Hale$ Answer YOUR Questions On Abandoned Storage Unit Auctions / How To Make Money With Storage Wars

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[Music] happy Sunday Sunday everyone thank you all for joining us even though she's white I'm darken together we make blue right oh youtubers got any more moves got moves for one more verse I wanna see the sprinkler and I want to see the lawnmower and then I want you I want you to a chainsaw with the chainsaw here we go you sure you're ready I'm ready [Music] [Music] oh you tubers be love [Music] give it up for Jeremy all right we're in for hails of a show tonight because I have no doubt there are so many questions because so much has happened this week you saved me it saved you she saved me okay George we got lots of things to cover tonight now one of the things that we definitely need to cover is we promised everybody that we would be going through the memory sticks the flash drives the multiple memory sticks and flash drives and this is the one the one that you want to know what is on it this is the one we've got multiples that we're going to go through throughout the night but this one is the one you definitely want to stay at says what the Hales is going on here okay George do we have any announcements tonight before you dig into mail and we dig into questions we can talk about this that you made fun of that's your announcement this is the restored the love money thermometer okay where it indicates how much hoodie was sold for 49 if you guys can see that and then it says where's the money and then it has the date of wind hoodie was sold which was July 21st and the red area is hot of that money we've spent so far restoring the love so sense hoodies sold restored the love has now been at 785 and that's just on costs alone for data units just the purchase of the unit so for example they haven't even seen you have not seen yet this last 325 you won't see that till this upcoming week and I can tell you expenses it cost well well over a thousand dollars two nights of lodging five hundred dollars in diesel fuel and we are in another state and restored the love happened not in Ohio but in a whole nother state with two other channels you'll have to stay tuned to see the Hales story on that one Pat 272 said I I seen it with lots of rain there was lots and lots and lots of rain okay so we've got we've got the thermometer there so we're working up already it hasn't even been a month and we're almost at $1,000 that has been given back into restored the lung so do you have any mail we're gonna open yes I do she's got mail why you're getting mail I'm gonna say some highs bill French said hi from Windsor Ontario Canada bill how the Hales are you and we got Pamela Lynch says hello my friend fat man the flipper I still have you five dollars so Pamela Lynn owes fat man the flipper five dollars or we owe him one of the others I thought it was $3 to $5 what for what I don't know they had something some type of okay well they got a bet going on so somebody's winning it's all the way from Bug's me the anime anime lover wants to know are you married yet also also are you married yet and and if not what the hills are you doing no we are not married and what we are doing is having the hails of a good time we're gonna business hey you got your letter says George found this at a thrift store and I remember Jeremy saying that you were looking for one so here you go sue PS love your vlogs and look at what sue said oh do we have to cover up the part of the castle there we go there we go we just have to cover that up remember this is yeah this is the banned art cover which means these are rare and they go for hundreds maybe even thousands even thousands on eBay all depends on when you're selling and supply-and-demand junks men while you're getting the next one thank you so much sue junkman just sent five dollars can I borrow your fist yes I can't believe it she's letting me touch her I got a hug during the earthquake and I get the fist judge ma'am okay so junkman says love you guys new youtuber longtime picker you guys are so inspiring ah would it be lame to ask for a small shout-out for my tiny channel rock on not lame at all remember we all start at the beginning and the goal is always to grow it doesn't matter if you've been doing this for a month if you've been doing this for a year if you've been doing this for thirty years we all can grow that's why we always encourage you watch other channels not just what the Hales because everybody has more information so for example after this live stream you can jump on storage auction pirates livestream and you'll get his whole viewpoints so you can learn from all over the place we all start at zero that's the beautiful thing and we grow from there so junkman good luck on your YouTube channel and good luck picking everyone make sure you check out his channel there's three little dots if you go to the right of his name just hover over it and then that'll take you to his channel appreciate it Northwest RC Club sent a $2.00 super chat said looking forward to another great live show and borderline hoarder is just reminded everybody if you want to get your question answered which I know there's a lot of questions there's questions about coins that were counted there's questions about potential illegal activities at a storage unit auction that happened there's questions about restored the love that's been buzzing around the best way to do that send a super chat so that way it'll come straight up into our faces we can't miss it there's 550 on here right now I bet you if you invite your mom your granny your auntie we can get a thousand on here tonight so you've got the next next piece of this bye is from YouTube are you serious from YouTube ha YouTube sent us mail we have a mail song you remember that there's a male song do you remember how it went do you remember how it was no we got mail we got some more mail [Music] George is opening the mail congratulations on your subscriber milestone recognizing your achievement and want