Spider-Gwen Becomes Gwenom - Spider-Gwen Full Story From Comicstorian

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spider Gwen is a character that has become popular due to the spider-verse movie but of course she has a comic book origin and she's currently going in a very interesting Direction involving her own symbiote so why don't we bring you all of those comics in one sitting today is the spider-gwen story right here at the full story channel for comic story [Music] Gwen is from an alternate universe in which she was bitten by the radioactive spider and Peter Parker was not she became something special known as Spider-Woman and Peter grew jealous of how special she was so he tried to change himself and he became known as the villain lizard this eventually led to his death Spider-Woman and Peter Parker would fight it out and in the end he would die and the police would show up just in time to see a normal looking Peter Parker in a sad Spider Woman holding him in her lap because of that she found herself on the run from the police and the Kingpin wanted her to work for him this led her to fight against kingpin's men and rescue her father Captain Stacy from his own death but by rescuing him she revealed her identity to her father shocked by the news that his own daughter was Spider Woman she left telling him that she was needed in this role someone was needed to save the day she then got wrapped up in the spider-verse mess but now she's back home coping with the events that had unfolded just before she left while she was gone vulture was raging through the town and the people of New York were questioning where their Spider Woman had gone even though no one apparently wanted her around before she left she's been dodging phone calls from her band The Mary Janes also how can she fix all of this as she walks through town returning stolen cash registers and pondering the answer to that question she sees her old band The Mary Janes are continuing on without their star drummer well at least they're trying their hit single face it tiger is soaring in the charts and Mary Jane has too much pride to ask Gwen Stacy back into the band even though the rest of the band wants her back what you may have missed in our previous episode is that Gwen effectively quit the band at one of their biggest shows so after debating if she should talk to her father go talk to the band or get the vulture in custody Gwen decides that she's gonna fix this whole mess by starting with the vulture the town will love her again if she does this she'll be back in her dad's good graces and then she can go talk to Mary Jane so she grabs the vulture's public address that the police have put out on the internet and she breaks into his apartment to steal his spray paint and paint messages all over the town things like deaf from a butt the vulture stinks and your nest is a hot mess of course this does get his attention and he comes screaming in ready to fight but her Spider Sense saves her as she jumps backwards webbing him up yelling kiss D's blinded by the webbing over his eyes he crashed lands into a local apartment and Spider Woman leaves him behind him oh you don't want to play anymore tomsy taking your ball and going home the vulture screams and charges right at her only for her to dodge again and web him from behind now all you old fart we're just getting started but finally the vulture is getting an upper hand as he pulls Spider Woman up into the sky with him and he goes higher and higher she begins to think to herself oh no we're too high and that's when the vulture drops her she begins to plummet back to the Earth down below and is knocked unconscious from the fall a few hours pass and Spider Woman begins to snap out of it and listens to a song being sung nearby spider Gwen spider Gwen sleeping on the job again a faint smell of trash clearly indicates that she's in a trash pile and as her eyes begin to focus she could see who was singing spider-ham is standing over her wait spider ham for those of you who aren't fully aware of the Spider-Man universe spider ham is another version called Peter Porker and spider Gwen met him when she was on her spider-verse Adventure but he can't beat her and he quickly confirms that he is nothing more than a figment of Her Imagination once she realizes that spider ham isn't really there she leans over the sign to get ready to puke telling herself how could she lose to him to the vulture ah stop it spider ham tells her you did fine lose a fight with Baron zero then we'll have a self-pity talk that's who she remembers how she saved herself at the last second she used her webbing to Glide and she landed face first into the trash she sits down in shock that she lost to that old geezer yeah but all things considered severe head trauma is a low tall to pay how about we regroup go home and but spider Gwen looks at her imaginary friend home I can't go home I can't even work up the nerve to talk to my dad oh no she begins to scramble around the trash and spedder him asks her what are you looking for my phone I lost my phone well the world weeps for your electronics but you can't just get and Spider Woman grabs spider ham my whole life is in that phone all of my secrets meanwhile the phone has been found by the police and Captain Stacy would recognize his daughter's phone anywhere he works it out and he puts the phone into his daughter's backpack cursing her for making him take evidence from the crime scene apparently she's so out of whack that Gwen eventually found herself in a random bar in Manhattan and she was picked up by her friends though she still doesn't know why she's still seeing spider ham immediately MJ and the rest of her bandmates begin to fight about the whole should Gwen be back in the band thing and Gwen looks over at spider ham why did you bring me here you knew this would happen spider-ham tells her being a superhero is more than just facing against the bad guys Gwen's day sometimes you gotta face real life with all of them arguing about whether or not she should be back in the band or not she looks at spider ham I'm sorry I just can't not yet she gets up and she apologizes telling everyone that she's just gonna go but MJ stops her for real you can't look at us the Mary Janes needs you meanwhile Captain Frank Castle is trying to get a lead on who this Spider Woman is because in this world he's not the Punisher he's a police detective while Matt Murdock not the Daredevil but the kingpin's Lackey in this world is trying to beat on the vulture for battling against Spider-Woman she's the kingpins to take care of and the vulture has no right to get involved Spider-Woman suits back up and she hits the streets with her imaginary friend maybe she does have brain damage or something and as they swing around she tells them that she needs to do this she'll deal with the Mary Janes after she handles the vulture and spider ham tells her you're doing this for the wrong reasons Gwen none of this will change the past so she decides that she's going to take the the cartoon Pig's advice for the first time she's gonna swing by to visit her father she meets him at a bar and they head back to their place so that she can take off the Spider-Woman costume and the first thing her father says to her is that she can't be Spider-Woman she just can't do it anymore but she looks to her dad I looked into Peter's eyes dad I felt his heartbreak Captain Stacy looks at his daughter and sees her in pain and he tells her you have to trust me Gwen to know but she cuts him off to know what's best I'd give anything to stop lying and stop hiding behind this mask but then how would I help anyone Gwen Stacy is the problem Dad if you can't forgive yourself for what happened to Peter Gwen no one else can but at that exact moment Gwen's spider-sense begins to Blairs the vulture comes crashing through the window he throws Captain Stacy back and he fills the room up with his vulture gas he then grabs Captain Stacy by the shirt and he holds him up come clean why did the king Vince men save you from me who is Spider Woman To You Gwen sees her chance and she crawls away to suit up you're no match for my tiger style vulture she yells out to get his attention and she begins to beat on him with stuff that she webbed together to make nunchucks she starts to win this match against him but he begins to declare the stakes are too high now the Kingpin wants her dead and then the gas begins to affect her and she begins to cough madly the vulture stands up giving his evil villain Montage only to be shot in the shoulder by Captain Stacy clutching his bullet wound he takes off from the building leaving captain to Stacy and Gwen alone she gets up getting ready to continue her fight with the vulture but her father holds her back No Gwen I won't let you go so she webs him to the ground and follows because she has to she's the only one that can she finds the vulture trying to steal a police car with his gases going crazy all over the place and with her vision blurring she takes a few more swings and she knocks out the vulture she then starts to stumble away as she hears the police sirens approaching but she can't get away this gas is making her just so sleepy and she stumbles into Captain Castle now wearing a t-shirt with a skull holding two batons and a gas mask the radio asks if he wants backup and he tells him that he has this she's his and he begins to take a swing at her but now she's getting mad so she breaks his batons and she flings him onto the hood of a police car and then she begins to punch him over and over I'm tired of all of you all of you jack booted fascists and you loudmouth newspaper jerks but Frank turns on the electrical currents that shotgun off of him throwing your back off to the ground she lands days and Frank walks over removing her mask and then he looks in shock what the Frack how you're just a but Gwen finishes his line for him just a girl yeah that's right I'm just a girl and she punches him into a nearby car so hard that he lands unconscious she reaches down and she grabs her mask I've been sloppy and stupid Dad was right I can't let the vulture possibly figure out who I am no more head games no more spinning myself in circles there's no other choice here spider woman's not a criminal meanwhile Ben Parker Captain Stacy's next door neighbor arrives and he helps him out of the building Gwen stops a few more crimes the next day but the vulture has been captured by the police and he's been hauled off she's not quite sure where and how she should go forward but she knows that she needs to be a superhero but she eventually decides that she's gonna go check on her father she's gonna go to The Parkers a place that she hasn't been since Peter died shouldn't be too hard right as Gwen arrives at the front door she debates if she should even knock but Ben Parker sees her and he invites her in quietly because her father is asleep on the couch and he doesn't want to wake her he then sits her down at the table where she sees scrapbooks in front of her they round because Mae Parker was cleaning talk about a day of coincidences The Parkers are super excited to see Gwen because they really haven't seen her since Peter died but Gwen can't even hear their kind words not with the newspaper clippings in front of her the one stating Peter died and it's all spider woman's fault she can't take it it's too much and she begins to get up and leave but may Parker asks her to stay they haven't seen her in months she looks down I can't I shouldn't May she thinks to herself there are just too many reminders in this house how could she move forward when everywhere she looks around she's reminded of Peter's death by her hands but may holds her chin in her hands we can we can do this together it's Peter that's why you're here isn't it dear I'm having a hard time with Spider Woman May says and Gwen stops what do you mean I don't know where to begin but I knew when she showed up that Peter was in love he was in love with the idea of her Gwen the power of it the freedom the fantasy he was brilliant and he lived in a world all by himself in his head I don't know if it was the children ridiculing him or beating him but maybe he just felt trapped with two old farts like Ben and me regardless of what his reasoning was he was trapped alone in his own world in his head and he wasn't well when he died Jameson threw a microphone in my face and I looked for someone to blame and I thought why not Spider-Woman she fled from the scene from the police and she wears a mask but something felt wrong Peter and I started cutting clips of Spider Woman when he was alive and when he died it just kept going but I saw something in all these clippings I started to see a different picture I saw her trying trying to make up for something to set it right for Peter wouldn't that mean she's guilty Gwen asks her maybe but what would you do if the world judged you like that who could you even trust maybe she's trapped in her own head too maybe it's just easier to be someone that's behind that mask then pretend that she has no choice all I know is that Peter is as much a part of us as we are a part of him and if we want the love that we have for him to live on we can't hide either it's up to us to carry on living and with those words Gwen picks herself up and she leaves the house she decides that May is right she needs to carry on living she needs to put her best foot forward live her life and stop blaming herself for what happened so she goes to the concert that the marriage ends are going to be playing at that night she apologizes to them but they're fine as much as they need her they know that she needs them too and she lives she lives to the best of her ability one day at a time they play Madison Square Garden opening up for Felicia Hardy and the black cats Spider-Woman gets involved in a battle against ninjas that are after the black cats and then she meets Matt Murdock himself [Music] it's currently in their apartment playing with Jonathan a pet Wolverine that she picked up she smiles as she puts a mask on his face telling him that they need to hide his identity and then there's a shriek from Laura's bedroom and Gabby goes to check it out finding Laura in full costume telling her to stay back she leaves out the window putting her fingers into the pose to flip a web line but of course she doesn't have web shooters and belly flops onto the roof of a car Gabby rushes down at her pajamas asking Laura what was that all about and Laura turns to her who's Laura I'm Gwen Stacy meanwhile on Earth 65 Gwen Stacy who is also known as Spider-Woman on this Earth suddenly forgot how to play the drums while on stage with her band The Mary Jane's all look at her like what are you doing and she tries to slam down the drumsticks only to put her hands through the drum because Gwen Stacy has super strength Mary Jane asks her for the drumsticks and then she realizes that she can't get them off of her sticky hands and she just takes off of the door she runs outside to find her father waiting for her and when she gets into the car she shuts the door so hard that she breaks the glass super confused her father brings her home and an aircraft lands in their backyard a kid walks out telling them my name is Reed Richards and then he walks in telling her father that he's um friends with Gwen and he whispers to her y'all might want to get your Spider Woman suit which is upstairs confused as always she goes up grabbing the suit and then Reed takes off into the skies and explains everything that is going on Gwen Stacy is from earth65 and Laura Kinney is from Marvel Prime and they've body swamped across Dimensions the big problem is that in three hours the body swap will reverse and since they are currently occupying each other's bodies they'll have nowhere to go and poof they'll be gone so what they need to do is find each other and then find a way to swap back within three hours luckily Reed is super smart and he can teleport her back to Marvel Prime meanwhile back at the apartment with Gabby and Laura Laura is trying to explain that she isn't who Gabby thinks she is she's actually a girl named Gwen Stacy Gabby explains that it's not that she doesn't believe her but well she took a pretty big hit to her head her brain might still be healing then there's a knock at the door and Gwen walks in and both of them know exactly what this means now for the sake of not confusing anybody even further because it's already going to be confusing we're going to keep calling Everyone by the body that they're in so the person in Gwen's body will be calling Gwen and the person in Laura's body will be calling Laura hopefully that makes it less confusing they realize that they have body swamped and Gwen explains to Laura that they have to swamp back within three hours or this is permanent or they're going to die so Gwen asks Laura to come to the window where she was hit with a blast and look across she sees what looks like a gun and she tells Gwen to swing over there since she has web shooters that allow her to swing around but Gwen isn't stupid let me guess I'll try and then I'll fall and I'll hurt myself so I'm gonna walk Laura agrees telling her that maybe it's best that she doesn't break her body before she gets back into it on the other side of the street Gwen kicks in the door and asks Laura how strong are you and Laura tells her I broke a lot of treasure things before I figured that out inside they find the gun which is now broken by the door that Gwen kicked in and then Laura picks up the scent of the person who used it she keeps sniffing the air and then she mentions how dumb she feels sniffing the air but Gwen assures her you're unkillable with metal claws that pop out of your hands and feet don't worry you're not dumb this of course is a reason to pause for Laura wait I have claws in my feet and fists does it hurt have you ever had a paper cut on the webbing of your hands and feet no that sounds terrible well this is knives coming out of them okay I'm not doing that Laura points to a basement where Gwen tears the doors off of it and they step inside and then Gwen stops at the alarms are going off on her head and Laura tells her that that Spider Sense a flamethrower burst out of the ground and begins to try and erase them Gwen grabs Laura and tries to Shield her from the fire but Laura wants to know what is she doing trying to save you well don't your body heals mine doesn't that's a very good point Quinn tells her that's what someone in a flying Hornet suit arrives in front of them demanding to know why they're here she swoops in opening fire on them so Laura tells Gwen to use her webs and Gwen takes aim and hits the ceiling a flying robot person then opens fire on them again so Laura grabs Gwen getting her out of the path of Destruction then Gwen thrips onto the Hornet pulling them down and the Hornet blast went into the wall thinking her body's been killed Laura turns to the person demanding to know who she is and why is she doing this she begins to angrily shake her fist in front of her face and Gwen tries to tell her to stop but it's too late with that anger Laura pops her claws into her own head dropping herself the robot girl lands and pulls her helmet off deciding that she's gonna be sick watching someone stab themselves in the head Gwen walks over demanding to know what's going on and the woman explains that she fired her beam into Wolverine's apartment to get him you know the short and hairy guy so who is the girl in the ground and who are you Glenn explains that her well the real her is the new Wolverine Logan was killed and she is his daughter the mystery woman is surprised she had no idea she's been living in this basement living off ramen noodles for years all to build the teleporter descend Wolverine away she couldn't kill him she just wanted him gone Gwen walks over and retracts the claws from Laura's head so that she can heal and Gwen asks the mystery woman why she wanted to send him away and as it turns out her uncle was the original Hornet and low Logan killed him while she explains Laura wakes up curious as to what actually happened and since none of this is what Hornet wanted she agrees to help them both get into their right spots and their own universes in the right bodies Gwen walks over and she waves goodbye as Hornet warps her away and then Laura goes to the same spot and is put back in her body and Hornet says hi I'm Melinda and Laura tells her her name Laura then begins to talk about what's next and asks Melinda if she'd like to work with her she's not going to hold an urge for revenge against her because that's kind of what her entire family is about and then with a flush Melinda teleports Laura back to her apartment where Gabby and Jonathan are cheerful that she's returned foreign 65 it's another day for Gwen Stacy as she swings through stopping a few Robbers from breaking into a diamond store what's different though is that there's someone watching her the man reports back stating that he'll keep an eye on her but she tends to disappear a little while later and a quick change Gwen sighs to herself as she hits a button on her watch and that a big purple Vortex begins to swirl in front of her after passing through and allowing the vortex to close she appears in Earth 616. she appears in the current Marvel Prime universe as she steps out she's trying to remember the line to a song and Cindy moon is there to greet her by finishing the line Gwen asks if she'll be joining them for brunch and she tells her yes but after an awkward amount of Silence Gwen says you wanna and Cindy finishes it with yeah let's the two lead for Jessica Drew's apartment and when they get there the place is a complete wreck because Jessica's had her baby Cindy tells Jessica that they can stay in but Jessica stops her no I need adult time and just then the sitter arrives ringing the doorbell Roger says that he can explain why he's late but Jessica tells him she doesn't care he's here and she loves him for it the