DCeased Years 1 to 4 - Full Story | Comicstorian

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today on the comic story in the full story we're going to be covering the four parts of deceased that exist as of today this is the comic story in general where i take some of your favorite trade paperbacks and single issues and i break them down into digestible bites i give you a synopsis of what's going on in the world of comic books so you understand the story lines and are able to keep up you can still go out and buy the book for more context or you can get the next chapters of the series to understand what is going on in that particular series all alterations to the panel sex and images are to prevent copyright problems and all art is owned by its respective companies today we're going to be doing the four existing parts of the deceased storyline now this is the storyline in which the superheroes of dc universe get turned into zombie-like creatures with their own super powers the series currently consists of deceased one deceased hope at world's end deceased unkillables and deceased two which does leave us on a cliffhanger but as of the time of recording this we have no more so i hope you guys enjoy let's get into this massive full story of like three years of content right here at this channel thunder echoes as blow after blue falls on darkseid's face the final punch breaking his jaw and the kryptonian steps back wonder woman tightens her hold on the lasso of truth which finds itself wrapped around darkseid's throat the invasion lasted a week but the entirety of the justice league mobilized to stop it you will leave earth now darkseid superman tells the god glaring at him and batman steps forward you will not return to our world say it wonder woman snarls tightening or hold the lasso compels you darkseid stands as wounds seemingly having no effect on him he tugs free of the lasso turning to an opening to boom to i will not return for i have no need the truth is i have what i came for the cosmic being tells them as he steps through the portal disappearing the team straightens up danger having left their miss you know i thought that was going really well up until that ominous last sentence greener equips slackening the arrow on his bow string when suddenly a device on batman's utility belt begins to chime bringing everyone's attention to him cyborg's missing he states simply he's not a metropolis he's not on earth the group doesn't understand how batman would know that but he simply tells them that he has a tracker monitoring cyborg's every movement he's a walking weapon with apocalypse technology running through his body and brain which we've barely scratched the surface of understanding it would be irresponsible to let that kind of unknown power move freely the team all stare at batman until superman finally asks the question did vic know you were tracking him batman's silence his answer enough and anger courses through the flash as he's subtly whirling around asking questions do you have a tracker on superman he finally asks no sighs of exasperation phil the team anyone concerned about the slight pause there green arrow asks the team puts aside the question of the morality of batman's decision for a moment they need to find vic on apocalypse dusaid finishes pushing the final stake through cyborg's limbs pinning him to a table like an insect he smiles a toothy grin questioning vic on whether he knows of the anti-life equation he smiles explaining that it is the end of all free will that whoever controls the anti-life equation will dominate all sentient races dusain continues to preach ignoring cyborg sarcastic comments when finally he tells vic that darkseid has found the final half of the anti-life equation in you the god states as he steps out of the shadows cyborg stares at a massive villain raising one eyebrow were you waiting in the corridor to make a good entrance he asks with a slight smile the dark ruler stares at him for a moment before ordering dusade to take his tongue with a cackle of glee the torturer sets about his grim task darkseid that asks to say if he's ready to begin and the evil minion informs him that if cyborg is killed by the merging process the anti-life equation will be lost darkseid nods we must control victor stone's end he states pulling free his mother box i will summon death summoned the black racer suddenly appears in the room with darkseid reaching out grasping the deity by the throat i have need of you he growls dusaid moves forward using his technology to steal a piece of death the energy merging with victor stone he begins to chant the anti-life equation but the use of death corrupts that which is already corrupted in nature darkseid can subtly feel it scratching at the inside of his mind and he screams his fingers clawing at his face dusaid looks on in fear and the black racer watches with the passivity of the death it is time for god to die he intones hollowly to say turns while immune to the disease he knows that he must send cyborg away before all of apocalypse falls to this the boom tube opens and suddenly the hero is gone but it was too late darkseid lashes out and the black racer falls he leaves upward destroying the city in his wake and finally he falls into one of the fiery pits plummeting to the very core of apocalypse itself the planet shudders before it explodes killing all of those that call apocalypse it's home on earth the tube opens and victor falls into the streets of metropolis he can feel the disease course through him and he tries to wall it off yet he is not quick enough his bloody mouth with no tongue opens to warn those around him some try to help while others are merely taking pictures in their ever-present smartphones merging with victor though the equation has become digital leaping quickly into the internet from there it infects all of those that it comes in contact with those that surround vic suddenly become frightened their fingers clawing at the flesh of their own bodies as they try to scratch free of the disease that has overtaken them but the fear disappears and the infection spreads victor watches as the frightened turn to rage and they begin to lash out at those around them meanwhile in the home of scot-free and big barta superman questions his allies about whether they can help him save victor mid-conversation though he stops his super hearing picking up the disturbance in the city did you hear that he asks before leaping through the window superman looks below the city the world is screaming the people fight did they kill below him blood flowing from their eyes their ears their mouth fear fills superman's eyes as he turns towards home john lois in their apartment lois is looking for her phone when jon and damian play a video game damien where is it john asks looking away from the screen you have x-ray vision damien responds that's actually a good point he finds the phone on the other side of the room and he begins to reach out for it but a blast of superman's heat vision takes it out and the man of steel turns blasting the tv as well don't look at the screens he orders them no screens but in the batcave batman finishes firewalling the bat cave and he orders the computer to swing to the analog cameras that are positioned around gotham he watches as his city tears itself apart the people are barely human anymore attacking those that are left the bat computer runs projections 600 billion are infected worldwide with the virus spreading to the rest of the internet in a matter of days has the connection been disabled in the house he suddenly asks and the computer voice informs him that it has not fear takes over batman as he suddenly lurches from his chair ordering the computer to activate the emp in the manor upstairs the house goes dark at their apartment lois and clark look out on the city in chaos i need to assemble the league clark tells her look out there who knows what's left of the league she tells him damian looks down at the radio in his hand unable to reach his father the radio is so always supposed to work superman continues to look out on the city and he tells damian that batman will have contingencies in place he'll do anything to reach damien i've learned to never underestimate your father he tells him but at the manor batman moves quietly through the darkened house calling out to his family and finally hearing alfred yelling for him from the kitchen he rushes through the darkness and he explodes into the room discovering alfred trying to hold the infected nightwing at bay with a knife the zombie rushes forward with bruce managing to knock him aside feebly he tries to reason with dick but the young man is no longer there tim comes in from behind biting hard under batman's arm alfred run bruce screams as the boys that he raised begin to bite into him their hands clawing at his flesh run the first days of the outbreak saw the people of the world isolated from one another in the middle of the north atlantic a ship dips in the waters gently pushed by the waves of the ocean and behind it a trail of shipping containers dip below the water pulling himself over the side aquaman moves along the deck hello is anyone here he calls out and silence is his answer as he passes one of the bulkheads a strange noise reaches his ears it's all right he calls out reaching for the handle pulling the door open help is here but the creatures they all turn their eyes drawn by the sound and the movement of the door opening aquaman can't help it he stares in surprise at the hold full of the dead they rush him and the hero falls back as their bloody claws reach for his flesh aquaman is pushed back tumbling over the side of the ship as the dead attack him they drift beneath the waves until the waters are clouded but back in metropolis john aka superboy and damien aka robin stare out into the destruction of the world that they have known the city is bright in the distance a lit with dozens of fires damien batman will be okay john tells his friend i'm not worried john why not i'm like 70 sure this is armageddon john tells him glancing briefly at his stoic friend i'm not worried john behind them lois puts down the phone telling clark that her parents are okay and they're headed into the bunker superman nods telling her that he needs to get to smallville but not before he knows that they are all safe the planet head to the daily planet lois tells him with a determined look on her face meanwhile over in gotham city i want to state for the record that i think this is a terrible idea harley tells poison ivy readying her bat the two stand outside a plane door in the back alley of gotham what record harley nods to the question turning and heading away offering to go ahead and make an official record but ivy stops her vines growing from the earth wrapping around her leg should you be using the green like that harley asks ivy nods and smiles letting harley know that the vines actually enjoy crushing people right well i'll never sleep in the same room as a houseplant again ivy steers harley towards the door again giving her a kiss on the cheek and tells her that she is strong enough to do this i'll be waiting by the botanical gardens face your monster she tells her the door swings open to a dark room with weapons lining against it mr j harley calls out in the quiet the faint flicker of tv screens reach harley's eyes and she crosses the room finding the joker sitting in front of a row of screens i've been thinking and i know you don't like it when i do that she begins i'm here to say our life is over she tells him the joker begins to turn his eyes crazed his face covered in blood and outside of metropolis i hate camping i don't know how you two talked me into this hal tells oliver and dinah as he holds a marshmallow over the fire near the tents the three friends are chatting around the fire away from all the screens with dinah telling hal that they just saved the world from an invasion by dark side they deserve a night away from everything eventually hal walks away from the group letting them know that he's going to go turn him he's on his phone dyna notes seeing the gentle glow of the screen through the tent so much for getting away from it all oliver agrees and suddenly the pair are greeted by strange noises coming out of hal's tent the campsite is torn apart as the green hard light constructs erupt outward throwing oliver and dinah away hal oliver questions from the grass the pair can only look stunned as the green lantern stares at them his eyes filled with the look of murder hal jordan of sector 2814 lethal force is not authorized the ring begins to chime oliver realizes what this means and he yells for dinah to move diving away as the green tendrils subtly shoot out of the ground destroying the spot that they were just at one of the tendrils nick's dinah and oliver doesn't hesitate he fires his boxing glove error to try and stun hal the trick arrow seems to have no effect in how being is to float over to dinah oliver nods drawing a deadly arrow next jordan i don't know what's going on with you man but the next thing coming at your face isn't a punch suddenly the massive green teeth are launched at oliver and fear shines in the hero's eyes dinah screams with her canary cry knocking jordan away breaking his concentration but back in the city superman and his family land on the rooftop of the daily planet lois moves to the doors knowing that they need to get inside so that they can start linking up with survivors and broadcasting a warning to the world but clark stops her scanning the floors below them with his x-ray vision the whole building is swarming with monsters people we know lowest questions clark bows his head into sadness as he answers yes suddenly he turns and he begins to float into the air before turning back to his family john do not let anything through that door before i return i heard something back in the forest dyna stands over the body of hal jordan oliver behind him a former hero laying still green lantern of 2814 is deceased the ring begins to chime sliding off of hal's finger scanning for replacement briefly the ring turns before finally hovering in front of dinah lance dine a lance of earth you have the ability to overcome great fear welcome to the green lantern corps the forest is filled with a bright green light as dinah is suddenly turned into atlanta whoa oliver gasps was stunned but dinah looks down at herself she doesn't want this take it clark tells her as he hovers into view we're going to need it the three heroes quickly make their way to the daily planet we made contact lois tells clark as the three heroes come in damien holds up as a radio it's batman the dark knight quickly begins to tell the group that these creatures are not zombies they're consumed by hunger they're not feeding they're spreading death he tells them they're stealing life these are the anti-living the trigger is an equation i always knew that math would do us all oliver nods but batman doesn't have a lot of time we see him standing in the bat cave clad in one of mr frieza's suits in order to slow down his infection behind him alfred stands ready shotgun in hand bruce clark responds sadness in his voice as he realizes what his friend is saying but batman tells him there's no time for sentiment the virus is the technological and biological hybrid to save the world you're going to have to destroy any human carriers and take down the internet oliver nods again i always expected we'd have to destroy the internet to save the world i just didn't know it'd be like this bruce there must be something we can do for you dinah asks but batman tells them there isn't anything damien alfred has something for you it's something that i've always wanted to give you something i know that you would have earned one day batman says sadness in his voice i'm sorry that i won't see you but the words are choked off and damien stares at the radio in his hand father dad in the bat cave alfred watches as batman begins to convulse his hand reaching up clawing at the helmet of the mr free suit it shatters spilling glass around the computer batman turns a crazed look filling his eyes as he stares at his butler computer seized transmission alfred orders racking the shotgun i'm sorry my son alfred tells bruce as the aims of the weapon that day the cave was filled with the sound of gunfire after alfred was forced to put down an infected batman with a shotgun he stands in the bat cave staring down at the bodies of the three men that he thought of as his sons my voice he untoned softly i'm sorry i couldn't save you he whispers though they can no longer hear him alfred hangs his head taking the steel case that bruce entrusted him with and he turns to climb aboard the batwing the plane streaks across the sky flying high over the undead teeming streets of gotham city alfred reaches for the controls his eyes determine now and with a click he releases the bombs something that bruce would never have used on living targets but the people of gotham they're no longer alive the bombs fall exploding in the streets below sending the once human population flying limbs are ripping free in the destruction and harley runs as the building behind her explodes rounding the corner and finding a survivor trying to defend himself his shotgun goes flying as the monsters swarm him she doesn't hesitate she grabs her weapon and racks the flesh round in back off i mean it she yells in the monster that was once the joker careens down the alleyway towards her his hands reaching out she turns jamming the barrel into the joker's stomach mr j you are never any good for me she snarls pulling the trigger the shotgun kicks in her hand and the blast cuts the joker apart his body falling to the ground and harley quinn staring shocked my god that was the most cathartic thing ever she yells in triumph and she turns striding down the alleyway but she stops when she sees two heroes dropped to the ground in front of her oh come on the zombie birds of prey she groans as huntress batgirl bat woman and catwoman land their eyes blank their bodies covered in blood harley nods as the creatures reach towards her racking the shotgun once again really okay she sighs i guess we're going bird hunting but on the rooftop of the daily planet damien sits against the wall with jon coming over to talk to his friend but the young boy isn't in the mood so jon just sits with us right is the kid gonna be all right oliver asks and superman nods as he looks at the two young boys damien is his father's son he'll find a way to bury it and keep on going but he just lost his dad finally clark turns to lois telling her i have to go home i'll secure the building first dinah steps forward asking superman if he needs any help but clark just shakes his head thanks dina but i'll manage in a blur he's gone moving through the building at super speed he grabs the infected pulling them out of the building and dropping them into the streets after the last of the infected are deposited outside he flies upwards ripping free the daily planet's globe dropping it in front of the exit landing on the rooftop he gives his family one last hug before he goes with damian watching from his seat ollie dinah please keep my family safe clark asks his friends as he takes to the air of course dinah tells him the newest green lantern deep below the ocean the tide swirls against the ancient city of atlantis concentrate garth mara hisses you can do this you can push against the tides and if you can't maybe you should rethink the name tempest she tells him from now on your new superhero name is going to be mild weather event but the ocean around them grows darker and the two atlanteans look up it's not the setting sun that darkens their day it's the water itself blood is clouding the water around them as aquaman turned into one of the infected hordes fights through the warriors of atlantis the blood seeps down filling the lungs of tempest with mera trying to warn him but it's too late and garth suddenly roars as his brain is altered by the infected blood his fingers begin to tear at the flesh of his face as mara watches in horror the infected rush towards her as she looks on with fear in her eyes and as she begins to swirl the waters using her power she screams out you will not take me she flees as all of atlantis is consumed by the blood around her but back with superman he flies towards smallville he can't help but stop and aid the survivors that he passed along the way his breath saved a couple from the horde and he later lifted up a school bus to safety along the way he also found black lightning in his family fighting an infected clay face the villain fell quickly though and superman told the hero to head towards the daily planet finally he arrives at his family farm he arrives home martha stands in the yard shovel in hand as she stares at the barn door where's pa he asks and his mother motions quietly to the barn before telling him he's inside gently clark opens the door stepping inside of the cool building and beneath his feet he can hear his father banging on the hatch to the root cellar he reaches down snapping the lock without any effort and then he opens the door to reveal his father crazed covered in blood the man who raised him reaches for him thirsty for death and destruction clark takes his arms sadness filling his face as he forces his father back into the cellar and he shuts the door his heat vision cuts through the door quickly he steps back outside his mother's standing there in tears crying it's time to go he tells her but she shakes her head we can't leave this is our home your father she begins to cry as clark lifts her in his arms he isn't here ma he tells her as they leave the place that he grew up he isn't here the streets of washington dc are bright with fire and destruction deep below the earth captain adams stands in the cadmus headquarters looking at the dead body of an infected woman any word amanda waller asks behind him adam shakes his head telling her that ray palmer is still inside of the woman trying to figure out a way to destabilize the virus from the inside but waller just shakes her head they've activated a plague protocol c satellite imagery has isolated the worst infected areas and we need you to start exercising the infection she tells him i'm sorry captain adam flies over the city streets using his powers of radiation to burn the infection away his blast cuts through the creatures that line the streets but suddenly his eyes go wide amanda something's inside me within captain adam's body the infected ray palmer continues to attack his bloodstream his eyes are crazed and his hands attack anything that gets close outside captain adam screams as the infection attacks from within meanwhile back at the daily planet clark finally arrives with his mother for a brief moment john is happy asking about his grandfather but martha only begins to cry and lois moves in to comfort her briefly the family comes together in their grief embracing one another but afterwards lois explains that they're almost ready to start broadcasting to any survivors i can't stop i have to get back out there superman tells her in the group but oliver puts his hand on the man of steel's shoulder we talked about it you can't superman i understand that restraining you with my hand is entirely symbolic and i know that you can walk straight through me diana steps forward telling clark it's too dangerous for you to be out there if you saw a scream i won't clark scherzer i've been using my x-ray vision from the nanosecond that i worked out what was causing this he tells her diana finally nods letting clark know that she's just gonna come with him lois steps up finally broadcasting to as much of the world as they can reach this is lois lane of the daily planet i know the world looks like a nightmare if you can hear me i know you're scared but you are not alone around the world survivors huddle in the dark rooms pulling closer their radios heroes who weren't sure if they were the last ones feel a measure of hope villains who once planned to rule the world pause the death and destruction before them we are regrouping the justice league is gathering in metropolis anyone with power or means to confront this please come to the daily planet roof if it is safe and if you are capable of doing so meanwhile on amazon island mara stands before queen hippolyta having actually survived my city is gone my people are gone i didn't know where else to go she tells her hippolyta steps forward reaching out at arm to the proud queen of atlantis you are welcome in thamascara behind them wonder woman stands listening to lois message and finally she turns to her mother as she questions where she's going metropolis lois continues her message as superman and black canary search for the heroes that might be able to give them more time i've seen them clarkdales are using his ability to find wally west and barry allen he rips off the door to their bunker but barry looks at him in fear we can't leave superman batman