your experience to be exceptional this award was inspected and packaged by Rick Rick from YouTube [Music] because we're singing the male song it's our YouTube silver play button and it's engraving it says presented to what the Hales for passing a hundred thousand subscribers how the Hales did we do that now if you actually look these up on ebay some youtube channels will sell their play buttons their awards from YouTube and they can go for not just thousands but sometimes tens of thousands so I think one sell for like eleven thousand dollars if they're sold for $11,000 for twenty on eBay I don't know it's a pretty big milestone George you won't even hold on to me but you want to hold on to a silver plaque what's the next plat gold it's platinum you owe me a hug if you want to keep it give me a kiss if you want to keep begging me kiss know NOPD's i'll give you a hug alright appropriate church hug whoa that was too much no leaning on the shoulder all right I'm gonna have to work do you think we should put this in a frame I think you can do whatever you want with it and I also think we were missing super chats so we've got a super chat from Northwest RC club set $2 looking forward to another great live show you already said that one Oh Sharon said that one we got one from grinding so we need one for Grimes fine I don't shoot it Justin mrs. Grimes finds another super chat says congrats guys you deserve it there it is sometimes even when you find a super chat we can do find it we got 641 yep thank you so much Justin we appreciate it so we've got lots of questions tonight George lots of things have been happening yes we had the coin counting no doubt some of these guys have coin questions we had the potential illegal activities at the storage unit auction which was a live auction that was in Cleveland Ohio and no doubt they have questions because we've been reading them on the comments and then restores the love as well so oh we got bargain hunters through Sargon sent five dollars congratulations for the hundred thousand subscribers exclamation point there's a lot more exclamation points than that you got a boom come on for every exclamation point that was the knockout punch from George okay ah Sal Rico said did you get my photo maybe still on the way we did not receive it yet we've been bad we've been busy we've been busy we haven't even checked it but we will tomorrow we were we were out of state we were at other storage unit auctions so before we get into a question do you think I can share with them just one thing that we found on the flash drives because remember we're sharing with you tonight what was on the flash drives from one of the units that you saw this week and there are multiples and this is the 1v1 I promise you that you want to stick around for this is the last one we're going to look at so can I pull one up right now yeah so it's pretty custom when you buy a storage unit that there's gonna be a flash drive in there okay and really nine times out of 10 people lose their units and generally they've lost their job they're low-income and and what happens is they you'll find a ton of paperwork from job and Family Services nothing wrong with that you always get you always typically get a cellphone as well which is why I have like over 500 cell phones in the garage that we don't know what to do with yet and you'll find flash drives so this is one of the flash drives that I'm gonna share with you what's actually on it and so what you'll see here is you'll see that there is a resume there's a PowerPoint presentation on how to enter back into the workforce and another power PowerPoint presentation on on employment and training correction so basically getting employed again now this thumbnail or thumb drive this is just this is nothing as a matter of fact you'll see it actually came from job and family you're not going to be able to see it with the glare so this is pretty much nothing but this this is something this is worth waiting for okay oh so hot it's so hot drop it Justin Brown sent a $2.00 super chat says can I get a happy birthday from the Hales crew happy I think it's pirate that typically sings happy birthday to you brass 710 viewers and maybe we can hit a thousand and if we get a thousand I'll show you what's on this video if we can get to a thousand watching now I think we should give away a free t-shirt okay we can do that how are you gonna make it they can decide like the last time we did what we see but I have to go through I have to go through all of them and they get their choice of either the Hales tea or are funemployed tea which I don't have displayed back there but it's in our YouTube shelf under every video nice ok lazy walking P just sent a buck 99 scored a 1952 Packard check it out nice job sweet lazy walking P that's yeah we really check it out everyone else in the chat should check it out make sure you guys go to his channel Crocker's Locker says kids sorry we're late almost knows with the cracker lockers are do you know do you know how old we are they not see male pattern baldness male pattern baldness what are we gonna do about this what did we decide when you were just gonna take a marker and start Sharpie a night then right okay all right we have got to get a question let's see if we can George George is in the chat my brother Oh is he and I've been asking George George people have been asking Where's George George I thought George George was now part of the channel Where's George I miss George George I want I can do I can D that hurts baby Jesus is on the chat you guys haven't checked out storage option pirate channel he paid it seven per unit and it's just the unit that keeps on giving and it's just been amazing but do you think that unit is more amazing than what's on this flash drive because what's on this flash drive what do you think cuz I think what's on this flash drive probably actually made more than 7000 dollars what do you think I would say made more than seven thousand dollars I'm curious if they could guess what is actually on this flash drive