The Most Important Idea In Judaism

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a couple of things I never understood in the Torah how many times in the Torah does it say God's eyes ain't a Hashem how many times only twice - yes - ice how many times does it say yad Hashem how many times does it say P Hashem so does he have eyes does he have a mouth does he have an arm yes no no yes you may isn't that I mean come on so many times devar hashem does he really speak if you were there would you hear him no like real speak or or mental talk real speech okay so many people say and and and it says in the in the my version that it is not literal it's only a muscle why do we have such a Marshall to help us understand like every Marshall but to help us understand what that he doesn't have an arm or a mouth and he doesn't really speak and he wasn't there this example my god my granddaughter was crying because her doll broke so I sat down and I said I feel so bad because it must have hurt the doll terribly so she started to laugh she says it didn't hurt I said what I mean it didn't hurt the arm came off she said it's not a real arm I said how do you know she said it's plastic she's right a plastic arm is not a real arm it looks like an arm but it's not a real line what's a real arm a real arm has to have a bone and skin with muscle right that's a real arm a plastic arm is just plastic a bone and skin is just a bone and skin it's not a real arm it looks like an arm but it's not a real arm it's just a bone god has a real arm a real one since we were created in his image that cell in the Lockean that's why we also have something like an arm but his is the real thing ours is just like a doll so does he really have a mouth or we have a real mouth he has a real one we have something like it does he really speak or we really speak he said let there be light via he you try it say it say it 100 times nothing will happen because our speech is not the real his is the real so who is the Michelle and who is the Nichelle we are the example it's not him so does he really have an arm yes is it literal an arm yes an actual arm yes you mean like mine nope cuz yours is not the real thing now it makes a little bit of sense I call my arm an arm because it's a tiny little example of his real arm so it's not confusing it's a little bit helpful but don't think that his arm is like yours because his arm is the real one so the Torah is not using words incorrectly saying he has an arm when he doesn't really every word in the Torah is true so if it says an arm then it's an arm just don't think it's an arm like a doll's arm because it's a real arm then there's another question that really needs explaining what does it mean if duet Hashem wears it mean anybody know I serve Hashem what the serve means in English who serves a waiter a waiter so if a waiter comes over to your table and serves you and you didn't ask for it he brings you something you didn't ask for it is he serving you where is he annoying you get manya nerves huh well you asked for soup and he brought you kugel so excuse me take this back and bring me some soup so no I'm serving no but you're not serving me if you don't bring me what I want to serve means to do something for another person that the other person needs if he doesn't need it and you keep serving him you're annoying you're a pest so what does it mean if do as Hashem serve him what does he need nothing because he's God what does he need so if he needs nothing what are you serving him so if you put on the fill in everything every day you're serving him [Music] if he doesn't need you to put on the fill and how are you serving him does he need your praise that's one of the things that really puzzled me for a long long time would he want something he doesn't really need should you want things that you don't need you should you should want all sorts of stuff that you don't need and then you get all that stuff you want but don't need what do you do with it you put it in the basement in the Attic because you don't need it also if you want it but you don't need it can you change your mind and say yeah I don't want it anymore of course right is it possible that God will change his mind and say no I don't need your tool it's not possible he's not gonna do it huh so Rambam says one of the you'd gimel Hakeem is that hatorah has oat load Tehama flevit God will never change it how do we know the answer is because it's not something he wants but doesn't need then you can change your mind today I want it tomorrow I don't want it but by god there's no such thing what he wants he needs what he needs he wants whatever he does has to be it's not maybe I think and I've seen that God didn't say until further notice put on fillin when I lose interest I'll let you know there's no such thing it's forever no so here's the problem if God is really perfect why does he care about anything and does anything really matter he wants to give ya in other words even when you're perfect you want to give why you're already perfect see if I give if I'm generous with what I have I become a better person God becomes better when he gives if he's already perfect why does he have to give so it must be that he does it'll shape show my him for no reason that'll help so let me try it I think I have a little explanation for this what does it mean God is perfect what is perfect he doesn't need anything because he's perfect but what is perfect not missing anything that's very good God is not missing anything in other words he is so perfect that he cannot get any stronger he can't get any smarter he can't get any bigger he can't get any older he's already right so there is no way in which he can make himself bigger or better because he's he's already perfect if I don't need anything would I still find a friend for what if I was perfect and I don't need anything why would I want to have a friend to make that person better but why do I need to do that I don't so why would I want a friend huh because I'm bored see I thought about it in terms of marriage if you're healthy and you're smart and you're capable why do you need to get married you see there's there's a difference between trying to increase myself or having someone beside myself so if I really want a friend it's not because