Half in the Bag Episode 125: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

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It's so boring it's like I'm watching Blade Runner

Mike, you treacherous bastard.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/jonesev28 📅︎︎ May 07 2017 🗫︎ replies
half in the bag that does crap off my writing Gus ah Jay another day another year of movies that's right Mike it's may the sun's coming out and we have a whole slew of movies ready to be released that everyone will forget about in a week that's right Jay I'm very excited about the forgettable new film king Arthur I can't wait to see it so that I could immediately forget about it I'm going to forget the [ __ ] out of that whoa my god I've already forgotten it and I haven't even forgotten to see it speaking of forgetting don't forget about Wonder Woman in theaters June 2nd finally we get to hear the backstory of a character that was briefly introduced and Batman V Superman dawn of Justice what the [ __ ] mr. blinken what the [ __ ] are you talking about well I'm auditioning for one of those YouTube shows where a panel of people get together and they talk about movies what people talk about movies on YouTube how [ __ ] lame have it's so embarrassing yeah they told me they got enough fat white guys with beards token black people and at least one hot woman who wears large hipster glasses so why do they need you they said that the only demo that they need a voice from is the elderly yeah they want to open up the untapped 75-plus demo on YouTube they say it will increase their revenue by point zero eight percent well I think that's great mr. Plunkett it's good to see you try new things especially at your age problem is the last movie I saw was ironically The Last Picture Show in 1971 oh I had such a crush on Jeff Bridges well don't worry about it mr. blanket all you really have to do is go see a movie and give your honest and true opinion on what you thought oh no oh no no no no no no no oh no no no you see the studio has something called talking points that they need me to address yeah here let me let me show you what I mean let me practice here alright Johnny Depp returns to the big screen as the iconic swashbuckling antihero Jack Sparrow in the all-new pirate of the Caribbean dead men tell no tales oh my god he's terrible just terrible a little monitor when the deadly go sailors led by the terrifying captain Salazar Javy err boredom is so boring I feel like I'm watching the lead right ads he notably Jack I love this movie it was a swashbuckling good time well it kind of sounds like you're reading it they told me they'd fix it with auto-tune yeah maybe you should do it with just like a little more excitement like you're really excited about the movie a little more exciting try that all right here we go set to the all-new sonic backdrop of awesome mixtape number two Marvel Studios guardians of the galaxy vol 2 continues the team's adventures as they oh [ __ ] that's right guardians 2 came out today oh hey let's go watch it and talk about how much we loved it oh my god I can't wait it's my favorite movie of the summer let's go the comments will come to our hero's aid as the marvel cinematic universe continues to expand what do you think guys wow I knocked up dead I'm going to get the part here we are a Steve one thugs and assassin maniacs and an angry little tree hold on everyone's favorite heroes are back the guardians of the galaxy nope Marvel fanboy chills Mike and J witnessed their amazing powers of liking a movie that's fun and likable marvel at their ability to do nothing but hate on DC while sucking Marvel's dick be amazed that they seem to enjoy movies sometimes that are enjoyable while disliking other movies that are a huge [ __ ] mess it's time for guardians of the galaxy's volume - Mike what did you think of guardians of the galaxy vol 2 well J I really enjoyed guardians of the galaxy vol 2 but before we talk about that I need to address something to our audience in a recent video we did reviewing the mist we made a clerical error oh yes we use the clip of after Sam wit where's Palpatine impression we took this clip from a video that we found on YouTube now apparently this was not him doing the voice and it was a different actor the clip and the Internet Movie Database were both incorrect and we used the information we'd like to apologize for this grievous error Sam went where's Palpatine impression is actually much worse well back to our review guarding for the galaxy vol 2 I thoroughly enjoyed this film by the way it's not in the movie but there is either trailer or a TV spot where they there's a joke in it that isn't in the final movie where I think it's the Nebula character confuses the name of the group and she calls it Gardens of the galaxy I was guarding the galaxy guardians of the galaxy why would we be the guardians of the galaxy there was our [ __ ] joke in a review of the first movie um Gardens guardians of the galaxy gardens of the galaxy I'd watch that movie the movie about people going across the universe and planting garden the Stars Martha Stewart yeah I know no that's true I remember that I say if James Gunn is going to steal from us he should take better jokes James Gunn doesn't need to steal from us it's better that he does I don't know he's struggling he's struggling to make it in Hollywood he is struggling to make a finely crafted fun adventure movie that's witty and charismatic and enjoyable to watch is this can maybe someone if you