What's Your Most Embarrassing Doctors Office Story?

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reddit what's your most embarrassing doctor's office story i'll start i had to pay the bill's job as an administrator at a private hospital we had an urgent referral come in for a testicular ultrasound and the guy whose testicles needed to be checked was quite a famous actor and was performing in a play in town so the schedule for booking him and was really tough going so i was skipping through the next two three days of appointment calendars looking for a free 10-minute slot or a before lunch slot that was filled but likely to run short so there'd be time to speed him in and out he was on the phone while i was trying to book him in and i got so self-conscious at the long silence after explaining the normal waiting times and what i was doing that i said all cheery like don't worry we'll squeeze your balls in here somewhere i made sure not to be near the reception desk when he came in on new year's eve 2001 i woke up with an unbearable pain in the my left side of my abdomen i couldn't move for over an hour i was at home from my sophomore year of college but none of my family was home after about three hours of crying and doubled over in pain in bed i crawled across the house and called my mom at work she took me to the air where they did various pressure tests and listening and decided it wasn't my appendix so they did some x-rays the only other person in here was an old lady that had a cut on her head and she was trying to comfort me while my face was red and i was holding back tears the doctor came in and looked at the lady and looked at me and whispered i don't know how to tell you this but your colon is full of crap actual term i screamed that's it get it out of me and he told me he could give me an enema a suppository or a salty drink i took the drink and chat for eight hours straight i was good enough to go to her party that night but still had the shoots and didn't get drunk felt so much better tl doctor thought my appendix was rupturing a doctor told me i was full of crap so the next time someone tells me i'm full of crap i'll reply with that's it get it out of me after a rough night of praying to the porcelain goddess aka puking my guts out i discovered that most of the blood vessels in one eye had burst the end result was red where normally the eye is white so i looked creepy as heck nephew told me i looked like voldemort wife insisted i go to the doctor to get it checked out so i did got a random lady doctor she took one look at it and asked so are you into kinky freaking to which i replied um no not really her responds well you should be careful with that choking stuff it can be dangerous i laughed nervously the nurse kept staring at the floor and i proceeded to explain that i had been vomiting all night even as i left she said well just be more careful next time oh yeah best part this was in provo utah 99 mormon and apparently home of kinky strangling freaking was getting a physical a few years ago so i could play hs football usually the doctor feels around your abdomen and that's that this time the doctor made me strip and made me cough i hadn't fapped in a few days with the combination of a stranger's hand on my beans gave me a semi which i tried to cover which led me to accidentally fart on him as i turned around doc looked at me and said you can play and left the story just gets better and better i was 10 went to the air with a ruptured appendix they had trouble diagnosing my problem and sent me in for an enema the doctor was doing his thing me you must be the least popular doctor in the hospital doc i don't get many thank you cards i hope you sent the doctor an appropriately themed thank you card i recently had a sore throat and when trying to get a good look at it in the mirror i noticed these large pink spots all over the very back of my tongue i spent a week fretting over it wondering what they were and why they weren't going away until my mom got worried enough about them that she went with me to my doctor upon examining my throat and tongue he pronounced that what i was seeing were my taste buds i have never seen my doctor who is an incredibly stoic man smile so wide before my family is never going to let me live it down technically your mother didn't know what they were either so she can't give you too tough a time went to the doctor when i was about eight months pregnant at that point in my pregnancy i was very gassy and if i tried to hold it and it would get painful after a while while i was sitting in the doctor's office i felt like i had to fart i held it in for a while thinking that if i did fart the doctor would be in at any moment 15 minutes passed and nothing so i decided to let it go the tiniest little fart ever but it stunk like something crawled up my butt and died 30 seconds later the doctor walked in and asked me what that smell was just about everything that happens during pregnancy is embarrassing had nasal polyps removed when there are a crap ton after the procedure there are several follow-ups to get minor stragglers but mostly also to remove giant blood clots that have formed myotolaronologist is busy digging and scraping and scooping and some monster freaking aliens are being dragged out i can see my nostrils expanding like i'm passing a chicken egg size baby out of them then they shall loop shut again anyway he is grinding and yanking at this one and it won't come loose he rotates it a bit gently places it in a tray and says nothing but leaves the room with a half smile three minutes later he comes back and tells us he had a silent freak out and had to wash up because a giant bloody string of snot carried elasticity from the pool and slapped up against the length of his cheek like a cheap 25 cent toy from the bins at the front of a kmart said polyps again and first