Hamesivta Ocean Parkway: These Questions Hurt Me To My Core!

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okay so it is my great honor it's my great honor to introduce early treatment bona fide enough to have a pom - are you Shiro or just be patient for about ten years maybe seven eight years so my dad and I can say that there are the are bottom that are from today was everybody treatment I've seen a difference literally from before he came the day after different emotions he has a special potion a special power in being able to explaining that I use it like a hundred times but some reason it just comes out better I mean I haven't done this before in the past I've given the knows the questions jobid three-minute you read them sometimes there were years that I retyped it over on a different piece of paper this year I didn't do that just read on his own but I want to just there's one topic that's heavy in your Shiva today every year when you come there is something that's the topic of the day so there's something which is the topic of the day today and it bothers me a lot because I I pride myself in being different entity than being a different type of principle than any other prints one I pride myself in are you sure you know my role as a principal as an educator that is a policeman and that is somebody that just gives them Canosa men Punishers and forces people to comply you to my demands that's not my job and those that are here for more than they know that we don't do that that's not we do here Aisha was different that we we try to teach and educate and coach and guide and mentor so I was very pained by going through some of these questions really really it hurt me to my cord hurt me where does it hurt that was paint I was saddened one person writes I feel like my principle is always targeting me and being unfair to me how should I deal with it now I don't know who this is these are that's one thing why is this happening to her I suspect the reason is happening is based on the next questions what's bad about phones the next question is here the difference between a 16 year old and a 36 year old is whether or not they should be on a smartphone the topic of discussion at least what's happening in your Shiva right now is smartphones and they don't I think they understand but part of it is like what I do outside of your statement is none of your business and if I want to have a smartphone coming to you shave and don't forget Shuba it's none of your business have a box outside I put it in but what I do in my private life is private and that's not what I do my job I got a lot to teach you Tara my job is to teach you to have a love for tater my job is not the teachers I love roses and by you having a smartphone outside of the Shiva Hertz the goal of what issue is doing so I don't know what really Menace had a mind to speak about but if at the end that would be my question if you can elaborate more on just what the role what what our role is as the Shiva my role is not to teach about you Marvin that's not what I wake up I don't wake up every morning excited to be able to teach a lot to Marvin I'm excited to give out love potato so I've said this hundreds of times and hundreds of different ways and there's it's not getting in so do you have a better without further ado I want to hear them all I feel like my principle is are you ready what's bad about phones is there a different in a sixteen year old and a 36 year old whether or not they should own a smartphone and also what Bravo do you make on a granola bar ask your smartphone our Jews automatically smarter than non-jews ask your smartphone a friend of mine asked this question something on these lines if everything is God God cannot be God can't not be God and yet that would mean that he's incapable of doing something which is impossible or paradox it's a legitimate question for as the premise flawed what do you think you can so you don't have a problem with that after the death of Sola I've run got married to a wife and had six kids and sent them east where are those six kids who were sent East are they the in the China Kingdom are they the yeah the people in the East the Buddhists and and and the Hindus those are our arms children and the philosophy that they have started as of Rome's philosophy huh say something that's not how it started though that's how it deteriorated but it started off with knowing that there's on the shaman it comes down and there's Gugu Liam and you go back and you all of that came from a realm but that was all before they burst a spoke to a realm so it's the philosophy that he came up with himself which is all truth but it doesn't include a Bushman so Hinduism and Buddhism is not really a religion because there's no God that speaks it's just an understanding of how life works and what the soul is and so on so it's very interesting the first teachers the early teachers of Hinduism were called Brahman or Ibrahim or Abraham it all came from a from so when they say Avraham means the father of many nations it's really true he is the father of the Jewish people he's the father of the Muslim people is the father of the Oriental is also the father of Europe because they come from Asaph say he's really the father of the whole world except for Africa why can't teenagers have smartphones but