don't use someone can correct me is this the only movie in like the Marvel Cinematic Universe that has like a writer director or it's the same person that kind of is involved in the entire creative process I think it might be James Gunn right to the script yeah he writes he wrote the first one he wrote this one any direct some not even a co-writer just there was a co-writer on the first one but I think that was like a first draft and then he came in and rewrote most of it well and then he wrote this one on his own too well I hope this movie has the most success humanly possible what we don't need our 19 screenwriters and a totally inconsistent mess right you want a movie that shifts between a lot of tones but feels like there's someone behind it that knows what the [ __ ] they're doing which this movie does really well other thing I like this better than the first one I was actually a little concerned for the first maybe like half hour we're kind of felt like it almost felt to me like like when a sequel is made and a different creative team comes in like different writer and director and is just doing their hardest to recapture what made the first one special or it's like there's almost too many jokes there's almost too silly at the beginning and everybody you know all these characters are doing their thing that we're familiar with in the first one like almost to a fault but then just move out and gets going and turns out to be way more character-driven than plot driven which I really appreciated that's that's what makes this a good sequel I was thinking about it while watching it and I'm like what what what are some really good sequels like Empire Strikes Back you know like it's not a nothing about like The Godfather Part 2 I'm talking more like sci-fi fantasy kind of movies and you got like the second spider-man film was good yes not not the amazing spider-man title the Andrew Garfield one remember is a Rhino weird boy and that's why I like this one better than the first one because the first Guardian Ted you know all the great characters the set up all the characters is a good origin story but then towards the end I can't really remember the end I remember shooting it spaceships in the sky that the third act is the weakest part yeah and the plot is almost like inconsequential it's just about getting these characters together that's the thing is that this one instead of which is what I was worried that it was just like wacky lines funny characters and then we got to shoot at this thing and it incorporated the bad guy plot and everything it beefed up the characters yeah and and that's what you know like your Empire Strikes Back movies like that did it wasn't that we have to blow up another thing and the second one it was let's take these characters and beef them up and and it almost it went with the character arcs almost to a fault and that's what but I really enjoyed that and I was like surely enjoying it more than any of the Avengers movies or any previous Marvel movies I've seen because all these characters they're so different and weird and they all have these like flaws and and problems with each other and there's so much like there's a lot of entered dynamics going on because you got the two girl gamora and nebula and they have the past they're sisters and then we got the little rodent and he's basically admitted Panda is a hello sheep and he basically admits these are still with insecurities and you have all these like wonderful little angles now whatever you do don't push this button because that will set off the bomb immediately and we'll all be dead now repeat back what I just said good uh-huh good that's right okay now yeah it's almost like it's hard to complain about because it all works really well but it seems like James Gunn loves these characters so much that he has to put like everyone in and everyone has to have something to do like the nebula stuff the sister dynamic stuff like probably could have gotten rid of that just get that character out of the movie I like that stuff and I mean it's fine I don't like nebula like I think performance wise that's the worst performance on the movie I don't wanna call it bad but it's the weakest performance of the movie he's very OneNote maybe for some reason I I I like that storyline I like the the budding romance between Gamora and Peter quill and they even poked fun at the fact that it is like like a Cheers or Jim and Pam from the office it's like a thing where it's like yeah once we get together then we lose the ratings you know they mentioned Cheers they mentioned Sam and I and he didn't mention Jimin no I'm agitating okay I was thinking because James Gunn used to be married to Pam so oh yeah that was funny they really know what saving the galaxy who else is gonna do it [Music] the Guardians cannot protect the galaxy so yeah the general premise I guess doesn't matter well I will say it's more interesting than MacGuffin oh yeah no that's what I'm going to say like the plot in the first one is sort of inconsequential it's like whatever we're excuse to get these people together infinity stone marble terrible universe and this one it's it's weird but it also works on an emotional level and it's like the first time like the first time in a decade of Marvel making these movies where the villain is actually interesting yes the villain is always the weakest part of all these stupid Marvel movies the villain in the way he relates to our main characters is interesting and that image drives his motivation and it