Hale$ Answer YOUR Questions On Abandoned Storage Unit Auctions / How To Make Money With Storage Wars

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guess where we were made we were made in Ohio Oh George got us matching Ohio hoodies so now I have a hoodie in my rotation of ladies I have my my special events hoodie with no holes or stains on well just one ketchup stain on it I've got my going to the auction hoodie I've got mine that's my good luck hoodie I've got my sorting through the items hoodie I've got my business attire hoodie what do we call this hoodie this is my 20 and wedding this is our twinning hoodie - right now we've got the 20 hoodie yeah welcome back to what the Hales remember what we are all about is educating you equipping you giving the tools that you need to be successful encouraging you you can do this if somebody like me can do this George anyone can do it anyone can do it okay we've got a couple housekeeping things to get into before we get into your questions tonight and you can go ahead and start submitting your questions in the live chat all right housekeeping things some of our subscribers have told us that YouTube is actually taking their account and unsubscribe them from what the hills and they've had to resupply so if that's you here's what we do know YouTube on the 12th and 13th and maybe the 14th of December did a whole cleansing system and what I mean by that is they actually went through and tried to eliminate spam accounts from channels your account may have been miss appropriately identified as a spam account so you may have to go back in click Subscribe not only do you want to subscribe to the channel you also want to hit that Bell so right by subscribing it don't tell you how many subscribers in the videos there'll be a bell that will give you notifications every time there's a new video which there will be a new video tomorrow George and I are working on our year and best of video so we're going to share with you tomorrow night our best of and we've got some other great things going on we Caswell not only do you want to make sure you're subscribed and you're getting alerts but you also want to make sure that you're submitting your questions in the live chat and we've had some individuals sharing with us how great the experience has been in the past couple weeks because we've been fortunate enough to bring on another viewer and subscriber what what's that what's that subscribers name our moderator our moderator what's their name its meerkat meerkat and she's doing a phenomenal job many of you have even reached out to us and told us how great of a job she's doing meerkat meerkat thank you so much for all the good work you're doing you're amazing and meerkat meerkat also may answer questions that we can't get to that she already knows the answers to ready George yeah so if we have people if this is your first time on a live Q&A and you're asking questions that what would be a question you know to you then like is George's name in the chat really George meerkat meerkat will probably say yes okay so she is able to take care of those issues as well and we appreciate all the help that she's giving us there and as she's equipping you to be successful - all right one more thing this farce housekeeping George this new year coming up here and and we've kind of made some new year's resolutions for the what the Hales Channel yes what's one of those resolutions that we say every day we're trying to improve our channel we're also trying to improve the content and obviously the resolution of our picture so one of the things that we did was we purchased a new camera to kind of help out with the Q&A I think the biggest challenge that we're struggling with right now is how the live Q&A is broadcasted once it's uploaded on to YouTube it comes out blurry our voices don't really match our mouths so hopefully with this new camera it'll resolve that this new camera is amazing and as a matter of fact as we've set a goal of equipping you you guys equip us as well is one of our subscribers actually recommend and so we went ahead and purchased no affiliation though with with what with the camera no not none whatsoever but we can't wait to use it it's gonna be amazing and it should enhance the quality of all the things that we do with the channel all right without further ado we did receive our first letter from a subscriber and so George is going to do the honors and open that up there's a huge Volokh opener are this this letter is from Ron the idea guy thanks Ron the idea guy for sending a letter you are our first letter that was actually dressed to us in the PIO box they came out to two pages he talks about himself and what he does and then he complements us and says that he sees something about us and and notices that we're having fun and he gets a sense of how much we care for each other and hopefully do we care for each other let's hug it out and that hope the holidays are going well in the de New Year will be even better than the current one so that's another one of our New Year's resolution is to make next year better than this year right he's had a picture of him with a sword because he knows that I love swords so thank you Ron syndrich that's awesome okay well time to move on to the item of the week and the item of the week and the tip of the week are all going to be combined today again make sure you get your question into the actual comments George is gonna be reading through those now the item of the week might get you extremely excited because we found we found the key to a safety deposit box this is the item of the week as a matter of fact you might be able to see it it's box 108 and so this key remember the unit where the revolver was in the Smith & Wesson and the police took George aside yeah how can i yeah good thing they didn't give you a pat-down all right so this came from that unit now very very cool item exciting item to find now here's the tip what do you do if you find a safety deposit key in your storage unit all right number one here's what I've got on this key it was made in the USA I know it's safety deposit box 108 you can see that as well I know it's a Yale I also know that the identification 1 5 142 all of this information means absolutely what nothing it's no good it's no bueno as a matter of fact George I have a safety deposit box right if I gave you my key what could you do with it it's useless because my name is not on his account it's just like it's set up with a bank account at a bank if my name's not on the account and I don't have access to it so it's for the protection of a person who puts the things in the box so unfortunately as exciting as it is to find a safety deposit box key it's useless to us it's basically scrap metal you won't even get a penny for it so if you find one don't get overly excited not that not that I would ever get overly excited about anything but it's a cool find nonetheless you may keep it as a memento and a souvenir but it's useless because your name isn't actually authorized to get in that box if you could even find where that box is ok let's jump into our first question George we've got a question ok this one came in from this is ridiculous as if they don't hit on you enough this is subscriber