Train to Busan (2016) KILL COUNT

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[Music] welcome to the kill count where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies i'm james agenese and today we're looking at train to busan the 2016 south korean zombie movie we've seen that the zombie sub genre began in 1968 but trained to busan is proof that nearly five decades later you can still make zombie movies that feel fresh and lively or you know what i mean train to busan follows a bunch of passengers on a bullet train who find themselves dealing with an outbreak of the living dead the zombies here are fast and intense which makes them that much more dangerous in the confined spaces of this passenger train sometimes described as 28 days later meets snow piercer train to busan could have just been a rip-roaring zed adventure with a unique and interesting setting but the movie ends up being much more than that the incredible cast portrays a multitude of interesting characters who go through heartfelt emotional scenes that never come off as cheesy there's also social commentary galore with themes of parenthood class division trust in government and sacrifice for the greater good i don't know if romero ever saw train to busan he died just a year after its release but if he did i hope it pleased him he had expressed concern that world war z killed the zombie genre in 2013 but don't worry george it's still alive and kicking a couple of notes before we begin i pride myself on the killcount's research but when it comes to foreign language films it becomes more difficult for me i'll probably miss plenty when it comes to cultural themes as well as what the cast and crew might best be known for to a south korean audience and when it comes to pronunciation of these names and places i'll do my best i did consult with a korean fan for help with that huge thanks to daniel oh but in the end any shortcomings there will be my fault also i know i just did a stretch where i counted zombie deaths but i'mma have to put that rule on pause when it comes to busan and its sequel peninsula especially peninsula i am not looking forward to that count the thing with the zombies in this universe is that i don't know exactly how they die most zombies including romeros could only be killed by destruction of the brain but that's not a universal rule in zombie media in zombieland for instance the infected could be killed by non-brain-based means it's not clear where the busan zombies stand most of the time they're durable as fuck like when they fall from a helicopter only to get right back up other times whenever it's convenient for the plot they'll go down with a single bullet i'm not talking shit here i know all about inconsistent rules i'm just saying it doesn't work when it comes to kill counting now don't worry number holics i'll still be counting the many many humans who die in these films but uh even there maybe cut me a little slack okay all right let's see if my best is good enough for all of you and get to the kills [Music] the movie begins in a quarantine zone quarantined because it's roadkill has a nasty habit of becoming road unkale love the effect of this deer becoming undead it's a great use of cg very unsettling sight to start the movie with though you gotta admit that's a cute zombie doe sukwu is a fun manager who's so addicted to work he can barely feed himself properly let alone find the time to be a proper father you already got me a wee as a gift dad quit trying to buy my luck god it's his daughter swan's birthday and she wants to visit her mom in busan so early the next morning saku drives her to the train station they don't know it yet but the outbreak has already begun judging by that burning building over there hmm that's funny the skyscrapers usually aren't ablaze before noon ktx 101 is a busan bound bullet train and since it's where we'll be spending most of our time let's briefly get to know the occupants there's a little cappy guy conductor seo gyeong he's pretty cool there's also a team of baseball boys who are headed to an away game and who are joined by their classmate shin hee who signed on as their cheerleader just so she could travel with her i love his teammates chanting accept her google gong is played by che wu sheikh who would later play the sun in the brilliant parasite jin he is played by soy who had previously been a member of the girl group wonder girls this seemed to cause great excitement among the other cast members rounding out our side passengers right now is a pair of older women chongir and her elder sister inger who has an egg to offer in these soon to be trying time sokwu and suon join all these and others on the ktx 101 as it prepares to depart before it leaves a stowaway woman gets aboard unseen looks like she's running from a disruption in the train station which suwon notices after the doors are locked and the train is in motion i love that silent moment of surprise and i'll go ahead and put the station worker on the count it's gonna end up being a drop in the bucket for this one anyway that unwell woman is not the trains only stowaway there's also guihua a homeless guy who appears to be traumatized after seeing a bunch of people killed back in the train station but i ain't seen him die so you know nothing to count sweethwa's trauma earns him no sympathy from yon suk an executive