drives the story and they're like a movie yes and they beefed up a somewhat background character the the the theme of fatherhood and all that he's yondu was my favorite part of the movie I love Michael Rooker it's nice to see him when like enry portrait of a serial killer in this big you know blockbuster Marvel movie in his performance is great but I really like the fact that they didn't have to lean on the Marvel Universe as a crutch because they're the guardians of the galaxy it'll the film opens they're doing their own thing they're like basically work-for-hire like contract killers or they doing something and the this this very advanced society has hired them to stop an intergalactic slime monster from eating they're very powerful batteries Wow okay and that's that's the opening kind of action sequence and then the plot kind of progresses and then the real emotional core the movies of course Peter finding his father and when I can get in spoilers but the movie hit lots of bucks for me with the exception of baby Groot which didn't really need a character arc II although he did have one everyone gets a character arc no one's left behind no one's left behind it gives time plenty of screen time for all the characters and then it squeezes on all the without feeling bloated without feeling bloated which is kind of the most amazing part I couldn't leave when we got out movie was over two hours long it really didn't feel like it yeah well the end credits are 20 minutes of that well it's true 15 make credit sequences yeah the only thing that felt slightly out of place and I'm assuming it's a setup for another film is the Sylvester Stallone oh yeah he shows up for like five seconds and he's in a mid credit sequence so I guess that's a setup but even with that like because I assumed early on he's in one scene he has some beef with Michael Rooker and then he leaves and it was like oh I guess that's probably a character for another movie and that was going to be it but even he gets a payoff at the end mm-hmm everybody gets a payoff like like a movie yeah it's probably because there was one screenwriter who sat down and wrote a script instead of five 10 people all throwing in ideas you got to put this in there you got to put this in there yeah that's a true testament to the screenwriting art Pablo Picasso did not have six guys in suits with brushes on his painting good does if you it's a [ __ ] away from the painting put this put a little flower over here can you can you imagine Michelangelo like painting the Sistine Chapel and then lovely guys with glasses come in Bisbee suits go chemically like cherry pickers what are you doing you're on my feelings that he had shown that people will enjoy this more of everybody smiling right Brett what if what if God was not touching that finger man what if they were just high-fiving market research suggests high-fives appeal to all demographic and we don't want to alienate non-religious people so can it not be God can it just be some kind of androgynous entity maybe maybe a giant coke can Eliza Tobler a-blazing the god of the coke can [Music] [Laughter] that's moviemaking today it's true yeah everything's replaced by a giant coke can okay what's that he says welcome to the frickin gaudy into the galaxy I would say is a- a minor negative I think James Gunn relies a little too much on the serious dramatic moment and then undercut with a joke he does that I mean it's in the first movie a few times but it's in it a lot in this well I think what works better and he does this throughout the movie too especially there's a speech by Peter cool at the end of the movie where it's not like something dramatic happening and then and then a joke where it's it's sort of something dramatic is happening but there's humorous elements to it as well and James comes from that you know throughout his whole career super and even go back to like Romeo and Juliet and I think that stuff works better where it's almost like a bittersweet humor mixed with the drama as opposed to dramatic moment joke yeah and and it works sometimes it's just a little - it was happening so often where I was starting to just like anticipated mmm I know I found myself thoroughly enjoying this film and I think it's going to stick with me more in the memory yeah then the first one which is a good sign because I like I like the main premise of it it's just really like weird and interesting and sort of like you know if you're sad and strange and like I don't remember the end of the first one and I would imagine that that's like and maybe James Gunn was poked a little you know don't you since of the two weird share we need the ships at the end flying around and explosions and I guess it seemed like maybe there's a little more creative freedom I don't know he definitely pumps up these like the emotional elements with this one as far as the character I mean the last shot of the movie before the 15 mid credit sequences is a close-up of a CGI raccoon Humanite hybrid like with the tear in his eye and it works it works great look out oh I tried guys I love all the makeup and costumes I love the gold people that's so cool really yeah their need and I like I like that idea of this this like society that's just like almost achieved 100% perfection um except for unrolling the little things little touches like that yeah what make these movies wonderful right like little little jokes where it's able to laugh at itself it's not like you know I don't know laughing itself while still taking like the characters