LOST Inside the Backrooms - With Friends.

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this almond water tastes really good oh my God it's the back rooms can I start by saying Eddie has never looked so fine thanks man I mean you know I didn't wear my bandana today but [ __ ] appreciate it you really trying to get in his back rooms aren't you Josh [Laughter] that's right if we keep getting age restrictions oh we got next spots oh no not this wrong [ __ ] oh no we fell over wait is that my character I could see her whole legs oh hey yo we've woken hop in the back noise oh damn wait damn okay [ __ ] the buzz of the lights is already killing me yeah I hate wait but oh we spawn a pot yeah we kind of did oh my God sir sir relax sir relax hello where are you guys we have to find Eddie and harass him in the back rooms no actually you know what stay the away from me if you can sniff out this Mexican boys I bet you can't find me I got some Frijoles waiting for you Molly literally just took up in the Sprint as soon as you started saying that Eddie yeah you need to get you need to run brother Mexican episode together did you see someone Eddie oh this person's Dead all right that's not us dude I'm gonna tell you where I'm at okay so um there's this corner yeah there's a lot of Corners there's this 90 degree angle in a corner and it says here here here here here and there is a person with a lot of blood dead Eddie I'm gonna try and give you my approximate whereabouts I'm in a uh very very almost very beige room almost yellow um directly directly under a ceiling light oh [ __ ] okay yeah yeah POV you've just smoked one grams of marijuana foreign come on beside those noises man usually speak for like 20 cents or something do you feel uncomfortable ma'am uh yeah a little bit I'm gonna do something that I've never ever done before who just sniffed my ass please I've never done to my entire officer career I'm gonna turn on my body cam [Music] okay listen I will translate for you then listen I am as a as a Latina I don't appreciate this [ __ ] oh I see it up there tell me the gummy Joe what did you see what did you see up there oh there's definitely a big looking um come here baby okay this is getting I'm sorry oh my god dude Molly are you safe sometimes like we start a joke and then you start and I'm I don't want to do a joke anymore you ever like messed around with your friends when you're young and you're like oh let's do some ding dong dashing and then someone like starts smashing car windows in with a bat you're that guy every time we try to make a joke like oh yeah Eddie's looking hot and you're like yeah I'd love to I don't want to play anymore the court said I had to be here for the [ __ ] dude you do look like a New York cop that beats poor homeless people narrator my keyboard it's called exercising something you [ __ ] crackheads wouldn't understand what he's [ __ ] me wait wait wait wait wait just because I'm a minority does not mean that you can assume what kind of drugs I take okay Eddie you're a white woman okay you're more rights than Mexican Eddie now you are so pure narrator if you think the crackheads at the not the most exercise part of the population here we go I got it that was not okay it wasn't me whoa there's a door right here we found a door yeah yeah look yeah get in there look what look what it says it sees you no exit here who just locked the door who do you think hey cabron quit playing uh wait oh wait nobody nobody tell them about the shadow that's behind him Molly do not turn around bro I turned around what is that a shadow no Josh we were [ __ ] with him dude I swear to god dog oh look at you how did you guys end up in the back rooms I uh I tried to claim my uh RTX 40 90 as a tax expense and as soon as I hit submit I woke up in the back rooms so I think that might have not been a good idea I was just doing my daily Duty filing out a bells for you know please report I accidentally dropped my tampon in the toilet and I tried to go pick it up and I ended up here Molly also tried to grab your tampon out the toilet does that mean we're gonna go in here no we can't even no no oh wait no I thought you tried it your thick ass won't get through anything uh dog listen my thick ass can get through anything if I shake it hard enough that's a lot that's true oh what was that that was a girl screaming Eddie I don't need to be honest with me I don't know much about woman and Anatomy but did you just queef that whistling dude wait whoa was there again whoa okay now push the button on the keyboard what's going on when was the last time you cleaved Josh I haven't quit for 40 years mate yeah that's right because every time you try to all