A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010 Remake) KILL COUNT

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[Music] welcome to the killcount where we tally up the victims and all our favorite horror movies I'm James agent east and today we're looking at the 2010 remake of a Nightmare on Elm Street produced by Michael Bay's company Platinum Dunes this movie came out just a year after the same company's reboot of Friday the 13th but compared to that fill this rehashing is a much more straightforward remake of the original only this time the crimes that led to the vigilante emulation are much more explicitly sexual this remake doesn't play coy human Freddy Krueger sexually abused those kids Freddy's always been a bad guy but this definitely adds a darker shade of itch to the character played by Jackie Earle Haley in this version and whose appearance has been changed to more closely resemble an actual real-life burn victim this Freddy still cracks the occasional joke but he's a lot darker and meaner about it since the whole goal of the filmmakers here was to create a scarier version of the original by Wes Craven who by the way they never consulted while making this which he didn't exactly appreciate did they successfully reimagine Freddy Krueger for a new generation of horror fans let's find out and get to the kills the movie begins at the Springwood diner where this dude Dean wanders into the back of house to find a flagrant disregard for worker safety and food sanitation before he can go file an OSHA report a guy with a familiar razor glove shows up and attacks him slashing his hand which causes him to wake up in the diner to his friend and waitress Nancy Holbrook so she didn't give him any of their shitty diner ketchup that's blood in his hand from the cut he got in his dream in walks Chris played by Katie Cassidy because she loves to be in subpar horror remakes and when she sits down with Dean it really pisses off her ex Jessi was chilling nearby in the diner with some bros he storms out all pissy leaving his buddy Quentin behind to chat it up with Nancy I know a bunch of your fans of Kyle Gallner who plays Quentin so there I said his name Dean wins about having bad dreams too Chris who gets bored with this conversation and goes to call our agent about getting cast in a different horror remake while she's gone Dean falls asleep allowing evil dream man to show up with a real weird visual effect that I hate a bunch the next part is awesome though Chris comes back to find Dean holding a knife to his own throat and then apparently dragging it across his own neck not just the simple slit but deeply tearing into that neck knee holy shit this is a real cool opening kill that I wish the rest of the movie had measured up to at Dean's funeral Chris nods off because I guess he's as boring in death as he was in mine and she briefly has a dream about a little girl with a slashed up chest that ends with her ankle getting grabbed by a zombie she wakes up from her disrespectful nap and finds a picture on display of Dean as a little boy playing with that same little girl who apparently is her she tells Jesse Mason because she didn't beat Dean until high school she also tells him about how Dean was screaming you're not real before he died but Jesse just blames his behavior on pills even after Nancy comes out of nowhere to tell Chris she believes her that something weird is going on that night at the wait is that the new Elm Street house you're not even gonna introduce it with a cool head on shot or anything you're just gonna use a stock looking establishing shot all right listen I know I used to be a non-believer but that house is the most resilient fan favorite character of the entire goddamn Elm Street saga and you give us this this is sacrilege sacrilege in her bed in her bed Nancy is listening to some music when she falls asleep so we can get a CG version of that famous effects shot from the original now contrary to what a lot of you think I don't just hate all CGI indiscriminately but can any of you look at this and honestly say it looks better or cooler than the practical effect done in the original when VFX artist Jim Doyle pressed his face through a sheet of spandex stretched across the hole in the wall no you can't Chris looking for old pictures of herself from when she was a kid but a lot of them appear to be missing and her mom is weirdly deflective about it so that night she goes into her attic and finds a box of her stuff from childhood that includes the slashed up blouse she saw in her dream a jump-scare knocks her down and dream dude asks if she remembers him but then she wakes up screaming in bed I don't know man looks like she doesn't remember you should have tried to stand out a little more maybe get like a hat or something maybe a loud sweater good thing he'll have another chance to remind her who he is when she falls asleep in class the next day and her peers turn to ash around her that sharp hanjo guy is at the blackboard and he tells Kris that she looks just as beautiful as ever when he goes to give her a little hair trim with his finger blade she wakes up screaming in class and sure enough she's got a good luck lock laying in her school book Kris goes to her home on Elm Street where her mom takes off for an impromptu business trip to London but Kris doesn't have to spend the night alone Jessie is outside her window concerned about her weirdness as a blade and when she tells him about her unwanted dream guest