Hale$ Answer YOUR Questions On Abandoned Storage Unit Auctions / How To Make Money With Storage Wars

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[Music] welcome welcome welcome back to our live show if this is your first time here with us today so glad you can make it hopefully you have fun hanging out with us George you know gear grittiness always you're gonna nineteen is always sending money for me to sing yes and he's your biggest fan yes and so I just figured at some point we would end up putting out an album and it would all be thanks to Gilbert and 19 so I wrote this song specifically for gear grid in 19 because he has paid so faithfully in super chants and last week's opening song was about the past in our relationship but this song is gonna be about the future okay goes a little something like this are you ready are you guys ready I hope you're ready because it goes like this there is coming the day when I'll no longer be alone no more clouds in the sky no more tears in my eye I'll be smiling forevermore when I have help like never before what a day glorious day that will be yeah what a day that will be with George's working next to me will be laughed all the time probably won't make a dime she'll be working day and night with a dirty man who's white I bet my skintone turn three for loose goodness what a glorious day that will be home now there'll be no sorrow there when she comes to work right here no more loneliness and pain no more losing all my hair and forever I will be with George who's helping me what a day glorious day that will be what a day that will be you and George is working with me will be laugh all the time probably won't make comes done you should be working day and night with a dirty man who's white what a day glorious day that will be one more time you ready now what a day that will be you in charge of working with me will be laughing all the time probably won't makeup done you should be working day and night with her dirty man of white what a day glorious day that will be [Music] Jeremie me just [Music] welcome welcome thank you guys all for joining us tonight all right we've got some housekeeping issues that we've got a tackle and then we're gonna get to your questions but before we even get to the housekeeping issues are huge hails of a congratulations to treasure hunt game with jebus scription again congratulations treasure hunting with Jebus 50,000 subscriptions and now you gotta help us we want to be next we want to hit that milestone as well before the end of March March 31st our goal is to be 50,000 subscriptions as well so some of the things you can do is like you can share you can comment post it all over your social media and now help us get there as we accomplish the goals that we've set for what the Hales now Before we jump into your questions tonight there's this little thing in YouTube called a super chat and so we get so many well we already just got a super tight super chat from Diane Linda appreciate it she said I think Jeremy should sing a proposal song on live YouTube when the time comes so we can all one oh that is a very good idea so thank you Diane and if you see what Diane just did she hit the dollar sign and she made sure that her chat bumped up in front of everybody else's because we get so many viewers and so many questions that's a good way to get your questions seen since we can't get to all of them so if you want to utilize that tool it's there for you also don't forget to subscribe that will help you know exactly when we have a new video and hit that belt that'll give you a notification as well wayde's ventures wait thank you so much she shaped the $10 super Chad he said smash that like you know how she would smash it sledgehammer alright so we also want to thank our moderator George who's our moderator our moderator is meerkat meerkat she will be on the live with us for the next hour answering any frequently asked questions that that are that people are new to our channel new to our lives so she'll try to answer those give you the link to our what the hails merch if you're interested in getting that answering other questions that we consider a frequently asked question not one of the questions that we're getting right now because we are holding our ebay training course our ebay 101 course on March 30th we've got the question are there any more seats that training course is maxed out so we are no longer accepting registrations for the ebay training course on March 30th if you twist our arm all four of our arms maybe we could get you inside the building but we have to be very careful about that because space is extremely limited and we will be having a party because it will be my 42nd s40 birthday so not only are we holding ebay training all day it will be also a party together you will have prizes you can win from the actual storage unit videos that you've seen and others have asked can we go to the actual warehouse not much to see there except a whole bunch of stuff but we're going to think maybe consider maybe not you'll find out when you're at the eBay training whether we do a field trip to the warehouse or not we've got a couple shout outs Travis Allwood in Australia shout out the Travis thanks for viewing your subscription also to Rikki Crest and Victoria hey thanks again these guys are watching from all over the world very humbling again I always ask the same question Wow especially the ones that are watching across the pond and it's like 2 a.m. 3 a.m. in the morning yeah I the Hales aren't you sleeping yeah that's that's a pretty important question alright now you've got a you got an announcement about our merch as well don't you George yes we got in a whole new shipment of sizes that we were out of stock plus there were requests for additional sizes so we got that so if you want to any of the videos that we post and then meerkat wolf will hook you up with the link we now have 4 x + 5 X in our inventory I can't wait to wear five minutes so if you're interested again meerkat will hook you up with the link and in any of the videos that we post in the description is also a link we also at the end of the livestream tonight which we will only be going an hour we have an exciting announcement for you so it's about growth and it's something for you the viewer so you want to stick around for the entire live stream tonight for that special big announcement I promise you it will not be like the announcement last time as a matter of fact why don't you just jump right into that because the biggest question they probably all have tonight is George how are you yes last Sunday on our life - na I made a serious announcement that I was diagnosed with cancer back in January I did have surgery this past Tuesday I took the rest of the week off of work I will be returning back to work tomorrow my post-op appointment is scheduled for Friday with my doctor at that point then her and I will discuss when I can start radiation treatments so I've been trying to stay positive