PortaPack H2 Hack RF One Antennas

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[Music] yo yo guys welcome to the video and today we're looking at antennas for the ptere uh H2 hacker F1 get asked a lot of times what are some really good intends to use that's kind of a not really a tough question but that's a question that's going to be per your needs and what you're doing with the pter pack H2 okay before we dive any further though something that you really want to consider and I I stress this a lot of my videos is going to a BNC so this is an SMA to BNC adapter okay so you have your SME there right we all know what that is um get the appropriate one with the the center pin make sure that you have that one and this just converts your SMA adapter to BNC why is this important well you may not know this but SMA is a small threaded system right we know I mean that's pretty much what it stands for right it has a threaded lifespan and marrying and unmarrying is kind of How It's described is that you're really only guaranteed 500 screw on and screw off before you start losing some um attenuation Pro possibly your Ms may drop down um your thread life just diminishes substantially so I recommend going BNC save your device links in the description below non Affiliated but they are down there okay because it also makes swapping out antennas super easy right I mean we have the CB antenna I mean you can go from CB just easy as that you want to go to uh your 315 to 430 you know key fob stuff right there look at that bam done you're there uh you want to hop over to uh little short range UHF VHF boom you're done okay so again save your device go with SMA to BMC adapter on to antennas antennas matter because we need to know what the antenna is tuned for for the band or frequency that we want to dive into right we discussed that earlier this is a AliExpress 27 MHz CV antenna it could probably get maybe close to the 10 meter band range HF frequencies on a good day probably I'm not going to guarantee that but um it is up there in that spectrum of 10 m so you may be able to get 10 m with this link in the description below non affiliate this was like five bucks man for a 4ot antenna I mean there's the end and we're still going still going still going and there's the end right so front to end great antenna uh SMA 209 Comet great little antenna I was able to get aprs on my local area with this antenna um these are like 15 or 18 bucks I believe from Amazon um Link in the description below key fob uh so gigahertz this guy right here great great antenna I think these were uh two pack pack maybe or was a single a two pack for about 25 bucks um and then again I did a SMA to BNC adapter on this one because that was just straight up SMA so I will put the link for these adapters as well uh mesh tastic right 9:15 uh we can't receive mesh tastic but we can look at the frequencies of mes tastic and you can kind of see it pulse through uh best all-around antenna the telescopic right uh the one that comes with your unit I just and again estimated BNC pop that guy on there and then you're good to go right great little antenna uh you can do aprs you can it's a wide band range right so but it's not good at sending but it is good it is decent at receiving rubber ducky and Tennis off of most HD um handheld transceivers right these are diamond dozen sometimes or you might have one laying around just throw an SMA to BNC on there and you good to go that's UHF VHF right off of a bow Fang or some other cheap Chinese radio uh if you want to go a little more fancy again my favorite antenna is the signal stuff signal stick uh elastic glows in the dark it rolls up into this and it retains its memory back to being straight when you're done it doesn't have any retain memory of being in this configuration forever right I've had mine and this for months on end and it's okay say if you want to go a little more fancy we discussed this one on aprs video this is a handmade out of Arrow shafts and a 3D printed handle uh this is a yagi antenna Two element yaggi that's that great for UHF VHF and possibly some satellite receiving on that guy as well know what you want to do with your hacker f um Port pack H1 before you dive into it right uh let's go with the infit halfwave next if you want to get into HS stuff the infit halfway is the way to go right that's that nice wound wire round spool um you can stretch it across a yard throw it up in a tree um then you can be able to get some HF frequencies with that and then again HF band chart right we go back to our USA amateur radio bands hf10 uh you're 10 you're 40 you're 30 you're 20 you're 17 you're 15 you're 80 you're 160 and you're 60 M right all HF is in this portion of here UHF VHF is down here right so definitely consider consider printing one of these out um and then also look into the United States frequency allocation chart uh just type in United States frequency allocation and you will get this chart and this chart helps you understand where all of your frequencies are lying and what um Range they're in okay so if you want to get into sub gigahertz stuff it'll tell you that you want to get into UHF V it tells you that um again you know garage or opener stuff like that that's also gigahertz uh you got your standard radio Airwaves you know UHF VHF g gmrs f FRS um these charts help out really well and then from there you can understand what antennas you may be needing right you understand your frequency range then you can go on to the Googling device and say hey I need an antenna for 915 right I need antenna for for 315 to 433 right I need a antenna for CB bands okay uh you need antenna for UHF VHF right those right there or you need all around decent antenna the good old fashioned telescopic right so something to consider um if you have your own antenna Pole or mass at your house you don't even need a mass you can get a discone antenna a discone antenna um I'll post a link or little overlay right here they are great at receiving multiple bands but they are really poor at transmitting right but they are really great at receiving because that's all they're built for is most receiving I mean you're talking like full band chart receiving off of a discount so something to consider that is all I have for antennas if you have any questions drop them in the comments below don't forget to like subscribe do all that fun stuff it really helps me out I appreciate your support um you guys are awesome thank you a ton and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Hunter Tech
Views: 3,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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