I JUMPED OUT OF MY CHAIR! - The Closing Shift 閉店事件

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what the lady watch where you're going jesus oh you're talking to me you driving around your baby like you drive around some super car you could have ran me over with that baby carrier will smith your ass too welcome back for the first time to the closing shift now everyone and their mother and their abuelitas and their abuelitos and their theos and everybody's been asking me to play the closing shift so i looked it up and looks like everyone else already made videos on it what do you know i'm late to the party again that's what mexicans are known for but look all i've seen is that it's a horror game that looks like it has a vhs filter on it and you know how those go is this gonna be one of those games that scares me so much i my pants i hope so i haven't played one of those in a minute so please leave a like on this video comment down below let me know what else you want to see me play but for now let's get started oh no i'll be late for work i should be on my car by now gonna be riding on the roof maybe your primos are driving be like hey primo take me to the starbucks coffee i need to work by the way this looks like it's gonna be pretty creepy it looks like that one game uh fears to fathom the one i played where it's got it had that stalker person in the i way who closed the door i didn't do that already we're gonna start with the instead yo i did not close that door i didn't even click the interact button okay here we go leave apartment screw it what's the worst that could happen yeah i feel like i'm in like a 90s stalker movie like scream's about to pop out maybe michael myers or some bro you don't have a elevator hi who's that who's playing that music hey hey hey hey oh it's that someone's phone that's somebody's phone maybe we should return it uh this is not starting good how do i use the phone i don't know what i'm supposed to do with this phone [Music] uh this is the car right i'm supposed to be in the car all right let's go to the car [Music] what the is that what are you doing guys looking for something hey you want your phone back excuse me [Laughter] hey um are you looking for something well i found this uh give me it okay oh man how do you have one eye looking this way and one eye looking this way like that are you looking at me are you looking behind me or are you looking you are looking at both of my eyes at the same time no you're looking at both my ears at the same time no you're looking at both my shoulders at the same time jesus christ you see the way he stood up he come up to him my man was like [Music] okay vamonos this is my car go to work i know for a fact that fool's gonna come out he's gonna start stalking me i just know it okay we're here this is our work yeah we do work at a starbucks place i thought that looked like familiar text chillas coffee hola cabrones the party started who wants to get beat up today who wants me to make them caramel ma macchino pa frappiado me men uh grande with scones and a little bit of almond soy milk two percent please wait how do i get back there that's the real question all right here aha all right put away my stuff and talk to senpai senpai yo what's up man um yo uh where's my have you seen my stuff where's my stuff right there foot tutorial tape tutorial tape tutorial tape lots of tutorial tapes okay how do i put away there we go that's my phone and i put my keys away you got lockers where you have to put away your stuff i had no idea oh here we go but how do i put away my stuff i'm just picking up i'm i've put away my things what else am i supposed to put away my dignity is that what you want you've taken everything from me starbucks at least let me keep my dignity oh i'm supposed to put two things away oh and talk to senpai oh here we go i put my stuff away the second thing to do was talk to senpai sorry i'm late i freaked out over nothing i'm just having an episode i haven't eaten all day be careful next time i'm going to tell the manager like i don't know how it works in places like this in the country you're from but where i'm from you snitch you get hit you talk you get hit you try and get will smith i didn't think so yeah you better be sorry wait i'm saying being careful is not enough i swear to god i'ma grab the back of that mask i'ma pull on the little strings and i'm gonna let them go and they're gonna smack you right in the back of your ear that hurts tell me you won't be late you understand i'll sneeze on you yes sir i won't be late again okay uh you also mess up some orders don't you this is the worst place to work at if you have any trouble with the order there are some tutorial videos for you so look through it okay i'll take a look oh and one more thing make sure to leave your phone in the locker i did you better not be texting anyone during work who texts anymore instagram dms uh yes sir um okay uh anyway um the place is haunted the place is haunted did you see that did you see that shit's opening by itself anything i'm supposed to do over here do i have any objectives i'm supposed to look at the tapes right uh video cassette okay here we go food tutorial i can't read that oh this is just like that uh happy humble barber playtime fnaf game the yeah the one we have to make food orders okay look look look i never worked at a starbucks before but i'm a pretty big coffee enthusiast i don't think i need a tutorial on how to make an espresso how to do how to steam the milk how to do any of that because i'm pretty good at it not trying to flex oh that's scary ah customer yo what's up dog hey um welcome to happy humble barber play playtime up starbucks chillis coffee place fanaf can i take your order please did you say chillis coffee yes up i've never been to one of these fancy places before i feel uneasy there's something strange about this place my daughter seems to be a fan of this place and now i'm here however um i'll leave the drinks to you oh and i'd like to get two of them um you want a latte and a coffee ah that'll be just fine it's really uncomfortable here what do you mean however how can you charge such a price for something like this i feel like this game's just roasting starbucks uh excuse me how can you buy a suit and not even know how to button it you can't be talking when you don't even know how to dress yourself just because you're the first customer of the night i won't spit in your cup he just wants a hot coffee boom just one of them so that'll just be coffee where's the lids where's the lids where in the in the in the where is the lids all right here you go here's here's a coffee how about no that one's got like that one's got the little thingy on it actually kind of enjoying the music too chingon all right i like this game i i like what's going on so far this is i know i see why you guys wanted me to play it it's just like happy humble burpers where's the lids oh they're over here stupid place the item right there let me get a hot lid bam damn there you go all right so we got one i forgot to write your name all stupidly on the side uh you also wanted a latte it's easy all right boom put that right there all right all right latte latte latte without having looked