I've been in good spirits and I appreciate all the love and support in the prayers that you guys have been sending our way it's much appreciated and then once radiation radiation treatments are scheduled we'll definitely keep you guys in the loop but again thank you so much for all the love support and prayers it really means a lot to us we love you guys all right George now that we have the update we also have viewer mail and there's a pretty big package over there yeah so let's see this is from you know box your um cozy contour all the way from California from Dawn okay no I think it's good luck if you shake it lease is lucky for me so while you are opening that I'm gonna share a success story because I Oh many I don't even know where to start sweetheart alright so here's one Hey been watching you guys for weeks I think I've watched every video Wow love you guys I'm 65 single I like to make jewelry but I keep it a secret lol it's just basic looking stuff yeah it's out now it's just basic looking some pieces are good anyways we would love to have your list or lessons on how to sell on ebay which we've sent that we've sent the list or the lesson how to sell on ebay Vic effectively to maximize your profit and then she said you've inspired me to do a thrift shop I did really well the other day I picked up 20 dollars worth of stuff looks like I can turn that into a hundred and fifty dollars that's phenomenal she says thanks again life's an adventure and I've said that forever to my kids and grandkids now that's what brought me to your channel so always watching always following lol oh god a box filled with Welch's fruit snacks yes hold a second hold a second let me look at the expiration date there they might just be about right two little baggies with notes on them says thank you not expired thank you so much dawn Jeremy here are a few treats to keep you fed at auctions lol thank you for your channel I put some of George's world in your bag perfect for church all right it's open okay this is from dawn and we're gonna see what's in the bag my note says George you both make my day here is a few of my signs from thrift and wanted thought it would be perfect you're the perfect person to share it with I hope you love them okay what are you gonna leave our oh here we go this is like mega unboxing see what we have here oh we got jewelry oh my goodness this okay you guys have to see this I got to get closer I have to get closer all right dawn I got a I got to put a back screen on it look at this look at this definitely Egyptian vibe and theme there I love it so cool so don found this stuff in her storage unit and we even have some Cub Scout Boy Scout stuff as well very cool thank you so much and then for me John sent a beautiful bracelet that's so cool a necklace it looks like does that look like eyeballs to you yeah it does here let me show it up close okay let me show it up close here another necklace check that necklace out look at that it's all eyeballs I love it that is so cool look at that that is something else and then a ring with also an eyeball that's the Great Sphinx yes the all-seeing eye we got an Egyptian theme without a doubt all right why don't we jump into the find of the week and then we're gonna get into the tip of the week and then we're gonna get into your questions so find of the week we actually found today we went over to the warehouse we were digging in an old dresser that we haven't actually went through before without it was it was taped up so some of the drawers wouldn't fall out so they put tape on there we didn't get in there we found a little change purse and so inside the change purse I'm going to show you right up here at the camera inside the change purse we found we found foreign money and we found some that's silver so this is 1959 we've got let's see what else we have here we've got that's Canadian we've got and I'm dropping it everywhere captain fumble nuts so we got more money so we got more money which brings us to our tip of the week okay biggest question everybody has right now is taxes taxes taxes taxes that is one of the so the biggest thing that I always tell you is number one you need to transfer liability to somebody else you need to have professionals on your team and so those individuals who know tax law and they do tax law on a daily basis now the one thing that I'm going to share with you when you get into the business you need to maintain every single piece of paper and receipt so here what I'm showing you and again I always share with you my expenses I don't share with you my income I don't feel comfortable sharing my income publicly probably the same reason why you don't feel comfortable sharing your income publicly as well so within this documentation as I prep this to go to my tax preparer my expenses this year my expenses we figured out last night well is it sixty three thousand sixty three thousand something so total my expenses sixty three thousand some odd whatever and we did find some other things that we didn't include okay so those are my expenses if you want to know what I actually spent on storage units that total was I actually have that in the spreadsheet really quick that total was on storage units was eighteen thousand three hundred eighty six dollars so all that to say expenses you want to submit those at tax time as a tax deduction not that doesn't mean I'm gonna get sixty three thousand dollars back what that means is that income it isn't an income that expense is going to be deducted from my income of what the government is going to charge me for taxes so in other words every single receipt that you can keep that means your gas that means if you have a meal on the road we went to storage unit auctions yesterday we stopped and we ate those receipts are kept because that's a business expense I have multiple LLC's multiple businesses I have business expenses that go under those so all of those things and don't ever forget to keep track of your mileage current IRS mileage deduction is going to be fifty four point five percent this year and then it jumps up to fifty eight cents per mile that's deductible for your business every expense you have if you're reselling and you're buying ink for your printer you're buying paper for your printer you're buying tape for pet fur boxes that's a deduction that's that's an expense that the government will not tax you on which will take your taxes down so that's your tip keep every single expense you possibly can make sure you get the deduction for it and make sure you have somebody in your corner transferring that liability over if you're at that point in your business so that they're accountable for your proper taxes instead of you being accountable there's good times when you want to transfer liability over I always encourage that all right you ready sweetie great tip that was just the tip all right are you ready what's your first question big mall wants no Jeremy did you get your selfie stick as I suggested bigmouth bigmouth