three girls all head out to find a place to eat and Gwen happens to know the perfect place it's back on Earth 65. that place is clown town the greatest place on Earth or any Earth for that matter so Gwen asks Jessica how the whole being a mom thing is and Jessica says honestly it's amazing when it's totally not exhausting and overwhelming Gwen tells her wow don't sell me so hard on being a mommy and then Cindy asks if anybody else wants to check out the ball pit when everyone tells her no Cindy jumps into the ball pit alone and Gwen mentions that Cindy's not all there is she but Jessica tells her that Cindy was locked in a bunker for 10 years and when she gets out she finds out that her family has gone missing and that's when Jessica asks how is she Gwen stays silent and then she says her friend Harry he kind of turned himself into the Green Goblin before long Cindy joins the group again asking if there's a Cindy on Earth 65 because if there is but Jessica stops her telling her that's not gonna happen we came here for brunch and that's it but since still has some time is there any non-us stuff in this world the three of them leave and they decide to go to Starbucks to get some coffee before Cindy and Jessica have to go back to Marvel Prime and just before Gwen Stacy can leave someone's watching still they report back that they found Gwen and that there are two other enhanced and in response whoever's in the other line of his call tells him they're sending in Project green as a leading Jessica tells Gwen that Earth 65 was a cool call coming here to hang out and that's when the three of them hear a loud crash outside everyone heads over to a nearby rooftop to change and Cindy asks if there's a giant robot because she's totally dying to punch one Jessica says that it's a super adaptoid they're a bit tricky so they need to but Cindy jumps off the ledge ready to go punch a giant robot Jessica and Gwen follow after her and Jessica shouts don't attack the adaptoid will adapt to your powers but Cindy happens to already be in the middle of shooting a web as the adaptoide turns and covers her in web once Jessica frees her she tells everyone that they need to attack at the same time and above them the man continues to watch the man however that's watching is also on the building where everyone changed and he decides to go through one's bag and then leaves soon the three girls attack once again and with Cindy and Gwen holding it down with the web Jessica jumps in giving it a final blast afterwards they look down as the cops begin to show up and Gwen says they should go she's kind of wanted in this universe but when Gwen goes back to her bag to get her dimensional travel watch she notices it's gone elsewhere the man from before delivers the watch to his boss and his boss asks him how does it work the man tells her to just flip the switch and Tada boss meet Earth Prime Earth Prime meet Cindy Moon of Earth 65. later that night on earth 65 Gwen and Cindy bicker about how Gwen could have lost the teleporter and as they go on Gwen sees Jessica getting him to leave she tells them that they have a choice they can either stay here bickering or they can work as a team and get this done because if not she's gonna find some real help or punch something so that she doesn't have to Cave their heads in Jessica leaps off the building and Gwen tells her that this is her world they should follow her with no real forms of communication Jessica suggests that they all get some cell phones to keep in contact while they're stranded on Gwen Stacy's world but as Jessica was in the process process of commandeering some cell phones everyone begins to hear someone else yell nobody move the bodega Bandit is back in business Jessica asks what the and then zaps the man and drags him out of the store as they leave Cindy tells the store clerk that she knows things are a bit different but do they happen to have a phone book she needs to look up an address a little while later while Cindy is changing out of her costume Gwen says to Jessica that she can't believe that Cindy ditched them and she's not picking up her phone and Jessica says she won't until she talks to them but again the two of them are being watched and Gwen says that it's fine her Spider Sense is warning them of some peeping Toms as they head down to the Gwen's apartment Jessica explains that Cindy's parents disappeared while she was exiled to that bunker but for now they're gonna have to deal with one thing at a time Gwen opens up the door to her apartment and then the music begins to blare out and Jessica asks what the hell was that one of the girls from inside says that sister is rock and F and roll once inside Jessica makes herself comfy on the couch inside of the mess asking Gwen if this is really how she lives and Gwen tells her yeah I guess seeing Gwen and her friends Jessica says that there's a slight change in plants she may not have really had a childhood but she doesn't want to take Gwen away from the one that she has so go to band practice she'll find someone who can help them get back home the next day Jessica leaves to find the only person that can help the Reed Richards of Earth 65. Jessica finds him and tells him that it's funny to see a kid skipping school to study and he asks her if he's supposed to know her and she says that she doesn't have the time or the energy to be Sarah Connor but just know that she's a Superhero from a different world and Reed tells her sure I'll help you she begins to say that she didn't even finish her sentence but then she stops dating he's read Richards he was probably meeting dimensional Hoppers before he could even tie his shoes but before they can even leave more men with spider masks begin to appear and as Jessica jumps into action one of the men shoots her with a taser she begins to get back up and a web flies through grabbing one of the men tossing him to the side and Jessica asks how did she find her and Gwen says she may have followed her more men begin showing up and the two of them begin fighting them off but Reed mentions that she can shoot electricity so Gwen grounds Reed and jumps to the higher level of the monkey bar and Jessica grabs down onto the level that she's on and shocks the floor electrocuting all the men climbing up after her once all of the men are knocked out Jessica tells Gwen to get back but Gwen tells her to stop saying that like it or not they're spider women and that makes them family as the night begins to arrive Gwen takes Jessica and Reed to her father George Stacy's home to lay low but as Gwen helps read Jessica and George head over to the porch for a drink and that's when Jessica's phone rings Cindy's finally reporting and stating that she's fine but she called to warn her it's not her that she should be worried about so while Jessica and Gwen have found Reed and they're making their own plans to get back home Cindy on the other hand ran off and she felt that she needed to find her parents in this world and after a short while she did as she decided to talk to them she found out that the Cindy of this world abandoned her family three years ago Cindy tells him that she's sorry and she leaves but as she does her brother Albert follows her telling her that he wanted to give her an invitation to his graduation party she looks at the address wondering how this world version of her could be such a jerk and then she heads off to where the letter was supposed to the supposed apartment of Cindy Moon of Earth 65. she finds herself standing in front of a giant high-rise Tower but the strange part was that the butler in front welcomed her and says that he will get her to her private elevator Cindy thinks so the jerk version of her is wildly successful at who knows what but it won't stop her from trashing the place she walks around the fancy apartment looking at everything wondering how it is in this world that she could cut her own family out of her life then she looks at herself in a mirror thinking well she did ditch Gwen and Jessica and then the mirror changes stating retinal scan complete suddenly the sinks fly apart and then a metal door begins to open up before her Cindy thinks that there are only two types of people who have hidden elevators pop stars and super villains and then she enters the elevator thinking please be a pop star she gets down to the ground floor and judging by all of the monitors she's decided that the Cindy Moon of Earth 65 is not a pop star but she's an agent of silk she then hears a voice asking if she's back so soon by the way interesting new uniform and as you can see project Jackhammer was a success oil has been spilled and stock has plummeted just as she projected Cindy tells them excellent and then the man asks if there's been any word from agent Drew he would really prefer to not be in the dark regarding the interdimensional operations Sandy begins to push the man away telling him that she doesn't care what he prefers and if he'll excuse her after locking herself away in her office Cindy begins to look through the computer to try and figure out where agent Drew is and she finds where he lives but not where he is and then she mistakenly shuts down the entire system however there's one thing that she does find and that's a USB drive labeled Spiderwoman back at George Stacy's home Cindy calls Jessica to tell her what she's found and she gives Jessica the address of this world's her agent Drew Jessica tells her to try and get out of that secret enemy base quietly and she's going to send Gwen Stacy over to help out Gwen asks what is it she's going to do and Jessica tells her beat herself stupid back at Cindy's Tower the guards Spotter and call her out for being the Imposter and they tell her to stop Cindy begins to fight against the guards but the man from before appears saving that he doesn't know who she really is but then Cindy tells them that she didn't catch his name or that squid friend of his either and the man tells her it's not a squid she's an octopus elsewhere in a short cab ride later Jessica follows up on the address of agent Drew normally you wouldn't want to seek out your own doppelganger but after Cindy found out that this world Cindy Moon runs an evil clandestine to organization called Silk and one of her Main operatives in this world was herself Jessica decided to seek out agent Drew she rings the doorbell and notices a woman answering the door wondering if this is her and then she realizes no stupid Multiverse the woman asks if she's looking for Jesse Drew and Jessica tells her yes and then the woman says that she is his wife a little while later Ellen lets Jessica in state and that she never knew Jesse had a cousin that looked just like him but as she goes to get them some creamer for their coffee Jessica locks Ellen in the pantry now with Ellen out of the way it's time for Jessica to take a look around Jessica begins to look through Jessie's study until suddenly she's knocked in the head with a can and Ellen tells her how dare you Jessica to toss Ellen to the side telling her to take it easy does she really want to see what her husband's up to and then she touches a globe on Jesse's desk and a recording states that the DNA scan is confirmed the room begins to open up hidden compartments showing guns hanging up and Jessica says see he isn't what he seems Ellen then grabs one of the guns from the racks and points it stating she may not have known what her husband does but she does know what he provides and that's all that matters to her and her kids before the argument can continue though she hears Ellen's kids coming home from school asking if they can get a snack Jessica and Ellen return to the living room and they try to act civil to not learn the children but as they leave Jessica says that she's not here to mess with her family but her husband is the reason why she's not home with her kid right now he stole something from Jessica and that's why she's stuck here 30 minutes later in front of Gwen Stacy's home Jessica returns to find Gwen and Cindy already back from Cindy's little side trip and Jessica says that there is no sign of the teleporter at Jesse Drew's home however before the conversation can really continue a head peeks out from the door stating that it's ready once side Reed says that it works exactly like they wanted it was sort of terrifyingly easy to build Gwen mentions that this whole thing seems to be sketchy but Jessica tells her that read is brilliant and an anal retentive person he wouldn't send them if it wasn't safe she begins to walk through the portal assuming that she's gonna go home and then she begins to scream out in pain and then she pokes her head back to them telling them just kidding everything's good the three of them cross over into the portal and then Jessica hails down a cab and tells Cindy to take Gwen and find out what the evil Cindy has been doing they're all going to talk about it tomorrow for now she just wants to go home and see her baby Cindy takes Gwen over to her office at the fact news to learn that the evil her is stealing weapons from all of the superheroes in town Cindy decides that she's gonna find a way to break the encryption on the USB drive that she stole from her other versions office until everyone was going on but when she gets to her computer there's a message on her screen Parker Industries the Baxter building tonight love cindy65 Cindy says that it wasn't on the drive she beat him here the two of them head over to Parker Industries and they sneak in and Cindy says don't worry the remotes are turned off and once they get inside they are suddenly attacked by four giant robotic arms the two of them begin to jump around having the arms follow and then they tie themselves into a knot Gwen says four down now the other four and then Cindy told Gwen to look out as the arm reaches out to blast them the two of them begin to get back up but Cindy looks at the figure through the smoke and realizes that it's her well the other her Cindy 65. Cindy 65 gets a message back home informing her that her work is complete and then Cindy jumps into attack just as Cindy is about to connect a shield appears around 65 and she covers your whole body with it and then she blasts them just like Iron Man Gwen tells her not to attack she could have easily killed him before she's just trying to show off what she could have been so Cindy asks her why all of this why bring Gwen into this and 65 floats down telling her because the Gwen Stacy of Earth 65 I'm basically her fairy godmother go ahead asks her what in 65 says maybe this is the time for one of those cliche supervillain speeches a long time ago Gwen saved 65's life like a anyone else until a spider came along one day in school except it didn't bite her it was killed ever since then she's wondered what if the spider bit her well while working with Shield another freak spider-related tragedy struck but thanks to her research agent Drew managed to live and he owed her just like Gwen owes her so she decided to take the research that she came across and release it into the world in the form of a spider since then she's been watching Gwen like a lab rat and now with all of this world technology she can ensure that no Cindy moon ever has to hide in a bunker again Gwen smacks her arm telling her yeah make a new world for her to sit on right and 65 tells her she's offering them both a chance to have everything they've ever wanted a chance to be all of the things that they should be Cindy and Gwen tell her no way and they begin to charge and in 65 tells them fine have it your way and then she blasts them away with her glove Gwen starts to get back up and she says there's something wrong wait where's Cindy 65 grams her and points down telling them that the first thing that they stole was a pin particle you've heard of it right the thing that makes the the Ant-Man and wasps the size of actual ants and wasps it also makes women spider sized small spiders begin to crawl out of 65's glove and they begin to cover Cindy and Gwen attacking them 65 then says that since she made Gwen a superhero she thought it would be fun to be the super villain and just as she gave she can take away from Gwen Gwen begins to blackout has 65 leaves and after a while Cindy begins to grow back to normal when she goes to check on Gwen she hears someone calling out to her telling her to stand down and she turns back to see Mockingbird telling her to stand down the two girls are cuffed and taken away and said he tries to say that it wasn't her who took all of those things but Mockingbird tells her that she should have known better she wasn't ready for this the van begins to take them both away and Gwen and Cindy stare at each other with Cindy asking what Gwen tells us she told her to call Jessica they wouldn't be in this mess if they had just called Jessica and she knows that she's been thinking about 65's offer as well the two of them begin to bicker about it and then Cindy's Spider Sense goes off and she asks Gwen if she can hear it outside of the truck a missile flies to the air hitting the truck flipping it on its side gunfire starts to go up and bullets begin to pierce the inside of the van and they begin to see a hole being cut on this side of the van as the side of the van falls out they hear a voice telling them that their field trip has been canceled there's still some recess so let's play and through the hole Stan's black cat holding a blowtorch Gwen and Cindy escape and help black cat fight off the remaining guards Gwen now lacking her powers because 65 took them away says who needs her powers she's fast and then she gets hit in the back with a sunrod by a guard Cindy helps her back up they continue on fighting but as the last guard is knocked out black cat says that it looks like her friend is leaving her behind and Cindy tells her she's not her friend later that night black cat takes Cindy to a roof and asks her what have you gotten yourself into before she was holding back but this knew her she likes it Cindy tells her that she wasn't the one holding back now she needs help breaking into the Avengers Vault so black cat asks her what are we waiting for let's go get what's ours during all of this Jessica returned home so she can finally see her son and that's when she sees Roger and Jesse Drew and Jesse is holding her son stating what's up sis Jesse tells her that he kept her son up way past his bedtime so it's time for him to get some sleep as Jesse goes to lay Jessica's sun down Roger mentions Jessica and Jesse Drew that's wild how could she never mention that she has a twin brother and Jessica says she doesn't but as Roger says try to explain it Jessica sees Jesse hold out a gun behind Roger Jessica plays along until Roger says he'll let them talk he's sure they've got a lot of things to go over and he leaves Jesse then says he had this whole stay out of his life a whole burn hers to the ground thing plant but after seeing this place that threat would seem kind of hollow Jessica runs up and punches Jesse and then begins to hit him again and again until he grabs her arm tossing her off and Blasting her Jessica quickly jumps back up and grabs a hold to Jesse and slams him into the wall but before she can jump on him and hit him the two begin to hear the baby crying she asks if he minds and he tells her nah go ahead a little while later after the baby goes back to sleep Jesse says that he works very hard to keep his family safe so how about they just stay in their own universes and not cross over Jessica asks if she's supposed to forget about him working for an evil billionaire who stole Gwen's teleporter for God knows what he then tells her corporate Espionage Cindy came here to get the tech back home reverse engineer and then sell it before long Gwen knocks on the door stating that she's sorry for barging in and then she sees Jesse and jumps into attack Jesse drops the teleporter and Gwen asks if she's punched him yet which Jesse tells her yes they're past that part Gwen says good then it's her turn and she cracks him again but it wasn't Jesse's face that made that sound it was Gwen's hand Jessica asks how did she break her hand hitting Jesse and she tells him that his boss ambushed her and Cindy and stole her powers and now she's all superpowered or super science powered or something anyway they plan to take it to their world and Rule it Jessica asks Jesse corporate Espionage and Jesse shrug stating that's what it's called Jessica then asks how can he be okay with all of that and Gwen says it's because she has him under her thumb she saved his life from some alien spider bite years ago and she's been giving him medicine to stay alive ever since then except she cured him 10 years ago Gwen says she broke into that USB drive and it has files on Jesse drew the only thing that she's been giving him is for him to keep his powers in fact he can stop and just return to being normal at any time Jesse then looks at the device on him and asks this would make him normal again no he can't risk it what about his family but Jessica stops them stating she's not lying we're superheroes remember Jesse finally agrees to help out and then he tosses the device to Gwen and Jessica snatches the item telling her before this Gwen had a life so before giving her back her powers tell her that she wouldn't be better off without it and she'll give it back to her Gwen snatches the item putting it on her arm telling Jessica that that is her decision not Jess's back over in Earth 65 at Jesse's home 65 leaves the house stating that he's not here he's dead to them after all she's done she then turns and her glove switches a Hulkbuster mode and fires a blast blowing up Jesse's entire house after a helicopter comes back and picks her up the neighbor across the street who was watching clicks his garage remote and begins to lift the garage a van rolls out and Jesse calls to to Jessica telling her that his boss is definitely angry she's going to throw a tantrum in private so she should be on her way back over in 65's lab 65 begins throwing