told us what to do if either one of us becomes infected it would spell disaster i can move you safely dinah tells them barry looks at her in surprise you're a green lantern now back in gotham harley stops and turns firing the shotgun down the alleyway the spread rips through the zombie birds of prey but it doesn't stop them she racks another shell squeezing the trigger but the weapon clicks empty ah nuts she whispers but the birds are subtly thrown aside as vines wrap around them and poison ivy steps forward her vines crushing the zombies now that was pretty romantic harley tells her taking her hand crushing the undead is romantic the two head off into the city leaving the undead behind them come the green will protect us ivy tells her and on the rooftop of the daily planet lois begins her message once again but jon stops her as he hears something it sounds like thunder he whispers it sounds like impending doom oliver tells them trust me i've been doing this for a long time i have a finely tuned ear for the impending everyone's eyes grow big as giganta pulls her way up the building the giant zombie reaching for the heroes black lightning and green arrow opened fire yelling for the others to push her back when suddenly missiles sail out of nowhere exploding against the giant creature damien looks on shocked as the batwing sails in but giganta reaches out snagging the plane out of the sky it begins to spiral and crash but dinah reaches out plucking it from the sky with a giant green hand superman take her down she screams the mana still doesn't even slow barreling into the giant knocking her to the ground superman move wonder woman orders that she flies in her sword gleaming and ready to strike but clark catches her stopping the attack are you serious clark that is an undead giant i'm not giving it time to get back up but clark tries to reason without letting her know that there is still hope for saving everyone when suddenly giganta explodes into a shower of blood and guts cyborg stands there his hand cannon smoking from the shot that blew a hole in the giant zombie's head she wasn't alive he tells them and superman looks at him shunt none of them are we need to talk up on the rooftop dinah gently lowers the batwing with damian running over yelling for his father but that cockpit raises and it reveals alfred damien i'm sorry my son he tells the boy sadness in his eyes alfred lowers the case opening it to the boy and inside there's a bat suit and batman gear awaiting its air he said you were worthy of it that he was proud of you and that he should have told you that every day tears begin to fill the eyes of damian as he closes the distance between him and alfred the two embrace on the rooftop special lenses are given to wally and barry to protect their eyes from accidentally looking at any screens but cyborg is there now trying to explain that these creatures aren't zombies hey man the groan's like a zombie and shuffles like a zombie oliver starts but cyborg explains that the creatures are a blight an extension of the anti-life equation the blighted ones want to spread death nothing more he tells them oliver calls out to haunt girl who subtly drops out of the sky from above them her wings blackened and singed wonder woman grabs her asking what happened captain adam she tries to tell them he turned and he's going to blow in dc captain adam continues to pulse with power superman and wonder woman speed forward trying to stop him they reach out snagging the former hero in their arms superman hold him wonder woman screams as the radiation hits them both but the hero suddenly erupts the blast catching them both and it begins to spread outward destroying everything in its path the survivors in the daily planet watch as the blast radius crawls towards them black lightning reaching for his family pulling them close close your eyes he tells them hold on to me and the light fills their world until that is all there is superman and wonder woman float over the remains of washington dc the city scorched the smoking landscape below them metropolis superman whispers and the two take off at top speed the city passes beneath them destroyed by the dying blast of captain adam when they arrive in the city though they find the remains of the daily planet floating in a bright green ball clark reaches out and within the orbit lois presses her hand against her husbands suddenly from below a voice calls out reaching superman's ears superman lex calls the man of steel floats down to his greatest enemy his eyes burning with anger lex by rao of you so much as he snarls but lex holds up his hands offering a truce with his former enemy i'm not here to lex begins but he can't finish as he falls to his knees look what happened to our city tears in his eyes days pass in the heroes work to stop the spread with flash taking out the internet speeding around the globe destroying all of the servers in space diana works to take out every major broadcasting device her sword destroying the floating satellites next she heads the femascara where she convinces her mother to open up the island to the survivors of the world we're supposed to be their protectors it is time that we offered protection here she tells them with her agreement superman wonder woman and mara used their powers to lift more of the sea floor creating more land mass on amazon island in gotham the jungle grew around the city walling it off against the infection dinah damian and oliver arrive hoping to convince poison ivy to accept more refugees in her jungle safe haven let me do the talking damian tells him clad in his bat suit are you sure you're not exactly a people person oliver asks avi's not exactly people suddenly there's a roar behind them and the creature that was once killed the croc leaps from the bushes arrows and batarangs fly but it is the vines that pierce his flesh which finally end the monster the vines of encircle the heroes but damien orders his friends not to hurt the plants good call batboy harley smiles as the gate opens to reveal her and poison ivy why are you here why is robin dressed as a tiny batman ivy asks pulling damien closer batman's gone he tells her the two villains look surprised and even ivy turns a sad eye to the boy i'm sorry she tells him once they are freed damien asks the villain that they be allowed to bring the survivors to her jungle to be protected from the plague harley smiles admitting that she has been trying to convince ivy to do just that but poison ivy crosses her arms sighing there will be rules elsewhere cyborg and luther were able to set up closed communications setting the fortress of solitude as a new information hub and the remaining heroes of earth gather there this is quite impressive victor luther admits why have we never worked together before you kept trying to kill me and my friends cyborg tells him sure but in my defense that was before i realized you could be useful green arrow joins the duo asking what they are working on as cyborg leans over his blueprints the two look up telling him that they are plans for arcs each arc can hold seven million people lex tells superman as the hero joins them but superman just looks at him sternly we're not leaving superman i am the most intelligent person on the planet black suddenly stops and looks over his shoulder at cyborg wait batman is dead yes yes cyborg nods right then i am the most intelligent person on the planet and i'm telling you the world is over if the human race is going to survive we have to leave the earth anger fills superman's voice and he tells him we are not leaving the earth if we can help it like suddenly smiles realizing what this means losing two homeworlds in one lifetime how careless but lois is there her fist cracking the villain across the jaw open your mouth against my husband again and i will smash it closed understood she stomps away turning to see jon and damian smiling at her uh violence is not the answer john she tells him and the boy of steel looks at his friend and he smiles looked like a pretty good answer to me weeks pass and survivors are brought to gotham and themscare construction of the arks also begins with the heroes of mourning those that were lost but as time passes in the fortress the heroes begin to twitch as buzzing fills their ears the buzz erupts into a scream and some of them begin to fall to the ground when suddenly lex is cut in half his body falling to the floor to spray him flash whirls around trying to see their attacker martian manhunter suddenly appears slashing him across the back drawing blood quickly the heroes try to defend themselves but it is firestorm whose voice can be heard move he orders as the flames around him flare up and the blast shoots across the room cutting through the manhunter the monster dies melting in an amorphous pile but wally suddenly turns barry where did barry go where is the flash superman looks outward using his supervision he's running he tells him and while he nods preparing to sprint after him but clark stops him turning with a look of determination in his eyes i'll go do you think you can even catch him oliver asks no the flash now infected is running through the world at super speed infecting those that have managed to survive in orbit superman looks down at the world below still despite the death and destruction that now spreads across it he asks over the comms he is promise me i promise superman superman nods and begins to fly picking up speed as he goes over the calm cyborg asks how the man of steel intends to catch the fastest man alive but clark just tells him i don't have to i just need to fly in the opposite direction and meet him head on sadness fills the man of steel as he smashes through the flash sending bones blood and flesh scattering destroying him in one second he turns looking back on the mist that was his friend only moments ago barry i'm so sorry but then he stops and he looks down and he realizes the flash's bones and fingers had pierced his skin even now the man of steel our one beacon of hope can feel the infection taking over he moves fast crossing the world in seconds returning to the fortress and he stops telling wally that he's sorry for what happened to barry he asks him if he can connect him to the speed force so wally nod seeing that superman doesn't have very long and superman goes to his family ma thank you for finding me for raising me for teaching me for giving me your name your values and your empathy he tells martha and he hugs her bring her in close my world ended in you and paw give me another one next she turns to lois's wife tears filling her eyes as he pulls her clothes i don't know how i got so lucky i crossed an ocean of stars and somehow i found you thank you for choosing me he tells her finally he turns to his son who's already crying i know things look dark but you are the light you are the hope you are gonna change the universe i know it he tells his son no pressure he smiles us tears spill out of his eyes i've seen so much of the universe and you're the best thing in it john with those final words superman rockets out of the fortress and into space and as he clears the atmosphere he looks into the cold void of space and suddenly stops his eyes go wide he took too long the blight subtly takes him and he roars in anger in space and suddenly his eyes burn with heat and he turns back to the earth no longer our beacon of hope but now the beacon of our nightmares he is faster than a speeding bullet more powerful than a locomotive able to leap tall buildings in a single ballot and as cold rain falls on what is left of new york city the people look up and they smile for superman always inspired home but their smiles of hope soon turn to stunned looks of fear as the man of steel plummets towards the earth the people can't see his crazed eyes or the blood leaking out of his ears they hear the guttural screams of a rage he smashes earthward hard destroying the world's largest residential building with an earth-shattering quake that wipes out most of new york in seconds the end has begun in the fortress of solitude the remaining heroes have gathered around cyborg if superman is turned it's over it's just over the ark's ready if we leave earth now he tells them but lois shakes her head superman can take down both arcs in a heartbeat we have to take him on wonder woman agrees and it is black lightning who questions how they can stop the most powerful being on the planet with this damian tells him holding up a small case from his utility belts with superman's symbol on it batman left a takedown plan for every major hero damian explains and green arrow steps forward mildly amused of course he did batman doesn't even have to be alive to scheme against us all damian pauses for a moment actually he didn't have one for you oliver stopped short shocked that bruce didn't even think that he was dangerous you're hurt because batman didn't have a post-mortem machiavellian plan to end you donna asks well yeah i could be a planetary threat if i wanted to be arrow tells her crossing his arms pouting just a little of course you could dear damien removes the container showing the kryptonite to the group within are also a set of schematics that cyborg can use to create a kryptonite gas that will slow down superman that's not enough wonder woman state stepping forward bruce was a lot of things but he was never lethal it was admirable but we can't hold back now she tells the group dinah steps forward asking if she has a plan of course you think batman is the only one with enough sense to plot against his friends she turns ordering dinah and cyborg to follow her while the others go and begin to load the arks the three heroes move through the fortress of solitude and deep within they find superman's forge where wonder woman begins to create her hammer rings through the icy fortress as she forges a weapon that could kill a god from beyond the stars and while she works she explains that clark is most vulnerable to kryptonite and magic and that she and her mother believed that they could combine the two are you sure that it'll work dinah asks watching as the warrior combines her sword with the kryptonite this is the sword of athena athena was a war goddess we fight of everything she tells them the hammer ringing she was the goddess of craft we have fused mythology with an element from a world that no longer exists the blade dips into the icy waters cooling and sizzling the wonder woman holds it before her last she was the goddess of mathematics we are fighting an equation this is not a coincidence i believe we hold fate in our hands with their work done the three heroes fly to try and save the last people of their worlds in gotham the last civilians are loaded onto the ark with damian turning to wally telling him that it's time to go but ivy steps forward shaking her head i am not abandoning the green she tells him and harley is at her side smiling and i'm not abandoning her minutes go by and the two watch hand in hand as the ark leaves them behind and themscara green arrow calls are the last of the survivors to get on board and as they wait queen hippolyta and queen mara are interrupted as one of the amazons points to the strange storm rolling from the sea briefly mara stares and stunned fear before speaking to the queen of the amazons move the evacuation to high ground ready your warriors around the ark and the refugees is it a storm ebola to asks no it is a tempest the waters suddenly churn and break as mighty tentacled beasts rise out of the ocean depths the creature roars into the storm and hundreds of atlanteans taken by the anti-life equation boil out of the sea the kraken mara hisses from the creature's back aquaman appears with his own aurora of rage and pain mixing with an army of undead the one that he commands his cries are cut off as an era pierces his eye though dead he plummets from the monsters back and into the ocean below and batman didn't think i could be dangerous green arrow whispers his bow in hand just fired an arrow half a mile and raging winds into the brain of the undead king of the sea while he's controlling a damned kraken screw you batman hippolyta orders her warriors to assemble as samara tries to hold off the rest of the undead horde with her water magic the two queens stand side by side trying to hold off the tide of the dead but they are not alone without fear the amazons of them ascera crash into the dead of the deep and in new york superman roars his heat vision flashing out destroying all that is around him he wasn't that hard to find dinah notes as they fly over the ruins of the city cyborg confirms that no one is alive and die in a nods then i don't have to hold back she says creating a megaphone with her ring to amplify her canary cry the piercing shriek shakes the ground around them and the shock waves crash into the man of steel who falls to his knees but over in thai mascara the amazons continue their battle their blades hacking into the undead atlanteans fists and feet lash out and arrows find their targets as the brave warriors try to hold back the tide but they begin to fall with every bite and scratch the virus is transmitted and another warrior joins the ranks of the undead green arrow keeps firing holding the doors the last of the refugees gets on board he yells for mera telling the queen that they need to leave and her fist punches through another undead amazons she shouts back but oliver motions to the vast army of the undead that fight below them mera there's no extracting them from that he tells her sadness in his voice on the beach apollo to fists throw more atlanteans aside as she orders wonder girl to retreat the queen knows that she won't be leaving this beach and in a brief moment she hands her crown to the young girl tell my daughter that the promise of them ascera is hers to honor now the young girl nods flying from the battle to join the ark and on the beach below the battle rages on the amazon stayed so the millions could flee and eventually they fell they fell fighting paradise held off oblivion and in new york superman has begun his battle with the canary cry slowly gaining ground on dinah her radio crackles and oliver tells her that the arcs are away dinah can't hold out her cry and superman charges smashing against the green shield that she has thrown up cyborg fires a shot hoping to hold the man of steel off but superman's grasp begins to crack the shield suddenly diana is there her kryptonite lace sword slicing through the arm of superman she rears back stabbing into his chest and the man of steel roars in pain with his fist punching through her stomach dinah screams as wonder woman falls to the earth and cyborg watches as superman rockets into the sky chasing after the arks the two heroes gather around diana on the ground blood coughing through her lips he's seen the arcs she tells the her word strained you have to stop him she tells dinah handing her the sword green canary stares down at the weapon in her hands before finally turning to vic it's okay i'll stay with her he tells his friend and dinah tries to tell him that he can't stay but vic shakes his head the virus started with me dinah i was never coming with you in space john and damian stand at the viewport looking down at the earth below them he's coming my dad john tells his friend and the two friends look panicked at each other can you do anything damian asks look after my mom the young boys share a final hug you're gonna be a great batman buddy john whispers lois tries to stop her son but john knows what to do revealing the shield on his chest the last beacon of hope he rockets into space john is the only one standing between the last survivors of earth and extinction his father would be so proud the two kryptonians rocket towards each other connecting in the darkness of space the force of the blow echoing throughout the void but superman is only stunned as john drifts away but that moment was all that they needed dinah flies forward prepared to fight and end this battle she readies the sword but suddenly she's bathed in green light attention green lantern of sector 2814 her ring chimes more green lanterns swarm around her coming to her aid seriously dinah guy garner asks for the smile i leave you alone for one month and the whole place goes to hell dinah questions what is happening and one of the guardians explains that the lanterns are quarantining earth and which you know isn't great because this is our space sector losing our whole world kind of reflects very badly upon us gardner notes dinah is shocked that he is still joking at a time like this hey i might not have the incredible willpower of hell jordan or the stunning creativity of kyle raynor but i am a master of masking my emotional terror with jokes he tells her the lantern's all turned to see the undead men of steel floating before them what is superman doing guy asks dinah tells them that the creature is thinking trying to decide if they can take them all on the monster stares at them silent for a few moments and then it turns and it flies away the lanterns give chase but the monster disappears into the sun the guardian orders the lanterns to stop and deep within the sun the monster stretches absorbing the energy from the star it's feeding draining the sun the guardians explain in time this entire solar system will be cold and die dinah floats next to him questioning whether the lanterns are going to let this happen even the green lantern's light is not powerful enough to reach into the heart of a star the guardian explains when the sun dies the virus will sleep the lanterns will monitor the situation as needed and finally the core will provide escort as the arcs make their way into deep space searching for a new home for humanity on earth cyborg watches as wonder woman roars in a rage her eyes dead now i have a question cyborg shouts tightening is holding the lasso of truth can you speak wonder woman stops her thrashing and she straightens up we have a voice she growls he asks if there's a way to stop them we are death nothing can stop us you are a virus can you be cured yes the rain falls around them a cyborg asks where the cure is the monster that was wonder woman struggles and he tightens his script further where she stops again the cure is in you cyborg is stunned as she explains that vic is both man and machine off and on patient zero the one the alpha and the omega vic drops the lasso looking into the sky he needs to tell the arcs wonder woman roars wrapping her arms around his head twisting it with all her strength she throws the head away letting the body fall to the ground life is fleeting that is the only truth the monster whispers death is eternal the arks travel on the lanterns provide support and eventually john and lois stand before one of the viewports a tear in her eyes as her and her son look out the window looking at the world that lays before them they look over this new worlds their fresh beginning their earth too they are finally safe the monsters are all behind them now the boom tube opens in the midst of the vast destruction it's true barta says to mr miracle apocalypse the whole planet god is dead miracle nods bowing his head for a moment knowing that his father is dead how do you feel varda asks him and scott looks at her for a moment honestly pretty good he tells her with a smile they kiss a mist of the destruction before turning back to their tube leaving the planet of apocalypse to its own devices they need to go back to earth and face what god has unleashed upon them captain boomerang is pushing against his restraints his eyes dead and blood covering his body some from the cuts all over some from his victims mr terrific stares down at the creature deep in thought no response to audio or visual stimuli he says it to the recorder no reaction to touch or pain no noticeable change after second exposure to virus he taps a few buttons on his screens noting that he has 14 phds but he is still stumped an alarm beeps and terrific tells his recorder that they have to go to the source and he launches himself out the window on the streets the creatures see the man leave and shamble after him barta and scott stare out the window do we just like go out and start hitting scott they turn as a knock sounds at the door and barta moves to answer it with scott grabbing her hand asking what are you doing i don't think the undead knock that politely she smiles at him and scott thinks that it only sounds like a knot it could be a bloody stump banging against the door and then the doorbell rings the bloody stump found the doorbell she smiles answering the door revealing terrific standing there explaining that he was tracking the plan of her apocalyptian tech and got a spike when they arrived scott comes out with a veggie platter because you always celebrate with a veggie platter mr terrific explains that he's been studying the virus and his t-visor shields him from its effect did you know that it would do that scott asks him no you're one of the smartest men on the planet and you just