Half in the Bag Episode 9: Summer Movie Catch-up

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half in the bag get this shut off my cabinet what is this it's sing-along with Frank Worley oh my god this is the voice of an angel what are you doing with the Frank Worley tape oh that's what I'm doing to the Frank Worley tape who do you think you are that hammer MC skat Kat no I think I'm [ __ ] Thor the God of Thunder by the way have you seen couples retreat it's a really funny movie I have sacrificed much peace for your arrogance stupidity you have opened these peaceful realms and innocent lives you're gonna have a heart attack no no this is a depressant this is a stimulant they negate each other you are a vain greedy cruel boy it's actually good for your heart so it's kind of like not drinking anything at all yep so we just saw the movie Thor which is a Marvel Comics feature starring Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman it's about the mythical figure Thor the Norse god of thunder who comes to earth after being banished from Eternia where he lives in a happy land with his dad and his mom and he falls in love with Natalie's ass and wants to pound her mound into infinity which is the general plot of the film would you not agree what movie did you see Jay what did you think about Thor I enjoyed watching the Thor I had a good time watching the movie the whole thing is very silly it reminded me of a sort of mid budget eighties fantasy movie like Masters of the Universe or Crowell I really liked Thor I was thoroughly entertained by it there are some problems which I'll discuss but it is what it is yes and that's kind of what category it falls in into for me I really like the opening because it showed exactly like the world that Thor is used to and of course that lended itself perfectly to a handful of fish-out-of-water drugs which work there's just a few just enough they didn't push it too far well Thor is a bit of a narc you know as a character he starts off kind of like immature Brian Regan arrogant headstrong etc and he wants to start he wants to fight people he wants to prove his worth and you know and then you know he gains some wisdom over the film and I think that's all the movies about yeah it's very very simple yeah disobey the scheme his fate is in his own hands now in regards to masters of the universe there are two ways of doing these kind of movies entirely in Thor's world or entirely on earth and they kind of kept going back and forth and and that that was a little like oil and water to me yeah well especially since the majority of things that are happening on earth are sort of like they feel like filler in this movie yeah like the everything with Natalie Portman like the only reason she exists the only reason she's in this movie is to be the generic love interests and there's not much else to that and uh yeah it sort of just feels like we need to put these things in one so people have something they can connect to and to to pad out the movie yeah yeah I mean Thor could have had a romance with a girl that was part of his warrior friends tribe or whatever so I found myself like oh yeah Anthony Hopkins is Laura's dad and know he's injured and Loki is doing this thing and then it's like Oh back to Natalie Portman in the desert yeah what felt odd was when that robot came down to earth and started like blasting the town up laughs that felt like whenever something's in there in a moving it doesn't feel like completely natural to the story and it's like we have to have a scene where on earth where action happens yeah we haven't had an action scene in 25 minutes yeah well not just a time frame but all the action in the movie essentially takes place in Thor's universe yeah there's not a scene on earth where there's action and and there's it's not connectible yeah um but but a thing knocking the car out of its way with its arm is connected to the audience right and and that also gets a Natalie Portman involved and it merges those two which is fine it's cool action scene but it felt kind of unnecessary yeah all the action scenes of this movie are fun they're very light-hearted it doesn't feel like there's much at stake like it's a very there's not a lot of characters to really latch on to it's all very sort of it's like fluff this movie's flung this hammer should possess the bow next I think I think overall though we might be overanalyzing Thor not just because it's called for the movie is what it needs to be pretty much exactly it's a Thor movie that's meant to set up another movie yes basically what it is yeah one thing I don't understand about Kenneth Branagh's direction is the the choice to have every word shot be a Dutch angle the Dutch angle started to appear in the film halfway through towards the end I saw a lot there's a lot in the first half and the seventh it goes from the most insane [ __ ] in outer space to like car driving down desert road and so it seemed like well what do we do mark turn the camera that don't make it like a comic book thing like it was really like why are they doing that yeah and like someone that doesn't which is probably the case with Kenneth Branagh some of the doesn't know comic books doesn't understand comic books trying to make something that you think would look comic book like I don't know I guess there's more Dutch angles in this than the old Batman TV show though no no that's an over-exaggeration for comic purposes it was a point where the Dutch angles were getting so out of control that it was already on a Dutch angle and he tried to turn it to another Dutch angle and the movie was sideways half of this movie was completely sideways or perhaps it was on a Dutch angle and such a degree that it ended up being straight again so you're saying that the shots in this movie that are straight were maybe an accent every shot