okay Adams exploit sent four dollars super cool with the East Coast Oh face alright okay so do we have any question Jeff sweetheart Pamela Lynn says that's why I watch you what the Hales eye candy I knew that [Laughter] that's because you're next okay we have got to find a question in all of these chats we have 769 right now and if we get to a thousand we can get into some of these other flash drives Sophia wants to know what's the craziest thing or things you've ever found in a storage locker well that one of Francisco ponce says are you guys dating no that's the craziest question I've ever heard what would what the Hales would give him that idea we're just besties for the recipes right George yeah okay do you want to talk about the craziest thing um gosh I mean we've talked about the grossest thing which kind of aligns with the craziest thing what would you sing well I did drugs maybe the amount of drugs that we found yeah that doesn't even that doesn't even faze me anymore I think the one the $5 the the amount the volume that we found it and I think oh sure volume of drugs that one unit yes there's drugs everywhere yeah but I would say the grossest which to me would be the craziest is when we opened that bag looking for the certificate of death and the bugs literally were jumping out and it was closed the bag that's going straight in the garbage we are not messing there was a combination of bugs it wasn't just one day it was gross yeah all right Dorothy Gunn has asked the question hold on what once I get Casey Collins and a $10 super cat appreciate it Casey Collins before we get in Dorothy Gunn this question okay I want to share with them here is another flash drive that came from that unit even though it's not focused on their there is nothing on this flash drive but we will get to this one and there is something on this flash drive that could have made more money than pirates $7,000 storage unit okay I'm curious if they can guess what's on there alright so Dorothy Gunn says what's up with that cancelled unit all right so probably we were shocked that was a new that was new for us absolutely new experience for us new facility we have not been to the auctioneer's auctions before and now this is the one thing I want to say when we edit a video you see snippets from everything so let's say there's this much information what you saw was this from this much information so what people do is they they make comments based on this information so what everybody is saying is that manager was wrong he made the auctioneer feel awkward out of place let me clear the air for everybody the auctioneer not the manager the auctioneer is the one that set the stage for that to happen the auctioneer is the one who wouldn't sell the first unit because it wasn't selling for high enough and Mike wouldn't want it to sell in other words the auctioneer because that auctioneer received a buyer's premium he gets a percentage of whatever it sells for he wasn't okay with selling the units cheap he's the one that set the stage so he'd rather get nothing than something so what he's trying to do is he's trying to discipline or correct the buyers and go you'll never get them this cheap so that they'll keep buying and bidding up in other words he wants to make more money and the exact opposite thing happened this whole thing blew up in his face at the very end at unit number 6 - where all the sudden Mike had Mike the manager wasn't looking at anything it was the auctioneer that started it again well I don't think Mike wants to sell it for that cheap well Mike's not even there and looking and then that invites Mike in okay so the question is then he takes a $20 he won't accept a $10 bid but he will accept a $20 bid and then he asked Mike to come over and Mike goes well that's worth more like sell it on let go and he says this afterwards $250 the funny thing is is the auctioneer then out of nowhere pulls this number of $100 out of the air he was why I've got a bid from him for $100 might never bid $100 Mike said I'm not $250 that's what it's worth we're not there to buy what it's worth we're there to buy it and then resell it okay so let me clarify number one the auctioneer set the stage for all of that to happen he set the stage for the manager to do what the manager did and we were so disgusted by it we went to another one of his auctions yesterday because we solely just wanted to see what he was gonna do and he did not disappoint you will see that video tomorrow now the question comes is it legal and that's a good question right so that's the question we posed to you and we really we really want you to attempt to answer it yeah we'll let you guys decide now here's the big thing with legalities okay when we talk about what's legal that doesn't mean that it's right okay if we talk about it's illegal it doesn't mean that it's wrong let me give some some down-home illustrations okay if we go back into history the Holocaust the Holocaust we have an entire nation killing off an entire nation oh by the way in Germany that was legal did that make it right okay how about let's bring it home to us in the United States how about slavery slavery that was legal did it make it right I think we all know the answer to that is no okay segregation was legal did that make it right do you know you would have gotten in trouble you would have gotten arrested if if you attempted to disrupt segregation okay so here's the important thing in regards to legality legalities should never ever be your standard for morality does that make sense to everybody so whether it was legal or not doesn't mean it was right okay and so that's really what I want you to think about about and ponder on as you see videos like that there may be things that were illegal and frankly in my opinion well I think you can figure out what my opinion is but I absolutely can share with you that neither Georgia I think it's right at all we are at 951 we are almost to the lines up and then we also announced earlier that if we cut our hours or if we can get a thousand people to watch