got lucky yes terrific explains that he needs to go back to apocalypse to find a cure for this virus but barda tells him that the place is destroyed then we move on to other plans later at cord industries booster gold and blue beetle stand ready the door being pounded on by the undead it's okay the door is solid titanium ted tells his friend when suddenly it explodes inward and the dust settles revealing big barta hi she says leaping back outside to join the fight with the zombies do you want some help booster calls out but mr terrific's t spheres cut through most of the zombies and the others are quickly dispatched no i'd say we're good she tells him it's good to see you barta ted tells her you too i'd give you a hug but i'm covered in undead bits she smiles i have a part of an ear in my tights mr miracle notes later the group is flying overhead in the bug blue beetle's airship it really is the end of the world isn't it you know it's looking down at the sea of the undead that team beneath them i still hope we have a say in that terrific tells them all barter then asks why they don't go to the justice league but terrific shakes his head he doesn't want to be around if one of the most powerful beings on the planet gets infected by the anti-life equation terrific tells them that the origin of the virus is gone so the next choice is to turn to magic magic is like notoriously unreliable what if it's a dead end ted asks terrific is quiet for a moment before answering there is a third option but it could go badly in liverpool john constantine runs down the streets hordes of undead chasing him down jazz he screams jumping into the back seat of his friend's cab jazz starts the car he slams the door shut barring the undead for a moment but then he stares in shock as chaz turns to him from the front blood covers his face from where he tore his own skin and rage is filling his eyes the creature reaches out for constantine growling oh mate i'm so sorry john tells him conley his eye's burning with mystical fire he mutters her spell and his friend bursts into flames burning to ash before him john pulls himself into the front seat as the monsters continue to hammer on the windows he peels it down the street leaving the horde behind him for a moment before slamming into another car ugh why didn't i learn to drive he groans the horde swarms around his car but suddenly they burst into flames and john stares around momentarily stunned john constantine mr terrific calls on the lights of the bug john smiles rolling down the window why can't you people have like regular names he asks i mean mr terrific what kind of arrogant sod is comfortable walking around with that hanging over him john steps out sitting on the hood of the car as the undead burn around him are you okay scott asks him peachy just set my best man on fire crash his car while sitting out his ashes how's your day going my planet is destroyed all right it's not a competition mr terrific tells john that they can't find a technological solution for the problem and they're hoping that he had a magical one you think i can just click my fingers and make this all go away john asks waving his hands at the carnage around them he shakes his head telling them that this is beyond magic you're not going to help terrific asks i'm gonna hide and get so irresponsibly drunk that i can hardly feel anything care to join me we have a world to save right off you pop and do that then john tells them the group turned to go flying away in the bug with ted watching from the window as john moves his hands casting a portal and stepping through it our magician just stepped through a portal and vanished yes it's option three terrific signs and the group turns questioning what their third option could be it's you he says pointing at booster booster gold i believe you're the only person who can save humanity booster stares at him you're supposed to be a great thinker think better terrific looks at him you own a time machine ted turns to his friend asking where is your time machine save hands teddy rooster tells him and later the bug hovers over the home of fire and ice and malibu well this doesn't look good booster notes staring down at the destruction below him barta notes that it looks like they fought hard but there's no way of knowing if they're still alive down there mr miracle yells a warning as he sees fire flying towards them her body ablaze covered in blood she slams into the bug hard knocking it out of the sky in a green blaze barta kicks the door free yelling for the group to get to the house so barta and scott hold the zombies at bay yelling for the others to run fire and ice appear and the two heroes begin to become overwhelmed with barty yelling out there are too many knocking ice away from her we can always escape scott tells her his kick connecting with fire's stomach but they can't they need to hold off the horde to save the world we have to give booster a chance to save the universe scott tells her as he lashes out on another creature what a ridiculous statement barta notes as they fight the creature slashes the scott and he falls and barta catches him in her arms but if he can turn back time if he can find a way he gasps as the horde closes in on them are your last words really going to be quoting cher barta asks holding her love in her arms scott reaches out caressing bartis cheek i like cher he whispers the horde crashes in around them and they're lost to the sea of the undead inside the team runs through the building blasting the undead as they pass with booster leading them into the basement but he stops short when he sees the being standing before his time machine michael carter wave rider tells them his arms crossed over his chest you will not be permitted to change time meanwhile over at the pocket dimension of the oblivion bar john constantine sits at the counter what can i get for you john bubba the gym asks john nods pointing over the chimp's shoulder give me the bottle from the top shelf that made the phantom stranger forget his name he tells him and jon stares at the bottle for a moment before cursing and getting to his feet tell anyone who asks that i was out of my scone when i decided to do this he calls over his shoulder when he heads to the door where are you going bobo asks be a bloody hero back with our heroes of the time machine wave rider is standing before the heroes the flames of his head shifting in the room as he blocks the time machine wave rider is a guardian of time preventing any changes to the timeline you are under arrest michael carter the machine will be confiscated oy jon calls portaling into the chamber in a swirl of magical energy take a look sparkleface can you see my future he asks crossing his arms waverider stairs of the man confusion crossing his features no john nods crossing the room telling the being watch my hand this is called misdirection he tells them he rears back head-butting wave rider the being falls clutching his broken nose yeah you didn't see that coming did you time lord he smirks turning to the group his hands glowing with magic do what you do i'll hold off shiny hair here he tells them but suddenly the walls explode inward and barta emerges she launches herself at john constantine terrific knocks the woman off of constantine trying to throw her away but barta's hand lashes out slashing mr terrific across the stomach bloody hell john whispers with beedle yelling for booster to go now to use the time machine booster struggles to move but he falls what's wrong get up ted yells at his friend it is as it should be wave rider tells them and he explains that they have reached the end that kal-el has found barry allen in the destruction of keystone city teddy booster groans bringing his friend over i think we just lost the future i don't think i was ever born he mumbles and booster begins to fade from existence as ted yells for him to hold on i'm sorry i'll never get to know you booster whispers as he fades away ted stares in sadness at where his friend once was but barda is there knocking him away slashing into him it's time for me to go waverider says staring at the mass of monsters you get to just walk away you're happy that this is the timeline you chose to protect john asks him a portal opens and waverider begins to walk through and he turns back to the magician no i am far from happy goodbye john constantine i don't know if we'll ever meet again oh we'll meet again i'll find you john promises and he suddenly snaps out his hand grasping the wave rider who is frozen what have you done why can't i move because you're bound to me i can see the future jon tells about the undead close in on them it's short the monster's lash out and wave rider is cut down blood spurting out of his body john turns to the as they close in around him waiting for death but suddenly the creatures stop moving a voice yells he turns to see a portal opening up to reveal dr fate and zatanna dr fate reaches out his hand john constitute it is not your time another fate awaits you john lashes a cracking fate across the helmet then he clutches his hurt hand in frustration brute force cannot hurt the hell fate tells him john holds out his hands motioning to the death around him i get a last-second rescue but the real heroes had to die he asks and fate explains that bobo told them where he had gone i'm sorry that we didn't get here any sooner fate's eyes glow as he stares in the magician the world is ending john constantine we must prepare for what comes next the lords of order and chaos can eat a bag of bullocks john interrupts him the world isn't over until i say it is jimmy olsen looks at the collection of photos that sit before him in the dark room he never wanted to be a war photographer but here we are he looks down at the photos pictures of heroes standing back to back or simply living their normal lives he doesn't know why he's documenting these things he holds up one in his hands of the new green lantern the former black canary pulling a batman cowl over damian wayne's head it was two weeks ago that he stepped into perry white's office the chief complimenting him on the photos that he had taken you got a picture of superman breaking dark side's face i can't believe you got so close to that fight the chief is saying this is outstanding work olson you couldn't be more suddenly though the chief trails off as a strange red light glows out of his computer screen jimmy asked did the chief if everything was all right when suddenly perry stood up his fingers clawing at his face screams begin to echo throughout the daily planet as jimmy steps back out into the main office he stares in horror as everyone begins to scream tearing at their own bodies and changing he snaps a few photos before grabbing everyone that still seems normal and pulling them into the next room ron cat the broadcaster room go he yells and he yells for them to close the door as he glances to the photos realizing that everyone who was infected seems to have been on a computer or a phone he turns to them telling the others to stay off their phones no phones he yells ripping hats from her hands they watch on the windows as the city tears itself apart from below and suddenly the door begins to slam as the creatures are fighting to get in jimmy runs back yelling for the others to help him hold the door greeted by the sight of superman it's good to see you jimmy the man that still tells his friend you didn't use your signal watch he knows but jimmy nods no i mean it's not like i'm the only one who needed you he tells him superman nods asking his friend to keep everyone safe he's needed it elsewhere the heroes began to fall but jimmy and the others remained safe they watched from the window as captain adam explode sure that it was the end but they were saved shielded by a bubble of green light on the rooftop they met the surviving heroes it was hard for jimmy to see a crack in superman's determination he became a shell of the man that jimmy once knew the man of steel hovered over the rooftop telling dinah to take the survivors to the fortress of solitude where are you going dinah asks where were needed superman tells her simply it was then that jimmy knew that there should be a record of these events he clicks on the light in the dark room staring around at the photos with his one good eye he'll never forget what happened but he also knew that there should be a reminder he wants everyone to remember the heroes that fought for the living you know after tomorrow because he knows that tomorrow could be his last day he stares down at the photo that shows black adam hawkman and black manta standing amongst the day lightning flashing behind them tomorrow is the day the greatest heroes left on earth try to halt the anti-life army black adam flies from his place in conduct the anti-life virus has already begun to spread but it would be stopped in conduct take conduct offline black atom orders the blighted ones have already reached the palace but the dictator flies through them exploding the monsters before they can infect anyone else he flies over his kingdom possessing the wisdom of zehudi he knows what he must do below his subjects try to fend off the infected calling out to their ruler for help he turns his gaze upon them energy crackling from his eyes and lightning springs forth from black adam destroying everything in its path for those seeking aid they face only the storm he moves through his kingdom burning the infection from conduct with the lightning of the gods he does not hesitate he does not worry about the innocence that might be within the swarms speed is more critical than mercy it is done he tells his aid as he returns to the palace he passes him taking steps up to his throne sitting heavily upon it i have saved kondok i am sorry he whispers the citizens look up into the sun seeing the flying figure there the blighted surrounded them limbs are reaching out to slash and tear he's here andy look a father tells his son can he see us dad the young boy asks and with blinding speed they are pulled from the grasp of the blighted and into the air i saw you andy you're going to be all right superman tells the boy smiling down at him the group returns to the survivors that the heroes have gathered the superman flies up to dinah the new green lantern i can't protect them forever what are we going to do she asks him but suddenly a voice fills their mind i think i can help with that martian manhunter tells them the heroes gather and john tells them that he might have found a refuge but he believes that the others will have a better chance of convincing the ruler later time passes and lightning cracks from behind black adam as he floats over the border into his kingdom that's far enough he warns he ignores superman's greeting demanding to know what they want in conduct we're hoping to find refuge for survivors wonder woman tells him and black adam lifts an eyebrow at her statement and why would you think that there is safety within my borders he questions superman floats forward asking adam to work with them i don't know how your nation overcame this but he begins but black adam interrupts him conduct survived because his ruler had the strength to do what you never could superman you can tear through these monsters faster than the speed of sound you can reduce the infected to ash with a glance will you with all that great power can you destroy the infected superman superman stares him down no but if you open up your borders we can help protect your borders and your people along with earth's refugees superman tries to explain so much power yet you are so weak my people do not need compassion they need to know that you will end the unliving to save them that your morality will never come before their lives now leave my borders and do not return superman makes one last attempt pleading with black adam to think like a man for once instead of a god but the ruler turns his back goodbye superman he returns to the palace explaining what had happened to his advisor he questions whether the people see that he is doing the right thing do they not see what i have done for them he asks and voroness tells him that the people are hurting but they will come to realize that his actions have saved them black adam leaves the palace and vornis comes close by he tells the man that he is going for a walk shazam magic cracks from the sky as black adam shouts the word and is transformed back into a man i want to see our nation and its people with different eyes he tells warriness they moved through the city streets seeing the frightened people of course they're scared you flew across the entire country reigning death from the skies what do you expect black adam turns to his trusted advisor do you believe that we should offer the world refuge and various nods i believe that conduct can always be more he tells his ruler and black adam finally agrees knowing that should the infection return he will not be able to hold it off they both stop as they see a woman crying at her doorstep and they walk up to her questioning whether she is all right my son he was hurt in our lord's attack she explains and black adam is stunned black adam did not attack he tells her and he steps past her telling her we will help if we can the woman nods unlocking the door to her son's room and the child rushes forward blood covering his face and crazed eyes glaring at them his hand reaches out and black adam steps back with shock his mouth begins to utter the words as claws slash into his chest he begins the infected black adam finishes lightning courses through his body as he begins to tear at his own face wally pulled linda close to him hugging her tightly stay here stay safe don't look at any screens keep the door barred he tells her i'll be back as fast as i can and with a crack of blue lightning wally is gone the energy of the speed force crackles around him as he moves throughout keystone city watching as the city tears itself apart he's never seen anything spread this quickly the virus spreads through screens and the blood of the victims that lash out at each other he knows that every second he stands still it's another second that his city doesn't have wally makes the only choice that he can he doesn't stand still in a blur he moves destroying screens as he goes snatching phones out of people's hands he keeps moving he keeps saving blue lightning moving throughout the city he begins to move as fast as he can and he can feel it the speed force brushing against him and he reaches out but a voice suddenly fills his ears wally listen i need you to hide batman tells him over his columns but wally refuses if this virus takes you batman warns you're not always right batman you're just very confident wally tells him there's a pause and batman informs him barry listened good for barry i'm gonna save my city another pause don't get bit don't look at any screens batman warns wally thanks him for the advice and tells him to let dick know to stay out of trouble back at the bat cave batman turns to see the corpse of dick grayson and tim drake laying behind him godspeed wally godspeed while he keeps running but he knows that he can't be everywhere at once but his eyes winded as he realizes that he can at the home of max mercury and bart allen max walks into the room questioning whether bart can hear the screaming coming from next door in a blur of blue lightning wally is there destroying the tv in a swipe wally no not the tv bart house but it takes less than a picosecond for wally to catch them up on what's happening less if bart hadn't kept interrupting with expert zombie advice a quarter of a second later jesse quick arrives as well keep stopping the spread in keystone i'm gonna look for somewhere that we can move these people nearby in central city a woman is about to be infected in a blur the blighted are gone in new york roy harper is trying to hold off a swarm of creatures protecting those on the rooftop with them but in a crack of lightning the blighted are gone and in gotham the creatures silently reach out for harlequin and poison ivy but a gust of wind and they are safe once more did you hear someone ivy asks and harley smiles at her words yeah are you hearing the voices in your head too red i hope the voices are nicer than mine wally returns to the others telling them that everywhere on earth seems to be infected that we have to find another earth max tells them they run to the flash museum where they find the tandem quantum treadmill the only thing that will allow them to go fast enough to purposefully open up a portal into another universe max nods telling wally and barry that they are the only ones fast enough to get on the treadmill you're gonna go out there and battle zombies while i run at a straight line bart asks worried about max this is the only way this is going to work bart max tells the young boy wally tells max and jesse to make sure that none of the survivors have any screens or they'll bring the infection to the new world the two of them begin to run on the treadmill opening up the portal 12 minutes pass and 146 000 people have been brought through the portal but bart he's struggling he's clutching at his chest and finally the last of the people are brought through you two get your butts but as max begins to state that bart collapses falling tumbling through the air backwards as his speed stops he flies through the wall keep running i'll get him keep the portal open max orders turning and dashing away he dashes outside seeing the young boy surrounded by the bladed ones inside wally is running it's too much for him though when he begins to slow down his lungs burning and he can feel his heart trying to beat out of his chest he begins to trip but max is there pulling them both through the portal and on the other side wally congratulates max but the old speedster shakes his head there's no time the others see that he was cut by the undead sorry kid not as fast as i used to be max tells him that he can feel the infection he can feel it crawling through his body he tells wally to do what he has to do and he leans down hugging bart i love you be good boy he tells the young lad while he reaches out putting his hand on max's shoulder and they run they run through the light through sound they run into silence into calm and max turns back looking at wally as he enters the speed force thanks wally he says of the smile and then he's gone a streak of blue outpacing pain outpacing death forever running the airy flew forward with wink in their arms towards the towering fortress that was jutenhai they had been flying for three days yet they couldn't stop far below them the dead continued to spread wink knows that they need to rest but arie knows that they can't stop and finally they reached their destination it was safe it was heavily defended the villains known as manticore in a raza kuta ordered their soldiers to open fire the bullets they fill the air but wink pops out of existence in a puff of smoke taking arie with her watch manticore snarls when suddenly the pair appear behind the soldiers with manticore and razakuta moving to defend their fortress wait please wink shouts holding up her hand in airy sags and wink's arms exhausted from their flight we've traveled for days we only want shelter we can help you they explain anger fills wink's eyes as she explains that if she wanted to she could teleport them all away to smash on the rocks far below but meanwhile in other parts of the world the heroes gather at the fortress of solitude wonder woman returns with more survivors while damien stares at the uniform that his father left him jon walks into the room letting damian know that wonder woman arrived with more survivors in her invisible jet is the jet still there damien asks uh hard to tell it's invisible john responds he looks down at the case in damien's hands asking if he's going to change out of his robin costume and the young boy looks down telling his friend that he doesn't think that he's ready i get it really this symbol doesn't exactly come free of burden you know john tells him adiotin high manticore pulls back the curtain where wink and arie are resting you said you would help it is time to do so metacore tells them wink tries to argue telling them that arie has flown for three days straight but the winged being pulls themselves to their feet telling wink that it is okay two of our members nightshade and hive were sent to scout to the west they have not returned manticore tells them airing nods telling him that they will search for them and the two quickly leave the fortress there's a knock at the door and superman enters the room bringing a pot of tea for alfred and the butler is shot thank you i'm not used to people waiting on me master kent alfred tells the man of steel but superman waves him off telling him that there are no masters in the fortress of solitude he asks if he can have a word with damien alone and alfred agrees so superman sits down before the young robin looking at the case telling damien that bruce believed that