IT (2017) [PART 1 of 2] KILL COUNT

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Welcome to the Kill Count - where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies! I'm James A. Janisse and today we're looking at the 2017 adaptation of IT based on the Stephen King novel, previously made into a miniseries in 1990. On a pedantic note, this isn't a remake of that miniseries, which you can watch me cover in a previous Kill Count here. Instead, this is a different adaptation of the same source material: King's massive 1100 page tome, which I still haven't read yet. This new telling takes place in the late 1980's, giving it a sort of R-rated Stranger Things feel. The basic story is the same as ever. A bunch of kids in the small town of Derry, Maine are haunted by an evil entity who most frequently takes the form of Pennywise the Dancing Clown. Where as Tim Curry performed the role in the miniseries as a twisted, but mostly human seeming clown. Pennywise: WAHA! WAHA! WAHA! Bill Skarsgård's take on the character is completely new and helped make this movie one the highest-grossing R-rated films of all time. Skarsgård, who should maybe be called scares-gård after this, plays Pennywise as a totally alien being who happens to be wearing a clown costume and has a damn fun time doing it. The cast of mostly unknown kids is also impressive as hell as is the cinematography, the music, and just how damn funny the movie is. People are pretty divided when it comes to opinions on how scary it is But I'm not here to rate terror. I'm here to count kills, so let's get to them. [Kill Count Intro Music] The movie begins on a rainy day in Derry, Maine. It's 1988 and Bill Denburough's too sick to go outside with his little brother, Georgie, so the best he can do is wax up a paper boat for him and wish him luck on his voyage. Oh boy! That's a cute kid, move over Andy Barclay. You've got some competition here. Georgie casts off, and it's a real rollicking Good time until he thwacks his dome on a freaking roadside. He gets back up just fine though. Man, little kids can bounce back from anything. The boat gets away from him and goes down the gutter, and when Georgie leans in to look for it, he runs into your average run-of-the-mill sewer clown. The clown asks Georgie if he wants all sorts of fun circus stuff but Georgie says he can't talk to strangers Pennywise: "Oh, well, I'm Pennywise the Dancing Clown!" "Pennywise, meet Georgie. Georgie" "meet Pennywise. Now we aren't strangers." James: Who knew nabbing a kid was as simple as making a formal introduction? But anyone who's anyone knows Pennywise isn't trying to nab kids he's trying to snack on them, so after he offers Georgie his boat back and the cute kid goes to grab at it Pennywise [Death Sound] Sinks his teeth in. He bites off Georgie's arm which fans of the mini series had only heard about but here we straight-up see it As Georgie fruitlessly tries to crawl away before being dragged back down into the sewer for the film's infamous opening kill Then it's eight months later, and it's time to meet our cast of kids We briefly check in with Mike Hanlon as he hesitates to kill his sheep on his granddad's abattoir Here's an animal kill warning cuz grandad trying to make a living and he ain't got time for being wishy-washy on the bolt gun. He tells Mike there are two types of people in this world: the people with the bolt guns and the sheep who get got. Which one you gonna be, Mike? It's the last day of school and Bill and his fellow goyim Eddie kasparek and Richie Tozier question their Jewish friend Stan Uris about what his upcoming Bar Mitzvah means exactly Ritchie the jokester of the crew has a very late night Stand-up understanding of the process, "Yah, and I think the rabbi is gonna pull down your pants, turn to the crowd and say 'Where's the (meat? beef?)'" Sure Richie's probably tiresome to be around all the time But at least these boys have friends unlike Beverly Marsh who gets bullied and called a slut by some Mean Girls in the bathroom then They dumped a bunch of bathroom trash water on her head and called a school year Happy summer vacay! On her way out Bev runs into another friendless loser the new kid in school portly Ben Hanscom he shows off an expert-level Display of clumsiness with a great physical comedy bit the two of them bond over Ben's music New Kids on the Block and she becomes The first and only kid to sign his year book kicking off a real serious crush Ah Ben's so cute. Bill and his Bros make plans for the summer Bill pushing hard for them to hang out at the Barrons as they watch the mom of a missing girl Betty Ripsom wait in vain to see if her kid will come out of the school. "As if Betty Ripsom's been hiding at home after the last few weeks" Before they're even able to leave the school grounds they get harassed by Joe Dirt. Jr., Henry Bowers. Bill stutters out in attack "s-s-s-s-Suck Bowers!" and Henry gets all up in his face threatening