Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Again - Complete Story | Comicstorian

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Welcome to Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe again now I know what you're thinking with a name like that How is this not a cash Graham? Well the name is but the story is really really epic I actually really enjoyed this storyline so if you like the idea of Deadpool killing everyone. I hope you enjoy The streets of New Orleans are filled as police arrive at the scene of a murder However the issue isn't that this was just a murder But it was who? Was murdered and that was the x-men known as gambit the manner of how he was killed was not just some random fight the person who did this they enjoyed doing it? Meanwhile over at aim Island the uncanny Avengers burst into MODOK slab to stop the villain from doing the usual villain things (music) This time though just before the Avengers finished cleaning up the agents MODOK whispers something to Deadpool tirelessly I pondered what daydreams a carcinogenic piranha might to revere Deadpool suddenly stops and Quicksilver says that something is up with Deadpool You know more than normal Synapse takes a quick scan of Deadpool and says that his thoughts are all jumbled up It's like he's a radio receiving a thousand signals at once rogue reaches out to Deadpool asking if he's okay, but dr. Voodoo tells her that he's entranced there's no getting through MODOK laughs, hahaha yes entranced And you don't even know the half of it y'all came here to learn who was killing your friends and allies But shall I tell you as MODOK Continues his monologue Deadpool wakes up picking a rocket launcher telling MODOK guess who snapped out of his momentary coma and look what I found on the ground Deadpool fires the rocket into MODOK and begins to beat down on him and the Deadpool's vision begins to slightly change He says that the world is snapping back into focus bright primary colors have wooed him to his super heroic calling MODOK shouts that he will never be able to defeat his ultimate weapon the genetically modified anti uncanny Avengers Deadpool then says wait wouldn't you just call them the canny Avengers Then either way Deadpool hacks and slashes his way through the anti Avengers killing them one by one until brain wave ninja is all that Stan's brain wave asks. What do you doing? Why are you doing this and Deadpool tells are obviously because you're the bad guys, duh However as Deadpool's vision because of return to normal he sees that everyone that he's been killing is actually his other Avenger friends Synapses shouts that she's going to shut him down now and as Deadpool looks at the bodies thinking that they are still bad guys he tells synapse yeah Good idea brain wave ninja you do that at all that can be heard for the next few moments miss synapse screaming the next morning another team consisting of Jessica Jones Kate Bishop cable Punisher Moon Knight in misty Knight begin to examine the aftermath Jessica asks What's the toll up to and Cable says that with these four there's been grim Human Torch black widow Danny and Luke? Moon Knight looks at one of the bodies and says looks like we have ourselves a real nasty killer Misty asks cable can't you see anything like future awareness that could point us in the right direction? and cable says that he's afraid not his timeline seems a little tangled it means that he's probably not gonna live through this as Moon Knight looks further Rainey asks was a Deadpool a part of this team and cable tells him that he runs with them But his body wasn't among the carnage. He's not here moon night finds Deadpool's logo smeared in blood and says yeah He was later at the Schaeffer theater Deadpool returns to receive praise for his latest mission or at least what he thinks is praise really he's just sitting around eating unheated noodles from a can and just Then he receives a call from Nick Fury about another special assignment Nick repeats the same thing that triggered Deadpool earlier the next targets on Deadpool's list are the god that have been walking the earth among the humans and dead pulls mind he Sees himself playing games with the gods during a volleyball around but in reality the ball that he's holding is actually Medusa's head And he's turning everyone into stone Back with cable and the others they arrive at Deadpool's apartment to find files on different heroes and their weaknesses Including those that have just been killed Punisher says that settles it Deadpool's our guy time for us to go smoke Jessica picks up an old food box and says it's not that simple and looks like Deadpool left them a message on the table Spelled out in noodles. It's the words help me Elsewhere though a group of men all discuss who they should kill next throwing different heroes names at one another one Tells them you have to have patience red skull then tells abomination Magneto and dr. Doom do not worry We will be getting to them all Later and New York cables team finds the remains of a man who had been recently killed with air horns scattered all over the place Jessica asks who is this guy? He looks like Captain America if he liked nachos and beer Moon Knight picks up the air horn stating that this man was Eddie Brock otherwise known as venom up on the streets of New York venom pool screams I'll kill you spider and spider-man asks Hey venom what Deadpool sees though is not himself fighting spider-man But rather him and spider-man entering a fruit pie eating contest Just the two of them sit down the blob appears challenging them so that he can donate the money to his favorite charity Spider-man shouts we