Half in the Bag Episode 98: Creed and Victor Frankenstein

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👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/reap7 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

I was actually surprised that Mike read the script. He seemed like he didn't really like Max during the conversation video. I really can't wait for the new Best of The Worst

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/ChangoBlanco75 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

watched max on there last night

thought it went ok

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/NinjaDiscoJesus 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

Love those guys. I hope they have as fun doing it as we have watching it. They seem to have a good work environment. Hope they are not stressed-out as fuck. A few friends of mine are filmmakers and they are almost never home.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Arknell 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2015 🗫︎ replies
half in the back I'm filled with more gas than the Hindenburg whoo oh man it's cold out there yeah well somehow the electricity is still on mr. blanket mr. blanket hello we're here doesn't look like he's here well he called us to come up and fix his [ __ ] VCR he better be here yeah we should just sit down and wait for him to get back all right hmm wonder where it went well what do you say we talk about some feature films oh sure I just saw the Martian I would love to talk about that oh you know I haven't had a chance to see that because we can talk about that one then no I did see Sicario though oh I heard that's great did you see it no I haven't seen that one yet so I guess we can't talk about Sicario either yeah all the best reviewed movies of the year well we're bound to come up with a movie that we bolt seen what about the new James Bourne film Spectre its Spectre the newest and greatest action-packed James Bond film to date although I haven't seen it yet that's just what I heard oh but I did see something that just came out The Hunger Games Mockingjay part 2 I think oh I haven't seen that I haven't even seen the last two Hunger Games Movies remember when we saw the first one and we liked it everybody gave us [ __ ] I didn't see one after that I didn't see the new penis movie you know the no penis movie with uh you know Charlie Brown Hall and droopy Snoopy and you know the Charles shits film hey he where he wrote those erotic comics why are you laughing I don't understand what's so [ __ ] funny nothing you know a little Linus he's the penis he has a very little penis I'm sorry they caught a [ __ ] well I know there is one movie that we both saw that everybody's just dying to check out Victor Frankenstein Oh another film called Creed you're not built for this these boys come in here they got a fight for life people die in the ring your daddy died in the ring I'll know him I got nothing do with me Creed stars Michael B Jordan as Adonis Creed illegitimate son of the late Apollo Creed in the film Adonis begins a journey to follow in his dad's footsteps of becoming the best at getting repeatedly punched in the face while also wanting to step out of his dad's shadow and become his own man that gets repeatedly punched in the face to accomplish his goals he seeks the guidance of Rocky Balboa who trains Adonis using his wisdom of also getting repeatedly punched in the face Mike what did you think of Creed I liked it a lot I didn't want to see it at all Mike had no interest in seeing this movie despite the fact that it's getting great reviews I don't care I just say you don't care about rock I don't care about rocky I saw rocky a long time ago I know rock I haven't seen any rocky sequels even one where he fights the Russian that's the most awesomest why I fights a big Russian all I know is rocky just he just his his shtick is he gets punched in the face all the time and just keeps fighting right well in shikha's Eddie's he's a lovable dumb guy and he he's a big lumbering dummy with a heart of gold he's just he is more brain damage than Joe Biden yes exactly um yeah so it's like okay I think we should call this episode everything that's old is new again is that the saying right because I'm kind of sitting there and I'm just like all right you know the these two movies that we saw Victor Frankenstein and Creed are very like similar where it's like master-apprentice kind of thing like Frankenstein and Igor and then Creed and rocky and then you know and then it's Ennis or Frankenstein rehash rocky rehash and and so like yeah I especially I looked at the running time of this movie two hours and 14 minutes and I'm like I don't want to do this I don't want to just watch a boxing movie and the length of the movie was intimidating to me and while watching it I thought well okay this could be trimmed out this can be trimmed out this could be trimmed out but in hindsight and getting towards the end I felt the length worked to its advantage actually there was enough like breathing room and and build-up and the it was actually a really wonderfully edited movie who despite the fact that I kept thinking that it needed more editing in comparison to Victor Frankenstein which which felt kind of a choppy mess we'll get into that later but very very simple story your your intro was probably very appropriate to the fact where I didn't quite fully get the motivation of Creed jr. other than just kind of him finding his path and his path happened to be living up to his father or something we're stepping out of the shadow of his father that was a little a little questionable as far as which way it was supposed to be going because they kind of say both multiple times it was a brilliant idea it's a brilliant way to well I'll say first