Fireballs destroying things cursing out Jesse but as she goes to get something to eat she hears Jessica's voice telling her that she must be sad that no one cared enough to build a bunker and put her away so she just went ahead and built her own 65 throws another Fireball and Jessica runs in and knees her in the face 65 gets back up and from her back out pops doc ox's mechanical arms off in the distance Gwen is watching waiting for her powers to come back and Jesse says that she would know because she would feel really good when she got her powers back but maybe it kicked in she didn't notice Gwen tries to lift up a motorcycle but realizes nope she has no powers and then Jessica comes crashing through the wall by one of 65's arms Gwen asks if she's okay and Jessica tells her to help as Tutors or Powers kick in before being dragged back out Jessica begins fighting back with 65 keeps changing through other Heroes abilities until finally she gets to Peter putrisky Jessica falls back into the white goob and shouts Pace pod Pete seriously then she tells her whatever works and then the glove switches over to Victor Von Doom Jessica's body is then shot across the lab bouncing around until she has slammed into a wall stopping her and just before 65 can finish her off she hears Gwen telling her that she better back up MoonPie because Urban Assault spider Gwen is about to battle damage her sorry butt Gwen begins firing all of the guns at her and as the smoke begins to clear 65 stands there with a barrier from Captain America's shield and then she says it is time for Rhino mode as she starts charging in at Gwen but then she stops and she hears the computer stating welcome Miss Moon everyone looks back and sees Cindy with a suit of armor asking if she remembers that adaptoid that she sent after them well she had little read Richard's look into it make some cool shape-shifting armor Cindy jumps back in Catching 65 and slamming her back down to the ground hitting her with Thor's hammer Cindy then gets back up ready to blast into her but 65 tells her United they stand nothing stands against Silk's adaptoid and spiders except EMP mode read Richards a giant blue blast goes off and Gwen looks at her guns dating crap and Cindy just fall Falls over without Cindy to help 65 says guess they'll just have to fight hand to hand with no powers and Gwen jumps in to punch but her throw is rather weak 65 tells her without her power she can't even throw a real punch and then she begins beating down Gwen punch after punch Gwen is knocked down but a 65 looks down on her Gwen last dating dude just said it would feel good when things kicked back in she then kicked 65 up hitting her into a wall knocking around after freeing Cindy and Jessica waking back up Jessica Stomps on 65's glove and asks everyone if they want some aspirin and ice cream three weeks later in Earth 65 the three girls go back for brunch again and while eating Jessica asked Cindy if she's going to go see her parents again Cindy tells her no just popping in wouldn't be fair to them and then Gwen asks speaking of whatever happened to evil Cindy so she says funny you ask we sent her a care package over in the era of 65 Shield Correctional Facility 65 opens up a box with some things like a VCR soda and reads a letter stating that she knows that she'll be locked up for a while so from one bunker to another 65 kicks the Box over and Jessica tells everyone 20 bucks says that that's gonna come back and bite Us in the butt [Music] man and Spider Woman kissing and Genki shouts way way way how did this story go from looking for your missing dad to making out with Spider Woman miles Genki and Fabio sit in their dorm room miles says that he figured that he would have wanted to know that part since he thinks that he's desperate for a girlfriend Fabio tells him we totally want to know that part and Genki tells him right but what happened with your dad so Miles tells him fine fine let me start all over that way you can hear the whole story of what happened how me and Gwen Stacy ended up kissing it all started one night when his mother called him frantic asking if he had seen or heard from his father lately miles told her no but in the back of his mind miles thought that maybe something could have happened to his dad if he had gone out looking for him since he was dealing with the superhero Civil War miles began to try and think of who we could try to talk to to get some help and that's when Maria Hill from Shield showed up looking for him Maria said that she needed his help and it was about his dad from what Maria explained his father Jefferson had rejoined Shield as an agent to try and protect miles but he's gone missing since Jefferson's face wouldn't have been known she decided to set him up to take on a high bid high stakes Tech sale Maria then holds out a small device stating that he was to intercept one of these things and lets the user travel between realities and dimensions the reason that she needs miles help is because quite frankly this setup wasn't even sanctioned it is not on the books miles looks at Maria asking why would that be Marie explained that she may have inadvertently been the one responsible for getting the tech out there in the first place so look before he gets all high and mighty mile stops are slapping the bracelet on stating look I don't care just point me where to go Maria goes on stating that their science division has picked up on energy signatures of where Jefferson probably fell into so as the portal begins to open miles tells her you know I would like to know that you have more than a guess of where my father could be and Maria tells them that you have your mission just do me a favor if you see my other self and she's happily married don't tell me about it miles jumps through the portal and in a Flash he's back in New York the place that is his home except somehow it isn't this is the alternate reality of New York after swinging around a bit miles finds a gang hassling a woman and even though he should be looking for his dad he just can't stand for that he drops down onto the store roof and he calls out to the men and then suddenly he's hit by a giant ring and the ring came from the woman the ring starts shooting by and Miles thinks great that wasn't some old lady in distress it was just this Dimensions ringer she's probably shaking them down after jumping through another wave of rings miles webs up some of the pots and pans that the woman is standing by and he pulls them down off of the Shelf crashing them down on top of her mile shouts good now she can be quiet and then a stray ring shoots back hitting him in the back he starts to pick himself back up sitting wow that was stupid and then another voice tells him I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to do but I am so not helping you clean that up and that's what we see spider Quinn AKA Spider Woman in this universe but if you're looking for the comic book she is spider-gwin an alternate reality version of Gwen Stacy that was bitten by The Spider and in this universe she became the superhero a short while later up on the rooftops Gwen tells miles that she's not sure why he keeps checking his phone it's not like he's gonna get service over here mile size yeah it's an old habit but look there's a reason why I'm here it's about my father he's gone missing and Gwen asks missing here and Miles says maybe he was working for shield some super secret deal to protect my identity as Spider-Man and they sent me on this Mission and he just disappeared I just keep checking my phone thinking maybe I would get a text or something but I just can't stop thinking what if my dad got into some trouble because he was trying to protect me miles gets back up telling her I'm sorry to just throw it out there like that I'm sure you have your own problems to deal with I'll figure this out I am Spider-Man Gwen grabs I'm telling him look don't be that way it's okay to be freaked out if anyone knows how that feels it's me my father is my whole world and he put himself in a lot of danger for my sake so even though we're spider folks it doesn't mean that we don't get to be scared every once in a while Gwen hugs Miles and Miles Spider Sense goes off and Gwen says you know you can let me go now when miles looks back he shouts holy crap look at all the ninjas and Gwen tells him to calm down it's not what he thinks miles grabs Gwen and shoots a web shouting sure but my Spider Sense is kind of going bonkers so if you can tell me what this is all about when we're far far away from the swords and shurikens that would be great as mile swings off with Gwen one of those hurricanes is thrown cutting the web line and Miles grabs under the building shutting see they throw those silly things all willy-nilly but as miles looked back he tells Gwen that he can't help but notice that she's falling and not catching herself Gwen finally manages to shoot at a weblon and she shouts look stop listen I'm telling you it's okay the man in red walks up telling miles that his nose hasn't let him down yet you stink of danger miles asks who the heck is this guy and how does he know my freaking name Gwen looks at the man in red in size asking what do you want Murdoch you could have just texted and Miles says wait wait wait Murdoch as in Matt Murdock and Matt Smiles telling him guilty as charged but as Matt soon begins to walk off telling miles good luck he's going to need it if he crosses his father's path miles grabs Matt asking wait what did you say about my dad and Matt quickly pulls out a blade swiping in Miles Matt tells him sticky hands will get you stuck and as Quincy's that cut on Miles arm he says that he's fine Gwen shot's asking what do you want if you have information on his dad just do us this one favor Matt turns back laughing all of you superheroes in your bleeding hearts just no miles that these radioactive isotopes are power-ups it's a little secret on how Gwen keeps so spidery but either way I work for a woman named Cindy Moon who is a despondent leader of the Spy organization known as silk my job is to protect Cindy's interests in silk such as keeping away rats that would play while she's away and your father well he's a playful rat Matt pulls out an invitation to Club Scorpion and says that their mission is to find the man that has Jefferson's face and bring him here now if you're wondering about the entire Cindy Moon and Matt Murdock and all that other kind of stuff and this universe Matt Murdock is a villain although in the main Universe he is Daredevil and Cindy moon is also a villain although in the main Universe She is the superhero known as silk we do have a story that kind of explains some of that and I will link the spider Gwen storyline and the spider women's storyline down below so you can keep it the date but let's go ahead and keep going later that night Gwen heads into the club since miles is only 16 and hands over the VIP pass to the bouncer as she walks into the back she begins to hear the sound of an auction when she looks around she notices a stash of superhero weapons things that Cindy moon has stolen but Shield should have impounded all of these things when Cindy was arrested so why does she have it however before she can think about that Gwen is smacked in the head with an octopus doc Ox shouts to Gwen asking if she takes them homophones we are silk the veil that covers the world from the Shadows someone else's yeah and your breath is intolerable and then he punches Doc Ock miles pulls the octopus off of Gwen and shocks him and Gwen asks did you just kill it miles says no it's a phantom blast I can do those it's unconscious I think as mile starts to fight off some of the thugs in the room Gwen asks when did you get an invisible camouflage Predator thing and Miles says well yeah I have many powers of Spider-Man and then someone walks up asking Spider-Man huh miles looks up to see his father and Jefferson says you're awfully squanted to be any kind of a man mile shouts dead and Jefferson asks what did you just say take off that mask Jefferson pulls off miles and masks and he looks at him uh-huh and then he punches them to the ground as Jefferson reaches down and picks miles back up Gwen shouts no if she kicks him in the back of the head guards begin to rush into the room and Gwen starts to fight them all off and just before hitting the last one she asks who's next and the thug says that he would rather not if she doesn't mind Gwen then jumps back to Jefferson and kicks him in the head again but before she can pull her leg back Jefferson grabs it and throws her she catches herself stating you know really fast and then she jumps back down hitting Jefferson telling him I'm faster though Gwen puts her foot onto Jefferson's head shouting you're such a tool and Jefferson pulls open his shirt and shocks Gwen with his chest plate telling her do not touch me mile starts to pick himself up and Gwen says come on we got stuff to do as the two get back on their feet miles begins to fight off the guards while Gwen takes care of Jefferson but as more guards come in Gwen starts to focus on them leaving Jefferson alone miles looks back to Jefferson asking what are you before he can finish miles is blasted in the back after being knocked through a wall miles groans I'm outside now aren't I miles then fires Webbs back into the club tying Jefferson up and then he hears the police shouting for him to put his hands up he does what he's asked and he tells them I can explain this actually now that I think about it and then he fires webs into the air as he starts to get away Gwen punches Jefferson and throws him outside in front of the cops she runs up the wall after miles telling him that the cops are here and the bad guys are got it's time for us to go miles then gets back up telling her we can't my father is down there and as the cops take Jefferson away Gwen says look this is perfect while he's dealing with all of that we can figure this whole thing out and Miles walks off telling her no I'm gonna go help him out so Gwen fires a web at him telling him to get back miles jumps to dodge it and he turns back telling her that was not cool and then Gwen sprays him with more web Gwen walks up and hugs him telling him look the bad guy is caught that's a good thing we will figure out this whole thing but in the meantime can we just calm down and focus and as she finishes saying that two officers run onto the roof shouting for them both of them to freeze Gwen reaches over and pushes the button on Miles transporter and he asks what are you doing she tells him saving them again and the two fade into a purple light and just as the two reappear apocalypse rise up on a giant spider shouting kill them for your master apocalypse Gwen pushes the button again stating I hate it when that happens and they reappear again in Gwen's world and Miles says that man he looked and sounded just like my father Gwen says don't worry we're gonna figure it out and then the transporter dings miles asks what is it doing and Gwen tells him that she's not sure hers never did anything like that Miles then reads return to origin point and Gwen says maybe they found his dad back on earth right I should go right and Gwen tells him that she'll come too they're in this together now miles tells her thank you she pushes down on the button again stating that he would do the same for her as the two fall out of the portal Gwen lands on her butt shouting boots on the ground not butts and Miles says let's just hope her back in my world the transporter ding stating that he's arrived at Earth 616 3 alignment mode initiating please wait for further instructions miles asks what kind of instructions are those and Gwen says that she's not sure her teleporter watch never talked to her she then looks up seeing a group of men webbed up and says that she's pretty sure they're exactly where they need to be miles plucks a small device from one of the men's heads and a small image of Peter Parker Spider-Man appears stating while I was citizen friendly neighborhood Spider-Man here for your safety please wait for the authorities to arrive Gwen rips open a box stating so silk agents are on this Earth working for your evil death and mile shuts hey that creep is not my dad but what are they doing here stealing more weapons she pulls an item out of the box that was with the thugs stating that they are stealing batteries really this is gonna be the worst team up ever miles looks over at one of the men and tells him that he needs to explain what's going on and the man laughs telling him no way the Scorpio sound a good name of a man who would be big on forgiveness the transporter begins to ding again and it says interdimensional web access detected multiple gateways unlocked and then in a Flash the group of Thug Spanish Gwen grabs Miles by the hand and tells him look we need to get out of here before the cops come and get to work figuring this whole thing out and a short while later on top of a building Gwen examines the battery saying that she knows that she vetoed the cops but they do need some help here miles shouts no we can't let the adults in on this they're just gonna end up punching each other or maybe one of them Gwen then says they have all the dots they just need to connect to them silk duplicated the Gateway that they stole from her and even with Cindy 65 in prison they're still hopping over here to steal more Super weapons if they're selling this stuff to the highest bidder why would they need more money from Gwen John's wait that's gotta be it so Miles asks is this the part where we've blurted out the answer at the same time because I got nothing she goes on telling him that the watch is interdimensional my read Richard built it and if there's only one of him then it would be really hard and costly for the run-of-the-mill mad scientist to do it miles asks so does that mean that the stolen Earth 616 Tech that Silk is selling is to pay for something like this that's not good Gwen tells him nope and if the silk age is disappearing or any indication they might not need the watches anymore they just figured out how to zap anywhere miles gets up telling her look before this thing gets even crazier I would like to say that I really appreciate you coming along but before you can continue to suddenly a ink oh no and Gwen asks did you just hear an eek miles ducks behind the AC unit and says oh God she saw me and Kamala Khan Towers over the two of them saying Hi and then she shrinks down telling miles that the Champions were getting worried when he wasn't responding something wrong kamalo looks at Gwen and says I'm not interrupting something that I shouldn't have the mile shots no no it's just a team up a harmless old spider team up Gwen says they could use the help if she's here he did say no adults right so miss Marvel's fine and as Gwen and Kamala begin to head off miles rubs his face dating oh God a short while later at another Warehouse of batteries Gwen and kamalo wait for miles to catch up and Kamala says that she uh saw how they were before she came so she wasn't and Gwen says oh God Kamala says that she's just saying she seems well intentioned at all but miles is the best just don't hurt him miles jumps down and Gwen shouts asking what took so long miles and Gwen hurry inside and see a group of silk agents and one of the agents shouts where the hell is Gary we only went like 20 feet the other shouts back I forgot the decimal point Randy G so me seconds later Kamala jumps is swatting away the agents shouting that's them right and one of the agents steps back up to the portal miles then hands Gwen as transporter and says that they're about to jump he's going with them Glenn tells him no they could be going anywhere so Miles jumps in tackling the agent and in a Flash they're gone Kamala asks what just happened and Gwen looks at the transporter stating that they could have gone anywhere and the watch responds Gateway opening please stand clear and that's when another portal opens Gwen walks towards it and Kamala shots wait I can't just let you go and Gwen stops are telling her that she has to stay her and Miles get into this mess together and together it's the only way that they're gonna get out of it back over on Earth 65 miles in the thug fall out of the portal as mile shots you okay man and the thug shots no the Scorpion looks back shouting you and Miles as well Mr scorpion Jefferson Jeff Jeffrey whatever they call you in this Dimension we need to talk scorpion then tells the rest of his men to stand back he's taking care of this one himself in Miles size oh come on just as the scorpion gets close there's another flash of purple light and Gwen jumps out of the portal kicking scorpion in the face shouting thank you ding as mile starts to web up scorpion he says right sure now the watch stings the guards room before start shooting a scorpion screams for them to stop but as they do they miss and hit the dimensional Vortex The Men start getting sucked into the dimensional Vortex and mile shouts don't worry I'm okay kind of miles then reaches out to Gwen but before grabbing her hand the portal starts to pull her in and she's flung through the dimensional Vortex it was at that moment that Miles figured out that this was going to be it and then he let go to get pulled in with her a few seconds later miles falls out of the portal and as Gwen dusts herself off she says that she really thought they were dunzo back there Gwen then hugs miles asking where they are and Miles has no clue now there's a big giant blimp floating by it's just then that a voice calls out to them and a man dressed in and black shouts at them as miles responds to him Gwen says that it's probably not a good idea to talk to strangers living in Shadows however the watch begins to malfunction and another portal opens up around them and Miles shouts I'm really not loving this anymore the transporter begins throwing the two of them into different dimensions until it finally stops and Gwen asks where are we now as a horde