Mary me George sounds like somebody's got a new year's resolution marry me George how did a guy like Jeremy get a girl like you well what you see is what you get this is how he is off care and on camera he's just full of life I fell in love with his energy and it wasn't just his beauty it was his booty and baby baby got back he's intelligent he's tall dark handsome the complete package so that's that's how he won my heart what date did I win your heart on um date three well it only took three days three days I will be starting another YouTube channel teaching you all of my secrets of how to woo a gorge of her feet within three dates all right George we have any questions that we got to jump into here yes Vivian parks asks do you have to pay cash money for units that day if you don't have enough money then what happens what are your options okay Vivian good question do you have to pay cash when you buy a storage unit now this is usually the case and remember everything I share with you is usual or typical or it's an idea it doesn't mean it's always the best idea for you in your particular circumstance or situation but nine times out of ten you have to pay cash right there when you buy the unit you can't go oh I gotta run to the bank and go get money there are some options that will accept credit card and we actually have some videos on that and we teach you hey you can do that you can make money with the credit card as well if you don't have cash and then turn those items over within the month you've made money before you have to pay the bill I never recommend going into deeper debt I never recommend that but I always recommend making money if you don't have the money to spend that not wise to be there because if you can't pay for it you don't own it and so it will go back up for auction so good question video mm-hmm let's see Hillbilly treasure-hunting wants to know how do you sell how do you sell high-dose a sale say it the first way because that was him how do you sale high-end art that's my hard spot hi and art doesn't do a hard spot for me but high-end art you have a couple different options number 1 eBay eBay is a world marketplace ok people ask me all the time how in the world do you sell when you have so much volume well number one when I have so much value I have to go where there is a volume of sellers you have a world wide marketplace there is no country I probably have not shipped an item to yeah eBay is probably the largest platform that goes all over the country and Prairie one of the the quickest way to sell thing if you want to if you want to sell high-end dice you just ship some items out of the country this week where countries don't shift I made my first shipment to Italy and Turkey so eBay is your worldwide marketplace where you're going to get the most money for something along those lines the other the other route in with your high-end art is to FIYA find a high-end auction service or auction house so I have one up in Cleveland but that's in my area what's in your area my my general feeling is always going to be selling eBay because you're gonna make more money and you have a worldwide populace to actually buy your item good question grandma donut sash drog dog wants to know can I buy stuff as you unbox it all right grandma donut you send me some of your donuts and I might just send you exactly what you want okay George why don't you answer that question because you know that answer yes actually if you know how to take a screenshot of what it is that you're interested just send the screenshot to our email with the reasonable offer a description of what it is to what the Hale's at Yahoo and yes absolutely you could buy something as we're unboxing it we do get a lot of requests as a matter of fact this past Saturday instead of making a video I just worked on Yahoo requests for items all day and so there are so many requests if you don't send me a screenshot you keep in mind I touched thousands of items every single day and I get requests not just from you one person I get requests from hundreds of people I get it through YouTube through through eBay through Facebook through Yahoo email and it goes on and on and on and on and so if you don't send me a screenshot number one I don't even know what item you're talking about number two great so many he unbox is so much and so many things goes through his hand so the best thing to do is to take a screenshot and send it to him in an email or and if and you have to do it through the email if you can't send me requests through the other venues because it just gets lost the the what the Hales Yahoo is for filtered for your requests and I need a screenshot or I'll never be able to find the item because too much goes through and even then it's going to take me an hour or two to find an item anyway mom Munson says tomorrow is her birthday birthday to Mom Munson happy birthday to my Monson happy birthday mom David or mother wants know where the the berry happy birthday to you you do you remember the bear bookends yes I do remember the bear book if they were green stone like Jade so I have no idea I do remember the bear bookends those were in I believe those were in your very first unit ever the $150 unit that we bought in is it was east of Columbus and I have no idea what they are because they're in storage until I can get around to actually getting back and finding out exactly what they were made of so good question don't know you saw it on video it went in a box it's in storage until I can get somebody to sell it Lawrence as he wants to know did you find amateur radio ham radio equipment and how do you dispense of it okay amateur ham radio equipment yes I do find things like that I mean anything you can probably think of I've probably found in a storage unit and the way to dispense of it eBay again I cannot say enough about eBay there's many different venues where you can actually sell and there are many people who are in resale who go man I hate babe well I love things that make me money and there isn't another area or another application for reselling that will generate as much money and income as eBay and therefore that's where you sell it ok got another one yeah um Betty dim mock and again I apologize in advance if I put your name once no can you please explain what a buyer's fee means ok buyers fee so if you go to a storage unit auction and the terms of that auction say there is a typically a 10% buyer fee what that means if you buy a storage unit for $100 they're gonna charge you a 10% buyers feet you bought it they're gonna charge you 10% more of the purchase price therefore you're going to pay a hundred and ten dollars you go why in the world would they charge me a 10% buyers fee because that's how that particular business is paying the auctioneer for actually selling the units the businesses and the auctioneers they're their separate entities the business brings in the licensed auctioneer to auction them off for them so when people go all the auctioneer went through it the auctioneers never seen it the auctioneer sees it as the door goes up okay so the business brings in the auctioneer the way that the business is paying the auctioneer is they're charging you a 10% buyer's premium the other way that the