares if it's a rip-off that's how business works let them sort it out sure it's just a question of like okay so is is clubhouse just are they are they this thing now like [ __ ] meerkat was uh and then they got replaced by a big player like i think they were a streaming service uh yeah and so it's and then and then they they just fight off i think twitter is in a different place where it's it's very politicized so i think clubhouse has the ability to thrive even past that though they might become a thing they're not comfortable with um at least today but we'll see i don't i don't know how it's used today like the reason the only reason i say like go for it is because i'm also con i'm also of the mind that the original will always succeed but if you're just asking from a business standpoint not it doesn't always obviously say you know there's many other cases like with snapchat getting instagram like copying everything snapchat snapchat snaps like coming back up it's really interesting it's really interesting yeah like i i'm i'm all for like uh people remixing ideas and stuff like that i want to see what kind of other innovations can happen like there's a fine line right there's intellectual property and then there's like restricting innovation there's a fine line i'm not a legal expert i don't know all i do is make my [ __ ] but i also know that the majority of my content is me reacting to video games that other people have made so i recognize that there's a balance and i got to make concessions where concessions are due when you're when you're consuming stuff stuff i know that you you mentioned earlier that you think the content is kind of i think maybe you said the attention uh is getting narrower and narrower are you finding that you're also consuming content that's smaller or are you still because i mean obviously you have the the podcast and you have your videos which don't necessarily lend themselves to a small consumption time i mean i don't often have much time these days to consume content so no no usually no tick tock right before bed i i tried it for a bit like there's some funny stuff on there there whatever their algorithm is for sending videos to me is fantastic uh it's i don't know what it is it's doing but it's very good um but uh yeah if i'm consuming something i usually this is gonna sound very boring but whatever i'm trying to learn i'll usually try to find content about that thing and the great thing about youtube is it makes learning new concepts very entertaining most of the time if you can find the right video so uh that's my entertainment no i mean honestly that's uh that's primarily how i use youtube it's like how do i do this thing how do i fix this thing i'm like i'm like 50 year old just like looking for how to's that's it dude when uh when the whole gamestop thing was going down i tried to learn how options work because i had no idea man oh dude what a what a nightmare world that's what every chaos that's what every youtuber needs to switch over to now it's just [ __ ] launch finance channels uh anytime graham stefan i know that i know i know i know we don't care about money apparently on this podcast but they're cpms [ __ ] are you serious wait what finance channels it's like some of these places have their cpms are crazy some of them have like hundred dollar cpms that makes sense i believe that because of course so the conversion of someone signing up for uh what do i see all the time bleep this out because i never want to give him prone but i see etoro commercials all the time or no oh yeah public yeah i saw your tweet about that i was like i saw justine tweeting about this social media for stocks god people could see me lose money so fast just like that's terrible i like i will say and obviously transparency i'm now an investor but i like it because they don't even have day trading tools like which i feel like it feeds into the the gambling nature of it like it's i'm actually like okay i'm putting this here yeah yeah yeah whenever it matters i'll i'll take back but uh but yeah it's it's an interesting time i get that yeah that's cool cool that your investor i like uh good for you man is it good should i get it do you have a promo code no i mean i even if you didn't use my thing i but you you say you have money people like so you probably wouldn't get any joy out of it right i don't know i haven't tried it let's sign up why not look look i i do browse wall street bets some of the yolo bets that they do they're pretty appealing i could i could do a little i could deal with some money i just here's the thing i will say it's very amusing to watch but i do get i do get like very very angry when i see creators pushing [ __ ] like because it comes it comes back to that that mindset of like okay you want them in on the ride with you but you're just profiting off of them someone's going to end up holding that bag yeah exactly that i do feel bad for that especially during the gamestop stuff because i was watching all that just like when it hit like [ __ ] was almost like 500 or a hit 500 right it went pretty close to 500 and i just imagined because it was right back down and i'm like oh my god let's look at it today the people that bought yeah at 500 and just saw it plummet back down like that's the kind of [ __ ] that loses people's houses well and that's ooh yeah what's it well no so because it jumped so it was it had gone down i think to like 50 or 40 and then earlier earlier this week when we're recording it who knows when it's by the time this [ __ ] video goes up but yeah it had gone up to about 200 and then now it's at like 98 and i'm like this is why in my video i say i wish you luck if you're touching it but i don't want to be on this roller coaster because like