can't let that happen our charity's counting on us Deadpool Deadpool pulls up his mask and begins eating Stating the only thing that we can do webhead is eat eat like there's no tomorrow but in the real world Deadpool is eating, but it's not fruitcakes It's spider-man's insides venom yells Finally The Hunger is shaded and it begins to release itself off of Deadpool Deadpool says look Spidey We did it we out ate the blob He then looks at venom and pulls on an air horn and drops it down telling venom to hurry and get out of here get As far away as you can The next place cables team goes is the apartment of Spider Woman Jessica drew we're both her and Roger Cocking the porcupine were both found murdered like everyone else The group decides is better to split up into teams to try and find Deadpool and Moon Knight adds that everyone needs to keep in Touch that way if his operative discovers anything they can all be in the loop Punisher asks What do you mean and Moon Knight tells him I have my peoples a short while later Jessica and Kate meet up with Miles Morales to inform him of what's been going on Miles says yeah Captain America was telling them all to lay low for a while But for him to say that it must be pretty bad Jessica tells him that it wouldn't be a bad idea to get out of here And then miles spidey sense goes off suddenly goblin bombs are thrown and the entire roof explodes throwing everyone off the side of it Jessica quickly grabs Kate before she can fall, but miles is still on the rooftop He looks up to see part of a spider-man costume, and he asks if that's Peter But Deadpool wearing that costume tells him nothing but a poor travesty a failed copy the saga the spider-verse clone conspiracy ends here little Spidey What Deadpool is seeing though is not miles but a six-armed spider monster a few moments later? Jessica gets back up on the roof to find miles bloody head meanwhile back with red skull II talks with doom about Deadpool's Conditioning and when sure is doom that Deadpool will not turn on them but up above them Gwen pool is listening assist That's right, keep talking jerkface big needs a bunch mr.. Knights gonna eat this up Gwen bull sneaks up on the villain She she quietly sits. Yes. I'm absolutely Positively sure that it's them. What do you mean mr.? Night that you can't tell us down by the back of their heads fine Hold on she bursts into the control room snapping pictures of the group with her phones telling them say cheese Red Skull tells everyone to get her and the abomination charges after going poll asks if they've got the pic yet Do you believe me now? Out in the woods Moon Knight looks at the pictures and says I lost connection with Gwen pool We're gonna have to assume that she's dead for now Punisher says I'm getting real tired of being one step behind Deadpool He was just here We missed him Moon Knight looks at a bag filled with marshmallows and says Looks like he was camping and Punisher tells him He was roasting more than just marshmallows up ahead Groot lays on the ground burned with a skimmed rocket racoon dead Star-lord and a headless Drax Punisher picks up a gun telling him this must have been the murder weapon I'm gonna hang on to it a killed Deadpool with his own gun over at Xavier school for little mutants Marvel girl asks Deadpool if he's sure about this a Deadpool tells her don't worry I totally got this after plugging in a machine Deadpool pulls a switch stating. I'm activating the time platform now I'm gonna send you home little x-men, but as the switches pulled the kids begin to feel sick And there's a loud explosion in reality Deadpool just killed everyone And he looks back at the console saying that it looked like he flipped the wrong switch Oh, well time travels of the birds, anyhow though I can't really blame you all for wanting to go back and fix whoever killed the other X-men and that soon we see the damage that Deadpool did to Xavier School back with Moon Knight and Punisher they arrive in the location where Gwen Paul's phone had its signal and Punisher says that this place Is dead the two head inside and Moon Knight says that he anticipated that they're people of interest would be gone But maybe they can find something as to white jade poles even doing this then rust be some sort of trigger or a code that Puts Deadpool on their control, and that's when behind them Deadpool appears But Deadpool seems himself asking if they're ready to play their weekly basketball game Moon Knight tells them I'm sorry, but that's a new can't do we're busy with our false idols. I'm Punisher yells Yeah My gun tells me that there's no room for Wholesomeness Fudd in reality Moon Knight and Punisher began to fight Deadpool and just as Deadpool cuts munites arm Punisher shouts that he's gonna end this he pulls the trigger on the gun that he picked up earlier And it releases an energy wave that instantly Vaporizes the Punisher and Moon Knight says he sabotaged the gun he knew that Punisher would try to use it Deadpool tells him I warned Frank about how guns were bad for him He really should have just played basketball moon dice spins back punching Deadpool, and as he falls Deadpool tells him hate me again I'm at least here for the pain part Moon Knight punches again a Deadpool says they're making a play. They finally got organized They're getting rid of all of the heroes of once in four wall keep hitting me I can keep my senses and Moon Knight asks Who are they and Deadpool tells him all of them all of the villains are working on this but before Deadpool couldn't want to monitor In front of him with red skulls face tells him the trigger phase Deadpool Then takes out his sword stabbing into moon