auctioneer gets paid is that the business won't charge a premium if they just take 10% and that's typically the rate they'll take 10% of your purchase price and the business give that to the auctioneer she also wants to know can you solve guns you find outright or do you need to have the police check them first this is probably one of our most frequently asked questions George go for it you know the answer um I don't know anything about selling guns I know that will stay long so you do need to consult with your local state laws I know that you can sell guns for parts on eBay you can sell parts but you can't sell guns on eBay or Facebook or Craigslist basically in a nutshell like George just said you need to consult your local state laws and so without us knowing what your laws are we can't answer that question for you now you can check the serial number on a gun if the gun has a serial number not every gun has a serial number there's a certain date where serial numbers started going on guns and so you can go to local law enforcement and they can check that number for you or you can go to hot guns with a Z okay and so G um Z calm and you can check and see if there's been reports reported stolen as well then you can work on transferring that gun into your name as you consult your local state laws and again we're always going to tell you the same thing we get the question over and over and over again what do I do if I find the gun how do I get the gun what do I consult your local state laws we're in Ohio we don't know where you're at you've got to figure that one out on your own okay Jennifer Lawing wants to know did you find more money in the other box of books all the books that was exciting that was how much money did you find that was the first time I have ever found money in the books but now we're gonna be looking even more closely somebody one of our subscribers sent me a message on Facebook and said they found $1400 in a cookbook recently or after watching and so there are quite a few more boxes of books they're still in the trailer we didn't go back and work on that on Saturday we had to well we're going to go back so we haven't looked through everything else yet yeah I do remember another subscribers saying that after they watched that video they found $5.00 yeah that's right in one of the books and didn't realize that people use books as a hiding spot yeah so there's two subscribers that found money in books as well and if I were you I would check all my books I'm gonna take this question here from Josh Ling's the question for the live stream what happens if the unit contains stolen goods okay Jocelyn's good question what does happen if a unit contains stolen goods well number one I would answer your question with a question how do you even know those goods are stolen or how do you know goods are stolen maybe the other question in other words it's all going to be the same regardless the only way to know if something is stolen if you get a gun you can check the serial number or if you contact your local police department for example when I bought the house that we're in right now I bought this as sheriff auction there was it was in foreclosure it was filled with the previous home the previous dwellers items there was a stove in here all the copper got stolen the stove got stolen I made a police report police basically said well if we find it we'll let you know if somebody doesn't report it stolen you're never gonna know if an item is stolen how would you know you're never ever gonna know so good question but the answer is how in the world would you ever even know if something was stolen inside your unit really the only thing would be a gun if there was a serial number and if it was reported stolen I mean if you wanna if you bought a storage unit and my stove was in it you called the police and said hey you know was the stove reported stolen and they go well yes how can you even identify that that was my stove so good question I just don't think it's an issue that's ever gonna come up with being an issue for you Headly B wants to know what kind of camera do you remember the name of it it is the oming I will tell you as I let me look it up okay the camera that we're getting is and it'll be here next week I will tell you because I have to look at my eBay and tell you what I just purchased it is the Osmo pocket camera DJ I very cool it will track we can set it on one of us and it'll track us it just moves it's stable so it has itself stabilizing unit the whole deal is gonna be amazing love it okay I'm gonna take another question here Fox heart one of our one of our favorite subscribers who came up with the captain bumble nuts and so one day no doubt we will have sweatshirts that say captain fumble nuts as well he said mom thought up a scenario I thought I'd like to share with you let's say you buy a locker and it has an unpublished book and the author is deceased who owns the write to that let's say you find the story to be really insightful you think it should be published do you find their descendants and trust they'll publish it do you sell it or since you purchased the Locker and thus own everything inside would you be allowed to publish it under your name what are your thoughts on this okay number one Fox heart it is what would be called intellectual property okay the video that we're creating right now this is intellectual property now you happen to be a part of it because you submitted your question to that intellectual property but legally I own the intellectual property to this video to all the other videos if a recording artist creates a song that's intellectual property if I am going to a college or a university and I'm teaching and I'm teaching on a specific session as intellectual property I own the property okay now I actually found an unfinished unpublished book and it was an autobiography in one of the units for a famous famous actor okay from the 70s I have the unpublished book I have it right now it's in the warehouse it's sitting on the shelf so the actor passed away I have the draft of the unpublished book it is intellectual property it hasn't been copyrighted who owns it who who has possession of it okay possessions nine-tenths of the law well number one is never ever been published so who owns it if it goes to publish to be published who has it I have the guy that it's in its possession now that all being said that I'm not I'm not a lawyer okay I'm not a copyright lawyer so don't ever take the things that I say go all Jeremy knows absolutely everything number one I don't know everything if you haven't figured that out yet you haven't watched enough videos okay number two laws change all the time policies practices everything to make changes all the time and so we have to change with those things that change but in my professional opinion and that's all it is an opinion I have the work of intellectual property if I were to publish it I have ownership of it good question Sam Ekans once no do you ever find puzzles do I answer that one it's it's hit or miss there's times where you want where we find puzzles but if you ever see a puzzle in an unboxing feel free to to message him Sam said he's willing to buy it well not only that Sam you're not the only