it's okay for teachers to have it are you allowed to speak to a teacher about different religions why is the camara so long took a long time to write it can anybody be Mushaf including here's a serious question if someone has a certain problem with learning or a disability why do we need to cope with them they have those problems in them as they must deal with it the same way a short person or an overweight person have an inconvenience and have to constantly deal with it and on top of that nobody gives them an easier time why must we rabbis in our school always be lenient with them we / rabbis how can one fear or love God how do we know God is infinite what should a person have in mind before doing a sin there's a good question what come under do you have when you're sinning why should it should or shouldn't that you go to college how can I get rid of bad habits and replace them with better ones if everything tastes like chicken this is really deep if everything tastes like chicken does that mean that chicken tastes like everything understanding the depth of this question this is what philosophers sit around thinking about if she can taste like everything does everything tastes like chicken so if everything tastes like chicken this chicken tastes like everything and if click and tastes like everything does that mean that chicken is God see how philosophers work that's doing okay I think in order to answer any of these questions we need to have a little bit of a background first personal and then non personal the personal thing is this you don't have to answer the question but I'm just curious you want to be in your Shiva is there a purpose and a reason for your being in you imagine if you joined the army you joined you weren't drafted and then you get to the army and you don't want to do what they say or some things are you still in the army in other words you come to the army and you say what can you do for me how can you make a mensch out of me okay do it so whatever they tell you to do you try it because you're letting them do their job to give you what the army can give you the same is true with a yeshiva you know if you come to a yeshiva and you don't want to be there then you're not there so if you're in the yeshiva it means what can the yeshiva do for me now obviously if the Achieva is hurting you in some way if it's turning you off then you know you got to stop and figure out what's going wrong but if you don't let the Shiva do what a yeshiva does to a student you're not in the yeshiva that makes sense so why should you the real question is not why shouldn't you have a phone the real question is why does the yeshiva tell you about phones and should you listen to the yeshiva what's the answer if you're in your Shiva should you listen to the yeshiva no let's go so are you in your Shiva so even if you don't agree you don't see anything wrong with a phone but the yeshiva is trying to do something if you're not gonna let them how you gonna know whether it's good or bad whether it works or not how can you even say I was in yeshiva and it didn't work it didn't work or you didn't let it work it would be very very sad if you spend the year in your Shiva and it didn't do anything for you that's horrible terrible for the students horrible for the yuxuan so let's back up a little bit and get a real basic understanding of what are we doing what what is this all about there's a big Mitzvah big Mitzvah the Rambam says it's the foundation of everything which means if you don't have this nothing else is going to work what is that Mitzvah you dear Hashem you have to get to know Hashem because if you don't know him it's the that's it that's the end of everything that's what the Rambam says and you can say wait a minute you don't have to know him you just have to obey Him obviously from Rambam that is not that is not the beginning and that is not the point when do you have to obey you have to obey something that you can't understand if the King gives an order and I can't understand it so what choice do I have I have to obey because he's the king but if you can know if you can find out if you can understand it then obeying is a cop-out you're just too lazy to find out why you're too lazy to figure it out so anything you can understand you have to understand so try to answer this question what's a better connection to the booster if you understand the image there or if you obey the a booster think about it for a minute what's a better connection you're gonna if you understand that you're not really obeying you're agreeing you're sharing yes okay so you'll do what he wants if you understand it and you'll do what he wants if you obey which one is better yeah because that's probably true but let's let's say everything is perfect you're gonna obey forever or you're going to understand forever is there still a difference you gained something that's what people usually say if you're obeying your giving you're giving him what he needs but you're not getting anything but if you understand then you're also getting something oh then obey is better okay let me clarify that for a second because that confuses everybody NASA vanish ma means first we will do your mitzvahs and then we will understand the Mitzvah the question here is should you understand Hashem in other words those people