he catches on quick burnt and he's always she asks if he'll stay up with her but y'all know ask him that in a nightmare movies the equivalent to taking a couple of extra-strength ambient so we cut to them cuddled up together asleep Kris wakes up and goes out back to emulate that amazing sequence from the first one and for anyone annoyed at how much I'm bringing up the original yeah man that's what you invoke when you remake a classic like this I'll spare you all the shot of the dead dog she finds back there but not the Freddy joke that follows oh it's just petty like I said he still cracked some jokes but he's way less silly about it than the Freddy of all those dream whatever sequel when Kris runs inside she ends up in a preschool where young her leads her past some girls practicing for the school talent show she sees Freddy two counting down to play hide-and-go-seek but right when he's going to come whether she's ready or not she wakes up safely in bed or maybe not all been safely thrown - you know the words to this song folks Chris has lifted out of bed and flies through the air like she's fighting in an early 2000s kung fu movie as Jessie watches her in disbelief she eventually rises up above the bed and gets her chest slash to open into four gashes by an unseen force I guess this redo of the kill that started it all is fine I'm just not really sure what the point of it is Jessie runs out through the front door which triggers the home security system oh so Chris fancy huh he somehow materializes the Nancy's room without a noise and begs her to listen to him about what happened but she's too busy singing her favorite song to pay him any mind yes Freddy good I can quit calling him scary murder dream man or whatever the fuck now that the movie has established his name I didn't want to spoil it for all the people who had no idea Jessie tells her not to fall asleep because if she dies in her dream she'll die for real then he leaves her house to go test his communication skills with a whole bunch of cops looks like they could use a little work there bud I love that little shut up shut up Nancy calls up Quentin and asks to meet up with him to talk so he does some research on everyone's favorite search engine Google bores the only engine that requires you to both hit Enter and click blast off to get your search results against that famous robin egg blue background he falls asleep at his computer and I do like the way the setting becomes a dreamscape from the vibrating bookshelves to the endless aisles that seemingly replicated in distort with the wide angle lens they're using heads up for a jump scare though because this is how his dream ends he wakes up with Nancy there and she drops the f-bomb on him ready in jail Jesse's pulled out of his cell because his bails been posted but it turns out this is just a nightmare and now he's in the boiler room along with a bunch of kids of the characters in this movie Freddy shows up to provide a spark of life to the sequence and after Jesse runs into the bodies of Chris and Dean we get a variation on that this is gob line no just me Freddy toys with Jesse for a minute before he seemingly disappears from the place but then he returns and kills him with a finger knife fists through the back damn that was sudden and clean we see the results as real-life - when jesse falls over dead in his jail cell his fellow prisoner looking up in a good moment of dark humor the other guy starts screaming about how he didn't do it good luck with that trial dude while doing their sleep stuff research Nancy gets real tired so Quentin officer zona raw and amphetamine he takes for a DD so you know what I guess this movie really did update the franchise for the modern era mission accomplished Jesse learned some stuff about micro naps little waking dream states that can occur after 70 hours of being awake so sounds like we'll be seeing some of that in the future at home Nancy asks her mom played by Connie Britton if she ever hung out with all those other kids when she was little or if she ever knew a guy named Freddy yeah something about that face makes me not believe her but here let's do another scene from the original that'll be fun stuff Nancy gets in her bathtub for a little sudsy nap and one should know it her bathtub seems to have an infestation of finger knives a noted invasive species in the Elm Street ecosystem the scenes stopped short of a full-on imitation because Nancy doesn't get pulled underwater instead she wanders into her bedroom full of snow and it becomes the exterior of a place called batten preschool Freddy shows up and implores Nancy to remember him because she was his number one Lake Freddy you nasty she wakes up in her tub to a call from Quentin who tells her that jesse has been killed they look up at him but find that it was closed years ago then ransack her freaking house until they stumble upon a hidden folder that contains a class picture from Badham preschool and it looks like the gang's all here Nancy's mom comes in and after she and Nancy yell at each other for ammo she sets off a flashback but starts with a cool transition into the photograph and takes us back to a time when Fred Krueger was but a humble preschool gardener who lived in the basement of the school wait what aren't there like zoning laws or some chef Fred really loved the kids and played games with them like hide-and-go-seek and Scratchy Becky I guess I never really liked scratchy backi I was more of a freestyle guy young Nancy told