Hamburger Steak Southern Style

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load it back everybody today what I'm going to do is throw together a hamburger steak and it's after work I like getting real involved but I think you'll enjoy watching this and hopefully you'll make it some time if you haven't already so let's get started alright what I've got here is a about two pounds of ground chuck 80/20 and I'm just going to add salt and pepper add a little touch of garlic powder and I've got some steak seasoning not steak seasoning but the steak sauce I'm sorry go in there give it a little flavor so just going to form some hamburger patties here with the ingredients mixed in and let's get started here give it lots of pepper here good fair bit of salt here garlic and steak sauce I'm happened to be using the Liam perience traditional steak sauce but you can use a won or Heinz 57 or whatever you have on hand thoroughly mix this all together and again it was two pounds so I'm just going to divide it up to make equal size patties here so that's one pound just about a piece let's make some half town patties get a little more on that one just form them between your hands and while I'm doing this I'm going to make some mashed potatoes to go with this hamburger steak and gravy so I do have some water warming up throw the potatoes in here and it'll go off it's nice my speak patties there they will swell up a little bit when they're cooking so that's why I'm kind of flattening them out a little bit all right let me wash my hands real quick all right and now what we need to do is sear these on each side I'm not going to cook them all the way through but I'm going to get them nice and brown crusty else outside if I can and I'm gonna do that let me flip this around here just a little bit here fact hang on just second alright I've got an iron skillet here I'm just going to throw in a little bit of oil on the bottom not a whole lot maybe 1/4 cup or so let that come up you know until fairly fairly thin and once it heats up and let throw the patties in there all right I think my oil is just about up to temp here and I did throw a little bit more salt and pepper on this side of each of these so I'm just going to flip it over or do it without splashing myself here there we go not sure to fit all these in there have to do it a couple back yeah I'm doing a couple of batches hmm sorry I got one of my I think it's a number eight skill it that'll be alright so I'm all pause this just a second until it Browns a little bit then I'll show you when I flip it over all right let's give these a look and see how they're doing I tell you what I think I forgot to season these sides here what something pepper real quick Oh produções gone a little bit longer that's alright what I'm going to do is use this oil and make a gravy with all of this at a later point all right so we're gonna Brown this side and then I'll be right back alright these have been going for about three or four minutes it should be about ready yeah that looks pretty good again they're not cooked all the way through we'll put them on a clean plate over here so yeah that looks a lot better stack them so they'll stay warm here all right now let's put our other two on here there we go we'll brown these sides all right let's check these out perfect that's what I'm talking about the others do that and again just crusting it up on each side we get a little little tidbit stuff in the bottom there will help the gravy tastes really good get back over here all right we'll do this side for a couple two or three minutes and be right back all right everybody else think that these should be about ready skillet here yeah there you go now it could go a little longer but I need to get online is here there's about a half of an onion kind of quartered it it's kind of kind of saute these onions in the oil and lon once they start getting a little tinder I turn this heat down a little bit there we go once I do this just a little bit I'm going to add some water and I'll reintroduce four hamburger patties which still need to finish cooking fruit all right I remembered the wife locks mushrooms and I remembered we had some fresh mushrooms in the fridge some we'll toss these in there too I just sliced them up oh then flavors get happy alright it is time to reintroduce these patties fighting get them all to fit in there hopefully I can get down in there all their good gravy down there put some water in there and again like I said we're gonna let this go for about a half-hour or so at least so I'm going to do that and the water is going to evaporate just a little bit you can cover it if you want it will inhibit the evaporation of the water give you a little bit better cooking of the meat so I may try to find a little to fit this here shortly and put a lid on it otherwise you can just leave it open and just keep watching the ordered on that the water bowl out all right I did find the lid that fit this number a skillet it's the one that was covering the water from our potatoes fits perfectly it's been a little venting on top I will close that I'm going to put this on simmer and just going to let it go in fact I'm gonna move it to this back burner because it's a little bit lower flame back there I'm gonna let it simmer I may check it here in about 15-20 minutes and maybe flip the hamburger steaks over stir it up a little bit make sure all that falls off the bottom and I'll check back here when we do that I decided we needed some green veggies so got these forward hook lima beans frozen I'm going to