Half in the Bag Episode 155: The Haunting of Hill House and Overlord

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half in the bag did you know if you stretched out all the video tape in the world in one continuous line it would reach the Andromeda galaxy and that's just Jerry Maguire did you hear the big news Mike no what's the big news Jay they're making a TV series based on my favorite Star Wars character Cassie and and or who isn't that han Solo and Hoth gear this is Cassie and Endor and what movie is that from Star Wars which part the part when they're on the Death Star yes the part where they're on Tatooine yes who what is that what is that I mean I know it's an action figure but who is that it's Cassie and and or whoo I can't wait for more Star Wars adventures with casseon Endor Cassie an end or maybe he'll go to Endor that's how he got his last name oh there you go that's like the only thing you can draw up on yeah his name sounds like Endor maybe he came from Endor he grew up with Ewoks he was raised by a ox in the woods so it became such a good like like underground fighter and then he died who what why didn't they make a movie with jyn erso that's true why they have to make a TV series about the white guy Hispanic Jay oh I think I'm conversely think I've confused you with a different character from rogue one really I think so okay buddy yeah that's one of you should mention this because this is this this little toy we have here at our lightning-fast VCR repair shop and whenever anybody comes by you know a Jim and Colin or our friend rich Evans yes special guests who may have stopped by I say name the character and he's got a blank stare nobody remembers nobody remembers what a great thing to base TV show on I think he started at the top of the rogue one casts with like Felicity Jones and they said do you want a TV show she's like I'm busy on other projects yeah I just went down the list and then he was the only one there's like yeah I'm previous Donnie Yen I think they make a little soft for when like bearded fat guy shove this up their ass it's easier for the doctors to get out okay that make sense oh okay I see him well you can't spell casseon without you know well J let's get let's get to what we're what we're here for today looking stupid can we stop talking about Star Wars now we have a Boba Fett show coming out and a casting and or show I think they're moving away from movies which which we'll talk about today there they're moving into streaming services which have been very successful outside of Netflix remember CBS all access who's the other one who's the community one that was a they started a stream Yahoo was it the Yahoo streaming service what ahead well I guess since we're talking about streaming we'll talk about our first movie TV show whatever it's a hybrid now the haunting of Hill House oh no that was perfectly timed now I want you two to get good rest Netflix presents the haunting of Hill House a short run TV series based on the 1959 gothic horror novel of the same name hey why are Mike and Jay talking about a TV show why aren't they talking about the TV show that I wanted them to talk about why are they talking about this TV show talk about the movie that I want them to talk about why are you talking about this talk about something else talk about the thing that I want you to talk about here's a tweet talk about the [ __ ] Freddie Mercury movie here's another tweet talk about Westworld here's another tweet talk about a thing that I want you to talk about anyway wait is this a TV show or just a really really really long movie who cares eat my ass so Jay you watched the haunting of Hill House and I'm surprised you watch that why would you be surprised I like like spooky ghosts atmospheric stuff you seem to be sort of is that you seem to be more of that I like watching people get ripped apart by cannibals and and skull-fuck that's not true yeah I mean I do enjoy that stuff but I like a classy old-fashioned ghost story too and it's told really well okay yeah well and I'm a big fan of the director of this mic Lanigan directed my favorite movie of last year which was Gerald's game also for Netflix he directed oculus to ocular price is a good he's he just keeps making stuff I feel like he's got two things coming out of here he's doing another Stephen King adaptation next year the semi sequel to The Shining dr. sleep which apparently is about growing up Danny Torrance hunting vampires good luck making that work but let's talk about a ghost show that we both watched the haunting of Hill House okay a ston the 1959 gothic horror novel by Shirley Jackson Shirley Jackson which I've never read this novel was adapted into the haunting the movie and then the remake yeah well that was the remake well the Liam Neeson when I watch the trailer for it knows I saw that in the theater it was like awful oh yeah he's like he's like I'm having a bunch of people come to this haunted house for a sleep study about paranormal yeah and it was lots of like CGI effects yes like late 90s effects and it's like this isn't scary [Music] you know what jail I don't really want to talk about this too much okay because I don't want to spoil anything oh sure I mean I know we say spoilers and we say you know move to this timecode or whatever it's harder when you're talking about something that's like eight hours long yeah because after watching this I felt like I had just read a very long novel yeah this you get that feeling of like like cozying up under a blanket sitting by a fire reading a book but yeah the the you know cinematic version of that yeah and it's interesting I know there have been long-form TV shows you know like ten episodes and but this really feels like kind of like a change of course and entertainment a little bit because