was a Dutch angle except for the the Dutch angles shots which ironically were not Dutch angle shots Wow because it had all come full circle those are straight shots I see okay or maybe they just had a broken tripod so to wrap up I would recommend Thor I enjoyed it um never had you know it had its moments it was fun entertaining lots of good action and I don't want something like a simpleton or [ __ ] you know I get lots of good action in it but for a movie that's about Thor it is a movie about Thor yes oh man and you will enjoy it on that level it's not boring or horrible or stupid or pandering or you know Michael Bay movie yeah and it has Natalie Portman and she has a pretty face and it's nice to look at her face and the ladies you will like to look at Chris Hemsworth's perfectly cut abs and pectoral muscles when I watched the film there were several groups of ladies in the theater who had all come middle-aged ladies who were school teachers not comic book fans it probably not comic book fans but they were there for something do you think it could have been because of stellan skarsgård oh right yeah Oh totally I'm sorry yeah but yeah Thor uh see Thor if you want to I don't give a [ __ ] I would also recommend Thor as maybe a lazy Sunday matinee movie it's not great not bad but it's very charmingly simple and there's great comedic relief by Sir Anthony Hopkins I don't even know who you are anymore but you realize we're watching a pregnancy workout video right yeah is that [ __ ] hot hey why'd you hit stop oh so what would you rather be watching Joe Silverman's Hollywood Dog Training Program is that a book it's a big VHS tape oh my god oh just accept tapes in there too it's a whole program for it to the hollywood dog training why does blinken have that he doesn't even own a dog I don't know that looks unwatchable speaking of unwatchable have you seen the hangover part to the population in Thailand is 63 million people it is twice the size of Wyoming none of you know Stu like I do I can't even tell you what we've been through cuz we made a pact what I can tell you is this this is not Stu's first marriage there was a hoary Las Vegas a couple of years tops peaks at Alba so the hangover - is the hangover again quite literally yes Mike what did you think of The Hangover Part two um amazingly bad okay not not mm okay I'm going over the top it was watchable but boy oh boy it was lazy what comedy is very subjective more so than maybe some other aspects of other genres of film I don't I guess so I'd like I said I understand why that movie was popular I get it and I like the concept of the movie I like the idea behind it oh and I and I saw the movie long after it already come out and in season theaters and when I heard about it's like oh they they got so directed over what happened the night before they have to find the groom so they have to piece together all these elements I was expecting something just even a little bit more clever than what it was where when they finally realize where the groom was it nothing that they discovered throughout their the rest of the movie before that had built towards that no no it was like a mystery but that I mean was like oh I guess he's over here and nothing to do and yeah one clue didn't lead to another that yeah the second one had that well that's I was gonna say is that the first one it is very much just a series of comedy set pieces and that's pretty much it and I will go on record as saying that I kind of liked The Hangover Part two for a lot of the reasons that people that love the first hangover probably will hate the movie which is that it wasn't as broad it wasn't as crazy and on a story level it felt a little more cohesive mmm-hmm as far as the basic plot it is it is shockingly similar to the first one and that is beat four be plot point or plot point the exact same movie it's almost like intentional it's almost inspiring how lazy they were being with the script yeah uh but tonally it's sort of different it's much sleazier yeah its sleazy it's darker and it's more uncomfortable and the theater I saw it in was just packed with people ready to laugh because they loved the first hangover and most of the movie was lots of uncomfortable silences and people shifting in their seats and waiting for the hilarity to happen that never came Oh your hair is gone no up when I hear about an unnecessary sequel to a movie I always have this running gag her I say oh no it happened again and that's one of the first lines of dialogue in this movie they actually say it happened again and they say things like that throughout the movie please this happening again the one thing I was thinking about early on was how terrible the editing was yes it yes it was just like cut is jarring and then it was like the hangover part ii like the title appears and it wasn't there was no like energy it was like and here yeah here and now and then the one thing that ran through my head was part two they Hangover Part 2 as in like it's a continuation of a story and it's not no it's like it's the same story it's like a different flavor of ice cream well I guess people like the idea the first movie well so what they liked is the the characters and the performances cuz this is a group of talented people no even though the actors are all very like all you need to do is take those characters and put them in a completely different scenario yeah and you might have something maybe here's something crazy maybe it's not a wedding but why does it have to be honey God yeah check your pockets there might be close Chiang Mai monastery I don't remember any of this what is this a PF Changs and this movie played it as safe as it possibly could right with the story similar to like home alone to where it's the exact same movie in a different city well home alone - he wasn't in the house again he was in