live we'll do a free t-shirt okay we're gonna show what's on another flash drive which we have plenty this is the one that you want to see but I'm gonna show you another one now there's 950 - we are so close to a thousand on the live stream this Punk for Susan macer says congrats I think Jeremy needs a kiss from George I'll give you a kiss on the cheek no PDA okay what are you doing don't grab my face like that woman okay now there was this flash drive doesn't and there was nothing on it but there was another one that I have in my laptop right now and I'm gonna show it to you all right well while you're pulling that up suburban beard sent a $5 super chat booze pump preciate it says thank you for providing my daily motivation Manny is super excited to meet you oh we're excited to meet Mandy okay hopefully you can see this these are two dogs playing now I don't have the volume on because there's a couple fighting in the background why the dogs are playing so somebody is actually recording the dogs and then a man and a wife are yelling and screaming at each other with explicit words very very explicit words okay so this is what was on another flash drive and which wouldn't be called a flash drive it actually be it would be a memory card so a two gig memory card all right so that is what was on that but this is the one you really want to know and it is worth waiting for somebody was making some big money we're at 1012 watching do I dare share with them right now what's on here it's up to you we are only up to you 1000 okay be patient my friends be patient my friends we will share with you what's on here we are over a thousand on the live stream right now you're gonna be watching this live stream to chat all night okay so we answered the manager question and we want you to know there will be another video on Monday tomorrow and you'll see him as an auctioneer as well and he addresses what happened in the video that you saw on Saturday all right EB plunders and fines will come back to you but I want to see the first person to recognize that we had a thousand which was Grimes fines and I want to give away three free t-shirts southern treasure storage fines and George is giving away all the merch tonight you know why because of what makes so much money on this flash drive never in the never in the history of opening flash drives would we have thought we'd found something that could make so much money and here it is my friends you're gonna get to see it this flash drive the moneymaker so why she's why she's picking if she says your name for the free t-shirt because we hit a thousand in the chat Justin Garner I need you to actually email us at what the Hales at yahoo.com you're gonna send your shirt size and you're also gonna realize that it can take weeks for us to respond we get hundreds if not thousands of requests every single day it is a full-time job it is a 24/7 job just to respond to you too so make sure you guys let us know that you are the winner of the t-shirt because there was a over a thousand people watching include full name and I need your mailing address and then let me know your shirt size and then if you want the what the Hales t-shirt which is white with black or if you want the fun employee t-shirt and I don't have if you want to see what it looks like it's in our YouTube shelf but it says funemployed and then what the hell's we're out a thousand fifty-six we could get to 1,100 that's pretty good I gotta go back and find EB plunders he wants to know okay is it essential to post a video every day to be successful on YouTube that being said can I get a shout out for our small Channel do you want to shout out you'd be plungers or should we just I know they do reselling and I know they do storage units as well so to answer your question on posting a video every day all I can tell you is the part you shouldn't tell them what's on here yet this makes money that's what I can tell you okay so from from our experience yes we've been able to grow organically by posting every day and then technically we don't post on Sundays because we do our live stream every Sunday so for us yeah it's helped us you want to stay consistent if you don't have enough content and it's almost impossible for you to post a video every day maybe do Monday Wednesday Friday maybe do three times a week versus daily and then maybe do a live show so as long as you're consistent with your time and your dates then you should be you should be good the biggest thing if you are wanting to create a YouTube channel and create create a following is content your content has to be good and when your content is good people will watch it and when they watch it to the end YouTube pushes it as a recommended most of you probably found what the Hales because YouTube recommended it so what YouTube does this goes oh people are watching this from the beginning to the end other people will like it so they push it seventy percent of your views on your YouTube video will come from YouTube pushing it to other people the other thing to remember is people who watch it 70% of them watch it on a cell phone so it has to be cell phone friendly as well so there's some tips for you we are almost at 1000 and 100 viewers on the losing Patty's sent a twenty dollar super chat he said give another shirt away paid by Patty's oh that's so nice of you Patty's the next person up would have been Sal Rico Federico II I'm seeing that right so Rico make sure you send us an email at what the hails at yahoo.com with your t-shirt size your name your address and let us know that you won the t-shirt Renee Woodward says so happy I found what the Hales were so happy you found us as well we're so happy we have a ton of fun the thing we always shares we feel like you guys are actually family so it may sound weird because it's all through I would say closer than this thing some some of you youtubers are closer to that us than some of our actual family members and so there's this bond that brings us together we all want to grow together and so that's a phenomenal thing