the reason why a feature film is two hours is because that was roughly the amount of time that they figured someone would sit in a theater for we're having to go to the bathroom sure and now it's just the standard I mean early films like shorts and you know whatever we're super short but then once they say they used to be just you would go in and sit and watch for a while many leave and you'd see maybe two or three shorts or whatever yeah it was different but then once they're like the feature film you know people want to come in and they want to watch a movie and so they watch it for two hours three hours is too long and hours too short two hours is just right that's how long you can sit there and watch a movie for but now everything's different I can't imagine someone trying to tell the story in a feature-length film format yeah condense all this down all these characters to two hours right and that's there's the other Netflix series called maniac with Jonah Hill and Emma Stone and that's the same thing where it doesn't feel like a season of a TV show because it's not left open-ended and I think people are getting tired of you know now that we're having more options available stuff like this because I think about like The Walking Dead's like the first season The Walking Dead was great and then you're like oh this is just gonna keep going and no one's gonna grow and no one's gonna change and there's gonna be no conclusion character might get killed off here and there but you watch the hunting of Hill House there maniac and it's like you feel like you've watched a completed story yeah but you've watched one that has enough time to really I mean every episode focuses on a different character this is this family this a fractured family really gives everybody enough time to flush them all out and really like make you understand them and care more about what's happening well and that's another thing the old model of television it's like it's like a merging of the two because you like your reference Walking Dead a TV show that's on broadcast television the purpose of it is to have five ad breaks yes and the purpose of it is to go as long as humanly possible until you have to end it right so that you can have until they're not making enough money where it's worth it and then the show's done or until you hit a hundred episodes and it could go into syndication yeah um so you have a show and so okay let's do another season let's do another season let's do another season and and you're not like you got a concept and you move forward with the concept when you have something like the haunting of Hill House it's a solidified story you're done with it and sure things make money on streaming services people sign up to watch it something like orange is a new black is an example it's something that's based on a book and then it's like man we're done with the book okay keep going keep going because people like it yeah that's fine but yeah you have like a sitcom or just a long-running series like you know Star Trek or whatever Lanoue adventures every week and the point was to sell ad revenue yeah to sell advertisements you don't really sell advertisements on Netflix no an emphasis kryb to a service to watch programs so right if Netflix makes a hunting a pill house and they're done with it I say that's great what else you got what else you makin yeah this other thing and I'll stand they've definitely become my opinion keeps going back and forth on Netflix cuz a couple years ago I feel like we were talking about how they've been doing all these original movies and they're all like fantastic and sometimes higher and quality and execution and theatrical movies but then very quickly it became oversaturation became quantity over quality but then you still have something like this you know where it's it's really well done so it's just it's a mixed bag but I think it is just sort of yeah like to have as many options as possible there of things to watch you get new subscribers all the time and if they're gonna leave the filmmakers alone and let him basically do what they want and give them decent enough budgets I mean this and maniac both feel it's more cinematic that a lot of movies that are in theaters as a couple kind of questionable CG moments but for the most part I mean like the the storytelling is ambitious the the attention to detail and you know I mean it doesn't you would not be able to see something like this I'm like a because there was a 90s there was a lot of like the the miniseries there's a lot of Stephen King the stand which I would love to see Netflix do a new version of that not that it could be done properly because the old TV version of the stand sucks oh but things like that whereas like you have the occasional miniseries and I was always like cheap and bad and had five hundred and breaks do they make a mistake with it doing two feature films maybe I mean that you could have done that as a Netflix series and just yeah the book is 40,000 pages long it's so intricate yeah you could you could probably make a 10 episode season from the first half of that book yeah you know and that's the thing it's like if people are watching and people are subscribing to Netflix and if it's good I mean that's you have those break out like stranger things it's the reason that caught on because it felt like fresh and different ship the bed in the second season but it was super popular and now this is kind of broken through that same way did you wake us up dream like that oh yeah I think I read that they were gonna try to do a season two and see that that's when you have you start to come in with contradictions and problems and it's like season two is gonna be a whole new cast based on a whole nother story it's not gonna be the house that's what you think what