he deserved this and your father was almost always right almost irritatingly so damien superman tells him bruce was not always right damien huffs of course not when you're young your father's rarely ever right but when we get older we realize that they were just protecting us damien turns his back i liked your dad he was old school jonathan kent was as genuine as he seemed wasn't he are you all right demian asks the man of steel superman pauses smiling at the young man telling him he was a good person i'm guessing it's not the actual symbol of the bat that scares you is a damian superman asks and damian nods his head admitting that he feels that if he puts on the uniform his father bruce wayne will really be gone superman puts his hand on the young boy's shoulder bruce became a hero because he lost the people that he loved he fought every day so that that wouldn't happen to the others the world needs that now more than ever i believe this world needs you batman alfred finishes putting on the new bat suit the cow doesn't feel right damien tells him it will alfred responds without a thought do i look stupid and alfred tells him no and he steps back admiring his young charge you look like your father he smiles the world has its batman again but meanwhile over in the mountains arie flies back grabbing wink and flying as fast as they can back towards jotunheim we have to go we have to warn jotinheim aries screams an hour after black adam was infected all of conduct was also infected and now death is spreading and an army is coming the fortress of solitude john kent lands in front of cassie telling her that he and his father were severing internet cables off the coast of ireland the internet is down permanently i'm gonna miss it not the bit that turns people into agents of death obviously though he tells her cassie rubs her forehead a look of exasperation on her face look i'm not quite sure how to tell you this jon but i'm pretty sure that damian just stole the invisible jet moments later the two heroes pull up alongside damien wayne you know what the problem with stealing an invisible jet is damien john asks looking at damian who seems to just be flying through the air while sitting it's your visibility take it down cassie orders the young batman and damian lands stepping down the invisible stairs to stand beside his friends want to explain why your first act as batman is grand theft arrow john asks and damien looks at him both explaining that his mother is in gotham if i go back to the fortress do you honestly think you can stop me from leaving damian asked john i have x-ray vision and super hearing john explains good for you do you honestly think you could stop me from leaving they finally agree but admit that they're gonna go with him they're gonna find talia al ghul do you honestly think that you can stop me cassie asks damian when he begins to argue that his friends shouldn't be coming so later as they enter gotham airspace damian tells the others that his father was keeping tabs on his mother but he's interrupted as cassie shouts out they have incoming a zombified kite man rushes towards damien bent on his death and with a splat the villain smashes against the invisible jets a windshield like a giant bug undead kite man damien questions blood begins to smear as kite man slides down the windshield before plummeting to the streets below despite themselves the young heroes begin to laugh we have to remember to watch the kite man bits off the plane before we give it back to wonder woman cassie reminds them as they finally land jon finally asks why damian and his father were keeping tabs on his mother and damian explains that she had arrived in the city with assassins to kill the mayor i've missed something haven't i cassie explains my mother is talia al ghul daughter of raz the demon's head leader of the league of assassins damian quickly explains it's kind of a sore subject don't really make a big deal out of it jon whispers to cassie damien motions down to the gotham city bank below them explaining that it is his mother's safe house how is the gotham bank a league of assassin's safe house cassie asks as they leap off the building because my grandfather owns it damien tells her at the entrance to the bank they look in to see hundreds of blighted ones inside damien explains that his mother will be locked inside of the panic room underneath the vault before his friends can react damien leaps into action throwing smoke grenades and battle rings at the monsters he's kind of infuriatingly living up to that costume isn't he cassie notices john agrees with a smile and the two leap to help their friend they quickly find their way through the monsters finding themselves inside of the vault which john can't seemingly look through wouldn't really be a safe house for assassins if superman could just peek in john cassie doesn't give them much more time to discuss as she tears open the wall quickly revealing talia standing within and around her bodies of the monsters are laying on the ground dead uh miss out ghoul we're here to rescue you john tells her talia smiles pulling her sword from the back of one of the monsters from a pile of monsters i just murdered uh yeah talia questions why damien is with jon leaning into the young superboy as he explains that damian is his best friend he's so innocent we all can't be raised by assassins mother no i suppose not it's a shame she tells him before spinning around motioning to his bat suit with the sword and why are you wearing that she asks you know why damien tells her looking at the floor shock fills her face and she refuses to believe it i'm going to go see him you can come if you'd like damien offers his mother and with that the group is standing in the bat cave looking over the graves of bruce dick and tim who buried them cassie asks jason todd i recognize the sentiment dick grayson brother nightwing the one who got to grow up bruce wayne father mentor bastard batman tim drake friend robin the best of us the moment is interrupted though as jon scans the room with his x-ray vision a warning of an intruder behind the dinosaur and that's when stephanie brown walks out hi spoiler tells them that she was hoping to find batman she comes forward looking down at damian in his batman's suit damien i'm so sorry she tells him pulling him into a hug and for a brief moment damien is taken aback his face showing the urge to fight against the feelings that are welling up inside of him it's okay you're wearing the mask and i've got you you can say goodbye stephanie whispers in his ear and with that tears begin to roll down his cheeks as he lets the sadness overwhelm him your father made you soft talia huffs and anger fills john and cassie as they leap to their friend's defense but damien yells for them to stop telling them that talia loved his father and that she merely wishes to start a fight there's nothing left here let's go back to the fortress damian tells them but steph tells him to wait a minute as she goes back into the shadows returning to reveal her new costume if you're batman you're going to need a robin she tells him with a smile and the yottenheim fortress airy and wink step forward warning the others of the undead army that is bearing down on the mountain fortress they're looking to be millions marching here with black adam at their head we have to assume that your friends hive and nightshade are with them and their powers now belong to the anti-life equation arie tells them if we sit here we're going to die if we leave we die rasa nods in agreement either way there's a lot of dying going on wink tells them both and manticore steps forward telling the two newcomers to leave to escape while they have a chance we're not really built that white manticore but thanks you're the most caring lion scorpion man i've ever met wink tells them she turns back to the group telling them that the only way that they will survive this is if they have heroes and arie argues that they don't know where to find the heroes they've all vanished ever since the anti-life equation created these rage like zombies that are trying to take the life out of the world the mascara you know it's in the aegean sea wink suggests there are islands in the aegean sea arie argues and wings smiles at them ask for directions when you get there she suggests for a moment area is silent before they can ask why wink isn't going the young woman steps forward telling arie that she wouldn't be able to survive the speed and height that they would have to climb in order to get there in time arie begins to argue but wink puts her hand on their shoulder every second it takes for you to realize that i'm right is a second lost she tells them airy finally nuts take me outside they whisper outside in the cool night air they pull each other close airy whispers to wink promising that they will return i won't let you faces alone they tell her as they kiss wink teleports away and airy takes flight now aries top speed has never been clocked it was over lebanon that they broke the sound barrier and by the time they reached the mediterranean they were traveling at supersonic speeds but it wouldn't be fast enough because back at the fortress raza and manticore are ordering the defenses they push those who can't fight higher into the fortress while those who are capable of shouldering a weapon stand ready wink steps forward telling raza that she has a plan as he explains that even this fortress can't hold back an infected black atom i also have a plan he tells her creating his glowing blade this sword can cut through anything and i'm gonna chop him in half he growls wink nods but knows that his plan could end in a zombie raza she needs him to draw black adam in and manticore yells that the army has arrived black adam flies out in front oh fire raza orders and the defenders open up with the bullets doing nothing black adam rushes forward bellowing in rage gotcha wink smiles as she teleports onto the zombies back they both suddenly teleport away again mere seconds before black adam can reach the fortress walls huh it works she gasps moments later as she reappears in the fortress and raza turns to her surprised where did you bring him he asks and she smiles i teleported to the other side of the mountain i let him go about halfway through can he survive being inside of the mountain manticore explains i have no idea she answers and suddenly the entire mountain around the fortress begins to rumble causing everyone to stumble okay i have some idea now over in the aegean sea arie finishes getting directions from a flock of seagulls thankfully that somewhat useless power of talking to birds has finally become useful and they fly towards the secret island only to be interrupted as wonder woman appears before her can i help you the amazon asks politely airy nods i hope so you and everyone that you can reach they say outside jotunheim the millions of blighted ones continue to march forward and among their ranks are hive and nightshade who has the ability to open up a portal into the shadow realm and in mere seconds all of the infected are inside with death coming to the mountain fortress manticore begins to bellow madness taking over him as he tears at his own flesh the tremors from the deep within the mountain grow more violent with a rending dare and the mountain is split in half the fortress begins to topple thousands of people screaming in fear and there's a blur as a woman is there catching the 36 000 ton building the concrete fortress cracks and dents as she pushes against it saving those within and for a moment wonder woman holds their lives within her hands with a crack of lightning black adam tears free of that mountain madness in his eyes highlighted by the magical energy that crackles around him as he floats before wonder woman the moment it didn't last long the fortress of utenheim cracks as the full weight pushes against wonder woman she grits her teeth knowing that the lives inside depend upon her glancing to her right she sees a blighted black atom flying right towards her blood dripping from his mouth as his madness failed i stare at her that wonder woman wasn't about to let it go luckily she did not come alone before she left them escara she called her friends suddenly black adam is struck by several laser beams throwing him to the ground wonder woman turns to see the others you okay wonder woman cyborg asks flanked by superman green canary and martian manhunter i'm holding the fortress vic i could use a little help she groans so green canary flies up using her ring to encase the mountain fortress in a green bubble i'll take it diana let's get these people out of here and keep black adam off of me she tells her friends superman uses his x-ray vision to warn the others of the blighted inside the others are almost here i'll let them know and we'll handle those inside we must stop black adam manhunter tells the kryptonian the three superheroes turn their attention onto the infected black atom hitting them hard with heat vision and laser blast inside raza continues to fight trying to protect the rest of the people inside of the fortress he swings his sword yelling for wink to shut the first floor door not until you're back on the other side she yells back but he jumps down the stairs slamming the door closed and then turns back his flaming sword in his hand i'm ready i'll take as many of you with me as i but he's interrupted his wink appears behind him teleporting them both to the other side of the sealed door sorry raza noble sacrifices are severely overrated if there's another option wink tells him but it's only a matter of seconds before the powered blight begin to cut through the metal door raza and wink stand with the other soldiers as soon as that door comes down fire everything raza tells his men and they prepare to fire but suddenly the doors explode inward revealing hawkman hot girl and wonder woman the heroes tell the others to stand back but hawkman smiles to kendra you ready to take a horde of undead kendra when have i not been she smiles taking his hand the three heroes launch into the fight driving the undead back into the portal of darkness hawkman turns away as the portal begins to close but at the last second he's ripped through by manticore carter kendra screams but now hawkman is surrounded by nothing but darkness kendra i can't see you you sound so far away he yells a growling whisper behind him so he steadies his hand gripping the mace tighter as green canary begins to carry the fortress over the ocean the others continue to fend off black adam's assault when suddenly the undead king stops what's wrong cyborg asks as the others continue to watch the creature it's waiting it's too far from the rest of the blighted ones the anti-life equation knows that it's outnumbered the horde can't get across the sea but it will keep spreading we have to get these people to safety then we'll plan how to stop the anti-life equation army superman tells them cyborg's radar begins to ping and he warns the others that something is coming in fast superman looks up telling him that it's a friendly as arie arrives at the whoosh of their wings wink they asked she's okay and she's inside superman tells them thanking them for raising the alarm arie arrives in the fortress finding wink and telling her that they went as fast as they could you flew just fast enough that's okay but not everyone is wink says looking back as wonder woman tries to comfort a crying hawk girl as the fortress flies away the blighted army begins to regroup hawkman flies up nothing left of the former hero as he growls nightshade steps forward opening a portal allowing the blighted ones to march through the land of night and across the sea there once was a girl who lost a horse it fell and when it fell it broke but the girl the girl was with others she was running towards a bus a bus that would lead her to salvation but instead she turned back to get her horse and she was left behind but she wasn't alone they were there fortunately not everyone left her behind someone was there a dog a formidable dog that dog's name was ace the bat dog ace protected that girl he dragged her out of there and he brought her to a building which is where i found them bobo walked into the room and ace begins to growl bobo holds up his arms it's okay i'm not gonna hurt her ace pauses for a moment and asks no and bobo tells him no the girl asks are you talking to the dog bobo turns to the girl yes my name is bobo detective chimp ace says that your name is amy amy looks at bobo and says you're a monkey bobo correct sir actually i am a chimpanzee and a detective i take it you're going to the garden amy tells him yes and bobo tells her good i am as well why don't we go together i saw someone out there that might be able to help us i just need to go out there and talk to them bubba looks down at ace and asks will he be able to hear me down here and ace tells him we'll hear baboon nods okay amy when he's moves move with him a few moments later down outside bobo asks hello and the horse sitting by the stable says hello bobo comes in closer and sees the horse is sitting by a body he thinks to himself this is a horse who lost a girl she fell and when she fell she was broken bobo calls out to ace go ahead and bring amy as ace and amy come down bobo heads into the stable grabbing a piece of cloth i'm sorry was she a good human and while bobo drapes the cloth over the young girl the horse says that she was once ace arrives with amy bobo tells them it's okay the horse's name is comet and she really wants to meet you amy pets comments stating hello and bobo tells her she likes you but at that moment ace smells in the air bobo asks what is it an ace tells him death moving bobo pushes amy onto comet's back stating we gotta hurry we gotta get out of here now and with that they're off but in their haste they were struck first comment on her side and bobo on his arm as comet pulls ahead of the swarm of undead amy looks back at bobo's arm asking why aren't you turning like the rest of them and bobo laughs because that equation was dreamed up by gods and gods are notoriously arrogant they don't think that animals are sentient which is pretty stupid because if we really wanted an unstoppable living death virus the obvious thing you would do is stick it in mosquitoes but for the world's greatest detective i should have been more observant i should have seen the attack coming before it was too late there was a girl and a horse and they fell and then they were out of time the detective thought that they all were as bobo lay on the ground he hears ace barking and he asks what is it and bobo focuses his eyes asking flying what happens next proves that even the greatest detective in the world doesn't know everything and with a loud comb the super dog crypto lands showing his teeth to his foes he uses his heat vision to rip through the horde and within seconds it was over crypto asks you live bobo says yes i live thank you crypto looks at ace still guarding and ace responds still guarding crypto tells him good dog crypto flies up clearing a path forward and bobo then thinks of what had happened there was a girl who lost a horse a horse who lost a girl and they fell together but they weren't broken they held on to each other together i hope you guys enjoyed that heartwarming tale of the super pets but now it's time to go into the nantucket chapter and deceased a hope at world's end inside the fortress of solitude superman stands with lois lane and fills her in on what happened at the nation of kondok why didn't black adam let us help superman wonders and lois nas telling her husband that some people see accepting help as a sign of weakness she takes his hand explaining that she knows the opposite is true asking for help takes strength you're a superman and you've never been afraid to ask for help she tells them they hold each other kissing suddenly the door opens up and in walks jimmy olsen the young photographer is shocked by what he sees holy crap lois superman what would mr ken say jimmy shouts both lois and superman are stunned but jimmy just flashes a huge smile i'm just messing with you i've always known who you are jimmy tells them clark is shocked but jimmy just explains that he's taken so many photos of superman over the years plus he shared an office with clark he finally leads them out of the room explaining that cyborg wants to show the group something in the main chamber of the fortress cyborg and lex explained that they have used lexcor satellites to identify large pockets of the anti-living they believe that the creatures are drawn to the living barry and wally nod agreeing that each cluster of monsters could be a group of survivors that they should launch rescue missions for both wonder woman and black canary agree telling the group that the gotham garden and themyscira are willing to take survivors we'll start moving people today now we will need to be careful strike teams will be assembled superman begins but he's interrupted by talia al ghul she's shocked to hear that the heroes are discussing putting the surviving members of the human race into two places she looks to luther confirming that they know where all the undead are do you have these ridiculous powers don't tiptoe around them attack she shouts lex turns to the rest of the group agreeing with the deadly woman she gets in superman's face telling him that he should fly out there and disintegrate them all from the sky but lois steps forward ordering the woman to back up jon smiles our moms are fighting it was always going to happen damien size thank you for bringing me here stephanie smiles hugging them both from behind talia continues to try and convince the group and a few of them seem to be leaning towards her idea but superman steps forward telling them i refuse to give up on the people of earth not when there is a single sliver of hope for them my god you're just as bad as batman talia snaps thank you superman tells her with a smile cyborg interrupts the fighting telling them that they need to head to central city first every blighted one has been drawn out to a single building now inside of that building david singh blocks the doors as the blighted ones are trying to get in he turns back to the piper asking him if he can stop the monsters but the piper explains that he can't control the monsters only attract them david nods pulling out his guns telling the piper that he has two bullets for them suddenly the dead begin to bang harder against the door the two men prepare themselves for the end and suddenly they hear a voice in their minds a hand reaches through the wall and singh fires his last rounds into the wood it'll be all right you're safe now martian manhunter tells them as he phases through the wall he picks them up flying through the air bringing them to the waiting wonder woman in superman why are they all here why this building the hero's question pied piper holds up his flute it's because of me and because of this he tells them meanwhile on the island of nantucket jimmy olsen snaps pictures of the survivors that have been brought in you would think that the end of the world would bring people together but not everyone a woman because he yelled at a man for staring at his phone and he shouts back at her yelling that there's no internet anymore the woman keeps shouting and the man suddenly pulls out a gun the shot echoes through the air as batman grips the man's arm forcing the gun to be pointed into the sky we're fighting the undead we don't have time to fight ignorance too he hisses at the man and the man glares at him shoving the phone in his face you scared of this kid he snaps settling the man is hit hard from the side and he looks up from the ground to see robin stephanie brown standing over him damien stomps on the phone as his mother charges over with her sword did that man seriously just try to show you a phone one that will infect you with the virus move i'm going to behead him she snarls but batman and robin tell her to calm down it's hard to claim the moral high ground if you're going to murder people stephanie reminds her the heroes continue to gather the survivors and using nantucket island as a processing center they then move them to themascara or the gotham city garden beneath the ocean black manta is suddenly attacked within his own submarine the blighted ones tear through the hull and he opens fire the explosion leaves him floating in the water but he's quickly scooped up by john who carries him to the island is he still evil wonder woman questions let's find out john tells her cassie leans down trying to wake up the super villain and he comes back to consciousness quickly firing his eye lasers at her cassie damien shouts but the smoke clears to reveal that she's okay ow she whispers okay i am at least beheading this one talia shouts as she charges forward but jon steps in the way blocking the attack again talia glares at the young boy telling him that black manta will never join their side there are only two sides