Hale$ Answer YOUR Questions On Abandoned Storage Unit Auctions / How To Make Money With Storage Wars

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[Music] we're live I was a lot before we start happy Sunday Funday everyone good morning good afternoon where are you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just wait one second who bought the last unit with swords ease you did three she wasn't even there where were you she was in Egypt and she was buying abandoned storage excuse me pyramids with beard pyramids [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] family and friends which that would be like George George that would be suburban beer Manny the mannequin djpick or this has eg picker change his channel name storage legends now the picking life we've had my flippin life I apologize who else what other friends have we been with all week it's just been George my Georgie my dog kissing with me at home buying up units with some seeds with other stuff in there she's whoops in with uh with uh everybody now [Music] the neighbors dog next door is barking here's Jeremy singing I bet I bet who else in the chat they're animals are either meowing or howling or hissing or a lot of snow in the check towing or meowing howling meowing hissing you come up without swimming in circles so big thing tonight everybody wants to know what is on the memory cards and the flash drive sticks which came from a unit with a whole lot of elephant trunks Abby said her horse ran away sometimes that happens I had over 40 horses the worst part was when they would break the fence and they would that was just a bad day and it would always be on your day off they got out of the you know the pasture that was rough flamingo spy sent a five-dollar super chat says hope to meet you guys this week while I'm up in Ohio I sent you an email the dogs are howling here too okay so before we get into mail let's get into one of our items that we said we were gonna dig into this week so this came from the 600 dollar unit now that $600 unit had all kinds of nerd stuff in it sound effects sound effects had all that was to help them participation maybe it's nervous how bullfrogs got into the studio guys maybe Jeremiah was a bullfrog he's a good friend of yours isn't he so that unit had all kinds of amazing nerd stuff an amazing nerd stuff makes amazing money and profit bring in norwalk cent $10 super chat appreciated Freund so this was one of the items that we said we would dig into and see if it was actually like an external hard drive that looks like an insect's this is a portable charger so once we got it home looked at it 78 hundred portable chargers so that's the first thing we're gonna look at tonight but she's already taken issues because it was smaller than the one that I bought so maybe we can carry this backup we both know sizes everything right so here's the cords it's all in here I think I didn't take the rest of it out which is listen this is the $600 unit that I bought in Massillon look there's all year oh wow look at that even the old iPhones that can charge new iPhones there's a bunch of bunch of adapters in there there you see the old iPhone so I'm gonna I'm gonna hand that off to you because you're already eyeing it the charger this will be traveling with us because these come in very handy so if you're recording your units and your battery life isn't the greatest these are great to have huge when you're out filming okay so you want to remind them how to get questions in front of us before we actually do yeah the best way to get your comments or your questions answered is to send us a super chat just like Brian did just like flamingo spy did and that'll just pop out in front of us because as you can see the chats always flying every Sunday so it'll pop up like BAM right up in our faces right up in our grill and something that I recently discovered is the least amount you can send is $0.99 and then the most you can send is 500 but we wouldn't suggest sending 500 and the more you send the more characters YouTube will allow you to put in the comment section so we longer their comment states as well and the longer it'll pop up on our screen and stay remain there so if you send $0.99 those ones will usually get missed because they don't they don't stand out as long do you you want it before we get into mail do you want to take storage scavengers question mm-hmm and a super chat which I know they're gonna they have a ton of questions they're gonna be asking about the police unit and they're gonna be asking about the car promise yeah get to all I did see a couple question we will get to all of these as well on the agenda tonight since storage auction pyre is not alive we maybe can extend things a little bit tonight maybe pirate did say storage option pirate usually goes live right after us for about an hour but he did mention that he has a lot of catching up to do and that he was on to other lives this week so he wants to take a break so if you don't see him go live that's why and then I believe he'll be back next Sunday or maybe go live tomorrow do an unboxing I thought I heard I saw him right in the chat I'm storage scavenger sent a $5 super chat says showing some love how do you get an idea on the value of odd items you can't find comps for okay so appreciate it will answer that question quickly we often show you how to do that in our actual videos the best place to find that is eBay although other platforms different items can sell for different amounts one thing they sell for more on Amazon than it does on eBay and another thing they sell for more an eBay than it does Amazon the best thing to do is hit up evei and go to the sold items not the active what people are asking but what it actually sold for but you're saying hey I've got an odd item it's not in there Jeremy well the other thing you can do is go to worth point calm now this is a subscription-based website you get a couple free searches but if you really are into reselling and you find a lot of odd items because you're into units and picking then this machine is very valuable okay and so what that does is it keeps a full database of everything that's ever sold on eBay the old odd obscure items that