puzzle collector that we know now who else collects puzzles oh I love puzzles what's your favorite kind of puzzle Jeremy introduced me to 3d puzzles I had no idea that they even existed but they're their puzzles that you build and it becomes 3d and it's not her favorite introduced her she's like this is so frustrating she loves sunsets that's her thing do I like any type of sunset or scenario puzzle so if I find a unit with puzzles in it you better believe I'm buying it and bringing the puzzles home I've been looking specifically for that okay I've got another question here George this is from Ali's okay actually Elise has two questions I have two questions sometimes it's hard to catch you and during your live Q&A when when I'm able you're just swamped with questions and you're swamped with people flirting with George as part of the part of the deal not question number one recently you are watching your $500 unit unboxing series I saw you have tons of glasswares and what my mom has called knickknacks I recently bought a few units and it has it has me loaded down with knickknacks most have value one buck ten bucks but would it be the best forum to sell these items I see them on eBay but is it worth all the trouble to package a wrap and ship all the small priced ones or should I flea market them and sell at a cheaper price all right at least good question what is the best platform well I'm always gonna tell you eBay is gonna be the best platform to get the most bang for your buck but is it truly worth it for you to sell something for buck and then spend the time packaging it spend the time shipping it it's up to you what kind of time do you have now if you are at home all day and you go well I really need something to actually you know I need something that's going to create some type of income I would say if you're at home go ahead eBay eBay anything and everything you can in your home declutter make a dollar at a time and the dollar turns into two dollars and two and a four for day but if not go to the flea market that stuff is gonna sell just as much or hold on to it and wait for good weather and maybe where you're at you have good weather garage sale right and so you can just flip it off for a buck here and there okay so now she has a second part of the question is it worth holding on to certain items if you know the value will go up tremendously for Star War items that are combined are worth over 800 but I feel if I hold on to them does I have a safe place to store them and I wait till the next Star Wars movies come up I think they'll double in price and then she says I truly want to thank you guys for everything if things keep going this well I'm gonna be completely self sufficient to quit my job by this time next year or sooner at least number one great job you're doing phenomenal that's Michael - ah that's a great goal it is so freeing to be self-employed it's hard work but it's free okay now in regards to holding onto items yes if you have an item that you know will increase okay hold on to it now let's take this from a financial from a monetary point if I have money and I know I can get more money by placing it in the bank would I put my money in the bank of course I would but interest rates right now in the bank are nothing okay so one of the things that I often I tell George or I'll tell viewers they go oh you're a hoarder well number one I'm not a hoarder hoarders hold on to things that's one of the questions I ask them on our first date when I was like are you a hoarder so am i order no okay I'm a businessman and as such I have inventory instead of placing my money in the bank that doesn't receive any interest on it whatsoever my money goes into storage units and I can hold on to that as long as I want and those items are only going to increase in value not only that certain circumstances in my life I may want to hold on to that until let's let's take for example let's say there's divorce men out there divorce men I feel your pain you're paying child support you need another job just to make ends meet because you're living paycheck to paycheck and most of that paycheck is gone anyway okay so what you may want to do is invest some of these things but you may not want to sell it right away because if you sell it then all of a sudden you have to pay taxes and if you pay taxes then your pay more child support that's a no-win situation but you may want to hold on to the investment and then once you're done paying child support you're in a different phase of your life then you may want to sell that stuff like crazy and then really reap the benefits of that investment so anytime you can actually hold on to an investment and let it multiply and double good idea can be worth the wait true thing which actually aligns with the next question ap who's Alan from Oregon wants to know he's an investor wants to know how many units do you have roughly do you know how many have I bought so Alan you're asking probably how many have I bought or how many do I have in the warehouse I don't know in the warehouse I can think of I can think of the movie store unit I have the dentist unit I have the antique unit I have the furry unit I have the I have the movie star unit I have Georges first unit 150 I have the $210 unit I have I have the one we just booked so there's probably there's probably roughly 20 units or items from 20 units in the warehouse right now in regards to how many units I bought over my lifetime I don't even know a lot Jan Remington says love love love you both how do you clean your items what is the process to prepare items for sale all right I feel like it all depends on how how much cleaning it needs for me some a lot of the items that I've sold on ebay I've just taken like a wet rag and just kind of touched up on the areas or like the dust really it's just there's been a couple items that were dusty and then with a dry towel I haven't used any type of acid or liquids or anything like that yet because I haven't come across any items that need some deep TLC what about you well in regards to cleaning I can honestly say I haven't done any clean of any items than quite some time so with the volume that I'm working with if the item needs clean and this is you you have to understand perspective is everything so when I get when I get youtubers going oh my goodness I can't believe you're gonna scrap I don't you're gonna scrap metal that that old wrench instead of soaking it in coca-cola and then and then oiling it and then bringing it back new to life listen that's two hours worth of work for me to do what make five bucks not gonna happen my two hours worth of work are going to be invested into me making 500 dollars not five dollars and so in my aspect and volume of what I'm doing it doesn't make much sense for me to clean something unless it has a lot of value now I do have other individuals that make clean items and sell them for garage sale or online or things it you can pay somebody anything to do those things for you if you're self sustaining making enough money but you have to be to the point of self-sustaining in regards to cleaning items you're gonna want to know which cleaners work best on which items as well but me personally it doesn't where I'm at okay at that level