New York City he doesn't so you're like completely [ __ ] wrong oh I mean home alone - broke new ground it just shattered conventions yeah I mean this is a wedding a bachelor party and think you know so you're saying it's even worse than home alone - in the story Department - Kevin McCallister was still at the oh here's this here's the twist instead of going to Paris the family is going to London on their vacation yes and and Kevin gets trapped at home and Kevin McCallister and then throughout the film he sets up booby traps yeah but they're just slightly different yeah it's not the same exact a booby traps right we had a sick night [ __ ] but but sometimes when something's really bad bad where the word of mouth kills it yeah and I don't see how bad were word of mouth could not have killed this yeah yeah unless people are just like I love the first one I love the first one I don't care what you say I'm going to see this I'm going to see this and and that just got their money in talking about this movie being totally different than the first movie even though story wise it's exactly the same is that in the first movie everybody reacts to everything like completely crazy like oh my god I can't believe we did this and in this one there's certain sequences that get really creepy and dark and uncomfortable and the characters acts almost believable like as if this actually happened yeah which takes away from the hilarity which makes it not funny to the people that like the first movie yes but to me that was sort of interesting to see them them treat the material in a different context like that but there's long stretches of this movie where it's not even trying to be funny mm-hmm where it's almost just like a straight sort of mystery thriller movie and there's a car chase sequence in the movie that I actually thought was was pretty well executed have Idina are you familiar at all with the director of this movie Todd Phillips no you've seen the first hangover yeah he directed that he's always been a filmmaker that I've been intrigued by even though I've never liked any of his movies what other movies he directed roadtrip you remember a road trip that's our friend on boat trip that's different than boat trip road trip is Tom Green that was his breakout movie he did that he did well he did due date oh I love to date yeah and every movie he does is like that where it's like I'm sort of baffled by the movie but people seem to love them but his very first movie was a documentary about ggl and then his second film was a documentary kind of about frat hazing and so he has this sort of like subversive dark quality to him and I keep expecting that to show up in these mainstream movies that he makes but he always seems to be just sort of playing to the cheap seats with the Hollywood comedies this was certainly not that the first hangover yes but not the first thing and then that's that's something I admired about this one but at the same time he alienated the audience that liked the first one Hurley said he'd look I think it's offices well but do you think people are going to see this movie because they've heard it's a great hilarious follow-up to the first one they're going to see it because the first one was success yeah yeah pretty much yeah to even have been the pinyon on but up in it's not as blatant as like a sequel that I love I don't think you care much for it but I love gremlins 2 and gremlins 2 is a very deliberate and obvious attempt to ridicule everything about the first movie everything that made the first movie successful and just be completely balls-out crazy that's a good point I don't know if that was what they were trying to do with the hangover part ii or not why can't you just make another story with these characters because the story is the fact they wake up drunk and not remember anything except the story about the characters yeah I mean the characters are I'm saying if you want to do a sequel that was something different that's what you can do is make it not them waking up and not remembering the night before not that would accept that yeah no no except unless it had the same premise yeah or a similar premise but but then you run into the problem that this movie does where it is the same premise down to every sort of beats right but but what I'm saying in addition to that is even mild tweaks yeah could have fixed that is someone with just you know a fourth-grade education could have done that like what like I suggested the simple simple premise there is no wedding yeah why is there have to be another wedding it says why does it have to be a bachelor party yeah why cat there's so many other events in life that have drinking and partying that it didn't have to be a wedding sure so and and I have a fourth-grade education and I thought of that how about they go to something that's not known for parties they go to a software convention in Cleveland Ohio yeah and things get crazy and and there's a different premise right there so The Hangover Part two uh no I wouldn't recommend it if you're looking for a good funny comedy if you're looking for a worthy follow-up to the hangover if you like the first one I wouldn't recommend it for any of those reasons if you're looking to see a movie that is just like morbidly curious and how off-putting and wrong it is see with but that's you that's me that's what I'm saying mmm don't go see this one no one wants to go watch a movie out of the morbid curiosity of how how they how they can watch the audience in the theater with them be disappointed now people want to go to the movie to be entertained by it and whether it's an action movie a drama or comedy so you must withdraw your recommendation to see this movie on any love there must be other people out there like because there must be right oh there's no redeeming qualities in this movie know