that his free pass due to the Georgie thing is over the bullying only Ends when Henry gets a stern look from his dad police officer Butch Bowers, I bet they have a real nice father-son relationship I'm just kidding literally no one in this story has a healthy relationship with their parents Case in point when bill gets home his dad's all pissed at him for recreating the Derry sewer system with hamster tubes in an attempt to Figure out where Georgie might be Bill's tests says the Barrons. Papa Dan bro is less optimistic about his younger, son. "He's gone! He's dead!" and he rips down the map of Derry instead of being real proud of Bill for that kind of ingenuity. Get that kid in some civil engineering classes! Bill and Richie stop by Eddie's house to gear up for their sewer fun times and on their way out Eddies mom harangues them and tells Eddie to be mindful of his allergy She even makes him give her a kiss goodbye ah mom "Do you want one from me too Ms.K?" Ha good one Richie But let's take a break from your class clown stuff and get back to some scary clown stuff. As Mike is delivering his dead lamb packages he has a vision at the back door of the butcher shop where charred hands try to escape from behind it as fire and Smoke billow out that vision ends when the door flies open to reveal a prime cut of Pennywise dangling in the back there We only get some spooky light-up eyes before this vision ends and mike has to deal with the more everyday scary stuff. That is racism "Stay the fuck out of my town!" at the synagogue stan is practicing for his puberty party when his dad gives him grief for not being better at speaking Hebrew He goes to put his Toro away shielding himself from the creepy painting in the office but then walls back is turned it falls on the ground when he hangs him back up the lady in the picture is gone and She emerges from the shadows looking like kikyo that flash animation screamer from like 2002 she gives him a sharp toothy grin and he's like no thanks do not want meanwhile Ben is hanging out in the library Writing a poem for Beverly about January embers a great indie band name. If you ever learn how to play an instrument kid I'm thinking keyboard He's also continuing some personal research into Darry's history and today's topic is an Easter egg hunt Explosion that left a head in a tree But that image is only in the beginning of Ben Hanscom's spooky times he follows a red balloon to the back of the library where He finds a trail of smoking Easter eggs these lead him to the Library Archives an inherently creepy place and made worse when a smoking Headless body comes down the steps and charges at him in a jerky way There's been a lot of criticism of the jerky CG style some of these scares used And I think that's fair since it's used over and over in the movie But they don't really bother me too much Even when Pennywise shows up and does the same thing Ben gets out there just in time to run long into some bullies Joe Dirt and his motley crew take Ben to an exit of a Friday to 13th the game map and the Whole gangs here for the party. You've got punk rock draco malfoy pyro kylo Ren and belch. Yep. He's still belching around "BEEEEEELCHH" although sadly that's the only belch in this movie Ben tries to signal for help from a car driving by but they just trying to win the Round Ben sorry I think it was the two seater anyway Henry threatens to carve his name into Ben's stomach and unlike in the miniseries he actually starts to do it ben kicks him and drops backwards down the hill and after Henry helps the fence to follow Ben and His hot rod hill tumble. He loses his knife, which apparently belongs to his dad he sends belching Patrick to go after Ben while he and vague look for his blade as Ben runs for his life bill and the Others are considering going into a sewer pipe. It's another scene. That's great at capturing How young teenage boys really act with her friends with Ritchie continuing to be a little shit to the Hypochondriac Teddy who's worried about how unsanitary this adventure is "Have you ever heard of a staph infection!?" "Oh I'll show you a Staph Infection!" Bill finds a shoe in the water 'Wheres the foot' and a name inside confirms that Betty rips in' best deals bill who says we need To go deeper arguing that if he were Betty he'd want to be found but Eddie and Stan both expressed some trepidation "It's summer we're supposed to be having fun, this isn't fun" before this council can come to a decision Ben wades his way into the discussion and they pause everything to help him out Patrick's still looking for Ben when he decides to go to another sewer entrance do sewer systems really have these big ol' openings all Over the place he creeps deeper and deeper lighting his way with his makeshift flamethrower until he runs into a bunch of dead zombie kids That call after him by name He tries to escape but runs into steel bars and with his back against them a balloon floats up to