yeah i need i need things that i can count on and every time every time i feel like i've missed out and i want to jump in it's always been a bad choice yeah yeah i i just from the option videos that i watched if i did anything i would lose my money so fast have you ever seen the video like they would they link it on wall street bets somehow this guy managed to lever i don't know how specifically but he managed to leverage his money way more than the app should have allowed him to so he was leveraged up to like 50 times oh is he like and then like margins yeah he he like put a deposit got a free instant deposit leveraged that one bought another security to get another deposit to buy he did this like five ten times got 50 times his leverage put it all on like this risky ass bet and he was looking at his phone he recorded it with like his face in there and you just see this number go blue and like all of his money gone in one tick and you just hear him go it's so funny but so sad cause it's just like this poor idiot had no idea what he was doing guys out there we're not i'm not a financial investor this guy might be but look be careful with your money yeah that's awesome yeah i mean part of the reason i also part of the reason i stay away from it is yeah i get this if if it's something that i'm like trying to jump on something really quick i know i get the same rush if i do it with a hundred dollars that if i did it with a hundred thousand which is horrible but i know the down of me losing that hundred thousand is far different than if i lost that hundred so that's why i also stay awake uh and if i if i do something it's like [ __ ] around but then yeah the problem is when it does do well and you're like oh wow next you're like my life could have been slightly different my year could have been just go to the casino just go to the casino okay if you're old enough to gamble and you need that rush go to the casino but then if you have a gambling problem get some help like uh for me i'm okay what uh what do you what what do you have in your life that gives you a rush we'll get a smile on people's faces when they enjoy a new video of mine when it comes and i'm closing the laptop i mean uh when was the last time uh when was last time your heart was pumping and not because you were working out this is sad um you're like i just always have a very calm heart rate and i don't do anything that tests me to the limits uh i mean now that i'm doing more self-reflection um [Music] i should hey what's your promo code on public i need some excitement in my life no no that's not what that's for um look if this turns into the legacy where i i make a public account and it's all it's all it's all public people can see my trades right well you can choose to share it or not people can see i will share it people will see my demise real time but it is interesting because when it's public if you when you sell people can see like what your positive or negative was as far as percentage they never show like the dollar amount but uh i don't know can you select that option can i let people see the dollar just alienate everybody just like oh no alienate nah they'd gather around to watch me ruin my life look people love a train wreck i'm willing to provide that you're going to be that okay so that's okay so let's let's do that we're going to start a we're going to start a new channel together we're going to we're going to do risky bets and then we just see who's more up or more down each week boom i that's actually a fantastic idea i'm stealing it right now even though i came up with it you came up yeah okay hey it's me again interrupting myself to tell you about one of the fantastic sponsors of today's episode butcherbox butcherbox is an awesome customizable delivery service for those that really enjoy high quality meats at the utmost convenience 100 grass-fed beef free-range organic chicken wild caught seafood and heritage breed pork all for less than six dollars per meal personally i love trying to cook more myself as i get back on track with my health goals and sometimes just making some burgers in the backyard on the weekend with the family or preparing for a nice home-cooked seafood meal for myself butcher box comes in clutch and it couldn't be simpler just choose your box and your delivery frequency they offer curated boxes for those who wish to be surprised or a custom box for those that know exactly what they want but your box ships directly to your home and the items are frozen at the peak of freshness and packed in an eco-friendly 100 recyclable box and you can cancel anytime with no penalty they also source from farmers and fishermen who meet the highest quality standards raising their animals humanely and treating our planet with some respect in the process best of all for one week only new members will get two pounds of ground beef in every order for the lifetime of their membership plus shipping is always free so just go to franco to get started today with that said let's get back to the podcast i'm gonna i'm gonna switch to cards we're getting out of your fan questions because i just noticed a lot of them repeat it okay so mark when was the time you felt most alive most a lot yeah it could be obviously like the adrenaline pumping it could be i don't know it could be anything when i woke up from my surgery i don't know you know i'm like thank god i'm alive it's not over [Laughter] uh you know i i actually cut out a lot of um like competitive things out of my life not because i don't i don't enjoy them like seriously i i don't play competitive online games because i don't like the way it makes me feel i don't i don't like that competitive nature because i can get really competitive and i get angry and i don't like