bigmouth bigmouth I sleep oh my second we're having a little bit of buffering issues tonight so if you guys are having that just hop off the live chat and come back on and hopefully that I'll refresh for you guys Big Mo also said my tip for eBay's they tax an account once you hit twenty thousand dollars and that's also two hundred sales and that's through PayPal so you'll get taxable paperwork through there now there are loopholes very legal loopholes you don't have to have just one eBay account you can have multiple accounts family members things along those lines and so specifically I openly share I have multiple accounts one account is just for youtubers that's it just for you guys it's for youtubers and that's it so that being said you figure that out with that but the selfie stick no haven't gotten it yet to get into the storage units but great idea appreciate that which one that was Big Mo you saying stick a selfie stick into the actual storage unit so you can see further again we are supposed to one of our subscribers also sent us a drum that we have yet yeah we were just talking into the story so Ron sent us a drone and we're gonna start practicing once the weather breaks there's a couple great options going on this week so Wednesday I'll be at a phenomenal auction and then Thursday I'll be at an auction as well and then next Thursday one of my favorite locations one of my favorite businesses here in western Ohio they have over 400 storage units and myself and the and the owner have been talking for a couple years now about me buying him out and then I would actually own the business and so they're one of my favorite locations and so on March 28th there's gonna be 35 40 different units there nice okay all right I've got a spot okay candy gift which says hey y'all send it love from Texas well candy we're sending love right back to you due south candle company says hey Jeremy I ended up selling that motorcycle back to the original owner Wow he sent me a video of his five year old sitting on it saying he can't wait to write it I sold it back for what I paid that's great that's great now remember the one thing I always encourage if you're going to contact the former owner of a storage unit I always attempt to do that anonymously now if you're gonna sell something back such as a motorcycle very difficult to do that anonymously but you don't want to put yourself in jeopardy your family in jeopardy remember most of these storage units they go up for auction because of just bad things that are gone on in life we usually tell you 90% of the units that we bought the person was incarcerated 5% the person passed away and the family didn't care about what was left behind and 5% these people just disappeared so your safety always becomes first right George yeah safety first mm-hmm okay let's see we've got never more antique says junk money chuck monkey they are not commercials on live shows there aren't there's no commercials on the live show that I'm aware of I've never seen one but YouTube can add those afterwards in regards to the live show once it's actually up do we have any business questions lots of shout outs from all over the world so reading through those here some some one it's your treasures is saying I would like a hat with what the hell Robert de large George put it there on purpose so the answer I'm afraid it is no Leslie called Ross says what the Hales I got my item Thursday thank you both for the timely send oh that's great so muscle purchase something from us yeah yeah you know what I think I remember seeing an envelope with Leslie's name on it I forget I forget what she bought but I'm glad you're happy lots has been going on yeah then the Hales house Lots has been going on big Dan Lopez this is actually kind of a common question but wants to know how sick have you gotten from eating locker food I have not been sick I haven't been sick since we've met we're going on almost eight months so when I used to travel I used to travel and speak and teach all over and I would get sick everywhere I went because I'd be shaking hundreds if not thousands of hands after you speak and you teach and all that and so I started getting flu shots every year once I got flu shots I've been fine yeah I think I'm allergic to the flu shot because every time I get it I get so sick so I've been waving them at work Cinthia where he wants to know what is a way to send you some pictures cynthia you could either email us or you can send it as an attachment if you send us a message on our what the hell's facebook page so if you want to send us some pictures you can definitely email us at what the Hales at yahoo.com now last last live stream somebody said Jeremy you should get Powerade to actually be a sponsor I'm gonna tell you I'll tell you a lot of secret though are you losses Gatorade I'm never drinking Gatorade or Powerade this is actually these are greatly missed when you first well I change bottles out every three months and I buy the bottle so that I can actually mix water I get kidney stones so bad that I only will drink water but I don't like water so I have to mix it up with like Crystal Light and so my urologist says that the actually citric acid in the mixes breaks down the kidney stone so I haven't had one now for a couple years it's working and those things hurt so bad that I'm okay with just keeping on with the bottle so if you ever seen I'm actually not drinking power hey it's a water mix just a ton of hellos as people are getting on the on the live that I'm reading through okay Tom Stone says seems the tax season has units going for outrageous monies yes Tom you're gonna see time of year you'll definitely see that now remember your online units they're gonna go more than your live auction units anyways so you're gonna see those take a huge jump and then if you're going to live auctions you're gonna see those take a huge jump and remember if you're profiling we have somebody comment on a video yesterday and I saw in the guy with ulah ulah ulah you nothing but lies we all know you can't make money on every single unit yes you can if you profile correctly and you purchase appropriately at the threshold that you set for the items that you see will pay for the unit immediately and then you have a profit margin you're always gonna win and so make sure you can you to profile set your threshold based on what you can see and then your bidding appropriately you're always gonna win and if that means you have to back off a little bit here cuz tax returns season is here wait for those individuals to blow through that money burn a hole in their pocket because you're in business not to lose money your business to make money Jon Runyan says guns question why does storage treasures say guns not included in sale so does that mean they've gone through the unit found a gun took it out well first thing that I would say and I do not know for sure but number one I've never seen that in their policy and it could be a state a state law because when you