now the living in the dead damian reminds her the villain stands telling the others that he is leaving as he heads for the water but jon rushes after him you don't have to face what's out there alone stay we could use you the young boy tells him but suddenly they are interrupted there's a bright flash of light in the distance as a portal opens up on the far side of the island and an army of anti-life swarm in from the land of the night sheets led by black adam and hawkman black adam opens fire as john leaps into the air protect the refugees he orders and the heroes launch into an attack with adam smasher grabbing a massive ship swinging it at the monsters his size made him formidable but also the very obvious target adam smasher suddenly pauses in his attack as a blighted black atom flies right through him oh no the hero whispers in the brief moments that he has left and he suddenly falls to his knees beginning to scream in madness as the anti-life equation takes him over there were 20 000 people on nantucket island when the anti-living attack they run through the streets now fear in their eyes as a wave of monsters moves through the streets and the buildings adam smasher now taken by the undead stomps through the area leading the charge the only thing standing between the people and the wave of death is superboy batman robin wonder girl blue beetle black manta and talia algool ignore adam smasher batman tells his friend as he looks up at the giant that's not that easy he's a giant john reminds him black adam is the biggest threat we have to keep him off of us damian says as cassie nods repairing herself with a fight blue beetle superboy with me she orders jaime can black adam crack your armor she asks and the young hero doesn't think so so he steps up to hit the charging villain with an attack but i want to apologize in advance if i get turned and try to kill you he tells her oh yeah same she agrees and as the refugees run past them talia turns to black manta and she tells the villain that he has one job keep adam smasher back black manta turns his beams upwards shooting the giant in the chest the rest of the heroes continue to fight the undead as the refugees rush towards the boats talia orders for her son to join them but he refuses i'm protecting the people covering their escape he shouts at her as he continues to leap and flip amongst the monsters attacking them where he can damien move stephanie shouts as she leaves and tries to pull both batman and talia out of the way of adam smasher's massive fist but they're not going to make it suddenly that fist is stomped in place as cassie and john slam into it did you just save us from a giant talia asks as they pick themselves back up yeah i'm a little futile i know stephanie admits but talia tells her that it's the thought that counts and she must reassess what she thought of this girl thanks wait what did you think of me stephanie asks cassie and john continue to lift adam smasher away from the island but the giant brings his hands together trying to crush the young super boy and wonder girl keep flying john shouts as the two continue to take him away they push his hands apart allowing the former hero to plummet into the ocean below and create a massive wave that wave then rushes over the island sweeping both the anti-living and the survivors away jimmy olsen looks up seeing that black adam is using that moment of chaos to end the fight the anti-living villain calls upon his power sending a bolt of lightning into the water on the island thousands of people knee-deep in water lightning striking but at that moment a boy catches that lightning john flies into the path of the bolt taking it hard to the chest the bolt leaves off of him catching jimmy in the eye taking out half his vision cassie rushes to her friend's side asking him if he's okay john gastrear it didn't tickle but john shrugs it off rushing to jimmy's side look out the young photographer whispers and black adam comes in fast his fist slamming into jon holding him under the water cassie and damien leap onto the monsters trying to stop his barrage of blows and with a roar of power the monster throws them off john struggles up using his last breath to call for his father dad he screams out and half a world away superman here's his son he appears far faster than a speeding bullet far more powerful than a locomotive and he knocks black adam away in a single blow his eyes blazing in fury moments later john and clark are using their super breath to scatter the anti-living superman using his telepathic link with martian manhunter to warn him of the attack on nantucket and ask the other heroes for aid and in a few mere moments jon contacts dinah barry wallace and wonder woman we're needed he tells them and the league arrives in the battle you said that we were doomed stephanie tells damian as they continue to fight i never said we were doomed damian tells her maybe not with your words but with your body language you were doing your bat slump she tells him i don't bat slump he huffs punching another monster in the face and as the others arrive the young heroes fill them in on the plan to get everyone to the boats the flashes move fast bringing everyone quickly to safety superman flies jimmy to the boats telling jean that he hit black adam hart it should take him a while to get back up but we need to get everyone to the ships and out of here superman warns the heroes move quickly to get everyone aboard and stephanie sees black manta hanging by himself questioning whether he still wants to face the apocalypse alone she notices the wound in his side too late she turns she tries to warn her friends as the anti-living black manta turns firing his eye beams at her the blast takes her in the side flying across the harbor hitting the ship everything is on fire as john and superman tried to pull the survivors from the blaze jean stayed behind opening his mind to find the rest of the survivors but something else came black adam steps out of that blaze snarling at the martian they all felt it as the creature's claws cut through jean and he tumbled to the ocean they all felt his fear his pain they felt it as he phased into the seabed he moved through the earth and his last thoughts were to protect his friends from what he would become and then martian manhunter was gone superman and wonder woman attack beating black adam back and the survivors finished boarding and then they're lifted into the air on a green light still on the island though damien cradles the body of stephanie brown cassie and his mother stand near him warning him that they need to leave i can take her for you cassie tells him softly and they return to gotham city garden where damian stands over the body of his robin cassie comes up behind him putting a hand on his shoulder she didn't know the young woman as well as he did do you want to tell me about her she asks damian he pauses for a brief moment she drove me crazy she always tried to find the fun in the most inappropriate situations she refused to take me seriously she mocked me he shouts but cassie stares at him of course she did that's what big sisters are supposed to do she tells him talia comes over leaning down over the body she looks at her son telling him that there is a lazarus bit nearby can you bring her back cassie asks perhaps but there's no guarantee she'll be the same talia tells her she looks down at her son's friend and tells him that she would like to do this for him i can come with you damien tells her antalya shakes her head i can move more fully by myself and batman is needed here the anti-life army will be here soon she tells him and she lifts stephanie into her arms walking away now at their last line of defense cyborg and luther have come up with a plan they currently have three million people sheltered here and the virus has weakened them to the point that black animals strike at the heart so far they have hit and run but that is no longer an option the answer of what they must do is simple tomorrow they must work together and destroy black adam and when the army gets to the garden walls green canary drops a shield and they drop a whole lot of bombs on their side superman tells them no they're not blowing up a million people they don't know yet if they can't be saved luther scoff stated that there's a good chance that everyone will die how can someone so powerful be so weak i am not staying here for the inevitable as luther begins to leave jimmy chases after him telling him that superman is his best friend and it must drive him crazy that superman is more human than any of them luther rubs his eyes is there a point to all of this jimmy tells him you're supposed to be the smartest man in the world prove it think of a way to win tomorrow a way where we don't destroy a million people and luther takes what jimmy said to heart because i think of a plan one that he'll need the help of a few heroes first he stops kid flash asking him for time six minutes that's how long luther was connected to the speed force to him it was ds and at the end of it he came up with a plan one that he was not really going to share he ran the scenario over and over he knows what will happen tomorrow it will be a bloodbath superman's compassion will be their undoing he knows how the anti-life army is going to access the garden there's going to be a moment a single moment and that is when they will need the pied piper he goes to everyone else that is a part of his puzzle until he goes to the last piece and it is in this moment that he suggests that everyone spend what time they have left with their loved ones later with the help of wonder woman she stands with the lasso around one of the infected asking luther how did he know and luther says he didn't he suspected this is how they're going to win if this works afterwards she will still have to do with superman can't she will have to end black adam wonder woman then asks how many people are going to die in his plan and luther says two two sacrifices to save the entire human race wonder woman asks who are they and luther tells her no you still might do something stupid i can't risk that while wink and pied piper spend their last night with arie and david elsewhere superman walks with jimmy and jimmy asks if you think it worked superman smiles absolutely sounds like you played luther perfectly with the next day rapidly approaching and with it black adam and his army of undead poison ivy's garden has done well to keep the virus out of it but it hasn't been able to stop black adam he begins to breach inside which is what the heroes expected it was a part of luther's plan superman and wonder woman grabbed black adam slamming him into the ground holding him in place but it wasn't long before he broke free john and wonder girl watched given very strict instructions not to join until black adam was pinned which they both completely ignored as soon as their heroes looked like they were in trouble but while the four of them with the help of green canary keep black adam busy the others are getting ready for the next part of luther's plan nightshade opens up the portal to her land so that she can cross into the garden just when he lines up his shot green arrow says that he can take her luther shoots the bow from his hand no but before a green arrow asks why luther then tells piper that it's time david asks what's going on and piper tells david i'm sorry but this is goodbye and wink tells arie that she loved them in a flash wink disappears with pine piper both david and arie asking what the hell is he planning damien tells luther to answer them what has he done and luther says i've probably saved you all you're welcome inside the land of nightshades piper plays his music drawing the attention of the undead as the infected get closer wink would teleport them back further and further all while piper continued to play his music wink radios over asking how are they looking and luther says that about a tenth of the army has crossed over following them into the nightshade land as luther watches from above though arie flies up asking where are they did he send them into the land of the nightshades ignoring them wink asks to give her an update and luther tells her keep hartley playing keep attracting nightshade to you you don't die until i tell you to after a bit longer luther radio is back stating that the last of the anti-living are entering the portal it is time wink says okay but they have an issue the problem with the million undead swarming towards you is that it's not so easy to find and kill a single one but when arie flies in calling out to wink she asks what are they doing here this is a one-way trip if they kill nightshade that door closes aries says that she left them and they aren't interested in a future that she isn't a part of if she isn't coming back they aren't coming back with her so they can argue or save the world wink says fine but the plan is to find and shoot nightshade but they have no idea where she is arie flies up stating that they guess it's lucky that they didn't abandon her huh back outside of the land of the nightshade the other part of luther's plan was continuing as expected wonder woman wrapped her lasso around black adam and told him to say it say shazam he struggles and wonder woman tightens the hold say it with what little air he had left black adam says the lightning bolt strikes and black atom is reverted but before the lasso is taken off he says you will cease to exist you will fall wonder woman tells them that some of them may fall but not all and not today the plan was going properly until superman changed it with a combination of x-ray vision microscopic vision and heat vision superman performed micro surgery to sever black adam's vocal cords meanwhile inside the land of the nightshades arie spots nightshade grabbing her flying her to the front yelling for wink to do it wink begins to pull the trigger saying goodbye to any chance they had at getting out but before she does a laser shoots through aries wing and wink's gun everyone turns back to see black manta standing there his vision glowing getting ready for another attack and arie yells that they need to get ahead of them but pied piper says no we stay and he stops playing the music wink asks what is he doing but piper says i'm done playing and he stabs nightshade in the head with his flute outside the gateway begins to close and luther says that they did it the anti-life army is trapped in the land of the nightshades david asks where is hartley what did you do luther and luther tells him i did nothing if anything hartley chose this you should be proud of but at that moment wink appears that airy and piper and everyone turns to stare she laughs i can't believe he said i'm done playing and piper says okay maybe i practiced that line for a few years wink then holds out the bloody flute stating that she managed to grab this for him if he wanted it and piper tells her nah i'll make another david yells that they came back and wink says yeah noble sacrifices are severely overrated if there's another option and with that superman grabs all of the survivors telling them that he wanted to speak to them he knows that they're scared he knows that they've lost much the world has changed but they are still here he doesn't know what comes tomorrow but he knows this truth if they are together they can overcome anything he believes in them they will overcome this virus until then they'll care for each other they'll keep each other safe this is not the end of the world while they still breathe while they still fight while they still resist there is always hope at world's end the motorcycle slows to a stop and deathstroke looks up at the large house he didn't like kentucky but nine million dollars is nine million dollars someone was burning down churches and someone else didn't like it very much pulling free his sword he walks calmly up the front door and he rings the doorbell at the tip of the deadly steel this was day one of the anti-life virus being set forth onto the world a third floor window shatters as a man sails through it landing hard on the ground his legs broken yet he still tries to run destroy pulls his pistol killing the men with a single round to the head finding it odd that he has seen people running but not typically on shattered legs the door behind him bursts open as people try to run away so deathstroke swings his blade cutting one and then he stops because he realizes those people aren't running from him he turns back to the house hearing the first growls from within and the zombies begin to rush him so he moves inhumanly fast his blade cutting through their soft flesh he spins firing his pistol as the sword swings and as more zombies fall slade decides that it's time to renegotiate his contract he pulls out his phone ready to call up the individual who gave him the mission and he stares at the red glow of the screen suddenly like many others he feels it inside of his mind and he drops to his knees screaming and tearing at his face this virus is sent across screens and once you see it you can't stop it it's in my face he screams out and everything goes black the blackness gives way to red and slide looks down at his hands around a man's throat as he pleads for his life suddenly slade is back to normal and he looks around at the destruction all around him the creatures are attacking the city it is now day two of the anti-life virus meanwhile deep beneath a wayne manor jason todd steps through the bat cave calling out to alfred or bruce he stops pulling free looking down at the puddle of blood that he stepped in oh no he finds the bodies of bruce wayne dick grayson and tim drake laying on the bat cave floor i thought you you of all people he whispers to himself and a growling comes from deep within the cave jason turns pulling free his pistols but ace the bat dog steps out of the shadows still growling jason steps forward letting the dog sniff him as he pulls him in for a hug i know boy don't worry i'm not gonna leave them like this it's okay he tells him jason takes the time to bury all three members of the family that he finally lost for good with that done he looks over at the batmobile he never did let me drive the car he nods moving towards it carr show me the locations of the bat family in gotham other than me the screen flashes showing eight members within the city how many heartbeats jason asks two appear and jason looks up seeing a stare at him with his head to the side well are you getting in the dog leaps forward jumping into the passenger seat good dog jason pets him and the two speed out of the cave elsewhere knight falls in the city and rose wilson is sitting in her apartment two pistols and a radio at her side she can hear them in the hall and the radio suddenly crackles and the voice of her father comes on the other side rose i'm coming it's time to go he tells her but she refuses she can see the future and she knows that if she goes through that door they will come in and they will kill her sure but when you're through morning you're not dead self go through the window take the fire escape to the roof bring every weapon that you can don't look at any screens she pauses you want me stuck on the roof you won't be stuck go moments later ravager steps out onto the roof loaded for war a ladder descends from a helicopter overhead and slade tells it to climb he looks up though seeing a large shape flying towards him don't collide don't climb he yells at her and man bat collides with the cockpit shattering the window slade throws his arm up blocking the monster letting his teeth sink into his forearm his pistol goes up and the cockpit fills with the smell of gunpowder as he empties it into the monster's side rose watches as the chopper careens out of control exploding on the roof in front of her and she rushes forward as slade is pulling himself out growling i'm sorry dad she whispers pulling free her sword and she twirls slicing into him ah what the heck he yells rose stops i don't think the undead say ow or heck she says no can you take your sword out of me slade asks her quickly slade explains that the creatures aren't zombies and that his healing factor reverses whatever the hell the effect is interesting he was right about you a voice calls out and they both turn guns drawn mirror master stares at them from one of the fallen helicopter doors don't shoot it's seven years bad luck and i don't want to see what bad luck looks like on top of the undead apocalypse he quickly tells them the vandal savage has sent miramaster to gather sleed and his daughter to bring them to safety in exchange for the protection that your presence would provide he reaches through the mirror dropping them some goggles that will protect them from the virus if they look at any screens they step through the mirror universe where flashes of the destruction that currently rips through the earth can be seen and finally they step out into savage's lair he introduces them to the others that he has gathered solomon grundy creeper cheetah captain cold lady shiva bane and deadshot everyone has been selected for a reason the heroes are going to fail they're not ruthless enough to survive we're going to inherit what's left of the planet when this is done savage tells him meanwhile back in gotham city gunfire fills the halls of the gcpd gordon fires his pistol laying cover for bullock move back to the cells batgirl then leaps out of nowhere and jumping onto the desk kicking away at more monsters we get so the cells will be trapped comish bullet gels over the boom of a shotgun will be trapped but it buys us time jim tells him harvey stops the bat ain't coming he tries to tell him and one of the creatures is then on him tearing at his flesh gordon kills the creature with one shot and then looks down as bullock begins to change kill me jim he bleeds and suddenly batgirl is there snapping bullock's neck gordon act now she tells him the walls suddenly explode as the batmobile launches through it gunfire ripping out killing the rest of the creatures red hood hops out of the driver's seat not batman get in the car he orders them and with that the three of them begin to rumble through the city with jason telling gordon that the current plan is to get out of the city we can't leave not yet my daughter is still out there jim tells him no jim i'm sorry she isn't carr show the heart monitor for barbara gordon the screen flashes showing the flat heartbeat of barbara gordon and jim is stunned but also confused why do you have a heart monitor on you're a smart man a good detective batman is dead you don't have to play his game anymore jason tells him removing his helmet jason todd jim states looking at him and then he looks back in the back seat cassandra kane hello she waves from the back removing her mask bruce wayne dick grayson tim drake damien wayne barbara are they all damien's alive the last time i checked he's a metropolis along with alfred the rest are all gone jason then shows him that they are the only three left in gotham city and jim questions why he would be monitored batman was terrible at expressing anything with words and he had absolutely no consideration when it came to personal boundaries but he violated your trust and secretly monitored you for a reason bruce thought you were family jason tells him jim asks him to take him to his daughter jason doesn't think it's a good idea but understands the need for closure the three members of the bat family lay in an alleyway trapped by vines that hold them in place jim cries as he looks at what remains of his daughter more and later move now cassandra tells him lifting him up brushing away a tear and a few feet away jason looks down at the corpse of the joker it should have been me i should have been the one to kill you he whispers pulling out some zip ties telling them that they can't leave just yet and with that the batmobile is rumbling through the city with joker's corpse tied to the front bumper you do realize that this is very screwed up jim tells jason taking a drink from his flask it's the apocalypse don't judge me day three of the anti-life virus jason is looking through his binoculars staring at the mass of undead that seemed to be surrounding a building in the city it's bloodhaven so an undead virus is almost an improvement he tells them survivors trapped inside cassandra tells him when jason informs them about the mass of undead we can't just keep driving we need to find somewhere remote to hide he offers no we can't gordon tells him no we can't jason agrees so they hop back into the batmobile ordering it to disable all non-lethal safety protocols rockets flare out exploding taking out large masses of creatures in a single blow and the batmobile rumbles through them cutting down others beneath its tires the car then picks up a signal for the garage opening it and giving them away inside once they get in though they step out and they're confronted by a group of children hands where i could see them leave any screens in the car the girl