FOUND TREASURES In Abandoned Storage Unit! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit!

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what's up everybody welcome back to the g-wiz family channel and today we're doing another deep search video and this deep search video is of the storage unit that was actually put on our first channel our main channel charge our money with Jebus today so before you watch this video definitely go check out that one because that one is gonna have all the prices and the recap where we need your help with some of these shoes but I feel like during that video we didn't really go deep into what some of this stuff was or deep into some of these boxes maybe we can find some in treasures who knows that's the point of this video so without further ado don't forget to like the video subscribe if you are new let's get into it all right before I pull the first box of this unit look at this this is redonkulous this is probably 2 or 3 units worth of stuff that hasn't even been sorted through yet so after I'm done recording this video that has to be tackled and taken care of so you can get organized we have to have a flea market pile we have to be ready for a flea market hopefully Monday so hopefully we'll have a flea market video for you guys on the main channel next week and gotta get the track situated so let's let's forget about that let's get into this first box alright let's get started with this box right here so this deep search on this particular unit is because I feel like wouldn't really go into detail on a lot of the boxes because we were kind of time restraint that day and a bunch of other stuff so we have bigger plans which on I think today on treasure hunting with Jebus know Saturday check out that video that this is that one's gonna be awesome and other restore is a look anyway two vacuum bags empty vanilla case and this one say I know we have open this one but this honestly has remember the camera down for you guys so you can see when I'm grabbing so this is just more clothes and this is broken so yeah there's a lot of clothes in here so a couple of these brands collections for like suit maybe this is all their dress clothes there's some nice clothes in here Dress Barn this is just a sweatshirt they're just a plain red sweatshirt I thought these are brand new jeans but this is just a daily devotions book um jeans which are like I said I'll tell you guys a few of these brands five jungle and company half numbers I mean half these brands that were in this unit I've never heard of before that's just a t-shirt some bras and overall just more clothes so this is gonna go into the stocks for the flea market go ahead these are here are so rash these right here I'm meant to put in the recap on the main channel but they are converse all-stars but I wasn't sure if like they're vintage or what and I couldn't tell if like this part right here was faded and it was supposed to be this olive green instead of this like gray so I don't know how much these are worth so this right here is pretty interesting we weren't sure if this was just a plate made by a kid or like actual art because arts weird like that everybody knows it like so I'm art you can look at it would be worth like seven million dollars and it'd be like a dot on a piece of paper but that's art I mean I'm not I'm not if you like art that's cool this are here just California Lottery envelopes all the ink cartridges and then this I guess corkboard slash picture frame in a positive that so most of this stuff is honestly trash so I'm just gonna set this box aside for just trash and then I have a pile of clothes right here and stuff like this will be set aside to look more into or just go straight over depending on wanted before I continue also if you guys want to help me out with this comments I mean I'm pretty sure there's a lot of stuff in these units that we don't know what it is and you guys always do so you always help us out with a lot of it if you see something you know of and obviously I don't please leave me a comment so this looks like it just is like a personalized like you remember what like a poem there so they have somebody's name here at the top so I don't think that has any value let's see what was in here hospital pads in it so that's trash this right here yeah this Holmes I didn't know if it was a AC or heater or something but this will probably just go to the flea market this is one thing that I remember we didn't take out in it too heavy very heavy so it says okay this came out with it it says Sizzix on it system converter so this comes off but this part up here is pretty heavy so Sizzix and this thing comes down and it looks like it might stamp something I don't know if something along those line so if you guys know what that is please let me know don't know if that has any value and that was it for this box so now I have another trash box let's go through this box right here alright so this one had a few Christmas ornaments right off the top so this one again it looks vintage so I don't know if this was like I don't know if something that's collectible or maybe they even handmade it I don't know so I'll set that aside and this this little thing right here had multiple like Santa's that are just in different poses like this so again none of them say anything they were just kind of wrapped up in here so that's something off set aside as well that was another Santa that is trash this is just a family records book so this just counts as personal however I do not see any writing in it so it is brand new and it will be taken to the flea market this is more clothing items or linens a book off books we'll go to the flea market that's some kind of personal crafting so we have some blankets this looks like a nightlight cover looks like Mickey Mouse a little baby Mickey Mouse and my close close sock with random more random stockings I found a bunch of stockings in this unit so a couple random stockings there and there's this isn't it Kurt alright so just more Lenin's clothes curtains and let me get to see if I can pull up some more boxes for you guys alright so I found three more boxes unfortunately like I went through like four boxes and it was all closed so I don't want to bore you guys with clothes but I tried to pick boxes that I knew weren't and gone through playing really well like at least all the way to the bottom so that is what an actual deep search is anyway I think we pulled out this this is just a little dish so that's cool that will just go straight to the flea market this bag this bag I know we showed kinda um this but it looks like like a disco party light thanks this is just all wires and literally like this whole unit didn't have anything that really took wire so we don't even know what any of this goes to but it's there I mean we can keep them for whatever we find I guess okay this right here is something that we definitely did not see in the beginning and I'm actually going to look up the cost of this on this channel because it looks to be pretty cool so maybe some of these wires go to this but so this right here looks like a camera of some sort um I don't see like a brand see so come compute our compute our manage' pan TV lens six millimeter and ratio one to 1.4 here's a serial number alright give me one second let me go get my phone I'm gonna look this up alright so I try to look this thing up on eBay I couldn't find this exact one but I'm I guess and Jebus is guess is that it might have been a security camera so like if it's hooked up like from this bracket that's on top then this has the ability to like rotate it looks like there's some kind of rotating mechanism here so I don't know if I'm right if you guys have ever seen something like this let