that feeling about me so i kind of like try to it's the same thing as with weed or alcohol well alcohol i can't but with weed is like i don't like feeling out of control and anger is just another way to be out of control so do you do you not get angry i know that you said you don't play a lot of video games for yourself anymore but but i mean like during like playing board games do you not feel competitive when you're playing those yeah i do that's the problem that's the problem i'm i'm people don't realize this about me is i'm naturally a very competitive quick to anger person it is only through a lot of very hard effort that i am not that every day when i was a kid growing up i got angry all the time i would punch my car stereo i'd punch walls i would i would i would do all kinds of stuff like that it's it's taken a lot of effort to get me away from that because it's not in my nature but i know that fighting that is important like it's i don't like that part about myself so i actively have to change it and so uh i kind of tend to stay away from something like that except when it's board games yeah well i can't help it never i like board games you know i just don't always play competitive ones what's uh what's a board game that you think would be that you don't have to hear like 20 minutes of instructions that you think's like that's the game that's like the best game that you you play my game oh have you played nemesis i think i've heard you talk about it but no yeah nemesis is a fantastic board game i think you can finally get it now it was a kickstarter game from a while ago because it's like it's cooperative slightly competitive um you're on a spaceship and you wake up in your cryopod and you have to like figure out what's wrong with the ship and then complete individual objectives that either clash or don't clash you know so it's like objective get back to mars or get back to earth or objective repair the engines or or get an alien egg also there are aliens on the ship trying to kill you it's a very fun game it's always very stressful uh it's always down to the wire at the end of the game and like when my win ratio is usually like 50 50. okay so it's it's very fun mark what are your three pet peeves if you had like one two three what do you think they are number one people not living up to their potential i know this isn't my responsibility to worry about other people but i hate seeing people waste their potential not that i'm like perfect about judging people's potential but i i always know when someone's kind of slacking um number two when i'm not living up to my potential uh because i always i i hate wasting time i i'm a big proponent of like i don't know how much time i have so if i and that's the problem is like i find myself defaulting to wasting time a lot of writing or like just watching videos or like just sitting around doing nothing um so i i get mad when i do that uh third pet peeve people who ask questions that involve lists yeah exactly what [ __ ] what well so what when's the when what's the last time you confronted someone about not living up to their potential i'm gonna try not to confront them because then it's kind of a douchebag move is it though but maybe you're being helpless it is no it's a lot of the time it is um probably the last time was you know it was in in a video we were making me and ethan for insane we were just like talking to each other honestly about things and i was like i want to see you live up to your potential after you dishonest is over i want to see you make projects and he's working on stuff like i i i'm not saying he's not working on stuff but uh that's probably the last time i actually openly said it you know i'll say it is a pet peeve of mine but maybe you're not living up to my potential i'm not going to tell you i'm not i but i've i've made peace with it you're not filling in quite as much but also tomorrow i have to i have to find personally i have to find different like every now and then on a show i'll find something i'm like oh i feel really fulfilled like especially on a show that i can be like more comedic because i was like oh yeah that's how i got my start was if i wasn't being a horrible person and attacking somebody uh it was just making jokes uh and i was like that made me happy but what is actually i want to ask about that like what's it is that is that like the closest thing you've had to uh it's not necessarily a breakup it's like a but is that like the closest thing to a breakup in like you do this thing with ethan for a year right and you're so hyper involved and then i imagine it that's probably not that much the case anymore what's what's that like great you're like i can't stand him after a year no no it's no it's not so much that it's uh we literally it was such a time stick it was another 40-hour job you know we recorded two three days a week we i edited a lot of the videos myself we rotated who got them uploaded and who did the thumbnail you know it's just like it's hours here and there and there and everywhere um so when that's done it was a lot of free time that i instantaneously filled up with other projects and now i'm back to busy again and it's horrible and i'm like when will i ever just finish what's on my plate and that's what i was gonna do and then i broke my foot so it's the universe telling me that i'm never gonna be done i so i know that you seem like you have the plan you stick to the plan that's gonna be it was there ever a part of you even if like it was day three or maybe it was like day 180 that you were like maybe there's a reason that we keep this thing going past a year no no it was people ask that all the time people are you really going to delete it as like yeah i mean i love i love it as far