find a gun in a storage unit you have to adhere to the state laws where you found the gun so Ohio is gonna be very very different than New Jersey than California then who knows okay and so that may be state the specific towards you but it could be down in the fine print and I just don't read the fine print so if I found a gun in a storage unit in Ohio it's very very different than if I found a store a gun in a storage unit in Maryland where you'll never see that thing again or or Jersey or things along those lines uh tamatha keller halls just sent five dollars and she said how do you find your storage option we shape the super chat tamatha thank you so much for the super champion your name rates Amitha if we're not it sounds right so remember in our minds it sounds right so options if dot-com is a great one for live auctions and then tell her what your online so first what I would say if you look at all of our videos and there will be in this video as well there'll be a description and if you look at that you will see how to's how to make money videos and we will teach you how to actually find options now we're gonna tell you has George our I said auctions if calm that will show you auctions all kinds of auctions in your area you just punch in your zip code punching the radius and you can even narrow it down to storage units and find what you want to find now if you want online auctions because you've got a 9 to 5 there's there's a there's a ton of online auction websites but there are some that rise to the to the top so when people always ask me where do you prefer to sell and I say eBay because it's the largest platform and I have so much volume I have to have the largest platform to remove all that volume and so you want to try and focus in on the largest platforms that the facilities in your area may be using so some of those are storage treasures calm some of those are locker fox.com some of those are bid 13 calm storage auctions calm but the best way to find out what the facility is doing in your area Google the facilities first of all get the phone number call them and say hey are you listing online do you have a public auction and get on their mailing list or get the information from them if you have any questions or a local newspaper local newspaper they always have to they always have to put a legal announcement before a unit is actually auctioned off a business can't just go up we're gonna take the storage unit and we're gonna auction it off because somebody didn't pay their bill once it doesn't work that way there's a legal process that every facility has to go through legal announcements registered mail attempted contacts and they'll do anything and everything to get paid just like you would you would do anything and everything to get paid so that you weren't out the money right well some of these businesses and so you can also get that in the legal notices which would be your local paper and most of those are online anymore Michael last year says I just saw a video today that Jebus posted about a previous storage owner was threatening him my question to you Jeremy if this were to happen to you has this happened to you if so what did you do to resolve the problem so once you put yourself publicly on YouTube couple things are gonna happen number one you're gonna have lovers okay so specifically there's no doubt air everybody everybody who sees George on YouTube falls in love with her instantly it's just something that's gonna happen but then you also have haters and there's no doubt that individuals that see me on YouTube are gonna go we don't like you and the thing that I always share with George is we focus on the 95 percent of the people who love us and when you put all your attention into them they're gonna love you even more so people who come to my pamela lynn we've got that support us and that have that have had our backs from day one oh yeah if you see in comments they'll they'll they'll defend you like they're your own family I even said I said to George yesterday or the day before I was like do you feel like these youtubers our extended family we have made so many friends along the way and you guys have become family so it's um it's a friendship building platform and now have we been threatened though let's be honest and open we have been threatened but obviously not by our subscribers people that are just trolling they're just trolling yeah so we also have been threatened by individuals whose family members have seen that we've actually purchased a unit that was tied to their family they saw it online we didn't show it to them they saw it and we've been threatened not even threatens the wrong word for this one where I'm going but one of the viewers on YouTube we did not realize that we showed some contact information and one of the viewers thought it upon themselves to share that with a previous family member and it was a deceased individual mistake on her and for not blurring out that that piece of information you have to understand that these are very emotional things when you lose your life is hit rock bottom you'll lose it all whether it's nine times out of ten that's drugs guys and so you lose it all and that's an emotional thing to go through but at the same time what we're doing is if somebody isn't purchasing these storage units it's all gonna go into landfill so what we're doing is number one we are purchasing the storage unit and we're helping fund that business that local business who is also paying other vigils and employees that's always great we're building into those families we're saving all of these items from going into the landfill that's gotta be you know commendable right there and then the thing that I love the most I always tell you people don't buy items on eBay they buy memories those memories that's what they pay for they're not paying for an item and so I love when we can take an item and connect it with a person who has a fond memory of that and they go I got it and I love it this is the most amazing thing I had such fond memories of this when I was a kid and that's where I go win everybody wins um Michael Halpern says if I send you a can of beans expiring the day before would you eat it what kind of beans that depends are we still having connection connectivity issues I see us live I know I saw that we buffered a couple times but hopefully the stream is under I wonder why we'll get more connected in 100% fiber optics no Jeremy have you eight and then put the poop emoji lately last time I did that was in the 1200 dollar criminal unit when Jeremy thought it was paled larious eye on me to eat I thought it was Hales larious so we hit a brownie brownie so it kind of backfired a little bit because we really want to beat at 50,000 subscribers by the end of March and I had a handful of subscribers go you're horrible how dare you do that to George I'm unsubscribing I'll never watch you again and George is over here laughing like crazy is like my goodness life is too short why