who said NASA vanish MA did they already know Hashem they knew something and because of what they knew they said you don't have to explain anything whatever you want is good with me cuz I like you here so here's here's really the difference that's that's important to us in our generation if you obey it takes you out of your world and elevates you into Hashem z-- world because you're living by him if you understand then you're bringing Hashem down into this world what is our job to go up to shamayim or to bring the a bursted down to earth that's why in the last generations before Messiah Habad became essential get to know him yeah the first Mitzvah is not to put onto him the first Mitzvah is to know him I mean that's it that's the first I said the only miserable well either way you're gonna put on soon you either obey and put on tefillin or you understand them put on so on in other words let's first set our goal properly our goal and our purpose is to bring the average to down to earth yes or no did a bit tough Dana right what does it mean to bring him down to earth and how do you do it what should apply through me you going back to the phone before we get back to the phone what should what what do you wake up in the morning for why are you here what does it mean do what he wants and what he wants is 613 things huh it's a big shopping with his dad did you ever get into a bad mood and you were upset that you were born you don't have to admit it just think about it you hear little kids 10 year olds saying I didn't ask to be born what would you say to it to a kid who said that yeah isn't it sad you had to be born what a pain you think he's crazy or depressed or suicidal but isn't what he's saying correct did you ask to be born did anybody ask you if you want to be born no so if you didn't ask to be born what's so important about you if you didn't ask to be born it's probably because you don't need to be important if you needed it you would ask you can't ask if you're not born and you can't need if you're not born so before you were born you didn't ask and you didn't need you do need it's not it's not up to you you don't need it you don't want it you don't ask for it so is that a depressing thought you were born against your will nobody asked you it is it is a good question so is it bad news that you are here and you don't need to be here and you don't want to be here and you didn't ask to be here what does that mean say say that again out loud say to you really I don't know I didn't want to be here and I'm here I had a choice yeah I said no okay and they said too bad yeah it's kind of painful so so that said that you know that little song about the neshamah when you tell them the shum it's gonna be born what does the neshamah say please no I don't want to go yeah to be born so so listen to this if I didn't ask to be born and I don't need to be born but I'm here oh there's obviously a reason why and that reason is much bigger than me so do I need to be here I don't but is my being here important more important than if I wanted it does it make sense so again a ten-year-old says I don't care I didn't ask to be born so what that means is you're not here because you need it you were here because you are needed that is such good news let me tell you a story a true story there are two kids in Minnesota they got together friends they were 14 and they decided to commit suicide together there was I gonna be like a fun thing to do and then after they commit suicide though write about it so they attempted but people found them and time and they ended up in the hospital in the psych ward in the psychiatric hospital to be evaluated if they're normal often you know if they're dangerous to themselves now this hospital it's one it's one floor of the of the regular hospital but it's like a prison it's got bars on the doors on the windows that the nurses have tasers and handcuffs because people the people who are there are being evaluated to see if they should if they should go to a hospital and get therapy or they should go to the electric chair because they're dangerous so it's a really nasty nasty scary place I never heard of a 14 year old boy being in that ward these are seriously dangerous people up there so the mother of this boy calls me and says he my son is there for 48 hours they don't allow me to visit the only people who can visit our rabbis and ministers clergy so would you please go visit him and see what's going on so of course I went I get off the elevator just in time to see two nurses wrestle male nurses fighting with this guy they wrestle him to the floor they put him at the handcuffs and everybody else is standing there screaming like maniacs like it was a it was a little horrible so I run over to the guy's room to the boy's room and I come in and he's like he hears the screaming nuts he's not scared doesn't bother him he's like in camp he's reading a book I try to make some conversation with him he doesn't want to talk to me doesn't even look up I said hi how you doing I said your mother was worried she asked me to come see you what should I tell your mother he said he's completely not greatest me I try I try finally he says why don't you go home the chaplain has already been here the chaplain from the hospital who visits everybody I said the chaplain was here