of the company that owns this train soon in actuality her but about to get fucked thanks to that stowaway woman who's now varicose and stumbly and dead she collapses and after a train attendant finds her she rises once more to do freaky zombie stuff with her neck this rabbit zed attacks the attendant minji who gets as far as the train car with the would-be baseball stars before she succumbs to all that nominal neck good job infected lady you proud of yourself i guess so the train's patient zero and her quickly reanimated first victim attack everyone else in the train car and here's the deal i'ma be casual with this count okay i'll go by attacks i actually witnessed taking place against non-zombie humans which in this case gives us four kills to add to the count chaos ensues in the back of the train and the scared staff and passengers begin running towards the front one dude succumbs to his wounds while running and turns into a zombie as another attendant is tackled by his now infected co-worker as she ravages him three other people are killed in the background and by time she's moved on to attack a young woman passenger the male attendant is already a zombie damn this infection works fast sogu sees this happen so he grabs his daughter and flees hurry man this snoring cam zombie is leading a whole charge of zeds who are just rolling through this train car reminder that i'm not counting the mere appearance of zombies i know that logically their presence implies a kill took place but it's you know come on actively turning into a zombie while we watch though that's a human dying so i'll put it on the count right in the path of the zombie parade is burly songhua and his pregnant wife sun goon they realize something's wrong when they see a woman getting her neck bitten now and though seonghwa isn't able to help her he is able to hold his own against one of these zombies is this man here he's a badass no cap the other non-zombified passengers reached the front car including sokwu and so on when the ceo yun suk says to close the doors behind them so gwu complies like the good middle management worker he is damn dudes line that door shut on a pregnant lady well sanguine about all that and gets himself and his wife into the car they realize the zombies are only aggressive if they see them so soon young paper maches a screen over the glass door it calms the zeds down and gives us our first respite of the outbreak seonghwa calls out sugu as a dick and we get the standard zombie movie argument over risking your life to save others gets a phone call from his mom chushir who says everyone around her is fighting we hear her die and become rabid over the phone and since we met her in an earlier scene i'll put her on the count what's that though you hear a dolph thought and a hmm disappointed hmm what that might be the trend gets to its next station but very wisely doesn't make a stop thankfully it passes by slow enough for me to pick out and count nine kills taking place there people getting chomped on by these energetic zombies a politician on the news responds to what he describes as riots breaking out in major cities this zombie outbreak has happened during a time of political upheaval many early scenes mention growing protests on the news i don't know a ton about korean history but it sounds like chongir is referring to the samsung re-education camps built under military leader chandu juan's fifth republic in the 1980s he was the last leader before south korea's current democratic government and presided over the kwangzhu massacre where hundreds of protesters were killed by the police and army understanding that national history gives a lot more context and weight heavy themes to weave into your film but as we've seen zombies were founded on cultural commentary they were also founded on memorable scenes like this one of zombies falling off a chopper and chasing after skateboarders great stuff no visible kills there but other news footage does give us two extra kills to count as the word zombies trends online and the government man says to trust them everything is gonna be just fine during this down time from zombie attacks we're able to get rich character moments like when suan gives her seat to in gear something her dad doesn't approve of him selfish mentality probably stems from his career at a hedge fund which sanghwa learns from sokwu's daughter soon such a good scene between these characters swan kim is adorable as yongsuon and the other actors are very natural and likeable a crowd favorite was played by maudon suk in a breakthrough performance for his career in fact he's about to be getting that marvel money when he plays gilgamesh in the upcoming eternals his wife seung young is played by chongyu me who's won all sorts of acting awards like blue dragons and grand bells this is the second of three films where chongyumi co-stars alongside kong yu who plays the lead role of sokwu here their first film together silenced was such a big deal that it led to federal legislation to help minor victims of sex crimes congeu himself is also very prolific especially on k-dramas like coffee prince and as the title roll and guardian the lonely and great god the train conductor announces they'll be making a stop at tejon where a military unit is waiting to escort them to safety through his rich person contacts sukwu learns they'll