night And as moon night falls Deadpool whispers something into his ear and leaves Moon Knight grabs a phone telling Jessica that he knows where Deadpool's going next He warned him of it Whatever you do Don't go alone Take all of the heavy hitters with you and a short while later Deadpool returns to the labs where all of the heroes are there To fix him up however the normal doctors are not who Deadpool thinks They are the Arnim Zola and the mad thinker later more heroes show up at red skulls base And they find an operating table with fresh blood on it suddenly there's footsteps coming towards them and a Sam Wilson looks up he says That can't be that can't be what's happened Deadpool now merged with Ultron tells them you could stop me I want you to but you can't all you could do is run But I know that you won't so you're all going to die as Deadpool's vision changes He doesn't see the heroes before him he sees himself in an arena And he's a contender against an army of robots as the robots attack Deadpool thinks these guys really want to hurt me But I've done nothing to earn their hatred however if I don't fight, then I'll never be reunited with my true. Love Oh PR turbine, where are you? Deadpool then rips apart another robot telling them please forgive me You know not the malice in your programming back in reality the heroes bodies continue to pile up as Deadpool holes Jessica up by her Neck squeezing and crushing it Sheils. Yeah, go on and do it finish it before but before she could finish Deadpool snaps her neck cable starts firing stating that he's sorry that they have failed them But just as Deadpool starts shooting back Cait releases an arrow straight for his head he catches It asking really this can't be your best effort And he throws an arrow into cable's chest cable falls to his knees stating Ah new this is where my time line ended and then the arrow explodes Deadpool yells ha splode arrow And then he releases the blast into Kate's chest it rips through killing her and just then misty jumps into attack Deadpool turns back firing a beam into her head blowing off her skin with everyone dead Deadpool starts to pull off the Ultron helmet telling them I can't breathe and then he finally rips it off as he throws it to the ground. He says look what I've done Next Deadpool heads out to play hide and seek with moon girl miss Marvel and the powerpack kids one by one the kids are Slaughtered and Deadpool shouts alright now. It's my turn to hide as he looks around he sees what he's done, and he says Yeah, I wish I could hide from this He walks through the crowd and the people ask how he could have done this to kids And he stops and says in this case. I'm glad I don't know what I did over in an undisclosed location a bloody tinkerer sits asking What is she going to do to him now and gwenpool tells him it depends really as for me I'm starting to get a little worried No one has been answering the phone or responding to my texts tinkerers says that it wasn't his idea to use Deadpool It was the others if wondeful says she knows that part But what she doesn't know is how they're doing it tinkerer leans up stating that they have a control phase opposed to hypnotic suggestion advanced Brainwashing techniques they've made it so that he doesn't even realize what he's doing Gwen full smiles telling him. That's good now You need to tell me how to break that control freeze Later after saving the damsel and distressed from the evil Nova Deadpool shouts alright miss Kat trail you're safe now As edible picks up the mannequin who he thought needed saving a voice asks What does he plan on doing with that thing? Go ahead and pull jumps in kicking Deadpool telling him actually scratch that I don't want to know the two begin to fight with Gwen While yelling come I'm just trying to get through an LP a dead bull shouts back That sounds like something one of you variant cover knockoffs would say just look at you Deadpool in pink Gwen bull says see That's how I know you're not in your right Head the real Deadpool knows that he looks good in pink after one more attack Gwen full stops and her blood drips off the end of the sword that you stabbed through her she cost Struggling to say that she knows it wasn't him that killed all these people And there's something she can do to end it she falls to the ground stating the trigger phrase Giving Deadpool the villains as targets. He then says all right, then bring on the bad guys Days passing the only thing that Deadpool is behind him are mounds of bodies and a far greater amount than the heroes that he once Killed with the numbers of villains getting smaller and smaller by the day an emergency meeting is held by Red Skull to address their issues He informs everyone that the matter is under control even though it is tragic They have their very best agents working on the problem all they need to do is present Deadpool with someone who has a greater killing Instinct than his own as carnage slashes away Deadpool space he tells them look. I have no beef with you You're not even a part of a super villain Club carnage pins down Deadpool telling him see that's where you're wrong all those Fancy-pants villains that went messing with your noodle bagged old cleetus to punch it down Deadpool pulls back his costume looking at his watch telling him Yeah Hunted me down to the very spot that I wanted you Seconds later a train passes by with its sirens stunning the symbiote as carnage pulls off a Cletus Deadpool looks at him and asks what? Kind of kinky symbiotic stuff if you wind you being naked under their Cletus Deadpool picks up Cletus by his hair and holds his naked body in front of the passing train cutting off