off I was coming at this from a completely different angle than you this was one of my most anticipated movies of the year maybe people would expect this but I'm actually a huge fan of rocky the sequels get increasingly Dumber but I love the original movies I'm a big fan of rocky road I think the first movies a great movie I think Rocky Balboa is a great movie that was intended to be the the wrap-up to the series and also redeemed the series because five is bad and everybody hates it would you consider this a reboot of rocky and no no because it actually the thing I liked about it is how much respect it pays for the other movies even like I said they get really dumb Rocky for its entertaining as hell because it's one of the dumbest movies ever rocky in space that's rocky fights the Russian that's rocky defeats communism by boxing well wrong but that's the one where Apollo Creed eyes look that's a Ronald Reagan the audience Green no it's an old dipper and the Russian audience hates Rocky because they're Russian but then rocky wins the fight so then they love him and they love America now it's the worst it's the dub is like wow that sounds great but at the begin of that movie Dolph Lundgren is the big Russian guy and he's the one who kills Apollo Creed and now this one is trying to get back to the tone of the original rocky very sort of grounded and realistic but it has to but it doesn't still makes a point of respecting the series as a whole entry in all his Canon so they mentioned Apollo dying in the ring unfortunately they don't show flashbacks to that movie because that would be a sharp contrast well III not having seen the other Rocky movies I was assuming that it was rocky that punched Apollo Creed to death known as they don't even mention the Russian they're like you and they dating Rocky they rightfully skim over it no no Rocky is rocky and Apollo fight in the original movie they have a rematch in the second movie and then they become friends in the third movie okay it's the famous scene in the third movie where they're frolicking in the water together in slow motion and it's just so romantic it's trying to question why you like these films it wasn't what I was implying I was implying her into water sports his pictures from the tint amount on the first flight right I heard about a third fight between you and Apollo behind closed doors that's true how do you know all this I'm a son so yeah this one does a good job of paying respects to the previous movies isn't the first one not written by Stallone Stallone directed most of the other ones except for the first and the fifth one so it's always been his series and it's kind of what's kept me liking Stallone all these years because he's made tons and tons of terrible movies but he gets a pass because of rocky because it's such a great movie and a great character and a real sort of avatar for him like each movie that's it's an interesting franchise in that like each movie sort of represents where Stallone was in his life in his career at the time and each one reflects like like the fifth one stones a wash up he's a loser now and that's where he was in his career at the time the fourth one news fueled by ego so the movies like superficial and dumb and he's not even the same character anymore and now we have this movie where we have this young director Ryan Coogler I think his his name is something like that he directed a really great movie called Fruitvale station and I was like his first movie and then this movie is sort of his step up and that's younger person coming in and sort of propping up Rocky slash Stallone and reminding himself and an audience that he can be great when he wants to be I think we talked about this slightly before where we felt like older actors not necessarily older actors now but actors from the previous generation always have that charisma and new actors are all bland yes and that Michael B Jordan III he's very very good in this movie he's a fine actor but he just he's you know you don't have that thing like it cuz I I don't give a [ __ ] about boxing I don't really care about sports movies but I I've always loved rocky I've loved the character let's love Stallone's performance when Stallone's on the screen and when Stallone is talking it's captivating about stuff in the movie Michael B Jordan is little he's just like I'm after man I'm boring actor man he's got a little more charisma than like miles teller negative his Fantastic Four co-star well you know what that's interesting because I was miles teller was running through my brain a little all right miss Murray yeah because the Fantastic Four connection and those two were also in like a dude bro movie with Zac Efron like oh yeah yeah I think it was called dude bro movie I don't know I and and the there were shades admittedly very pale shades of whiplash towards the end where it kind of followed that same sort of narrative of you know the the trihard and I got to do this thing and the ending of this movie and and the whole boxing match and that that's why I liked the length of two hours and 14 minutes was because it was a nice build-up to that oh sure um it was like the trench battle at the end of Star Wars you know it's like that's what it's leading up to right that's what it is they go 12 rounds and it's well shot there's a lot of long takes in this and I wanted to bring up the first boxing match where he's like doing it professionally yeah all one shot gets higher match and it's flying around them it gets comes in for close-ups I think there are some wise I'm clever cuts there's probably hidden cuts but it looks like one continues take and it has this energy that makes it exciting because you never really care about the boxing in these movies right it was this is good it was the it was the shooting and then