be quarantined when they arrive and arranges an alternate pickup so he and suan can avoid it the train pulls into tejon station where things are too quiet for comfort i always love scenes where people are alone in public places that are normally bustling with activity whether it's the langolier's mini-series or the opening of 28 days later a film that popularized the fast zombies that this movie heightened and evolved through his own rich guy contacts yongsuk has also learned that this place is quarantined so he tries to get the conductor to take him to busan which is still open haha get fucked during the evacuations breaks off with swan to avoid quarantine like the conductor swan wants to tell everyone else as well and when seokwu tries to get all survival of the fittest again his daughter drops a truth bomb tell you about [Music] the other passengers discover that their military saviors have become zombified the tijon disaster begins with a stampede up the stairs during which six people fall to zombie attacks that i can visibly verify and count our seventh victim right now comes from the last remaining soldier who gets tackled and eaten right in front of songwoo's eyes soku runs back towards his daughter who was only saved from a zombie attack by seonghwa's last minute intervention she's then separated from her father when soon young grabs her hand and runs back towards the train as they flee chaos fills the terminal and i'll count uh i don't know man 12 kills right now i guess it's hard to tell because of continuity issues with the background attacks and i can't lie counting background bodies ain't why i love this movie i'll do it because it's my job but i'm way more into the political and character stuff here like how the selfish songwoo only avoids going on the count because of help from the supposedly lesser homeless gui hua and the working class sanghwa who holds the door open for him despite not getting the same courtesy earlier a group of six random doofuses unwisely open the back train car and get devoured by the zombies that pour out of it good job folks the survivors begin loading back onto the front cars which takes quite a while much to the frustration of yongsuk can't take too long y'all these zombies are breaking through the windows to get at ya this rainfall of zeds causes a split in the survivors and a small group gets separated and stuck in a back train car though chinhi wants to wait for her friends to return yongsuk convinces an attendant named kichol to tell the conductor to depart the station that means the train is leaving the baseball lads and the two male leads behind they give up trying to hold back this tidal wave of zeds and as they run to catch the departing train two of the baseball boys are tackled and killed oh man that is to be one athletic zombie right there although honestly everyone in this film is athletic watch as yongguk and seogwu jump aboard this moving train seonghwa does as well but only after grabbing a police baton and shield they proved that it was worth it right the fuck away i know most zombie movies are physically demanding for their cast and crew but with train to busan's super high velocity zeds these shoots seemed especially intense hell in this scene it looks like ma dong suk tripped and nearly fell into the train he definitely busted up his hand during the ball but it seems like everyone was on board for the physicality and acknowledged its difficulties while keeping things light i had to credit that onset morale to director yan song ho who made train to busan as his live-action feature film debut after previously writing and directing a couple of animated films one of his animated features was soul station which ended up being a prequel to train to busan and shows what happened the night before i'm not scheduled to cover seoul station right now but maybe i should sometime animated films or films too you know i like that yan seong ho seemed to respect no wonder his cast endured and laughed through trips balls and sometimes explosive special effects the train's now on a non-stop trip to busan with three separated groups of survivors most are in the front car with yong silk and kicho the bust-em-up boys are trapped in car number nine and some of the most vulnerable are stuck in the back with zombies trying to get them through a bathroom door sun kyung calls sanghwa and tells them they're in car 13 four cars away from their present location of car 9. an unspoken agreement settles between sokwu sanghwa and yongguk to endure these cars full of zombies and go on a rescue mission the first car number 10 is tough but doable especially with a slab of man that is seong hua leading the charge it was funny to find out that ma don suck had been congeu's personal trainer prior to this film his physicality is enhanced by the way these action scenes were shot by sung ho and his cinematographer ihyeong dok even though it all takes place on a train the action never feels claustrophobic or cramped their setup for shooting the train scenes looks extensive and awesome the interior train set was surrounded by green screens and scrolling projection walls with dolly tracks all over the place and removable sides to get long tracking shots brilliant they fight their way into car 11 which is full of young gooks on dead former teammates rough kid when the train enters a tunnel the