is that the house is so intricate to this specific story right it's like American Horror Story is an anthology show and each season they have the same actors what they're all playing different roles and yeah you know and but that's under the umbrella of a generic title American Horror Story so you can really go anywhere but this it's like no I know it's popular and I know it's the temptation is there yeah because but just leave it alone go find another book yeah I mean you can't really it's called the haunting of Hill House if you were to do more it would have to be related to that house but that house is like metaphor would the season I can't do another show based on it yeah the show movie whatever you want to call it itself is lengthy it kind of reminded me of the Six Feet Under mmm meets this is us it's very character-driven there's a very dramatic it's more of a character drama with like supernatural elements sprinkled throughout I think it Peaks around Episode five and six and then after that then not quite is strong and then I think the message or theme of it gets a little muddled in the final episode I mean there's miss mystery elements to it and there's reveals along the way but the characters are all I mean that's where this it's centered and and it was in episode 6 that's the long take that's that yeah yes three or four really long takes every shot was the product of a hundred people standing on each other's shoulders and having to execute dozens or hundreds of tasks all this stuff happening in one shot and very that seems to be a thing lately like the [ __ ] Overlord movie had a extended long take shot and saving time I guess Jurassic world fallen Kingdom had one and the Halloween movie had it's like a new trend I guess but this one it's so intricate sand it's so like the camera just keeps moving and there's parts when they swap out the adult actors with the child actors for just like one quick shot and then it comes back around and they're gone and I'm just thinking about like having to wrangle all these little kids and that's they built the set specifically for that because it's like they're in the funeral home and then the dad walks down the hallway and next thing you know he's in Hill House spooky stuff I guess Hidden ghosts hidden ghosts which I honestly I started seeing that pop up people saying like there's hidden ghosts and I was like I don't give a crap I loved it it's it's it's kind of like it's like begging for clickbait articles click here to see all the hidden ghosts like it doesn't affect the story I was unaware of I was unaware of clickbait articles I just noticed like you see a face like looking through the window it's the cameras panning by it adds a little bit of amistad it adds a little depth to the house because you know without like jump scares or low look at this huh you just know that the house is just filled with ghosts yeah and and they're not a rich history to the house and I jumping out but there's some that are fainter than others in the distance is it one shot where they're like I think I think it's in the long take episode where they're panning and you see the two 1920s ghosts and they're just kind of there and then they're not there and that's the stuff that I find creepy is is like it was stillness when there's just someone just standing there or like there's a ghost that the the little boy sees it's got a cane oh yeah yeah buddy but his feet don't touch the ground and he's just floating and just goes on it's like dead silent there's no music the the purpose of it is not the jump scares or spooky imagery it's really that that stuff is the icing on the cake the real stuff is is the family and listen to the characters yeah and so that's refreshing it's a yeah the kind of classic sort of ghost story or it's not about like freaking you out or being super scary it's just this general like kind of tone of like melancholy and just being just this haunting because it's about this family that's basically it kind of reminded me of the Royal Tenenbaums just less quirky about this family that sort of split apart and then having to come back together I said this is us every watch this is us is that the show where everybody's sad all the time [Music] great job Mike Flanagan you did it oculus that was pretty good he's good with actors he always picks really good actors everybody the only person I didn't like in this was the Henry Thomas no Henry Thomas was fine it was weird though because he's married to carla Gugino in this it was also really good and they were both in Gerald's game but in Gerald's game he plays her father in flashbacks and he's like sexually abusive towards her hmm and so then they're like married in this is a good but no the one I didn't really like was the oldest son when they were children he came across like like sitcom actor kid everybody else was so like natural and good he stuck out to me oh not that I want to [ __ ] on a little kid actor but he was he was what stuck out to me but all of them as adults were really great the two oldest sister's the one that works in the morgue and the one that has like psychic abilities broke yeah it's rogue just wear gloves Jelena Jolie rogue what didn't you like about Henry Thomas I don't know it was weird to have that character played by two actors because once he get to be like 40-ish you don't look that different yeah they got what's his name uh Timothy Hutton and they look very similar but it was still a little jar eyes but yeah the age difference wasn't too dramatic yeah he needed you needed like I mean they had the kids were like four and eight and yeah he needed to be like third ye and I think Henry Thomas is like 50 probably somewhere around maybe it was what 14 13 and et it's probably 50/50 50/50 son was in it he was one of the hidden