the use of music as well there was a part where the music ramps up and you know that's what like sports movies and stuff that like as opposed to an action movie the the use of music is always kind of like where do you put it with this and then I hit it at the right moment and then there's a part where the lighting kind of changed a little and I went dark and and I really thought like the energy the pacing the way it was shot everything was pretty well done and it was it was giving me slight flashbacks to the end of of whiplash but oh sure had me nowhere near it's not whiplash it's not whiplash but it was it was close and so it was okay all right this movie's all right by me took a while to get to this point I was like I was like a little toddler who didn't want to sit down a dinner you're you're kicking your feet in the aisle I was literally dragging you into the theater only in your milk cartons around yeah just spitting up all over myself throwing my toys and then by the end I was sucking on my pacifier and watching the film going I enjoyed it the TV let's chase for Gandhi like you can delay if you think the love interest in this was tacked on in lame that was the one aspect of the movie I really didn't like I remember you leaned over to me because Michael B Jordan you know he lives in LA go to the opposite of rocky and that he's successful young businessman and he decides to quit and leave that all behind and become a professional boxer so he goes to Philadelphia to be trained by rocky moves into his apartment first night in his apartment hears loud music downstairs second I heard that music yeah he starts to go down to tell him turn on the music and you just leaned over you're like here comes the love interest and there she was it was like the most conventional thing I mean I know it's a sports movie it's a rocky movie like people kind of expect certain cliches but there's nothing cliched about the romance in the original rocky I think if that movie were made today people would think Adrian is some sort of like mental disorder they think she's slow that's how they would interpret it yeah it's charming and it's sloppy and it's great and in this movie it's just like love interests now they go on date she was a love interest who made terrible music yeah and and also have a degenerative hearing problem which men eventually she was going to ironically go deaf mm-hmm and then they never brought that up again yeah her whole character felt like needless and tacked on in this movie because it's really about rocky and it's about Donna's Creed them not really having anyone else in their lives and forming their own little units and the sort of time urging each other to fight and be strong right right next was really touching not really well done I like the part there's a part where he gets into a fight at the music club where she's she's about to do this big show and she's like [ __ ] off like she takes out her hearing aids yeah and then she leaves them and then it cuts they in the next shot as him like trying to open the door and there's this theme of like him just being unwanted because it starts with him in like a boy's home or like juvenile hall and he's getting into fights and that you know the dad died Luke Apollo Creed wasn't his fault you know he died before his born and then so he's always been in foster homes and bla bla bla bla so there's this theme of people leaving him and if she had been like not by his side the whole movie and kind of turned on him midway through I thought that might have been a nicely because it had a little warm and fuzzy vibe towards the end that I thought it might have needed a little bit more better dose of reality like yeah she's like I'm with this dude now because he can help my music career and he's a what you know you leaving me now and it did it it like or tighten up the relationship with Felicia Rashad Claire Huxtable is that possible herself is in this movie yep she plays his not his biological mother but the widow of Apollo Creed and she raises him from age 10 on so tightening that up tightening up why he wants to prove himself as a fighter other than it's just in his DNA because he has a really cushy bank job and he makes good money apparently and he just gets a promotion but but it's not what he wants he's like he goes down to Mexico on the weekends and he fights yeah and treating that is more of a character arc like why are you fighting what do you need to prove and because he wants to make it on his own he doesn't want to prove that he wants to be you know he's as good as his father but he wants to do it on his own and that's a little little fake his motivation is a little muddled but his relationship with Rocky is what kind of drives them but that's that's the solid core of the movie yeah you just got your staring back at you that your toughest to pull it who's next I leave this jewelry and I think that's true life well Jay would you recommend uh Creed absolutely it's my new favorite Sylvester Stallone movie after Rhinestone by wowzer you created a monster and they call you Frankenstein so Mike would you recommend cream yeah yeah I guess that's pretty good for a movie that you had no interest in seeing going in zero interest whatsoever but it it kept my interest and dare I say won me over in the end if you're a little squeamish on people getting punched in the face and a horrific black eye oh yeah I hate that kind of stuff at least I didn't cut it open they do that in the original movie is ice well shot and he's like cut me open I think it's lame just cope with it no oh J obviously yeah I would absolutely recommend it I think it works as a standalone movie just as a satisfying and sort of crowd-pleasing heartwarming movie you'll tug at your heartstrings and if you're a fan of the Rocky movies definitely