and we love people birds of a feather flock together right if you run with the skunk's you're gonna smell like the skunk's if you are a complainer you're gonna surround yourself with complainers we love positive people who want to grow and therefore what's happened this this channel has been filling up with uplifting people who want to grow who teach us as we teach them that's one of it yeah we definitely learn a lot from our subscribers and our viewers that's for sure and all of our some of the friends that we have made on YouTube we would consider them family there definitely and we miss them we miss them like family we want to jump on planes and go and see best talking about moving to California we're at 1,100 Watchers we are at we are at 1100 right now you guys are amazing you could be somewhere else doing some other stuff but you're here with clientele says what are the plans for Christmas clientele you have no idea but it's gonna be a huge huge mini spoiler maybe not as big as what's on this flash drive but it is gonna be huge I can promise you that absolutely okay now a lot of people they were asking did we check through the coins so what was the do you remember what the total was on the coins that we went through gosh it was close to 3,000 or was it do you guys remember what the amount was on the coins it took us over two hours to go through all the coins first of all to now also remember you saw a video when we found the coins and then there was this huge gap of time so there was a huge gap of time because we went through the coins well trying to dump it out of the the water jug and the water the nightmare yeah don't ever save coins it's not bad unless you plan on cutting the top like they're saying it was a little over 2,600 okay yeah so so if somebody says how coins just add off the funny thing was is I we both thought I said it was gonna hit three thousand she's like no way four thousand yeah we were at already at like two green but then what happened is like the bottom layer and there were so many pennies so it was like really heavy silver on the top but it was really heavy pennies so then the amount went down this well not down it didn't grow as fast the second hour of feeding the machine how about us attempting to try to weigh the judge we don't wait wasn't we try to wait on his on his bathroom scale just flash it was danger what the hell are you doing to me Danger Danger and she's like oh well maybe this is George she goes well maybe it doesn't go over like 200 pounds I'm like George um I'm over - how much do I weigh I'm well over okay so all that being said is we did look through a complete waste of time now all you coin collectors right now yo how could it ever be a waste of time if you've got time to go through that many coins and you think that's all go for and you stay at home all day and you want to look through coins that's great it's therapeutic for you and you enjoy doing that absolutely do it for us we got to get to the next auction yeah we have to buy them and we're up all night usually two to three four in the morning YouTube just responding to you guys we literally we do not have a movie we don't watch TV we would never have time for TV we actually went and saw sunset yesterday and fed ducks for 20 minutes and catfish and catfish we had 20 minutes of just us time since last October when we decided we actually wanted to build the channel yeah and so that's like the first time so it takes a lot okay so we did go through all the coins and we found two World War two nickels which is a percentage like third percent silver okay so remember they took they took all the precious metals and they use it for ammunition during the war and then we found handfuls like four or five I don't remember the the wheat pennies pennies so those of you who always go they're not wheat heads we get you to comment and that's what's important to us we we evoke a response and so we know they're wheat pennies we call them wheat heads we say a lot of things connives really how many local followers and they want to count our coins if you're a local follower and if we find coins I have another bucket it's not as nowhere near as big as that but I got another bucket but there's a lot of silver in that it's dumped in the kitchen that we haven't touched for months if somebody wanted to go you guys are our local follower and you want accounts because we're constantly finding coins in units always oh we're more than welcome to sort through them for us we're at 1162 right now on the live stream so remember we are gonna get we're going through all these flash drives and memory cards this is the one you want to know for sure now in case a five dollar super chat says good to see you guys I keep missing the streams with spins super-busy made this one I got to meet Jebus at an auction on Wednesday was so awesome to meet them was on Wednesday Thursday we were we were really Wednesday with Thursday unless they Adam one the one that outbid me on the $400 unit that's the only person I can think of us to and Paddy's 72 did you meet did you meet all of us this flash drive right here this is actually for the Xbox and this flash drive has nothing on it so so far we've looked at this memory card the Xbox flash drive at the early birthday earring coupe we've looked at this flash drive which has employment information a resume this flash drive which has nothing we looked at this memory card which had nothing and we that leaves us with this this flash drive and this is the one you want to know what the hails is on it I'm just gonna put it in my laptop right now it's crazy we've never found that question that was asked what was the craziest thing you've ever found it's probably the stuff that we find on this was I don't do you want to change your answer yeah it's great the stuff I think every unit answers sometimes changes so I'm just gonna open the flash drive up and prep to share everybody by the way the flash drives name is Jordan okay and so Jordan is the name of the flash you know you can oh you can call it your