of Undead zombies begin to shuffle their way Gwen says that she would very much like to leave now after another jump Gwen Catches Us up on a wall and sees miles is nowhere in sight she then jumps up and looks at a billboard with a picture of her and Miles married and a note stating happy anniversary to the Amazing Spider-Man and spectacular Spider-Woman on their 20 years of bliss she stares and asks ah what and the transporter dings meanwhile with Miles he falls out of the portal catching himself and then he hears something moving in the background he leaves to the sound and he sees Scorpion and punches him into the rubble miles picks himself back up again to get hit and the Scorpion tells him wait wait don't hit me and then he smiles telling him that really hurt and Miles stares and asks dad over on Earth 8 Peter porker wakes up to the sounds of Max and Charlotte arguing over who's going to see the last Pop-Tart in size telling him right another week of babysitting this there isn't enough coffee in the and that he stopped and he hears a knock at the window Peter looks over to see Gwen knocking he tells the kids look a Time displays version of her mother is home again meanwhile over on Earth 65 miles says wait is it really you and Jefferson says that he could have asked that before punching I'm sorry there's just some evil jerk with your face and when I see evil I punch it Jefferson hugs his son telling him good man now we got some work to do silk is dangerously close to mastering interdimensional transportation and Scorpion is holding the Multiverse hostage miles puts back on his mask telling him all right Butch and Sundance then and as the two walk into the portal Jefferson says you know there were Outlaws right back on Earth eight Gwen looks at Peter Porker and says it's just you sorry I get hit in the head a lot and sometimes I just see things porker tells her yes well I'm Peter Barker sport tour killer spider ham of Earth eight and our scans say that you're from Earth 65's timeline so you're obviously another Charlotte shouts out another spider Gwen it's time Gwen asks what does she mean by another Max munches on his Groot Loop saying besides our mom multi duh Peter Porker then heads over to the computer and begins telling it that he needs access to Earth 65 another streak when needs to get home ASAP a portal begins to open up and Gwen asks what already and Peter tells her well yeah this ain't a bed and breakfast got a Utopia to run Gwen begins to say that she can't yet she needs help her and miles are battling an evil version of his dad and porker stops here and says what you really need my help yeah sorry spider computer says no you should know better than anyone how hard it is to clean up parts of the Multiverse there's plenty of help out there but you really need to leave Gwen shots wait look most days I'd wish that I'd never seen those stupid portals never dealt with the gothy space vampires evil doppelgangers or clones all those stupid clones and porkers tells her look Gwen Stacy's and their Dopey speeches don't get to me I know what really is going on we all went through the same thing might look all bright here but you have no clue what miles and Gwen sacrifice to get us here I'm sorry but our fight is done Gwen looks back at the portal telling him man that's a first that the speech didn't pluck at a single heart string but before Gwen walks in Charlotte grabs her arm telling her wait we can't let you do this please Uncle ham we are the spider family Peter mumbles to himself uh for Earth 65 miles and Jefferson fight off scorpions men and Scorpion shouts but that is the last freaking straw I'm gonna rip your face off and wear it like a mask I'm gonna strangle every single version of the Morales family in their cribs and when Gwen's voice tells him that's pretty elaborate she then jumps through a portal kicking scorpion telling miles to hurry up and smash the watch Miles rips it apart and scorpion gets back up shouting you are far too late I've already got what I need a group of scorpions men that run through a portal but as they get through they see Peter Porker one of the men then starts singing Spider Pig Spider Pig and Peter Parker shouts why does everyone say that ah damn spider ham it's a play out of words it's really obvious another man tells Peter Porker that he should probably run along before they huff and puff and Peter Porker starts hitting his transporter telling them Man Three Little Pigs jokes well you can get all big and bad right Penny miles watches as more spider people come out of the portal one being a giant robot and he asks what is that and Gwen tells him you won't believe it but that's a brighter tomorrow as the spider people start fighting everyone one of the spider girls raps and throws scorpions shouting hey Dad catch miles shouts me and Jefferson tells them to just get behind him and he opens up a portal scorpion flies through and Miles asks where does that go and Jefferson tells him don't worry the Scorpion of verse 65 will be just fine scorpion falls out of the portal and a light shines on him as another Jefferson and a suit of armor tells him I hope you're not looking for trouble because Arbor to Rio is law as the spider family finishes up miles asks Gwen about those bouncy kids they were really there and Gwen tells him yep well possibly on Earth 8 anyways the one on the motorcycle with Spider-Man is Jessica's kid Jerry the girl in the fur and Miles says that that was totally Craven miles puts his forehead on Gwen and says that he barely knows where to where do they go from here go ahead and grab smiles and kisses him pushes them back into the portal telling him I'm sorry that was well it was good but timing no all that looked nice but she really doesn't want to feel like she doesn't have a say in what's coming and later as miles and Gwen sit on a rooftop mile says yeah I don't need any more expectations or responsibilities about friends Gwen tells them yeah just friends for now late night in the New York convenience store dollar dog a man told the cashier that he knows the drill your corn dogs are your life the cashier's size standing as the bodega Bandit you're just the worst the bodega Bandit sets down his dog bandito and he tells him to go outside and make sure the coast is clear bandito trots outside and he gets to eat in his corn dog by waiting in the sewers a giant lizard crawls out hissing at Bandido the next morning Gwen Stacy wakes up in her apartment and quickly realizes something she just overslept for her first day in her new job as Gwen suits up in her Spider-Woman suit she runs out jumping from building the building asking why why of all days do her web shooters decide not to work it's only been a month since she used them Miss Van Dyne and never said anything about having to clean them and after a short hop through traffic Gwen makes her way into the alleyway getting into her work clothes stating okay circus lion ate my Metro pass hobo stole my bike however as Gwen turns the corner she sees her boss I'll be sitting outside of the dollar dog asking what happened Alby tells her that it's over ruined kaput this world has fighter woman vultures and giant lizardmen the police think that he's crazy even the insurance agent left Gwen looks around to see the dollar dog destroyed with everything scattered about and says well did you say giant lizard and Alby shouts it ain't everything later that night Gwen tracks down the only man who could have seen anything the bodega banned it as she sits on top of a dumpster she asks really I just want to ask a few questions and the voice from inside the dumpster yells go away Gwen rips off the top of the dumpster telling him all right look I really wanted to bust you I would have just carried this whole thing to the precinct you really are the worst she looks inside and sees the bodega Bandit laying in the trash asking him are you crying Bodega Bandit holds up bandito's collar telling her to just go away he doesn't want to talk about it a short while later Gwen heads over to the Midtown High School stating that it's impossible it doesn't matter what Alby or the bodega Bandit saw there's no way the lizard is on the loose no one knows that Peter Parker is actually the lizard well all almost no one she starts to go through Kurt Connor's computers looking for information when she finds his profile the information on his home phone and address is restricted she grabs the computer monitor and throws it out the window screaming he lied Connors lied and she fell for it and now he's disappeared Gwen begins to think back to prom night the night that everything changed the night that Peter changed he was shouting traitor and when she stepped in to stop him he told her that he wanted to be just like her special later Gwen heads down into the sewers of the backpack full of corn dogs tossing them out yelling here Lizzy Lizzy Lizzy as she stops for a moment she thinks maybe she should tell her dad the truth about Peter she wouldn't tell May and Ben about it but maybe she can talk to her own father just then she looks over at the tunnel and sees several sets of eyes staring back at her before she can ask what is that a pack of dogs and cats Stampede by taking the corn dogs she shouts hey get back here with the bait and as Gwen gets up to chase after them there's a hissing sound coming out of the tunnel and a larger pair of eyes looks out suddenly a giant lizard man jumps out of the shadows and starts to eat away at her back Gwen gets up asking how could you Connors how could you betray Peter's memory what have you done but then more lizard men charge out of the tunnel all swiping at Gwen she falls to her knees thinking no this is just a nightmare Peter was my friend whatever he's become it wasn't this or can it and just that a red white and blue blur shoots by hitting the lizardmen Captain America tells Gwen enough of this these men are property of shield now and as for you Spider Woman you're under arrest Gwen starts to get back up standing ah come on please don't tell me you hate me too you're my dad's favorite cap says that she has to the count of three to surrender Gwen tells her wait I didn't do any of that stuff that the police or Jameson said I also don't know where all of these but before she could finish the lizardmen begin to attack her again and cap begins to count down once Camp reaches three she throws her Shield bouncing it off of the lizardmen and barely missing Gwen as the shield continues to Ricochet off the walls cap starts to swing at Gwen and then lands a hard hit into Gwen's face a short while later Gwen begins to open up her eyes and cap tells her come on on your feet Soldier I have some questions for you Gwen leans up fidgeting around asking if she's for real right now last time she had a head injury she spent all day arguing with a talking pig she tries to pull her arms forward telling her wait handcuffs and cap tells her don't even bother these cups are vibranium the only way out is the truth she can begin by telling her why she was down here in the sewers to begin with and what her connection to Silk is and who is Dr Kirk Connors Gwen looks over and sees Connor's beginning to change back into a human and asks you cured him and cap says no what they have is a suppressant once the lizard mutagen bonds there is no cure Gwen shouts that there has to be these monsters that can't this this can't be Peter's Legacy and who the hell is silk whatever you think you know Peter's the one who created the lizard we were alone when he changed back Conor here's Gwen say Peter and then he starts to shout Peter Parker I remember Parker as Connors begins to stand back up cap holds up her Shield telling Gwen to get behind her and Connor screams what happened to Peter Connor's lunges at cap cutting into her stomach and Gwen yells to him that he needs to stop and take control when Connors turns to her Gwen Webb's cat Shield swinging it back around cracking Connors across the face Connor shouts again calling up for Peter and as he jumps at Gwen she holds up the shield knocking him to the ground she then holds the shield out to hit Connors again but before she can she sees an image of Peter during his change in him stating that he wanted to be just like her a hero someone with powers she drops the shield stating no please no Connors gets back up and then suddenly is shot several times in the back both Gwen and Connors look back and they see detective Jean DeWolf and Gwen asks what is she doing here Jean tells her to stand down and as she turns the fire again Gwen gills for her to stump Jean then turns firing into Conor's chest but then Falcons at Redwing flies by cutting through Conor's chest knocking him away Red Wing start to Peck at Connors and cap gets back up holding her stomach telling Gwen that this op is scrapped time to leave queniels no I won't let that thing get away and hurt anyone else and cap tells her that she cannot fight this she is way out of her weight class Gwen holds both of her wrists together telling her no I don't work for you I'm here to help people Gwen then shoots her webs to the ceiling above Connors and begins to pull it back down as Gwen struggles trying to bring the roof down cap grabs onto the web stating damn a Spider Woman put your back into it the two begin to feel the ceiling give and a second later the rubble and debris come down trapping her Connors a short while later Falcon walks through asking cap what is she now some hippie who lets fugitives Escape cap lets out a low laugh telling him that there's a chain of command for those kinds of answers the more pressing question here is why did you let detective to Wolf down here Falcon tells her hey don't look at me director Peggy gave the okay Jean then says that like she already told her boss what they found here is a direct link to the case that she's working on so maybe they can help each other get a clue Dr Connors has been missing since this whole mess started and now Spider Woman is here and from the looks of it they just found smashed together the world's ugliest peanut butter cup cap tells her no I'm afraid that that doesn't seem likely Connors and these men are not the Midtown High lizard they're just copycats Connors and all of these men are Lab Rats weapons built by a shadow cell that we know is silk based on spider woman's reaction here I'd say that if you want to find the truth out about lizard then you're going to need to look into the dead Parker boy meanwhile over at the Stacy household there's a knock on the door and Matt Murdock asks what not gonna let me in Gwen's father George opens the door telling him that he knows that he may not be able to see his face but if he doesn't get off his porch in the next 30 seconds Matt tells him whoa whoa whoa whoa I could see that someone peed in your cereal this morning if you're not careful there might be trouble for you and your daughter George steps out asking him what did you say about Gwen and Matt goes on telling him that most people would say that you're a lucky man to have been saved by Spider Woman twice even a blind man can see that there's more to it than that I'm here to help you when you're done water we know who you are and just what you can do mad hands George's business card and he turns to leave telling him that if you ever need to make your own luck call me back with Gwen she heads out to the cabin with her friends and she's supposed to be staying the night when she shows up late she walks to the door and a friend Randy tells her that she shouldn't go in yet everyone is out right now and this took him forever to set up go and asks what is he even talking about and Randy said that after all these years that they've come out here he's finally arrived and Gwen says wait you don't mean and as the door opens Harry Osborne says yeah pretty sure he meant me takes a few moments but Gwen says that it's been two years two years since they've seen him or heard from Harry Harry begins to try and explain and Gwen hugs him telling him to just shut up later as all the girls come back everyone sits around the bonfire laughing and talking but Gwen doesn't feel as happy as she should back in school Peter Harry and her they were inseparable she should be happy but no one's heard from Harry since Peter's funeral he was the one who took it the hardest which is why she never went looking she always hoped that maybe he was off traveling and Peter's death convinced him to live his own life while everyone jokes and laughs Gwen gets up and leaves and Harry runs after asking her what's wrong she hasn't said anything to him all night and Gwen tells him that it's not anything like that she just has had a long day and she needs to get some rest they can catch up tomorrow morning Harry stops her telling her that he won't be here in the morning he only came here tonight to see her all these other girls they're her friends her Peter and him that was the stuff that he cared about she saw what Peter became the shadow of it all fell on everything and he couldn't just stay there and do nothing again Gwen asks what does he mean again where did he go Harry says that he's the one who caused all of this Peter died because of him back then when Peter changed he said that he was trying to actually I'm not sure what he thought but whatever came over him he grabbed me shouting traitor Gwen tells him look whatever Peter said or did it wasn't him that wasn't who Peter really was there were years of feeling helpless and years of bottled up feelings it was all the lizard talking there's no way that he could have Perry's eyes telling him I saw it all I just stood there and watched Peter die Spider Woman was there gloating I asked her to to stop but Spider Woman just toyed with me Peter worshiped her and she broke his heart Gwen says but Peter was out of control Spider Woman was trying to help she didn't know that it was Peter where he stops telling yeah but I knew I knew and I didn't say anything to try and stop it I just stood there Frozen like a coward for two years I've lived knowing that I could have done something I swore that I would make it up to Peter and never freeze again Harry takes out a small device pressing a button and he continues talking I went to war the Army taught me how to fight and shield taught me how to kill a Goblin glider flies down and Harry says whatever happens next to me just know I did it for Peter I did it for us Harry jumps onto the glider and Gwen says where are you going and Harry tells her she's still out there Peter's killer is still on the loose and I'm going to be the one who stops her I'm the only one who can bring Spider Woman to Justice foreign a few nights and Gwen finds herself jumping from rooftop to Rooftop in the rain trying to avoid a goblin drone that is chasing her she ducks behind a wall stating that she knew this was going to happen she knew they were going to Hunter and that they would catch up she's sick of feeling like a coward tired of hiding in the dark the Shadows can pretend but she's not like them she catches her breath and gets back up stating enough enough of this if they want to arrest me for what happened to Peter Parker fine I'll go peacefully but they're gonna have to come down here first and hear my side of it the Drone laughs asking I'll rest no who said anything about arresting just then two blades shoot out of the glider and they whiz by cutting into her arms more blades begin to fly by and gwenzards to put her hands together to create a thick ball of webbing she then grabs a hold of one of the spinning blades whipping it around at the Drone cutting it into the drone's chest it explodes knocking Gwen to the ground and as she gets back up Harry himself the Green Goblin flies down right in front of her she grabs her arm calling on to Harry stating that she knows who he is she knows that he was there when his friend died but she wants him to know that she did not know he was afraid that if she couldn't stop him if she didn't push so hard Harry shouts liar he began you to you to stop and yet you toyed with him and laughed at his pain Gwen tries to say something but in the back of her mind she's screaming at herself to just tell him pull off the mask tell him that she has Gwen Stacy he would understand Gwen then says that she knows what he's going through she lives through it also she knows the weight of not being able to stop something but she can swear to him that none of this is his fault Harry asks is that your side this is your case these are the words that you think would make me forget just then more of the goblin drones fly by chasing after Gwen forcing her to retreat as she swings she tells herself that whatever she'll put him through is not the same Harry Osborne behind that mask one of the drones rockets by grabbing Gwen by the throat and as it squeezes it starts to fly all around not killing her she begins to try and fight back and they end up flying into a building under construction with her stating that he's just toying with her taking his sweet time drawing it out like she did with the lizard she manages to hit the Drone and it explodes throwing her back down to the ground and another drone jumps down in begins to walk Gwen gets up and webs a cement tray and flips it up and onto the Drone with the Drone slowed down she grabs a hammer and knocks its head off she says that she really hates to go all red carpet fashion blogger on about what is all of this flying hoverboard Middle Earth Power Ranger thing it's all a bit too much Harry flies down asking her is that all you do talk and Gwen tells him it's better than standing on the sidelines and acting like you're in the game Harry pauses and says actually you're right I can power down all the drones and then we can take a more Hands-On approach he pulls out another small device and he hits a button and a beam shoots out to form a sword he charges forward swinging it wildly but Gwen ducks and grabs him from behind throwing him up onto the second floor she then jumps up webbing Harry's