line instead of follow-ups maybe my subconscious mind has an accent and believe it to be a homophone getting my very first pelvic exam first the doctor was so nervous she dropped the first speculum getting it out of the package hand shaking and everything uh okay i'm on the table speculum inside me doctor and nurse hanging out around my lady bits i'm trying to pretend that i'm not here when the doctor goes are you on your period number why kamaru in her nervousness she'd been way too rough and made me bleed thanks doc i whimpered and crossed my legs i'm going to tell a friend's story since i don't have any embarrassing stories of my own cough about 10 years ago i had a very promiscuous friend he would sleep with anything warm wet and willing and half the time didn't use any protection one day he started having a burning sensation when he peed more than your average duty he'd had fricked with a new random a few days ago so he went to the doctor's office to have some tests run two days later the doc's office calls him and says that he needs to come in immediately he rushes to the doc's office gets sent to an exam room and the doc comes in with a clipboard and a very concerned look on his face well about that burning sensation my friend is nervous and says yeah doc you work in a restaurant friend yep doc you drink a lot of soda friend yep doc something citrusy like sprite or sunkist friend yep doc the burning sensation when you pee is excess carbonic acid in your system being eliminated cut out the soda and stick to water and you'll be fine in a couple of days friend why do you have to call me down here to tell me that doc doc so you'd stop freaking unprotected awesome doctor massive hemorrhoids went into the doctor and he had to stuff my anus back into my anus had to lay on my side for three days i was having a lump on my balls checked i described said lump to the doctor and he went about trying to locate it himself i was lying down at this stage staring at the ceiling after about a minute of him fumbling he admitted defeat and asked me to find it so i sat up and started to jumble them around in my hands i was hunched over and he wasn't more than a foot away staring intently at my balls when suddenly a gust of wind blew the door wide open just then a nurse walked past the door that was awkward eye contact oh and before i let you go are you active in your private life number i thought so i had to go to the doctor today as it happened and a nurse was kinda flirty with me so happy ending kinda when i was in high school i had to get blood drawn and i do not like needles i went in got my blood drawn paid and started to walk out i got to my car and realized i didn't have a note to get my absence excused so i went in and got in line to get one i was standing in line and started to sweat and get cold and started to get really dizzy all of a sudden i started to have tunnel vision and stumbled into this lady that must have weighed 350 pounds and was like five feet two she turned around and looked at me like i was an idiot and then i started to go down fast i am six feet tall and fell over like a tree face first right into this lady's giant boobs bounced off her and hit my head on the floor i woke up two minutes later in the back of the doctor's office on the way out i made eye contact with my motorboatie she was not amused at least you weren't driving when this happened my most embarrassing doctor's office story took place with a good ol ob gyn while in the waiting room i realized that i was moist not due to period just spontaneous moisture for the guys it's like getting a random erection sometimes it just happens for no reason oh frick oh frick oh frick i'm thinking hoping that somehow it'll disappear before the full exam come time for the pelvic exam i get my feet in the stirrups and whatnot as is often the case the doctor was in the room along with an assistant both female usually the doctor will lube up the speculum prior to the cervical exam pap smear etc when the doctor got the speculum out her assistant retrieved the lubricant then doctor turned to her and said looks like we won't be needing that tl dr lady obgyn probably thought i was turned on by pelvic exam my doctor wanted to check me for polyps in my colon he used a proctoscope which they used to pump your colon full of air and then look up your butthole doc proceeds to pump air up my butt and it starts to gurgle like a huge fart coming i giggled about it not really thinking about the fact that i had this guy looking up my butt he finished and i went to the bathroom to wipe all the lube off my butt not really thinking about the fact that there was lube up my butt and there was still air trapped up my butt i walked through the waiting room to leave about halfway across the waiting room it got ugly i ripped this massive wet fart that sounded like i'd just crap my pants i'm not sure who was more horrified me or the people in the waiting room should have told them it was the dog man ha i've got a classic so i had this rancid throat infection as in the back of my throat looked like it had been the star of a bucket it was horrific after a week of being miserable i went to the doctors to get it checked out now i have never had a hot doctor before but the one i got was this lovely mid late thirties blonde very lovely it comes to the point where she has to take a swab of the back of my throat and she says i'm afraid this will make you gag now i remember the thing my housemate had told me that if you squeeze your left thumb in your left hand really tight it removes your gag reflex so i proclaim this to her and to her disbelief go on to prove it works low and behold i don't gag she says wow where did you learn that to which i obviously say oh some guy showed me she raised an eyebrow i went bright red and that was it for talking tldr made a hot doctor think i'm a deep