flash drive a name and so it's Jordan FD that's the name of the flash drive and then I'll show them later what's on it I do have it open though van fear 13 st. Claire just set $2 George we're almost at 1200 in the live Jeff almost at 1200 in the live chat that's Apple wouldn't it be crazy if all of our subscribers was on the chat at the same time that would be a Hale's of a good chat and they can see that they were part of this that was be absolutely incredible that would be amazing that would be absolutely incredible we just got another super chat yep doctor flip it thrifts McKay sent $10 we're all packed for trip make sure that before you are on the live hope to see you soon so he's getting on the road with his wife they're coming to visit aren't they yeah they were gonna make a pit stop in Dallas to meet Justin but Justin's leaving tomorrow to go to California so then they're on their way to New York and then they want to make a pit stop in Worcester over 1200 live stream I invited him and his wife to come to an auction with us depending on what our schedule is gonna be and I think they're gonna be in town Wednesday okay which means there's an auction available the last time when I'm when I responded to you yeah which auction we're going to one with oh holy cow we're actually we're going to 50 units tomorrow we're going to over 25 on Tuesday which we will have special friends there as well and then what there's like 50 units on Wednesday and then there's a two-day Caribbean some Wednesday and Thursday yeah same auctioneer Wednesday and Thursday which wasn't listed on auction zip last week yes some of these facilities are hosts in advance they don't post well in advance which I wish they did but I found out this morning was it this morning no yeah so I'll email you doctor flip it with the auction information and then you and your wife can meet us there we're gonna need to buy more trailers this week this week is gonna be a hails of a week for auction maybe one of our local followers will let us borrow their trailer maybe what we should do is just meet a local powers we buy them the unit there's a little twirl agur ice - still screwed that your villager just sent a dollar super chat thank you so much Darren Darren we do appreciate that all right we've got let's see if we have another question nobody's asked questions well I actually haven't seen any but nobody's oh wait wait wait the human les prosthetic leg okay clientele just climbed in that just said the human les prosthetic leg that you found by the way every prosthetic has a serial number that can be tracked but to the owner the owner you haven't seen this in a video yet but George already sold it yeah she sold it to someone that does photography on folks that adults and children that are in wheelchairs and that have prosthetic legs and you will see it in a video and because it's a first for us so it's the first time either of us have ever sold a prosthetic leg which I didn't sell it George does all the money so but it was the first time I ever found a prosthetic leg man yeah let's see we got a question here Zazu 828 says what the Hales quick question local storage facility is going to make all units online with photos of all items in the unit what's your take on auctions like that my take on auctions like that is number one you're gonna see vast majority of storage unit auctions move online it's so much easier for the facilities they're not paying a a storage unit or excuse me they're not paying an auctioneer they don't have random people coming on to the facility and what basically the third party whether stores treasures Locker Fox it handles everything now a lot of this is gonna be regional so if you talk to some of the other storage unit buyers on YouTube some of them have said in the past they've said hey this will never go away live auctions will never go away I personally had the belief that live auctions are gonna go away all commerce is gonna move to online now as far as my I'm thinking 10 years probably you're gonna see everything online and hopefully by then we'll be we're gonna be buying abandoned pyramids in ten years okay so my take on that is online auctions I don't like because you have five senses and you want to use all five at an auction you want to use your site which this is my ear not my eyes you want to use your hearing your sight your smell how are you gonna use your smell when you're at the computer to see if there that was a smoker unit to see if it's dirty pass those units all right those units can be right right right and so if you can steer away from online steer away from online the other thing that happens here's the funny thing I talk to something's talking to somebody and somebody said oh I like online because they go cheaper in my area been alive also it depends on where you live some areas it gives the bitter time to do the research and find out how much and so and I was gonna buy a unit for a hundred dollars it would sell for five hundred if not more online if I was gonna buy it for a thousand dollars it will sell for 5000 online it's ridiculous because anybody can be at home and they can be bidding in their underwear and so the higher the price goes the less profit you typically are gonna make so that's where profiling comes in extremely important to profile good profiling always makes you good profit if you're buying garbage units don't expect to make profit if you're buying units for $1 $5 $10 $15 and they look like trash guess what's gonna be in their trash that's a good way to not make money you need to buy units that make you money you need to profile them you need to profile correctly and then you bid appropriately that's how you make profit yeah I think that it's only happened to me once were I got a unit as low as $25 and it looked so trashed but there were two we saw two Boy Scout hats sitting on top and that unit ended up being in varies with vintage electronics it was coins pipes coins vintage pipes vintage so I feel like rarely does that happen it's very rare because if it looks like