helmet telling him that all he needs to do is talk to her they can end this right now he gets back up recklessly Swinging The Sword again and Gwen pulls back on his helmet pulling it off shouting just stop and talk to me this isn't what Peter would have wanted you have to know that and Harry tells her yeah just keep talking like you know me there are things that I've done to get here and you have no idea what I'm capable of Gwen begins to hear a ticking by her feet and when she looks down she sees a pumpkin bomb and it explodes throwing her body through a wall Harry begins to walk forward taking off his armor telling her that she's right Peter wouldn't have wanted this Peter idolized her and wanted nothing more than to be like her that hope drove him to create this the lizard mutagen Harry holds up a small green vial and Gwen tells him to wait as he holds it up drinking it he falls to his knees hunched over in pain with Gwen running over asking why would he do that and he smacks her away stated that the lizard Was His science fair project before Peter it was the experiment that caused Connors his job at osgor a riddle with no solution when he approached his father to help in recreating Peter's experiment he thought he was crazy and he was right Harry grabs Gwen by the head and pulls her close telling her that it wasn't until his work was Shield that he was brought to Silk they jumped at a chance to to recreate Peter's work and along with Shield's own wounded soldiers Connors became a lab rat silk released the lizards to test them in the field and shield delivered the results to his desk Gwen costs as she tries to state that he saw what happened to Peter when he took the formula there's no way that he can and Harry shouts I can I can control it I am in control Harry throws Gwen into the wall and as she begins to pass out Harry stands over her with a knife stating that he will defeat her just with Peter's will he'll be Peter's greatest idea come to life his Justice his hand striking out from Beyond the Grave Harry then reaches down grabbing the mask and pulling and Gwen looks up at him telling him stop it's me it's Gwen Harry frowns when he sees Gwen without her mask and he says no you can't be no no oh elsewhere in the city George Stacy steps out onto a roof and Matt Murdoch calls back that he wasn't so sure he was going to call he has questions just fire away wait scratch that poor choice of words George tells him that's enough he's here because he offered to help his family to protect his family from Frank Castle's investigation why why the hell would he ever trust the new Kingpin of crime Matt points to his shirts dating captain a blind servant of Justice what I can't I can't express myself George grabs Matt by the shirt telling him don't you dare play dumb my daughter's life isn't currency in your stupid game Matt swings as Kane knocking George back asking feeling helpless and threatened good now you know how the rest of them feel I may not have cameras and wiretaps but that doesn't mean I'm not watching it doesn't take a genius to figure it all out hell Castle did I know your daughter's secret I know that Gwen Stacy is Spider Woman that much was suspected after you were saved not once but twice Mr Stacy George gets back up telling him that he still doesn't know why he would help and Matt says come on who hates the police more than me who else has any hope of stopping me who else can and George stops him stating that he wants Gwen as a foot soldier Matt last setting Gwen is out there risking her neck all the time because you drilled your stupid dad cop nonsense into her skull despite of that bit Gwen didn't make her Spider Woman you did some of Matt's ninjas jumped down and George reaches for his gun stating I'm knew this was a setup and Matt using his Cane holds George's arm telling him easy there if I wanted you dead that would have happened a long time ago Matt throws his arm around George telling him we're here for you not you in a manner of speaking we aren't here to kill you Matt has George look over the ledge and he sees Frank drinking next to his car and George tells him you can't kill Frank Castle Matt last telling him that's where you're wrong you're the only one who can as the ninjas jump down and they begin to attack Frank Matt says that Frank's life is in his hands he can live or die if he wishes George grabs Matt telling him you would never I refuse to be a part of by Matt grabs George pinning him telling him Frank is nothing to me or my business you can do the right thing be the man that protects your family open Schroeder nurse box just Frank Castle never die George punches back on Matt telling him no Gwen would never join him for doing something like that you're betting this all at a gamble if you were gonna kill castle that would mean that you'd be showing your cards in Turn showing your true face Matt breaks away laughing and Jess is one of his ninjas gets ready to strike down on Frank Matt snaps his fingers and Matt tells him well played you've got your wish nothing will happen to Frank Castle George grabs his Gunner against a fire but Matt disappears in a puff of smoke back with Gwen and Harry Captain America stands outside with dollar dog asking are you sure that they're both in there Peggy radios wait don't you dare go in there and cap tells her that she saw it in spider-woman's eyes back in the tunnel whatever she's got going on it's driving her to get things right it's up to her to make sure that she has a chance cap follows the hissing sound and Harry shouts lies everyone lies to me no more lies cap holds up her Shield telling Harry alright son come and get some truth then Gwen begins to Blink and her vision comes into focus and she sees cat moving in on Harry and tells Harry no cop runs into Harry with her Shield lifting him up pinning him into a wall asking is this what you want revenge Redemption cap reaches into her pocket pulling out a syringe of suppressants stating whatever it is it's over now this is what my daddy used to call it coming to Jesus moment Harry reaches out grabbing Cat by the arm stating that he will not let her take this chance away I'm still in control just then Harry's glider activates its defense mode and it begins to shoot out more pumpkin bombs the bombs begin to it to the walls and cap sees them holding up her Shield when there's a loud boom Gwen groans as she tries to get back up and there's a voice in her head asking if she's still in there she groans a response and the voice tells her that her name is director Carter of Shield Captain America's boss and Gwen asks how am I hearing you because if you're a ghost that would be totally cool Peggy size telling her no she's bouncing a signal off of Cap's helmet radio and beaming it into her skull via never mind just remember phone taps are nothing Gwen looks around saying oh God Harry what happened to Harry Peggy says that she'll be the one asking the questions here for now she's going to need to use the mutagen suppressant the cap is about to use there should be several doses in Cap's belt Gwen pulls them out and says that she's got them sir uh ma'am uh sir ma'am Cohen starts to get back up and as she looks over she sees Harry's arm lying on the ground she asks how how could anyone survive that Peggy tells her because he has the mutagen it seeks out trauma and regenerates it after injury bolster's weakness the second generation is stronger and faster but burns like wildfire given time it will replace its host completely Gwen looks at her hand stating that she she can't she can't hurt anyone else and Peggy tells her to listen she would never have raised any of this if cap wasn't so certain about her so far Shield has been kept away from all of this solely based on her belief but that window is closing it is your time to shine Gwen puts back on her mask and she grabs cat's shield and following the blood trail left by Harry she inches closer to the sounds Harriet holds up his newly formed arm and he says Hey Gwen nice Shield are you here to slay the dragon Harry gets up lunging forward but he stops himself fighting off the urge to try and kill Gwen but Gwen tells him that she can't let him run not again not like this Harry struggles and says that he will not let them take him I just wanted to the right thing Gwen pauses for a moment and says nah that's crap you did this because you're wounded and helpless because all the other kids used to call you soft and Rich you were always terrified that they were right as wrong as what Peter did seeing what he was capable of made you feel small hell made me feel small too to but now I'm trying to take responsibility to own up to what I did wrong Harry gets up telling her you lied to me and Gwen tells him yeah I did and there's nothing I can do to change it all I can do now is give you the truth sometimes people aren't who you remember them to be real people real lives they're flawed sometimes they think they're weak or even wrong even heroes Spider-Woman versus the Green Goblin is that what we really want our future to be is this who you want to be Harry looks at himself stating I thought I could control it and go and holds out the suppressant stating that there is still a chance take your life back Harry asks why after everything I've done why would you give this to me and Gwen tells it because she isn't a cop or a soldier she doesn't want to fight him or see him dead or dissected or rotting in a Cell she knows that he can make this right but the question is does he want to Harry sticks himself with the syringe stated that he guesses he's going to have to and Gwen leans over to give him a hug a Series starts to change back he asks what about Shield how is she going to explain this in Gwen says not sure she did lift the enchanted Shield maybe she can talk her way out of this Gwen then looks back and tells him actually she's gonna try the truth for once they say it sets you free with that Harry covers himself and he runs later that day George Stacy sits on his porch and Gwen asks on the rooftop rough day at the office she hops down and as she sits George throws a file on the ground Gwen looks at and asks what's this and George tells her that this is the case that he will never solve the promise that he will never be able to keep the mystery of the disappearing lizard the true killer of Peter Parker Gwen starts to flip through the papers asking what does it all mean and Gwen takes a sip of his drink stating that they never found the lizard after Peter died never even looked all because they saw Spider Woman flee the scene and then later returned to help people they've never seen a more guilty conscience I want it so bad to find the lizard to prove you're innocence so that you could have some closure Gwen begins to state that she can explain but George stops they're stating don't he knows the truth about what happened that day and she kept it a secret for a reason if there's anything that he learned over the years is that Secrets aren't always lies and facts aren't always true Jordan George grabs the file stating that he's seen her world now and he's decided that it's okay if he doesn't know the whole truth because he trusts her that she does know it nothing that he can say will keep her from being Spider Woman and he won't ever understand it but he doesn't need to because it's not what she needs from him he quit the force today no more being a cop because anyone can do that from now on he's going to be a dad he takes the file tossing it into the trash can and then he throws in a match as the file starts to burn Gwen says that she met Captain America and George asks did you get a number for me one shout out to ew no George then asks so is it a Spider Woman day or a Stay and Play Day a recorded dad cup Gwen asks what kind of question is that Dad cop is the best with everything that's been going on in Gwen Stacy's life she's beginning to question is it all worth it losing her powers having Shield come after her having Frank Castle the police officer detective coming after her when does it end when does she go back to being normal as Gwen stumbles into her apartment she gets a text from Glory asking if she's gonna come out for tonight and Gwen promptly says I've just been feeling off Glory asks for some truth so Gwen begins to write back everything now she's Spider Woman how she hid it from everyone how she accidentally killed Peter Parker feeling like the only real thing is when she's wearing the mask She lays awake wondering why did this all happen to her where was her choice does she deserve it but the second that she gets ready to embrace being Spider-Woman it's all gone Gwen hovers her thumb over the send button and then realizes sending Glory that message May complicate things so she deletes it it says fine she'll come out the girls first go out to a concert and then to the arcade and Glory says that she knows of a better place to finish the night off with after walking for a while Gwen starts to Huff asking where exactly are they going there's nothing on this side of town wait the dollar dog how is this even possible she Spider-Woman destroyed this place Glory says it reopened a couple of days ago this part of town is still sketchy but ever since Spider Woman erected it's been the place to see and be seen Gwen looks around at the customers and sees that this isn't how it used to be it's a hangout spot for the more entitled young folk after having a drink a man throws up and an employee looking up from his phone says that they need a cleanup on aisle too Mr Alby the original owner before everything happened grumbles to himself stating of course he'll clean it up he's the only one here who actually works Gwen runs up as Mr Alby starts to mop stating hey I used to work here for like a day but this is great this place turned out great Mr Alby last dating it turned out all right turned around and Dove it straight into the ground the stupid spoiled children in their apps Gwen says well it's crowded which is good right must be making a killing Mr Alby tells her the only killing going on here is me I don't own the dollar dog I'm just the man manager I had to sell the place when everything happened that stupid spider lady in the green booger they smashed up my business and they ruined my life when Gwen hears that his words really begin to sink in he's right she did this all of this she runs to the bathroom and looks up at the power up device and the injections they give her back her powers for a short time she holds the injections over the toilet stating that she can end this right now she should end this right now be free of Spider Woman forever but then there's a loud bang and an armed man runs into the building shouting to everyone that if they ever want to withdraw from their trust funds they better pay up Gwen holds up the injection wondering what to do and then everything goes quiet Frank Castle walks in and the Armed robber points his gun telling him I'm not sure who you are stupid big guy but no one can bench press a bullet Frank snatches the gun bending it and throwing it to the ground and the robber shouts please don't everyone hears a loud crack and Gwen runs over to see the robber on the floor with Frank standing over him Gwen asks Frank did you follow me have you been following me for Frank tells her you can't hide from me I know the truth of who you are Frank grabs Stacy by the arm and as she tries to free herself Frank throws her across the store everyone begins to panic and Gwen reaches out to the injector pushing the button she gets back up covering the device and then throws Frank out the window stating if you came looking for me here I am I'm not afraid of you I'm not going anywhere Gwen looks back at glory and the others and sees Terror she starts to run into the back alleys telling herself that she just she just has to get away the next morning Gwen's alarm goes off singing wake me up before you go go don't leave me hanging like a yo-yo Gwen groans as she turns off the alarms dating that is the stupidest way to wake up but where is she dad's house why is she dressed she looks at the injector and says oh right the Clock Struck midnight she just wanted to help a delivery guy on her way home and after barely managing to stop the bad guy she had to get a ride from the delivery guy as Gwen gets out of bed her father George calls out asking if she's there and she puts her mask back on and gets ready to climb up the window but really where would she go it's not like she can't show him what he's already seen however what Gwen doesn't see is across the street a man with cheetah print pants stares into the window Gwen heads downstairs and she holds up the injection stating that she should just flush them right now right and this whole thing and George says why would you do that Gwen shouts because Frank Castle saw my face I just now put it together that he'd figure out that I was your daughter following her trying to prove that she Spider Woman but if she's not doesn't this all just go away as the two talk the man from before walks up to the house holding a sack he pulls open one of the air vents from outside and he opens up the sack allowing dozens of snakes to Slither in a few moments later a snake reaches out biting George when he sees it he smacks it away asking what is a snake doing here the two get up to run but the hallway to the front door is now covered with snakes and cobras George turns back opening the door to the backyard and when he does he sees an orangutan sitting there the orangutan leaps up punching George dating okay the orangutan then grabs Gwen throwing her outside but as Gwen gets back up the orangutan leaves she asks what he's leaving what the hell just happened but after the orangutan leaves a panther jumps down and begins to growl as it walks in through the back gate go ahead and gets up and slowly backs away stating okay the injector's over there so I'm just going to but just then a voice calls out to the Panther and Gwen looks up asking Mrs Parker May throws the plate of food that she was carrying towards the Panther stating don't just stand there run before I come to my damn senses about what I just did Gwen tells herself great I was just saved by a plate of pot roast or a superhero ever Gwen looks back at the injector and jumps for it but before she can grab it she feels a pull slam her arm into the ground craving the hunter looks down at the injectors and picks one up staring at it inquisitively Gwen grabs the device getting ready to use it but just as she goes to press the button Craven turns back hitting and shattering it into a dozen pieces she falls back staring at the device asking what is she supposed to do and may tells her you need to get back up pull it together or we're both going to die Gwen jumps up smacking the panther back and Craven says Ah spliter the stories Craven has heard try not to disappoint eh he charges in but before Gwen could attack Craven spins around her grabbing her from behind as Gwen struggles Craven says Majesty such power and Castle seeks to cage this but no man could capture such a will Craven begins to pull off Gwen's mask and across the street Frank gets to snapping pictures and smiles but before he could leave George tells him to do them both a favor and don't turn around he's done his homework he knows the shot won't miss Frank holds up his arms and George asks so what's this case and listen to maniac to a Trapper couldn't get your hands even dirtier Gwen finally manages to throw Craven off of her but then Gwen looks back asking dad and George tells her you need to go it was always set up to unmask you and I destroyed what evidence there was and called the real police Gwen shouts asking you did what they're gonna put you in jail for helping me and George says I can't run from it not this time but you have to at least until I but before he could finish Gwen punches him knocking him out stating that she's sorry she has to protect them somehow as Gwen goes to escape with George the police arrive and Craven looks at his hands dating I will continue the hunt I have made an oath to castle castle is owed an old debt and with this small vial Craven has paid it later that night Gwen sits on top of a sign that states stopped the Spider Woman trying to figure out what to do next when she hears a woman shouting stomp Gwen looks down at the Bucky Barnes burger place and sees the bodega Bandit running out with an arm full of burgers going shots really I can't even right now put that stuff back this instant the bodega Bandit looks up asking what who the but just then the store owner Runs Out tackling the Bandit to the ground and Gwen thinks that maybe she should just go a short while later at the Reed Richards lab Reid looks at the device stating that it's going to be a bit of a challenge but if he's being honest it's hard to concentrate knowing that castle is looking for her and here she is with her dad of all people what's keeping him from busting down his mom's door and Gwen stops him and says nothing without her powers there's nothing to stop him so Reed gets back to work and Gwen says that she needs to get out of here for a bit but she has to know can he fix it where he tells her yeah he can fix it the problem is that it's still going to use her power ups she only has five left Gwen says wait five that's not right I should have six oh god what happened to number six meanwhile over at oscore offices Frank hold out the sixth vials stating one of his men lifted it from Spider Woman it's the key to her powers and to his case it's the key to clearing his son Harry's name Norman tosses the vile back stating that Harry made his choices he knew the risks in pursuing Spider-Woman in going against Shield the Green Goblin is not Oscar's mess to clean up Frank then tosses his case File onto the desk stating sure why are you starting to cover Your Tracks now though a decade ago a teenage girl named Cindy Moon who was bitten by a radioactive spider created in your Labs a massive lawsuit followed your scientist