it when it pops it Reveals Pennywise who CG jerks his way towards the camera to kill Patrick Hockstetter and just so you know Patrick isn't in the 1990 Miniseries except maybe as one of the unnamed greasers during the Rockfight the kids head to the pharmacy to get some medical supplies for Ben And Beverly is also there in the midst of Transitioning to adulthood they run into each other and when bill mentions they don't have enough money for the stuff They need Bev does them a solid by flirting with the pharmacist to distract him for a while dude is grossly receptive doing well How about you look, just like Lois Lane? Ugh the disgusting gambit pays off and the kids are able to shoplift the supplies They need to stitch up ben in the alleyway bill is standing lookout when Bev walks up to him in slow motion, ooh He like Bev she goes to check out the back-alley operation and after a cute New Kids on the Block Reference to ben Bill invites her to hang out with them at the quarry the next day Which sounds good to her a rock quarry may not sound like much fun But it's got to be better than Bev's home life Where a creepy fucking dad Alvin Marsh smells and fondles her hair after seeing what she's purchased "Tell me you're still my little girl." "Yes Daddy" in response to her dad's gross ass overture. She cuts off all her hair in the bathroom Probably shouldn't be putting that much hair down the drain, but you know what Beth nevermind That's a problem for asshole Al to deal with now you rock that Bob girl its quarry time Which means watching a bunch of kids Hock loogies in their underwear Bev arrives and joins them then shows them all up I being the first to take a running leap into the water below "what the fuck!" I've got to say all these kids braver than me cuz I don't know if I'd do that jump now or then they have fun Times flash around get creeped out by a turtle brushing by their legs and awkwardly stare at bev while she's lying out in the Sun then Richard gets nosy and finds Ben's McCobb newspaper clippings including one on the black spot a nightclub for black people burned down by a Racist Cult in 1962 Ben explains how in Derry people disappear and die six times the national average. That's just grown-ups kids are worse "And that's just grownups, kids are worse. Way, way worse" he invites them back to his house and after a quick little cleanup with a crisp barley s finish He shows them his freakin homeland walls where he's catalog disturbing occurrences in Derry stretching back all the way to its founding Derry started as A beaver trapping camp "Still is am I right boys?" in maybe hilarious movie Bev also finds a New Kids on the Block poster behind Ben's door But he pleased with his eyes for her to keep his secret, and she's a nice gal So she does Ben points out that a lot of the town's tragedies are connected to the old well house He's not sure where the well house is anymore I'll give you a spoiler that shit's on niebolt Street as Eddie's about to find out while walking home past the old creepy abandoned house On the corner there it freaks him out so much that he drops all his pills, but luckily There's a friendly leper there to help him pick them back up the leper is played by Phenomenal creature actor Javier bo-tat who was in rack and Mama and who you'll shortly be able to see as slender man he chases Eddie Around the yard until he's replaced by Pennywise the tourism director for neibolt house (inaudible, not sure) "You'd be home by now" he disappears with a bunch of balloon pops and Eddy crawls away his underwear surely one shit-ton heavier when she gets home Bev finds a Postcard has been slipped into her backpack with Ben's poem on the back. Although. She doesn't know who it's from yet Looks like she's into it though Then her sink starts talking at her and telling her there's a bunch of kids down there sounds like a crazy conspiracy to me But Bev sticks a tape measurer down there to see just how deep it goes. It's pretty goddamn deep Where's the bend in that sink when she pulls the tape measure back out it's got blood and hair on it and the hair starts Attacking her wrapping around her limbs and head and pulling her towards the drain Then the whole thing erupts in a geyser of blood that coats the entire bathroom What is this a Sam Raimi flick when al comes in and asks about all that yelling? He doesn't see the blood at all Let's keep these haunted house scares coming with bill Chillin in George's old room with a lego turtle when he sees a raincoat-plad figure running around in his house He follows it to the basement where Georgie emerges from the corner to apologize for losing Bill's boat. Yo kid It was a freaking piece of paper don't worry about Georgie invites Bill to come with him and advertises the benefit namely that he'll float - "You'll float too You'll float too YOU'LL FLOAT TOO YOU'LL FLOAT TOO!" Ha ha that's not Georgie that's penny wise and his famous Georgie hand puppet So lifelike