What did he say and the boy says something stupid I said really chaplain said something stupid What did he say that was stupid the chaplain said I shouldn't kill myself because God loves me of course I knew that that's what they know that's what they all say so I said you think that's stupid he says yeah I said I agree because I can't imagine God loves you you're an obnoxious brat so he looks up from the book he says yeah like what's your point as I said look God created you obviously he needs you you're a piece of the puzzle there's something he needs from you that he can't get from anybody else so unfortunately he's stuck with you I don't think he likes you see he says well what if I don't want to do what he created me for I said that's a good question it's called freedom of choice you're created for a reason but you have the option to say no so are you saying no are you saying yes what are you doing say something anyway after I got home I realized that what he was saying was so true and that what the chaplain said really was stupid because listen listen to the conversation that you know between the lines this kid decides to commit suicide why comes from a pretty decent family he doesn't have bills to pay that he can't pay he's not in trouble with the with the taxes with the IRS but what's he killing him so forth he tried to kill himself simply because why not what's the difference in other words he he would he is convinced that he's not necessary if you're not necessary then what's the difference so now the chaplain comes to him and says you tried to kill yourself because you're not necessary but but even if you're not necessary God loves you so the boy says that's stupid you want me to live even though I'm not necessary why because God loves me what is it that you have that you don't need but you love what is it people have they don't need it but they love it a puppy a goldfish when you tell a human being you're not necessary but somebody loves you that's really stupid because we need to be needed we don't need to be loved babies need to be loved a human being needs to necessary because if I'm not necessary I can't stand it where we can't live for no reason that's a human being not necessarily like a puppy so the first thing is we are necessary how do we know we're necessary cuz we didn't ask to be born so if I didn't ask to be born and I don't need to be born and they verse that creates me anyway come on what does that tell you that he needs me maybe he doesn't love me because I'm not so lovable but he needs me if we can understand this which is a simple a simple reality you know you have to be a genius if I didn't ask to be born then who did if I don't need to be here then who needs me here and if he needs me here then I'm much more important than if I need me here yeah they asked but you know it's up to him to decide so what does it mean if the accession you're here to serve him really why firstly why because he's the only one who needs you since you're here because he needs you so do what he needs what else you gonna do or he could die so here's my point if you simply obey but you don't know anything about the a booster then you're a little bit out of this world which could be very nice and sometimes that's a very good experience like him kipper maybe some ha Stella but everyday life everyday life means you don't want to go to heaven you want to bring the a bursted down to earth why because that's what he created you for he doesn't need you for him to be in shamayim he needs you to bring him down to earth so the first thing that we do to bring him down to earth is to understand him if you can understand him you've already brought him down to earth if he's a mystery then he's still in heaven so the Rambam says you say that you say this rhyme with hokhmah the foundation of everything is to know the ambition how do we know in a Burstyn obviously through the title how else we gonna know him but in title itself which part of Toyota tells you directly about the image that priscilla's kaya this doesn't talk about a show Shinagawa sapota talks about damn business and you get to know the a bird what is the problem with getting to know that you Brewster it's the same problem like to people who don't understand each other I see you I hear you and I understand you you're telling me that you're upset about something I did I don't understand why you're upset so you tell me again ha I heard you I don't understand why you get upset why don't I understand because I don't get upset about that why should you so if we try to understand the image then we try to understand him from our own why would a brush to care whether you put a little milk into a fleshie kappahd I don't care because you're not they bursted so why does he care about things that I don't care about because because he's not you so what is the hakama what is the talent of understanding someone who is not like you which is real intelligence the trick is can you think past your own reality do you think of things bigger than you can you see past your own nose depends on how big your noses so ask yourself a simple question at the end of each day you sat hours and you Shiva at the end of each day what do you know about the a bursted that you didn't know yesterday get to know him especially a citizen so if you get