as like a project yeah but i imagine just but it also yeah i mean it seems to to make sense because you're not necessarily you're not driven by money which would be kind of the main thing the success you know that you're going to have well you don't always know that you're going to have it outside of it but you can probably guess it doesn't even matter to me if my channel dies tomorrow if people stop watching me that would not bother me and and this is what seriously everyone says that and i don't get it if it ends tomorrow then it ends because you never can do other things never you've never truly experienced that you've gone away but you know they're they're there scratching at the door you know that there's going to be like a something but for it to go away i don't think many of us other than people that have like unfortunately fallen off know what that emotionally does to you because i've been appointed i remember being at points in my career where i was like i got this [ __ ] so [ __ ] down and like it was bad because like the ego would get me and this is years and years ago but like you don't you don't know what it's like to be in that hole but for you i i feel like the way that you're talking about like you do it for yourself you like the numbers aren't necessarily the thing that matters and you've probably done so well that if it went away it's it's not something that would all of a sudden like super hurt you but i don't know do you you're a thousand percent sure i feel like the difference is my perspective is fundamentally different and i feel like a lot of youtubers or content creators problems is they hold on too tight they're not ready to let go and when you're ready to let go you're willing to do anything else like you're you're willing to explore different horizons that's the point of unifonus that's why i wanted to make it is because i wanted to show people that you can do something completely new completely different from what i was doing an entirely schedule like live action just video a day kind of vlog style just random challenges [ __ ] and then you can get rid of it and it'll it'll be over and that was the end beginning and end i didn't do youtube before i did youtube and i got along just fine with my life and i know that when youtube ends whenever it does if it ever does i will fill the void with other things because me as a person i love creating it doesn't matter if it's videos it doesn't matter if it's books or games or companies or whatever i like making and if you hold on too tight to what you have now you will never see what's around the next corner and so many youtubers content creators just they're not ready to make that leap and i'm always ready to make that leap it's it's not me being pessimistic it's no that's not no i mean i'm i'm just i'm letting you say it because i think that's completely valid i think i'd be fine if it ended but i think deep down i don't want it to and that it would it would hurt me here but i i also think that i feel like that because i've seen and like talked to people that have fallen off and like have said that they wouldn't yeah i think that's right i think that's good or not right okay yeah that i think that's the defining line because if people don't want it to end which is valid i'm of the minds like i like i would be okay if it ends and that's different than wanting or not wanting um but if people don't want it then it doesn't end that can be very sad but also like it's a freeing experience to come to terms with the idea that it could go at any time and also it's if you don't want to go away it's it's more motivation i guess to really work hard to keep it but i also feel like it narrows your vision it keeps you from seeing other possibilities and like exploring who you are there's a there's something i talk with amy a lot about is like we youtubers live our lives on camera we give ourselves to the videos to the audience we give pieces of ourselves at some point you run out of self to give that's what happens to daily vloggers you run out of yourself you don't have any new experiences to give anymore you need to live you need to live you need to go and live and come back it doesn't matter if you stop videos then you can keep videos going with gaming content i can backlog and then i can go live and then i can come back with more ideas experiences memories and then i can reinject that into what i'm doing and the only way you live is by just trying everything possible i got a limited amount of time i've come close to death a few times not as close as some but i've come close to death and i know that time is limited and i just want to leave as much of a positive impact as i can before i die and that's my life mission that's it you got me wondering how how do you deal with conflict conflicts yeah i build those over until i win so someone tells you like yo i didn't like that you did that mark like a person that you care about if it's the person that i care about i'll listen to him if like this is another part of me that apparently is weird in the youtube circle i don't give a [ __ ] what anyone says about me online sure i don't give two shits uh but if someone that i care about says something then i stop then i listen because they know me or at least i think they know me the the difference is like not so much i'm like ooh [ __ ] you everyone else is like you're allowed to say whatever you want about me because at the end of the day you don't really know me i know me but if someone who i trust it could be someone in the community that i trust or something like that like they say something to me i i listen and i reflect and if if you know if if that happens then yeah it'll affect me but also just like at the end of the day like i've said