at any of the tutorials okay the milk's down here let's do regular milk because he didn't specify he wanted soy milk he also doesn't look like a soy boy pour that in there nice yeah get that steamed milk i do this every morning baby i know what's up now put that cup right there grab that steamed milk and make sure you go at it at a certain angle at a certain height so that at the end you can finish it off with a little heart okay this one's ready right so i put them over here no that's pastry bags god dang it order sticker yeah all right um okay i'm lost maybe i know how to make coffee but i don't know how to serve it to customers at chillas coffee all right let me go look at the tutorial hold on sir i'll be right back put the milk in the cup all right you steam it and then you grab the cup you put it there you grab the steamed milk and you put it in the cup bam and then now you take that put it over there and then put a lid on it okay so i think i was doing it wrong all right take this take the hot cup put it there put it put a lid on it yep ready to serve but the order sticker no are you wrong okay hold on hold on hold on put that right there okay that's the wrong order sticker there's two of them right right right right right the second one put the order sticker on that one bam two cups nice are you good senor i i hope i did it right i just put my order stickers on the cups i didn't actually give it to him thank you mr takashi come again some other time bring your daughter next time he left damn that fool went quick i hope he isn't drinking and driving whoa drive through do i get it oh dude i do have a drive-through window i don't even know oh whoa christ what is wrong with your chin sorry i don't mean to be rude did you hear on the news i hear stalker cases are on the rise okay yeah this is a soccer game 100 it's scary a woman like me you see i have to be careful okay you want a hot or cold coffee all the guys are always staring at me so probably staring at you because of that chin my girl i'm sorry [Laughter] you be careful too all right dog look i don't need you telling me what to do well you don't have to worry as much as i do but you should watch out either way what do you mean what do you mean i don't have to worry as much as you do i'm a good looking individual a dark mocha did you just say oh god a dark mocha chip chill pacino one chocolate chip chili pacino coming up that's a cold one definitely all right let's uh let me get the blender ready boom boom put the blender right there stupid i didn't even grind nothing up put the blender right there okay is this ice ice get some ice boom put it in the blender blender cup pop pop pop pop all right now we can get some ice in there that's what i'm talking about baby okay now we take the cold cup uh-huh uh-huh i didn't they didn't want any syrup they wanted chocolate chips so i'm gonna put that there and then i'm gonna grab some milk put the milk in there bam we got the milk hold on where's my chocolate chips at ma'am i think we're out of chocolate chips all i got is cocoa powder you good with sprinkling sprinkling some choco meal on top of it is that okay with you okay um i'm just gonna run with it let's see what happens uh put that in the cup bam and then get some cocoa powder on there boom and then now we take put that right there uh grab the sticker and see if it'll go on it wait hold up let me put a lid on it boom grab that sticker and then put it no what are you how do you what dude what the man what the sorry ma'am i'll be right back let me go look at my training tape okay so you uh take the sticker okay and then you grab the you put the cold coffee on the thing you grab i did i did all that you put the ice on the blender yeah and then you put the blender into the thing and then you blend the ice just kind of backwards you put the milk in the cup and then you take the blender and then you put the blended ice into the and then you pump the stuff in it you pump some in it you put some cocoa powder in there and we were supposed to have some syrup i think we missed the syrup that's what we missed we missed syrup sorry miss up up miss i get stalked a lot is what i call on that you getting stock here get some coffee on that grab some of this put it right there okay grab some ice put ice in the hurry this isn't like happy humble berber fanaf playtime back rooms it's not that serious let's put some chocolate sauce on it and then we move it over here boom put some put some uh cocoa powder in there bam grab it and then put it over here and then now we have ourselves a cold cup ready to serve yeah nice later miss chin enjoy your coffee don't sit by that window otherwise that customer is going to stare at you because your chin is kind of sideways all right cool you can sit there if you want just don't complain uh yo oh we got double we got the whole mafia coming we got the yakuza here up oh okay um hi uh matcha cake please stop pushing me i salted caramel mocha then i'll have a matcha chili pacino uh uh you always can't finish your drink so let's share man um uh sure let's do that oh we got a complicated order over here pick one one pumpkin cake i think i'll have something to eat too you can order first i'll have them a hot cocoa a hot cocoa okay are you serious i don't have any money right now you should have said that first come on i'll buy you one what do you want to drink yes but uh just say it he's got the money man all of you just tell me what you want really i want a white mocha oh god i have to go along with these with these guys i don't want to get shot no uh just a drink uh oh come on let's order some food but uh okay american waffles waffles i like i have to make it known that they're american i mean i know they are but that's funny as hey what are you looking at did you hear that noise noise what noise i didn't hear it either what do you mean you hear this there's saxophone that's what it is it's probably nothing uh jesus it must be your imagination it happens from time to time sis i've made up my mind an apple pie please would that be all uh yes that that's all jesus christ koji and shoki ah yeah she got annoyed and left look at her i'm supposed to remember everything wow can't believe you remembered all that okay i'm i'm just that good oh my god okay you don't have to stand there like robots at least go sit down i'll call your names when it's up order sticker look that was a lot of a matcha chilla pacino okay easy easy easy okay okay okay i got a cup a white mocha got it check this out i got this watch matcha chilla pacino easy boom grab that put it there damn bam working hard baby a few moments later how the you make a matcha chili pacino do you put white chocolate sauce i hope that's right um no gotta try again because there was no training on how to do matcha chiller pacino oh it's right here the recipes are on the white board stupid blended ice milk matcha powder and whipped cream you make whipped cream where do we got whipped cream at soy milk and milk aha i got it okay i got it i got it i got it my bad my bad i was doing it right but i didn't know how i was doing it wrong and i just got i got it now i got it that's going to taste real good right you're welcome okay next order white mocha