garbage it is garbage but it does have yeah it can happen to Don RS and a dollar super chat appreciate it's on in just a moment we're gonna look at what's on this flash drive that you all been waiting for but we've got another question the ma5 King says have you ever run into illegal things in a storage unit that you had to report so here's the thing drugs if and paraphernalia if you contact your local police they're gonna tell you it well if it's a minimal or amount of drugs just throw it away if it's paraphernalia just throw it away they're gonna tell you if you ask them it's the same thing they're gonna do just throw it away if it's a mass amount we have contacted police in the past with a mass amount and we will never do that again because you're going to be interrogated as if it's actually yours not a fun thing and so for us in the future we're just gonna dispose of it ourselves now you the question always comes what about stolen goods the only way that you can ever prove and we have a we have a video on this we asked the police and we tell you this because the police were at the auction so someone tipped the storage facility manager because you have to you have to do a public announcement right and so someone that lived local in that city I didn't think it was a schlund right Ashley I feel yep recognize the guys name it was like this guy is known for for stealing and he's actually in jail now so that's why uh so they called the sheriff what tip that's who tipped the storage facility for 1306 on the live so that's what prompted the storage facility manager to call the sheeple crazy they can run the VIN you just want to know what's on that flash turn on the dune buggy and what else and you're gonna be very happy with the dune buggie the four-wheelers there's three dirt bikes so unless something has let's say George stole this pen from me okay so steal it from me George alright I call the police George stole that pen from me whether the police gonna say prove it alright how do you prove that's my pin yes there's no identification number there's nothing there there's nothing you cannot prove there are millions upon millions of those pins actually mate the police are gonna look at you and go well you got nothing and nothing's gonna happen because you can't prove anything only if something has a identification number and someone actually stolen so that's when you would want to see if something was stolen we just like your pen back yari stole it okay so so we have almost 1,400 now on the lives vampa breathe 13 st. Claire says is it possible to buy things we see that you find yes absolutely if you watch one of our videos and you're watching one of our unboxings and there's something that you're interested in buying you definitely want to send us an email to what the Hales at yahoo.com and then you'll get an audible response like a robot will respond back to you and give you instructions on what type of information we need so that we know exactly what you're describing and what you're interested in in buying and then a lot of times we sell to our subscribers a lot so a lot of the things that they see in unboxings and when you say we we mean new I don't touch any of it it's me I sell it to our subscribers directly so a lot of things don't even make it to my eBay store because I've already sold them just from the unboxing video which I love selling to our subscribers I love giving them deals now that being said with the eBay store we have private eBay stores and then we have eBay stores that we chose for you hangers yeah and there's a couple reasons for that number one youtubers have a habit of trying to connect with us and reach out to us on it on an eBay platform and make us offer so that's illegal and that will get you suspended from even I'm sure a lot of them don't know this probably the other thing is when they see you let's say we buy a unit for $100 but there's five thousand dollars worth of merchandise in there so they go what we know you bought it for $100 we'll offer you a dollar for that five hundred dollar item that takes up so much of our time it's just ignored delete ignore delete ignore delete and so we don't want that in a primary eBay store so we need to filter that out so that real items can sell for their real value if that makes sense to everybody so when you're dealing with all of that volume you have to filter it out to where there's real real offers of value and worth and and also protect your business so that you don't get suspended from people making you side deals on eBay so we've got a ton of super checks in okay why you hit one up let me answer this real quick BK Limbaugh says what about a handgun handgun go to hot guns with a z.com check and see if it's hot or not all your state laws are what you need to adhere to so states differ from state to state to state here in Ohio it's signing a paper and yeah it's in your name and another state they're gonna confiscate it and you'll never see it again affects just then a five-dollar super jet says have you guys gotten your plaque yet for going over a hundred thousand yes we shouldn't you mention that when we did the mail opening we showed it earlier here it is isn't it so you need the mail song yeah I forget how it goes can you remind me bugs me the anime lover wants another shout-out because he's already had like two and a two dollar super chat appreciated Deirdre hopefully I'm seeing your name right Michael bird wants to know what the hell's did you get the guitar back no we don't even know if it was the right guitar we know nothing Dennis Jones sent a five dollar super chat says example of an online auction hoodies selling for nearly fifteen grand what the hails is right lazy walking piece and a two dollar super chat says mister super chat above whoops no I think I got them all get numb Adam case and a ten dollar super chat says I found a bunch of Bicentennial drummer boy coins in mint condition in a vintage toy unit in my research they suffer between twenty three thousand to seven hundred fifty 123 to $750 what experience