before i'm kind of an [ __ ] so i'll just build those around has that has that always been the case or did that kind of just happen over time it's a part of the self-reflective journey we're all [ __ ] down deep yeah we're all saints and we're all devils whatever yeah no whenever yeah whenever anyone's like goes out of their way and be like you just seem like the perfect blah blah i'm like no no no i still have to be uh an [ __ ] at times and it's not a fun thing but yeah um what is what is the greatest gift that someone has ever given you mark gift the gift of life my dad gave me when i sent me out of his balls like i don't know uh greatest gift jeez it's all these philosophical questions um well i'm also interested because the guy in your position probably hears the terms oh you're so hard to buy for too much oh my god yeah no amy is so good at getting yeah she's like i just know you she'll get like thoughtful gifts practical gifts like every single opportunity for a gift she already hasn't bought two months in advance it's insanity i don't know how she does it i am terrible at getting oh yeah because because it is like the thing like i have money what do you want i could buy you anything it's like but if you ask me to like come up with something thoughtful i can't how would anyone yeah so greatest gift i don't know everyone everyone that ever gave you something's like what a dick what this guy this guy this unappreciative [ __ ] i am i like that's why i'm like don't send me anything because i cherish basically nothing i don't i don't do much in collectibles you see the guitars back there i didn't put them up i didn't put them up there they're just an organizer put them up there convenient to put them there these walls are barren this is a sound panel like that's it i don't decorate i don't do that stop stop talking to me about projects and and experiences what's the thing you love thing you don't love your tesla it gets you from point a to point b is chica a thing i don't know i don't call my dog a thing that's rude of you how dare you she's a living person ah thing oh god i don't know how about this mark uh we're at we're at like 10 minutes left i'm gonna i'm gonna i sometimes like to do this during the podcast i don't think it's gonna work out well because i don't because i don't think you're interested in it but what is it switch it what questions do you want to ask me question do you want i want to ask you no i'd be interested in asking you like you've been doing youtube a a long time long a lot longer than i have i don't want to say a lot lot longer no it's like 15 years or something like that i think i started 2006. yeah i mean that that is quite a career like i'm coming up on uh eight nine years now i can't quite remember but and and people like you you said you said og youtuber and i had a transition point when i went from new youtuber to og youtuber you know people uh a lot of like fans like will come back and be like oh [ __ ] he's still making videos i'm like still here you know still here um that fnaf guy with the hair it's like uh nyamore well long but not anymore you know uh what is it like for you to have seen so many generations of youtubers come and go because there's not many people from your generation that are still around making content on the regular with likes the same level of success like it's it's difficult to stay that long wha what it what is your like hallmarks from these crosses like anything stand out to you like uh people that stand out who have lasted like uh how have you stayed the course true to it i mean i feel like everyone else that survived from around my time uh it's they're just way smarter than me i i credit myself to finding a good vertical uh that i care about that i'm passionate about uh that that still interests me even though you know you can have bad days but like rhett and link incredibly smart themselves have surrounded themselves with really smart interesting people um smosh obviously uh they're they're separate but uh both kind of killing and doing their own thing but i mean also if you look at those guys uh they evolved right rhett and link had their whole period where they uh went with like the ad angle uh and it established them in a different way and then they went to the daily route and they thrived there um and so it's been exciting to see the growth in that way um but i am i'm so i'm so thankful that i've been able to stay on because i feel like there are several generations that miss the boat like we're still early days and not when we're i'm 15 years in like and it's i don't know i to the point of like when you said like the numbers don't matter to you like the view numbers don't matter to me but ever since i was like 15 i got excited by the idea of like business um and so the thing that excites me more or honestly like things i don't even talk about in videos whether it be like the angel investing whether it be like talking to other creators that are just getting started and and [ __ ] like that that brings me joy um obviously those are two completely separate things one's more business business oriented and the other is like trying to foster someone that i think is way more talented than myself um but yeah i mean that's that's it and as far as to kind of go back to a question that i had asked you i think it's just it's more mainstream now like a lot of the people that you probably came up with you had like a gen general or in general genuine interest in right whether it be like i like talking to these guys now it feels very like almost like that people are putting a boy band together yeah success success that's great uh i'm the same as you i'm not gonna just [ __ ] on stuff but it's it's it feels like it's a little more uh