the most dangerous thing is is taking that obscure and odd item and say you you want $10 out of it and then it sells like that and you find out it is worth 10,000 so if you can't find a comp the best thing to do is not use a buy it now on eBay but to send it to live auction and that way you'll find out exactly what it sells for so that's that's how we take care of that ready for me oh babe I'm ready do you remember the male song something about male it goes like this you're gonna have to grab it for me well our Butler Jefferies Jocelyn Jeffrey you know Jeffrey came from the unit with Grimes finest yeah what Grimes finds and hit and his wife and the rest of his team were in Ohio he came from that unit and so if you're familiar with the show Fresh Prince of bel-air we decided to name him Geoffrey Butler we mailed it she mailed it see what I did there okay I've got your kunai yes Geoffrey's over here with me do you guys see Geoffrey behind now Geoffrey also is great for holding the fist pump yeah we just we put it on his head it fits perfectly it fits like a glove like a fist okay this is from Peggy Smith oh that name sounds familiar well Peggy just sent George George a tripod I believe I'm pretty sure I'm almost positive so we do have a letter you Smith from Oklahoma but the Peggy Smith I'm thinking of lives here in Ohio well while you're looking at the letter I'm gonna go through one more piece of memory merchandise that we found now we founded this Sabourin okay we found this Sabourin in the in the unit as well and if we look at the back there's the information on the back and one of the things that we found in the unit if you watched your videos this week if you didn't watch your videos appreciate it Peggy you are you're probably are you gonna read anything it's two pages apparently that was all that was all personal stuff you can't even just read like one line that she talked about how she loves our YouTube channel loves George George's YouTube channel which is my brother George to the second power is that what we say maybe there ain't no power no and that she wanted to thank us for giving her something to look forward to every day oh that's great okay so looking forward to this this reads hard drives and we found two hard drives now you may be thinking Jeremy what is on those hard drives are you going to show us because there were some pretty scandalous things in that actual unit there were some very scandalous things in that unit I would love to show you what's on these hard girls I just dropped one but if you see right here there's a DC input for power and I couldn't find them oh that's in a decent condition yeah it's in great condition we just have to actually get the power so as of right now excuse me I've been sick all week we don't got the power we don't got the power so we're saying we don't got the power baby baby I'm whatever I told you what happens in my fist I gotta give Lisa Springfield a fist pump he has it here you go says please say happy birthday to Haley her ninth birthday is her ninth birthday she is watching and her birthday was rained out she really adores y'all happy birthday Haley I remember when I was nine hey lilo how were you when she was lying oh when I was your age Haley I was actually ten but I was old for me so don't hold that against me okay did you see what I did there with her name yeah hey lilo couple people Haley are you today a couple people are wondering how old I am well I see people that are saying that I'm 10 years younger than I really am she's not she's old so we can't get on pushing 40 you guys we can't get on those unfortunately we do we want to we actually have to find the power supply can I just hand that off to you as well can get a little bit more yeah all right Jonestown autopsy sent a $2 super Chad says how much to buy that adult to pick from last week more than you can afford because you would actually have to go follow the garbage truck that took it then go to the dump and dig through the dump get permission it's just gonna be way too costly so there are things that we will sell there are things that we won't sell and yeah those are items that we will not sell all right so everybody wants to know about the police unit or do they want to know about the car first I the first question that I saw was about the car how come we couldn't get to keep the car and a couple people in the chat I saw them explain why we couldn't keep the car now whether they saw that answer or not not sure but well they probably want to hear from us there we know you're thinking about the police unit for $10 and the car unit alright so for 962 dollars so here's what I want you to do if you want us to talk about the car unit first type one in the chat if you want us to talk about the police unit first type two in the chat and while you guys are typing those things don't forget we have a competition going on and this money bag has to do with the competition remember the last week the last Sunday in October the winner will be revealed and if right now you're thinking I don't even know what the Hales they're talking about you need to go back you need to watch your videos and that reminds me a lot of people aren't receiving their notifications on YouTube right now YouTube those through a system where they try and delete all spam accounts and all fake accounts and accounts that have violated their policies and they've been deleted and a lot of times that will throw off the actual notification system the way that you fix that is you go back on the what the Hale's channel on the click the notifications click it again that's three bills will pop up on the screen and you want to click on the very top button means all all bells and that way you will get notified every time we upload and every time we go live so make sure you check that don't uncheck it and then not check it again you want to uncheck the Bell check the Bell and check all on the we're getting mostly ones what was one I forget the car alright let's talk about the car the car was one because I figured they would want to know that why don't you recount the story about how late we were get us get us up the song what were we doing and then why were we late and then you