can't one of the things we always we have a ton of fun we laugh a lot and so one of the things we always say life is too short why why would people so I mean they focus on all the negative instead of just laughing and having fun but you know life goes on so in saying that the problem is probably all the singing I could be very well could be okay Hadley Peterson I'm pulling out bright and early from Iowa to Ohio in the morning 16 hour drive here I come Wow Headly P I have done a drive up to Iowa I would go up there regularly and speak at a conference and that's not fun that drive is not fun I my heart goes out to you thrift trader is on the Chad what up ride Jason drift trader those of you haven't seen we did a an interview with him last Thursday he wants to know how many knives do you own oh geez I lost count I lost count we have so many knives we don't even know what to do it we were thinking about making a wall of all the swords and knives that we found in storage yeah just a pure one you know how some people take log rounds and they do the directive law grounds we just be all nice knives swords taco stacks has what fish fish fishing bottles ours will be nice with no gaps no gaps at all just be nice knife a knife knife knife okay let's see we've got let me see if I can find a question while you're looking for one okay Robert Ken Ham says make as much money as you can for as long as you can for as little as you can I think I got what you're saying there Robert I think I got a little bit you got to slow it down for me Leslie there wasn't a question he just said you said make as much money as you can that might be his tipping Wiegand that's a great tip my my encouragement is to always to always make the money but don't make the money the priority okay and so I used to always say when I was in non-profit work I used to always say is we're all about ministry but we've got to have money to do the ministry and so it's a it's it's a thing that we need for sure but don't ever forget it's about people and so we want to have the relationships built with people as well so don't let that love of money override the love for people and so that's what I truly love about what we do with this channel we're very open we say we've got three E's that we want to be about on the channel we want to educate you we want to equip you and we want to encourage you because if we can do this yes anybody can you absolutely love hearing the success stories from you guys we keep them coming because we want to share them with the rest of our viewers Karen ish says please do not wear the eyeballs during the eBay training they freak me out no promises but we're counting down to ebay training March 30th it's gonna be it's gonna be hails of a good time they really are weeks it's less than two weeks two weeks it's to two Saturdays away bandit has a tip of the week he says don't drop stuff that's great don't drop anything and yet what do I end up doing if he didn't drop stuff you wouldn't have the name capital captain fumble nuts okay ice mistress wants to know what item surprised you the most found in a unit do you want to answer that one from because you've been doing this yeah I'm I'm kind of a newbie what I don't advise you the most I can be drawing a blank okay I'll share one this one this one was never recorded this was really unit I bought about four years ago and I this unit made me thousands and thousands of - Lee all the all the African and and Civil War items that are down in the garage still in the health I showed you yeah those are from that unit I mean thousands and thousands of thousands on this unit I bought it for I don't know two hundred bucks in the back of the unit was you know the Knights used to wear all the armor and it had this armor chainmail and everything helmet and so I brought it home and my neighbor actually saw it my neighbor and he said he said hey that looks pretty cool I was like you want it he's like yeah he goes I got a freezer you want the freezer I was like yeah so we did a swap I the armored helmet I just asked him not too long ago my gosh Esau had that helmet he's like yeah yeah she still lets me keep it around me so his wife lets him still have it out in the house that's kind of cool but never intended on seeing it and there was and then I traded it for a freezer just for the fun of it okay Tom Boyd says hi from Scotland Tom hi from Ohio Rodney Marsh wants to know will you hold it you use a drone well you've all let me use a drone that is I should play so that it will probably be a hard- should I share what happened this Saturday or just briefly so we have a legal team and what I have my lawyer my legal team do is draft up documentation on the laws so we actually the the this option that you saw on Saturday we were told we could not film and I went alright and very very cordially and very politely after the first unit was actually auctioned I pulled the auctioneer side I went here's a letter from my legal team and then we were told that we could film so we'll see what happens I don't want to be like that but but it's it's it's it's kind of silly and again 95% of the businesses and 95% of the auctioneers love when we're there filming because their business is growing they're getting free market yeah who wouldn't want free marketing and you're you're getting your name out and exposure and hey here's a rental facility there's there's openings now you can put you can book it there's openings and the auctioneers it's a lot of a lot of auctioneers encourage it because it helps them mark Agner just shoot the $10.00 super chair thank you so much mark we appreciate you thanks for watching Rick traders has come to Oklahoma let's buy a unit together i but I will that's the thing I actually well I will jump on a plane and and we're gonna get together which all that being said we've got we've got a number of the top stores unit by we are working on something big for you and we'll just keep the teaser and the spoiler there but I think you're gonna absolutely love it Austin's adventure says somebody on storage words tried to use a cat drone once and it crashed and became part of the locker they lost it to the person and wouldn't that be our love strikes again sorry sorry Ron I lost this somebody bought it I got the remote I got the remote okay let's see Robert Rob says have you guys thought about how much you want for the bikes and go-cart enders interested Robert Rob you can email us if you ever are interested in the item that you see everything you see is for sale it will be sold one way or another it'll either be sold in a garage sale actually be a be a warehouse sale warehouse sale it'll be sold on Facebook marketplace Craigslist or Ebay one or the other and so if you're ever interested in anything and again we have employees that actually sell this so I purchased so much employees are moving that through and and George is even working on that as well but if you see something just message us at what the Hales at yahoo.com and we'll see