of where I'm at with items it doesn't make much sense for me to put my time into cleaning them because my time can be invested in making more money doing other things and that's not the sound condescending that's not to be rude that's not that by all means clean your items I mean we're all in this together I've just been doing this longer and then at a different level and there are people who do just had a much greater level than I do I just don't clean anymore got another one Shelly Wiggins wants to know how do you get invited to auctions okay Shelly first of all you can get invited to auctions if you contact your local storage unit businesses or auction houses or anybody who's having an auction auctioneers and say will you please put me on your contact list or your mailing list and then maybe email it maybe mail it maybe whatever it is but the other way to do that and many of us have believed who will win second shout out to the sellers reality and Oregon sellers reality that was a piece question oh that was a piece question he's the investor from Morgan okay great job to him okay all right all that being said you can ask to be on their actual mailing list okay the other way to find that instead of being invited is you invite yourself you find out where those are going to be at and then you go to them the way to find out where those are at look at the videos that are in every single video description that we've placed on the channel there's gonna be right in there you click on the arrow it's going to open a whole bunch of information and you're gonna see exactly how to find those we're going to give you a one on 101 courses intercourses how to sell where to get rid of things all along those lines okay yeah it's the perfect video to watch for for beginners Laurie her lab says Hilliard Ohio in the house she asked you guys never come to Columbus for storage options we're actually in Columbus quite a bit my younger brother George George lives in the Columbus area so I'm always down there visiting for birthdays or special events and then my very first storage auction live storage option happen to be near the Columbus area like maybe 20 minutes we're 20 minutes east you know we were West we are West : west of Columbus so yes we plan on attending additional storage live storage options in Columbus once the weather gets warmer good question we love the Columbus area and by the way as we're talking about areas you can profile your areas as well so if you profile your unit you can profile the person who owned the unit by we gave that tip on one of these QAS before you can actually find out who owned the unit and you can stock them someway somehow appropriately obviously and then you can look at the actual area and determine what do you think as far as the quality of the area that doesn't mean every area is going to reap tons of treasures it all depends on the actual unit Traverse Trish wants to know hi did you find someone to list your items on ebay alright Traverse Trish applications we have enough items for the next ten years for ten people if not 20 people to be selling and so the the challenge is always finding somebody who is willing to do that for full time 40 hours a week and put in that investment in that regard so good question mmm pain full runner wants to know what's the best piece of jewelry you found whoo oh there's so many so many to list oh wow best piece actually you remember when we were sorting the gold and silver the last time we listed that that was right around Thanksgiving right okay if you look in that video and you're just gonna have to go in all the videos and you're gonna see where George and I are actually sorting the gold and silver and we show you that gold and silver there is that huge silver bracelet it's not nine to five it's actually pure than nine to five huge silver bracelet that that has been my favorite piece of silver by far by far it's just so huge so decorative and it's in that video what's the best piece of jewelry that you've seen I like for me the prettiest word the star sapphire rings we found a male ring and a female ring we have two of them two of them now which are really pretty yeah two different units but if you don't know what a star sapphire is it's just like it's a blue stone a sapphire stone and it has it looks like a starburst in the middle it's really cool I've never seen it before but it's cool um Bobby C zero one one seven wants to know how about estate pipes estate pipe please Bobby layer with that lingo estate pipes can I see can you show me where he says it how about a state pipes Bobby I know what an estate is I have no idea what you're talking about as far as a pipe though so maybe if you can clarify that and George can catch that in a little bit we'll see if we can come back to that now if you mean a state sales great thing go to an estate sale but I don't know what you mean by an estate pipe have you ever been to an estate sale oh yeah go to the state sales normal options all the time I've only been the one with my dad I promise you to take you to another Russell make Leland says I have never bought anything from a storage unit I just want to do it once to see if I like it Russell you should definitely at least try it once you don't to buy anything you're not obligated to bid on a unit when you go but if you want to go just to observe and see what it's like you should definitely do it now Russell talks to me almost daily on Facebook Russell I know you've bought things for a buck and flipped it for 50 bucks so he's doing garage sales estate sales things like that we just got to get him encouraged push him out of the nest a little bit help him fly he's a peacock he's gotta fly and so get to that first storage unit auction and then let us know how it all goes y'all ready keep us updated I feel like you've what if you've watched enough of Jeremy's videos you're ready and if you feel if you feel hesitant to go by yourself take a friend take a co-worker take a family member just to go and I encourage take a George but find your own Marcus Louis says he's not familiar with eBay so do you saw auction style or deuce all fixed feet okay auction versus fixed feet on eBay or Buy It Now okay we also have another person asked this question and we're just gonna we're gonna tackle it right now okay so option style versus Buy It Now when eBay first came out that whole theme was auction and people got caught up in the auction and I'm gonna outbid you and you're gonna and all of that okay the selling platform has changed because our culture has changed is what I would call now impulse buying or immediate gratification those two words don't explain our culture I don't know what two words do okay so what I do with all of my listings and this is me personally and this is me right now because this is what works for me and this is what I find makes the most money for me and if you do this a year from now all of this may change buy it now what I do is I research the item I want to sell I look at the sold items when people go oh Jeremy you need to read books on this and on this and on that books don't tell me anything books tell me what a book thinks something is gonna sell for eBay tells me what people are actually paying for it that's what