throating champion when i was 21 i noticed a lump in my right breast being a broke college student i ignored it for a while and finally got it looked at while visiting home for winter break i had never been to this doctor before but she conducted what seemed like a normal examination remarking that it was really unusual for someone my age to have a solid feeling lump she apparently wanted some consensus before she sent me for more testing so she called in another doctor fine this guy says hello i'm doctor so and so and this is my resident and these are my medical students great so i got to spend the next few minutes felt like an eternity in a tiny examination room laying on a table in only my underpants and socks with five or six can't even remember now other people who all take turns palpating my breasts and going hum hum mortifying tl dr everybody touched my boobs just so you know you have the right to not be examined by students you could have kicked them out when i was in college i went to the on-campus doctor's office to get a physical apparently the one in my records was outdated i had no idea what i was walking into and it didn't even cross my mind that it was going to be a full pants down examination to make a long story short the doctor was a beautiful 28 year old blonde who was just out of med school or something after she performed all the different checksups a male nurse entered the room and she commented that he needed to be there for liability purposes i was confused for a brief second until i was told to drop my pants she was on her little wheelie stool thing with her beautiful face eye level and inches away from my junk i closed my eyes while she touched my balls and shaft trying my best to imagine she was a wrinkly old dude so i wouldn't embarrass myself unluckily for me she grabbed the base of my shaft for some test and i let out a loud very audible moan i went red and she acknowledged my mom by giggling it's okay nothing surprises me anymore i just stood there shaking my head no in silence red-faced and accepting my shame tl dr went to get a physical ended up experiencing first hand the closest thing to the start of a cheesy porno i kind of hate everyone in this post who's gotten their physicals from hot nurses my balls were palpated by a 60 year old graying asian woman count your blessings a couple years back i had to get a physical for work ended up seeing an incredibly hot young nurse practitioner i was 19 at the time she was probably 25-ish as it got time to turn my head and cough so to speak she sat down face level with my waist and i immediately knew that within seconds i was going to have a raging clue so i'm standing there hoping she'll hurry already blushing furiously and she takes this moment to look up currently holding my balls and commence the standard medical practitioners small talk routine are you in school what for you follow the phillies by the time dr q and a was finished she looked back down to be greeted by a tremendous throbbing erection she laughed a little and said oh look he likes me and then moved on with the physical tl dr got physical from hot nurse practitioner popped a titanic boner had said boner acknowledged and allowed myself to hope for one moment i had been transported to p dimension where hot successful adult females are attracted to 19 year old scumbags this was not the case received blue balls of a lifetime at least she was cool about it this one time i was pooping some blood so i went to a clinic the 80 year old hunched over male german doctor had to have a feel around in my business i'm a girl for what it's worth while this frighteningly decrepit gent was up to his knuckles in my ass he loudly started asking me about riding back doors i was shy and 17 at the time i said no no i do not ride back doors and laugh nervously he told me that he couldn't find anything wrong gave me something for the pain etc while i was walking out through the clinic past all the other patients who were waiting their turn he loudly said you shouldn't laugh about riding back doors that way many young women find they enjoy it when you try it though be safe and use lots of lubricant i skedaddled my bloody butt out of there right quick not a lot of stories begin with this one time i was pooping some blood so i'm at the ob gyn i'm 19 and this is the first time i've ever gone to a doctor by myself they put me in the first room next to the bathroom and we do the checkup stuff and my doctor asks for a urine sample he says go next door to the bathroom and then write your name on the sample and put it in the little window i'm extremely nervous because i usually cannot pee on command somehow i manage to pee a little into the stupid cup i write my name on it and then i realize i have no freaking idea what to do with this cup i look around the small bathroom and all i see is a silver cabinet and a sink i walk out the bathroom with this peek up and bump into this young pregnant woman i look into her eyes and say i peed in this cup she looks confused do you know what i'm supposed to do with this speak up she stares at me a bit more than her boyfriend walks up and says up there's a place for you to put it in the bathroom i turn bright red and say oh and run back to the bathroom and open the silver cabinet and place it next to all the other freaking peacocks i walk out the bathroom avoid eye contact with a pregnant couple and walk back to my room i open the door and there's this pantsless black woman i say oh um sorry i'm looking for my stuff i thought this was my room um to which she replies what the frick so i shut the door and the nurse is standing at the end of the hallway looking at me this is your room sorry about that we moved you and i didn't catch you in time the pregnant couple and the nurse laughed at me while i did my walk of shame out over there every part of that was incredibly awkward