start off by adding some of this cut up that's just to two pieces of sort of a bacon sorry that I've a cut up and I'm gonna throw them and get them going on the stove top in a pan so once I brown the bacon then I'll throw in the forward hook lima beans and some water get them go because they take about a half hour to go all right so my bacon is starting to get hot here I'm just gonna stir it around they finish warming up and I'm not gonna cook it all the way through because it will finish cooking in the boiling water for the beans basically I'm just trying to get a little bit of this bacon grease out of it to add a little flavor to the beans kind of thing my bacon is about there really nice and again I'm not trying to cook it all the way through them just kind of get a little grease in the bottom of this pan here so now I'm going to introduce the fourth hook lima beans frozen and we'll stir these around in all that bacon grease and the bacon let them warm up for a few minutes here not quite that long I guess but to get the idea just coat them with all that bacon fat all right those are been going for about a minute and a half and I'm going to cover them with water bring this up to a boil let it bowl for a few minutes per the instructions on the bag and then once they come up to a boil I'm gonna turn back down to simmer or after they boil for three minutes I'm going to turn it down to simmer and let them cook for about 25-30 minutes until they're tender all right I've got this hamburger steak back up to a boil and I'm gonna flip them they've probably been simmering for but a good 15 minutes or so right now and I didn't show this but after I added the water actually went and went under all the onions and mushrooms and these burger patties to make sure that I scraped the bottom of the pan be some good looking little patties here oh you're better over here boy it's gonna be so funny all right so we'll let him go some more all right my lima beans baby sorry for took lima beans they've been boiling for a few minutes and I'm going to put them back on this back burner and let them simmer I'll bring the hamburger steaks back up to this burner on simmer anyway the beans are going to simmer for about 25 minutes or so and then I'm going to defend you and just periodically check the water because this although this lid does fit it's got little slots on the side here where water can evaporate out so I need to keep checking it make sure that I've still got water in there so let me do all this and we'll be back when I start cooking up the potatoes all right I've got like looks like seven medium sized potatoes in here and I know a lot of people use russet potatoes I like red potatoes just a little bit different texture someone throw them in the water this bowling right here and I'm going to Bowl on until they're fork-tender I don't want to miss you but I do want to fork tender so we will let these bowl and it'll probably take good I don't know 20 minutes or so because I didn't cut them up but once they're ready to do the next step on the mashed potatoes I will show you all right what I've done I've removed the hamburger steaks and it's just the gravy here and I'm fixing to pour in some flour and water and I did put a little bit of Worcestershire in there and we're going to get this all mixed in and we're going to bring it up to a slight boil again just to thicken it up and this is going to be our gravy and then once the gravy comes up to bowl again and I'll reintroduce the meat and let it all thicken up again and we're fixing to do the potatoes here on the other side of got potatoes ready to be mixed up all right so everybody so I got my potatoes here they're ready to be mashed up and I've got this this is an old really old masher here that I've got figure out I did a antique store or something but I like it it works really really good so I just mash up all these potatoes not only like any big chunks so make so I'll make sure I'm mashing it really good I'll go through this mash of two or three times okay and I'm gonna mash this some more but first I'm going to introduce the little butter okay lotta butter that's just how we do it sometimes I don't even have to add milk just might be one of those times I'm looking pretty good I think I will add a little milk just a touch also need some salt and pepper so let's head that in there and you can use white pepper so you don't see it but it's just me in the wife and I know she doesn't care so I'm putting black pepper this will thicken up a little bit as it cools off this is will be like whipped mashed potatoes let's give it a taste definitely need some more salt all right so I'm gonna go ahead and finish doing this let the gravy come up to a boil again and thicken up and then we're about ready to eat all right so now I've got all these uh gravy bits all up in here all good to go and I'm going to put back in three of these and burger steaks because the wife was hungry and she went ahead and took one anyway these are ready to go everything is ready to go you
Channel: T-ROY COOKS
Views: 2,623,027
Rating: 4.7329793 out of 5
Keywords: hamburger steaks in mushroom and onion gravy, Steak (Food), Hamburg Steak, Hamburger (Food), hamburger steaks in onion gravy, hamburger steaks in mushroom gravy, Food (TV Genre), Cooking (Interest), how to make hamburgers, how to make hamburger steak, how-to, hamburger recipe, salisbury steak, hamburger steak southern style, Gravy (Food)
Id: WHE89rDsKg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2012
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