to know the Gemara that's okay you get to know the tanya but the only reason to know tanya is because it tells you about him the reason we learned good mother is because it tells me something about him so you come home every day and ask yourself even keep a diary write it down I know something more about the a broish that today I didn't know it yesterday this will change your life well all your questions will become different because you're looking at the world from the creators perspective then you're seeing reality if we just look at it from our own we're not seeing reality and that's where you get into a bad mood I didn't ask to be born of course you didn't ask to be born that's the beauty of it you weren't born because you were hungry and needed something to eat it wouldn't hurt if you actually asked your Debu so so what did we just learn about Hashem so what do we know now about the Hamish now if you come away with a little more knowledge of him you have had a successful day that's what makes us a Sidon I talk to people who are from super from ultra Froome I say what do you know about they burst oh no you can't know day vision that's it yeah kendo the ambition so what do you spend your life doing becoming a Tom with holcomb it's very sad you're living a life and keeping Mitzvahs you're following halakhah you're learning in yeshiva for whom I don't know you can't know him that is not happy nobody can be enthusiastic about that so I think I don't know if I know if you agree with this but I think that most kids who are turned off or just not interested is because not that they had a bad experience I just don't see why who who are we listening to who whose mitzvahs are we doing I don't I don't know who we're talking about I had this argument with a college student and he says I don't believe in God I said what is I don't believe in God I said I don't understand what are you saying he says what you think everybody believes in God I don't believe in God I said no I don't understand what you're saying Hey he says what don't you understand I said what's God he says I don't know I said so what don't you believe in see if you don't know him you can't even be an opportunist so he calls himself a non-believer and what do you say to a guy who is completely Froome to the maximum and you say to him so what's the Abril studies I don't know same thing what does less much over three so baby you know Britannia less much over three sub a no thought can understand him there you go don't even try to understand him because it's impossible but then there's a mitzvah to get to know him so what's going on here this is so amazing by nature no one should be able to understand him but this a bastard who done who is way way beyond anybody and everybody and therefore is impossible to know makes himself known to us so both things are true we really shouldn't be able to understand him we're human and his a Burstyn but he wants us to understand him so he makes himself available we're in the toilet so when they brush that comes down to her see now he's basically saying can you please get to know me I'll explain myself I'll tell you what I love what I hate I'll tell you everything but get to know me it is such a tragedy when a yeshiva bocher says I can't know God you can't know him I'm getting to know him I'm getting to know him I mean how painful would it be to you if your mother says to you I just I just can't understand you really that's it if he explains himself you will be able to understand him in Toyota he explains himself learn see here's the problem we don't we don't appreciate what we're reading are you a simple example I'm a simple example when you read the words in Noah it says Noah matzo hey marina Hashem what does that mean the a broish they found Noah appealing not amazing a human being was appealing to him I I would never think that that's possible so what have I just learned that Maria was a great guy yeah but I also learned that the Abers defines some people appealing you think he doesn't notice you think he's sitting in heaven minding his own business I just found out there are some people that really God really loves them he finds them charming maybe so but not everybody is created charming so he's obviously paying attention so what do I now know about des Brewster what do I now know about the a Burstyn he has favorites he he cares about things some things he likes some things he doesn't he's really engaged one final story this 12 year old girl in Israel got it into her head that they bursted is angry at her she was a flume girl and the a broish that being angry at her was really depressing her they went to psychiatrists they went to the Kobo loom they went to all sorts of and nobody could help so the father calls me from Israel and he puts her on the phone he says it talked to my daughter you know what to say I don't know them so I said to her baby stirs angry at you she says yeah I said I'm so jealous she says what I said you can get the a brush the angry what are you Superman you're 12 years old how did you get the image that angry what how did you become so important I mean how important do you have to be for the aber study get angry at you I mean what what did she do to get the a bridge that angry her problem went away now she's happy that the Hebrew sank really