I need to know the resale value today right now and the way you find that you go to eBay you put your item in the search engine you then sort it to the sold items now what I like to do is then go highest to lowest because I like to know what the highest thing sold for and then I like to know what the lowest what my top and bottom is and then I look at the highest auction that sold or the buy it now that's sold and then I look at it I go home they must have done something right the law of cause and effect they must have done something right if I do the same thing the cause I should have the same effect and make as much money and so I try and copy what they did and then I post it for just a little bit more than that price nine times out of ten it sells for that price I like the price high that's me other people may want to do a medium price other people may just want to move fast and get it gone and I use an offer as well so I will accept an offer on an item too but right now in our culture immediate gratification impulse buying I got a credit card and therefore I'm gonna get it because I want it now that's our culture you use the Buy It Now options the only thing that I would use the option for now again you've watched this video a year from now and this could completely change I have an item I have no idea what its value is I couldn't find the information I couldn't find the research on it I will put it at an auction and see what happens because those people who are actually bidding on it know something that I don't and I couldn't find it yeah all of my items are buy it now I haven't done the auction yet but I would like to eventually do the auction maybe for one of the quilts that we found just to see ya the quilts yeah we found a lot of vintage quilts handmade quilts so kind of curious to know what the highest bid would be and we've looked at some that go for hundreds and it's not thousands so we're kind of curious you know these quilts and some of you have seen them already within the five hundred dollar units know Gregory Bell wants to know have you ever found any body parts or dead animals in a storage we find dead mice all about that's a given mice rats the first I found my first rat in a Christmas wreath it was so disgusting and it was like fresh I think it ate some poison and just waiting to go hide into the wreaths it was a country we haven't found any body parts ballads stuffed animals though not not down cut taxidermy or things along you keep going tell your story in one of the units one of the storage units that Jeremy went to a couple of the bidders they're told that they did find dead body parts but we have yet to find any human body parts expect to find somebody who is actually cremated as well in an urn but I've yet in all of the units that I've purchased I've never found cremations so no ashes nothing I've never done that not hiking I've seen people actually spreading ashes on hiking trails now I'll find animal parts all the time taxidermy so this this is in the bedroom it's decorative but it's from a storage unit it's from an auction and that's usually a good sign as well if you see taxidermy animals you're probably there's a hunter and then when you're profiling a unit okay you go animals hunter what does a hunter use I mean it's just logic common sense hunt you uses guns bows there it's probably in there and those those items are definitely really good to resell I sell hunting items all the time knives she's on this knife kick all my swords knives oh do you true American fan says I'm going to head up some auction students maybe we'll run into each other love you both yeah it's definitely if you if you live in the Worcester County area County area and you see us please come up to us and say hi we might record you know it's a given I'm gonna record you too beautiful for YouTube then that I might not but if I can record George she's the most beautiful George I've ever seen in my life everybody else should should be recorded as well mariya Meredith Lee deals asked part-time and I'm assuming that you're referring to the the eBay position yes we are accepting applications for part-time yes waste yep that's Curtis Wagner Curtis Wagner says howdy guys I'm the one you talked to in Shelby and put you on the way it's Curtis nice I usually go overboard and buy too many units I filled the dumpster that day Curtis Curtis Curtis why don't you tell everybody because we didn't include this in that video when we were out in Shelby and that's where we found the safe that George actually finally got into I remember there was $25 and 3 cents in that safe Curtis tell everybody if you're ok with it not if you're ok yeah tell everybody how much you did just in that month when we were there that was November in Shelby if you're okay with sharing that Curtis and if not Curtis the one who quit his job Curtis quit his job to do it full-time yes excited to hear about that Curtis that's my goal is to eventually quit and just do it full time Mary Mary 5 6:03 wants to know are you going to do a video on your best vines yes we did mention it earlier in the QA I think we're gonna work on that tomorrow that's one of our goals tomorrow we have some things to do up north in Ohio and then we'll come back down south and we're going to do a recap video of our top favorite storage unit finds this past year then con Knight wants to know is it hard to get into buying storage units no it's not hard if you have money and you're looking it's basically an investment so you have the money to invest then no it's not hard anyone can do it and again we teach you how to do that it's in the description of every single video on the channel get into the video description click on those videos and we're teaching you everything we know yeah I will and entrepreneurialship I believe in capitalism you guys hear capitalism is bad not a it's not it's what makes our country work your employer my employer who happens to be so I will just say it's George I'm the bond makes it work that's what makes it work okay and so that's entrepreneurship we love that and so we want to encourage it and equip you and help you along the way um here's a question that I that's kind of a good one that that's a good one that I want to know to Mohawk Joe's Trading Post wants to know do you is there a weight limit for items to ship ok Mohawk Joe weight limit for items to ship you can ship anything anywhere it just is finding the correct shipping service to do that so for example there are weight limits in regards to USPS I'm talking about the United States Postal Service anything over a pound that's priority okay but even then you're gonna have certain weight limits anything under a pound that's that's first-class shipping now remember here in late January all of the shipping is going to change with USPS and therefore anybody who has requested my actual my eBay selling tips and guide there's information in there that says anything under anything under a pound use free shipping for marketing well that's no longer gonna be the case it's gonna be calculated based on buyers location for every single item okay now let's say you have an item it's five thousand pounds well US Postal Service isn't going to take it UPS isn't gonna take it FedEx