testified that the spiders bite likely led to either death or mutation you didn't create Spider-Woman but you did plant the seeds for her I can prove the link between this radiation and her powers you will help me you will help me catch Spider-Woman and after that Harry Osborne's name will be clear and we can go back to being a family again outside of oscore detectives to Wolf and Grim stake out and DeWolf says that she really hates the idea of tailing one of her own men just then Frank walks out of the building and DeWolf jumps out of the car telling Frank that they need to talk he needs to tell her about what's going on he owes it to her as a partner these Witnesses they say that he's stalking George Stacy's daughter whatever he's doing whatever this is really about it isn't the right way Frank tells her that Justice will find the Spider Woman he's doing his job if her bosses don't like it they're welcome to try and stop him a little while later in the park Gwen sits on a bench thinking about everything that has happened the things that she's seen the things that she's done Jessica Drew from the other universe is already cleaning up her messes Cindy moon has her own problems cap can't see her like this the cops would never believe her in Matt Murdock just then a voice shows hey Gwen looks up and sees the bodega Bandit standing there and asks what Bodega Bandit says you yelled at me back at the Bucky Barnes how come Gwen pauses for a woman and asks wait how are you here how did you get free you were stealing the Bandit takes out a burger and starts eating stating so you're just some girl there's plenty of burgers out there for you not your job to stop me no one else cares Gwen says so are you saying that you don't even get to go to jail cylinder caught and the Bandit says sometimes I do sometimes I don't but if I do I just call up my daddy and he tells the cops to let me go people always tell me that what I'm doing is wrong but they don't really act like it is nobody but Spider Woman sometimes she makes me think about quitting about the rest of this burger I'm not even hungry Gwen looks back up from the billboard of her and then rushes back to Reed's house to check in Reid tells her all right changes are simple left web shooter is also an isotope activator the right house is the power-ups device on the left batteries on the right to activate your powers you just bang the bands together really hard and scream I have the power Gwen last and says that this is perfect thanks George groans as he starts to wake up and he asks where are we and Gwen tells them to take it easy George says that she's still in her costume and Frank is still and Gwen says she knows that's why she's gotta go George leans up stating that she can't but Gwen puts on her Mass telling him that it's fine she can she's the only one who can Gwen rushes out of the building and out onto the streets knowing that Frank is watching and bangs her web shooters together she then jumps down and tells herself that stopping Frank is her responsibility but before Gwen can attack Frank fires over Pulsar Blast from a gauntlet that he took while working for Tony Stark's War Machine project barely missing her Gwen tumbles to the ground and Frank walks up to her holding out his arm stating you have no idea how badly I wanted a second chance at you Gwen yells you hurt me and threatened my family why for what because you got your butt kicked by a girl Gwen Springs back up punching Frank to the ground and as he gets up he fires another blast ripping through the ground and into nearby homes as Gwen manages to get another hit in Frank blasts her back into another building and slowly begins making his way towards her she jumps up grabbing the gauntlet to try and take it off but as her fingers touch the metal it electrocutes her she screams in pain as she falls back and Frank holds out his arm stating I would show you how this is going to end I'm gonna drop what's left of you in the steps of the precinct and they're gonna give me a medal for it just then George's voice calls out to him stated that if he makes another move they're gonna pin it on his casket step away from her and drop the weapon now Frank Gail's asking do you really think that's going to stop not me and George tells him you've been living your whole life in fear don't let it end that way and then George pulls the hammer back on the gun Frank shouts all it takes is one twitch and this is over she dies maybe both of you could die or you could just walk away you're being punished for his lies this isn't Justice Frank begins to charge another blast now aimed at George and as he fires Gwen jumps up tackling Frank to the ground the blast airs through the building and as Frank gets up he pins Gwen down with the gauntlet shocking her Gwen yells you want to shoot stupid laser beams and try shooting one through your own chest she pulls back an arm and starts to web The Gauntlet to Frank's chest and then kicks him away calling out to her dad she runs over to the ledge to jump and then there's a loud Banff and Gwen side standing of course he's got a gun how could I have been so stupid as Frank gets ready to fire again DeWolf stands over him with her gun telling her not to move do not do this Gwen leaves off the ledge grabbing George and swings away and Frank tells her you deserve this they deserve this the wolf asks the Spider Woman is a criminal middle for the damage that follows in her wake then what does that make him Frank continues pulling the trigger laughing as it spins empty and then jumps off the roof Grim runs up stating that he's got a shot and DeWolf tells him no not like that never like that a short way down the street Gwen Lanes on a building setting George down asking what was he thinking she's sorry this is all her fault she doesn't know how to protect them she doesn't know how to break the cycle maybe she can't and George tells her that if she can't maybe he can he'll turn himself in Gwen screams that he can't she can't do this alone but George hugs her telling her that she was never alone that's how he finally stands beside her she is Spider Woman that's her gift that's her secret he will defend her until the day that he dies he's a policeman this is his duty as the police chopper start to come in Gwen covers her face as she cries she jumps away a couple weeks later the dollar dog she reads a news article on her phone about Frank when a familiar voice tells her that she knows the drill it's the corn dogs are her life after a second she looks up and without saying a word tosses the bodega Bandit outside she didn't shouts everyone in there with a man by one get out to in fact everyone out Gwen starts to clean up and as she takes out the trash she continues to read the article of how her father is refusing any legal counsel she gives the phone hard and cracks the screen my voice says a literal Crossroads huh is that the idea here really miss Stacy even out of masks your flare for the melodrama remains your father's a brave man Stone stupid but Brave now he's gone and you're left between a rock and a hard place as hard as Mr Stacy's head so just what do you do Miss Stacy puff out your chest and act Brave like Daddy or do you do what he'd never do use your head Gwen says that he promised if she accepted that he can do this from the Shadows Matt last telling him yes I know foggy Nelson's game very well we can beat him we can free George Stacy but only if your father will work for me Gwen says that he will she'll make sure of it and Matt Murdoch then jumps downstairs excellent seems we have a deal the Kingpin is at your surface that Spider Woman is now mine foreign Osborne stands in the streets of badgerport he makes a call to Gwen's phone only to get her voicemail the beep goes off and Harry tells her it's me again I'm uh I'm in a hurry get my father to stop make them stop please they're just making things worse and then hangs up the phone and looks back at all of the hand ninjas surrounding him meanwhile back in Manhattan Gwen visits the police station to see her father and Matt Murdoch tells them that they need to move this along George's trial is being fast-tracked Gwen tells him wait a second he said that it would take months and Matt tells her he said that many things were likely given her father's cooperation our current situation is that George Stacy's refusal to refute the charges against him plays it out like guilt what's coming isn't a trial it's a stage a soapbox that her father can stand on and Shout his side to the world so what happens when he does that in the world doesn't care the choice is clear you honor our deal or he rots in prison either way we're done for today Gwen Matt grabs Gwen by the arm but George Stacy lunges at Matt telling him you are not gonna threaten us and Matt pushes back say to threaten I wouldn't dare Gwen still buys into your little code of honor but how good are those little merit badges going to be when Gwen is all out there alone Mr Stacy it is in your best interest to to break our guard and George shouts that he will break him for but Gwen steps between them telling them to stop you're here because of me Dad and I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get you out as Gwen and Matt leave they pass officer Boyle and another officer and Matt grabs Gwen by the shoulder asking do you take me to be a clown when asks what he means and he shouts I asked you do you take me for a clown I asked you to assure your father's cooperation I asked you to honor our deal Miss Stacy so far I've gotten so very little of what I've asked for the other officer with boil steps in asking Gwen if the man is giving her any trouble but Boyle pushed them back asking do you know who that is that is Matt Murdock and the officer steps back stating wait that's Kingpin and the boy turns around stating just shut up and walk away Gwen tells Matt that he can't scare her into doing whatever he wants like everyone else like he said they have a deal and he owes her as well Matt yells that he wants her suited up and powered up what he wants to see is Spider-Woman atop Oscorp Tower in 10 min minutes and believe him she will want to take this seriously because right now he is no longer asking ten minutes later at Norman Osborne's office Norman looks up to see Gwen in her costume and he asks Matt if he's serious Spider-Woman is a killer Harry lost his damned mind seeking Vengeance for what she did to the Parker boy and Gwen tells Norman no Peter Parker was my friend and your son Harry he's also my friend Matt then tells them look I know what happened to Harry after his little run-in was Spider-Woman he came running to Daddy for help I know that Harry took the lizard mutagen and needed help but he never got any from Dad I also know that there was a recent run-in with Frank Castle and you loved Oscorp a little radioactive isotope like this one Norman asks so what do you want me to recreate spider-woman's powers and Matt last stating Cindy moon created Spider-Woman that would be like asking a house painter to recreate the Sistine Chapel you can't do it not exactly you may come in Dr Brock the doors open up at Elsa Brock walks in with a cart and Norman asks what is this are you working with Murdoch Elsa pulls back the cover stating that she's been searching for what he's asked she found a way to get his son back and that's when a little black liquid hisses as it tries to escape and Gwen asks okay what the hell is that Elsa tells her that this is the next step this is a new her Cindy moon is a genius and by unlocking the secrets of an alien spider parasite she not only created spider woman but also handed doc Connors the keys to his lizard formula with Matt Murdoch's encouragement she turned their isotope Research into a cure for Harry's condition so she theorized that the two of them might have some effect on one another perhaps burn out the lizard's regeneration Powers but to their surprise it did more much more she pours the black liquid onto a lab rat and once it's fully covered the rat hisses and begins to savagely Claw at the glass she goes on stating that the Ooze created by exposing the lizard serums syndic's radiation is a mutant cousin of agent Drew's original Alien Parasite it also grants host power similar to spider woman's though not without peculiarities the Venom absorbs the isotope to live but it also amplifies it it begins to emit its radiation it's an odd side effect for the parasite but deadly for the host and that is where Spider Woman comes in her body her blood is completely immune to Venom's radiation Venom can make you whole again Gwen shouts you are out of your minds if you think I'm going to let you infect me with some snot parasite and Matt tells her oh no not yet at least we need Harry Osborne your relationship is the best chance we have to lure ring him back home Harry's been a lizard too long advancing Beyond any existing treatment if we use the isotope to mutate his blood into Venom we can draw the parasite out of him and Gwen asks what happens after that they're going to use the toxic Turtle ooze and turn her into a freak Show and Elsa tells her no you're immune to the negative effects your relation relationship would just be symbiotic Matt then says Harry gets his own life back Norman gets his son back and Spider Woman gets her powers back and the Venom gets a new home it's win-win-win Gwen then shouts asking and what do you get Matt your own personal pet monster a freak you can but Norman stops her telling her please Harry did this because of you because he thought you were and Gwen stops and telling him no Harry did it to himself and you could have helped him you should have helped him Norman looks at her telling her please as his father help me fix this so Gwen's size damn it fine and later in magic for the hand ninjas tell Gwen that they await her orders she looks at them asking what oh no look I appreciate the lift but I'm really not gonna do the group thing as she swings through the city a man of watches stating look at that the Spider Woman herself and as the man follows there's a schnick a short while later Gwen catches up with Harry telling him to just stop he spins back knocking up bits of gravel and debris with his new mutated lizard arm and then he jumps down into the alleyway Gwen follows tackling him shouting stop damn it and the two bounce into the street but as Gwen gets back up she tells him that they need to stop running she is here to help him he catches his breath stating that he's not running from her she was followed by him Gwen looks back to see where Harry is pointing and sees a man in a cowboy hat asking okay who's that the man walks out of the Shadows dating I misjudged this for an easy Bounty you fought well honorably even but now it's time to come along peacefully Gwen tells the man that she doesn't know who he is or what business he has with Harry but the man stops her no darling don't expect that you would know my business not a lot of folks breathe and who do there's a Snickers three claws pop out of the man's Knuckles and he lunges forward swinging them at Gwen she manages to duck behind the man kicking him into a nearby guy and then runs over to Harry telling him that they got a ghost out like Swayze as Harry gets back up he sees all the ninjas following Gwen and Gwen tells him okay you're not really going to believe this but they're with me Harry Styles For a Moment stating wait you're working with the hand they've been hunting me for weeks all the ninjas on the rooftops release their arrows most of which land directly into the man's chest Gwen grabs Harry ducking through the crossfire from the ninja stating look I know this looks bad but and Harry stops her bad it doesn't get much worse than this that guy that's Logan The Immortal Mr murder hands Legend has it that he was a samurai but instead of dying in the battlefield he was revived to live out the lives of all the people that he killed he ended up in America working for shield Gwen asks so Shield has their own personal maniac and Harry says sort of Mr murder hands is Black Ops hire to help that they call in when things are too messy Gwen then says can we not call him Mr murder hands that name would be too self-fulfilling call him Wolverine I know one of those just as Gwen and Harry get away from the fight a woman jumps down from a building phasing through Gwen and Harry Harry swipes at her but the woman turns back popping a single claw out to Harry's next date and that he's so special that Shield has sent in the shadow cat Harry tells Shadow Cat to do it think this is messy I'm the lizard now you know what kind of monster will grow in my place go ahead and yells for everyone just shut up look lady Shield wants to do experiments on Harry all I want to do is cure him shadow cat tells her you are barking at the wrong tree I'm here to do a job and that's when there's a Sonic Blast and Shadow cat screams Logan walks up holding a small device telling them you know I love you kitty but this bounty is mine as Shadow Cat takes out the rest of her claws Gwen helps Harry get back up stating this is insane everyone is insane god with Logan and Shadow Cat distracted Gwen and Harry then make a break for it down an Alleyway with Harry stating just up ahead gwenden begins to explain how she can use her power-ups to draw out the lizard mutagen and then the mutagen changes into something that's supposed to fix her powers Harry begins rummaging through a tent asking where is it as a d E20 die falls out Harry frantically swipes at it and Gwen tells him we have to hurry you don't know what's at stake here Harry turns back and hands Gwen to die that they use to play Dungeons and Dragons with and he says I do I know what to stake I always have that's when the ninjas jump down telling Gwen that they can't keep the bounty hunters back for much longer they must get to the transport now Harry begins to growl and as Gwen looks at the dye she pulls her mask down stating okay one last time one last rule later after getting away from the hand and shoplifting Gwen and Harry run into an Alleyway to catch their breath Harry starts to stuff his face with whatever he can grab from the bag that they took from the store but as a rat runs by he snatches it Gwen smacks the rat out of his hand asking what the hell we're already stick out like a sore thumb do you know how not to draw attention to us we have Shield bounty hunters and Murdoch's ninjas to deal with we can't risk them catching our scent from something stupid like stolen energy drinks Harry goes back to eating from the bag stating fine more for me as Harry munches away in size as she leans up against the wall and sits down she thinks of what she should do and that's when she dumps out her bag grabbing her phone calling Matt Matt picks up from a club Stadium well well it must be early for you over there what's the matter your latest betrayal eating away your conscience Gwen says oh screw you you Harry and now just sex your little friend there unless you bring him back this is your second strike come home and we'll call this a foul ball Gwen tells him no I don't trust you Harry is safer with me so Matt then asks what does Harry think of this and Harry yells as he smashes the phone before getting ready to move out Harry says of course this is going to be a trap we have to split up go ahead and tells him yeah no Shield isn't after me and Murdoch knows that I gotta go home eventually you're gonna need a better plan if you want me to ditch you Harry then asks this cure how does it work why do I need you so Gwen explains how Cindy Moon unlocked to the genetic code of an alien spider and use it to create her powers Peter and Doc Connors then used her research to create the lizard mutagen the radiation in her power-ups is a strange effect on the lizard dna by pulling it out of the host it mutates into some sort of needy black goop but since she's immune to the radiation she is the only one who can bond with it without killing its host Harry pauses and waits you have isotopes Gwen tells him no way they have no clue what they're doing but what the hell do we do once the serum is mutated into that gloop I don't want that stuff anywhere near me maybe we can talk to Reed or Jessica and Harry shouts we can't trust anyone you can see why everyone wants my blood it's turning me into a freaking monster Gwen grabs Harry telling him to calm down she's doing everything that she can and then she stops the handed ninjas jump down attacking Harry as Gwen is pushed to the ground she realizes something there's no way to save both of them it's lizard or Spider Woman she has to choose so she pulls down her mask and just as a ninja is about to strike her Logan runs in cutting him Gwen smacks the injector getting ready to fight but a hand phases through the wall and Shadow Cat grabs are telling her she presses her Knuckles to Gwen's head telling her you're dumb enough to walk into this and Gwen shouts you have no idea what you're doing Murdoch is playing you all and Shadow Cat says oh don't you worry none precious the professionals are here be grateful we got this meanwhile back in George Stacy's holding cell he hears the cell doors unlock condenses Alexi standing there George asks what the hell is this that man tried to kill me once before I don't know what the Kingman has on you but the guard looks back and says I don't know any Kingpin I'm just doing my job just like our captain should have the guard takes off Alexi's cuff telling him make it look good not like but before the guard could finish Alexi punches him in the face he walks into the cell cracking his knuckles telling Murdoch that his tab is due back over at the first floor elevators DeWolf pushes the button to the ninth floor and asks officer Boyle where he's headed officer and Boyle says Boyle ma'am funny enough I'm headed to the ninth floor too reckon revisiting a mutual friend gonna drop off a little reading material the wolf looks at the cover and reads dad's sword and laughs stating that George loves