were there before I was there how did we split and then what happened when I came on the scene well a lot of people wanted to an update on life storage so that video confirmed that the ban was lifted and that we are welcome back at all of the units with life storage curse I wanted to start with off with that so at the second-to-last location we got a small ten dollar unit which is which was parked right next to the trailer it ended up being epic but they don't want to hear about that unit first they just want to know how it so which explains why we were late because we wanted to keep digging in the unit to find treasure it was so good that we were we ended up being twenty minutes late to this to the last storage facility on that run we're on a run all day we were at facilities all we got there the first the first location started at 9:30 and then the last location ended at 2:30 I think overall there was like there was anywhere from 50 to 60 units going up for auction that day so we get there and I think we missed five units and there was a total of 11 so we get there that's the unit where the car was and robbed from two cents was there these two start bidding again you need to back up because we pull in and I'm freaking out because we're late and then what do I do so he wanted to he sends me off to go find the group while he goes registers but he can't register because the two employees are with the auctioneer so I kept ending the option so he calls me and he's like where are you I'm like just keep walking keep walking there's a car in here so she tells me immediately there's a car in there and I went what kind what kind what kind what kind she's like I don't know it's just a car it's a Dodge it's one of the dodge and I kept saying charger or challenger it was one of the two so I'm like all right well what's going on are you gonna I'm not there yet I'm freaking out because I ran to the office to go and register the office is locked and then I run up and then it's was like at five five hundred okay so yeah I 100 so I start bidding and Rob is bidding but you guys don't even realize that you're bidding against each other and then Rob looks and then you look at him and you're like you're bidding and he's like yeah but that's okay so we're both bidding and then Rob says he's like do you want to go halfsies and I say Hales yeah so I want to be clear I have never ever ever gone half on a unit with anybody anyone and so my struggle with that is okay well who gets what half and so the reason why I said yes to Rob number one is because it keeps the price down and Rob has his own auction he has a local auction house here in Cleveland it's not an issue of who wants who wants to keep was it was a no-brainer it's a no-brainer Rob's gonna flip it all Rob is gonna sell it and so that was an easy thing Rob goes do you want to go halves and like yeah let's do it and and the rest is history I suppose so we did it overall with with the fees we got it for nine hundred sixty two dollars yeah so inside of it is the big thing they all want to know why we can't keep it is the because of ohio lien laws we were able to keep everything in the unit but the sexy car okay so ohio lien law basically in a nutshell here we go you have lien law the way before you get into that let me shut up floyd butler sent to $5 super chances hope you were well my birthday was friday happy belated birthday floyd appreciate it happy birthday to Floyd let's give a birthday shout-out to everyone in the month of October happy birthday everybody not birthday George even though it was in May nancy scented two dollars super chat says live from Michigan why are we singing happy birthday when it's usually joshan pirate that gets paid to do that all right so you got Nancy as well that's too bad it's not hails Michigan okay and then Jonestown autopsy sent a ten dollar super chat said seriously I am an avid vintage fishing gear collector from Massillon how can I get first dibs on things you come across do you come across this kind of stuff don't see any in your vids come across it all the time we generally don't shoot videos because it's awkward it's bulky most people aren't as avid about it as you so they don't like to see it so we pick and choose what we actually show so we may spend five hours unboxing and from that five hours we have to figure out what 24 you know 25 25 minutes we're gonna show so the way that you get dibs on that since you're so close as you go to the warehouse you say hey Tammy where's all the fish and stuff and Tammy goes it's right there and then you buy it from the warehouse yeah but because of our liquidation auction the warehouse is pretty much empty and then during the your money's in a month and then in the winter months Tammy doesn't normally open the weekend so you have to make an appointment with her yeah it's appointments only around this time of year so you could always shoot us an email as well what the hell is that yahoo.com and then we can coordinate something all right back to the car and remember make sure you correct your notifications click on your notifications your your belt unclick and then click again click off yeah right 1 1 1 1 Wow 1 1 1 which is when you'll actually make a wish ready every time it's 11:11 1 1 1 1 I was telling make a wish make sure you guys hit that thumbs up it helps us out a lot guys so storage units or lockers are sold under Ohio lien law in other words they owe somebody something and therefore there's a lien on the contents just like if you get a lien on your house because you didn't pay a bill or just like there's a lien on a vehicle and that's the issue there could be a lien on the vehicle now the storage facility could do all the background and all of the paperwork and get an abandoned title potentially for the vehicle but since it's so time-consuming and since it's such a headache and hassle life storage doesn't do that they're not going to do that what they do is they call us they call a wrecking towing company or salvage company they come in they tow the vehicle they do all of that and then it goes up for auction somewhere and we don't know where so it's because of ohio lien law because if there's a lien on that vehicle I can't