Half in the Bag Episode 108: Green Room

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That clip of Grimace and Trump was surreal.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/808duckfan 📅︎︎ May 03 2016 🗫︎ replies

Mike should have his own Star Trek review series and review every episode of TNG, TOS and DS9. Voyager and Enterprise can suck a bag of dicks.

👍︎︎ 66 👤︎︎ u/froobine 📅︎︎ May 03 2016 🗫︎ replies

Jay was anxious to watch this, unlike VVitch, which he still hasn't watched.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Supermunch2000 📅︎︎ May 03 2016 🗫︎ replies

Green Room isn't really as miserable as Mike's making it out to be, it's extremely violent but it's still firmly rooted in old-fashioned genre thrills and exploitation. It's just that everything feels very real and grounded, for the most part, which I guess makes it more disturbing. But I thought it was exhilirating, been looking forward to seeing it again from the moment I walked out of the theatre. Hope it reaches a wider audience than they think it will.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Freewheelin 📅︎︎ May 03 2016 🗫︎ replies

Holy shit, that was fast.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/User_for_15_minutes 📅︎︎ May 03 2016 🗫︎ replies

They went back in time to before they were on the mountain, though.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/Big_Cums 📅︎︎ May 03 2016 🗫︎ replies

Punk Rock Chekov vs. Nazi Picard

I never knew I wanted this until now.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/joshkg 📅︎︎ May 03 2016 🗫︎ replies

Oh man, I caught a showing of Green Room on Saturday at the Drafthouse and this guy behind me nearly threw up during one particularly gory effect and kept gagging for several minutes after that. It's the closest I've ever felt to those stories you hear about people throwing up when they saw Alien for the first time.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/ThrowingChicken 📅︎︎ May 03 2016 🗫︎ replies

I love Jay's enthusiasm for this type of thing. Who else would say "It's great!" with a big, shit eating grin on their face about this movie?