that that that would give them think of it as a just the general audience there's no redeeming qualities in this movie that would make me recommend it to any demographic it's not funny there's a couple little chuckles here and there but it's not funny it's not [ __ ] this movie it's warping my mind yes it was just a bad idea yeah all around yeah like there's a sequel it'll be real funny they go to Bangkok and that sorts of crazy stirring [ __ ] happens it'll be hilarious yeah and it's not hilarious it's it's kind of twisted and dark and kind of like okay it's supposed to be funny and twisted and dark can be funny sure incontinent ever anything can be funny in contexts but this is a movie where I don't know what the context was supposed to be right the context is not there you know you don't know what you're supposed to be laughing at or what you're supposed to be disgusted by yes and on there scenes where the Buddhist monks is hitting them with a stick for ten minutes and it's becomes the Three Stooges yeah or a monkey is smoking a cigarette and it's funny because monkeys don't smoke cigarettes and then then seen before that it's it's a it's a horrifyingly graphic description of how ed Helms was fun in the ass by a transvestite yes and that's like that is is buttressed against that and you're like yeah hey guys check it out Alan cut it out with a monkey nibbles on the wieners it's funny in any language ever bamboo book it has everything from hidden treasures to battles inky suspense and it's like if that's what you mean if I got a book here that you pick up a good way for you you can think oh and we also saw x-men x-men first class of course needs no introduction as most of you have probably seen the other x-men films or know what the x-men are and have probably been waiting to see this film for a while as I have been x-men first class is essentially a prequel because it takes place before all the other x-men films and tells the origin story of Charles Xavier and how he formed the x-men and more importantly his friendship with Erik Lehnsherr who eventually becomes Magneto which is the focal point of the story Jake what did you think about x-men first class I enjoyed the movie for the most parts yeah the first half of the movie I would say I kind of loved but then at a certain point I noticed weird things started creeping into the movie that kept taking me out of it like one frame of a pornographic film no but what things are you talking about uh well there was certain things where like dialog started to feel off and there was moments where the dialogue was very like hitting you over the head with its obviousness and then yeah the final action scene that the whole movie is are building towards because it's not a very there's not a lot of action in the rest of the movie no which I appreciated because it's more focused on the characters but when that action scene happens it felt very awkwardly handled some of the shots were bizarre and and comical unintentionally comical and then that whole sequence just went on way too long I liked x-men first class I did not love it I kept hearing how just awesome it was and and the trailer was perfect one path we shall never choose I think it was a just a classic case of high expectations yeah being a little too high and and I think that was some of the problems maybe I'll appreciate it more upon more viewings because there was a lot going on in it but it's certainly not a bad movie no any means oh no no I enjoyed it quite a bit um but I had the same problems you did where I was thinking actually for the first like half an hour of it I'm like wow you know idiots are gonna be really bored yes yes as there's no there's no big like action opening it's very it's very subtle yeah I I thought the guy that played Charles Xavier for me stole the show James McAvoy oh good job I have never heard of them before but he did a great job playing Xavier and it was nice to see Xavier as sort of like having a lot of youthful energy it was fun to see him like hitting on ladies and using terms like groovy yeah and things like that yeah I think that's what the earlier films are kind of lacking was that they're sort of established like Xavier school for gifted youngsters Xavier Cyclops you know and and there's no like humanity yeah and this one Xavier was like I'm I'm Xavier I'm excited about things yeah and it's fun and it's interesting to see like him talk about how mutants should be out in the open and proud of themselves but that's because he can't relate to the ones that have physical yeah elements that make them look different than other people yeah he in a bit he wasn't he was a little naive yes about yeah the things demo the movie almost empathizes more with Magneto listen to me very carefully my friend killing will not bring you peace peace was never an option the main conflict in the movie is between those two not necessarily Sebastian Shaw versus Magneto right and that's what drives the movie and that's what I thought was pretty well done I will agree with you yes it was well done and and and being that that's the core of the movie that's what makes it work for me but the frustrating stuff comes from the details there are shots in this movie they're so cheap looking it looks like kind of like a comedy film like like there's there's the ending as you know from the trailer takes place during the Cuban Missile Crisis and the excellent sort of intervene in this and there's shots aboard a battleship that which are like if you would imagine a comedy scene aboard a battleship that's how you would shoot it the bridge the windows almost like almost like a like a John Wayne movie from the 40s or the 50s where it's just like the bridge of the battleship or like a Naked Gun movie or like a Naked Gun with specifically the binoculars the so there's a shot where the