her mom about a secret cave that Freddie would take them to but in the present when Quentin asks why they didn't go to the police Hani Britten tells them that Fred left town before they could but that he's gone now and it's all okay she blames the dreams on repressed memories and says to let the whole thing go but Nancy doesn't buy it and thinks there must be more here than meets the eye she does some Rob and blue blast-off searches to find the other kids in the preschool picture and learns that each one of them has been killed in extenuating circumstances but no my kill count doesn't include death that took place in the past and were only learned about through the news oh also one of the guys she looks up made a vlogging website where he chronicled his nightmare experiences with Freddy but the last video she watches ends with him smashing his face into the camera and just like he would have had to upload that video after the fact Quentin says swim practice when he apparently falls asleep mid-stroke sinking down to the bottom of the pool and resurfacing and a nasty little puddle pool outside in an industrial looking area this is a flashback dream thing that's gonna fill us in on Freddy's backstory more since nobody watching this movie is familiar with it Fred was chased into an abandoned building by the Elm Street parents led by Quentin dad played by Clancy Brown who I will always love because dudes both Calvin Inman and mr. Krabs hey and now he's looking to light this bitch blaze as he throws a Molotov cocktail into the building that sets it on fire and immolates Freddy Krueger this is of course the fire that kills Freddy Krueger in his human form so I'm gonna include him on the count even though he manages to human torch's way out the building and run at Quentin that's probably just an embellishment in Quentin's dreams when wakes up poolside and finds Nancy to tell her all the stuff he's learned about Fred they confront Clancy Brown about it and he admits that they never found Fred's purported case so the movie takes kind of an interesting twist when Quentin proposes that maybe Freddy wasn't actually guilty of the things they said he did when they were young how do you know he was guilty you killed an innocent man Quentin blames himself and the other kids for this apparent wrongdoing but before they can go off on some vindicating adventure Nancy looks down the hall to see another iconic image from the original redone because I don't know man I still don't fully understand remaking a movie and reusing all its awesome shots they were perfect already why shoot the same thing again and yes I know I'm saying that after I just reshot and re-released the Freddy vs. Jason killcount last week the original was age-restricted Quentin blames the hallucination on microsleep so they go to a pharmacy where he can rely on his amphetamines but the doctor tells him he's all out of refills and he's not about to help this Tweaker out nancy falls into some more microsleep dreams that include freddy tossing her out of the Jeep and her seeing the store transform into a boiler room as Fred continues to stalk her down the aisle she tears off part of his sweater so after she wakes up from a real bad finger knife slash Nancy and Quentin learned that sacred elm street fat you can pull stuff out of the dream world into reality Nancy is taken to the hospital by Quentin who manages to snag an EpiPen from a nurse car while no one is looking the doctor tries to sedate Nancy but she ain't having it and after the doc and Connie Britton leaved the room for a quick little sidebar they come back to find Nancy's flown the coop she and Quentin are off to find the preschool and during the drive they have some real bad dialogue about how unique and special don't know if you've noticed but I don't exactly fit in Oh Rooney Mara you're so misunderstood and young and beautiful a pretty good jump-scare of Freddie in the road makes Quentin crash his car into a ditch so they head to the school on foot and break in with the butt of a flashlight there's another jump scare as Quentin slips in and out of microsleep and I actually like the microsleep addition to the movie since that's a real thing and it makes sense that it would be another threat to these characters unfortunately it's pretty much the only Edition I see that's worth a damn behind a maintenance door and down some stairs it's a bunch of evidence that this used to be Freddie's bachelor pad like a finger knife that Quentin finds on a table and the creepy art gallery Nancy finds nearby behind those pictures is a little secret sliding door that leads into a small little room looks like they found Freddy's infamous cave wait was that dick but you know that drawings almost dick but annoying trailing effects flashback show Nancy remembering her cave time hangouts with human friends then Quentin finds a box of pictures that confirms the darkest and most disgusting part of freddy's backstory this is the moment that Krueger became a confirmed pedophile I know that the molestation thing was part of Cravens original idea for the character but it didn't become an on screen cannon until just now and it's just I don't know man it's a lot to deal with I know Quentin I know Nancy decides that it's time to confront Krueger head-on so she lies down in the dirty nasty bed down there as Quentin arms itself with a paper trimmer blade so he can sit by and watch over her while she sleeps when Nancy finds Fred in dreamland she has a poor choice of