seriously even though the threats serious and who the hell are you I'm your dad his father is ego the Living Planet played by Kurt Russell like great like her Russell he's awesome in this it's Kurt Russell she's alright but I was thinking I'm surprised you haven't brought up Star Trek yeah because I hold kind of storyline kind of felt to me like like a Star Trek episode where they land on some weird planet and there's like a humanoid planet there's an episode called who mourns for Adonis okay where they land on the planet and Apollo is there the Greek god follow the the crew of the enterprise fight the Greek god and defeat him and literally a Greek god what's he doing in space he they all the Greek gods left earth and it's so awesome yeah yeah that kind of plot yeah his is very very Star Trek ish I was thinking once Kurt Russell starts to try and like seduce Peter quill to the dark side very Star Wars II it would've been nice to see a little more with him kind of struggling with that or him it felt like it happened very quick once that once he started to you know kind of turn like reveal that he's evil it would have been nice to see maybe Peter quill get seduced a little more his friends have to come and sort of snap him out of it or something but yeah more of a courting yeah yeah around kind of like saying here's my thing like it kind of all happened in like one quick scene yeah and why why the [ __ ] would Kurt Russell if he's trying to get him to join him why would he reveal that he put tumor in his mom's brain I think that just slipped out but yeah he could he should have like kind of walked them around a little and listen here's the thing we're pretty much like gods yeah and Peter quill is blinded by the fact that he's finally been reunited with his father and we're going to do this thing where we kind of slowly take over the universe it's going to be great yeah yeah and yeah a little more like it's hard to complain so much because like to do that you'd have to maybe you know eliminate some of the side stories and all the side stories are good and interesting on their own and they all end up connecting like nothing feels out of place yeah I mean there's there's there's fat like there's the part where rocket and I keep on in cholera Nova it's a nebula nebula where rocket and nebula are on the shift and all the guys are coming to get them yeah and so there's like this very long sequence where rocket like takes them all out single-handedly almost yeah and that like stuff like that it's a fun sequence though it is it's a great sequence of course but you know you could have just had like right behind them like I'm like the point would have been made and then you could I think if they yeah but they probably didn't want to eliminate the action sequences from the action bar whole movies yeah I don't know but you know tighten up some stuff you know yeah it's just like it's like 98% there it's like almost perfect yeah I was like a fun weird space adventure film with weird characters that you like well speaking of action sequences my favorite part of the movie was I was very surprised to see so much murder in one scene with yondu and and rocket where they take out all the the bad Ravagers and so many people just get straight up murdered in that scene I was surprised by that and all the bodies falling and that's another thing I'll say speaking of because that shot is in the trailer of all the bodies falling and I think this is a stronger movie from a like a directing visual standpoint than the first one it feels more more like confident there's some really really like striking images there's a part when Gamora gets upset about something when their own egos planet and she goes off and she's kind of sulking by yourself and it's just this wide shot she's in the far left of the frame and it's just really like really pretty and don't forget taser face the whole plot line even taser face has a little bit of an arc and rooms Megan fun home for his name you up until the bitter end the trays everyone and this is different than we've talked about like movies where the characters they can just give them things to do because the movie feels like it has to give them something to do car track like like Star Trek the Star Trek films when they pick force of romance between Spock in a her oh yeah no really I have romances or big characters I go yeah this is a movie where what is Spock gay no it's just a weird emotionless Vulcan that doesn't mean he's gay he's gay well my point being there's movies like that where it's like they just give them filler basically things to do because they're characters that you know so they have to have something to do here's a movie everybody has something to do and everybody has an arc and it all is connected and it all feels useful and appropriate for the story you don't also had an arc the first Indiana Jones film was the arc oh I disappointed damn it [Music] these movies are something special and it's going to suck when they start to incorporate the guardians of the galaxy would like the Avengers [ __ ] yeah I'm happy with this way the guardians movies are going and I don't even want to watch what infinity you gem war okay we're but we're finally going to get to see what Santos is capable of they've been dragging that [ __ ] out for so long how could anyone care about Santos anymore I don't I care about fun fun interesting characters that are likable yeah and where you root for the situation because you want to see these characters succeed and weird