it's one of the better ones you know there's all this huh Baloo hullabaloo about concussions in the NFL and little kids playing football and I remember a shot in this movie where it shows Michael B Jordan is fighting and there's a soul like culture of boxing and it pans down there's two little little boys and they they have little boxing gloves on they're watching and and it's not um there's no mention of that how do you feel about that how do you feel about this promoting the boxing culture and and really just how violent it is well I think they do a good job of showing just how violent it is to be glorified though they'd be anywhere Huxtable is saying like don't do this like I had to carry your [ __ ] father up the stairs because he was a mess so I don't think it really glorifies it so much it just shows it how it is but I was thinking during the end because this has one of the best boxing matches in any of these movies where it actually feels real in some of the earlier movies they look a little phony a little silly but this one like you feel each punch and I was thinking man boxing is a [ __ ] up sport Mike you already answered this but I think I have a concussion so I already forgot what would you recommend Creed I would but I'd also recommend Nickelback you should be able to grab one of these birds you serious I am serious chickens are slowing down hello I'm James McAvoy and I'm dan Radcliffe I play dr. Victor Frankenstein and I play Igor in the new film Victor Frankenstein I film we're very proud of very very proud of our film were very proud of very very proud of Igor you and I should be the very heart of a scientific enterprise that will change the world we shall create a life out of death it's alive Victor Frankenstein stars Harry Potter Professor Xavier and another character from a movie that's an actor who's also in this the film is a retelling of the classic Mary Shelley novel Frankenstein this time the story is told from the perspective of Igor a character that is not in the classic Mary Shelley novel Frankenstein the film shows the budding friendship between Igor and dr. Frankenstein as they collaborate and make plans to reanimate dead tissue they finally reanimate the monster in the last 10 minutes of the film you know the part of the story that's actually interesting Jay what did you think of Apollo Frankenstein this might be a half in the bag first and that I don't think I have any opinion on this movie I saw it it wasn't bad it wasn't good it wasn't exciting or scary dramatic or funny I just kind of watched it it's like staring at the color grey that's it that's all I got thank you tune in next week pepper 1/2 a bag do you think you freaking saw me you know what I'll say the beginning of the movie was like the one clever bit where it starts with a voiceover narration from Igor and he's like you know this tale I was like if the movie just cuts the credits right here that would be brilliant because he's right well this is our everything old is new again episode and it's going to become every episode I I was under the impression that this was a prequel or a backstory which it kind of is it a little bit Bowl a little bit of both um where it was going to be like this is how dr. Frankenstein started and how he met Igor his laboratory assistant and and I didn't even think they're going to get to Frankenstein but spoilers the do this movies already out of theaters we don't need to worry about spoilers well it's like I kind of thought it was going to be because the film starts with Igor in the circus yes he's a he's a clown in the circus and okay you know and he's a hunchback he's on Shrek and Victor Frankenstein cures him of his hunchback ness by stabbing him in the back with a giant syringe to remove a pus from he's not actually a hunchback Frankenstein says he just has a nap so an abscess and he decides that just by meeting him he's like that's not a hunchback he's never examined him or even seen him with the shirt off he just says that's not a hunchback and then he shoves a plunger into him and sucks out the goo which is one of the better moments but it just came out of nowhere he's like oh he's not a hunchback well would see a Victor Frankenstein is a little crazy and he's brilliant so he was able to diagnose that visually and I'm alright with that god damn it I like the I like the look of this film a lot I was thinking of Tim Burton especially during that part I was thinking this reminded me of like a lesser Tim Burton movie which is every Tim Burton movie now I guess but yeah the the I mean James McAvoy was really good at it I get his moments yeah I thought he was really good and the the circus stuff I wish they had spent a little more time there I really like the look of all that I read the script to this movie I mean we should make mention this is a max landis script and we just had max here visiting us on the top of Mount Everest and he did discuss the fact that your script can change a lot throughout the process of me yes yes and that seems to be the case here because you read the script I did not yes and no I wasn't sure I'm not sure what draft or version of the script I read but they're alike I'm reading it and the the first chunk of it it's very like the script it goes into a little more detail about like Igor in the circus and it shows him attending to the wounds of all the circus performers people are more cruel to him there there's a lot of little details that are left out there one specific detail that I'll mention there's the strongman character and it shows Igor tending to like a broken wrist he's like is it broken or not you know and he's like well no it's not you know but it's injured he's like can I lift my weights or not and then later on and the chasing when Frankenstein and Igor are escaping Igor