orders them it's alright we're the good guys jason tells them and behind him gordon whispers that they might want to remove the corpse of the psychotic clown from the front of the car good idea they introduce themselves and the girl leads them through the orphanage and they discover that most of the adults fled and the ones who didn't dwell they're locked in the gym she tells them pointing at the wooden doors that creak as something is pushing against it from the other side metal is wrapped around the handles locking the monsters in and she tells them that a superhero locked them in and sealed the doors then she went away and she never came back are you going to go away the three look at each other and cassandra gets a look of determination on her face this is a good fight she tells them it's as good as places any if we're not going to go anywhere gymnast so jason steps forward shaking the girl who seems to be the leader's hand we'll get you through this orphans gotta stick together it's been three weeks since gordon jason and cassandra have taken up residence with the kids that locked into the orphanage three weeks of monsters swarming outside the walls we have to do something gordon it's time to talk about the undead elephant in the room jason tells the former commissioner as they both stand outside the locked doors within the building the sound of trapped undead rattling against the strong wood infected are no threat while they're in there jim tells him he refuses to kill the caregivers and the children that were locked inside those that didn't make it in the orphanage cassandra interrupts them stating only a few words jim the radio the three go into another room when they hear lois lane's broadcast the survivors of earth are leaving boarding two different ships one of them is located in themscara the other is in poison ivy's jungle in gotham gordon reaches out turning the radio off mid-broadcast no he says simply but jason's confused gordon a jungle in gotham we could make it cassandra offers and gordon nods leading the young heroes into the other room where the children are playing but there's no way for the three of us to get all of these children to another city we stay here and we say nothing meanwhile over at vandal savage's fortress on ball's pyramid mirror master comes out telling lady shiva what he has found take me to her mirror master she demands in the orphanage cassandra subtly drops to her knees pulling free a battering as she hears her name called mother she asks and stares at lady shiva we have somewhere safe she orders turning away but cassandra refuses leading her mother into the orphanage kids come too she tells her indicating at the sleeping children that she has been protecting but shiva refuses telling them they don't have room then i stay cassandra simply states don't be stupid the world is ending you don't have to deal with it come with me shiva tells her growing angry the two women drop into combat stances as mirror master tries to talk some sense into them they launch at each other trading blows and each attack is blocked cassandra leaps into the air avoiding another hit but sheba gets through her defenses dropping her to the floor with a swift jab to the jaw it's at that moment that jason is suddenly there grabbing shiva's fist stomping her she turns kicking him hard into the face knocking him to the ground in a spray of blood okay gordon tells her pulling back the hammer on his revolver with a loud click that's enough of that shiva looks around with the group telling her daughter that she offered her a chance since she was family you could stay cassandra tells her and lady shiva looks at her for a moment before turning back to the mirror goodbye daughter she says disappearing goodbye mom cassandra whispers at their fortress savage demands to know where lady shiva and miramaster had gone i found my daughter she tells him simply savage grows angry telling her that what they're doing is about survival he reaches out grabbing her by the arm and slade steps in trying to calm the immortal down you are not in charge here slade savage growls at him and slayed nods stepping forward you brought the volatile group of killers under one roof where tents and worse were bored best not to piss each other off we're not going to outlive the apocalypse if we kill each other savage suddenly grows calm nodding he apologizes to slade and to shiva for his behavior and the rest of the group moves away savage turns to slade asking if he can speak with him privately for a moment i'm not sure that's a good idea rose whispers to her father slayed nods moving down the fortress tunnel i should have brought you in on this earlier savage tells the assassin and the two stepped through the doorway revealing the creeper strapped to a table his chest is now cut open revealing the organs within nearby solomon grundy stands with a scalpel oh hey creeper says cheerfully slade is shocked unable to react quick enough as savage pushes him forward ordering grundy to take him the creature's massive fist connects to the side of slade's face dropping him he wakes up later strapped to the table next to the creeper you got betrayed too huh gotta say did not see that coming slade is still groggy as words slurred you needed me he gasps savage nods washing his hands you're both immune to the anti-life virus i'm going to pull you apart and find out how suddenly a blade pierces savage's chest blood splattering against the wall don't you double cross someone who could see the future rose snarls pushing the blade deeper into savage's back she moves across the room working to free her father next she frees creeper as the two of them make their way out of the room creeper can you move oh sure it's not like this is the first time someone's cracked open my chest and poked it my eternal organs something about this face just invites a vivisection he smiles at her grundy crosses the room pulling the sword free of savage's back but rose suddenly stops fear on her face run she screams savage stopping demanding to know what's coming what do you see i wouldn't want to spoil the surprise she tells him dragging her father out of the room i've lived for 53 000 years i'm rarely surprised savage scoffs when suddenly the entire fortress shakes and the wall behind him explodes inward with a loud boom vandal savage looks up to see the bloody face of wonder woman taken by the anti-life of virus she moves fast ripping him in half spraying his immortal blood around the room grundy leaps forward screaming as he attacks wonder woman outside rose orders mirror master to get them out of there but before anyone can react grundy comes flying through the wall followed by wonder woman everyone turns their weapons on her the room filling with the sound of gunfire and smoke captain cold turns his cold gun on her blasting her with ice i'll slow her down go mccullen get them out he screams at the mirror master the villains all begin to escape out the mirror i'll come back for you mirror master yells at his friend damn straight you will the others appear in the orphanage bringing a scream of fear from a young boy who comes face to face with grunty he falls back crawling away as the creeper tries to comfort him it's okay he's not a zombie i mean well he is a zombie but he's our zombie the maniac tells the boy with the others through miramaster heads back through the mirror hoping to grab snart he appears in the icy chamber staring only at wonder woman ah crap he whispers captain cold grabs him from behind to biting hard into the man's neck cutting off his scream back at the orphanage cassandra rushes down the hallway brought by the boy's scream you came back she asks staring at her mother but gordon is there too aiming his revolver at bane and you brought murderers psychopaths and monsters some of us are all three in a convenient package the creeper laughs jason steps forward his own weapons pointed at the villain's face surprised to find rose among them what are you doing here this is a story probably not one for little ears let's talk privately jason she tells him before turning back to the mirror we're just waiting for one she stares in the mirror for a minute but finally slay tells her they're not coming in the kitchen rose finishes explaining how wonder woman attacked them feeling that possibly the anti-life virus can sense life jason nods it would explain the unhealthy build-up of blighted ones surrounding the walls outside he nods slate agrees telling him that they need to prepare in case more super-powered zombies show up slate offers the idea that they start training the children to fight and defend themselves their innocent children gordon yells but bane merely shakes his head no one gets to be innocent now he tells the former cop you can't protect them from this gordon jim grows angry yelling at them all and finally slayed sighs asking everyone to give him and gordon the room alone slade admits to gordon that he lost one of his sons it was the most difficult thing that could have happened to him we're not going to protect these kids by pretending the monsters aren't out there we need to prepare them this isn't an ideal situation for anyone but i'm a practical man i don't want to lead this room and bane will step in if you don't he tells him and finally jim agrees and the two exit the room finding the waiting group jim rubs his eyes still unhappy i don't like the situation but we'll make the best of it despite your crimes you're all welcome here but abuse the hospitality and you'll be sent to fend for yourself outside these walls and finally he looks up determination on his face tomorrow you meet the kids and we start to prepare rose nods finally stating that she has one question what's behind those doors she says pointing at the sealed room the ones who didn't make it gordon tells her and the group begin to argue telling the commissioner that it's insane to allow the deceased within the building gordon tries to argue but finally slate steps in go to the kids make up an excuse for the noise if you don't have the stomach for what's about to happen let us take care of this for you cassandra and jim leave but jason stays behind making sure his pistols are loaded grundy opens the doors and the group level their weapons my god jason whispers and rose questions him but he merely points at the young boy i know that kid his name's billy batson he's he was it doesn't matter the halls echo with the sound of gunfire and so it began the next day the children met their roommates and they began to train lady shiva taunt them hand-to-hand combat deadshot taught the marksmanship teaching them how to cave in skulls with a slingshot professor creeper taught them the art of saying witty things when beheading the undead there are hiccups as bain tried to teach the children why humanity was its own downfall i really can't hear you through the mask you're all muffled one child tried to explain and throughout it all the new group grew close becoming family playing with grundy jason and rose tour the building laughing at the children petting cheetah i have to admit this is going far better than i was expecting he admits and in the gym they find slade yelling at some of the children pushing them to push themselves you don't have to be so hard jason tells him as the child runs away of course you'd say that batman was too soft slade tells him jason's shocked almost stunned batman what are we talking about the same batman violet scowl pointy ears he asks and rose yells at her father before he looks at them both you do a thing he finally asks you should be not a lot of happiness out there find out where you can we're all probably gonna die screaming he tells them the two head outside taking cover in the rain they laugh trading childhood trauma stories when suddenly rose stops as a view of the future fills her mind you're about to try and kiss me she tells him with a smile well take all the fun out of it he tells her leaning in but she just smiles it doesn't inside bane is patrolling down the hallway when he finds a growling face leaning down he tries to quiet the dog not seeing the head poke through the mirror behind him outside jason and rose pulled from their embrace hearing the sound of screaming and gunfire coming from within they rush inside to find gordon and deadshot huddled with a group of children guns all trained around them he's in the mirror gordon hisses at them a hand reaches through one of the glasses pulling a child with it a dead shot rushes forward snapping the arm freeing the kid but mirror master pushes through grabbing lot and pulling him through gordon fires shattering the mirrors slicing off deadshot's leg as the portal closes cassandra comes into the room holding her shoulder and she looks at the group in shock explaining that bane was turned he ran right through me he didn't stop she explains where is he going outside and outside bane rips apart the wall allowing the host of undead to flood within the safe haven the anti-life equation has improved its odds bane rushes forth the anti-life equation having taken everything from him behind him a wall of the blighted ones are following his lead and gordon in deathstroke tell everyone to get inside as the dead draw near but grundy is there leaping through the air stopping bane's assaults bane was strong but grundy he was something else bain nowhere children grundy bellows tearing bane's head clean off his body he launches it across the yard destroying another of the blooded one's heads with it and from inside creeper laughs oh wow that is the first headbutt i've ever seen without a body behind it the moment doesn't last long though as the undead begin to bog down grundy and he yells for the others to run but the children refuse hey get off our uncle grundy lolita yells hefting her bat they've been training for months with the heroes and villains and they are ready for this the kids launched their attack but slade and gordon are there pulling them away firing their weapons damn it kids fall back gordon yells don't risk your life for a dead man slade agrees and creeper launches himself over their heads pulling the big zombie from the grasp of the undead come here you big caring dead man you can't die on monday it would ruin your whole poem creeper tells his friend and he pulls him away telling grundy that the tree lobsters have to stay together grundy looks back at him tree lobsters they continue to fight through the corridors their weapons thundering in the closed space and finally gordon tells them that they all have to make it to the buses we have to get them to the gotham garden the one run by ivy and harley gordon tells them but jason doesn't think that's a good plan all the heroes left jim you want us to think the sanctuary's still there he asks him continuing to fire his weapon jim nods as he reloads do you have another option moments later the door to the garage explodes open and the batmobile races into the waiting undead the worst road trip of all time has begun the two buses charge after the mowing down the anti-life zombies along the way rain splattering against the hood as the three vehicles begin the 33-minute drive from bloodhaven to gotham city they charged down the road the batmobile clearing a path through the undead in the abandoned cars they were having a good time until slade looked up at the mirror on the bus what's that he might have seen the ripples in the mirror's surface and mirror master jumps through the rear-view mirror his claws slashing at slade's chest the assassin screams in pain falling to the floor as the bus careens out of control gordon grabs the wheel as slade's healing factor begins to kick in and he stands turning back to the frightened kids knock out the windows he shouts to them but it's too late mira master appears again and again pulling the kids with him through the reflections of the window grundy and the kids try to stomp him but the undead are too fast mirror master comes through again his hands grasping onto the hair of matilda cheetah's favorite and she launches herself across the bus her fists punching through mira master's head you don't get to take this one she snarls as the former rogue dies matilda smiles petting cheetah on the head good kitty she smiles and she determines glaring at the rest of the people on the bus only she gets to call me that the batmobile checks in and jim tells the others that they've lost some of the kids but they have little time to mourn them as they arrive at the gotham gardens the city is packed with the undead their bloody hands clawing at the forest walls of the sanctuary jason speeds up in the batmobile running through the crowds of the undead when suddenly an alarm begins to beep and rose asks if that's a good thing yeah batman would never install a good alarm jason tells her and a screen pops up as he tells her something is coming in low and fast and rose's one good eye goes wide jason i could see the future and i know what's coming she gasps yelling at jason buckle your seat belt the object slams into the front of the batmobile flipping it into the air landing it with a loud crunch flattening more of the undead in the process and from the smoking crater wonder woman stands the super-powered death has arrived the first bus stops and cheetah doesn't wait she charges at the amazon hissing kicker princess ass matilda cheers from the door and the villain slams into wonder woman her arch nemesis but things have changed the one that was the villain is now the hero and the hero is now the villain slashing at her with her claws cheetah begins to win out over wonder woman and inside of the bus everyone watches but slade quickly realizes cheetah can't stop the amazon by herself and creeper nods next to him alright i guess i'm taking on an undead goddess he jokes cracking his knuckles but he's stopped by grundy's hand on his shoulder not myself tree lobsters the big man tells him softly they shake hands and they launch themselves into the fight cheetah grabbing wonder woman allowing creeper to kick her hard in the face before grundy backhands her they were strong they wouldn't be able to stand against her forever back on the bus slade orders gordon to take all of the kids to the second bus telling gordha that he has to go after his daughter i'm going to clear the path with the rest of you and get rose she might not like me much but that's my fault he tells the police commissioner and jim just tells him that he's going to that's batman's son out there and you might need help with your little girl we've lost enough kids slade they radio their plan to lady shiva who's driving the second bus and she curses at them telling them not to risk their lives for one person and then she yells for her daughter orphan who is ordering the other kids on the bus as the last child gets on board shiva takes off because sandra kane is pulled free of the doors by the undead bringing screams from the children inside stay on the bus sheeta orders them as they stand ordering the oldest to drive she draws her sword leaping outside to join her daughter in battle cassandra doesn't understand why her mother would do what she just told slade not to why would she sacrifice herself to save her don't make a big deal out of it just accept that i love you and shut up shiva tells her her sword cleaving through the mass of the undead that threatens to overwhelm them batgirl kicks another in the face ordering her mother to head back to the bus and they managed to jump on board but at the last second an undead reaches out slashing shiva in the back she whirls slashing its head off of its body it's over cassandra she tells her daughter as she turns back her hand trying to hold in the blood from the wound tears fill cassandra's eyes as she tells her mother that she'll take care of her but sheba shakes her head telling her a daughter shouldn't have to you're the only person that i admire sheba tells her daughter one last time lady shiva had the deadliest hands on the planet and with her dying breath she uses those hands to rip out her own heart the children watch as the body tumbles off the bus at the crash site gordon finds jason hanging unconscious while rose is trying to get herself free you okay he asks jason's out cold and a few and terrible bits of my body are broken she tells him outside slade's guns are thundering killing swarms of the undead and he orders them to get on the bus while he keeps firing but suddenly grundy comes flying through the air destroying the bus in one blast our bus just folded in half and we can't make it to the next one gordon tells them but slade shakes his head as he reloads yeah you can i'll keep them off you he tells them there's a brief lull and slade pulls jason in close jason i like you rose can glimpse into the future so don't even think about hurting her or she'll probably kill you jason nods i'll remember slade turns away yelling for them to keep going as he keeps firing rose calling for her father asking if he'll be behind them that is definitely the plan but in case i'm not if you survive the apocalypse build something out of this mess okay he tells her she reaches out hugging her father for one last time slade hugs back continuing to fire one-handed into the crowd of the undead and the fight continues with wonder woman squeezing the life out of cheetah literally grabbing her by the throat and just squeezing it until she stops breathing and then she tears creeper's head off of his body and slams her fist through grundy no day kids he gasps as the undead begin to feast on him and as rose looks back from the moving bus she watches as her father fights against the monsters his guns are empty but his sword slashes into the rain and at a brief moment he was untouchable unkillable wonder woman then flies through him his body exploding and deathstroke was gone she slams into the front of the bus lifting it high into the air high enough that she throws it back to the earth and everyone inside is screaming into fear as they careen to their death and inside mary's eyes go wide she knows what she needs to do shazam she screams with lightning cracking across the sky she flies upwards lifting the bus up from the inside gently placing it onto the ground the kids are shocked i'll explain later just keep driving get to the garden i'm heading out there she tells them and she flies out into the storm launching herself at wonder woman she knows that a few months ago she could never have held her own against wonder woman but that was before she had three months to train with cassandra kane wonder woman lashes out but mary grabs her fist snapping them before punching wonder woman hard back down to the earth the earth shudders from the blow and a massive crater forms beneath wonder woman's body mary flies down lifting the bus off of the ground flying the last few feet into the garden and inside gordon and rose watch as the leafy gates open before them letting them inside everyone gets off the bus with gordon reloading his revolver get ready wonder woman will be coming no she won't she can't breach the garden poison ivy tells them from her place atop a massive tree throne the crowd turns seeing the others before them it's magically protected against her and all of her kind dr feet tells them welcome to the post-apocalyptic eden zatana greets them it's pretty if you can ignore all the dead scraping at the walls constantine ants taking a drag from his cigarette ivy welcomes them telling the children that they are safe here and harley just laughs happy to have some children to correct you're too late harley jason tells her these ones come pre-corrupted rose adds with a smile though they are safe sadness passes with the face of the children as they remember those that gave their lives to get them to safety and time passes and they erect a statue of the so-called villains that gave their lives to protect a group of strangers they were villains saviors families tree lobsters they lost the heroes of earth fell and along with them the planet they lost so much that they didn't think that they had anything left to lose but they were wrong john constantine sits in the oblivion bar a drink in his hands spending his day searching for the living amongst the dead his knights drinking next to the ashes of his friends john glances at the shoebox next to him lifting his drink i mean there's probably other ashes in there too but i reckon it's mostly you i scrapped up chaz it's hard to tell one ash from another they're not exactly snowflakes he tells his long dead friend suddenly a portal opens up at the end of the bar and zatanna walks through she looks at jon telling him that the world is depressing enough without him drinking alone and john looks up with a sad smile i'm not alone see i'm never alone he tells her he looks around with the ghost surrounding him those of our fallen heroes big barta mr miracle mr terrific blue beetle and booster gold they all share a drink with jon having sacrificed themselves to save this planet wonder woman reaches for cyborg's head as the hero