watch this i know how to make a white mocha cause i make these all the time all the time check it out it's a hot drink so we're gonna have to put some steamed milk in this boom get that milk my inventory is getting real wild right now don't put a lid in there it's a milk milk put the milk in there steam that milk mmm watch this then you put the put the white chocolate sauce in there and you grab that steamed milk and you put it on there simple simple and clean baby nice you're welcome please don't kill me thank you okay uh next order get the apple pie and then put the order sticker on there there you go i got that one okay i need a waffle as well waffles waffles waffles waffles waffles waffles waffles waffles waffles waffles oh it's right there one waffle coming up please don't kill me thank you okay next order is uh salted caramel a salted caramel mocha okay so we're gonna put the the the steamed milk put the steamed milk in the steam in this in the picture right there and then holy that's a lot of items i don't know why i have to prove it my inventory in case i spill things in case i have a spill of some sort gonna do some uh caramel syrup hazelnut syrup and chocolate sauce because it's a mocha put the lid on it put the lid on it put the lid on it and then grab that sticker and put it on that thing yes don't kill me please a matcha chiffon cake and a pumpkin cake machachi phone what the it's a machachi phone bro in spanish we just call them bolillos and conchas and what happened to like just simple like machachi cake one last one for this order and that is a pumpkin cake see that's easier to say a pumpkin cake where's the pumpkins pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin cake pumpkin cake don this is a pumpkin cake all the people want to eat pumpkin cake pumpkin pumpkin this doesn't even look like pumpkin cake that looks like a white mushroom i'm not here to question the validity of the food items that i'm putting in this all right that's good get the out of my store and don't ever come back again what'd i just say adios las vemos perros this npc is acting real hard man oh here we go who do we got we got an al pacino walking in all right what's wrong with you now do these people know how to dress themselves all right uh here's my order just like that you don't even tell me what you want you just uh here's my order a latte easy all right he's probably gonna be the stalker then because nobody just comes in and asks for a latte everyone's always gotta have some sort of flavor or some latte's just simple you just put the steamed milk and the coffee and then you put you pour the milk on top like that boom boom and then you have yourself a latte man look fast i'm flying man i'm flying you good hey i'm a private investigator i knew some well i knew what do you want you spot anything suspicious around the area there's been numerous reports of people getting harassed i mean not here at the job but i did see a guy that was acting real weird when i found his phone i was wondering if you've seen anything in the store not in the store call me if something ever happens try closing the store early if you if don't want to get in trouble who says that this is um one of the biggest corporations and you just you just can't close early how did we just end up closing early i bet you can't just walk into a starbucks and be like i'm a private investigator close early i bet sweep the floor okay um sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep oh right there yes sweet who dropped that chocolate powder i thought i mixed that in with the drink people uh here we go dirt dirt dirt lots of derp dirt got more i need to sweep uh here we go the crate the the scary stuff's about to happen isn't it we're about to get into the spookies here we go spooky time okay okay okay okay okay here we go hello or wait senpai was right back here senpai senpai senpai are you back here [Music] what the i can't see bro can i at least get a flashlight or some if you're gonna come jump scare me at least give me a flashlight am i supposed to sweep the floors now oh hey i know i know i'm calling the private investigator i'm calling him right now my locker grab my phone grab that bruh grab that okay um is there a breaker box somewhere there has to be a breaker box maybe back here aha i got it we're good what the why is there why is there milk around like that who's who dropped all the milk back here wait a minute someone's been back here who took the milk out of the refrigerator and did that hi cabron this is definitely not a demon situation that's not a demon type situation demons don't do this they jump scare you okay this is a stalker type of situation so watching me and they're with me and i don't like it okay i should have closed early i should have listened to that man how many how many milk there's another one seriously put that back okay what happened this is a way oh we got a cut scene where do we have a cut scene okay we're back we're back at the apartment gotta get ready for work [Music] i'm ready i'm ready for day two at the happy humble starbucks burger farm pastries with all the needy people macchiato frappuccino for nav back rooms all night baby and anyone who tries to come and stalk me i'm looking at you where is he is he here is he here again tonight is this fool right here nope he's not all right let me just get in my car this is my car imagine walking to the parking lot and telling yourself that's my car every time you walk up to it put away my stuff and talk to senpai okay i'm going back to go talk to this fool i better not hear some about how you're the boss and this and that hi a senpai hey seriously what you're late again did you oversleep you mean that i oversleep it's nighttime i'm so sorry look listen i was hours i saw some anime that got pretty naughty and i couldn't help myself no no no not i'm sorry i i want you to not be late i might be late but at least i'm satisfied this is the second time i'm sorry dog a little more enthusiasm would help don't you think i take off that mask so i can punch you right in your face right in your lips why don't you ask your mama to wake you up are you getting it's personal attacks now huh um i i've never heard such a bratty boss before why don't you ask your mama to help you get up bro imagine if i if i was a mexican chick right now i'd be like no you listen to me senpai and then go off on him why did he walk out of here did he just leave where'd he go oh that's a dog i sound like juicy now okay hola what's up um your face is crooked who the is that there's a weird person staring in here from out there sir excuse me one second i gotta go talk to this fool oh wait i can't go back there can i i'm gonna go talk to that fool i need to serve customers has shown himself he's out there all right look i can't go talk to him i wanted to go talk to him be like hey look full oh this will just say here's my order okay what's my order what do i got oh you got multiple holy all right um coffee american scone caramel toffee american apple pie and an american waffle okay easy that's the easiest order i've had all night since i started playing this game all right american apple pie a waffle falafel american waffle and american scone caramel