you hear is I quit methane yeah all right the noise was coming from over here boys this is white people [ __ ] you've been hanging out with us too long I'm going this way come on boys look look at the arrow over here there's an arrow over here boys that's that white boy horror movie [ __ ] that Eddie's told me about yeah you're right you're right you're right sorry I was getting into a leader I was getting into characters uh well since I'm in the front I'll take responsibility come this way boys all of you guys following Eddie it's like a gaming convention man's got really nice assets escape this way this way boys uh I say nerd is the leader he's in a uniform uh just because he's a police officer doesn't make him a [ __ ] leader we actually found out that I found it Molly you're like that little brother I swear to God he's sprinting in front of everyone I found it I found it it was my idea what is this place almond water almond water this is why people [ __ ] oh yes antidepressants all right there's no turning back once we go through this out of my way dude okay that's not in game that's Molly actually abusing his animals [Laughter] what is that whistling dude screaming it oh wait no dude the numbers on the walls are correspondent with the numbers on the I'm just pressing three YOLO oh okay press it again I'm gonna press zero it looks like you're head butting it dude uh I'm gonna press eight it is puzzle God damn it bro I hate this okay so one six one two seven four look behind them look behind them they have number on the back where's the number on the back yeah there's a number sign yeah there's a hashtag behind him oh wait there's a note here oh Elon Musk bought the back rooms there's hashtags in the back rooms this one says the elevator code uh one two three four one two three four okay so each each it's not actually one two three four Josh it's whatever numbers are in front of one two three four so I'm gonna read it out to you ah okay it's six six six seven two five all right we got the code let me in all right please Molly how you doing Molly Molly no Molly no I didn't do anything that wasn't oh my God it took me anyway it took me anyway what the [ __ ] okay okay it's a little bit dark now I'm having less fun now hello my white personal instincts are kicking in I want to go down the dark hallway oh what's this oh almond water in a note The Entity a a very strange creature has been spotted coming out the ducks in the background physiology resembles the dog with humanoid traits oh it's gonna be very aggressive and dangerous when you look at it face to face be smart there are times when running away doesn't help much okay holy dude okay that is not a nice picture take a photo of the entity the following drawings that's a skinwalker guys this is oh I know we were all making jokes before about you I'm sorry I didn't mean it all right I hope you die first that's not very nice statistically you look like the guy that would die first either you or narrator yeah statistically Molly looks like the guy that would kill people first like don't worry you I'm a police officer everyone's safe as long as you're with me and then I just get drugged into the darkness and no flashlight oh oh we just gotta find the exit door is that it is that really it someone you can hide oh hey let me hide wait the fact that you can hide in this game is making me very unsettled right do we have to hide from why did they put a hiding mechanic in this game that was what was that noise not okay oh what the [ __ ] was that somebody did that wait somebody just broke the lights that's a Halloween that's a Halloween thing down here dude guys don't leave me candy candy candy wait I keep something I can't grab it are you ready [Music] no this is whoa It's supposed to be a mirror oh [ __ ] oh my God oh my God I'm going to die you'll sacrifice will not be forgotten Molly I'm dying it's attacking me by stabbing a bro I took my anxiety oh my God it's dead oh thank God it's coming Shake no get down the shadow walkers [Music] keep running man [Applause] no no she's fine it's fine it's fine we're okay oh my god dude there was one that would kill me but there was a shadow creature on the ground I seen that I thought it was someone running well can you hear that Eddie it is are you whistling are you trying to say hey Mommy it's been me it's been me whistling all along dude it attracts the guys [ __ ] you are a dog bro you got me killed bro no I did it oh my God yeah you got yourself killed you've got that stink bro that monster smelled you from a Milo thank you it's all right go down I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running you better move those little [ __ ] chicken