captain has the binoculars it's as cliched almost and and the cameras pushing in and he lowers the binoculars and it's Michael Ironside because I we saw there and I was I started laughing I started laughing and it was like because that the whole thing feels like that's the punchline like I'm making gun movie or it's like he lowers the binoculars it's like of course it'd be Michael Ironside right right yeah and you know some average moviegoer might not know but I was expected to see Leslie Nielsen when it launched think at one point Michael Ironside goes gentlemen it's been an honor serving with you and it's like it is flash if you know anything but like a sitcom filmmaking specifically flat shots at eye level are typically funny yeah at least for comedic effect I don't know who directed this but Matthew Vaughn and it's like right in the middle of all this dramatic tension between Magneto and Xavier yeah that cuts it keeps cutting to michael ironside constantly yeah why are we cutting to him who is he he's just the commander of one of the ships we should have never seen anyone yeah on any of the ships ever don't show them yeah yeah ever just keep showing Xavier and boats in the water and like because the movies about mutants trying to like mingle intermingle with human affairs yes don't even show them they're like ants you know but they keep cutting back to Michael Ironside what no should we hit the button the nuclear button no first of all not be risk allies doing so we have it has to be the better man we already evolved in the first three x-men movies Xavier and Magneto was always kind of like this little thing that would crop up yeah and it was always the Wolverine show yeah and and to me and I guess to most other people x-men is always Xavier versus Magneto yeah because it's two conflicting ideologies and Xavier has his guys magneto has his guys and the conflict in x-men is do we side with humans or do we wipe them out are they our friends or are they our enemies or or in a different way of saying it is should we protect the ones that hate us and that's the conflict in x-men and it's not Wolverine Xavier and and and and Magneto are the kings on the chessboard and they're all the other characters are the pawns okay and and that's the story and that's what this movie focused on yes and that's why it's good right it's just the technical things that's sure that day and some of the script things because some of the dialogue in this movie there's a certain there there's one scene in particular that that completely I don't want say derailed the movie for me but it definitely took me out of the movie to the point where I have trouble getting back into it which is was it the scene where January Jones said anything what January Jones is terrible in this movie but we'll get into that they love to get into that there's a scene in this movie where what's beasts Hank McCoy there's a scene in this movie where Hank McCoy comes in with like the serum that will cure him and Ravan / mystique of their physical differences from humans and every line of dialogue in that scene is awful like like laughably bad and there's no scenes before that that were that bad and it really took me out of the movie to the point where I thought like is this a reshoot like did they do this because they didn't think that the point of the movie was coming across well enough so they redid it that scene onward is when I noticed problems starting to to pop up yeah yeah yeah uh another thing that that you bring up that sort of was hit over the head with a hammer was the parallel especially in the third one which a lot of people have discussed was mutants as homosexuals and that whole social message science fiction has always been more like respected or more um you know noteworthy if while it's doing science fiction it's making commentary on society or social issues sure but the core of x-men is humans hate mutants but mutants are good enough to want to protect humans well you can take that and make it that blatant words like humans hate mutants yeah and an individual viewer can apply anything they want to chance it needs the racism sexism homophobia whatever it doesn't need to be so specific where you have characters saying like mutant pride right and it makes it - that's the point of it is humans have the capacity to hate something that's different yes it's all in the verbage because mystique says mutant pride pride is associated with with gay power is associated with with domination white power black power you know magneto magneto is is um is mutant power yes he's the militant and and and Xavier is more of mutant rights and rights are kind of like more equality civil rights like the civil rights movement um gender rights women's rights I would have liked a little bit of the other elements in there too do you not I mean yeah another mutant already here why didn't you say say what because you don't know I am so so terribly sorry Hank and he's like well they did ask so I didn't tell didn't ask so I didn't tell that's like oh that's like saying shock and awe yeah like shock and awe is clearly labeled towards bush intolerant bigoted take gave you right o sleep it alone just absolutely enormous no I I think the movie should exist on its own and don't hate their mutants they're looked at as being weird and different the ends because we get it without it yeah we get it without the hammer all the performances are very good the movie aside from January Jones she delivers her lines like she has no idea what movie she's in yeah we have a situation they're recruiting or or what being a human being this she's she's really bad yeah and I haven't seen her in anything else so I have no point of reference but who her her lines are like nails on a chalkboard like wow yeah there is no it comes off like when and when an athlete host Saturday