isn't gonna take it you've got shipping services trucking okay all you have to do is print out a bill daddy led ing now you'll have to contact somebody to do that but even then it's so reasonable that you can sell that item on ebay contact the shipping service and you want it and you know your next question what shipping service do I contact I don't know because I don't know where you are with the first thing I would do is I would get on Google and I would Google freight shipping services wherever you live they'll come they'll pick it up they'll ship it whoever you sold it to normally it's a couple hundred bucks and if you got a five thousand-pound item maybe it's a wood-burning stove or it's a somebody who's gonna pay it who wants it enough and you can ship it anywhere for anything Dean Koch grain wants no will you accept a standing request for a certain item and then will you notify me if you find what I'm looking for what he's looking for a ku ku klux Dean you have shared with us in the past that you're looking for cuckoo clocks and there are many people that request items from us and frankly at this point in time I do not have a running list there's just too much and not enough time in a day for me to keep track of all of that now if I get more employees on board then yeah I have no problem with putting an employee in charge of that and going this individual is requested this this this this this the best way to let me know if you're interested in something how do they do that again George the best thing to do because he he handles so many items during his unboxing is to take a snapchat or no screenshot of it and then email him with an offer and the email address is located in all of our videos in the description HUP Tam says he found $6 rolled up in a weird ritualistic offering bowl shaped like a bug really cool he says I guess those false guys didn't answer okay while you're looking for a question I've got another one okay okay this one is from rob horse khun's hi Jeremy and George I have a question for you next Sunday live as I can't make it because I live in Australia all right when is the right time to upgrade your eBay account to a store it's a good question okay and to answer that question the professor is gonna have to come out because we're gonna have to get a little heady heroes go now there Hales miles professor Hales here we go follow with me if you will I'm gonna try and make this as simple as possible when to go from just a private eBay account and then upgrade to an actual store account the thing we have to evaluate is cost versus the actual savings you do this when you go shopping anyway right so if I'm gonna buy if I'm gonna buy a package of chicken at Walmart versus my local grocery store what's the cost at each place and if I get it at one place over the other place what are the savings you do this every day in your life so we have to evaluate the monetary cost and the savings to actually answer the question when do we upgrade to an eBay store all right that being said there are levels of an eBay store you've got your basic standard level you've got your starter I think now remember all this stuff changes so you've got starter basic and you go all the way up to like premium and each of those those things actually cost a different rate I have a basic as a basic what that gives me is 250 free item listings a month versus an individual account that will receive just 50 free listings a month okay so I'm getting 2200 more free listings a month but I'm also paying a certain fee now I believe that fee let me check because I can't remember all of this stuff all of the time and of course oh I think it's like 24 it's like 25 bucks okay and if I get into a one-year contract with eBay they'll actually take that down a little bit for my store fee now if I have a store I'm paying to have that store which then I'm getting more free listings and there's a benefit to that now we have to do the mathematics of that okay so there's a couple different things in regards to what we have to look at if we're going to go from an individual account to an actual store if I were selling 10 items a month there's no way that I would put the money into a store if I was selling a hundred items a month 200 items with 250 items a month now we gotta start looking at a store because one of the things that happens is when I get those 250 items free a month versus the individual insertion that savings could be a savings of almost if I'm using the 250 items free a month 75 plus dollars a month what I'm saving if I had an individual account versus the store because now I have the free insertion fees so why wouldn't I pay the $25 a month to save the 75 dollars a month you see it's cost versus savings and so what you really have to do is you have to figure out where you're at and you're selling do the mathematics of okay it cost me this much as a basic membership babe how much is it for your you're not even using you're not even getting charged for insertion fees yet right you're not doing enough you're not doing 50 months I think it's 30 cents per option right now after you're 50 free ones and if you have a basic subscription or a basic profile or account you also there's promotional items and they'll give you a couple here's a hundred free listings but you got three days to put them in those aren't guaranteed but when you have a store you're guaranteed two hundred and fifty if you utilize them you're saving money not only that if you're utilizing it you now can create categories within think of it as your own personal website so if you sell merchandise that looks like what the Hales okay if you have what the hell is merchandise and you have hoodies versus t-shirts I can create a category under what the Hales store and I can create a category of hoodies I can create a category of t-shirts I can create a cat of Egyptian Georgia's ain't gonna happen though all right but what that does is for your sellers who go oh man this guy sells some pretty sweet pens I was using the example of pens okay you have 200 pens listed the chances of your buyer just buying one pen is now gonna increase because you have a category they're gonna get two pens three pens four pens five pens and so now you have an opportunity within your categories to actually organize everything and get a repeat customer who's gonna buy multiple items so depending on how many items you're listing you have to do a cost versus savings analysis in the items that you're listing figuring out how much does it cost me to list per item after your free fifty a month if you're at that level versus I'm gonna do over 250 or 250 a month for your store if you're at a basic account store there's the starter stores even less than that you have to do the mathematics without me knowing how much you're selling I can't answer the question for you unless I do the math for you but my encouragement would be be at the level to where you absolutely want to store because you're getting free insertion fees versus the basic membership which is gonna save you money over the long run and going to make you more money because now you have a storefront think of it again your personal web page that has categories that people are gonna buy from now somebody you're gonna