just take it when the bank legally owns it so yes life storage could have done all the background work yes life storage could have gotten an abandoned title and it would have been very time-consuming and costly and why would they want to do that because it's so costly to them as already they're losing money that's not what they're in the business of they're in the business of renting space so that's why we don't have it Ohio lien law doesn't allow us to have it if we can't get it with a title your next question is that how did you get the motorcycles those are titled as well well if you see our videos if you watch every single video you'll see times where facilities will say we don't care we're just selling the vehicle we're selling it as parts or parts on lien and they could have said that to us they could have said hey we're selling this charger if you watch the whole video that's funny so we could have they could have said we're gonna sell the challenger and we're gonna sell it for parts only and we could have owned the vehicle yeah but we would have had to did all the background and take all the expenses of getting some type of title and getting the title well they didn't say anything about the motorcycles that day and it's our responsibility to clean them all off the reality is they say anything about the motorcycles thanks them we've gotten a unit with two motorcycles we've gotten a unit with a moped so you've seen us by where I will ask the actual auctioneer do the motorcycles come with unit yes does the moped come with the unit yes does the car come with the unit yes and you'll also see where I asked and they go no no no so you've got these motorcycles back there and all of a sudden we own them we have to get them out of there and so we have the motorcycles now and obviously you know we don't have a title for those what we would have to do is part those out or you you give it to somebody you sell the entire bike to somebody who's then going apart parted out as well yeah so that's the big questions why don't you get the car well so hyoe lien law good life storage auction it off if they did all the appropriate legal background paperwork and all that yes they could they don't that's not their business that's not what they're about salvage company will come in they'll tow it out it will go up for auction somewhere why do you have the motorcycles then if you can't have the car well the motorcycles were in there that was you know you heard Robyn 2nd sense talking about this is storage unit Locker folklore everybody wants to find the vintage Harley hidden in the back we did sure enough it was a vintage Harley it got recorded you got to see it and so when everybody watches videos and they go fake fake there's some idiot today who is putting fake comments on our police video which by the way if anybody ever puts that your comet never comes through it gets blocked it's held for review and then you get blocked and you never leave a comment that you accept you think you leave a comment but you actually can't and the whole deal and she's pinching me now so all that sconnie sent to turn dollar super Chad says I'm sending money to go towards the car that got away so she ate it Connie all that being said it's not fake it's 100% real you get to see it every single day you got to see something that everybody who buys storage unit dreams of finding a vintage Harley hit him in the back and not only whether a vintage Harley there was another vintage Harley motor and not only was there vintage Harley and another vintage Harley motor there was a vintage triumph and not only was there vintage Harley a vintage Harley motor and a vintage triumph there was also a car lift and not only was there all that there was grime off how do was that when we know somebody with the last name of grind we're gonna send you an entire box grams - and then there was also that that huge toolbox that was yeah and Rob we don't know from collar dummy Rob's opening that on so tomorrow Steve Kelly sent a $2 super chat says what the hell is George do you wear glasses yes I do on a daily weekly wear it when I'm driving and this is what I look like with glasses there you go how do I look I don't know I can't see there you go you can have them back professor okay that's better that's a couple people are asking where the warehouse is located if you follow us on Facebook we have the address posted on there so make sure you follow us on Facebook and then Floyd Butler sent another $2 super Chad says cowboy nation Grimes finds 2107 you must be watching the game problem watching us at the same time so should we get Anna's ring sent a $2.00 super Chet asked why is the bike not covered under the song which you just explained so he must have just sent it at the same time just appreciate it Floyd preciate it dentists and some facilities they would just tell you hey we're legally selling this as parts only so they're not selling it with the title they'll just tell you they don't want to do the Hat headache the hassle so what they do is they backdoor or they you would call it I don't know a loophole maybe if it's even a loophole they'll tell you we're selling this all for parts only that's how they get around it can you legally do that well I'm sure that could be pressed somewhere and say no you're not you're not allowed to do that but who's got the time who really cares Ken Ryan sent to $10 superjet says just binge watch to catch up with winner upon us I've noticed many of your vids are outdoor units are there very few climate-controlled in your area in my area which he lives in Joisey there seem to be many most of Ohio is all gonna be outdoors yeah there's some facilities that have both climate control and outdoor very few in our area all right let's get to another memory flash drive reshape the super chat Ken this is a 16 gigabyte right here okay there we go that's your 16 gigabyte er I've placed this in and you know what unit Liz Hamptons Sun - $15 super chat says any plans on coming to Florida yes Liz that will be planned another thing if you follow us on Facebook we'll announce any storage facility or auction that we're going to if it is outside of Ohio so when we travel we like to post where we are