toffee fancy american scone caramel toffee [Music] it's bread and it's sweet that's all there is to it can i put all of them in one bag no i can't right okay um there's one does it tell me what's in it yep uh how about i just take care of all the pastries now pick that up put that one in the bag bam okay and now i take the coffee as well boom put a hot lid on it and we're good baby we're good baby oh yeah oh yeah we're good i'm ready to serve have your coffee oh wait yeah i need to put the stickers on them ready watch this coffee boom served american apple pie served american waffle serve [Music] sir fastest order i've ever done ah hey girl [Music] thank you very much [Music] you look impressed no need to nihongo jozumi i've been living here for more than 15 years hey girl something's not right about this place i didn't think that because i'm not around town something about this store maybe because of that guy over there he left he left huh i guess it was just my imagination are you haunted by any chance well maybe i am either way i'm running late so i'm gonna have to go so long i need to call 9-1-1 immediately i need to call 9-1-1 i got a stalker i have a stalker where'd he go did he come in from back here don't tell me it came in from back there i need to serve customers okay is there more customers coming hello what do you mean serve customers there's no one here hello when i started this anybody need any coffee because that's what i serve why can't everyone be like that customer oh is this a stalker hello oh he put an order in vanilla chilla pacino plus milk plus milk plus milk all you want is milk okay um can i just put milk in there and then take the sticker [Music] the sticker put it and then just put just grab the milk sticker they just wanted milk this just wants some milk what kind of milk you want some almond milk you want some whole milk you want some oat milk you want some breast milk you got to be a little more clear than plus milk vanilla chili pacino so put milk in the coconut and then take the cup and then put that and then grab some milk put the milk in there uh damn it i actually messed it up never mind i up i did it wrong that's a lid don't you don't need a lid you do a vanilla chili pacino you put the coffee and then you grab the milk and then you steam the milk i'll be right with you i'm having a little bit of trouble here my brain cells are not conjoining together right now to be working together and making this happen as you can clearly tell happens all the time don't worry about it the reason my teachers did not like me with the steamed milk in there bam and then you add van oh the chili pacino is a cold cold damn it blended ice milk vanilla syrup and vanilla powder i up i'm so sorry i did this wrong here here's one on us you can have that whatever that is grab some this boom boom put the ice in the blender blender goes in there gets mice boom boom blender in there blender cup get some milk grab some of that milk put it in there boom get some ice put it in there as well we got uh vanilla syrup uh-huh vanilla syrup and and vanilla powder now we put a lid on it and that should be the vanilla chili pacino chilap chila puccino chocolate [Music] damn it i am so sorry i'll be right back on this man what is it blended ice milk vanilla syrup vanilla powder oh there's no coffee in there who orders a frappuccin chilla pacino with no coffee that's weird that's very weird i've never seen that before that's stupid actually if you ask me i've never seen anything like that before who orders a chili pacino that it's in the name pacino when you order anything pacino you order it with coffee chill pacino without any coffee please [Music] up another powder no i didn't put another powder in there vanilla syrup vanilla syrup put that there and then get some vanilla powder bam now we should be good right now we should be good please tell me that's yes there we go hey i gave you something for free and you didn't take it where's he going hello hello where'd they go there's not even a door over there oh hi damn uh yo when's the next bts album dropping fool you're cute can i have your number ask them ask get that's a stalker back there watch out um would you like to order anything hmm your heart where's my beating stick all right this fool deserves to get will smith easily editor add a green screen will smith meme on here make him slap this fool right on his oh face i think i'll go with your recommendation what's your name tell me your name our recommendation would be to get limited time only double chocolate chili pacino i see what's your phone number i swear i'm that good looking aren't i i'd lose words myself i'm quite popular around here and now is your chance just contact me okay you know what i'm giving him a fake phone number thanks i'll definitely call you good luck talking to the you just got fooled hotline pendejo oh damn i shoulda probably shouldn't have done that because he could probably just come back and um hurt me for doing that that's not good that's not good also what the i thought i was a dude working everyone's hitting on me i'm a chick i got this i got this caramel sauce and caramel syrup okay got it got it put that in there boom get some steamed milk pump caramel sauce caramel syrup it's gonna taste so good it's gonna taste delicious you good all right see you never next next anybody please leave he's mad cuz i gave him the wrong phone number yeah later sucker thanks for the money take out the trash and bus tables oh all right let me go around the back i think i need to take out the trash first where's the trash can at whoa who is that pedo van alert oh please go away off okay i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good now i gotta go bust the tables everything's okay i should have locked that door how do you bus tables how do you bust tables how the do you bus tables bro oh there's a cleaning rack right there dude how do you wipe a table without a rag stupid stupid it's like mop the floors and i'm sitting there like clicking on it like how do you mop the floors i'm sorry latinos i have not made you proud today give me that wait a minute what that's the picture that's when they were standing back outside the window okay that's kind of creepy ah that hurts my ears hey finally i hear something next door let's go i probably should have looked in my closet in case somebody went in there mmm ready for work day three i'm gonna go wait i haven't been around this whole area can i get in these doors nope i'm like hey man you're supposed to just go to work and i try to break into people's apartments what the lady watch where you're going jesus oh you're talking to me you driving around your baby like you drive around some super car you could have ran me over with that baby carrier stroller oh my will smith your ass too all right i'm leaving oh that scared the out of me i've never been jump scared by a mom and her baby i'm going to work it oh wait what is this someone's watching me [Music] you're watching me leave you watching me leave oh [Music] creepy ooh spooky oh that scared the absolute out of me that jump scare god damn put away my stuff and talk to senpai where is senpai and put away my stuff first before i start talking to you