I will become better or smarter as a result I don't need my friend to make me better well sometimes I do but then it's not a real friend then I'm just using somebody to make myself better which is not a bad thing because I'm not perfect but if I was perfect and I really didn't need to increase or improve anything in myself why would I still want a friend so here's this important idea God created the world before there was anything right so it can't be that he created the world for me because I didn't exist you didn't exist nothing existed so he created the world before there was anything and he was already perfect so why did he create the world this is really like the most important idea in Judaism before God created the world he was Yahud he was the only thing and he was perfect by creating the world he is becoming a HUD Hashem a HUD what is the difference between Yahud and Akkad take a guess the spelling is different but in the meaning of it what is the difference between Yaffe and oneness the difference is Yahud means nothing else exists just me I am Yahud because there is no one else F had means we are all together so yeah it means exclusion a HUD means inclusion so what happened when God created the world he was basically saying I am Yahud and I don't like it I want to be a HUD in other words I don't want to be the only thing I want someone else also to exist so he created us and that's why the meddra says Bereshit bara what does that mean beshrew Israel he created the world so that we would exist and now that we exist what has been accomplished now he is not Yahud now he is a HUD or to put it in different words you remember where it says embrac'd it says light Ivo - Adam lovato yes what does it mean why was he saying this why did God say this because that's why he created the world it's not good to be Yahud even when you're perfect so when a person thinks you know when I become perfect I'm not gonna need anybody the more perfect I become the less I need you because I'm perfect that's not the way God is because God was perfect than is perfect that's why he wants someone else besides him so that they can become a HUD he hideth God is actually saying biker aiding the world God is saying I am not satisfied being me I also want to have you now if somebody asked recently isn't it selfish of God to create the whole world so that everybody will serve Him and that sounds a little selfish and then he tells us to never be selfish and never be arrogant isn't he being selfish and arrogant everybody served me everybody praised me it's the exact opposite by creating the world God is showing I'm not enough I'm perfect but that's not good enough why cuz it's just me so what does he do when he creates the world he creates someone besides him that's the opposite of arrogance and that's the opposite of selfish I'm already perfect I don't need any favors from you and yet I make room for you in my life why so that you also exist with me that I won't be alone that's why we get married because to be alone is not the godly way God was alone and he didn't like it it's not it's not enough to be yourself there has to be someone else also yes what somebody created one a hole a lot of people not just one person that's why it says that Adam was created alone to tell you that even if there was only one other person it would justify the whole creation so why doesn't it stay that way because Adam ate from the wrong tree every everything by God is huge so he wants not only one person he wants one people I'm useful so the question is if you need army oil why do you have to have non-jews now what it's like when you get married it's just you and your wife totally private and yet look what's going on upstairs right a man and a woman are getting married and the whole town is here who invited everybody only two people are getting married what everybody else doing here they came to celebrate for some reason in order for the marriage to be perfect the whole community has to celebrate even though they're not getting married so the same way the relationship that we have with Hashem is like a marriage all the other nations are like the guests at the wedding so until now can you imagine if all the guests upstairs are jealous they're jealous they want to get married to this kala or this kathan imagine how nasty that would be everybody making comments like yeah what are you marrying him for what do you think he's so special I know he's not so good that's anti-semitism anti-semitism has been around forever because they're like guests at our wedding and they're all jealous what's gonna happen when Messiah comes they're gonna become intelligent you come to somebody's wedding you don't come to be jealous you celebrate that they are having a special relationship that's what's gonna happen Messiah comes instead of being anti-semitic they will become guests at our wedding and they will be happy for us that we have this special relationship with Hashem and they will bring presents like the people upstairs are doing and they will actually be complimented that they were invited to such a special event they could they're not going to they're not going to only certain people are meant to convert otherwise they get not what Hashem write they know that we have a special relationship with Hashem until now they've been jealous now they're gonna become a little more mature and they're gonna say wow you guys really have something special can we come to the party and if we're invited to the party that's our honor a little bit that's happening already like you Rachelle I am becoming the capital again because people are saying yes they have something special they are the chosen people why are we being jealous so that's what the Navi says the Navi says that every nation will come to contribute something to build the dynamic - like guests coming to our wedding so what's happening upstairs is the solution to anti-semitism that's how it's going to all resolve itself so if the s Hashem means you're doing for him what he needs what does he need chi'lan shabbat - root what does he really need he needs us to be a herd with him how do we become one with him he keeps Shabbat we keep it with him he puts on tefillin for real we put on food that way we are with him but imagine if you're sitting by