going that way you guys can plan ahead and come up and meet us nothing absolutely nothing on that thumb drive so nada thumb drive number one you know what you thought was gonna be on here it's not that one's empty I'm gonna jump over to number two I'm gonna get through all the thumb drives and then we can talk about the police unit okay okay so I'm gonna open up thumb drive number cute now I believe this one yes this one you can name your thumb drive this one is called mama capital Cuban ah so Oscar says come to Miami what the hell's the Cuban coffee is amazing I drink coffee but Jeremy doesn't and then I only like I only like flavored cream in my coffee because no sugar coffee and milk makes a beautiful blend it doesn't baby this is the mama flash drive the mama there is one folder that folder says t25 oh nice I'm about to open it up for you gate city Pickers and the chat says thanks for the great watches already sold a few wow that's awesome and I'm just a selfie of him in this hoodie very cool t25 folder has absolutely nothing in it on the mama thumb drive so Steve piecing you can download a program called recover and see what used to be on those drives I'm not sure I want yeah we've made we I'm not sure if we want to know cuz some of the craziest things that we find in units are on these thumb drives so that one I was how I was hopeful but there was actually nothing in it okay I'm gonna try it thumb drive number three Grimes finds is trying to get a poll to see who would like to see Manny come to Texas and suburban beards saying Manny you aren't going anywhere are you gonna hold them prison in the garage Josh okay thumb drive number three is basically the paperwork and the files for the thumb drive it's SanDisk so there is nothing on these three thumb drives unfortunately we didn't find anything this time but we still have four actual cards there is something Manny's in prison he said I am in prison he wants to move in with pirates oh man he does are you ready to talk about the police unit Russ says I bet George never sells knives that's not true Russ I sell them all the time all the time we find so many yeah I sell them in bulk and then once I once I get around to loosing them on eBay they saw pretty quickly Steve Kelly sent to $2 super Chet says next time in your Akron next time you are in Akron check out the bomb shelter I don't even know where that is do you the bomb shelter I don't know you have to look at it after look thanks Steve are you ready to talk about the base unit yeah so as as we get ready to talk about the police unit I want to remind everybody again we are hearing that many people are not getting their notifications when we actually upload a video and the way to fix that is go to what the Hales Channel you'll see the subscribe you'll see a bell on that Bell click it that will unnotice I you click it again to receive notifications and then click all you'll get three options you want to click all that will give you every single notification every single time we upload a brand new video and when we go live that's how you fix it okay Jonestown autopsy sent another $5 super chat says should I stop calling those girls at life storage and badgering them I've been calling every day since they put the kibosh on you guys just kidding here's the crazy thing when we went in first location one of the workers was actually badgering like an eight year old dude who was on his phone it's like you know what this is it's like you're almost not a lot though there are 20 people there with phones in their hand and they're they're going after this 80 year old man checking his email and it's not okay isn't this is 2019 everybody has a smartphone yeah every reseller who goes there is using their smartphone to look at things on eBay as fast as possible to make decisions yes I unit solutions I assume you're taking photos and videos is it's almost harassment yes it really is and the 80 year old man was taken back and frankly I was taken back that they would be so foolish after everything that's taken place and corporate being involved in their lawyers being involved and but all that being said it was only the Wickliffe location we did not have any issues at any other location the mentor location was taken off of the run they didn't have all of the other locations this staff were friendly and courteous and they welcomed everybody it was only the Wickliffe location yeah Jonathan Roseberry sent a $10 super chat suits says please buy George George as nice wood burning kit lol George church has been doing he's been going on by yeah he bought a wood-burning cake I think he's bought two so far and is doing like his own personal review - it's not sponsored appreciated Jonathan will definitely buy him one maybe for Christmas since christmas is coming up well let him decide if he wants a a wood burning kit or to apply the ten dollar super chat towards the next unit nice okay so that brings us to the ten dollar unit so let's talk about the police unit and as we do I want to share with you we know we went very very quick through the police unit we don't even know everything that's inside yet what we're gonna do is tomorrow the trailer is that second sense right now with everything from the 962 dollar unit just say second sense Spence down I heard onions so we're gonna go up to Cleveland I'm going up to Cleveland the first thing in the morning we're gonna unload the 962 dollar car unit Rob's gonna sell all of that stuff online and then I'm gonna bring the police unit back to the warehouse tomorrow we're gonna go through the police a little bit more thoroughly we're gonna try and show you everything like all of the war collectible items we want to be able to show that to you so you can see what war it was from and this and that the other thing how many gun holsters there were how many how many you name it so we're gonna do a more thorough video on that because we don't even know everything that was on it we were literally trying to believe rush in 20 minutes yeah in the trailer and get to the next auction and we can't wait to see what else is in there because it was smart awesome for 10 bucks so you want to talk about it you know they want to know about it 10 Ryan