a good fantasy boyo the Lassa says that he's never heard anyone call him George before make it sound like he's almost and to Wolf stops him human that's the best part about Captain George Stacy he's just a human like the rest of us as the doors opened a wolf and Boyles step out and see the security guard is missing DeWolf grabs her gun while boiling her start to make their way through a row of holding cells when the wolf sees Alexi she tells Boyle to get some help she'll deal with Rhino over there Alexi charges at DeWolf as she starts firing stating ha Rhino I like that nickname after knocking the wolf to the ground atomo appears telling him the job is done they must go as the smoke fills the room DeWolf gets back up running to George's cell calling out to him but when she looks back in the cell she sees George Stacy laying there on the floor back in madrapore Logan continues fighting with Harry in his full lizard form while Shadowcat holds Gwen in place to watch Gwen struggles to free herself shouting to Shadow cat can't you see the more you fight the more of a monster my friend turns into it wasn't his decision to fight Shadowcat flashes back to a time when she was younger and how she was used to help create Logan Shadowcat throws Gwen to the ground stating damn you Striker Weapon X they made me Gwen asks what are you but Shadow Cat grabs her shouting I was just a little girl I thought it was helping him I had no choice Gwen stops and tells her you do now though right so Shadow Cat pauses for a moment and then says I'll separate them but whatever I'm going to do it better be worth it Logan cuts into Harry across his chest and Harry Roars as he charges turning over a police car Logan Gets behind him jumping up swiping at his neck again and as he does he ends up phasing through with Shadow Cat telling him to stop Logan asks her what are you doing and Shadowcat pulls him away stating it's not worth it look around is all this destruction worth it Gwen gets up kicking Harry in the head stunning him asking Shadow Cat if she can face people into things she laughs asking how much of him as Gwen charges back in Shadow Cat grabs onto Harry's tale stating that she's ready Harry pulls back one of his massive arms swinging but his arm goes through Gwen and into the street with Harry locked in place Gwen grabs a handful of Isotopes holding them in front of Harry stating that she's sorry but whatever happens next it isn't his burden to carry anymore slowly the mutagen creeps through Harry through his Cuts turning into the black goo turn turning into Venom like before and as Venom grows it moves over Gwen and she tells him this is all on her now back in Manhattan the Medics rushed George Stacy into an ambulance and as they prep to leave to Wolf notices D.A Franklin Nelson watching she grabs him asking why foggy do you even know why you and Murdoch do you have any idea what you've done foreign Stacy stands over Harry Osborne's body where she waits for Venom to bond with her thinking that this will just be another thing she has to deal with a symbiote sharing her body however the Symbiote doesn't go for her and instead it lunges straight for Logan Logan pops his claws telling Shadow catch get behind me and as she swings the black goo covers his face Logan falls to his knees screaming in pain as the Venom symbiote bonds but because of Logan's healing Factor he doesn't die as the screaming stops Shadow Cat asks him if he's okay and Logan stands it back up wearing a black suit of armor stating we're feeling better than ever before the police begin to surround everyone and Gwen shouts them all to get back there's something wrong but Logan laughs nothing's wrong and he runs through slicing up the officers meanwhile back in Manhattan D.A Franklin Nelson stands outside the ICU on the phone telling Matt Murdock that he just wanted George Steve he's silenced not dead Matt tells him that George Stacy isn't dead at least not yet a coma is Club Med compared to what was waiting us if he had taken the stand as foggy Nelson goes on DeWolf looks back at him and says that he thinks that she knows Matt tells him to just make sure that the Captain's Room is heavily guarded after all Spider-Woman is still on the loose and she betrayed us as Matt hangs up he looks down at the hand at ninjas that Gwen stumped and then notices her back he reaches down picking up her portal watch is telling himself my my Gwen would lose her head if it wasn't attached back out on the streets Shadow Cat grabs onto Logan telling him that he needs to stop but Logan laughs sorry party's just getting started he pushes the Sonic disruptor stunning himself Shadow Cat and Venom he drops the device and Gwen quickly grabs it but also she sees Venom beginning to separate from Logan Shadowcat calls out to her not to turn it off but Gwen hits the button stopping it stating no we can't kill him they would both die if I didn't turn off the stun Venom begins to bond back with Logan but as he runs away Gwen says don't worry I got an idea a short distance away Logan jumps through the alleyway and Gwen swings overhead with Shadow cat as Shadow cat is yelling for him to stop Gwen releases her webs and jumps off a trolley telling Shadowcat to just stick to the plan the two tackle onto Logan and Shadow Cat uses her powers to phase into Logan and pull him out of Venom but as the three land Gwen says that that can't be good that was way too easy either way we need to get out of here Shadowcat helps Logan up and the two begin running with Gwen holding out the Sonic disrupter telling them both here goes nothing she pushes the button and then sonic waves then hit Venom sending Venom into a frenzy Gwen backs up to a wall mumbling to herself please work please work please work and Venom latches himself onto Gwen and it begins to take her over but during this Matt Murdock holds out her phone telling himself she really blew it this time she has one chance to be whole and in control again I could have told her the sound was our first weapon against that creature but just before Venom fully covers Gwen she webs her phone out of Matt's hand and she begins to play music and a few seconds later the now fully bonded Gwen falls to the ground with Matt asking how does she feel Gwen gets up and charges at him grabbing him by the neck letting the suit fade telling him I feel great he struggles to breathe asking how is she resisting and Gwen points to her earbuds telling him sound when it comes to music turns out me and Venom like the same kind of Beats and Matt lets out a laugh telling her well done triumphant at last but this isn't a game of checkers it's a game of chess you really should have picked a better eye in your little portal watch have you learned nothing being so distracted can make you lose sight of what really matters the portal then begins to open up and Gwen sees her father in the hospital she slams Matt onto the ground asking what did you do and Matt tells her it wasn't me you're the one who left dropping her phone calling to George and as she picks up his hand he doesn't respond seconds later officers kick in the door telling Gwen to freeze but Gwen turns back to them telling them you were supposed to protect him and she begins to lash out knocking one of the officers down and as the second one fires his gun he hits Gwen in the armor she walks over covering the gun and then smacks it down breaking the officer's wrist she then grabs the wolf by the throat and DeWolf says don't don't do this I can't help you like this and as Gwen loosens her grip she tosses the wolf to the ground telling her you're right you can't help him and when I find whoever did this we will hurt them later in Hell's Kitchen Gwen storms into a bar telling them I'm only going to ask once fancy Dan where is he where is the Rhino Dan laughs telling her give me a freaking break Alexi fights Spider Woman once and now thinks he's some got a super villain Gwen Slams are fists down telling them now in Dan's size you don't want to leave fine Montana throws his rope around Gwen and Gwen uses it to throw him across the bar Ox runs at her and swings but Gwen catches it and begins to crush his hand okay let's try it your way she begins to beat into the men feeling Venom slowly taking over so she runs over to the Jukebox putting a quarter into Play Music as she falls to her knees breathing heavily she lets the music bring her back and after a little while Gwen takes Dan to the roof hanging him over the street with webbing as he screams to let him go he shouts that he doesn't know anything but as Gwen plucks the wedding she says that she thought he was the big man well making an example of him make his friends a bit more Cooperative Dan screams of her to wait but before she can cut the last strand there's an explosion of smoke and ottomo calls out to her Gwen looks back and Automotive throws a matchbook of a bar called Jack's at her telling her that he brings word from Master Murdoch Alexia is no longer under their protection if it's the Rhino that she seeks she'll find him there Glenn asks are you kidding this has to be a joke do you think I'm stupid but watching this conversation from another rooftop is a scruffy Frank Castle outside of the police station an officer picks up his phone and he says that he understands the Jack's Bar you can count on us Mr Murdoch the officer grabs his shotgun and tells the other alright boy sewed up Spider-Woman is on her way over at the bar Rhino lays his head on it and Matt asks would you like another round but as he goes on to answer Gwen shouts for him telling him you owe me in blood Matt gets up from his stool stating oh would you look at that on my cue good luck Alexi Gwen shouts to Matt you aren't going anywhere and as Matt opens up a portal he asks are you really going to waste this chance to come after me use that power to punish the man who actually hurt your father Gwen looks back at Rhino and as he swings she Ducks swiping her claws cutting into Rhino's chest she then creates a thin string of webbing wrapping it around the Rhino's neck when tear gas is shot in from outside the officers storm in and Gwen says I knew this was a setup and one officer tells another keep those Sonic batons ready and keep the camera going Gwen thinks to herself is this what you really have you want don't care but before the officers could move in a large figure rushes through grabbing Gwen snapping her back to reality she gets up coughing and sees Frank Castle and as she asks what he's doing here he tells her to stand down this battle isn't with you this time it's War Frank then aims his Repulsor cannon at Rhino and fires Venom takes back over and Gwen shouts hours Rhino was ours and she lets out a horrifying scream later Gwen sits alone on a building stating that Rhino's dead he has to be she didn't mean to kill him she didn't get to kill him but she wanted to more than anything that she's ever wanted she has to get this thing out of her as hunger is beginning to set in Gwen jumps down heading into the convenience store to get something to eat when she notices the Bandit is robbing the place he grabs up all of the ice cream sandwiches and begins to run out of the store laughing with the clerk shouting that that just ain't right man Gwen follows him out and as he stops to let his latest score sink in Gwen jumps atop him man it begins to scrounge up the ice cream sandwiches begging her not to but Gwen tells them we are tired of this we are bored of your obnoxious game you are everything wrong with this world as broken as its Justice a joke that has gone on too long the Bandit gets down to his knees pleading with gwend telling her that he didn't want to say this but it was just a goof and now he could stop as the Bandit goes on Gwen looks over and sees a flyer with a picture of her on it and a written on it is have you seen our friend please call the Bandit opens his eyes as he awaits his own death his own arrest whatever monster Gwen is going to do but he doesn't see her later with Reed Reed asks you figure it out Shields encryption software is all Stark Tech and he's Reed Richards which means unlike Tony Stark he has skills so of course he figured it out he found the top secret Shield of prison where they're keeping Cindy Moon he could even disable their surveillance and use the Gateway that he built to get her there but he's going to be honest committing serious crimes just to F with Tony this whole new Teenage mutated Revenge Turtle style of hers it's borderline diabolical Gwen tells him that she knows how it looks but she isn't going to hurt Cindy she just needs Cindy 65's help Reed says right but owing a woman like her look at how the whole thing with Matt Murdoch the Kingpin turned out Gwen Psy is telling him look she can't explain why but she needs to do this it all started because of Cindy the way she looks at it it's Cindy who owes her a few moments later Gwen teleports into the prison and take takes up the guards standing in front of Cindy Moon's cell the cell door opens as Cindy who is sitting there meditating asks if that's what she calls stealth may as well have just driven a truck through the wall in the black costume so basic Cindy gets up asking so what do you want and Gwen grabs her throwing her to the ground shouting you ruined my life you know what I want to know why Cindy gets up telling her the question should be how how to beat Matt Murdock how to control that devil that you have placed on your shoulder those kinds of things it all started when I spent half my life trying to make something to recapture that moment that had passed me by and when I finally did I felt fear fear was someone with your luck will never know Gwen knocks Cindy into the wall asking luck your answer to all of this is because you are scared of what might happen Cindy tells her that's right the spider I built was my life's work what would I have done if it had failed to work or if it had succeeded those dark thoughts swirling around that doubt the anger the fear that's not the creature that's your own thoughts the Revenge that you are seeking will not set you free the more you hate Murdoch the smaller you'll become the more easily he can control you but what if you were to walk out of here today and never waste another thought on Matt Murdock just then the guards start beating on the door with Cindy sitting back down telling her you should see it now there's nothing unless Left to Fear as the guards knock the door down Gwen knocks the men out and begins to leave the room when she notices that the name Felicia Hardy is on one of those doors she looks through the window and sees Felicia sitting on her bed and she asks if it's really her she hasn't seen her since she tried to kill Matt Murdock at her concert in Madison Square Garden Reed leans down out of the portal yelling you gotta hurry I can't keep the Gateway open for much longer and Gwen tells Felicia that they need to get her out of here but Felicia lays back down on her cut telling her there's no point Murdoch is the Kingpin he holds the cards and he pulls the strings anything or anyone not in his pocket yet it's just a matter of time I took my shot at him and this is what happens when you miss elsewhere Richie Rogers the security guards in charge of watching George before his trial sits at a blackjack table waiting for the dealer to draw the dealer lays his card showing the 21 and Richie asks how I have 20. and the dealer tells him sorry just a tough night as the dealer takes his chips Richie asks him to give him another hand put it on on his tab but the bouncer tells him that he isn't good for nothing it's time to call it a night Richie Richie flashes his badge asking do you know who I am do you know what I did for the Kingpin what Murdoch owes me seconds later Richie is thrown out into the alleyway with a bouncer telling him word of advice last guy blab at about what the king Ben Odom ended up on the news talk like that again and you could join him in the obituaries but G Rogers was never much of a cop from what she could tell she was trying to find any reason to give him a pass but the more she watches jail would be good for him he's almost as hated in the bugle as she is as Richie passes out on his couch with a can of spaghetti here's a voice call out to him and feels dozens of spiders crawling on him he gets up trying to brush those spiders off but no matter what he does the spiders remain Gwen finally asks that think you could get rid of them so easily rid yourself of your sins the night you opened up Captain Stacy's cell for the Rhino must have been a thrill must have made you feel powerful and now here you are so low so sick with the realization that you will never matter again moments later Richie is strung up over the building and Gwen pulls out her claws but before she could cut the web she hears a laugh from behind and Frank Castle holds up holding his Repulsor Cannon telling her and people call me the Punisher Gwen spins back attacking him shouting you you stole it you stole the rider from us let's go ahead and fights she remembers back to what Sydney told her that Revenge will not set her free Frank stops her telling her enough you're finally free no family no one to protect no worry to hold back it's time it's time to finally take this war to Murdoch go ahead and pauses and then asks wait what have you been drinking are you asking for a team up you want a freaking team up she screams as she starts destroying everything around yelling you're the reason that this was all put into motion Frank says that he can see that she needs some time to think and he tosses her a phone she takes the phone walking back to Richie telling him it's your lucky day you're going to get the chance that Captain Stacy didn't get and that web dissolves you have two choices either you walk into the police station and confess your crime to detective Jean DeWolf or you run just know if you do run we will find you a short while later Franklin is sitting in his office with Richie calling him asking what is he supposed to do he needs help Franklin tells him he did the right thing coming to me just sit tight I'll be there shortly but before Richie could even hang up the phone several swords are stabbed into the boot and into Richie Franklin hangs up his phone hanging his head while Matt sits there quietly calmly eating an apple out in the streets Ben Parker works with MJ and the others passing out flyers of Gwen When A well-dressed man bumps into him scattering the Flyers all over the place they continue to walk telling Ben to get out of the way next time and Ben gets up grabbing the Flyers telling him that's enough he slams The Man into the wall punching the brick next to the man's head cutting up his knuckles the man pushes Ben off stating that he's crazy but Ben rubs his hand Gwen's voice tells him we know how you feel lost guilty powerless but there's no justice in this world there's nothing but anger and pain maybe we can put an end to it together she reaches out pulling back the venom mask revealing her face as everyone gets inside of the theater Gwen says The Parkers MJ and the others down and tells them everything how she used to hide herself so that people wouldn't know how she's been splitting her life into two and how she got the Venom symbiote before she felt terrified but now they don't have time for lies they don't have that luxury to do what needs to be done they need to be whole they're too angry to be scared anymore she knows that this is a lot to take in she's not even sure why they expected them to follow this or understand it she's lied to them all for so long about who she really is and what she's really done she isn't sure if they believe her trust her or even forgive her it's just that what's left of Gwen Stacy has to die she needed them to know what she did it for MJ asks her what do you mean by Gwen Stacy has to die and Gwen says to her that the only way to fight Matt would be to let go of who she was forever Ben tells Gwen that this is the price Peter paid it your father paid it and now it's your turn you alone have been given this chance to make the bastard Matt Murdock pay for what he's done to make losing Peter Parker count you've been given this power for a reason no one else this is your responsibility but as the girls argue with Ben Parker about sending Gwen off the phone that Gwen was given by Frank begins to ring she picks it up and Frank tells her that it's time time to finally take this ward of Murdoch over at Matt's office though he can hear the sounds of guns going off and screams in the hallway automo runs into the office telling Matt that they have an intruder and he responds with yes deploy the ninja if it's a war he wants then it's a war that Frank Castle will get the explosions ring out through Matt's building with Frank Castle continuing his path of Destruction asking Matt if he can't hear it I want you to hear the scream of your men a few moments later audimo rushes into Matt's office telling him that the last of their ninja has been rebuked I'll delay Frank Castle as long as possible but you must and Matt asks delay him no no I'm afraid this has gone on far too long it's time for him to step in a second later Matt's doors blow off the hinges and Frank staggers in calling out for Matt Murdock as he holds up the Repulsor Cannon Matt tells him I alone decide when it's time to cut the strings to this puppet show as Frank fires Gwen Stacy swings and grabbing Matt by his jacket pulling him out of the blast shouting to Matt you do not get off that easily you are ours Matt last as he pulls out his sword cutting the webbing telling her easy is the last thing that I want Frank fires another blast but Matt lasts as he jumps over at Frank judging by that laboring wheezing you should have gotten a Fitbit the Repulsor cannot charges back up and before the shot can go off his hand is webbed up and turned into a different direction Frank yells to Gwen asking what are you doing and go and asks what are you doing you want to punish Murdoch