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/tlacatl 📅︎︎ May 04 2016 🗫︎ replies
half in the bag one two three four five six seven eight Samael Slava Hasenpfeffer incorporated the [ __ ] are you doing I was singing the theme song to Laverne and Shirley ins what everything you're saying is wrong because I was not singing a theme song to a TV show that came out sixty years before our audience was even born why else would you be saying numbers because I was counting these invoices invoices yeah it looks like our weird friend rich has been really busy lately Mike eight jobs in the six months or whatever we've been gone isn't that impressive Jay these are all in one week hey I see green room oh sure okay I'm with the eight rights from Washington DC you guys are hard to find why no social media presence the music is shared live it's time and aggression you got to be there sorry guys we got clear up follow me and then it's over green room is the third feature film from Jeremy Sonnier the director of murder party and blue ruin in this film Anton Yelchin stars as a member of a punk rock band that gets in over their heads when they witness a murder backstage at a club run by violent skinheads the leader of the skinhead organization is everyone's favorite bald guy Patrick Stewart Patrick Stewart Anton Yelchin that's right it's check-off vs. Picard we're getting those Star Trek references out of the way right up front [ __ ] Mike with Star Trek all you were going to talk about whoever that [ __ ] was who read the intro stole my thunder I don't know who it was I don't know who reads these intros I've been waiting years to say punk rock Chekov vs. Nazi Picard and and and not it wasn't walter Koenig it was Anton Yelchin the check off from the alternate timeline JJ Abrams universe it was a clash of universes J this is fanfic overload it was it was Picard was brainwashed in a different dimension it's like the episode where Benjamin Sisko is a crime writer in the 1940s on Star Trek Deep Space 9 was a plotline I think so there's many episodes of many series of Star Trek where one of the characters out of time out of place in in a different world where their memories are wiped and they're doing something completely different that normally do and so-and-so is a bad guy that's of course the mirror mirror universe and start Star Trek the original series and which carries over to deep space 9 of course they bring back the mirror Mirror Universe and deep space 9 yeah where everyone's fucked-up and evil and some people are most people are and so are the whole time I watched this film I was just I was just thinking like this is great this is a great Star Trek episode so we were thinking yeah I kept I kept wanting to hear Patrick Stewart say throw the phaser under the door oh also that's it yeah that's our review but what did you think of green room let me ask you this you have not seen blue ruin right I don't think I want to okay well absolutely blue ruined my day what are you talking about this is the the feel-good movie of the suburb feels good like shingles uh this may be one of the first movies I have loved and hated at the same time okay not not hated in the sense that I thought it was bad but in this sense that it's a miserable miserable [ __ ] movie miserable and intense miserable and ton and filled with kind of inept characters inept characters yeah on both sides yeah and all around like I don't know I would call it sadistic depressingly sadistic I don't know if I would go so far as to call it sadistic it's it's violent but the violence never feels gratuitous like it always feels like it's being used I mean it's it gets pretty graphic in parts but it's always used in a way that just ups the intensity of what's happening where it's like it really makes you understand how severe the situation is oh yeah I mean the film the film is very well done it looks great it has a great sense of dread and uncomfortableness to it it's actually I was thinking when I was watching it it felt like a really good TV show I don't know it was just something about it where we always complain that movies like suck and that well it's true they do a lot of time and that certain TV series you know you got your Breaking Bad's The Killing broadchurch you know Sons of Anarchy that's a little more schlock here but you got shows like that that are really intense dramas Fargo Fargo I have not watched Fargo so you have [ __ ] great I can't vouch for it Fargo things like that where it really is like intense and well done and movies that we watch are just like trash so I was like oh this is you know this is really good but oh you gotta be in a mood you got to be in a mood to watch a movie like this I I didn't know I I knew the premise the premise well we should mention this movie is not a wide release movies a lot of people probably have no idea what its wider release and I was expecting it to be I thought it was gonna be like you know the coasts and a couple little theaters here and there so I was really happy when I found out it came to our area cuz I this is for me this was the movie I was looking forward to most us here you love this sort of stuff to sort of vile depraved sadistic violence when it's done well I don't like those stupid-ass Saw movies or things like well yeah I mean that's that's the one element like I probably would have complained if the movie had funny moments in it or light-hearted moments where it kind of didn't take itself that seriously it it just plays it straight the whole time and it's it's a miserable experience it's a beautifully well-crafted miserable experience you trash things have gone south it won't end well you can't keep us here man you gotta go to school we're not keeping you you're just staying shoot who's next doesn't bleed well well coming into this because I've seen blue ruin I love blue ruin it's it's one of my favorite movies of the last few years which is why I was really looking forward to this and I think I really really liked this movie a lot I may grow to love it on repeat viewings but on initial viewing I I would watch this again because I guess I'm a crazy person you need that release I'm not a miserable person in general so see movies like this you know it puts you in a different mindset but I'd seen blue ruin so seen blue ruin and knowing how blue roan operates and then seen this movie it kind of made this movie less interesting because what blue ruin does grade and this movie does the same thing and after a while that starts to become a little predictable which is that it it's constantly subverting what you would normally expect from a thriller from the situations in a movie like this some sort of like dark crime gritty thing so after a while you start to understand the mechanics of it like when something is going to happen you're like okay I see what they're leading up to so that's not going to happen so as this movie goes along after having seen blue ruin that starts to become more obvious which the subversion starts to feel more predictable if that makes sense my brain can process what a normal movie would do so this movie's not going to do that so what you're saying is before you see this miserable movie don't see the other miserable movie well you can see both of them because they're both incredibly well made and they're both great movies in their own right but this one made me really hope that whatever Jeremy Sonya does next is a completely different type of movie because I get what he's doing now and by the end of this movie it was like okay I understand your gimmicks they're not gimmicks but just the way he then we mix there's a harsh word it's a harsh word I don't say gimmicks but the way he very close to the word grimace which is