Portapack H2 Ble RX

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[Music] yo yo so it's been a while since I made a video but here we are we're back um had a short little vacation and a job change so I've been a little Mia but we're back at it so let's dive into it today we'll be looking at the Bluetooth RX on the pter pack hack rf1 um you'll notice that I have a new an I went with the comet the comet antenna um I'll post a link in the in the description below this intent is kind of cool because if it'll focus you can see that it has layouts over here a print out on the side of the antenna where it tells you the length of the Telly that you need to be at for that appropriate band so that's kind of cool um I have not done a uh a reading yet on the um the S SWR so that's going to be a separate video but this is the comet BNC w00 RX antenna um so and I like it because it folds down to the side that's kind of cool it's got two hinging arms and of course we're BNC connected so we can not screw up our thread life right so diving into this today we're looking at the Bluetooth RX and I have mine set to Auto so going right into this we're looking at the menu here and you'll see that it's autoc scanning those frequencies I'm not going to touch my um LNA my VNA or my um gain um and if you haven't had a chance to watch sa's video um I have no association with him but he does he does do a great job discussing the uh VNA and LNA and um gain and something that you may not know that you may have a fried um amp on your actual um hacker F board down below because they are very sensitive to that which I actually do so for instance if I turn my gain on um and we were looking at it an actual like the waterfall display it would go mute because my gain there is busted so I'm going to order a new board that has the fix for that but that'll be a whole a totally different video so um as we're looking down all this we can see that we have our Mac address if we scroll down to that Mac we can filter and we can do our filtration through hits we can do it through the deciel um volume that we're looking at so the strongest deciel would be that one up top and then you'll see that they kind of just dwindle down down from there and your time so which time was the most recent and then back to the name of the of if your device was named and then back to MAC address all right so the next portion is if you want to log those or not uh that little Xbox you can hit log uh name them uh USB log and yada yada yada all right so just your basic type of parameters that you can set uh down here at the very very bottom you can export this to a CSV which then you can open into say like Excel if you want to categorize these better or um search for a specific hit um you can go to clear which will clear out the menu and then the next one is TX TX actually takes you into the transmission side of that Bluetooth um the the Bluetooth TX portion so that's kind of the basics of the functions of that now this will be a short video because there's not a lot to discuss when it comes to just this portion of the receive side I mean we can dive into the weeds of it but it'll just be boring and if you're interested I will post some Great Links below to kind of help you understand what Bluetooth is and what all this means and how to break it down all right so let's dive in to this first one right here the 73 E9 right we're going to tap that okay now now immediately you can see that we have the MAC address we have the scan frequency and if you go down we're looking at all right so on that type FF that is pretty much going to be discussing like um The Association of what that address is so there's a GitHub page or link that I will post um and I will kind of put it here on the screen of what it is but um the person that did this broke down almost every single type of Mac address and what it is associated with so say you have an iPhone you know they're going to have a specific like uh type on that for on that first portion there um say you have a Samsung they may be using different type uh uh earbuds you know even your flipper you know zero is going to be using a certain type of Bluetooth so there's multiple types so what this person did is they broke down almost every single Manu factur of Mac addresses not the actual all the other subtext but just that first portion to kind of help you figure out what device you are looking at you know is it an iPhone is it a Samsung is it a TV is it a wearable watch you know um a Garmin you know uh or an Apple Watch or a Samsung watch um something like that so in the GitHub page you'll just see just it's a massive massive document of just data um that he has compiled of all these these Bluetooth addresses and and um that type so that's kind of what that is let's go back now and we're going to hit up another one cuz I want to show you something here all right you'll see that you have this PD type and then after that it says advv and then underscore I IND d right so what those are is those are telling you the type of Bluetooth that it is associated or it is kind of sending out to and and I will show you on the screen this is from the website bluetooth.com so we're going to scroll down and what we are looking at here is just a quick description of what Bluetooth is and the packets that it sends and then we're going to get down here to a portion of pdu types so um this one for instance is advore indd so if you look here on the screen it says advore IND no known as advertising indications where a peripheral device requests connection to any Central device I.E not directed at a particular Central device so Smartwatch that's a great example of that right so that would be my SmartWatch on my wrist more than likely or some other device that is just requesting access okay let's go down some more there's another advd let's see you can find one that is not advv IND here we go advv um noncon indd these are non-c connectable devices um so these are beacons and museums uh proximity sensors and so on and so forth so these could be some simple things as uh uh my alarm system my house you know it's not connectable for me to connect to it but the uh control panel to that sensor is connectable via Bluetooth right so that could be what that means um and there's a lot of sens out there in the world now that uh you may not know exist like I love cigars so in my cigar humidor I have a sensor push that tells me the humidity of um my humidor right so it tells me the temperature the humidity uh the uh du level and so on and so forth so those are different blueooth devices that you may come across and your scanning features that's kind of be the B the basics of Bluetooth right let's see if there's any more that we want to look at real quick um down here at the bottom you can if you hit send it's going to take you to the TX portion of that area so then you can send those you can probably record and then uh replay pretty much I haven't tried this yet but we will get into that on the TX side of the Bluetooth app area um that is going to be it really for the Bluetooth RX portion like I said there's not a lot to go over it's just mostly data logging and then trying to find a device maybe that you want to to um do a replay on or to see if you can connect to as we get into the TX side of things we'll dive more between maybe we can do some stuff between the flipper zero and the portter pack hacker F1 but as for now that is it stay tuned for the next portion wish I should now that I'm kind of in a rhythm of things again have out by the end of this week which is going to be the ERT meters and going over what that is that's really much it so anyways I appreciate you guys your support thank you for all the comments I have a few comments to get back to you I apologize if I have not talked to you in a while don't forget to hit that like subscribe button and it really helps me out I really do appreciate all you guys and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Hunter Tech
Views: 4,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Portapack, Hackrf one, Ble RX, Bluetooth
Id: hxbXhWyTQUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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