do not give me about me being late again today is your first closing shift i have a question do you get strange customers around at night well sometimes we do just brush it off they come focus on your work there's plenty to do actually i'm afraid i'm might be being stalked you want me to believe that someone is interested in the likes of you oh my god listen dawg i'm gonna go buy a baby stroller just to run your ass over and you i guess i'll come flying to help you if anything ever happens senpai senpai look man i ain't never broken a jaw before but i'm pretty tempted to i want to pop my jawbreaking cherry with you senpai [Music] did i just say okay anyway up damn hey mommy's listen i know in this game i'm a girl but that gin doe the way that neck bends like that i never seen nothing like it before it's making my coffee beans brew baby i don't know what that means but okay let's just i'm getting a little over excited hola como estan sorry i'm going to the bathroom can you order the macchiato for me okay uh i'll have a cinnamon roll churros and a cup of coffee please and add whipped cream to it you're gonna eat that much hey don't talk to my girl like that no wonder you got so fat damn okay paying separately together is fine and i'll have a magic chino what a chino you can't be serious do you know how cold it is right now how cold it is you are wearing skirts what are you talking about you can't complain about how cold it is and wear a skirt i'll be fine oh and what did mary want again didn't you say she wanted a macchiato you mean a chill pacino uh no she's gonna catch cold no she did say uh macchiato no she won't you know you know i would be fine but mary won't be um you didn't hear what i said earlier right yeah um hear what a caramel macchiato hot please a hot caramel macchiato got it oh jesus christ okay yeah um i'm just gonna make whatever you guys you guys decide for yourselves based remy calling out the other girl like that it's okay mommy i saw you first don't worry about what they say don't you worry about what they say i'm gonna make you the best caramel macchiato you've ever seen [Music] a baby churro i never seen that before why do i still have this in my pocket um coffee plus whipped cream okay uh easy so just a coffee and then grab some whipped cream put that on there bam baby coffee whipped cream coming up what do you mean oh i didn't put the whipped cream on it stupid i thought i did but i'm supposed that's that's a lid all right i i forgot i have to put the coffee on the pairing table and then put the whipped cream on it like that there we go now i've got it put the lid on that and we've got ourselves coffee plus whipped cream there you go [Music] i need to stop acting up caramel macchiato easy i know how to make one of them caramel macchiato coming right up senorita i got your caramel macchiato right here the best caramel macchiato you've ever had that's not a macchiato that's matcha sweet chino chino all right now we need a strawberry and cream roll um i would eat these right now damn or si cabronas i'm about to give you whatever you needed uh wait was this pop-pop order up hey can i get your okay um i wasn't the one that called you fat just remember that i was nice to you wasn't that guy on the bus with us today creepy looking ah there he is is that him yeah good thing we got him at a different place who knows he might have done something to harm us yup but you know what what did he seem like a dangerous person too you know the guy outside oh hold on let me talk to this fool right here latte please a latte yeah that'll be 370 yen please 370 let's see four five sixteen and a hundred yen one two one is he still here wait that's him what what if he abducts me scary don't worry no one wants to kidnap you what what's that supposed to mean oh but seriously though should we tell the police or something yeah this guy's acting creepy right now hmm well technically he didn't do anything oh well i guess a better luck next time i'll pay the rest okay so we got a nice guy coming out here i need to stop paying attention to those in the back and focus on the customers because they're just judging this man by the way he looks be a good samaritan that's what my father always told me hey later um see you next time okay never mind uh be a good samaritan that's what my father told me yeah uh it's cold today so drink something warm yeah yeah for someone like me don't mention it oh by the way have you seen the any ghosts lately no uh i see uh you'll be fine then what's that supposed to mean that's creepy what was that about i don't know it must be the stress of poverty poor guy get it you can't just like pay for his drink and then make fun of him i'm sorry okay yeah i have a vanilla latte cabron all right what do we got uh latte and a vanilla latte two very easy orders put one right there and then uh we get ourselves two milks two milks let's do one steamed milk right there that's one latte coming right up all right sir here you go vanilla i mean just a regular latte with a lid and a sticker you're welcome see you later next we looking at can you stop looking at me please drink a coffee or leave that guy was acting weird i'm wondering who the stalker was or what he wants obviously to stalk me bus tables be careful i might get jump scared holy i'm scared now tengo miedo cabrones let me grab my rag relax relax everything's fine everything's fine everything's fine everything is gonna be okay every little thing gonna be all right don't worry i'll bust your drinks every little thing what is that what is that what is that look closely oh he's just out there he's out here he's out here what's up what you want huh he's gone he left where are you cabron [Music] oh i'm scared now i'm really scared now dog i'm terrified now okay i don't like this he's gone he's gone gone where's my mop i need to go get a mop where's my mop i need to beat the out of him if he comes in here give me that where are you coming on where are you huh you hiding huh you want to come out you want to come out i'll beat the out you oh he left a note creepy text the day we first met sanchez she smiled at me like a little flower just thinking about her makes my heart pound i've never felt this way before i wonder if she's putting a smile on everyone's faces just like she does mine why did i have to make that that creepy i didn't have to go that hard okay he's gone night four hmm i don't like this what's that am i dreaming milk bananas coffee a screwdriver right through a photo whoever i was just is insane [Music] what the what was that check my closet what the was that what is that creepy text i know her best maybe after your mother and father i'll really be number one in time she talked to me she picked up my phone and went out of her way to give it to me i knew she felt the same way i did we're in love today is our anniversary okay creepy yo who is this creepy person just trying to talk to me like that huh let me double check that no one's in my closet before i do anything else or outside okay my apartment's clear they know where i live now all right i'm leaving my apartment i'm out screw you dog whoa snowed real hard okay time for day four all right here we go we're snoop please don't let any