the tables on Shabbat and you're celebrating Shabbat and your children don't want to come to the table they're still your children but they're not afraid with you they're fighting with you so the mitts vote that God gives us is so that we will become a hard with him and that's what he wants he wants a hug and that's why before we do any Mitzvah we first have to know hashem elokenu hashem uh-huh I think the body is starting well I was a short party any questions any answers no questions what happened is if a person sins and then he dies what happens to him so what happens because he's sinned huh he has a judgment and if he's guilty downstairs in the basement wow that is a she it's it's I think you're following the theme if he wants a relationship then it's not an it anymore and it doesn't want a relationship he and a she need each other so the question is should he be a he or she so the problem is not what he is but what we are because if if Hashem is the she then we have to be the heat that's not good there was a big debate between some famous famous rabbi and the Christians back in the olden days and the Christian asked the rabbi how come in your in your Torah God is so punishing punishes and punishes and he's angry and he's the answer was brilliant the rabbi said it's because we would rather that he does the punishing then that we should do the punishing by you your God doesn't punish so you punish everybody you make the Crusades and you make the Inquisition's and you torture people better leave it to him let him be the he we want to be the she right also because he married us which is the masculine he came to take us out of material so what does this thing about denim anybody know what's getting them a place for bad people purgatory that's good so it's a dry cleaner depends how much cleaning you need there's a fire there's hot water at boils what's going on over there how do you boil a soul how does that neshama I get punished the only way that that a soul can suffer is from shame so imagine and the Shama comes to shamayim and all the other souls are there and and you don't remember how to be a soul cuz you're used to being a body that's very embarrassing it's like walking into a shul and you don't know when to stand when to see it went it turn around with so what is what is the punishment of the of the sin the embarrassment when the soul yeah when the soul goes back to a world of souls and it doesn't fit in it's very embarrassing what happens when you get embarrassed you burn you burn with shame so yeah Gehenna is not a place it's like heaven goes up this will go down there's no up or down you have two souls side by side one is in heaven because it because it knows how to be a soul and the other one's sitting right next to it is embarrassed so he isn't getting them how long can you be embarrassed up to 12 months maximum and that's why we say Kaddish 4:11 because we don't want to suggest that this guy needed the maximum but on the other hand maybe he did it's so so we say 11 months not 12 but what is what is ghin Ganon simply means you're embarrassed heaven means you come back after 80 90 a hundred years on earth you come back and you remember how to be on the shoma it's as if you never left that's heaven so what is the shame or what is the fear of going to Ganon the shame but the shame for doing a sin you don't have to wait until you get again if you're embarrassed by your sin you're already clean cleaned you've already burned it off so we can do Chava on earth and then we don't have to go to Gangnam because we were already embarrassed we were already ashamed and the shame burns off the sin so the worst thing is a person who does a sin and he's not ashamed has no shame no Busha that means that he's lost his conscience he is so insensitive he's not even ashamed and then something else has to embarrass him in order to get him to get cleaned up but if we're embarrassed ourselves we don't have to go together because we you know we put everything into physical so we say holy is up unholy is down without me physically up or down we mean this is higher and this is lower this is more and this is less but not physically so there is no physical place where you can go visit on visiting day I don't have to have visiting day again I think they have I mean if you have a relative they can go visit bring up some candy I mean something of course you can you can be sitting right next to him but you're not embarrassed and he is so he's again I mean you're not so you can give him a candy in other words we don't have to wait for Gehenna to clean us we can clean ourselves that's the power of chuhwa and that's what this month coming up the month of Elul getting ready for Rosh Hashanah it's a time when we can be embarrassed ourselves by what we did wrong and we don't want to do it again next year so we're getting ready for a shana tova a better year than last year because no embarrassment we don't embarrass ourselves Yom Kippur doesn't mean forgiveness what is the Hebrew word for forgiveness mahua what is Khepera yom kippur Khepera means clean cleansed you first you're forgiven because you regret your sin and you're not gonna do it again that's it you're forgiven but now what about the fact that you did sin how do you erase that so in other words once you are embarrassed and you say you're not gonna do it again God is not angry at you anymore you're forgiven but what about the fact that you messed up like you threw a baseball through my window and you apologize and I say fine I forgive you who's gonna fix the window you broke the window so I'm not angry at you am I gonna punish you I'm not gonna scream at you but it's after somebody's gotta fix the window so that's Yom Kippur Yom Kippur fixes the damage that the Avera created but you can be forgiven anytime soon as you stop sinning and you say I'm sorry God for you
Channel: Chassidus with Rabbi Manis Friedman
Views: 67,764
Rating: 4.7876363 out of 5
Keywords: Rabbi Manis Friedman, Manis Friedman,, 11213org, Chabad Chassidus, Chabad, Chassidus, Tanya, Kabbalah, Torah, Daily Study, Judaism, Jewish Thought, Jewish
Id: sB5tuVEN03o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 20sec (2180 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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