looks up into the sky he decided to stay believing that since the virus originated with him it would be safer for him to stay behind let the survivors survive let them get off of the planet he was wrong the blighted amazon rips his head from his body throwing it away it was five years later that he found something inside of his head that shouldn't have been there a tracking device left by his friend we'll say he boosted the signal sending it out into the void of space he sent out a cry for help to a new world to earth to maine ship firing john yells as dinah and cassie fly behind him dinah manages to use our green lantern ring to shield the planet from the attack as jon and cassie attack the guns got it john donna tells him as the others rip the guns away jon reminds them to just disable the ship they aren't trying to hurt anyone i know john cassie tells him batman where are you inside damian wayne slips through the corridors of the ship telling jon that he is just outside the throne room all right just remember we want to talk to them john reminds his friend sure damien agrees leaping forward knocking out one of the alien guards with a powerful kick was that a thud nothing damian tells him sounded like a boot to the face stupid super hearing damien whispers i heard that damian moves in dropping two more of the alien guards while jon reminds them that they are trying to broker peace with these people that'll make it a lot more difficult if you take out the king's spleen and show it to him john explains these aliens have spleens damien asks beginning to cut through the final door into the king's throne room how should i know you want me to find out the door collapses and batman enters the throne room the king watches flanked by two more guards as he tells a batman that they have not won this war oh please if we wanted to we could have wiped out your fleet in seconds this isn't a war it's barely even a fight batman tells him oh i'll give you a fight the king threatens brandishing a fiery spear sure do you have a spleen damian asks pulling free two batarangs and in a blur jon is standing between them trying to calm the situation he smiles asking to bring the king to their leader on earth too in the remains of the great arks that brought them through space the remnants of mankind have created their homes president lois lane stands before the king expressing how they mean no harm to his people that they have merely come to this world for sanctuary batman stands close but he's interrupted by a message from alfred your briefcase is beeping sir it seems to be beeping in morse code alfred tells his young charge staring down at the case that was the last gift from bruce wayne later the new justice league stands in the new hall of justice damien leaning over the table explaining that the beep is the tracker that his father left inside of cyborg so it could just be beeps green era offers coming up behind damian but batman shakes his head explaining the morse code is the letters of j and l cyborg's calling for the justice league he explains but oliver isn't convinced maybe it's a trick maybe he's infected and the anti-life equation is literally trying to lure us back to earth oliver tells him believing that they have a good thing on this planet hardly anything is trying to kill us here the others all begin to argue but oliver finally tells them that they should just call a vote ali's right we should vote donna agrees with ollie telling her that it wasn't his main point but the vote passes john stands in front of his mother later explaining you're going back she says simply john nodding telling her that the green lantern corps will protect earth 2 while they're gone you don't think it's too much to risk lois asks him i think a friend is calling for help mom john explains lois puts her hand out touching her son's cheek come straight back we've lost enough superman she tells him and he once more explains that he isn't comfortable being called that so stop earning it she tells him meanwhile oliver and dinah are gearing up for the mission with oliver once again expressing how he doesn't like this you voted she tells him do you think i was gonna keep my hand down when all the kids were in on it he asked she smiles telling him that he should stay on earth too that she'll be back no we should stay together and alive wait wait a minute did you just try to bench me oliver asks i'm formidable pretty bird i killed the undead king of the sea while he was controlling a kraken he reminds her she smiles as he tells her once again oliver is quick to point out that she may have the ring plus her scream and then you have that sword that can kill it god he begins so she smiles pulling free wonder woman's kryptonite forged magical sword asking if he wants it she kneels offering him the blade and he snatches it from her hand fine i'll hold the sword he tells her pretty sure you don't hold a sword like that you wield it she tells him fine i wield the sword and finally the two of them pull each other tight pretty bird i like it here promise we'll come back oliver tells her i promise i'll bring you back dinah tells him as they embrace later the justice league arrives on the edge of the green lantern quarantine zone to discover kilowog on guard duty yo you better be careful down there posers i'd feel pretty bad about destroying you all he tells them telling them that he's guarding the earth and the sun your dad's still eating a star kid and that's when we see the original kal-el still sitting in the sun suddenly the rings begin to chime with the proximity warning and the lanterns throw up a shield but the projectile smashes through them without slowing and crypto rushes up to john the super pups tail wagging at super speed you notice creature killerwog still ready to fight yeah he's family inside the spaceship damian is smiling all right good puppy reunion can we get back to the distress signal cyborg is waiting so a short time passes and the group finds the remains of cyborg and dinah steps forward vic cyborg can you hear me she asks leaning down the head is quiet so cassie steps forward holding her lasso of truth if you can speak this will make it happen she tells them they draped the lasso around vic and the head seems to come to life he looks at his friends recognizing them and jon steps forward you called the justice league cyborg we came he tells them vic's words are broken as he tries to speak he stutters overhead hot girl flies looking at the horde of blighted that are running towards them hey we have like some monstrous hordes of zombies coming in maybe 10 minutes away monster swords are about the worst kind of horde we should move ali tells the group the group begins to move picking up vick's head and body as they begin to move towards ivy's gotham jungle and crypto begins to growl it's okay boy we have time john tells the dog she's just here she's always here vic struggles from his place in cassie's arms dinah's ring suddenly pings of the proximity alert and batman's ship explodes in the sky on board damien calls for john's help and superman is there lowering the remains to earth saving everyone but all around them the smoke and the debris is showering the group dinah oliver yells as a haze of bloody fingers begin to ramp around his face i'm so sorry pretty bird he tells her as wonder woman slashes his body cutting into his face and chest ollie dinah screams her canary cry mixing with the lantern ring to push wonder woman off of the man that she loves drawing blood dyna flies forward grabbing the sword off of oliver's back as she rushes wonder woman hot girl's mae smashes into the amazon's nose staggering her and dying stretches out with a massive green hand smashing her flat into the ground vic struggles to speak again asking them to stomp but cassie can't hear him asking him to repeat it i heard him john yells rushing forward in a blur of super speed dino dino doge we can save her he yells as dinah launches forward bringing the magical sword down for the killing blow and john he dives into the way the blade piercing his back stabbing through wonder woman died there's a cure he gasps roarharper turned peering into the destruction of roundup that was chicago with a set of binoculars they're coming he whispers turning back to the compound beneath him shouting for the survivors that he has protected to get inside leaping from the building he uses his crossbow to slide down a zip line and onto the pavement below mr arsenal are the monsters going to get us the little girl asks clutching her teddy bear with a scared look in her eyes but he just smiles at her it'll be okay gracie we'll wait them out like always i will let them reach you go inside he tells her someone shouts for his attention pointing into the sky and roy looks up with a curse hovering on his lips for the briefest of moments the blighted heroine fire descends from the sky launching green fire from her fingertips that engulfs roy's body gracie screams as the hero dies falling to his knees burning away when suddenly a portal opens up behind her and john constantine steps out alright let's kick an equation in the ass he snaps as his team follows him this team is known as the shadow pact the blue devil a demon with a soul strong also impervious to damage he launches himself stabbing demons on his pitchfork ragman drawing on the corrupted souls within his cloak for speed and strength he leaps into the crowd of undead his rags nearly useless at pulling souls out of the anti-life their leader detective chimp bobo able to tear people's arms off rose wilson is among the blighted swinging her duel swords chopping people's heads off and then there's red hood batman if he wasn't so squeamish his twin pistols firing taking out the blight with deadly precision jon continues to fight hitting the creatures of magic as he asks zatanna to deal with fire done she nods leaping into the air but she stops waiting for the blooded superhero to rush at her as fire is rushing she suddenly raises her hand casting a spell with her backwards speech and mullins she snaps and fires flames subtly extinguished and the former hero falls from the sky splatting hard against the side of a building on the ground john is trying to introduce himself to the survivors when suddenly swamp thing is behind him bloody hell he snaps a swamp thing growls his name i need to talk to you about a garden swamping tells the wizard but john waves his hand for another spell pointing out that they are fighting a horde of the undead swap they grunts with suddenly vibes begin to grow out of the earth wrapping around and stabbing all the blooded ones that surround them and in a matter of seconds all of the anti-life creatures are dead and john admires the handiwork see why didn't you just open with that he asks swamp thing steps forward telling john that he has sensed a second garden of survivors in australia i'm not going to australia mate that place is dangerous before the undead i'm not going to survive the undead only to step on a stone fish and have my brain eaten by a drop bear john tells him the swamp thing rises up vines and thor's coming out of his body drop the hell up he snarls and everyone stares shocked that swamp thing swore that's new zetana points out yeah kind of proud of that john agrees swamp thing tells john that he is cut off from the second garden that it is screaming in pain and he can't ignore it any longer john nods telling the hero to do what he has to do there are humans there and if you would like to save them from what i have to do i believe you should come with me swamp thing tells him jon finally nods ordering red hood and ravager to take the survivors back to the garden in the gotham later the group enters the vast garden that gotham city has become and standing at the entrance is one harley quinn greeting them she looks at the survivor saddened that she sees only rose and jason no zetana john danny rory not bobo that beautiful hat wearing chimpanzee she gasps rose just tells her that they're all going to australia i was not expecting that answer harley notes the gotham garden has become the safest place on earth now with ivy's garden magically augmented by the tower of fate inside ivy looks up something warns you that there is something arriving she yells for mary and kent nelson shazam marielle's becoming merry marvel and the two leap into the air over the city they're met by cassie who clutches a wounded john kent in her arms his blood soaking both of them help us please he won't stop bleeding she begs them they reach out with dr fate telling her that his runes are magical it's okay you can let him go mary tells her inside of the garden dinah puts down damien's ship with batman exiting to find jason todd cassandra kane jason cass you're alive he shouts joyfully and jason looks at him in the suit and you're batman now jason asks brucetti would want me to have it are you okay with it damien explains defensively jason looks at his brother our father made a lot of bad decisions and then he pulls damian in for a hug this isn't one of them ivy looks up as dinah descends keeping the blighted oliver queen in a green lantern bubble no he does not enter we have kept the anti-left equation out for five years you think i'd allow someone to just walk in here with an infection i won't leave him alone dinah tells ivy then you leave here with him you fend for yourself i will not risk the lives of all the people here so that you can cling to a corpse ivy tells her the ground rumbling at her feet as the vines begin to extend towards dynalance but the green lantern leaps into the air beginning to fly away then we will go she says simply ivy points out that the man is already dead but that's when the head of cyborg speaks up explaining that there is a cure that the blighted wonder woman told him that it was within him dr fate nance i have access to science and magic and now we have hope we will find the cure cassie begins to walk away from the group tears in her eyes damien following asking what's wrong she quickly explains that she had to mourn wonder woman seeing her like that was just too much to watch her lose twice like this she tells him beginning to break down i know i'm sorry whatever you need i'm here for you damien tells her pulling off his mask and wrapping his arms around her pulling her in for a kiss meanwhile in australia the shadow pact looks at the garden it's a bunker surrounded by a ring of fire a moat of blood and a thousand undead john nods at the horrific site telling zatanna that if she can hover them over the river of blood he can get them through the ring of fire you know i just want to point out that we could just go home put our feet up maybe have a beer blue double point salad the gert begins to hover over the undead and after a few moments the moat of blood is beneath them but something catches ragman's eye the blood moat it's shifting he tells the others it's not blood bobo yells fear in his voice it's plastic man the undead shapeshifter lashes out sharpening points of his body and they begin to stab into the heroes they pierce ragman they stab out zatanna's eyes and then stab down her throat they snake inside of the blue devil piercing his impenetrable skin from the inside and with their spell gone bobo and john plummet downwards into the seething of mass that is the blighted plastic man the mass begins to shift again becoming rows of razor sharp teeth and flailing tentacles meanwhile from the shadows of the bunker a group watches on zatanna wakes up with bobo looking down on her are you an agent of the unliving john asks because they helps her sit up she shakes her head good he nods and they quickly fill her in on what happened explaining that blue devil gave his life to save her jon tells her that they are currently inside a ball of vines and weeds while the blighted plastic man is trying to get in zetana stands up putting on her top hat and ordering swamp thing to lower the green she leaps into the air and the monsterous plastic man begins to rear its attack at her as she flies through using her magic she takes control of the hell fire around the bunker burning plastic man to death the group moves through the debris finding their dead allies and suddenly bobo screams for them all to get down as the guns on the side of the bunker open fire at the incoming hoard of the undead the bullets stop the advancing horde and jon looks up from the ground as a voice calls out to them have you planned on coming in this is your window cobblepot calls out to them meanwhile back in gotham city damian wayne who is the new batman has had a reunion with jim gordon but is interrupted as dr fate arrives telling him that superman has recovered inside the tower of fate jon awakens to crypto wagging his tail and licking his face he looks over at mary marvel who sits by his side you look familiar john tells her and with the utterance of a magic word she transforms into merry marvel after introduction she explains what happened to john and how she was able to patch him up thank you john tells her with a smile meanwhile over at the southern bunker cobblepot maxwell lord and professor ivo give the remains of the shadow pack a tour of their home they explained that they have soldiers and guards who work as the cooking and cleaning staff swamp thinks still isn't happy though as he hears the green crying out and john is shocked to discover that jason blood has also found his way into the bunker the ancient knight asks to speak with john in private and once they're alone he transforms into etrigon before you start could we please skip with the rhyming john asks him quickly and etch again stands before the sorcerer explaining that hell isn't happy because the souls of the living are trapped in the blighted ones trigon is coming to wipe it all away etragan wards and he explains that even though the rich villains in this place are planning a new human race it wouldn't matter because trigon is coming to destroy the world sure heard it before john scoffs their conversation interrupted as gunfire erupts from another part of the bunker john rushes in to discover that swampting is attacking the bunker's guards one of the last bastions of human beings that have survived and swamp thing is trying to attack them they've imprisoned the fluoronic man they're torturing him he's forcing the green to produce for them zatanna quickly explains john steps forward trying to calm swamp thing but the guardian of the green isn't listening as he orders the men to release the fluoronic man one of them refuses and swamp thing pops his head off bobo turns his head hearing cobblepot tell ivo that it is time when suddenly amazo launches into the room lasers shooting out of his eyes the heat vision hits swamp thing burning into him zetana tries to stop the android with a spell but more of them suddenly fly into the room z they have more than one john warns and he creates a portal and despite swamp thing's arguments the group leaps into it as jon promises that they'll return with a plan the rich villains stand by noting that the group will return it doesn't matter we'll take this world soon cobblepot tells them as they walk down the hallway observing their army of amazos the next day the group is listening a cyborg explains that the cure is in his programming somewhere they question him but he tells them that he has been searching all of his coding and he can't find it anywhere death could have just been lying harley notes but cassie informs them that if vic was using the lasso of truth wonder woman couldn't lie so after hearing everything jon stands ready they know that there is infected cure somewhere out there we're gonna find the cure and we're gonna save them all he tells the group and they begin to work through the problem with damian noting that if there is an anti-life equation then there must be a life equation bobo adds that possibly the new gods might know something about it hearing this john tells him that he thinks he knows what they need but it means doing something that he really doesn't want to do bothering someone who probably prefers to stay unbothered so a short time later john and bobo appear before an old cabin the door opens and they reveal a man in the shadows how did you find me world's greatest detective john says emotioning a bobo mr miracle steps out demanding to know what john wants and he tells scott that there is a way to save everyone to save barta but scott becomes angry demanding to know how he could possibly believe john after last time ask me john tells him holding up cassie's lasso of truth there's a cure scott we can save her jon tells him scott stares at him for a moment before asking what jon needs him to do first up take a bath or a shower then we need your help in stealing the throne of a god john tells him meanwhile over in gotham garden kid flash stands ready warning the others as a boom two begins to open up they stand prepared for a fight but it's john constantine bobo the chimp and mr miracle that step out batman appears behind the wizard frightening him as he asks why he would open up a boom tube straight into the garden a short time later the group discusses the plan john believes that the mobius chair would have the answer for how vic needs to access the cure that is buried in his programming they've all agreed that it would be impossible to catch metron and that they need to lure him someplace metron prizes knowledge above all else batman tells them john nods believing that madame xenadu's crystal ball and the ability to see the future should be enough to bring metron to them this could work scott tells them i'll take cyborg to new genesis because i don't know how you'll be greeted you'll be greeted with friends at your side superman simply states he looks around telling them that anyone who could deal with space should come when suddenly he realizes that dinah isn't in the group stepping up harley fills him in on how dinah left with the zombie oliver because poison ivy would not let him into the garden i'll find her john says leaping into the air being the superman that you would expect him to be and mary marvel joins him telling him that there are dangers in the world that he doesn't even know about so they find dinah sitting on a rooftop in the rain the water mingling with the tears in her eyes she leaves up when she sees jon hugging him with joy are you planning on sitting out here alone mary asks her as they sit next to her on the building but dinah explains that she isn't alone and up floats the blighted oliver before them i promised i'd bring him back she tells them simply and jon explains that there is a cure and that they're going to need her help when diana tells him that she keeps oliver mary offers to sneak him into the garden to be protected by dr fate so a short time later they bid their friends and loved ones goodbye as the group steps through the boontube with scot-free and they appear in new genesis quickly greeted by orion what the hell are you doing here you would walk into new genesis with the anti-life equation orion demands as he points at vic mr miracle tries to argue but orion punches him across the face stand he orders standing scott says blood on his face as he struggles to his feet and orion hits him again and they repeat this process until john steps in leave him alone he says punching orion hard enough to knock a god down and stay down john orders him as he towers over the god high father approaches once again seeing his sons fighting and quickly the group explains that there is a cure for the anti-life zombie equation they might be able to save everyone hi father we need the mobius chair will you call out to metron scott asks his father hi father explains that metron does what metron wishes even with their offering he might not give up the mobius share willingly but i will call metron his father promises his son later mr miracle hovers in the dead of space that was once the planet apocalypse he holds madame xenadu's crystal ball in his hands he's coming everyone get ready jon tells the group on the radio and in a blur of motion metron appears before scott my father said you have an object for me something to see the future metronome asks not bothering with a greeting he reaches for the crystal believing that he can use it to see the disaster that approaches but his arm is suddenly shackled by the green lantern the heroes that leap in at him ambushing him trying to wrestle the giant away from his chair but quickly he overpowers them tossing them aside metron then steps aboard his chair once more quickly escaping into space mary and john fly as fast as they can trying to catch up wait please john calls out and as metron slows jon floats before him he explains that they didn't want to fight but that they only need his chair for a moment and the god stops and he stares at them as they explain what is happening on earth they explain the anti-life equation zombies they explain that there is a cure they explain that he alone can help them save the universe i don't care he