a big purple monster from Ronald McDonald's [ __ ] I like movies where characters are trapped in a situation and they have to figure their way out of it I really like movies like that very small and we're like okay what would I do in this situation I that's what I like really get involved in a movie like cube or movies like that were you like okay yeah break through the floor to try to break through the drywall why aren't they going through the ceiling you know well they tried that but there's a thing in the way and I like stuff like that what would my next strategy be but overall its it was like I enjoyed the first the first act right whether there's this miserable band on tour and they're just like I loved all the punk rock stuff oh yo if it's authentic it felt authentic you can tell the the filmmaker understands this world yes the Dead Kennedys t-shirts and the minor threats without it without it being too in-your-face yeah I like and that's what I like because you see so many movies that try and have like punk rock characters or any sort of like sub-genre of you know people were it's so like on the nose and so obvious this one it's all just handled it's really understated the the miserable band in their tour bus and Anton Yelchin I guess was like he wanted to keep it real they're releasing their stuff on records they don't do social media no I guess that little element was like so that it was harder it made the the threat of them being captured more ominous because no one knew where they were but yeah the whole world that they built with the bad show in the bar in the beginning with like three people there and I had to steal gasoline and all that but then you know they get to this club in the premises they they are locked in the green room by this this white supremacist club owner and who apparently has murdered before and is covering up a murder this time and they get involved and entangled in this whole plot there's people that are defecting going to the police and there's this it's a I was wondering if it's supposed to be a horror movie or crime thriller thriller it really transcended a bunch of different genres there it could it execute in a different way it could be more of a straightforward thriller or it could be a full-on horror movie uh moral of the story bad things happen man that's it it's a mad mad mad mad at world it's about the experience like he said it's the the what would I do in this situation and I and I like that the characters are not it's not like they start off sort of in over their heads and slowly throughout the movie they they become a little more clever and a little more adept at handling it they never get a whole lot better because you will not in movies that happens but in real life you would be clumsy and awkward and and up the whole way through and in the paint were more paint on your face that's just punk-rock man who do some wild [ __ ] I don't know there's a little hint of a mid nineties ish like shock shock movie Tarantino asked very bad things like here's a movie where a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] happens but that always feels slightly exploitation Allah the right word but sensational I guess ruining a little over the top and this didn't really feel like that this just felt like the violence was being used in a way where it's shocking but it's shocking in the way it would be if you were in that situation yeah and that's why this felt more like a horror movie and less like a crime movie because it it was more I don't know it had it had a different feel to it where a horror movies is generally just kind of like senseless violence a crime movie usually has I mean this did have a little storyline with the the bad guy Patrick Stewart but it really just felt like a characters that are normal people in in a terrifying situation who are being killed off and and it felt like a blend of horror and and crime in as far as genres go but pinpointing the genre isn't really the point the point of us discussing the green room and having watched it is what we thought of it and you loved it I I liked it a lot I didn't quite love it just because it felt like tonally stylistically as far as the violence and the subversion of things it felt a little too close to blue ruin I would like to have seen something a little more because bluer and felt so fresh and different and this feels like more of the same get ready to run here we go careful now were you distracted at all by Patrick Stewart being the TNG fan that you are um no I'd say slightly underutilized he's in a fair amount of the movie but he doesn't he doesn't have a lot to do other than just like talk to the other characters that's a thing it's like let's reminded me a little of shorts maker in Maggie hmm wear shorts and anger of course is to destroy her man and he was very soft Patrick Stewart has real dramatic range and this whole movie he mumbled yeah and he I wanted that really good scene where he got pissed at his his underlings or at the band or had some really kind of like ranting speech about like a neo nazism or whatever the [ __ ] or you know he was just very um very quiet yeah I mean that's clearly was deliberate but well yeah that was the character you on it yeah Patrick Stewart in this type of role I was like oh man he's gonna have some great scenes and I mean he's great in the movie but it's very understated in a way where I would have liked to have seen him you have a little more to do Patrick Stewart was very very methodical with his attempts to cover up and and even kill people yeah and I just want a little passion I want a little acting from Patrick Stewart I mean it's there it's it's more subdued and it's really subtle in the ways that you can tell that he's sort of disappointed with his his group and now it's not as well I old machine as maybe he thought it was yeah but they're just like those aspects of it rednecks in the in Seattle oh sure and that's why I guess since I disappoint memories like this is all I got you know yeah they were just like they were it was it was a it was a a talentless filthy pathetic band going nowhere and a bunch of slimy racist guys in the backwoods of the Pacific Northwest like despicable ugly characters and then they all killed each other you know what I mean there was your oversupply in a bed well maybe get your goods all that's what I like okay wasn't today you're trying to say it in a bad here's the here's the part of the negative the negative I mean negative positive inversion of it okay we're we're we're a happy band we're going on we're going to make it we're going to make it we bought this van everybody oh good luck everybody you're going to good travels down to a you know a redneck country and then you have like will the toothless southerners and then you have what's the squeal like a pig movie deliverance kind of situation and then it's like we're it's a cartoony elements this was this felt very real and it felt very gross while you're describing is the Eli Roth version of this move exactly I thought of Eli Roth a little with infusing the the comedy or the over-the-top kind of stuff because you mentioned another movie with green in the title green inferno oh yeah and about the green inferno recipe there were people were farting while their guts were being ripped out yes yes and I did Mellie and lack of tone did not want that no one was really a good guy I mean obviously Anton Yelchin is our protagonist and the film he's the most one we could relate to the most yeah but everyone's just there and it's miserable and it's awful and it's a it's something to experience yeah well it doesn't work for every movie because some movies you want them to feel more like movies but for something like this