one jerky CG charge later and bill "nopes" the fuck out of there. Leaving Pennywise behind to slither away and retreat sssssssss Bev has the boys over and as richie stands watch outside she shows them her bloody bathroom They can see the blood proving that she's not crazy town banana pants and with a montage set to the cure They help her clean it all up Ben still carrying a torch for Bev But it looks like she's more into bill even assuming. It was him who wrote the poem, but when she brings it up He doesn't know what she's talking about "January Embers?" "I d-d-d-don't know much about p-p-poetry" Okay the other kids begin to finally share their terrifying clown visions with each other although Richie The only one who hasn't had first-hand experience remains a disbelief "Wait can only virgin see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?" They hear shouting and see Mike's bike on the side of the road next to belches car and sure enough the bullies have Mike on The ground and are trying to make him eat raw meat And if that weren't bad enough Mike also sees Pennywise waving to him from the bushes hi-yah Mikey before Bowers can smash mike's head in He gets hit in the head with a rock thrown by Bev and an all-out fucking rock war breaks out complete with metal music and some Slow-motion belch yelling and goddamn can kids seriously take this many Rocks to the head and not wind up with internal brain bleeding man kids Can bounce back from anything? The losers end up winning the skirmish and leave Henry behind in a bloody heap as part of their victory parade they induct Mike into the little gang As they hang out together and look at a poster of a new missing kid they start to develop a thesis on Derry every 27 Years some bad event happens in town like the Easter explosion the black spot fire and the recent rash of missing kids visions They're seeing are the things they fear most like a diseased leper for Eddie or the woman in the painting for Stan "She hot?" "No Richie! She's not hot!" Mike reveals his vision the charred hands behind the burning door comes from a real-life Experience as parents were burned alive inside a building during a case of arson And he was there to see it and when asked what he's afraid of Ritchie admits that it's clowns I've got some bad news for you kid they go to Bill's garage and project a map of Derry and a sewer system on the wall and notice that every location with a Tragic history behind It is connected by the sewers Which all meet up at the well house and that well House? the house on Neibolt Street Aka niebolt house Eddie freaks out and tries to abort this whole thing Kid he tears down the map and then the projector takes on a life of its own And we get a series of spooky images first a reminder of Bill's dead little, bro And an image of his mom turning into Pennywise and then best of all a giant ass fucking Pennywise coming out of that screen dear God that is one big-ass clown they end the nightmare by opening the garage door and bill immediately wants to go to niebolt street to Find georgie the others aren't as eager. Yeah, summer We should be outside if you say it's summer one more Fucking time bill goes there anyway And the others all follow because friendship is a hell of a drug bill delivers a stutter --less speech about forgotten kids And how people can't just keep forgetting them So the gang resolves to go inside except stan raises the point that maybe they should have a lookout "W-w-w-who wants to stay out here?" and That's where we'll end part 1 This is a two and a half hour long movie And I don't want to leave a bunch of stuff out you'll get the thrilling conclusion Including the numbers tomorrow when I release part two until then I'm James A. Janice, and this has been like half a kill count thanks a lot for watching my kill count for It 2017 the first part one thing a couple of my patrons like Elliott Rivera and Kodiak sax This is Chelsea my girlfriend's Pennywise costume that she made by hand from scratch You can see her wearing it and me wearing Tim Curry's Pennywise costume in our Halloween video right here Sorry to break this up into two parts But I just wanted to fit as much of this movie into a video as I could don't worry. You'll get part two tomorrow I'll see you then
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 14,160,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movies, clown, jackson robert scott, jaj, sewer, pine commander boogie, it, cary fukunaga, pennywise, sophia lillis, jack dylan grazer, kills, jeremy ray taylor, films, derry, stephen king, finn wolfhard, DMKC, summary, kill count, jaeden lieberher, explained, chosen jacobs, critique, commentary, recap, body count, review, wyatt oleff, bill skarsgard, andy muschietti, scary, dead meat, james a. janisse, nicholas hamilton, horror, maine, georgie
Id: iZbala54uzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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