ghosts that was Tupac too soon Tupac and Biggie were in the background oh okay they want to have a rap battle at the haunted house and the guy they got but got shot there maybe this will be what the second season is about it's a whole cover-up thing okay theory that was written in 1959 Jackson a rapper rapping artist one who uses his words in Shirley Jackson is like the pop-culture Nostradamus she invented rap oh okay he uses what lingo along with beats phat beats in the ghost house his name is Tupac Shakur and his fat mouth rival Oh Big E they rap didn't so they could rapper no more and the housetops [Music] we're not like any other family we're different because of where we grew up would you would you recommend the sannin of Hill House absolutely yeah I just want to say my place I was happy that a story like this ended like that and and you know I spoilers [Music] something that doesn't end with oh yeah how star shaking in the floor rips apart ly ending of like was a conjuring to everything where there's that temptation no it's it's all character-driven which I like I guess since we're in spoilers I can mention it now it turns out that like there's that one locked room and that turns out to be like a different room for everybody it's very like metaphorical but then it turns out that like the house is sort of you're you're you live on in that house your spirit lives on your memory lives on which seems like I don't know it seems like leading up to that it's all about people sort of letting go of their grief and their tragedy and their their ill feelings towards each other but a lot of their grief also stems from being in that house it did is like it did but now it's all it's all ended yeah and it's all tied up and now they can move on you know so I mean what ghost stories like this and with a happy ending yeah where it's not just in the house one in the end to come back refreshing Netflix remake the stand I want to see a good version of the stands not that shitty made-for-tv one from the 90s I've got a whole pile of books for you to make Netflix don't make Adam Sandler movies anymore although there's a market for that apparently that's that's why they do it so Netflix is like is is there an audience for this specific thing boom consumer choice more choices for the audience to watch products and our our the next choice that we made to watch was a little film called overlord BAM it's over Lord from director Julius Avery a director of one other movie comes the most tastefully done film about Nazi Zombies ever made a group of soldiers drop into France ahead of d-day to take out a radio jamming tower and discover something terrible Nazis are creating super soldier zombies hot damn look out Mike what did you think of overlord yeah you know why I didn't even see a trailer for it I was vaguely familiar but you see you said there's a movie coming out and I said okay well I think at one point it was supposed to be a related to the Cloverfield universe I thought that was what they were saying back when Cloverfield paradox was coming out it's like this is coming out and then later this year there's another Cloverfield World War two a movie and then everybody hated Cloverfield paradox so they're like maybe we should drop this this Cloverfield clover fields experiment has been a horrible failure let's just stop yes friend ranting random movie so the cover field title yeah it's embarrassing it's but it's but it's bad robot the same company that did those yeah and I think that's kind of their because I think this is their first r-rated movie but I think that's their model is like give these filmmakers that don't have a lot behind him and just have a make a weird little sci-fi or horror movie and then we'll just release it I guess like well the this guy who made this he made one other movie and then he made this and now he's attached to direct Flash Gordon big-budget remake that's how it goes so but you know great I loved this movie it's good yeah this was like I think my favorite movie of the last decade I'm gonna have to chalk that up to hyperbole this movie's fine it's entertaining but it's ultimately a world war two nazi zombie but well that's the thing is like yeah you'd expect you'd expect shock but it was just really well done it rides that balance I think we've talked about this before how it's like when you're doing something that has a pretty ridiculous premise you either have to take it seriously enough where it feels like a real movie or really embrace the schlock that's when people make movies that kind of try and ride that line or it's like it's kind of serious but then there's something quippy or someone acknowledging how ridiculous their situation yes this never does that it's just like Saving Private Ryan meets three animator and they they play it as straight as a world war two war movie without zombies would be right they put all their bets on taking it seriously and you know what they did a great job and and the screenplay was like the guy who wrote the revenant wrote the screenplay with somebody else really a bunch of other like movies I mean it's not like a hack job which was surprising yeah the characters are solid the protagonist was great Oh every character had a well-defined purpose and and worried me a little in the beginning because there's a really great opening where they're flying to France yeah you know to airdrop in and of course at one point towards the end they start everything blows up and I'm you know it goes badly as every airdrop before d-day does yeah in movies at least I'm sure there are ones that just went perfectly that's not very cinematic though it's not very we did it jump down everybody our plane did not get touched by exploding flak in the sky yeah that never happens in movies no problems yeah I'm sure it