remembers that the strong man's wrist is injured and uses it to his advantage and there's a couple little things like that that are shut up and then the all lots of that stuff is cut out the general flow of it is still the same the general ideas are still the same and then I'm watching it and I felt the natural end of the movie was when they escaped the the constable yeah when he he doesn't have a warrant he suspects Frankenstein of doing nefarious satanic things in his secret laboratory now like you need a warrant to bust in in the script it's he wants to check Igor shoes because he finds one of his shoes and this it's a little more dramatic it's I want to just come in and raid your whole operation and then it felt like the natural conclusion and then it goes on and then they do the whole Frankenstein thing and then then it's sort of you can make a Frankenstein movie and not put the monster if it were my guess I would say like that was some studio meddling going you can have a Frankenstein movie without a [ __ ] Frankenstein oh my ass the Frankenstein monster but it's in this version of the script yeah and and I don't know I if so it was less of the early adventures of how you know Frankenstein met Igor and or of a kind of a retelling of its here's what they did a couple days before the monster yeah there's the monster and I like that but it seemed a little rushed because it goes from Frankenstein kind of animating some eyeballs and some goo to kind of reanimating like a chimpanzee monster hybrid yeah it's like a combination of different animals yeah it goes completely wild and it's insane and they have to kill it I kind of liked that part no I love all that stuff and but then it's like boom Frankenstein's next yeah and it felt that part felt like it should about ten years later when really it was more like a week later yeah the whole thing felt pretty rushed I'm detective Inspector Turpin I'm here to investigate missing body parts not sure what you mean sir well you're not afraid to challenge the natural order mr. Frankish no and its Frankenstein spoilers no one cares what no one cares no one saw this movie well yeah and just in case you plan to see it and you're watching a review yeah you got to be you got to be fair alright well skip ahead to this timecode this junker why is it all zeroes anyways and then there are there's a constable character the investigator for the Scotland Yard um is that the guy who ends up with the the wooden hand yeah okay yeah that's something that that was like a missed opportunity this is this guy gets his hand crushed or whatever and then they show him in the next scene he has like this wooden hand like one of those like sculptor hand things and they don't do anything with it like not that it has to be wacky or anything but it's like not even like a visual gag he just has it it was like when his face got melted with electricity and he's lost sight in one eye there's a whole story his dead wife is introduced into this but in the script he also has a daughter that he's trying to take care of and he is still like sort of like the the police guy who is religious and then go and has less like um complex about death and because he lost his wife and bobba and in this he dies in the script and then the end he gets accidentally reanimated so there is a little there's more to his character too after that gets pulled out there's a part where Frankenstein and Igor reanimate a dead baby oh my god and it it accidentally starts on fire and although all the scientists are like laughing and then they're like oh [ __ ] it's alive I want to see that and then they're like yeah there's a there's a couple of them the part where Frankenstein Igor are drinking whiskey and kind of mapping out how they're going to put together Franken someone seen the movie I thought was fun yes it is even funner as I will read an excerpt from the screenplay okay drunkest Igor holding himself up on the board Viktor perched awkwardly in the chair both of them unable to talk or breathe through laughter Igor great giant bosoms all over they want to give Frankenstein bosoms Viktor yes and we shall shall install saddles to ride on the breasts giant breasts and people will say here come Igor and Viktor and their masterpiece of tits that's pretty good there's some there's there's some silly lines in it so it sounds like the script had a little more personality to it the movie it seems like everything was rushed they want to make it more quick and exciting so you pull out all those little bits but yeah you know what like it's like a stack card you take too many out and just crumbles ya house house of cards you know a stack of cards is just sitting there he wouldn't crumble it would not go just diminish in size yeah yeah there were there were some like kind of juvenile s lines there was a line about balls that I'll refrain from from getting into but not too many okay and all of the all of their really good quippy smart dialogue a lot of it was still in there and it was it was more just like just a different draft like they'll take this out and move this here and the general themes remain the same I will say you said a lot of like the quippy stuff is in the script and translated the movie I think part of my problem maybe it's the direction it felt like nothing really had any sort of energy or that there were lines that were said that maybe we're supposed to be funny or clever but they were just delivered straight so they felt kind of flat the only one that really seemed to be trying to do anything was James McAvoy Daniel Radcliffe was a flatline all those little side characters there's a love interest that is like barely even a character in this movie I don't know if she has more to do in the script but mmm no she's still just woman mmm we shall create a man after