i once had a gastroenterologist examine me for hemorrhoids and fishes while he was probing and looking he asked are you gay i replied i guess i am now i think i made the situation more uncomfortable for the both of us i had a friend who knocked over his urine sample onto the doctor's files a year later the same guy had to get a rectal exam and giggled like a little girl back in sixth grade i had to get a physical and during the turn your head and cough bit i giggled i was so ashamed i didn't look at my balls for a month a couple years ago i had to go to the health department's gyno since at the time i didn't have health insurance well i requested a female doctor just to be more comfortable and all was going quite well until she asked if a student doctor could come in the room as well i said yes not even thinking about it and in walks this amazingly handsome man while my legs are held wide open i have never been so mortified in my life my instant reaction was to snap close my legs while forgetting that my doctor was in between them yay it sucked i was 12 or so and my doctor knew i didn't like needles still don't bitto well so he put a shot that i had to get in his pocket with his pens so i didn't notice in the middle of a sentence he pulls it out and comes at me and i punched him directly in the face and broke his glasses it wasn't intentional per se dude was coming at me with a sharp object it was instinct he ended up grabbing me by the shoulders pinning me down and doing the injection for years afterwards i couldn't face him tl dr punched my doctor in the face comma in his pocket with his pens read that as p nissan was really confused for a moment i'm not my story but a friend in med school he was working in the clinic one day and went in to see a patient who needed a breast exam keep in mind it was a mid-age but attractive patient while preforming the exam there was a nurse chaperone he said hum yes very excellent i mean normal very normal he was beat red the rest of the day that's a bit of an overreaction it's only embarrassing nothing to get attacked over for a while when i would poop i would faint when i told my doctor he responded oh wow that's really embarrassing hold on i have to tell barry this hadn't seen my doctor in over a year and he met me outside the examination room before i went in he spread his arms and i was a little surprised but started to move in for a hug before he stepped back a little and made a clearer indication that he was just politely gesturing me to enter the room before him sheep-faced i put my head down and marched into the room when i was 18 i went to peru for a missions trip so we could bring the word of god to all the ignorant savages blah blah blah while swimming in the amazon a parasite became a warm and cozy stowaway in my foot good times fast forward three weeks i'm back in the states and have incredible stabbing pain in my stomach and have track marks all over my stomach so i head into my family practitioner to see what the frick is up she doesn't know what the frick is up and recommends me to the university parasite specialist this parasite specialist thinks my stomach is the coolest thing he has ever seen i'm sitting in a goddang hospital gown and he can't stop talking about how amazing this is in fact it's so god dang amazing that he calls his colleague and who then calls his colleague in now because this is a university hospital every doctor has a couple interns hanging around and learning all in all there are eight ten people in the room checking me out including some very attractive women very close to my own age smart butt beard a doctor not the specialist we should probably look at his anus i turn over hear the snapping of rubber gloves feel my butt spread apart smart butt beard a doctor disappointed oh we won't be able to see anything down there too much hair tl dr got worms embarrassed by spreading my hairy butt in front of hot interns could be worse you could have had a fish swim up your urethra wasn't embarrassing for me but more awkward hilarious i was sitting in the waiting room of my ob gyn girl parts doctor with about 20 other patients waiting to be seen it's dead quiet in there except for one girl is on her phone probably in her late twenties talking to i can only assume is a close friend her one-sided conversation went like this jay isle i'm at the vajayjay doctor right now yes she called it that getting my crap checked out the pause i don't know what the hell's wrong that crap is ripe smells like mama stuff to catfish down there pause e-e-r there be rainbows left in my panties for reals green blue and red laughter and another brief pause of him she ite i can't talk about him right now girl i be in the waiting room full of people she was white as white can be and totally made me gag on her crassness and stupidity comma she was white as white can be twist of the freaking century right here i had to get a compost copy where they stick a camera up your vag with a male genome his nurse and an intern it hurt like a bee when they did the swab and the biases ripped a chunk out of me i was so mortified afterwards that when he was done his little talk in the end about cancer and cells and scary crap like that i said um thanks for sticking things in my tea and burst into tears tl dr i'm a wussy i cried before my colposcopy the assistant asked if i was experiencing bleeding during intercourse i was just dumped so all i could think was no one wants to have intercourse with me if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 22,426
Rating: 4.8895025 out of 5
Keywords: most embarrassing doctors office story, doctors, doctor, doctor visit, hospital, medical, nurse, embarrassing, emergency, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: HAXh4U7pT60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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