legs you know I work here Batman anyway boys what happened to Molly uh he's scared he got his uh little piss baby pants Oh get give me that [ __ ] you're serious Josh okay yes I got one wait the top only doesn't get a flashlight huh oh my God you can't carry more of this item I don't have that item [ __ ] all right whoa this is so much better holy [ __ ] so Molly basically got too scared and he left now we're at a slumber party together and we get to use flashlights in the dark and play seven minutes of Heaven coming here but come here guys yeah thanks for coming to stand over my sleepover tonight um now Edwina and narrator seven minutes of Heaven go in the wardrobe turn your lights off it's gonna be so sexy and weird and we're gonna expand her with her bodies all right go all right uh narrator please stop looking at me like that no lower lower Rarity guys yeah Mom just put popcorn in the microwave holy [ __ ] no way I already had a weird noise are you just trying to butter me up how shut up God damn it I [ __ ] hate this guy I'm leaving I hope I get lost by myself oh something just happened go back this way go back this way go back this way I just heard some silverware mommy's gonna be mad if she finds out we stole a little cool flashlights from it especially before still per China it's all over wait you [ __ ] up China my girlfriend has a flashlight whoa something must be a foot I narrator I will literally keep myself on live stream on Facebook I'm pretty sure put the lights back to Wyatt Google guys run how do you love it I'll never forget this so long sucker I just drink some coconut water and I'm good to go dude it was actually almonds bro how could you mistake coconuts for almonds it's a different kind of nut I grew up on an almond Farm I should know this okay we had narrowed a trivia moment but where the [ __ ] are you guys I grew up [ __ ] is getting red dude it's going right again uh I don't oh [ __ ] it is getting red I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running bro hey yo yo yo anybody trying to buy some [ __ ] I got three almond Waters three anxiety pills and I got a foot what the f does that mean I don't know dude I can hear something moving uh uh please okay [ __ ] I got it friendly face you can scare me like that dog what the f all right we gotta find somewhere up no no no not that way it's right it's right over there oh oh it's right over there too God damn it right over there okay Josh turn around this way okay all right this way we'll go this way we'll go this way I have an eyeball you do uh yeah I've got two dog I got you beat [ __ ] the vent there's something in the vents whatever I hear it I hear it it just came out it just came out here turn the lights off Lots off Lots off Lots off I'm gonna have a look okay here I have a little look okay wow your stance is a power woman right now oh God stand back [Music] it left it worked never mind yes no you get away from the gas station I'm chasing the dog I'm chasing the tug's chasing here and I'm chasing the dog later you went straight into the gas dude looked like you were just vaping hard oh God straight to me guys I'm in the TV room oh it's here with me in the TV room it's here and then for me in the TV room I'm behind the TV and it's right in front of me all right you made it in prison control oh my God I just cornered myself this stupid [ __ ] drink your almond water this almond water tastes really good oh run oh my God what the [ __ ] is that who is that oh that's Josh oh Jesus Josh you scared the [ __ ] out of me dude you're like a [ __ ] silhouette I never seen a silhouette of a homeless woman look so scary bro all right uh yeah uh boys this is uh oh I just saw Josh clip through the floor maybe I'm just going crazy dude holy [ __ ] no no no no no no please really I'm going crazy oh please no is that you Mr no no I see Smiles everywhere I'm seeing Smiles everywhere Josh Josh for me narrator you're the only one left there Raider I can't see anything everything is looking crazy to me dude every time I turn everything is blurry I don't know where I'm at and he had the Edibles I feel like I'm having a Florida experience hola officer I swear to God I am not uh Under the Influence I have not been drinking and driving oh whoa I swear I am not under the influence [Music]
Channel: special edd
Views: 2,739,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary, eddie, special edd, eddievr, horror, funny, spooky, scariest, mexican youtuber, horror videos, creepy, horror games, jumpscare, trolling, the backrooms, backrooms, joshdub, mully, narrator
Id: zl2X8WIuhNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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