jump-scare come out as soon as i walk down these stairs again if i get jump-scared one more time i'm gonna scream i'm good i just had to scream in advance just in case something actually happened thank god nothing happened just right then but something could still happen on my way to my car just double checking i'm just double checking making sure there's nothing here uh this is my car go to work okay what the oh come on the car won't start i have to take the bus okay um on my way to the bus please nothing run me over lady with the baby stroller please leave me alone which way to the bus i don't even know which way the bus comes from to the bus this way relax i'm just taking a stroll down this uh back alley taking strolls above back alley towards the bus i'm taking the stroll the back early towards the bus if i get jumpscared please don't please don't jump scare me wait for bus oh thank god i'm good okay i'm good hallelujah muchachos nice i'm good unless the bus stops hello okay um that guy looks like he's not a stock okay he does not look like a stalker don't stop for anyone else please oh my heart's beating fast hey i trusted in you because you're wearing a suit click on you i'ma click on you you ever been clicked on before nope me neither but i'm assuming that would probably not be comfortable oh this is my stop okay okay i stopped at my at the stop which way is the starbucks can you stop it with that noise please jesus christ i would appreciate it if you didn't blow my ears out with it thank you all right put away stuff and talk to senpai not again where's senpai senpai man where's this at are you taking a he's taking the you should have locked the door you scared the out of me literally leave me alone when i'm in the restroom god damn it get to work okay fair enough that one was on me but you were already done why is there a sound outside oh drive through customer i got you grandma i'll get your coffee before you start nagging you old okay caramel macchiato caramel macchiato american scone caramel two caramel macchiatos and as a scone toffee easy easy easy watch this watch this boom boom okay okay and then you take the refrigerator you take two milks all right and then you steam one of the milks easy boom steam the milk grab the coffee put that right there put both of the coffees right actually just put one over here get some of that caramel sauce and get that caramel syrup in there and then you take that steamed milk and you pour it right over that hot cup of coffee then you take that coffee and put it on the table and then you put a lid on it take your sticker and place it on the coffee and now you've got yourself a cup of sunshine right there grandma nice little wake-up call in the middle of the night i got you another one though i'll be right back all right this one's got coffee we need caramel sauce caramel syrup and another steamed milk what's the next thing i need american scone caramel toffee that looks like that one right there order up abuelita's gonna be happy tonight later damn five miles an hour please when you exit the drive-through you don't want to run any children over thanks what the when'd you come in here can i help you what's up damn hey you know you're the happiest person that's stepped into this facility you look like if i start crying about life you would lend me your bosom to cry on and a big hug can i cry away my sorrows on your bosom please okay all right what do you want hello i'd like a green tea latte and one of those waffles too stop looking at me like that cabron one green tea latte and a waffle yes the green tea latte and waffle are delicious i always go for these two glad you like them um no thank you for serving them my son likes them too are you alone i'll give you this if you like this rosary bracelet is said to ward off evil you should keep it oh thank god somebody with a common sense i bought it from an infomercial on tv that said some amazing things about it you have no idea 13 of them you'll be protected for life can you believe it for only 9 900 yen oh it's fine i own a lot of them anyways in this day and age it's so convenient to buy through the cell phone she looks like the kind of person she would that would say she buys through the cell phone she also looks like the kind of person to be like i'm amiga le mande por el face there are only a few presses of buttons away not in this day and age there's no buttons on screens lady get with the times and let me cry on your bosom but okay give me that bracelet i'll wear that all night how do you make a green tea latte hold up i forgot let me look at my recipe green tea latte vanilla syrup steamed milk and matcha powder that's it that and an american waffle there you go we're all good you good thanks for the bracelet appreciate it i'll ward off evil and not have to call 911. that's what they're for next time bring me a rosa so that i can pray to guadalupe will be good don't drive too crazy now never mind oh who's this hold up hold up hey mommy what can i get for you is that two cones on your chest how not gonna question it okay um sister oh she's an idol okay aren't you a cute one are you by any chance a model or something as a matter of fact i am um what a waste i'm sorry but you should definitely make use of the style you got i mean do you want me to introduce you to my office give me your number sorry not sure about that kind of thing i see i don't care if you regret it i'll have a salted caramel mocha please all right fine that's all you want salted caramel mocha so i know for a damn fact i'll be needing some coffee all right let me look again coffee steamed milk caramel syrup and hazelnut syrup and chocolate sauce one hot cup of sugar coming right up there you go congratulations to you next time um drive safe never mind hola when i started this who's next here comes another one here comes next customer yo what's good what the where is your shirt [Music] what the get it damn wait hold up your pants are kind of clipping through i don't want to see that damn son yeah get that what the get get it hey hey solo solo solo solo solo solo solo [Music] so i'm assuming if i just let this play it just keeps going look dog i don't get any cash on me otherwise but i think you're at the wrong establishment um yeah what's up hey hey it's so hot today i'll have a caramel chili pacino uh excuse me sir could you please put on some clothes and not make a scene huh come on i won't be here for long um would it be the disaster if a customer catches a cold or no it would not so legally that's out of the question um i'm just going to uh click on the first option girl you know a lot about laws and stuff but i'm a guy right so if it's just the top shouldn't it be fine no shirt no shoes no service are you serious on it right now should i call the police i'll call 911 the police huh then i think i'll go home but i'll be back why are you coming back thank god [Music] what the just happened excuse me i was caught off guard i was expecting some sort of jump scare and i did not expect my man to be naked and start dancing after ordering a caramel macca pacino from my store okay listen dog i don't know what you got going on but maybe what you need to do is go see a therapist with a shirt on by the