sent a $5 super chat says Jeremy hopped up on caffeine would be quite interesting his caffeine is life he's his caffeine is life it's just who I am mm-hmm well he's hopped up on life you also have you sing no to see you on caffeine and he does coke once in a while like Pepsi and Coke I think people also have to understand Mountain G there are many different hats in life you are a father you are a husband and it's not the same you're a co-worker you may be a boss it's not the same and so there are many different aspects and hats that you wear so when you're on camera and you're treasure hunting that is a hat that you wear and then when you're on camera and you're at a live stream that's a hat that you wear afterwards did I just see a stain on hoodie 0.0 3.0 this used to be his formal hoodie work this would be his dress-up hoodie and now it's certainly get stains everywhere just got destroyed yesterday with the lift there's a ton of oil on the car lift oh yeah it's destroyed so you don't see the same George that I see you see a George who's wearing a hat on video I get to see the many hats that George wears and I have names for them like Patricia Patricia is one of them warden Patricia come from from the movie oh gosh what was that movie called where the dude had ah M night Shyamalan the the one before I don't so anyways split split the movie split if you guys have ever seen the movie split one of the characters as Patricia so that's where that came from so I get to see Patricia you don't you don't see Patricia and you don't get to see me when I'm not on camera George does so 99% is that uh Patricia had as well so 99% of the time off camera what's it like off camera you call me basic vanilla Graham yeah hashtag vanilla grandpa I'm the most boring person and no I never say I've never said boring you say basic vanilla grandma basic vanilla grandpa probably wondering like what does that even mean I'm just very straight-laced straight yeah boring stop saying boring I've never called you boring once straight-laced by the books straight Boyd Butler said did do dollar super chat says you you know what happens when you assume right I do what happens appreciate it Floyd all right so your police unit let's hear about it because they have questions about it we will answer your questions about the police unit now so hit your questions super chat your questions if you have one why have I do have a super chat what about your police unit it says I wanted to make sure it ins Jun sent a five dollar super test chat says George thanks for sharing such a memorable moment with your son how is he doing appreciate it soon I was with him earlier today he's excited he's so excited to join the military and for those of you who aren't aware he was accepted to join the Army National Guard and he was given a job to be a electrician because he does want to go to Cleveland State University to become a lexical engineer so they'll pay for his schooling and then the job that he got they gave him a 20 thousand dollar sign-on bonus which is pretty exciting yeah it'll be given out in three different increments once he's done with boot camp then they'll give him 10 grand and then after that five grand and then five grand they are gonna split it up in three different ways so he's doing great he's excited he wishes that he can find it we could find him a time machine in the unit so that he could fast forward to me because that's when he'll be done with this basic with his basic training yeah thanks for asking Jun Vennela grandpa he'll be in South Carolina for the training and then his he'll be shipped out February 24th I believe and then he'll be done in May all right police unit give us your insight on it Ken Ryan sent to $5 superjet says no matter what hats you may wear just keep doing the great things you do for others that is the most important hat very true can appreciate it just in case I forgot I don't know if I gave juno fist pump but just in case I forgot ma'am there's two okay so back to the police unit okay tell us your insight on the police unit so the reason why we bid on it is because I saw a duffel bag that was labeled police you didn't even see that you saw the clear Tupperware I saw there's a chest the VHS we'll just give those a suburban beard yeah yeah so lots of people want to know is this guy a real cop is this a criminal was he you know was he faking was he staid so here's what I want to share with you we did find a box labeled military it was very faint it on duct tape we have not looked at names no we are going to try and dig up the story now that being said if this is a true undercover cop you have to understand we are not going to give you the name okay and typically we never will anyway but we are gonna dig into the story tomorrow we're gonna find out who he was what was a real cop whether he served in the military we should have all the information right there yeah and we will share it with you as well we'll be able to google the name we know we have paperwork and so we haven't done it yet tomorrow is the day we'll find out exactly what was going on you guys to follow up yeah a couple of people are questioning like is he in jail like what happened to him and tomorrow I haven't done it yet so we're doing it tomorrow and so stay tuned I have a packed packed schedule tomorrow somehow we're gonna try and do it in between in the afternoon and then get a video up sometime tomorrow evening that video may be very late but the video will we're shootin that we're trying now which the past seven ish we're trying to do 7 p.m. because it's easier for us based on on getting it to you in time so we're gonna aim for 7 p.m. again our time and mister in standard time it's gonna be very difficult tomorrow with the schedule but we're gonna give you the story and if we're a little late we apologize but we'll let you know exactly what we find ya el Cuban s was sent to $2 super chat says fist bump for all our heroes in the military word thanks Oscar boom and then storage auction pirate sent a $2 super chat says I love you guys hashtag restored the love and one of the things that we do when we look up names is we we kind of that helps us determine whether they're in jail or whether