everyone just because people aren't that that's easily definable or that's specific so that's just it just feels like normal people yes not the most intelligence not the dumbest it's just a bunch of average people mm-hmm I love the scene early on when they're being interviewed by the dude with the mohawk for his college radio program or whatever it is and they're doing it in the shitty little punk rock apartments and like the way everybody's talking and the way the the scene is handled the way the performance is where everyone is just sort of like they sound like mumbly and sedated and everybody just feels so believable if you've ever seen documentary the decline of Western civilization these all these characters feel like they were just plucked right out of that weed I gonna I'll go away but sure that is is that Pat talk establish it get ready to run there we go I see another thing that I liked was one of the band members if there's a singer in the drummer I'm getting them confused okay but when they're locked in the room and the big fat guys hold them with the gun like I'm not supposed to let you out of here at one point it's kind of like not introduced but he uses like like a wrestling move or our karate moves to kind of pin him yeah and he's like I know how to do this and they never established that and and I like that it's I would they well characters know that he probably would know that because of a stupid movie would exactly I got to make it back in time for my karate finals everyone we've got a big over with this tour by next week because my karate finals are coming up the karate championship which I'm trained it's just sort of like a thing that that character knew how to how to do a choke hold and how to break a guy's arm with a with a move and it's just like okay that guy knows that and the movie didn't need to tell us that and I there were little things like that that were smart in the script and so there was lots of little stuff like that and I think that's what made it feel authentic was because you throw characters in situations like this and they try whatever they can and then leave it all in the script writing rule is every little thing should come into play or pay off or make sense in some way yeah but sometimes that's not always true right and you don't always have to set everything up the counterbalance to that is sometimes it will feel like [ __ ] just comes out of nowhere and doesn't make sense sometimes they'll feel organic just depends on the talent of the script writer or the filmmaker so in this case it worked I think you're being a hypocrite sometimes you say that everything is set up needs to pay off but now you're saying things just don't pay off so so you're being a hypocrite yet alert is every every movie if you have a criticism about one movie that applies to every single movie regardless of what that movie is trying to accomplish mm-hmm so you're hypocrite it's it's a hard science form criticism it is it is soft science it's like chemistry every time every time yes exactly the same mm-hmm we're not evaluating works of art no or just we're plugging in numbers they're like mathematicians that's what film is 2 plus 2 equals 4 every always always this movie worked and maybe we want to throw up but it were so rigged it and Garvin made me want to cry commit suicide and I cash our all at the same time it's great ah um every reason doesn't bleed well Jay would you recommend a new green room absolutely to certain people not if you don't want to feel you sound like me well I mean this is the case like it not everyone's gonna want to feel the feelings that this movie gives you and everyone's going to want that experience of dark violence horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach on edge people like thrillers they like sort of the roller coaster ride type mode with this one driller thriller well usually I have the caveat with the you know I don't let grandma watch this movie you know watch it if you are a depraved sadistic nihilistic sex pervert like you fear don't gramma don't go watch this it's not about the green room backstage the Dick Cavett show it's it's not something for grandma it's not something there are no minions in it no it's not a good first date film it's a good last date film there's a good last date yeah but I think I think generally and my recommendation would be mean might lean towards no yeah just just in the just because of the the tone nature of the word where we're safe to say we're cinephiles as the expression goes right sure um and I loved the look of it and it's an experience but it's very very slim audience you mentioned that recommended to Grandma I was like and this is the first movie we've seen in a while where there wasn't an elderly person at the theater every movie we see that's a miserable nightmare there's always an old person in theater and I always just feel so bad for him usually they just like get up mr. [ __ ] it up oh not for me yeah no didn't happen this time right I get my refund the movie where they would have gotten up and left the quickest and it they weren't there I think grandparents don't know about this movie that's the problem well they're all and then the over watching Mother's Day starring Jennifer Aniston see I think that movie would make me sick much easier than green room that talked about a depraved sadistic psychopathic nightmare it's [ __ ] hard man mm you know it's weird what after our discussion of the movie my beer magically refilled itself oh my goodness well after watching a movie with such horrific violence I cannot wait till that [ __ ] rich comes back here I'm gonna slaughter him like a pig I'm gonna cut his [ __ ] belly open with a box cutter is that wise I mean he is doing all the work that's a good thing right mmm could be mmm he's doing a good job is it wait a minute this one says it was done by a butch who's butch hello oh hi Tim how are you doing that's right Tim me and Jay are back and ready to work hey wait a minute Tim I thought you gave the story to us right before you flew through the ceiling now what's that you say Tim you bought it back after we went missing on the mountaintop well that makes sense what Tim you have four employees now but you only need two don't worry Tim Jay and I will take care of it okay thanks Jenny goodbye Tim who was that I have no idea I couldn't understand a thing he was saying it sounded like you could understand him hey I have tickets to see an advanced screening of Captain America's Civil War you want to go oh yeah all right let's go butch it's time yeah hi uh miss Johnson is a butch home oh no oh no I've been doing fine oh no no could you leave a message for uh butch for me yeah yeah I'll just tell him it's time I'll kill no thank you how was how was their bridge meeting last Tuesday decaf did you win I know you had the bridge group well the old ladies done that's that's not you who does that oh let's that's horribly Aquifer who to ask that then I'm sorry yeah I got I gotta go no my knees are just hurting I'm just kneeling on the ground look I just gotta go just just remember to tell him it's time I know it doesn't make much sense to you because you don't know the rest of the story look at it's this whole thing going on with me and Butch mrs. Johnson just let him know all right Jesus Christ together grimace we could own this town
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 775,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, half in the bag, plinkett, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, green room, patrick stewart, jeremy saulnier, blue ruin
Id: 8K7xYuM2AYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2016
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