plastic wrapped yeah it also reduces the effect of seeing what one person can make themselves i love seeing collaborative efforts don't get me wrong i i love corridor crew they're still making it they're killing it with their their corridor they do some [ __ ] though that like it looks better than the stuff you see on screen they just redid like that star wars effect and and honestly like it's way better than what disney did for the mandalorian and i'm like you're right this is better a lot of people were like who's not better like are you blind as clearly better like it's stupidly better if they had the different actor and like like the original voice like the resources that disney had of course it would be infinitely better but they didn't they meant it in a weekend anyway i'm getting off at a tangent um but i wonder whether stuff like that is going to hurt them though if people be like are you are you kind of [ __ ] on us and like i wonder if you could get like black bald or something like that [ __ ] them they're disney who cares what are they doing ceo what's disney doing what are they gonna be the group that unseats netflix what are they gonna do yeah uh yeah so i don't mind the groups but i do like to see what like what individual creators can make because that's where you see vision and i've talked about this before like i like to see what someone's imagination can take them to that's why i do a lot of stuff myself is just because i i know that i can hire like a team to make ideas for me but like i don't like that i like originating all the ideas for like bigger productions obviously you need a team i'm not ignorant to that i'm not gonna do everything myself but like ideas ideas start from one mind usually ideas come from one place or a minimal number of people and i love seeing those go from creation to full product i love seeing that yeah um i'm questioning here shut up uh let's see what's what's what's what's the worst video you've ever made what what's the worst video you've ever made because i've made many that could qualify and i love them um regrettable i don't know memeable stupid stupid well not regrettable i don't regret the stupid videos i make what's the stupidest video the one that people make fun of you for the only people shove in your face no one does that though because like i don't know cause like i'm usually i usually i'm like [ __ ] you guys and i share something that i also genuinely find fun because what people dunking on you for for like something that's silly it's funny it's like it's like a community thing it feels uh like a family in in that way like that's that's how like my friend group we would [ __ ] around with each other and just say horrible [ __ ] to each other and so that's like for me that's friendship but no i can't i can't think of what it would be sorry i've got many many sonic meow uh like wolf man why would why would meow be embarrassing to you have you seen that yeah it's like what it's like a minute long and it's just your mouth over going stupid well i mean the reason i say it's dumb is because number one it's pretty cringy but number two it's just inherently dumb but i'm not saying that in a bad way i love that i love that i made that i love that i made it i don't love the video is is like that that that video falls in that very specific category for me and i always want to ask these two people because i'm i'm curious because that ranking is so unique to the youtuber who made it that it's it's like a it's like a personality quiz of like which video did people maybe like and was successful maybe but you hey hey on the internal side yeah no i mean the closest thing oh no okay i got it uh so i did uh early early on in my career before i moved out to la and like everyone was figuring out the space i did an hbo uh was it digital hbo digital series with uh kev jumba and it was called hooking up and uh don't you [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] it was me him uh jessica rose uh lonely girl um oh yeah so it was like this oh it was this uh this story about like me and my roommate and i meet this girl and for some reason there are ten episodes oh yeah where do i think we shot this in a weekend and we shot a [ __ ] uh episode thing and it's so bad i i i forget if they didn't give me the script until then or i just waited to the last second to read uh their wardrobe department everything is like way too tight on me it just like and it's just and you can see how awkward i look it's uh it was a it was a fun reason to come out to la but it's it's as far as like people joking there are still people that'll hit me up and be like when season two coming out and i'm like [ __ ] you but also it might be funny god baby phillip yeah yeah no this is crazy oh yeah i love the compressed down to four oh it is four by three it's like oh yeah it's four by three but it's also widescreen so it's just squooshed ah man see that's the kind of [ __ ] i was hoping for that's exactly what i wanted what what embarrasses you i was like that actually and now they got me thinking of it and that and i feel like i mentioned this on like one out of every four podcasts when uh i interviewed anne hathaway and oh my god can't remember it she's in every tim burton movie yeah i don't know oh yeah yeah what's her what's her name yeah uh helen bonham carter yeah helen carter uh yeah and just like bombing that one and helen and bottom carter just looking at me like i'm i was the [ __ ] i was uh so that was two things so and from those moments on i was just like i'm just going to stay in a room and talk to myself yeah yeah that's fascinating i'll watch that later i've got a q-tip i've gotten oh good yeah just a nice playlist i got 10 episodes of hooking up everyone if you