we want to return back personal items and like other sentimental xand memories and if we find out that they're in jail we typically stay away we cease the search and we don't look any further all right you ready for another one for a memory card okay I'm gonna tell you already and story shady pirate and showing you this one for whatever reason this is an adaptor and it's got a micro this is a two gig micro card for whatever reason it will not read on my computer people are hash tagging vanilla grandpa data start tagging caramel Egyptian there's a ladybug flying in the studio I asked Jeremy earlier cuz there was another one up on the ceiling our ladybugs good luck out the other one here on our ladybugs good luck there's red ones and there's orange ones and I think the orange ones here in Ohio bite they're biters people are saying that they're good luck the orange ones are Asian ladybugs okay the red ones are good luck definitely good luck okay someone says they buy ladybugs Veronica buys ladybugs Wow where what do you where would you buy ladybugs from oh but this is the candy said so the lady bugs aren't vanilla this is the next card it will read it does have a title but there is nothing on it and actually it's called SDHC these two are exactly the same they come up at the same lettering and there's nothing on them but my brother says we should auction off the ladybug this one he's right this one does have something on it and this is the last card which is why I've saved it for last we will show you what's on it there was one there was one we can't show them yet but we are going to show it to you okay adventures with the Hudson says the ladies have bugged the studio lol see what they did there I see for sure that's off Jamie wants no George do you all ever go to Indiana to go to auctions we haven't been in Indiana yet we've been to West Virginia wood though yeah we definitely would yeah without a doubt we've been in California we've been to Virginia does anybody say burl Egyptian no but I saw hashtag jer-bear I saw that one what I haven't seen caramel Egyptian I've been the everyone's been talking about the ladybugs and the different colors should we tell that you call me vanilla grandpa should we tell them what I call you are we still keeping that to ourselves we chat says I am hooked on y'all appreciate it Eleanor how many people are watching babies 1279 oh it says half dozen jay says your local nursery sells them they are great for roses interesting I didn't know that good to know what are something new a growing I have a lot of pet names for you what do I let's let's figure out what some of them are babe definitely babe I call you babe mm-hmm what else do I call you booboo kins no you call me booboo kins I don't but you'll steal my thunder and only when I'm making fun of you baby sweetie George boo-boo good what else do I call you you said sweetheart right I always call you sweetheart like sweetheart Georgie Georgie what else what else that we can share with the change something it has to be I have like a million names for you do there's a lot that week most of those are between Jonathan rosemary sent to $5 super Chad says are y'all coming here to South Carolina yeah our goal is to hit up every state and we will soon share would definitely attend an auction maybe not by our goal is eventually to buy a unit in every state but definitely attend an auction in every state because not every auction is a winner right that's true so when we end appreciate Jonathan so out of the 50 to 60 that we saw on what day was that I don't even know what day was Friday Friday we bought two one was a $10 one and that that's unusual for us to see that many units and buy units brian says buttercup you do call me buttercup he'll say what buttercup what's up but there are Egyptian conniption you call me that Egyptian Concepcion conniption the one that we can't share is the best one can you think of any others like I have a million pet names for you yes you do it's it's hard to remember them all because you're on the spot right now tonight shall be I'll remember after we go live like oh yes in the live should be like but I thought you were the one who has the better memory than I do I do but I'm asking you you're not asking me oh we were in we were in Pennsylvania for a unit we went to town we met with Davis and Patty's yep we sure did did we work on a video we were gonna go to Michigan but then we ended up going to Virginia instead yeah that's true yeah Jennifer says she calls her hubby Boo Berry yeah I'll call him boo what's that boo sometimes oh I just thought of another one Georgie Porgie that's not what I just said under the table like you pinched me is that better no I saw Frank Chapman just said vanilla grandpa yeah where were we in Pennsylvania Hilary Wilson wants to remark I think it was middle field middle field was one of them and I forget the name of the other city it was uh Alma just said that she loves the way I look at you Alma where do you live I know an Alma is it fat man the flippers mom Alma Alma G yeah that's that's flat man the flip mama Rodriguez hi are you doing how about a little kiss okay mister you're freaking me out I'm freaking you out you're the one look man II just asked where do yeah that's what I just have I'm freaking you out you're the one that has us Oh call me angry all the time you are who else gets angry I know I'm not the only one that gets hangry let us know in the chat if you guys get hangry too I like to eat every like two to three hours Jay said I call you sweet Egyptian molasses must have been a guest no that one not that yet have we bought a unit in Finley in Sydney Sydney Ohio oh boy maybe we've traveled a lot we've traveled the most in Ohio the furthest in Ohio was probably four hours right well we're about four hours from the furthest borders yeah we can't travel any further than that because monkey the dummy says his beagle gets angry and barks until he feeds her I believe it I've never called you a barking beagle storage invaders says your mic picks up your whisper they heard me say that maybe maybe that'd be awesome if they did if they did they would start hash tagging it mo once no was there a salad he's got to run