if we can work something out now that being said I'm so far behind in communication I'm a month behind in comments it's just it's logistically we cannot keep up anymore we've had I've got to have some huge growth in our channel and I want to say we've acquired 14,000 subscribers in less than twenty days so it's hard to keep up with all the comments oh there's no way we can do it any more and we have to sleep and even two nights ago I got what three or four hours of sleep um yeah I don't know how he does it Yahoo the Yahoo email address right now I haven't responded to anything in a week either because she had surgery I'm caring for her and so it's it's been quite a bit so you're gonna have to be you're gonna have to be flexible with me because I have a real life it's not just what you see in clips on YouTube so if you can be flexible with me I can try and work with you but you're gonna have to give me a buffer of time too cuz I have multiple businesses that I run on a daily basis z bear once no are you guys going to still do the giveaway in this livestream it's not just one it's the 30 Seabury you have to tune in on the 31st 31st the last Sunday of this last Sunday and yes we always always always make sure that we do our giveaways yes we do the drawing right here on live on air and then we as long as you followed the directions correctly you are entered in and for those who are wondering what what is it well there's a little Easter Egg for you in one of the videos and you gotta go you gotta go watch it and you watch it all the way through and then you'll figure it out thrift raider $20 thank you for the $20 superjet here's for a bag of peanuts on the plane yeah mrs. Jebus mrs. G mrs. on amber mrs. Jebus congratulations yes the thousands amazing so proud of you guys that's that's phenomenal we told you we're we're five thousand subs away from hitting fifty maybe a little bit less than I'm not sure I told Jebus today I text him I said listen if you don't hit 50 today by the time we going the livestream we're running the live stream as a fundraiser and we will not go off air until you hit fifty thousand and so so thankfully thankfully we're gonna get some sleep tonight so proud of them they do such a phenomenal job and we just we're thrilled to be friends with them yes there was so much fun doing a collaboration with them when they when they came up the first time you guys did a collab I had to work yeah yeah you were 9 to 5 Michelle walling says hi meerkat how are you doing tonight can you answer that one I can't can you I don't have an answer for now okay she was here earlier doing my nails yep your nails look phenomenal lazy walking piece says hi guys lazy walking pee got a great real estate channel so if you're into real estate you definitely wanted to subscribe to lazy walking again I've said this from the beginning even though I'm in the storage units real estate is the best investment you can ever ever make the government will give you tax deductions because they encourage you to buy property you can't get these kind of deductions and you can't make these kind of investments on any other investment other than real estate Robert Rob wants to get a high five yes Robert Rob can get a virtual high five and a fist bump Oh someone from Cleveland Ohio is on the line oh yeah from Cleveland we were just in Cleveland I mean Cleveland earlier today you're gonna find out probably tomorrow why I took dear me on a surprise adventure and he kept trying to guess what I was doing for him and he was just way off so wrong so wrong so I think on what day do you plan on posting it tomorrow if I get to I got a lot of I gotta meet with the tax preparer tomorrow yes so we were up in the Cleveland area and we got out of there right on time before the st. Paddy's Patrick st. Patty's Day Parade Kia okay you got another one baby just a lot of a lot of people hopping in late on the live saying hello and where they're from what I just said I just said hello from New Hampshire hi Jetta and then Tina Roberts is from the Shenandoah Valley I actually hiked the 80 there was one of the most beautiful portions on the 80 I loved it Donald math says when you guys come into Wisconsin Donald our plan for the growth of the channel and where it's headed in 2020 so the plan is for George to actually quit her job we're gonna start full-time and we actually will go on the road and we will go to all the subscribers we will go to an auction with you we will buy the storage unit for you we will take three things but you have to let us take you have to whether things keep three things the rest is yours and you get to keep everything else and then we're going to show the profitability from those three things that we took from that unit but we're gifting the unit to the subscriber so stay tuned because that's where the channel is headed in 2020 on the road out with all of the subscribers at the auctions and then we take three things we show you what they sold for online on eBay and then we go to the next auction so that's where things are headed in the creation of what the Hales yes Marvin Harris says currently the high bidder on my first online storage auction with three days left that's congrats man hopefully you continue to be the highest bidder I remember keep us posted Marvin the majority of the bids in any auction weathers eBay whether it's an online storage unit it's gonna come in the last five minutes of the actual auction so if you can be there for the last five minutes of the auction make sure you're there bidding because that's where most of the bids will come and if you can't be there then you want to put in your max bid make sure you you created a realistic threshold to bid based on what you can see not based on what you can't see so that you have a you have a realistic profit margin as well thrift trader says dang that's an awesome idea guys thanks Donald mass asks do you guys ever donate to the homeless and homeless vets you want to get that one or do you want to keep reading I haven't donated anything yet usually Jeremy does all the donating but right now we've been I know they have and I don't know if they come in this area where is it purple hearts I don't know I think it's purple hearts in my area up in Cleveland word they'll they'll come to the house to pick up donations but I'm not sure if they have that here in this in this area Don Travis thank you for the donation of two dollars in the super chat we appreciate it so much done thanks Don one blessing Robert Robert says have you guys been to Egypt no not yet it's definitely on our bucket list and when we go there we definitely want to buy an abandoned abandoned pyramid our goal is to get an abandoned pyramid and then we're gonna unbox it for you that's how I go thing is they think we're joking they think it's a joke Amy stall thank you for the $5 super chat how far is your warehouse from Sandusky we'll be there in summer would like to shop your warehouse okay we were there in Sandusky we were at