go Jeremy we're in your what the Hales account right now and there's only 14 items in there you're right because they all just they're actually a lot of the things sole expired well they sold Christmas time where they expired because you never ever go good till cancelled you always go 30 days 30 days and then you don't realist you do sell similar self-similar bumps it back up in the query and then you're at the top when somebody is actually looking for that item to buy okay so I haven't been able to relist because frankly I've been working on YouTube making videos for you and responding to all of your communications so we'll get to it soon enough and once somebody gets hired they'll be able to fill that subscription and fill that store up for you Georgia DiSalvo says she bid on an online auction and it was supposed to end January 2nd she went back to see if anyone else bid and now she can't find the pictures on it does that mean that the owner redeemed the locker yes because of the law Redemption that means the owner of the locker paid the delinquent fees and was able to to save his locker from going to auction paid the fees it's like if you rented out an apartment and you paid your back rent okay you can stay you paid your rent all right we've got one more question um we're actually running out of time you want to do Sussex success story one more question and then we'll do the success stories if you've got a question Ralph Cooper says ever find an old computer and wonder if it has Bitcoin on it we found a couple computers do you find computers I've never checked them for Bitcoin I have been encouraged by people to check them for Bitcoin frankly I just don't have time and so for me checking things is not in my agenda or my schedule that's already from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed and I'm not complaining and I'm not I'm not exaggerating I'm not it's just what it is that's what my life is now so I don't have time to do those things I would love to bring on employees and say hey check that for Bitcoin VTR dog you must enjoy Jeremy singing because he says Jeremy if you bought handwritten songs please sing them wait George how many how many songs have I written for you for me that you can think of right now - okay tuna - made it on paper with lyrics lyrics guitar chords paper everything and I question him when he when he busted out the notes in the paper I'm like is this is this a recycled song and you guys know it's not recycled and it sure enough the as he's saying the song it wasn't recycled it was solely based on me and like specifics of that week it was impressive you did good and I'm still writing the other one that I haven't finished it with Jenna that you were in the Bahamas when I started that yeah she was in the Bahamas and I started writing or another song and then I never finished sick because she came back okay here we go so we're gonna we're gonna jump into success stories and wrap it up go so fast doesn't it it does all right success stories remember if we can do this you can you can do it too and others of you have like Timothy Kilbourne Timothy says the first unit I bought I paid $1 77 for I've never paid $1 7730 that is an odd number congratulations being an oddball you fit right in with us yes I found what do you think you found George my dog boys magazine beauty magazine and he found some other garbage sherbet but he said he scored on the rest of the unit he made 400 to 600 so far buck 77 investment nice Timothy Congrats Wow James Wilson Merry Christmas guys want to thank you guys for being so entertaining I found the channel a few weeks ago when I decided this was something I was interested in you managed not only to give me the info to get started but entertained me so I kept coming back every day and gained a wealth of information before I started all right I already did my first auction I walked out with one unit though it's not gonna make me rich overnight I've already made my money back and haven't even listed my eBay stuff or sent anything to auction yet keep it up guys don't ever tone it down keep it fun keep it real just for you James we will keep keeping it real shout out to James Wilson we got John hole swampy I can't say the last name I'm sure you can we apologize if we butcher your name so John says I'm going to my first auction in a few minutes your videos have really inspired me I'm gonna take your recommendations not go with a flashlight I'm gonna take a pair of opera glasses instead that way I can see it but they can't see what I'm looking at John anything that gives you the edge you go and do it are those are opera grasses glasses the one like the the peanut guy wears the monocle I think that's a monocle the opera glasses go up like this so I can see you all the more better kind of like binoculars okay so one more we got Ted Ted Cummings great videos thank you for sharing your adventures with us my wife and I are no longer watching TV your videos are now our nightly entertainment lol I got to tell you something cuz I say this to George all the time I can't believe that anyone anyone even watches this stuff let alone makes us their nightly entertainment it's very very humbling first of all and frankly the reason why I'm even doing it because I'm a natural teacher at heart I love teaching and what it's doing is it's giving me an outlet to teach but also we're both extremely sarcastic you probably do more than me okay she's probably more sarcastic than me so it also gives us a creative outlet while teaching to be extremely sarcastic and we just we laugh and laugh and laugh and I'm very passionate about teaching I'm learning from one of the best teachers and she's very passionate about humor and sarcasm and so I'm learning from one of the best in that area all right your videos are now our nightly entertainment lol we start buying units almost a year ago and have had three big sales we've done well our basement is full of stuff that we haven't gotten around to sorting right now were overwhelmed with with where I can go and have certain things appraised other than that we're having a blast and we found through your videos that we're going in the right direction also learned much from you again thank you for posting what you're doing we look forward to it and enjoy every video nice ted thing said and your wife thank you so much we love that you incorporate us as a part of your daily or even nightly entertainment and feel free to send us videos of your personal unboxings we would love to see what you guys find valuable so with that being said hope you have a Hailes of a week coming up yes have a Happy Tails of a new year this has been Jeremy and George thank you so much for tuning in and we will see you next Sunday part that there our next live Q&A and then you'll see us in videos throughout the week so stay tuned bye guys have a good night men hitman
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 12,758
Rating: 4.8969073 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found GUNS, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: 3BR9pupQuGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 6sec (3966 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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