happened to some company in World War two somewhere but this one of course are the planes blowing up but they set up like all the characters are talking and I'm the guy with this and I liked about that before you get into it what I liked about that scene is the sound mix on the movie is so like you can barely hear their dialogue they're like shouting at each other but there's like the plane noise and you know everything going on outside and it just felt more like natural and real than a lot of movies do when it comes to that type of stuff yeah but but I mean I'm like I was getting that flashback to that bus scene in that horrible predator movie oh the guy this time this character here's my trades like no because there's the photographer guy I take the photo but but it worked it worked so well well it was well-written it wasn't so on the nose over time like you know it takes its time with everything our hero voice yeah thanks he lands and then he you got Kurt Russell's son playing Kurt Russell playing Erskine jr. that's what I was I so it was so distracting through the whole movie because I've seen him in other things like he was in Ingrid goes West he was Elizabeth Olsen's boyfriend in that he was not an episode of black a mirror but this is the first time I've ever seen him go full Kurt Russell like if they you're ever whenever they remake escape from New York which will do eventually I guess just get him but yeah like him and then you you got the Italian guy and you got Jewish guy and then you got Chloe the girl from France and her kid brother and he just wants to play baseball with the Americans yeah and just great just great and our voice our protagonist is just like he's your guy well they establish at the beginning and they talk about him he didn't want to kill a mouse or something so that of course leads to his kind of turn later on it's like a screenplay that's that's formed and it's it's like a flawless screenplay the only like if if I were to like have some kind of criticism is is you know a little bit on the length the part when voice goes into he kind of stumbles his way into the the Nazi oh yeah when he finds their lab laboratory he dog random dog chases him so he hides in a truck there's dead bodies yeah it sort of like he goes from room to room like sneaking around like a discovery a little convoluted to get him to that point is everything well and not that too but and once he's in there it's like okay now he's looking at this now he's looking at this now and then it's like okay we got it they're doing an experiment you know this is going on way too long let's get get out of there [Music] but like all this I think that was maybe the link that was just because up until that point it was a pretty straight World War 2 movie and they didn't really introduce anything supernatural or weird yet so it's like give people enough time to soak this in I was thinking of uh because when he's stumbling around down there you see like a severed head with a spinal cord and it's like talking and I was having like flashbacks to like Day of the Dead it was one of those those scripts that took its time to build up because they really like once they land they really don't have many interactions with with the Nazis with with like shooting and war stuff you know they they capture that general or commander guy and the kind of torture um and it's so it's almost like it's it's building up to it and then finally when they get to the part where they start shooting at them it's exciting yeah they don't they don't feel that I guess the opening is kind of an action scene but it's like a typical war movie action scene there's nothing like horrific about it yeah I feel like a lot of I always think of the Evil Dead remake the original Evil Dead like they spend so much time with them getting to the cabin and getting before anything like crazy happens and then in the remake it's like that opening scene demon lady just so you know this is a horror movie before we get boring for a while yeah like yeah just a movie that seems like it at least respects the audience enough to know that they'll waits for the the the craziness to start yeah but that's the thing is that the boring stuff wasn't boring to now it was fine if you didn't have some B's in this it would still be in well-done action World War 2 movie I think part of it too was an effective ticking clock element which was we got to blow up the tower by 6:00 a.m. yeah because the troops are coming in to the beach and and they're not gonna make it unless we blow up that tower and so that's running in the back of your mind yeah and so they're dealing with all these problems of their company is scattered and mostly all dead and they're trying to hide in this little French village and they they're outnumbered so you have like all those typical like war plot things and then on top of that and that too like the little French village it felt very like I don't know like I don't know if ikonics the right word but you had little French village with the the church on the top of the hill and that's that's where they have to get to and it just all felt very like classic movie stuff that all fit together like a puzzle it felt like a movie that could have been made 10 20 years ago yes it didn't get it didn't go off the rails and go crazy right yeah it stuck to its plot and it was also refreshing to see movie that and I don't mean this in a bad way but had kind of low aspirations yes as far as what and then like I didn't you know really recognize anyone other than Kurt Russell's kid it's all a bunch of people you don't really know they've all I'm sure they've all done other stuff but no big names it just felt like like this is our story we're going to tell this we're not gonna have the huge over-the-top action ending we're