didn't know about this there's a youtube channel called hooking up all one word it all it needs to need to just die like all my old content no that's the thing it you can't let that die you got to bring that up that's part of you me like meow as embarrassed i am it's part of me all the shitty videos i've made in the past are part of who i am hi mark i'm out it's almost got a million views the first episode it was a big deal back then mark this is a successful show wow what uh okay i'm gonna give you one last question and then you'll have given me two hours of your time which i very much appreciate right oh oh i asked you a question i thought you were gonna go [ __ ] you oh i'm done dude i'm done doing the work how bad is jacksepticeye's coffee answer [Laughter] yeah how bad no uh it's quite good i actually have it no shill it's it's actually pretty good but then again i haven't had that many bad coffees from beans straight up because i always i grind my own beans anyway um uh if you wanted to do a video where you hit me with a bat after covid ends would you yeah you want to do that yeah let's do it you know actually i i don't collab at all but i want to i like there's so many youtubers out there this isn't a question this is a conversation topic like there's so many youtubers out there that i i know of respect want to work with but you know i just never reach out and collab same with my friends like can you be my matchmaker you want me to connect you yeah yeah yeah for some reason i feel i feel like you're way more connected than me i because i like i jumped away from the community for a while and really the the thing is like i uh it may seem like i'm connected i don't talk to anybody to nobody i literally don't reach out to people on twitter i don't reply to people on twitter i don't even really use twitter i don't have people in my phone texting it's not like a a sad oh i'm so lonely thing is like that's just who i am sure as i've described this whole podcast is like that's who i am but like i've said before i recognize some things that like i i i want to reach out because i do want to know how people make things i want to pick people's brains on ideas i want to like because the best way to get to know someone in my experience is just to work with them right like that's how that's how i've quickly found some people are just straight up [ __ ] it's like i work with them once and i'm like all right thank you i'll see you around there buddy and i feel like now i've reached kind of like this point in my career where uh i'm i'm turning into one of these og youtubers and i feel like i want to see if there's expansion in my skill set to work with other people or if i can help other people make things like i just wanna i wanna i wanna start branching out again yeah i mean i will say that that is one of the things that kind of surprised me as you uh with you saying that because uh we've all i think we've only worked together once and it was on a world of warcraft thing forever ago oh yeah yeah yeah that thing yeah which uh i i bring up like once a year because i uh i cheated during that uh oh everyone cheated like it's fine which made me go like oh i'm like toxically competitive i'm not in this position enough to realize it but yes this is true but that was one of the things that stood out to me is you were so like you were aggressively nice and like making sure everyone was good and so it kind of surprised me that you're like no i'm a i'm an introvert and i don't connect with people it's yeah it's like i'm good at talking with people i'm good with meeting with people and it's not it's not me disconnecting out of spite it's just like i'm so self-absorbed with what i'm doing that i will forget people exist until they text me being like three months later like have you seen my text that i sent three months today i'm like oh [ __ ] oh see the pro move the pro move is just answer it like you just got it no that's horrible i always apologize i have to apologize i always do that with like two people i always do that with two people and they always call me they're like you can't [ __ ] do that i have no idea what you were talking about but yeah yeah but dude thank you very much for the time i appreciate you of course i hope you're uh your foot gets better even though you're just taking thailand distracted me enough uh like whenever i get into a conversation it distracts me from my foot so it'll start hurting later but i appreciate the two hours of respect when do you think that or when do they say it's gonna get normal well uh yesterday i was taking a bath and i slipped i was trying to hop out of the bath on one foot i slipped slammed my foot broken foot into the side of the tub hurt almost as bad as when i first broke it i think i re-broke it so it's gonna be a little longer with feet do they just they just go like it's just gonna heal the way it is or do they they put it in a boot they didn't an x-ray saw that it didn't need surgery and they put it in a boot well good luck with that and i hope you stop hurting yourself mark oh it's me we're talking
Channel: A Conversation With
Views: 780,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Philip DeFranco, DeFranco, A Conversation With, the philip defranco show, new, podcast, interview, video podcast, advice, funny, entertainment, markiplier podcast, markiplier, markiplier try not to laugh, unus annus, unus annus archive, markiplier makes, make a wish, stocks, mrbeast, matpat, depression, youtube, bonk, philly d, mark fischbach, tesla, youtube money, heist with markiplier
Id: GjA7oU-7Alw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 36sec (6996 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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