because it's such a compliment so when you learn the a bridge there was angry at the people and made the marble and whoa whoa whoa whoa he was angry at the people that's my point I just discovered something about the a bridge that I would have never known you could call it lowered maybe it's not lowered maybe it's just him yeah yeah but but that's no that's that is a huge insight into who he is because everybody else thinks he doesn't care he doesn't notice he's got more important things to do no he doesn't so what makes what I do important I make it important where he makes it important for myself I don't need this I don't care but he obviously cares so now after all of this what would you say to a guy who says I have to put on tefillin every day yeah I don't care I don't need this what would you say huh yeah but I don't huh but what about the faculty now what about the fact that I don't need this but what about the fact that I don't I don't need to put onto them I don't need to be born so what's what's the finish oh you don't need to put on through no I don't need anything this is not about me so don't be surprised that you don't need it you don't need to eat you just have to it's not your idea actually you need to stop eating but you can't because he created you with the need for food you didn't create yourself that way so two things that we learn in the Siddhas and if you get this into your head you're you're you're amazing what you think you need you don't need anything and you think the a burster doesn't care and doesn't need anything he needs everything he created so what's real what's true so you stopped a guy in the street you go I'm gonna tell you and you ask a guy come you want to put on film I don't leave that what do you say ok then nevermind and what about the fact that he doesn't need it perfect that's perfect if you don't need it and he does need it and you do it for him that's perfect huh see here's here's the here's the filming are important to the a bush there with or without you right because he puts onto him so why is he so concerned that you should also do it so if fillin are very important to me and i give you that villain who's more important that fill in are you if I'm giving you the villain and the fillin are very important to me then you must be even more important so when a guy on the understand says I don't need this that's perfect then you will do be doing the Mitzvah lachemann so you don't have to want and you don't have to do it he has to have it so if you have a minute can do something for the image there you're too selfish for that see but that's also why you don't ask him do you keep kosher you go to the mikveh are you from it doesn't matter right now but that's the America the amazing thing about with trillium the deborah says go stop a guy in the street and don't ask him if he's from don't ask him if he's spiritual just ask him to roll up his sleeve and you'll do the rest Why What why is that even useful what you're saying without actually putting you're saying look you have ten minutes right now right yeah you can spare 10 minutes in these 10 minutes you can do something for him that he really needs and you don't really need so you're not gonna do it imagine a hungry guy knocks on your door and says please can you give me something to eat and you say I don't need this that's right you don't need this you're not starving I am so if you don't need this you're not taking anything to eat exactly that's why the a Vista has to give us his taser because if we're just gonna look with our own eyes we're not gonna see it for what it's try to tell us taser tells us that a broish then needs your Mitzvah more than a hungry man needs food you know why because the hungry man if he doesn't get food will die and then he's not hungry anymore only hurts for a minute and then it's over the a bush there will wait forever for you to do the mitzvah so he needs it more than the poor man so Davila Medlock says until him coyote Rogalla feet a million cane a she sorry gala huh we want to do the Mitzvah more than a deer that is thirsty in the desert is that true come on when you're thirsty you really need a drink the thirst of a deer in a desert is only a muscle for what it means to need something because again if the deer doesn't get the water so it'll die so the need is only if you're alive if you die you don't need it that's right I'm fine somebody somebody is getting it you don't need to be here in your Shiva so why does everybody go to your Shiva that's not the right answer but why is that who made it the normal thing to do everybody you're only here in a yeshiva and yeshiva x' exists for the last 2,000 years because the a Burstyn needs it he needs you to get to know him and to serve him with awareness with understanding and the only way for that to happen is if there's a good yeshiva that teaches you about a birth huh so here's here's the thing about the phones if the phone will help you understand the image the better you should definitely have a phone some missionary asked me why don't you believe in yoga why don't I I said look I have 613 mitzvot Stu keep if I believe in him will it help me then I'll do it will it help me then I'll do it why won't it help me why won't it help me cuz y'all just said you don't have to do it so it's not gonna help