me know but I mean other than what I read on the actual lens itself there's no other information on a no make or anything like that so maybe that's what all these wires go to maybe but I mean it was just the wires and that in this bag alright something else that was in here was this little stone piece or not little but big stone piece these are just some linens I'm gonna put down here what pillows but unfortunately it was broken so that's III at least three pieces and I don't know if it's made to look like this or if it was broken before and they try to put it together but it looks like there's already like a crack here but I I don't recognize this piece and there's no marking on it at all so it's just somebody riding a horse let me look at the bottom pieces and make sure there's nothing on it not nothing on that one and nothing over here either so if you guys have seen that before let me know big book down here natural healing nuts we working it and that's it for that box alright this box right here had the like looked like handmade spaghetti pin or plate I think this price was popped up in the first video I think this one's like twenty bucks but it's super interesting it was Los Angeles potteries 510 1972 on the back so that definitely has some resale value so that's something that might be listed on our eBay store this looks like just I don't know a decorative piece that'll just go market this is one of the flea market this little they'll be cleaned off and take another football kit these are just little centerpieces that people usually put like candles in the middle of they have a little circle things like opening in the bottom here's more um decorative stuff let me show you these first so these are two like wall hangers like heads might have to look stuff up like this too because I don't know if this is like handmade or vintage it literally says nothing other than a made in China sticker on the back so you'll see these two these are always like the theater faces or the like don't know they might be made out of grass a few more in here is decorative plates this thingy which is a hundred percent broken it's supposed to have like a top on it and this does say something on this side so RS i-- RS i-- 21 october 19 1983 and aside from that we just have a vase that's just a new market and this right here which has a 1699 price tag on it which will just go straight to the market as well let me put this box together and then we'll get into this tote over here all right this great tote right here right when you open up all I see is closed but I saw stuff that was on the side that might not be closed oh yeah this thing this was shown in the main channel video however there was not a good picture of it so it had some chips in it hopefully hopefully not too bad but this is what it says on the side there's a good close-up on the side and I can't tell if that says like under under original and I have no idea what it says below that but it might hold flowers or something I don't know if it's a decorative piece as a collectible as advantage so please let me know on this but I'm kind of interested our clothes a pair of shoes this is the wallet we went through which by the way there was a Safeway gift card in this wallet that I put in my pocket on the main channel video and it would had technical difficulties trying to call it so I have to wait till I actually go to Safeway to see how much is on that card so I can't let you guys know yes I'm honestly probably gonna forget but it's how I go to safely and the rest of this stuff is closed a cool vintage hanger so let's I'm gonna go back here and see if I could pull out any other boxes and see you there alright guys so I couldn't actually find any other boxes that we didn't really go through most of them like I said we're closed and there's a lot of her shoes in these and most of the cool stuff was already shown in priced on the main channel so again if you haven't seen that video yet definitely go back and watch that because that has more information than this this is just what I do to see if we can find more treasure than what we already found delve do for the boxes deep search video anyway there was I think three things that I wanted to touch on real quick so this I don't think I found this one but this item right here we actually found in the unit that we did I think it was the jewelry like the unit where we found all the jewelry boxes and we actually split with storage locker so this is actually like a Mayan calender piece and I think this one by itself was going for 40 or 50 and then they mentioned that they actually found the center piece and a unit prior so that's kind of crazy that we find two of these almost the exact same thing back-to-back and this one's worth like 30 or 40 because it doesn't have the whole outside in the whole shebang next thing I don't mention March enough and I and I always want to throw it out there just in case you guys want to show your support there we'd appreciate it very much and also it's kind of a side note to that a lot of people have asked us like if if I buy a shirt can I send it to you or can you know like I meet you if you're local in California and you guys will sign it and we're like sure so that's another thing I want to give you guys kind of an opportunity because a lot of people have been asking recently is for us to sign stuff if you guys send something in or like buy off of our eBay store or Poshmark we have no problem sending like something with our signature back on like if you want us to sign a shirt we actually signed a pair of Converse that somebody bought off of us on Poshmark probably a week or so ago somebody's asked us at the flea market if they bought a shirt well we sign it that's no problem and it's it really easy if you guys want to send us something to our peel box and like include like a self-addressed self stamped envelope in there and we'll send you back whatever you guys want so just don't don't hesitate to ask us for stuff like that because we 100% and do whatever we can for you guys another thing that I the last thing I promised that I want to mention on this channel is that we're actually doing a giveaway on the main channel and that giveaway ends December 20th if you guys stay active and share on social media try to follow us on any social media you have comment like the videos all kinds of stuff like there just be an active subscriber you guys can be entered to win a cash prize on December 20th so definitely trying to enter that how the cash prize works is for example if we reach 200,000 subscribers by December 20th we'll give away 200 bucks so it's just our way to give back to you guys in some way that you can help you guys over Christmas and I guess it'll just be our little Christmas gift to you so I'm gonna stop talking now because I feel like my words are getting jumbled and I'm blabbering on way too much like way too much so I'm just gonna end the video here hope you guys enjoyed the deep search video if you did please leave it a like and subscribe if you haven't already we've already got this channel to over 7,000 subscribers are just crazy follow us on social media and as always have fun laughs more peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Jebus Family
Views: 11,581
Rating: 4.9367361 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage locker look what i found, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, i bought an abandoned storage unit safiya nygaard, mrbeast i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned antique storage unit, storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, storage auction
Id: cWWk_jZNmRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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