fine but this how many of you killed Matt pauses for a moment and then looks up at the two of them worst team up ever Frank starts charging up against shouting that she's got some Gall to call him out she's got all that power again she still plays the victim but as that blast is fired through the room it's suddenly blocked by Captain America the Smoke Clears with cap stand and they're telling them both that'll do for now Captain Castle Frank fires another concentrated blast but cap holds up her Shield of walking through it bashing Frank telling him I said to stand down cap looks back telling Gwen and Matt this is over for both of you but Matt drops to his knees asking why as I live and breathe Captain America my hair row just in time to save me from all of these but cap kicks Matt in the face telling him you can shut up now Gwen then asks cap what are you doing here and cap tells her I'm gonna need you to breathe listen to my voice I'm sorry that it took so long but I'm here now the venom mask pulls back and Gwen asks how you don't even know what Murdock has done cap grabs Gwen by the shoulder telling her I promise no swear that when we prove what Matt Murdock did he will see Justice and Gwen thinks back to all the justice that she's been seeing how the police have treated her and her father and then cracks Captain America in the head she shouts asking Justice you don't know the things that this man can do the things that he's done outright in the open he's the Kingman he owns both sides of the law cap reaches for her Shield but as she grabs it Gwen steps on it and cap says you need to stop this right now before Gwen punches her again asking what before it goes too far cap gets up and hurt and going begin to take punches hitting each other with Captain under you need to stop that that thing is making you sick you have to take control don't make me Gwen screams as Venom lashes on grabbing cap by the arm and begins to bend it as the bone snap cap tells her don't do this you can't and Gwen says again and then punches cat knocking her out Matt gets up putting his glasses on his blood is beginning to drip from his face telling her my God look at you you just punched the American flag and the face I am so proud Gwen grabs Matt by the throat though holding him over the ledge telling him you will shut up you will shut up and die Matt begins to cough up on his own blood and he says finally you see what power really is finally I'm not alone Gwen screams throwing Matt back to the floor telling you I can't I won't be like you and Matt laughs oh poor guy reaching down with all your hate strike me down in anger and you didn't even enjoy it just then the portal watch begins to beat and before Gwen realizes what is even happening a portal opens up beneath her feet everyone Fades to black as Gwen falls through space and time and when she opens up her eyes she hears a voice asking Spider-Man Gwen looks up and sees herself and then simply asks what the as Gwen is sitting at a diner staring at her cup of coffee the Gwendolyn of this world says that she's not so sure on the rules of this sort of thing but no matter where anyone is from no place makes a better pastrami than this place right here Gwen stays silent and Gwendolyn tells her okay no sandwich no Small Talk straight to it then we got off to a weird start in the alleyway and there was a lot of freaking out but uh just say you're not a clone it might sound strange but Professor Warren's whole darn genetics midterm was about cloning transgenics they call it Glenn tells herself that she should just say it she should just get out of here but then she'd have to deal with somebody else's problems and that'll just waste their time she slams her fists on the table and gets up telling her I'm sorry I I just don't have time for this Gwendolyn chases her out yelling for her to hang on just wait a second my identical twin just fell out of a hole in the sky and but Gwen pulls her arm back telling her every second that I'm here I risk everything we don't belong here as Gwen changes into her costume she swings away and Gwendolyn then asks what did she mean by we the next morning Gwen heads over to the Baxter building home of the Fantastic Four with Reed Richards looking for help she sees Reed in his lab and she begins to knock on the window but we just well continues to work she yells that she knows that he can hear her can he just but before she could get another word out an automated voice tells her a dungeon Spider-Man while we empathize with the urgency of your situation we trust that you can understand privacy is precious with that we kindly urge you to direct all contact through the proper channels Gwen stops asking what Spiderman I'm not Spider-Man and I'm right here as Gwen bangs in the window again the building's defense systems electrocute her sending her down into the dumpster below later back with Gwendolyn the two sit need a hot dog Gwendolyn says that if she understands this an alternate reality of herself just fell out of the sky and in this parallel world are we talking like same physical sciences or is it like antimatter or something like the Negative Zone Gwen takes another bite telling her don't look at me for answers I'm just a musician and my only hobby is beating on things with sticks my Fail-Safe didn't even work Jessica Drew once told me when lost in time and space find a Reed Richards except well that didn't work Gwendolyn asks who well whatever the case we need to try and find a way to get you back home meanwhile back on Earth 65 the home planet of Gwen Captain America stops by Matt's apartment and sees everything ready to move asking are you moving out or are you just moving on Matt laughs telling her I was attacked in my own home we both saw the monster spider woman has become first-hand and we both felt it or were you beaten unconscious by the time the monster escaped down the Magic hole or not cap scoffs telling him that the sting must have hurt to have Spider Woman slip through his grasp all that time all that effort that he was putting into destroying her and all it took her was 60 seconds to unravel it he got sloppy he showed his hand too early the clock is ticking what good is that hand when he's without the mask Matt looks back at cap telling her look if you're wondering where Gwen went I don't know I wasn't the one who sent her away as painful as it is for me to admit this time I'm as lost as any of you back with our two gwens in the other Universe though the pair turned to the only other person that they can get in touch with Tony Stark Tony stairs asking so uh this is a trap right clones evil robots because I'm nearly as smart as I am devilishly handsome and sinfully but twin College coets those don't show up on anyone's doorstep not even mine Gwendolyn holds up paper telling him that they've got a pretty revolutionary scientific hypothesis that they'd like to share with him it's something that could be like unearthing a treasure Trove of scientific knowledge while Gwendolyn goes on Gwen herself gets frustrated and shouts look we aren't going to beg you but if you don't have time for the biggest Discovery since the Negative Zone then we'll just find someone else who will like Reed Richards and a short while later while Hank Pym is looking over the paper he says hmm yeah yeah maybe have you showed Reed yet Tony asks what hell no but these thin spots they're brittle pieces in the membrane of the Multiverse I mean why not we've seen far crazier things Hank after a few more minutes Tony comes back telling him okay my colleague and I agree that your hypothesis is a precious Pearl but we must ask what led you to us Gwendolyn tries to come up with something but Gwen just stops her telling her I know someone who has punched a hole through about six million of those weak spots in the Multiverse they traveled across the Multiverse this way for over 75 years the science is reality Tony then asks if they're willing to prove their little Theory holds even a grain of possibility but Gwen tells him yes so Tony says good because unless they've got something native to another reality to use for calibration their thin spots are still just a wild Theory but hey he's Rich he can invest in a long shot because he says startup fun and prove the impossible later as the two are now standing in the George Washington Bridge Gwen asks this really this is the spot and Gwendolyn tells her yes the space-time membrane is the thinnest at the bottom of the bridge just below the surface of the water they can't swim there because they'll need to generate enough Force to break through that spot Gwen's size telling her that this is just too damn on the nose to be wrong let's just get it over with so Gwendolyn climbs onto Gwen's back and the two web up to the top as they look down Gwendolyn tells Gwen that no matter what happens she has to remember one thing her story didn't end here never forget how lucky you are Gwen walks to the ledge and takes a step forward so many things have happened on this bridge so many have fallen here but no one has ever jumped as Gwen Jets down towards the surface of the water the light begins to shine and then suddenly she's gone and later at the office is the Jay Jonah Jameson back on Earth 65. he asks okay so let's assume I believe you why come to me why not police Gwen interrupts I'm telling him that she can't trust the police not anymore Jonah laughs telling her of course but you trust me really Gwen tells him no she never came solely to him after Peter Parker's death he blamed her without evidence picked a side that would grab him the most headlines but he was there to start he's a part of this no matter what she wants he made sure of that and that is why she trusts him that he just can't walk away from the biggest headline that this town's even seen the truth about Spider-Woman the truth about Gwen Stacy with the publication of Gwen's story about everything out in the open Matt Murdoch sits in a dark room with monitors for all four branches of the hand one voice says that he has them worried but now not that they're alarmed but his public battle with Frank Castle and Spider Woman these theatrics put the hand at risk of exposure Matt quietly last asking what you're going to lecture me give me a list of options possibly an ultimatum and another voice asks do you really believe that we just let you walk away after all those people that died on your watch Matt stands up stating I'd be doing cartwheels while everything exploded in slow motion the first voice then says that he must listen well there's nothing for him out there he is nothing without the hand he strains up his jacket and he turns off the monitors telling himself that is correct nothing nothing to hide nothing to lose nothing to fear let the hand come for me do their worst I've seen worse later that night as Gwen is sitting in the band hall playing with the venom spiders while Mary Jane says that it's kinda strange Gwen Stacy calling for a band practice instead of missing it if that isn't plot twist she doesn't know what is Gwen tells them that she needs their help Murdock has stolen something from her a web watch it's an advice that can open up a doorway across space and time all he would have to do is press the right button if he could walk away with a fresh start somewhere else she cannot let that happen Mary Jane then asks what can they do to help and Gwen says by doing what they also do play how is it looking read and the Reed of Earth 65 gives her a thumbs up telling her that all levels are set mics are hot and ready to record ladies let's rock and roll but later across the way Matt Murdock finds himself facing down against the ninjas of the hand even though he manages to cut down every one of them he can bleed he falls to his knees getting ready to take out the sword that has been stuck in his stomach when he hears Gwen's voice telling him that it looks like it burns should she rub some salt in the wound for him Matt begins to laugh asking you're alive of course you're alive why wouldn't you be especially when all the things are burning to the ground it's like a moth to the flame Matt grips the handle of the sword ripping it out tossing it to the side telling her you really are my most greatest student I could have gone anywhere thanks to this little watch but instead I stayed to show you to teach you you could be more Gwen scos sure you think you're cursed burdened by this great power that no one is as free of you last week you were the Crime Boss this week you're a ninja your whole life is a dress-up you're so bored and empty that you have to wear other people's pain like a costume Matt listens to where Gwen's Voice is coming from and he swings but Gwen jumps back with a small device selling him we're not doing this your way no more dancing in circles as the button is pressed Matt begins to hear Gwen's band playing and he screams as he falls to his knees Gwen asks can you hear it the Mary Janes are rocking the center stage of your auditory cortex terrifying isn't it being overwhelmed drowned out Matt rolls over covering his ears shouting I will kill you if you don't turn it down I hide in plain sight tell you that lies are truth that strength is a weakness I even said that Venom feared sound it was I who planted it into your headline who dared you to test it but it was I who was wagging my fear into your face I needed thrill of being caught I was begging for someone to challenge me one presses the button to stop the music and then goes on stating the world knows the truth now so do I this is the sound of the people that I love the sound of who I am and together Venom and I have found our bond we have found a balance but for you what do we even do with you no court will convict you no prison will hold you just give me a reason a way to not end this in blood Matt leans up telling her the hand is coming but I won't I can't let not them end this now or nothing will ever stop me Gwen pulls the web watch for Matt's wrist and lets him drop to the floor telling him you picked your partners enjoy the dance later as the police surround the corn dog place that Gwen worked at Jean DeWolf says that for all it's worth she knew even in her office pool who Ed asks really cool you can pay for the corn dogs then DeWolf says that she knows her father and he'd be proud of her for doing this are you ready Gwen holds at her arms telling her that she sure hopes so and the Wolf puts cuffs on Gwen Stacy telling her you have the right to remain silent over the next several days Gwen goes in and out of court waiting to hear what she's been charged with she wanted to show everyone that people need to be held responsible for their actions herself included but really she isn't on trial for what she did she's on trial for what Spider-Woman might do her peers are deciding if they want her on their streets and with that the ruling is read the people of the Court find Gwen Stacy guilty Gwen's first day at the shield of Maximum Security Prison is rather well eventful instead of breaking in she's walking down the Halls like everyone else she sees Cindy Moon and tries to sit with her but tatanda took it upon herself to welcome Gwen personally with her fists Gwen thought about fighting it but well she didn't and Titania wasn't the only one looking for payback Diamondback as well but the one in charge of everyone oddly enough was Adrian tombs the vulture how the vulture got to running the places anyone's guess but he does know and so those days they turned to weeks and the weeks they turned to months the beatings they didn't stop and every time that gwent thought about using her powers she held back and after some time Gwen began to go along with it maybe that's what she was supposed to do show everyone that she could restrain herself doing that for so long did yield some results cap came in stayed in the shield I'd like to offer her a job one where she can freely use her powers the Venom symbiote be a part of a team be someone working with the good guys they should be allowed to leave this prison today but they won't force her the choice is hers to make Gwen thought long and hard about it and she simply said no she is here because their justice system is broken and the only way out is to show that she can be held accountable for her actions as a vigilante not many people get a second chance so when it comes time to leave she can't just rush back out and make the same mistakes she can't continue to put what led her out there into the world the next time she's going to do this the right way the days continue to come and go until it becomes day 364 23 hours and 59 minutes one year has gone by with Gwen Stacy in prison and now she can leave on her own she screams and when she looks around she finds herself in a hospital room she saws telling herself that it was just another nightmare that she's out of that place now that she doesn't need to remember something so bad just then the door opens up and a man walks and stated that he is George Stacy's doctor Dr assem Strange if he could he'd like to speak with her about her father before they send her father home she must know that he's been doing incredibly well over the last few weeks he wouldn't suggest trying out for the Knicks but then again it's not like he'd make them any worse her father was on the brink of death gripping the ledge with only his fingernails there is often a psychic cost for surviving such trauma anxiety depression deny aisle she must know that there have been some changes but the fact is her father survived and that she's going to have to adjust to him to make sure that he stays on the path of recovery if the two of them walk out Gwen looks around stating that it's and George finishes telling her it's nice it's nice and quiet Gwen last telling him that she expected a bazillion Paparazzi asking a bazillion dumb questions like what's next for the great George Stacy and George gives a little light laugh telling her actually I'm hungry how about a dollar talk when thinks for a second asking isn't that on 65th Street that's like 30 blocks we could go if I carried you and George tells her no he'll race her there only a few blocks over Gwen hangs on the street post stating this they should probably just catch a cab and George sits on the ground trying to catch his breath telling her that he's fine he just he needs to take a moment he needs to breathe can she just come down from there people are staring go and ask so let them they're going to anyway nothing against the law about me taking a walk George stares her telling her get down so Gwen stares right back and George tells her please short a while later Gwen tells George to slow down but George pulls his arm away telling her that he's fine she stops asking what is he trying trying to prove what's it the attitude and he yells at her it's because you're still keeping secrets you're still pretending I hadn't noticed your pet spiders have been in my shoes and Pockets do you think that I've become some kind of child that needs protection it's not your job to protect me Gwen so the two stop and they sit on the curb and George asks what happened to our lives how did things end up like this is it my fault the things I've said the things I've taught you how is it fair what did you do to deserve any of this Gwen sits down and asks what was that line in that Western you really liked deserves got nothing to do with it maybe we aren't the heroes that we thought we were if we still hope to be we can move forward George then says that she knows how all of this works no matter how hard she tries to do better try not to fight someone will come looking to fight her Gwen tells him yeah they will and maybe they'll even find it but if the only way that I can help is with my fists that I've already lost I have to try this a different way I have to know that I tried George nods and tells her that she's right he won't waste this chance of being a hypocrite he's got her back just keep those damn spiders out of his shoes he can protect himself now can we please eat I've given you the steering wheel clearly I've gone insane Gwen takes out her phone and tells him sure just let her get a and George stops and tells her no no car let's get out of here your way so later at Dollar dog Sirens can be heard in the distance and as the two listen George says that his fire sirens not police Gwen pauses for a moment and says oh a George smile's telling her just go I love you Gwen jumps up and hugs your father telling him that she loves him too and goodbye everyone George watches as Gwen swings off and looks at the spider on his hand stating that she always wanted a dog a few blocks over the fire rages through a building as one of the firemen assists helping another one up the wall command radios in that they have to leave but the firemen tell them that there's nothing that anyone can do but there's still someone trapped inside and the fireman continues to pull the Rope as he coughs just as a second fireman gets close to the legend in the line snaps the man scrambles running calling out for his partner and just then through the window he could see something the Smoke Clears and in front of him is a hooded woman holding his partner the man asks who is she she pulls back her Hood telling him that she's always wanted to say this but her she's spider-gwen and there's another full story right here at the comic story and full story Channel this is a channel where we just re-upload some of our underperforming ones from the other channel to appease the algorithm and see if we have a channel that only does full stories how that would affect things I hope you guys enjoyed it but don't forget you can get up-to-date brand new videos by joining the main Channel comicstorium thank you and I'll see you next time
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Id: 0KEsZWPhi6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 27sec (9387 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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