the creamery tops tops Elvis Elvis dairy ice cream place in Ohio and phenomenal ice cream if you can never get the pumpkin pie ice cream which only comes out around Thanksgiving it laughs all their supply their inventory supplied last like two weeks hour and a half a little bit more from Sandusky depending on wire at and Sandusky so if you want to shop the warehouse we will probably let subscribers know when the warehouse is open number one that has to be when the climate changes okay we've got to have we have to have the appropriate weather if you want to come to meet Jeremy and George well number one you crazy to meet Jeremy but if you want to meet George she won't be there either so we actually have an employee that runs all of that and we probably will just say on on YouTube hey if if you're local and you wanna if you wanna if the if the temperatures are right and if the climate and weather is right and if Tammy says yep I want to open up shop this weekend then we typically open up Thursday Friday Saturday or a Friday and Saturday JK wants to know Jeremy when will you air the hidden video of when you found the genie bottle that George was in oh well that one's just coming now that one's coming out it's called Aladdin and so you know I was the diamond in the rough and and she was the she was the genie that looks so cool Will Smith the Imogene yeah that's gonna be awesome I saw I saw Aladdin at Palace Theatre probably one of the best plays I've ever been to storage option pirates on the live says how the hell is everyone doing tonight doing great storage auction pirate looking forward to getting together with you soon Robert Roberts just sent a dollar super Chad thank you so much Robert appreciate all your support appreciate your viewing Pamela Chad well she says I want to go to Egypt that's my favorite place on earth another thing we have to do when we go to Egypt is have camel racing oh man that'll be more racing rides we're gonna worry about that camel will win there's gonna be there's gonna be a whole other YouTube channel just with camel racing rides versus Jeremy if you find any unopened dog or cat treats I challenge you to eat some dragonis dragger says why are there no swords on your eBay store well it's on night that's on go to do you have some in there right now yeah I have a ton of knives and swords so that's on go to Hales and that you have to type that in as a national eBay s-- eBay store and so the things the things that you see in the what the Hales those may be items actual youtubers requested and they say hey I'm really interested in this and then the easiest thing to do is put that on eBay sometimes we'll deal with you outside of eBay and then George is working on some other things as well she's got personal goals in regards to that so her goal is 50 items every month yeah you're almost 50 items every single just always yeah just at all times and my goal is to make $1000 every month and so far I've been able to to hit it and I don't even list so it's been pretty it's been pretty awesome I was actually shocked that I was able to hit that goal considering how often I'm posting yeah okay so camel racing Bryce Hale says camel racing ha ha ha I agree it's gonna be awesome there's gonna be the spin-off channel of the year on YouTube thrift trader says are you ready for Thursday he's talking a storage option pirate they're gonna do a live show yeah make sure you guys tune into that will be on there so yeah we'll be on the livestream can't wait can't wait to see that as well we've been having a ton of fun getting on these guys live streams the storage auction pirate has a live stream after hours as well and so once we're done then we'll be jumping over to his and and then wait Wade's got one every now and then about 2 or 2 a week right yeah his his lives are more about reselling yeah which still having fun yeah love it yeah absolutely love it okay we've got let's see Randy Tipler says can you call me Randy Randy I'm sorry we don't have your number and please do not put it do not put it in super don't don't you leave your team or not put your number in super chat meerkat meerkat if anybody puts their number in super chat make that thing go away Bryan Blackwall says what what was the funniest item you have found oh my god we've we have found so many fun items we've I have so many there's so many fun videos that we've posted the funniest thing was probably finding the helium tank oh yeah the helium tank we found a box of there's the baby RBIs it was for like a baby reveal party and there was a helium tank in there so him and I were blowing up balloons and telling each other knock-knock jokes with the helium Voice desert dragon works just popped on she says hello I hope you're having a wonderful evening we are now that you're here desert diagnosed $5.00 super jet I just popped in to drop this off but I'm off to bed sweet dreams sweet dreams you like to go to bed early Lisa isn't she she's Arizona's like three three hours right I think yeah well she may have an early morning yeah good night Lisa sweet dreams good night Lisa well it's time to go oh good night Lisa well it's time to go but do be to do hey leave you try stop no but really Moscow Pete something wants to know where do I live in Ohio Mousa I live in the Cleveland area good muezzin Worcester I'm in the Wayne County area in between if you were to draw a line between Columbus and Cleveland a straight line I'd be smack dab in the middle okay so what do you do with all those adult items sherry Russell wants to know what do you do with all those adult items well ninety-nine point nine nine nine nine nine nine nine percent of the time I throw them away I just just I just throw them all away there is that point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero one percent of the time that becomes a regular so that being said so when you're reselling I I'm never gonna tell you what you can resell what you can't resell obviously you have to follow there is a market but that's not something that we are interested in reselling you gotta you gotta follow guidelines and laws okay and so if it's not illegal then you resell whatever your comfort level is for me where I put my comfort level is you could tell me this this adult magazine is worth a million dollars you could tell me that and I can tell you okay it's not worth it to me and I'll throw it away and so you may go man that's crazy well I'm pretty black-and-white type of person that's where my standard is for me it doesn't mean it's there for you but that's where I hold it in my business and so if you got it and you sold it for a million dollars man congratulations but for me I throw it all away all the adult items get thrown away and yes we get youtubers requesting that all the time please don't request it you're not going to get it and so I can't tell you how many actual youtubers message us and go hey can I have that way you send it the answer's no never will never ever ever will it will always go in the