words when he starts to taunt her what game do I play next fuck you sounds like fun she finds herself in her house all of a sudden with Freddy coming down the stairs and while she's hiding in the closet like a good little final girl we get a shot of Freddy where he almost looks like Robert Englund Freddy right he pops up in a jump scare and chases her upstairs where she falls into the hallway floor that has become blood not exactly a recycling of the toothpaste steps but that's okay Fred's here to recycle a joke this girl with dreams she falls through the ceiling of a bedroom and what I think is an homage to Glenn's death in the original that finds herself immobilized on the bed Freddy comes in and says that the dress she's wearing was always one of his favorites ah fucking sick know what your body says yeah ah no Freddie goddamnit I can't watch this look at me no dude you're fucking gross - shit I'd rather watch super Freddie and super Freddie socks then it feels like the writers realized they had a couple more classic Freddie lines to jam into their scripts so they do a couple in a row you're in my world before Quentin injects Nancy with the EpiPen which wakes her up and allows her to pull Freddie into the real world Nancy tosses Freddie off of her and Quentin attacks him with the paper trimmer blade but Krueger gets the best of him with his finger knives before he can deliver the final killing blow though he runs into a little problem when his hand flies off ants he's here to cut off hands and steal lines from Freddy vs. Jason and she's all out of hands to cut off hurts doesn't it it's cuz you're my world now bitch she swings the paper trimmer and slits Fred's throat wide open in a pretty neat-looking deep gash kind of interesting that we had a deep throat cut to start off the movie and one to end it here I guess on their way out the door Nancy tosses a lantern into the mix to burn up Freddie's body and get rid of his nasty little collection of kid stuff what's that you want me to include Freddy on the cow sorry bra no can do nobody anywhere see they didn't find a body I'm not sure how that works out logic wise but here's one situation where it's not that much worse than the original since the ending there didn't make a lot of sense either don't fret though we do have one more kill to count up when Nancy and her mom get home Fred appears in a pretty sweet mirror shot and stabs her mom through the back of the head finger knives coming out through the face it's CG but it's still pretty freakin cool and much less embarrassing than that blow-up doll from the end of the first one movie ends with freddy pulling Nancy's mom into the mirror while she screams in terror as you can probably tell I didn't think very highly of this movie compared to the original but maybe a managed to outshine its predecessor and kills let's find out and get to the numbers feels good five people died in the nightmare remake which yes is one more than the original so I guess it must be the better movie huh of the victims three were male and two were female as even the split you could ask for with that number and with the runtime of 95 minutes that comes out to a kill on average every 19 it's flat I'll give the golden chainsaw for Poulos killed - Dean throws slits are usually effective in making me at least a little bit squeamish and this one is so deep and brutal that it really stuck with me unlike everything else in this movie called machete for lamest killers I don't know Freddy I guess he just kind of burned to death and we've already seen this like three times already and that's it The Nightmare on Elm Street remake came out in 2010 and although it did okay at the box office it was so roundly panned by critics and audiences alike that it remains the last time we've seen Freddy Krueger on the big screen and please don't tell me there's a new one coming out this year because return to Elm Street it's just the trio fan-made trailers for a movie that doesn't exist they look awesome and they're great but it's not a new Elm Street movie coming out so I can't cover it in fact we're done with Freddy Krueger here on the kill cop but if you like creepy skin killers who make jokes as they murdered I got something in store for you next week when we start the Leprechaun franchise until then I'm James age nice it's been the kill calm thanks a lot for watching today's kill account I won't thank a couple of my patrons like Dylan Johnston and Shannon Bilbrey if you wanna join the patreon family you can click that button right over there and do so there are different rewards for different levels of pledges and some of them include earlier releases we're done with Freddy Krueger how do you feel are you happy are you sad for all the awful movies in the series I love the time that we got to spend with threats see you next time be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 10,060,418
Rating: 4.9309673 out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, remake, reboot, franchise, sequel, nightmare, on elm street, noes, anoes, a nightmare on elm street, 2010, samuel bayer, wesley strick, eric heisserer, jackie earle haley, new, kyle gallner, rooney mara, katie cassidy, thomas decker, kellan lutz, wes craven, michael bay, platinum dunes, glove, fingerknives, razor, connie britton, clancy brown, series, review, commentary, jokes, funny, critique, DMKC
Id: akIYwbFxS-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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