zombies stop attacking and instead just sniff around we knew this movie's zombies functioned mostly via sight but now we learn they're basically blind in the dark and can easily be distracted through sounds another tunnel and a ringing phone gets the guys through car number 12 allowing them to briefly see their loved ones before the train emerges into light again scaring the survivors into separate bathrooms there the boys bond and sanghwa buries the hatchet with sag ruler who's in the front car and tells her that their rescue mission was a success he says they're going to make their way forward and join the others now but ceo yongsuk doesn't like that idea he tells jin he her friends aren't welcome in the front and gets everyone else in the car to silently side with him except maybe chongir she's got a sister back there by the darkness of another tunnel the survivors in the back make their move they use the luggage racks to sneak past the crowded train cars and with the help of a noise distraction they managed to get by sukwu learns to look out for other people when he helps the troubled kuihua and that's nasty but when they reach the front car they find that they've been locked out that's not nice yongsuk has used his powerful status to take control of the remaining passengers some of them seem troubled but they're all being complicit especially kichar who keeps chin hee from helping the folks in the back yong gok bats away at the door in front of them while seong hwa tries to keep the one behind them shot one zombie gets their head through and manages to sneak up and bite seong hwa on the hand soon gyeong sees it happen and knows what it means and since seonghwa knows as well he asks sokwu to help get his wife out of there it's all about sacrifice after all the last thing he tells his wife is the name he wants for their unborn child causing a very emotional moment as the zombies break through seonghwa puts up a hell of a fight even using one zombie as a barricade against the others but the virus eventually overpowers him and he becomes one of them while he's overrun the front car has been trying to keep the others out but with sukwu's help the back and forth finally ends most of the bat car survivors make it through to safety but inger is just a bit too slow as her sister watches the zombies catch up to her and take her down sunk wu assaults yongsuk for keeping them locked out and in a cowardice act of defense yongsuk accuses him of being infected he and kicho lead the nameless remaining passengers until they're shouting at the newcomers to quarantine themselves away selfishness has spread like a virus here chin hee elects to stick with young gook as the back car survivors are segregated and locked away from the others song here curses her zombie sister for being helpful to others and getting herself killed even though honestly i think inger's death looked pretty avoidable and needless to me after a look of disgust at the people who have turned on their fellow human beings schoengier heads to the door says thanks to her sister then opens it to welcome death inside for this occasion i will count kills based on the humans we saw a lie the survivors in this car were finite enough to count and had actively participated in the plot by turning their backs on the protagonists that's why i'm fine counting all 18 of their deaths now including shongier even if i can't confidently say i see each and every one of them in this dope ass trapping shot the train continues on course as the few remaining survivors hold hands and wish happy birthdays sokwu calls a co-worker to ensure that busan is safe and he learns that the zombie outbreak started at a biotech plant associated with his business that's right songwoo you just tried to metaphorically wash your hands of this blood you can't the train conductor drives the train through the entrance to a disneyland dark ride to find some blockage on their track here at east tegu station he'll have to get another train on a clean track to continue and he relays his plan on the intercom to whichever passengers are still alive which thanks to a bathroom includes yongsuk i really enjoy the train captain he's an undersung hero of the film as he makes his way to another train the survivors decide to make their transfer too maybe not to that train though huh little cram still stuck inside that bathroom young suck does the most young suck thing possible and tosses his toady kichal to the zombies to get away oh my god yongsak you suck the others are still trying to find their way around zombie trains when a flaming zombie train comes hurtling towards the station there's a big bombastic explosion that really messes things up for everyone separating young gook and chinhi away from the others while they're trying to make their way through train cars young silk runs in and throws chin hee into the mouth of a zombie damn that guy's just on a marathon of bastardum as he gets away yongguk stays with the dying chin he and i'll count both of them together as she dies in his arms comes back and chows down on his neck by now the captain has got a new train running on a clean track but yongsuk continues his destructive path of selfishness when he gets the captain killed by the zombies chasing him too damn that dude was your ride son the last four non-bastard survivors are stuck between two train cars