garbage Tawney says I have so much fun guessing cost of Units love the games helps to hone bidding skills sweet so the games are helping good yeah if you guys like that let us know and we'll make more videos like that we are always trying to figure out we're well first of all the channel is a creative outlet and and so it's fun to be able to to create and and and just be helped you guys think outside the box especially if this if you're a newbie to the business or if you've always been intrigued and you want to start doing it it's just different ways of helping you and educating you burr says what do you feel is the minimum amount of money needed to start buying storage units you can answer that one I know you can I feel like it depends on where you live oh my gosh is our hour up alright so hard to believe so the first the first live auction Jeremy ever took me to I ran into a couple that asked me if this was my first live and I said yes and they said it's addicting ly fun you'll have a great time so when I asked them what was the cheapest unit they ever got they told me two cents two pennies so again I did all depends on where you're living in the world units and go as cheap as a penny they paid two cents for a unit flipped it all in a garage sale and made $500 they use that five hundred dollars to buy more storage units so it all depends on what your budget is and how much you're willing to spend you should always definitely give yourself a budget take it from there maybe we said that we had a big announcement that we were going to share at the end are we ready to share it so why don't you share again about your merch your new size listen that's for those of you that have done late to the into the line we finally got additional merch for bigger sizes so net we now carry 4x + 5 X you can definitely go on to any of the videos or meerkat will send you the link and order your what the hell's t-shirt or what the hell's hoodie John Miller said please don't say John Miller you better send some money through super champion I'm sayin or I'm gonna say I think John Miller is being sarcastic oh ok that might be I think you're ready John all right here's the big announcement in April we are going to actually segment our live Q&A s so for the first hour it'll be questions and answers yeah it'll be the usual of fight of the week tip of the week our intro questions and then we're going to transition into a new segment it's a different segment where we are actually going to profile storage units for you and so be ready in April what's going to have to happen because you get so many people out there we're gonna take your zip codes and we're gonna profile units for you now the way to get your zip code actually in front is going to be through the super chat so that'll be a great way for you to do that as we utilize that time together to enhance our profiling skills and to see what can we find that's profitable in your area and so in April that's just a couple weeks away we're actually gonna segment and so we'll start with q and a's and then we'll transition over into profiling so be ready if you want us to try and help you find something about you on my profile profile profile and remember we're very very close to 50,000 subscribers what you can do to help us like smash the like and comment and share all over your social media let's see if we can hit that before the end of March just for the fun of it someone says abs says let George sing oh you guys don't want to hear me sing I mean oh tone-deaf I need two things that go together like peanut butter and jelly for this song so in the in the comments I need something I need two things that go together just start listing them two things that go together in the comments it is meerkat single junkman wants to know no she's got him she's got a mere man she has a mere man and merkins to mirrior kittens yes okay we need two things that go together cat and mouse okay Timothy Kilgore says Oh smelly belly fat book bandit all right we got cat and mouse all right okay here we go may there always be a cat may there always be a Emma may there always be you hear tubers may there always be George and Jeremy someone says fishing and days are okay yeah bad back may there always be fishing may there always be days off may there always be youtubers may there always be my sweet George and Jeremy Darren says pods and gas hugs and gas are you referring to dares be there always may there always be death pass may there always be you tubers may there always be George and Jeremy we can do the ICS USA says your singing and the mute button may there always be my singing and may there always be a mute button may there always be youtubers who are sarcastic and think they're hilarious and you're lucky we think you're Hales hilarious - may there always be download upload says George and Jeremy farts and portray alright yes okay here we go may there always be farts may there always be pork rinds mather ah there always be youtubers may there always be this sweet little chips and George and this big white man named Jeremy one more one more Michael Gartner says tacos and Tuesday awry may their all-time ways be tacos may there always be Tuesday's better off ways be youtubers may there always be [Music] George and Jeremy yes yeah one more may their cultural quiz black doctors Smither all ways be food may there always be youtubers may there always be sweet George injure me thank you guys so much for joining us on our lives for those of you who join us every Sunday thank you so much for your support if this was your first live I hope you guys had fun hanging out with us be sure to come back next Sunday every Sunday at 9th and Eastern Standard Time hey there always be the go go nuts may there always be you tubers may they're always your gin crop dusty Georgian crop-dusting Jeremy Gregory Bell yeah you can get a shout there you go very Bell Jon Miller we know you're loving the singing John don't have a job I'm unemployed crackers and does okay there are ways be crackers May there are ways be nuts intercom ways be youtubers may there always be a sweet girl George and Jeremy may there always be sunshine there all ways beard those guys wither all ways be huge hello Alaska may they're always 10 Merton says taught my voice to go to bed [Music] little pumpkins you need to go to bed good to see you Tim love you buddy may there always be hugs and may there always be kisses may there always be youtubers but let's not mixes those together may there always be George and Jermaine take a night good night may there always be a good night there are ways be sweet there are ways be you two there's neither [Music] a sweet girl George and Jerry [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 12,786
Rating: 4.9085712 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: CyJaLwM44vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 21sec (4161 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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