do you all have on pricing those points eBay yeah EBIT we try and use the eBay sold comps if you can't find it on ebay sold it's definitely worth signing up for well worth point worth I think she's trying to say worth point yeah worth point calm and then we also use an app called COI noscope so if you need help identifying that coin coin Oh scope is a really good app that'll help you identify the coin and then you can use that that description to hop on eBay to look for the comps we're almost have fourteen hundred for those who have questions about restored love and those that have reached out to us and other channels about other channels say negative things about restored love just don't give them any attention we want to be around lovers not haters and so ninety five percent of the people are gonna love yeah five percent are always going to hate you put all of your your focus into the 95% who love you they'll love you even more restores love will continue on and it's going to be a great movement and you're gonna see more and more and more and as a matter of fact and you'll see this just finished gonna grow longer Anna Taylor it restores the love video right before we went live and be ready to cry junks Monsanto $5.00 super jets has found a Harley 1300 on us we are at 1,400 Harley buried in a $25 scrappy unit cops came and took it along with all my profit never will report again there you have the tax men that would hurt it would have to be it would have to be stolen for the police to actually take it so it yeah oh we're getting so close to finding out what's on this flash drive can I show part of it right now okay I'm not I'm gonna show you one file okay I'm not going to show you the salary go says can I get my t-shirt signed please if you if you decide that you want the white what the hell's t-shirt we have those in stock where we can sign them so make sure you include that in the email that you want yours autographed if you choose a fun employee t-shirt those are all the inventories with T Springs so we don't have those aren't in stock where we can't sign them alright one file on this is not the file that's gonna blow you away this is one file on the Jordan file this file is called Internet crap and so this file is filled with all kinds of means some appropriate some very very inappropriate and we shouldn't have any inappropriate ones there in the screen so there is another file this is his internet crap meme file which I can assure you the next one I'm about to show you has to do with the internet a bunch of random it's maintenance random picker sent a $2 super chat says hello okay is it time to show them no back to swamp picker is it time to show them the yeah cuz you still gotta wrap up with the song that's true okay are you guys all ready to see what the other folder is I have to tell you that this folder might have made jordan i'm guessing his name is jordan because that's the name of the actual flash drive this folder might have made jordan more money than storage auction pirates $7,000 unit which I think he's roughly he's guesstimating roughly around $80,000 last I checked this thing could be crazy so I do I dare open the file for them dr. Floyd sent a $5 super chat says there you go Jeremy your 1 million dollar invention smell a computer nice ok here we go let's see if you can now there's the content ok it is it is can you read that folder right there if you can read that folder you see the Internet crap that folder right there can everybody read that baby it's not touchscreen no that was content the other one is no the other one that one the one that says my video uploads let me see if I can move that down a little bit can everybody read that ok that says my home video uploads so it would not be appropriate to actually open this folder up for you but apparently Jordan had an account as well and it wasn't on YouTube was Jordan Jordan had an account on another video sharing platform that definitely was not YouTube it does not adhere to the same standards it was not rated G and he might have made more money than the storage option pirate with his seventh out might have I did not check I will not check but he might have made more money than even storage auction pirates $7,000 unit lowliness and a $10 super chat appreciated she says I love your energy thanks for all the great info appreciate it Donatella we were on her live chat earlier and she was showing us the swords that she found in the unit yeah and I told her I said now these swords will find you fine one short they just keep any good ones lately maybe we got like 200 auctions when their swords in the unit that units filled with treasure the worst thing that Jeremy has eaten somebody wants to know salad horrible from the unit you didn't eat aside from a unit they said the worst thing I've ever eaten well I think the question was what's the worst thing you've ever eaten on a storage unit I maybe I read the question buddy like people you better believe it during was a bad naughty boy he was a bad boy is a bad boy all right George we want to make sure everybody heads over to storage auction pirate after this so he should be going live storage auction pyre are you going live make sure we tell everybody he said he wanted to store Josh Empire says love you guys we'll be heading over there right after we end here two dollar super chances hi there I'm appreciated I want to see the mom moves sprinkler Oh [Music] am i doing it right during the spring your right ankle do you have any other loose love you too and this is true you're not near us we really are we love [Music] you too [Music] breathe [Music] thank you guys so much for hanging out and thank you for letting us reach our spouse our goal I think we are thousand viewers everyone we love you cause you tubers we love you good night [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 15,781
Rating: 4.8756757 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 2sec (3662 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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