full of zombies which is not a situation you generally want to be in as the zens break through the glass we get another noble sacrifice as quihua holds the zombies back to give the other three time to escape just in time too cause that place just got filled with the undead sukwu swan and soon run towards the departing train in the film's big climactic action shots we've mostly been on a close quarters train and inside train stations but now we're seeing these zombie hordes running outside with flying overhead shots i still don't love when they become digital looking waves of bodies but i do love the chain of zombies that holds on to the end of the train after the survivors get aboard the zombie tail grows so long it slows the train down and it also makes it easier for the ticketless zombies to board soku manages to fight them off so far as awesome as it looked the zombie tale wasn't all that dangerous unlike who the survivors find on board this train a zombie or zombifying bastard yongsuk not sure when he got bit but i take pleasure in putting him on the couch unfortunately this bastard's a bastard in his own life too and he ruthlessly attacks soon young tries to help but suku's hand still gets bit he's able to use a chain to hurdle the bastard zombie from the train but he knows his goose is cooked thanks to the zombie bite swan knows it too oh man this shit is so sad sokwu quickly instructs suwon and tsungyun how to use the trains break when they get to busan then cries with his daughter as she begs him not to leave neither say i love you to each other though is that a cultural thing or just a movie thing let me know he closes her off in the cabin for her safety and runs to the back of the train all the while crying at the sacrifice he has to make to get the audience crying too we see glimpses of when suan was born these are the last thoughts soku has as he succumbs to the zombie virus and it's enough to make him smile even as his humanity is erased holy shit man between those flashbacks and the score this scene is devastating oh my god i'm with you swan my heart the train continues towards busan until it reaches a roadblock in front of a tunnel which has i think 46 bodies strewn about at least that's how many editor josh counted for me after i gave up he said it was difficult because some bodies just disappear between the various shots and angles but he did his best and i thank him for that so 46 it is swan make their way oh come on what is that the 39 bodies in the river there but fuck quit floating around josh is trying to count you anyway soon and swan pass all the bodies and walk into a tunnel on the other side a blockade has been enacted and the soldiers there are given instructions to shoot just in case the figures walking towards them are infected they're about to knight of the living dead this shit when swann's voice rings out singing aloha hoy she had said earlier that she learned this song for her papa and the movie ends with it saving her life how many people died in this rollicking ride of a zombie movie well i'll tell you since this is my stop numbers here i come we counted 166 kills and bodies and train to busan zombie movies right the gender breakdown's not all that interesting because most of the bodies were too blurry in the background to tell but with a run time of 118 minutes that left us with a kill on average every 42.65 seconds i'll give the golden chainsaw for coolest kill the songhua almost every kill in this movie is a variant on biting or turning into a zombie so i'll give the award to the strongboy who held zombies off as he died oh machete for lemur's kill well pick up the phone cause it's granny chushir whose death was heard but unseen and coolest corpse for my favorite zombie will go to the stowaway woman because of the excellent physical performance by actor shimon kyung she's the first zombie we see fully in action and boy does she set the bar high and that's it train to busan came out in 2016 and would be followed by a stand-alone sequel called peninsula i'll look at that next week but until then i'm james agenese this has been the kill count thanks a lot for watching this week's kill cow sorry that we didn't have time to make a trailer for next week's episode but you know that it's peninsula so check it out before the kill count i want to thank some patrons like julia gaines david tobin felix navaretti brian holbrooks gabrielle warren and lake and lindsay just a reminder that the sunday kill counts were for may only we're back to one kill count a week so me and my editors can sleep there will be the live stream hangout though in two days on sunday so tune in at noon pacific for that thanks everyone be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 8,468,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movie, scary, film, kill, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, DMKC, train to busan, train to busan movie, train to busan movie review, train to busan movie reaction, train to busan 2016, yeon sang-ho, yeon sang-ho train to busan, gong yoo, gong yoo train to busan, train to busan explained, train to busan ending, korean horror, train to bushan movie story explained, korean zombie movie reaction, train to busan reaction, train, busan
Id: lW_37has9PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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