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what's up my beautiful waves fine as always honey look you cue hi have you guys check out my linear extra life worse yet you should you haven't yet cuz it's like super cute and adorable and like extra I have I'm here today with another bleach fail video I think it's all of our favorites to watch it's just great it's just so tragic and these people are just so helpless and it's it's so much fun to watch it so the title of this bleach bill today is done Fry's beautiful hair and forensic completely not click same well sounds right up my alley and this video is by desert queen with a K okay stealing my look I'm gonna choose the done in a queen well girl I'm the glamour Queen okay so we're gonna watch this desert Queen completely ruined her hair I'm excited I mean hopefully it's not too bad I'm hopefully she can recover from whatever she does to her hair but let's see what happens let's get it I love her she's like onyx oh great whiteout never heard of her but we'll see what happens I don't think so based on the title of this video my bathroom what's up Josh living for this Tupperware container so chic Hey okay sister okay yes sir she knows what you're talking about a little bit okay it's a little research I mean I see you there's my dessert queen she's a research team let's see the technique how she gonna apply it what's gonna happen is that their brush is like a centimeter wide oh here we go already gonna end living for these gloves to when they like a xxx ash [Music] that's it I wouldn't charge more than that so basically if she's went to a salon in the first place and got this done correctly she would have paid less I know she's saying that should have paid more if she got done in the first place rather than messing up herself and then get a fix but if she went back to me at least and she messed it up it would be mushy messed it up and she wanted to get it corrected by me that would be a color correction which costs way more money than it would be to just do a double process on her which is bleaching somebody's hair from a natural color so basically what I'm saying is he said it wouldn't cost her less money to get it done professionally in the first place than it would be to get it corrected afterwards desert queen and get it together girl oh yeah look at there's no Gucci in our head I cannot believe people applied bleach to their heads like this this it's honestly scary like this isn't conditioner you can't just like plop it on your jacket um it looks like it hurts dry I think you're a lot more than tiny bit short on bleeds oh yes oh oh I would be mortified this is what happens when you pull up bleach on the top of your head and push it through with your hands you get bleach on the top and then nothing in between and then a little bleach on the bottom and then spotty mess on the top and then her roots are in color girl this is just a mess like a mess she's a messy Queen right now oh don't do at home just buy a tub of bleach like there's powder in a tub and you can buy like separate developers for it and then you can have plenty of it for like ever it's like 20 bucks $25 for a big tub of bleach for also next time I mean you're going to out-of-home anyways I might you might as well do it the right way right oh yeah [Music] I've had a client come into me with hair like this and it took me I think three sessions and it costed three sessions meaning like I think it was like six platinum yeah five hours each session so it was a 15 hour process to get her like a pastel pink and it costed her like over a thousand more over two thousand dollars so let's not do this anymore you guys okay gonna end up costing you the same amount as if you got her - Salaam by mullahs bleach wait what why is a head black what she's I'm so confused [Music] why is she ignoring the fact that our hair is black again oh my god it was a wig mrs. Haughton see this right now oh this happening okay it was a wig false alarm I was so confused great we're just gonna push it in again solid we didn't learn our lesson the first time verily yes desert Queen okay these boxes must cost at least $10 or more I'm cheese what she's gotten like four eight nine ten I mean like ten boxes desert Queen that's a hundred dollars you were quoted a hundred and sixty dollars to get it done professionally I'm confused and we uh okay more box dies that means she's probably paid at least 130 dollars in box dies so far so thirty more dollars you could have done professionally this is pink Lewis and his boy there's a lost cause desert Queen it's a lost cause quit some things just quit in life this is one of us see oh the top is gonna fall my stuff is already over processed why don't you put it again on your roots and then still kind of missed her ends again that's a loop okay she's diet like blue they're like violet or something at this point we're not doing no no no oh hey listen she's about to put box dye over her extremely processed hair all right we need to see if there's a video of what it looks like getting it fixed hair update great is that a desert Queen babe that was tragic mmm and I'm sorry that happened to you but next time we're gonna stick with the professional aren't we with desert Queen listen you keep being a queen okay and today it's Instagram a shout-out goes to Charlotte this is her Instagram name and this is what she looks like she says I am naturally mousy brown dirty blonde I had my hair stripped of black dye and cut up cut it off quite short which I'm gonna keep trimming until the reddish color is out but I was wondering what Tona blond highlights would suit me once it's oh I was thinking a dark ash blonde but I'm not sure okay Gorge you so pretty girl girl okay live I like the length on you I like that shortcut BQ so based on this picture I to me your skin is neutral so you have both properties of cool and warm skin so you have like a little bit of yellow in your skin you almost have a little bit of pink in your skin which is awesome that means you can pretty much wear any color and it'll look good so I think the best option for you though would be to stick with neutral colors so if you do highlights I wouldn't make them to too ashy I would kind of have a little bit of once in there but not like yellow or anything that way it'll bring out you know more of the yellow in your skin and make you look healthier and more glowy and sunkissed so definitely do that Charlotte and if you do it send me a picture I would love to see it make sure to give this video a like and subscribe if you're not subscribed because you know what I'm only just getting started here on YouTube and my channel is just gonna get litter and litter and litter okay so come join the positivity and come live your extra life with me it's a great life really thank you guys so much for watching today don't forget to leave your extra life and I will see you all next time please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 5,477,782
Rating: 4.9380593 out of 5
Keywords: HAIRDRESSER REACTS TO ANOTHER EPIC BLEACH FAIL, hairdresser reacts, bradmondo, bleach fail, bleach fail hair falls out, bleach fails compilation, bleach fail reaction, bleach fail hair, bleach failure, bleach fail lizzy, bleach fail lisa, bleach fail brad, bleach fail lyzee, horrible, hair fall out, hair fall out prank, horrible haircuts, horrible haircut fails, compilation, bleaching hair at home, ombre hair tutorial, balayage tutorial
Id: gkQk5aUJotU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2018
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