our own image questions um well you're welcome I think it is time you met our monster I wanted to read one one more excerpt okay michael finnegan that's the blond haired guy rich kid who funds the experiments yes in the back is a michael finnegan 21 dressed in only the finest clothes refined handsome and posh a child of wealth with an accent so upper crust he makes Victor and Igor sound like they're from Michigan I was very confused about what the point of this movie was first of all why is this coming out in November this is like a Frankenstein movie it's monster movie why is this out in November who's an aim dad and why should we care those are the three things I was thinking throughout the whole movie this is like who is this for my answer is the Sherlock Holmes movies worked oh maybe I'm trying to go for that crowd I know they are I don't know what studio it even is at this point I guess they're still with Universal but there's been talk of trying to do a cinema Cinematic Universe with these monsters I don't know if this is like the first step trying to do that or if that's unrelated to this I don't know but I hope it never happens I don't know I would say they have about a 19 percent chance of that work and the 1930s Universal Studios monsters are real hip with the kids these days well they're not even dragging a mummy yeah the mummy the mummy is the worst character ever no one's scared of mummies ever but the idea of updating these and making them like action movies I think that's the plan it's just like the worst idea it's recognizable but the really it's weird that this was made after I Frankenstein and yeah um wasn't there Dracula untold Dracula I'm just like as I I'm assuming that was a poor Dracula prequel untold my jazz Dracula oh jeez oh and untold implies the story you haven't heard before and you know what that's all thing that's going around now too because didn't we watch a trailer for the story behind Moby Dick oh yeah the story that inspired a story that inspired his story like that looks more exciting the Moby Dick I betcha the real story was this Saul whale that's where we're at people Moby Dick versus sharknado versus Thor yeah and then there was something else the story behind the story they're all the story vines now that's a thing there's so many trends yeah movies are just trends when are we gonna get a prequel to jaws or it's like the girl that that gets killed on the beach at the beginning is Z where we see where she came from she just came right from Woodstock so yeah she's like some hippie she rebelled against her parents and she went off on the road yeah she ended up on that beach on that one tragic day uh-huh I'm about taxi driver oh god the little baby Travis Bickel he drove a bus bus driver that's the prequel to taxi driver yeah moosh we suppose if you drove a bus full of little kids every day you would go [ __ ] crazy yeah it's the early state but Travis Bickle was like a like a model citizen and he was a great dad and uh he started driving school bus during some extra money and eventually went insane well what else can we make those kind of fun when are they going to make a mr. ed movie remember mr. ed oh they did it was called hot to trot with a Bobcat Goldthwait bred we've got to talk straight from the horse's mouth jeez don't scream like that lamb BAM so Mike would you recommend Victor Frankenstein Steen they did that they did a Young Frankenstein reference in the movie I remember that um I don't know there were a lot of things I liked about it it just became kind of muddled a a little muff a little unfocused I liked I liked McAvoy in it I thought it was really good I liked the look of a lot of things in it and the Frankenstein at the end was neat it was neat to see a different Frankenstein Frankenstein monster Lucas and um you know he's only in it for two seconds um but like you said who was this movie for what was what was it supposed to be funny it was supposed to be like an action movie and I haven't seen the Sherlock Holmes movies but I'm assuming interaction there is a more action-oriented and more witty yeah and this isn't quite action-oriented and isn't quite as witty as it could be um I would only recommend it if you are a hardcore fan of Frankenstein I was wondering why people were in the theater like I look like I do what did they yeah what about this appealed to them so I was like are people Frankenstein fans is there like a thing I don't think anyone's a hardcore fan of Frankenstein people that are into what's that what's that steampunks like it might be in like the Victorian era with monsters you think you're reaching you like like um who is the fan base you know so that's that's what that's my problem with it that's why I wouldn't recommend it is because it doesn't seem to be aimed at anybody it doesn't really have any sort of tone or style that makes it unique or makes it stand out or makes it interesting if you're looking for a new weird take on Frankenstein watch Frank and hooker directed by Frank Hannon Lauder well I guess we're gonna have to watch rhinestones over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again until mr. blinker comes back oh my god am I in heaven oh-ho-ho-ho this is just be a an infinity simple on here get ready yeah hey well I'm gonna have all these poles I never and what's that
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 880,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, half in the bag, plinkett, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, creed, rocky, Sylvester Stallone (Celebrity), michael b. jordan, victor frankenstein, Episode, Frankenstein (Book)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 33sec (2313 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2015
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