not gonna introduce like to money too many like be plot lines it's just boom it's so straightforward it was a really good action movie like it got instead of being like overbearing and noisy and awful it the action will ease by the exciting and and look at you you understood their goal it was so clear cut and you cared about it was a Rosenberg and tippet it was the two guys up on the hill and the Jewish guy and the Italian guy yeah they were the two that that had to provide the cover fire yeah while they were trying to lure Nazis out so that they could then out the number in the base so that you know there's yeah what was this or that Kurt Russell Jr and voice they needed to blow up the tower but at the same time you know they also had to rescue the little boy and blow up all these bad Nazi Zombies yes destroy this laboratory so you have those two characters that are providing cover fire and they're running around and I was like oh I care if either of these two characters die no and I was like oh that's great I feel something established stakes and I just kept thinking back to that predator movie at the end when it was just like this just mess it's just nonsense yeah and I'm like I don't give a [ __ ] what's going on just end right movie some scary moments that the one that one creepy zombie that's attacking Chloe and in the room when she's by herself oh yeah weird the weird it was like hey why jelly yes zombie it's like kind of like a toxic avenger face didn't go crazy with the zombies I kept waiting for that I was like okay we're starting more grounded and then once we introduced the zombies oh and we're gonna get crazy action and more like I don't know Evil Dead 2 o'clock or something which I love Evil Dead 2 but that's a different type of movie they yeah no they never went too far they had restrictions on what they could do and yeah maybe this was a lower budgeted film because it was intended for Netflix you said I don't know oh I know that's that was my thought it was like cuz it's like a mid budget I want to say it's like around 30 million or something which they don't make movies and that budget range anymore yeah this was it didn't it didn't get over bloated with nonsense and they had two locations they had their base the little like I think it was a church right yeah and I was there you know caverns and bricks and the little underground tunnels and then they have their little French village and then the inside of the girl's house it was great there was a story to justify where they were and why they were there yeah they don't you don't need a lot of locations if you're actually invested in the story like we said strategy like these characters are here they have to get here to do this and here's their strategy to do so oh no there's these zombies on the way like how much better can you make a nazi zombie movie than this I don't think you can I think this is this is this is the top of the heap you look at the sub sub sub genre of nazi zombie movies this is the gold standard this is the gold standard it's true and you know and it's unfortunate because it's like I'm sure people say what's that Overlord movie about well that's what's interesting too is just like this random movie it's not a larger story it's not connected to anything else it's not being too heavily marketed like I don't haven't heard much about it even it's just like this little movie like head this came out yeah so I don't know I hope it does well go go watch overlord go watch it this is a weird little one that deserves some support and there's a lead-in for a sequel oh yeah as opposed I just saw that as a cute little the war goes on kind of thing and then we end with a NAS song for some reason yes that was cool I guess that's that's the I don't know if we've ever talked about this but that's your your Rage Against the Machine ending we could end with this score from the movie but no you leave him exiting the theater with a Rage Against the Machine song playing and everyone's like yeah you wow I'm in the end yes that's a that's my that was my avatar experience two and a half hours of the most complicated effects driven movie ever and then it kind of ends and someone goes oh that sucked because it didn't end for the Rage Against the Machine song it's those Marvel credits yeah you've got to have those end credits you can't just black with titles unless it's some depressing drama movie right but everything's got to end with some kind of animation yeah and this did some sort of montage of all the props from the movie which I thought was cool yeah it was more subtle than yeah it wasn't just published blood splatters and yeah it was like they had flashlights the military-issue World War two tiny yeah the opening title to was Overlord and takes up the entire [ __ ] screen but had a little copyright of the classic copyright it started in black and white yeah I kind of faded into colour and I think at that first start I was expecting this to be more of like a like a Robert Rodriguez like Planet Terror grindhouse kind of thing right at the very beginning that's kind of what I was expecting but then it turns out to be solid movie there was no female Nazi dominatrix yes yeah they didn't go foolish lock-tight [ __ ] script you don't see that anymore yeah yeah so go watch overlord and get ready to watch the Cassie and and or TV show I can't wait for that alright Mike well let's get back to work fixing VCRs [Music] [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,261,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, haunting of hill house, hill house, netflix, mike flanagan, overlord, jj abrams
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 12sec (2292 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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