plot lines I'm very excited about Thor Ragnarok we should mention that yes click I guess somebody listened to rich Evans King Planet Hulk would be a great movie yeah or me relaying what rich told me about Planet Hulk I'm like that sounds great instead of villain of the week or blue laser shooting up the sky opening a dimensional portal where things fly through and we gotta stop all the things well because why because we gotta stop them ministers how do we stop them when we shoot him I feed him we work together as a team yeah I'm liking that they seem to be like it's like it's like steering a gigantic ship I mean DC's head towards the ice place but the Marvel ships so to move in a little um and own we should talk about the incorporation of the music there's a part where rocky racoon says hey you know blue guy with the thing on your head yondu gandu do you have any of Peters music in your archives yes I can he's like okay so play the song lowing murder everyone and then I got his mixtape it might eventually get old but the the contrast with like these old kind of 70s early 80s pop songs playing with like these weird space visuals yeah it doesn't feel gimmicky or stupid like when they use the The Beatles and song and the Justice League trailer yeah come together well as that's clearly an attempt to go in The Guardian galaxy direction they're the first one to kind of do that it feels just like like your your dumb kid brothers imitating you yeah when you're doing it with like style and class and kind of coolness yeah well the whole idea with the music in the first movie is you find out at the end that that mixtape was given to him by his mother who of course died of cancer and that's why it's so important to him there's a part of the movie already risks his life to go back and get it at the time you don't know why so there's like a an emotional reason for the songs there's a justification for it it's not just there because hay is fun pop songs the clever way to include fun pop songs oh sure yeah in the defense of the Justice League that is just a trailer but they did that [ __ ] with Suicide Squad - and just like the first five minutes of that movie is like 15 pop songs yeah yeah like I said your dumb kid brother trying to imitate the older cool brother yeah that's what it is and that movie came out before this but this movie guardians of the galaxy - is very colorful it made me think of Suicide Squad because like the trailer for that movie at all these like purples and neon colors and everything and it doesn't reflect what's in the movie at all and this movie uses color very well an interesting side note before a film I don't think they got other than thor ragnarok when i remember seeing any trailers for a Wonder Woman Justice League anything a superhero really a trailer for some [ __ ] Spanish American pirate laughs what was that it was three to do those three ideo toes like almost too flat to move you couldn't think oh I don't need to go I would recommend guardians of the galaxy volume 2 I would also recommend guardians of galaxy vol 2 because we are brainless Marvel shills who suck marvel's [ __ ] it's not because it's a fun or enjoyable movie I will make a guarantee to all you out there who call us Marvel fanboys and non DC haters I will give each new DC film a complete open mind and I will be fair I have nothing against DC I do not give a crap that's the day's like I could not care less it's Marvel DC whatever make a good movie that's what matters yes yeah I'm an old man I don't care don't care just like I just don't want to be miserable and bored this is the first film in a long time that we've gone to see for work basically that it was not just like dreading yeah I'm serious and I was just like hey I want to see this movie it's been a long time a long time so that's a resounding sounding recommendation and cut great I gotta go I gotta go I got a plane to catch are you going to Marvel's headquarters well J now I'm really excited to see guardians of the galaxy vol 3 Oh mr. plinkus still there hey guys I think I finally got it you want to hear okay embarking on a rollercoaster journey full of action and danger the Smurfs are on a course that leads to the discovery of the biggest secret in Smurfs history after her boyfriend dumps her on the eve of their exotic vacation impetuous dreamer Emily Middleton Amy Schumer persuades her ultra cat to his mother Linda goldie hawn with who travel with her to paradise polar opposites Emily and Linda realized that working through their differences as mother and daughter and unpredictable hilarious fashion is the only way to escape the wildly outrageous jungle adventure they have fallen into Kramer's humor and goldie hawn star in the new comedy adventure snatched we're all operators tiny Horner I'll create Labour's it a wonderful is bangers and [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I've been their partner dilash Dyson Sphere Parker Lambert mark made appearances or destruction Penn State Minister Zagreb I can't order he must shall get down to that face lay hair shop itself a young Peter shorted her down her face shove it down her face [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,522,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, best of the worst, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, guardians of the galaxy, vol. 2, vol 2, marvel, chris pratt, james gunn
Id: RTYjD606cWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2017
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