way because you know you might get kicked out of that that place as well if you don't have your shirt on while talking to it there i don't think they have therapists you can talk to while you're naked i don't think that would be appropriate where's the last trash bin last trash bag i need one more trash bag for the final bag i cleaned the toilet where's the final bag ah i gotta replace the toilet paper is there toilet paper in here i can replace maybe i should just hang the rag there and it's called recycled paper recycled rag that'll be uh good for the environment we can just keep using the same rag just wash it after every use wipe your ass wash it down hang it back up for the next customer shouldn't be that big a deal do you think i think my man without a shirt would probably like that ah no i don't like this the man without a shirt he's gonna start dancing what the is that who installed the giant clock out there oh what what what do you want what do you want oh this one's got a timer on it what is it a latte a latte a latte i got you dog i got you don't worry about it don't worry about it don't worry about it he gave me it's happy humble for that burger farm again it's it's that it's the same thing i got you with the latte i got you with the latte don't worry about it don't worry about it don't worry about it don't worry about it don't worry about it or i see cabron is now i'm freaking out now i'm on the now i'm running the clock here let's go is this what you wanted are we good oh there's another one what is it what is it stop it go away go away there's two of them what order order a latte order latte uh that's a lot that's just a lot it's just a latte i got the cup right there i got the cup right there boom boom boom please please please please please please hello hello hello what else what else what else what else what else what is that one am i having a nightmare right now the is this did i pass out please forgive me please forgive me i didn't mean to i didn't mean to get all up i didn't mean to fill up please please please please please please please please sir please sir please i got 15 seconds to do what another latte another latte 15 seconds for another lunch 15 seconds i got this i got this i got this i got this 15 seconds for lots of good for latte i got that i got the latte i'm about to run out of time i'm going to run out of time that's 15 seconds and the jump scare's coming i jump scare jump scare jump scare jump scare what does that mean i up i messed up i messed up i messed up i messed up oh i'm dead oh i'm dead i'm so dead let me finish this order but i think i'm dead i think i up instead of this please don't hurt me can i just get out of here please can i leave oh no i'm locked oh i'm locked i'm locked in i'm locked in sir where's my rosary where's my rosario way me rosario start praying who is that that was a dream 100 it was a dream a nightmare perhaps the final night what's happening what i mean what's that what was that like somebody watching me through the window while i was freaking out day five night five it's the fifth night when does this end what the is all this am i gonna be able to make it to work today am i even gonna be able to get there are we even gonna be able to get to work i'm creeped out but i'm going to work okay um i'm here hola cabrones now what senpai senpai taking the no senpai's gonna be back here it's gonna be like where are you late again who are you oh he's the investigator so my suspicions were true i'm glad you contacted me calling the police won't help all they'll do is brush things off to lessen their workload which is why you have people like me i'll take a look around and see if i can find anything okay i'm glad you're here though i appreciate that i appreciate you being here by the way just be careful because the the the stalker might be out there he might stalk you and look at your butt you probably don't want to look at your butt i don't think anybody wants to look at his butt speaking of looking at people's hairs i meant people's hairs what's up uh what can i do for you a salted caramel mocha here is so delicious i think you'll love it senpai okay i guess i'll try that then one salted caramel mocha okay you have mocha chips yeah i want to try something different today i already had one today okay oh yeah i see but how about a chill pacino one day like this is today the day of the photo shoot or something is the store going to be featured in the newspaper oh no i don't think so why what but i just saw someone outside taking pictures was he taking pictures of the store are you sure thank you so much caramel your son's in middle school right you look like a milf just saying a mom i'd love to play fortnite with as i always say and they got a new update no building as a mexican i really hate that update but i'm just saying i didn't have any good memory when i was just okay i don't know what you're talking about anymore i'll take your orders okay what do you got what what are the orders uh salted caramel milk frappuccilla chocolate sauce caramel syrup and hazelnut syrup and steamed milk right if i remember correctly got it right i got it right i got it real right i got it right right right right right right right i got it right right right right and the music's peaceful tonight get some espresso get some of that ice get that blender put that ice in that blender get that chocolate sauce and get that cocoa powder in there man nice [Music] get that in there bam what are you serious what did i do wrong blended iced coffee milk chocolate sauce and cocoa powder how about now i think i got it right now this time i i think i got it right yep got it right okay what's next who next man can sigue por next in line welcome to eddie's child pacino coffee starbucks can i help you nobody let me post for the stalker real quick where's the investigator it's the lady with the killer baby stroller where's your baby i never even noticed your baby wasn't in there either you're crazy or i'm crazy because i could have sworn that's a baby stroller salted caramel mocha easy got it there you go baby i mean my baby mama without the baby but so just mama there you go mama crazy mama looking happy as with the killer baby stroller trying to run people over with it drive home safe on your baby stroller don't drive too fast now you might you might kill that baby but if her baby's dead maybe what happened was is that she was supposed to have a baby but she didn't and then she just decided to use the stroller as if she ended up having a baby or maybe her husband cheated on her took the baby and she was just left with the stroller either way hello welcome to eddie's chino starbucks what can i do for you hmm that's strange ma'am oh uh i'm sorry uh give me the usual okay salted caramel caramel damn you ordered a lot you sure lady this is all for you you might want to watch your what you eat you know what i'm saying you probably don't want to have all this stuff all by yourself sweet red beans and butter bread sweet red beans and butter bread sweet red beans and butter bread what even is that what can you just say bread sweet red beans and butter bread got it salted caramel mocha easy already done those [Music] coming right up senorita and the