I'll see you I'll see you in the morning Rob see ya rabb I'll be there at 9:45 um Cynthia says George's Cleopatra and Jeremy is Marc Anthony you do call me Cleopatra sometimes that's when you always say my Cleopatra since when why would I make this up I always call you my little Cleopatra that does not roll off the tongue yeah you do sometimes my little Cleopatra no Tampa news service wants to know have you ever had old owners wanting their units back even they must have you must be yeah you must be new to the channel because that happens a lot yeah yeah it happens a lot and then a lot of people will claim that we hire actors yeah that we hire actors that want their unit back what know exactly were their stuff is the funny thing is the funny thing is yeah that we hired actors they know exactly where their stuff is how much money do you think we make I mean what are we doing paying people off the street to come in and act like they know they know but they tell us exactly what's in how foolish can you actually be watching videos oh they hire actors let's see we've heard we hire actors we heard that the car was fake we planted it that's just off of that video we hear that we steal subscribers from other channels how stupid is that you choose what channel it's free want to subscribe subscribe it's free that's called jealousy from other channels they're jealous let's see what else have Debbie says Jeremy we've heard you call her Cleopatra see I didn't make it on that what about Egyptian goddess have you verse only that yeah I've called you my Egyptian goddess yeah you call me God all the time and I always say stomp I'd much prefer Jeremy yeah Oh like he'll say something to annoy me I'm like oh my god and he's like you can call me Jeremy so that I'm like oh my Jeremy so I don't like it when she takes the Lord's name in vain and so I always II's it on her as as I do it as a joke and I go it's okay just call me Jeremy so then she starts yelling or around oh my Jeremy I'm not sure that's any better to be honest because then I feel like I'm in trouble the entire time sooo Kleckner admitted that she too gets hangry well at least you're not the only one I think I could find our group on your channel you could go live after this and do a hangry support group yeah welcome to hungry anonymous max someone bubbles treasures wants to know how do you steal subscribers I only have 16 subscribers they only have 16 as well Casey said I went back and heard what you whisper you guys are so funny we have the best subscribers though seriously like our lives like reading the chat is the best and that's why I go back so that I could read every comment you have to get to the last minute okay okay there are items on this memory card there are two folders there is a DC I am which is obviously the pictures the photos and then there's also a is it random or miscellaneous I think it is so in the miscellaneous there is nothing but in the DCIM there is something there are pictures and there are many many folders in the TC I am as you can see here so many many folders and there is really just a couple folders that have a couple pictures now these are pretty personal pictures yeah I wouldn't show that because they're underage I'm not gonna show that okay you're talking a lot of underage as I say very personal that's not a good mix in this conversation they saw the video they know what was in the actual unit so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bring up one photo and only one photo because it's the only photo that I feel is appropriate to share okay I wouldn't bring up that they're underage da J says you're you're only really in trouble if she uses your full name what's my full name if I called you Jeremy Hills I don't think I've ever done that like if he if I get mad at him or annoyed I don't think you've ever called you your full name you're always so yeah that's my that's my nephews new thing that's George George's son yo he's good we had Karen called him cute at the liquidation auction she's like you're cute and he's like duh and he's only three you're cute too thank you oh I thought you're gonna say I we go I'm about to show you the picture and again this is the only picture that's appropriate to share with you this is the the finest tattoo work you could ever find on a thumb drive this is somebody with a black Expo marker actually tatting up a leg and if you see upper in the photo you can actually see the expo marker so this is a dry erase marker and there was somebody drawing all up and all over the leg and again this is the only thing appropriate to share with you from this little memory card so that's I wish there was more on everything unfortunately there is not candy more says taurus hangry support group because I'm a Taurus there actually is more we just can't show yes alright so is it is our our up well it's pretty close don't you think yeah it's pretty close remember we are gonna go through the police unit and give you the full story in more detail tomorrow so we have to do it tomorrow and then we'll upload it tomorrow and we're gonna get back to the $25 unit that's up near Pennsylvania yeah and the antique unit that you've seen us work with with second sense and then George George with taking a risk I haven't seen that unit yet Jonathan sent to done dollar super taxes y'all always make money here the Whisperer appreciated Jonathan I do call her FERPA a lot I do alright so you know what we should love you wait hold on a sec before we start singing who's who's hosting auctions anonymous on Wednesday is it Grimes Grimes if you're on the chat i think i think it's toward shirt says I could this is where Craig sent two dollars for Texas George kiss your man American treasure freak [Music] thank you guys so much for hanging out with us make sure you get Locker nuts sweetie there we love you dr. nuts good night everyone we love you say good night [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 15,183
Rating: 4.907042 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: saCZfgfYMvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 25sec (3805 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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