his delicate bits first He didn't pushes the rest of him into it once cleanest is taken care of Deadpool pulls out on a sinner Aragorn aid throws it Onto carnage and leaves more and more villains are killed in the normal Deadpool fashion disembowelment head on the stove wrecking ball to the face clothesline for those who can fly Finally the time has come to finish off the one who did this Red Skull and his cohorts. As Deadpool sneaks into Magneto's metal fortress He listens in a conversation between Magneto and Doom. Doom says that Deadpool is not to be underestimated Facing him alone is rather risky But magneto looks at him. Were you and the abomination ever treated the great magneto invites Deadpool into his lair Magneto tells him I will exit our alliance on my own terms and doom tells him I bid you farewell Deadpool raises a sword to strike magneto But magneto holds up a flashdrive Telling him that this is all the information on those who serve Red Skull Deadpool says there's one thing I got to know Why are you doing? This why throw in with the Red Skull in the betrayal magneto looks at his glasses telling him I thought by striking a bargain with these villains. I would be able to protect mutant kind It was understood that there would be some sacrifices, but I never anticipated that it would be so far But now I could finish this make things right Deadpool asks. How is it ever going to be right? You helped me kill all of those heroes kill the x-men murder the young x-men in your care Magneto doesn't know Deadpool you were the one who killed them and Deadpool pulls back telling him yeah He then turns and walks away telling him. We both deserve to live with that on our shoulders magneto later Deep within the red skulls base Red Skull stands with two of the last mercenaries that have come to his age Taskmaster and crossbones Deadpool stumbles into the room bloodied from the others that he killed before reaching them and crossbone last, hahaha Look at you, you you can barely stand we wanted to break a sweat with this one taskmaster. Taskmaster tells him actually I'm gonna sit this one out stuff that they did to Wade well They're all getting what's coming to them crossbone opens fire on Deadpool telling him whatever who needs you anyway But before taskmaster can leave Redskull grabs zipper behind telling him I will not be betrayed by an insignificant were the two struggling with one sharp jerk Red Skull snaps taskmasters neck through crossbones bullets Deadpool jumps over him and stabs back with a knife right into the back of Crossbones next singing the skull bones connected to the neck bone Once Deadpool pulls a knife back out he sees that it's finally the end just him and Red Skull And he shouts you're next got Hitler, but as Deadpool charges in Redskull grabs him asking, How do you know that any of this is even real? Do you really think that you could just shrug off our programming? He smacks Deadpool town telling him you butchered your friends and allies on a whim not only all of the heroes are gone But the dozens of villains who may one day oppose my rule this has all been a part of the plan every Adventure every victory the world is signed by Red Skull the only thing that is real is the chaos and death that has been happening But before Red Skull could finish Deadpool takes taskmasters shield that he cuts off red skulls head And as the head bounces on the ground Red Skull continues to talk Asking is this what you wanted to see to protect yourself to give yourself a sense of atonement for what you've done Deadpool pulls off his mask telling him maybe not but I'm not finished there plenty more villains out there Even if you're not dead I could circle back and kill you again And as Deadpool picks up tasks masters sword and shield, he walks off telling Red Skull It's a good thing that there's no heroes left because what I'm gonna be doing ain't no hero business And there you have it Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe again now personally. I'm hoping this doesn't turn into a trilogy again I hope it's just this one-off storyline Deadpool goes crazy We don't know what's gonna happen next and we never find out I think it's pretty twisted at the ending that we discovered that Red Skull was right and this is all in Deadpool said But you know it's it's just I really enjoy the storyline I really really did now before we can go I need to have somebody else in the in this team the comics torreĆ³n team Sends you guys off to the other videos. I did a little skit thing a while ago You guys remember him well most of you do because you keep reminding me in the goddamn comments. I'll be right back It's right it's fat bull fat bull has returned I'm here to tell you how annoying and stupid the comic story it is cuz I'm fat bull anyway Don't forget to check out more stuff by Deadpool over here. We'll do the entire original Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe saga over here That's the one where you can find me go to go to chapter like three You know panel 9 and back in the page fat hole standing over there. You know what it is now I'm gonna go eat a whole bunch of doughnuts. Thank you guys for your time. I'll see you right here at Comic story
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 2,587,325
Rating: 4.8966312 out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic book, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, Deadpool, deadpool kills marvel, deadpool kills the marvel universe, spider-man, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man
Id: AUs6Mx4wwq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2017
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