blackmail give me that phone or I won't learn this is criminal behavior is blackmail really if if the phone will help you understand the a bridge that than have a phone if it doesn't help you then it goes against your purpose of being in yeshiva the purpose of your Shiva is to get to know the a burster anything that will help you do that you should do including recess Reb serious recess doesn't mean you're taking a break from the a Burstyn that's right you need time to absorb so you don't need any more reason the phone does not help you achieve your purpose so don't waste your time with like what sleep you're boring don't do anything wearing a hat [Music] it doesn't help actually maybe we should have the yeshiva logo on our hats No that's like the people who say you know I'm going to get married so shouldn't I get to know some girls first you know warm up get it warm up to the marriage you know practice a little bit okay what's worse a girlfriend or a phone no at least the Simone is that the phone is a smartphone these there's something smart about it maybe now so the point of it is when it will become useful you'll use it when it's not useful you can call Hatzolah if you're not feeling well the cavern of the sin remember the question what what should you be thinking when you sin when you sin when you do a sin obviously the question was the question the question was what should you be thinking to stop yourself from sinning I think that was the question right I hope that was the question but it came out sounding like when you're sinning what qivana should you have the qivana should be what I'm doing now is a sin that should be your because if you start to explain though what I'm doing now is really not such a terrible thing it's really kind of it that's the wrong come on if you're sinning your cavern there should be I am violating a commandment I'm sinning no but it makes you more of a mention that's all silly just because you're told not to you want to get out grow that anyway people the a bridge that is waiting and we are not taking it seriously on what should be your qivana when you do a mitzvah the qivana should be the a bush that asks me to do this and it's important to him I hope I'm doing it right that's it that's your covenant it's like anytime you do somebody a favor what should you be thinking I hope this works for you because I'm trying to do you a favor so I don't care if it works for me it's got to work for you obviously if you're doing something for him it's going to have an effect on you if you're the servant of a king you become a little more king like of course it has to rub off on you but to say that that's why cuz then it's not an aside it's not even do a session you only get closer if you're really serving him if you're doing it for yourself you're not getting closer you're just using him it used to be fine it doesn't work anymore it seems like in our generation we either go to the highest Medaglia of doing it for him or it doesn't work it's like the Altair ever said and it was amazing it was my I don't want GaN Eden I just want you what's so impressive I also don't want go Nate what's so impressive the difference is I don't want gun Aten cuz I have no idea what it is the Alta that but knew what GaN Eden was today we don't know what gonna Eden is so why would you do it friggin Eden you want to do it so that you'll become a tactic I have no idea what it's attic is if I became at Sadiq I wouldn't know how to do it I wouldn't know what I'm talking so all those things those benefits they were much richer and much deeper generations ago so it was a real motivation you don't want to become Eagle you don't want to become a Thomas ha you don't want to be a Balin II people wanted today not particularly so what should wake me up in the morning self-improvement doesn't work that's the Milo of not wanting self-improvement so today any Jew does a mitzvah does he know about gonna Aiden because he care about gonna Aiden he doesn't so why did he do a mitzvah on the myth so you when you ask a guy to put on - why does he agree because he wants to become a tonic because he wants to show you how Froome he is no why does he do it because his neshama tells him this is the right thing to do that's that the highest madruga of mitzvah we're really ahead of the game in our generation we have no distractions the a bush that asks you to do it will you or won't you Dunedin rewards high English nobody cares so what have you learned about the booster that should always be the bottom line what do you now know about the a bursty you didn't know before learn better because you never focused on that let me give it a quick example you're learning about steam the people of Spain were so bad they were so rotten they were so they had to be destroyed and they bursted destroyed them so now what do you know you can be distracted you can say what do mean what do I know today and they were very bad they wouldn't even give you a little bit of salt but you forgot about they understand if you come from every story and Toyota from every Halawa inclusion you can either come away and say oh so that's today folk' now I know it's trave know now you know that the eBrush that doesn't want it don't forget who you're talking about then you get to know that everything [Music] [Music] can you