tells them simply but mary has the wisdom of solomon if we fail to contain this and death wins what happens to knowledge she asks him and metron stares at them for a moment you should have opened with that instead of an ambush he tells them metron agrees to let them use the chair if he can look into the crystal ball there is something i have seen in the future but i know not how it begins he tells them with their agreement made vic sits in the chair and energy crackles as the endless knowledge floods into his mind vic do you know about the cure vic nods i need to recode my blood the life equation is there he tells them john tries to thank metron for his help but the god is barely listening he tells him that he must go and he quickly flees in the mobius chair he took one look into the future and hurried away dinah whispers and as the heroes return to earth they are unaware of the black racer's presence he is sitting and watching as one of the asteroids from apocalypse begins to quake and glow and suddenly it explodes revealing the death within dark side roars and rage and madness in a new genesis the high father turns and sees the fire that falls in the sky he yells a warning to the others as he hears his son screaming from outside the gate father orion gels as the high father rushes forward and the unliving dark side is already among them with the most powerful heroes remaining on a quest to obtain the mobius chair john constantine made his move he stands in front of a room in the tower of fate when dr fate appears the magical hero looks at the door questioning jon about what's on the other side what's in this room why can't i see inside he questions uh because the door is closed john quips fate glares at constantine demanding to know what he keeps here oh you know a rack of identical trench coats jon tells him as he takes a drag of a cigarette but fate will not be detoured as he demands to know why he can't enter the room but jon holds out his hand and the doorknob magically appears he slips inside looking back at the doctor look don't worry about it this is the tower of fate so whatever is in here is clearly meant to be in here otherwise you'd have to rename the place jon closes the door and steps inside he turns to find the demon etch again waiting for him why have you summoned me you sad merlin wannabe the demon asks and john shakes his head asking for an update on hell how long until trigon comes he questions you should fear he'll be here soon that's again in tones john shakes his head asking for a straight answer he's pretty pissed i say three turns until all life and non-life on this world burns john nods glancing at the shadows asking swamp thing if he's heard enough and swamp thing gnaws and etch again leaves the australian garden still cries out swamp thing rumbles jon tells his friend that he'll deal with the australians and looks at ragman's cloak i'll need to if this is going to work john tells him and as the two step out of the room dr fate asks swampting what the room holds a rack of coats swampting says simply and john laughs as they cross through the garden john tells alec that they'll need a few people who don't mind dealing punishment are you as good as your old man john says he stops in front of batman currently damian wayne not yet damien admits john explains that they need to do some questionable things and i need to do them while mary marvel is a galaxy away and i need a team to keep me alive i can't say more but it's for the good of the world and all that jon tells the young batman but damian shakes his head telling him that his reason isn't good enough you don't trust me john asks i mean of course not damien says simply demanding the whole truth from john and he lets him know that he'll know if john is lying constantine curses when he realizes that damian is like his old man and then he decides to tell him the plan no one will die that isn't already dead john finishes with it and he leads him over to the rest of the team and damien smiles at jason and cassandra a bad family trip with the ravager and swamp thing he says uh actually rose and i are married jason tells him so she's family too cassandra confirms damian brings them both in for a hug and tells them how happy he is for them jon explains to the group that he and swamp thing's souls are joined so he can bring them through the green moments later alec pulls himself out of a stand of trees looking out of ananda parbot that's a lot of anti-life jason knows as they come out of the portal and he draws his pistols if there's a cure we can't kill them cassandra tells them but the heroes leap into the approaching army of undead ninja assassins and as he fires jason asks rose what they should do when they reach the gate we knock politely she tells him simply as her blades cut through another ninja kid the blighted ones off me she yells as she moves towards the door of course keeping the undead off of each other was in our vows jason nods as it keeps firing rose knocks on the door and it opens with a squeak dead man floats out greeting them welcome my friends welcome to nanda parbot he shouts as the warriors of nanda parbot flood out and begin to attack the ninjas follow me would you like something to drink maybe some snacks he asks as he floats back into the city inside john considine discovers the spear of destiny which has been guarded for centuries is that what you come for hell blazer rama kushna asks him he reaches forward but rama kushna explains that she will protect him and his friends but never allow the holy spirit to be taken from this place and jon lowers his head i know i'm sorry he whispers as he whirls on her stabbing the spear through ramakushna's chest no why dead man shouts as he flies towards them i've never felt a need to explain myself to dead men jon tells him as he pulls out ragman's cloak he holds it up in the magical quilt pulls in boston bran's soul the others are rushed over questioning him but jon doesn't answer telling them that they're leaving you stabbed a goddess jason shouts as they step through the portal but john shakes his head and tells jason that she'll heal in a couple thousand of years but she never would have let me take this he says holding up the spear damien looks around questioning where swamp thing has brought them the rock of eternity the guardian of the green of rumbles before explaining that they need the wizard they need shazam's staff are you planning on stabbing him with it jason asks but suddenly rose stomps in her eyes winded she pulls free her pistol out of fear get us out of here constantine she orders raising that pistol firing at the bolt of lightning that suddenly shoots across the room the bullets don't even slow captain marvel junior down as he slams into jason todd breaking the troubled hero in half swamp thinks tendrils grasp the former hero as damien launches explosives at him rose goes to her husband pulling off his helmet and she pauses briefly to throw a knife behind her killing the wizard before he can attack freddie continues to fight as jon orders the others to find the staff cassandra reaches forward but doesn't hesitate when she shouts the magic word shazam she bellows transforming before their very eyes she launches herself at freddy cassandra was the greatest hand-to-hand fighter left on the planet and the young boy didn't stand a chance rose eases her husband against the wall apologizing for not being able to stop what she foresaw hey it's okay he smiles at her blood in his mouth i've died before i'm not so afraid this time i was just lucky i got a second life and my second life was with you he tells her softly and she kisses him as he passes from this life they've returned to the garden and rose demands that jon promised her that this was worth it i promised that this is the only way and if i'm wrong well we'll all be too dead to notice as the others walk away damien walks over and reminds jon what he told him about their mission i told you i wouldn't kill anyone that wasn't already dead john reminds him batman cracks the wizard across the jaw dropping him to the ground and john watches as the young man walks away you deserved that a ghostly voice whispers to john and he turns to see spectre floating behind him oh what a shock the ghost of wrath thinks i deserve a punch to the face john quips spectre leans forward telling john that he is capable of stopping what he is doing i know jim john says lighting a fresh cigarette he looks at the specter telling the spirit of vengeance to use a little insight what do you think i'm motivated by john asks and the spectre smiles at him and flies away good night john in australia penguin leans over the table asking professor iva once more if the amazos are ready very nearly ivo informs him anger swells up in cobblepot and ivo reminds them that one wrong calculation in amazo's will will kill them as well penguin continues to yell and suddenly two of the androids appear behind him their eyes glowing menacingly considering i am the sole survivor of a superpowered artificially intelligent army that could destroy the very planet that you're standing on maybe you should review your tone i will be done soon the undead can wait a little longer meanwhile over in gotham garden cyborg finishes recording his blood to the life equation john nods leaning down to pet crypto asking what their next step is but cyborg isn't actually sure how to turn the equation into a cure if only we had the world's greatest biochemist with us damien knows as he tries to play fetch with ace and he leaves them to go speak with swamp thing little batman i am sorry about jason he seemed like a good being alec rumbles damien expresses his appreciation and then tells alec that he wants jason to be the last lost from this virus and for that we're going to need alec holland damian tells him a swamp thing shakes his head explaining that even alec holland can't create the cure on his own damien agrees and tells him that the man wouldn't be alone so a short while later they're all brought together linked by the green with dr fate's telepathic abilities nobel prize-winning alec holland pamela eisley former doctor of toxicology thick stone infused with the technology of two worlds mary marvel wisdom of solomon harley quinn former doctor of psychology and medicine wallace west the fastest mind on the planet detective chimp the world's greatest problem solver and batman because he's batman with these minds linked together it wasn't long until cyborg was standing before the survivors i think i have the cure he tells them we can save them all superman nods but at that time the amazo androids were released and they cut a swath of anti-life destruction across the world cyborg had developed a cure telling the others that they needed to test it green canary nodded her head ollie she says simply but mr miracle steps in explaining that it should be big barta dynagro is angry but scott explains that if something goes wrong barta might be strong enough to survive we shouldn't risk ali he explains so they've removed a sliver of canary's magic sword to create a needle strong enough to pierce barta's skin and stepped through a boom tube the team arrived on a small moon near alpha centauri it was the safest place i could think of scott explains to them and he leads them to a crater where he keeps her chained up but fear shows in his eyes oh no she escaped he whispers canary whirls around at the last second as barter comes plunging down upon them she slams scott into the ground with a bellow of rage superman do it scott yells as barta raises her face to beat the man that she loves and john moves at super speed plunging the needle into barta's neck she bellows with rage again raising her fist once more and john's eyes glow red as he prepares to attack but scott yells for them not to hurt her suddenly intelligence returns once more to barda's eyes and she looks down at her husband scott she whispers looking at him with fear questioning where they are and where their son is he's safe he's on new genesis we'll go to him we just have to save the earth first scott tells his wife with a smile meanwhile over in the tower of fate john constantine pulls off the cloak that was trying to attack his soul yes cloak i know my wicked soul belongs in you but give it a rest will you he curses suddenly the door to his secret room explodes inward and zatanna steps inside hello z john greets her but she's angry and demands to know what he has done she looks around the magical weapons that jon has gathered and asks what is he planning now can you trust me john asks her but z shakes her head of course not i've known you too long she tells him john nods telling her that he's going to do things but will need her help if i tell you what i'm going to do you'll try to stop me he explains and he suddenly glances at the door telling zatanna that he spent years hiding this place from dr fate you just let the door open so that anyone could walk in he curses us phantom stranger steps out of the darkness the stranger steps forward telling jon that he must not continue down this path the world ends if i step off this path john explains and the stranger looks at zatanna asking jon if she knows everything that he's done without an answer he begins to list off everything that john has done recently i chose to do those things i didn't want to do because they had to be done john snaps at the phantom stranger asking if he's really judging him after what he did to get cursed for all eternity how dare you the stranger yells tossing john across the room but the wizard recovers fast reaching for the spear of destiny try it he dares the ghostly hero suddenly a pillow of fire appears in the room and outsteps jason blood constantine we have to talk blood tells john he tells the wizard that trigon will step foot on the earth in a matter of moments and the world will burn elsewhere in the garden the strike team returns to earth with a cured big barton any trouble damien asks well she did try to kill us a bit jon explains and cyborg is ecstatic with the results knowing that they can bring everyone back with the cure but jon reappeared to ruin everyone's day he tells them about the amazo army john wanted to rush out to fight them but damien convinced them that they needed a plan so they planned and if they cure the people as they went the amazons wouldn't have anyone to attack wallace moved fast he read everything that he could find on production in a blur of motion ten minutes later he was an expert he moved to the magnus labs where they began to create the cure three billion people could be cured with the first batch that rolled off the line but that number began to drop fast because trigon appeared on earth at 10 pm the blighted ones of paris surged towards them and he struck them 15 minutes later the city of paris had been purged the devil came to scorch the earth and in the tower they all felt the deaths john finally brought dr fate to see what was behind the door and he asked zatanna to wait outside and inside fate saw what john had collected doctor i'm going to need your helmet and amulet john explains as he puts on the cloak suddenly the phantom stranger steps forward stabbing fate with the spear of destiny explaining that constantine showed him the future you would prevent what needs to happen the stranger explains and faint falls to his knees telling the group that he will not relinquish the helmet it could not be removed by your magic constantine he tells jon jon tells him oh we know he steps forward to the staff of shazam placing his hand on fate's helmet uttering the magic word shazam the lightning strikes and the helmet was removed as jon was magically charged he holds at his hands summoning naboo's amulet i don't understand you have to have a pure heart to harness the wizard's power kent nelson grasps yeah i have one just don't ask where i got it john tells him zatanna suddenly steps it back into the room and she is shocked by the wounded kent nelson phantom stranger and etrigan are standing with a magically powered john i'm not gonna lie this is exactly as bad as it looks john admits to her and he tells her not to worry that fate will live she steps towards him asking if he'll return hey it's me he tells her with a smile that's not an answer she tells him and john smirks reminding her that she is the only person on the planet that he doesn't want to disappoint they kiss it gently in those last moments and with a crack of lightning jon flies out of the tower of fate rocketing towards trigon ready or not world i'm coming to save you it all begins in brisbane australia where the main swarm of amazo androids spread like locuses brutally ending the unliving unstoppable killing machines programmed to wipe out all anti-life on earth each strong enough to face the entire justice league but this wasn't the justice league that they were built for these were warriors wielders of the living lightning the greatest train fighters on the planet holders of the most powerful weapons in the universe and literal gods a desperate last line of defense risking everything to protect the anti-living from the artificially intelligent they have the cure they need to stop the androids so as the justice league fought the amazo's the phantom stranger in zatanna traveled to paris to join john constantine in a fight against trigon only to find that jon hasn't shown up for the fight trigon stops for a moment from his spread of destruction and looks at the phantom stranger asking shouldn't you be walking forever in limbo you're not supposed to choose a side but while that fight gets ready to take place over in the australian garden the source of the amazo army the super sons travel to take them out remotely jon looks out of the burning remains of the infected stating that they could have saved them they didn't have to die damien tells him that the people inside couldn't have known that there was a cure not to sound callous but we can't stomp for the dead before jon could react he is struck hard across the face and damien calls out to his friend but at that moment an amazo crashes down barely missing him while jon holds the android in place damien leaps up placing a small device on the amazo's head and a second later it electrocutes it the australian bunker has proven impenetrable for five years but its residents tried to kill superman's best friends so that was about to change a few seconds later the walls of the bunker explode and john walks in holding the amazo's head asking where is professor ivo we need to stop these things penguin walks up telling him no that won't be happening we've planned our personal oasis here long before the virus struck do you think that there isn't a measure to kill a superman guards but as penguin points his umbrella the guards remain still and penguin asks what are you waiting for the guards looked down from their post telling him they are not hurting superman before penguin could argue he begins to choke and all of a sudden all of the residents inside falls to the ground damien asks what is going on however it was all according to plan outside constatine is using ragman's cloak to absorb all of the corrupt souls and constantine knew exactly where to find the most corrupt ones still on earth to power up his abilities superman flies out asking what he's doing and constantine pulls back dr fate's helmet telling him it's okay the cloak only targets the truly evil if they were taken then they deserved it besides i'm going to need them to deal with some certain doom out there you know take out a demon who could otherwise destroy the planet superman asks if there's anything he can do but constantine tells him nah i've seen the future and superman didn't make it so just worry about saving everyone else superman tells him that he's a good man but constantine shrugs telling him not really but it's nice to hear superman say it as constantine takes off back inside damien sees that ivo has already been killed prior to constantine's arrival so john and damian take the amazo head to the only other person that might be able to help them get into the android's head cyborg damien explains that they're looking to see if they can figure out how the transmitters work and through that they want to try and infect their systems cyborg asks are you suggesting we give the amazo army a virus and damien says that's exactly what we're suggesting and john tells him and while we're working on it me and flash will move as fast as we can to administer the cure ahead of the amazons so the two suit up with flash stating i'm north in south america that leaves you for europe and africa as john flies over to europe there are things that his telescopic eyes couldn't ignore back in paris trigon slams his foot down on the phantom stranger telling him you should have stayed out of this while zatanna lays defeated constantine teleports in and helps her up telling her that he needs her to do a couple of things first hold the spear second i need you to tell me that i can do this see with zatanna's blessing constantine walks to try a gun telling him that as much as he'd like to see the phantom stranger get trodden on he's gonna need to let that man up trigon laughs well if it isn't john constantine oh the eternity of torment that awaits you in hell the never-ending nightmare that will constantine stops him oh will you shut up already and with the speed of mercury paired with the power of zeus and the strength of hercules enhanced by all of the lords of order and a hundred angry souls constantine strikes in short constantine just decked a giant demon he uses everything at his disposal the wisdom of solomon matches with the dirty tricks of a lifetime of avoiding fights madame xanadu's crystal ball to see the future seconds before it happens and even creatures from other dimensions but it wasn't enough with one fiery punch trigon buries constantine into the ground leaving him a bloody mess zatanna runs over to help him but constantine smiles telling her goodbye and it was at that moment that things began to look bleak the heroes were losing the amazons were overwhelming with their power and just when all was lost cyborg did it he infected the amazo systems and all across the world the androids began to fall out of the sky and that's when superman showed up he told trigon to stop trigon says that he just killed a being connected to the most powerful magics in the universe i will not stop constantine has seen the future he knew that superman would die if he faced trigon but superman was faster than fate stronger than the inevitable as jon charged in zetano watched and then she heard a faint laugh behind her she looked back to see the ghost of constantine asking how and constantine tells her yeah i'm a dead man it sucks but this is part of the plan i wasn't being a real shite when i took boston brand's power all that magic that i stole he's still connected to it and right now i'm the most powerful dead man ever to be seen which also means i can do this constantine flies up and into trigon's head trigon falls to his knees telling constantine to get out of his head but within a few seconds trigon begins to shrink in size and through trigon constantine says that he's going to need that spear trigon asks what's he going to do and constantine laughs just a little something calmly he takes the spirit stabbing it into trigon and his very soul zatanna rushes over asking why did he do that and constantine says that his soul was set for an eternity of torment just disappearing well that's gonna make a lot of demons in hell very very annoyed but if there's one thing that he can say before going is that he's going to miss all of this but the looming threat of trigon and the amazers taking care of the heroes now had a chance to help flash continue giving the unliving the cure they spread across the world they rid the unliving infection and in the end they were able to cure two billion people some including friends leaders and even family so many that were lost were found again and they managed to bring them all back i hope you guys enjoyed today's full story keep in mind this is a collection of videos that we have made over the course of multiple months and in this case over multiple years so if you want to see the next part of the season when it comes out make sure you subscribe to the channel hit that like button and join us by turning on your notifications and don't forget we cover constant comic book content right here at the channel three to seven videos a week from shorts to regular ones i hope you guys enjoy and i'll see you next time
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 986,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man, dceased, dc comics, dceased dead planet, wonder woman, comics, doomsday clock, superman, dceased hope at world's end, dc zombies, green lantern
Id: JKumAIh-GP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 39sec (11859 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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