last one is a caramel macchiato easy chocolate sauce caramel syrup hazelnut syrup grab two of these lids boom put one on there bam that's a salted caramel mocha ready no what seriously that's what i get for rushing bob and got it you're good to go see you next time hey are you repairing the store's antenna at this hour antenna no why i saw someone on the roof um excuse me there shouldn't be anyone on the roof it could be the investigator maybe i should go check it out okay um could have been my imagination anyway uh the drink please uh yeah i already made your drink the roof the roof the roof i need to get to the roof i need to get to the roof i need to get to the roof this way i need to serve the customers what do you mean what what no you can't just tell me there's someone on the roof and then sir where's the customers use the ladder and check the roof oh there we go the i just had to watch her drive like a crazy maniac okay use the ladder oh there's ladder right here nice hey how do i check the roof can i go out this way where do i where do i go up for what the is that place ladder [Music] i just want to make sure he's not in the drive-through okay climb yes all right let's go check out the roof why is he on the roof um he could be the construction worker that's finishing off the roof cabronis this way there's blocks up here can i jump off nope why is that my first thought go down but i just came from here stupid no i didn't i didn't come from here i came from outside what is this i just noticed there's an open hatch we in the back rooms we end up we in that room we're in that room from the from the flashback thing from the from the picture is that one of those like finger things where you like stick your fingers and you can't get them back out i wonder why he has one of those toys i have to close the store so he's been in the back room this whole time fast close this door what do you mean you mean close the store um unlock the door um yeah wait what do you mean close the store where am i i can't even see where i'm at okay if there's a stalker i need to plan an escape route if he starts chasing i need to run grab that grab that in case you need to defend yourself are these photographs of me he's been in the back of the store this whole time no mommies no mommy's way oh there's the door this is the door where he came out of that one time i gotta get out of here no i have to close the store what does that mean oh i thought that was a real gun oh wait i've never actually had to close the store oh you have to just put away give me all that give me all them give me all of it i'll take everything i'll take everything where is he though well i'm like well i'm like cleaning up the not the one in my butt but the the we had sandwiches this whole time no one ordered uh a submarine italiano count products okay i've been how do i count these products what how am i supposed to count the products man i'll take the money oh the money goes back here the money goes back here you put the money that's one out of 16. i got to do 16 things what am i supposed to do with old pastries i gotta throw them out aha really i gotta sit here and press tab on every single one of these items got it flip the sign closed but the stalker still in here [Music] ow that hurt ow i bumped my belly on the edge of my desk and will smith the out you that really hurt perro scoot the out of me what do i do now it's not even that scary it's just some fool outside fears to fathom type what do i do i need to get out through the back door but he'll just come around the back door i need the ladder for why can i grab the ladder can i go back up through the hatch yeah i should have gotten the out of here oh oh oh that's where that fool went i was wondering where he went wait i saw a yellow arrow here [Music] grab the block what i need to grab the block for do i is this how you do it that fool my first choice is to do this should i go down there and no wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute i was gonna run out the back door but he's right there he would have waited for me i see you not today you're not getting me today i came up here by total accident and i'm about to drop this on you hey pendejo look up oh we get a cutscene cutscene that's what you get for jim scaring the academy he's twitching why are you twitching like that i killed a man oh as i picked up the brick that man looked right at me if i didn't drop it i thought he would somehow get inside and kill me that man looked terrifying i don't even know him why did he i had no choice i didn't mean to kill him i was scared i ran to the police i told the police everything that had happened the police took me back to the scene and that man was no longer there there was no one there the police took me back home and told me to leave the rest to us and went back to investigate the scene it's all over i'm tired after all that happened now i want to rest peacefully at home you're tired after all that happened look at me is this it the cable is acting weird again i should call the owner what would have happened if i would have stepped outside without dropping the brick on him i probably would have just been killed right like it seems like that might have been the only way to do it yeah he would have killed me if i would have stepped outside or kidnapped me where's my phone oh he's at it again oh no [Music] where's the phone i hear it you have to go out and get it oh no i don't like this it's the final jump scare [Music] [Applause] bring it bring it i'm ready for it i'm ready for it what's up what's up what's up huh that's the product scanner i'll scan your ass i got a product scanner don't make me use this i'm going back inside my apartment i'm gonna go sleep i'm gonna go to sleep i'm going to sleep i don't care what you say i'm going back inside my house i got my phone now he's in there is everything good he scared me just now i can see why you guys wanted me to play that it's very similar to happy humble berber fanaf but with a stalker that's epic i like that gameplay because it was uh it was simpler than a happy humble burper for naf it was less stressful than that but it was still creepy and it was scary it was a fun game to play the gameplay didn't drag i didn't feel like i was doing repetitive and the the actual making of coffee was fun it's because i'm a coffee nut i love coffee coffee is my favorite thing in the world but anyway i'm gonna go make myself a eddie special chino maki latte frappucci smoker grande fanaf caramel sauce syrup burger playtime poppy fanaf backrooms in vr thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed this video please leave a like let me know down in the comments uh what you thought of this game did you like it that's it for me i love you guys and i'm gonna see you next time bye hi can i get a chocolate mocha you know
Channel: special edd
Views: 5,042,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stalker game, horror, scary, spooky, special edd, funny, lol, the closing shift, the boys, eddievr, mexican youtuber
Id: F5QwALufZ_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 53sec (4253 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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