imagine reading the tailor or rewriting the trader as if it were the a brush this personal diary imagine us instead of bodacious Bora le Kim that should say bodacious I created the world and it was dark so I said let there be light and there was light and then I created other Mahavir and I put them in GaN date and I told them don't eat from that tree they ate from put it all in the a brush this voice which it is but we forget that would bring the Toyota alive it would make it like really so and the a brush that regretted creating people and he brought a marble if you said it and I regretted creating them so I brought a marble and I hate doing that so I promised I'd never do it again you see how it becomes real so the one thing you learned today about the a Bushman he needs you more than you need him because you don't need anything it it but the benefits you're getting are true is that why you should be doing how do you what how do you grow so yeah you have to get the picture correctly this world is the lowest of all worlds yes our job is to bring the a brushed it down to this lowest world well what do you think a lowest world is it's a world of pain it's a world of ugliness it's a world of anti-semitism that makes it the lowest world our job is to fix that so it's not like the world was good and neighbors - throws these things at us when the neshamah is told that it's coming down into this world it's told this is a very low world fix it so why are these things happening this is this world this is not sure Maya it's not even gonna eaten this is outside of GaN Eden so these are the things we need to fix if it was a nice world we wouldn't have a job you have to have pleasure from doing a mitzvah but the question is what is that pleasure that you have become more important or that you were able to do something for him they're both pleasures that's a trick question you're enjoying the fact that you helped somebody that's the Mitzvah and that's exactly what he wants but if you feel good that you have become more important not because the guy was helped then you're not doing a mitzvah you just right if you do anything so let me give a quick example okay I have to go this little boy went to an old-age home with his class to sing for the old people and some old guy was sitting in his wheelchair and staring at him and when he finished singing the old man smiled like for the first time in years so the boy comes home and he says to his mother you know I understand why we go to the old-age home now because I was singing and it made the man smile so I did a very big mitzvah that's not good his pleasure is that he did a big mitzvah shouldn't his pleasure be that the old man was happy you see what I'm saying so you're doing the same act but you can enjoy the you part of it or you can enjoy the other part of it so in the early year somebody came to the altar Dedmon and said I give a lot of sadaqa and I have a lot of earth in my my house is always open to people and but you know he wanted to become more of a penny me so he said how do I know if I'm doing it sincerely so the altar that was said to him the hungry man who eats your food enjoys it sincerely what do you want see what was he asking he was actually saying I'm giving all this adulkin are feeding all these people shouldn't they have like a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction and they ever said them no you weren't the one who was hungry the person you fed really appreciates the food that's the way it should be you should feel good that you did it it's really if I can to feel good that you did a mitzvah when you've helped somebody else that is so selfish so now it's not mental and that's the danger from people everything they do is I'm it sir somebody calls me episode I want I wanna I want to thank you for what you did for us because you know I have to have her chorus hatov hang up the phone you want to have her chorus at all but saying thank you is a mitzvah you can't just be a mensch say thank you cuz you're supposed to say thank you know I'm doing her chorus hat oh really so okay so arrogant you pick upset guy drop something hash of us are Veda oh shut up it's my it's my wallet thank you so why are you giving it back to me because of her chávez's of a door because it's my wallet now I'm doing a mitzvah if I shove us are they that is so so you put on film for the a brush too and then you say so Amaya Beynon II now I think I there maybe how heads did ever special is that he put up with us I hope that ever had big system that but never had to put up with us and he did in other words to be a rabbit to us it's a little harder than being adapted to the outer that missiles in you gotta reach down deeper so to reach down deeper you have to be higher just being a rabbit in America Wow they thought it was impossible everybody said it was impossible pleasure talking to you
Channel: Chassidus with Rabbi Manis Friedman
Views: 9,492
Rating: 4.8851676 out of 5
Keywords: Rabbi Manis Friedman, Manis Friedman, 11213.org, 11213org, Chabad Chassidus, Chabad, Chassidus, Tanya, Kabbalah, Torah, Daily Study, Judaism, Jewish Thought, Jewish
Id: qb1h9S364q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 33sec (4953 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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