night life yes that's kind of acting it's a good analogy oh and another thing we should we should kind of talk about is at some point I noticed that the movie felt a little like cheap for being like a major x-men movie like some of the visual effects yes some of the some of the effects of the movie are like off-putting ly bad sure Emily the movies about the characters in the story so the visual effects aren't important but they shouldn't kind of distract you it comes with some of the effects not all but some of the effects come off like kind of like sci-fi channel kind of CGI looking like television quality and and I was expecting just like you know top-of-the-line effects for an x-men movie chair and they're not really there which is not a big concern but it's noteworthy it's one of those things like I was saying halfway through the movie there's certain little odd things that start to take you out of the movie yeah and when enough of those crop up that's what sort of spoils the movie for you what's good about this movie and in comparison to like the third or third film or the second film maybe is the third film a lot of the comments about it is that it's so cluttered with characters yes um it's a very muddled movie and this movie they albeit briefly they take the characters and there's a kind of a fun training sequence where we learn like the characters can't really control their powers and Xavier starting to learn how to become a mentor on training them with their powers so you learn a little bit about each character and what what their limitations are and what their fears are and stuff like that and that pays off when they use their powers at the end yeah and that's all we needed from like a character like banshee or havoc right it was just a little bit of introduction banshee doesn't quite know what to do have I can't control those powers it's so great and and then at the end they learn how to focus them in control yeah that's right nice example yeah for a movie that's this sir because it's a long movie that's a pretty long movie yeah so for a movie that within this length and and covers this much period of time and this many characters is all balanced fairly well right yeah right I just wish it was more silly wish it was more silly x-men should not be taken super seriously yeah magneto needs to go it's the x-men nicer fighting the the Hellfire Club have a secret submarine underneath the ship and Kevin Bacon's there and he's in the he's in the Sebastian a sure on that helmet yeah and it's like shocked yes immense ik don't you shouldn't you be proud of the way you were born and our big theme has always been tolerance if you're different to be proud it's okay giant robots people going look out it's the x-men you know like one or the other yeah if you're gonna have Kevin Bacon and a secret submarine grabbing on to to radioactive nuclear rods you know then go overboard yeah and don't cast Michael Ironside yes like Alliance I don't kiss Michael iron unless it's unless it's McHale's Navy starring Kelsey Grammer cuz it's a comic book it's not a social commentary on the the intolerance of people against homosexuality it's a movie about people that fight each other with superpowers yes yes and it doesn't need to be anything more than that who's with me listen to me very carefully my friend killing will not bring you peace so I would have to of course recommend Axman first lash I wouldn't recommend it to Grandma because Rambo no [ __ ] going on but if you are a movie fan if you're a comic book movie fan if you're an x-men movie if you're any kind of movie fan you should probably go see x-men first class do you agree I would agree III enjoyed the movie for the most part it had lots of issues it's not a perfect movie no it's not a great movie it's not the best x-men movie but there's lots of good stuff in it lots of good performances yeah lots of fun stuff yeah lots of fun stuff yeah ah good old Richard Simmons I loved his tapes oh yeah yeah he really helps off fat swells no absolutely they need all the help they can get they're repugnant well it's like once you go over a certain weight you're no longer human I mean fatso should be should be chained and putting the zoo for all I care yeah well it's good because Richard Simmons once that's us to avoid that kind of shame and ridicule if you can lose weight so they don't look so an opponent did you know Richard Simmons used to be a porker really mmmm it was like 300 pounds holy [ __ ] um yeah cuz you know there's a lot of calories in semen but Richard Simmons you know he really gives me a hard-on um but um you know he helps the Fatso's you know lose the weight and feel good about themselves with these cookies hey sorry you know this is my favorite part of this tape you seen this before yeah worse a lot of times a Tracking's off again with the tracking mm-hmm on the VCR there goes we've been watching VHS tapes all afternoon so well the VCR works yeah obviously what's your point we're here to fix the VCR it's supposed to be broken oh [ __ ] that's right I completely forgot why is it working oh [ __ ] you know what I think I accidentally fixed it a couple weeks ago what I'm sorry it was like second nature you know cuz I'm a VCR repair man it just yeah and I was not even thinking I was just on autopilot pretending to fix it think it was over there and I think I might have fixed it obviously I did Oh what are we gonna do about this there's only one thing we can do Oh what the hell your dog training program hmm now it's too much work let's just unplug it
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 509,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i5OsJZtPxRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 32sec (2552 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2015
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