Gun shop employees, what red flags made you deny a sale?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit gun shop employees of Reddit what are some red flags that have caused you to deny a sale of a firearm serious I used to work in a large outdoors retailer I had a man common for a gun that refused to give me his eight also didn't want to give me his name address date of birth or any other info he said he should just be able to answer the questions on the background check and that should be all I needed sale denied sounds like you passed some kind of test [ __ ] there are tests for these kind of things where do I find the study material finally one that I can answer I was living in Alaska for a year and picked up a part-time job in the winter as a gun counter clerk at a national sporting goods chain one slow evening a kid comes in my kid I'm talking college aged and start staring into the pistol case I ask him if he wants to see one in that I'd need his head to verify his age etc all's going well it's obvious he's new to guns I asked him what his intended purpose in use was in order to find what might suit his needs he says he wants a cowboy style gun and all he wants to do is to go shooting to let off steam that his mom teases him for always being on the computer and growing up a kitten the more I talked to him the more I realized he was just a closet weeaboo otaku my brothers are full-on weeaboo so I told the kid about how they had a big group of friends who met once a year during a EXOR comic and SD kid was straight-up starry-eyed told me he wishes he knew people like that that if he had friends like that he wouldn't have bipolar issues in the end I told the kid not to buy a gun save up his money and GTFO of Alaska I swear I've not had a happier customer dude didn't even buy anything his mom sounds like a dumped edit okay I know his mom isn't necessarily a bad person but he tried to purchase a gun to be more manly after too much [ __ ] from his family there's obvious societal problems with the ideal man and manly activities and I must address this I really felt for him too because my own daddy's was like that to my brother one time my brother asked if he could use my backpack for school because my pops was chastising him for using his idle master messenger bag to carry his books in my dad was giving him [ __ ] calling it a person whatnot I told him to tell my dad to duck off but still gave him my backpack anyway I no longer live at home but lil bro still does my brother absolutely hates my dad even though they're very similar already posted one here but another doozy was sketchy bloke comes in and wants to look at leaver action shotguns before this things even left my hands he smashing the lever as hard and fast as he can I asked him to not divert and had to explain to a grown-ass man why it's not OK to roughly handle a brand-new anything that you haven't bought he's got one of those five-year-old kids he keeps interrupting us talking cos he wanted to hold the gun I turned my back to double-check price and when I turn around I'm looking down the barrel of the shotgun the father's handed to his kid and hear the click of him dry-firing it at me whipped it out of this kid's hand and told the dad to get the duck out and dad starts abusing me cos I hurt his kid's hand when I pulled the shotgun away having his kid refire a shotgun in my face isn't that big of a deal apparently holy duck dude I think a jesus duck in Christ would be more appropriate obvious straw purchasers do they asks all the questions and does the shopping and dude bee or girl friend wants to fill out the background check and pay for it gtfo edit a lot of comments about gifting what I'm talking about is something different imagine a couple people showing up that just enjoyed some meth or brought in a cloud of weed along with them I'm not talking about a dude and his girlfriend picking out a gun for her or something edit to some people complaining about my weed comment I don't have anything against it myself but it's illegal to own firearms and smoked weed I wasn't being hyperbolic people actually comment smelling strongly of it if you smell like weed but mark now I don't use any illegal drugs on the 4473 federal background form then I no longer feel comfortable selling to you because the rest of the responses could be lies - is it a straw sale if dude a does everything except pay for it like as a gift it's only a straw sell if you try to avoid the background check and paperwork on the person who will actually end up owning the firearm if you want to buy somebody a firearm and they come with you and do all the shopping that's great it just means that the person you are giving the gun to has to pass the background check and present it not you it's exactly the same as if you just gave them cash as a gift and they went to the store to buy the gun themselves however if the shop gets any sort of vibe that you are trying to pay for it and the other person might actually give it to you they will probably deny the sale form a gun shop employee here an automatic ejection from the store was when the customer asks which kind of firearm is effective for harming or killing people I've personally called the police on a few sketchy buyers all came through with having warrants or issues my boss didn't take this kind of [ __ ] lightly we had short team meetings every week to ensure everyone understood what goes on he was an excellent boss how is I want this for home personal defence not asking what gun is good for harming or killing people concerns for home defence are just lafalot II but noise portability reliability and penetration you don't want to go death blind and shoot through to your kid's room with an unwieldy Mancala guy walked in wearing a bulletproof vest never bought a gun before better looks safe and experienced sounds like some always sunny logic we get lots of people who use us for transfers they buy online and then the gun comes to this and we handle the background check one guy had done a transfer with us previously and I got a bad feeling about him nothing concrete he just mugged me a few weeks later he called again for another transfer the gun was coming from Alaska so I told him it was going to take a bit longer than usual and I'd call him as soon as it arrived the next day he called wanting to know if I had a track number yet I didn't the Alaska FFL only did business by mail how the hell a letter was supposed to get to Alaska overnight I know not again I told him to be patient fast forward a week and he calls me three times he let slip that the dealer in Alaska won't talk to him and he needs me to be the go-between that's a red flag sellers normally communicate with buyers he was acting really sketchy and impatient so I had decided to deny the sale so I called the dealer because this was getting sketchy the dealer told me he cancelled the sale interesting never had that happened before the dealer said and I'm quitting here that guy's a serial killer in the making he Harris the dealer several times a day starting on the day he ordered the gun the dealer said the guy knew the sale was canceled because he told him and refunded his money that settled it for me I wasn't interested in handling any transfers for him when I finally blocked his phone number two days after talking to the dealer I had 35 missed calls from him TL DR guy was super impatient about it transfer Harris the seller and spooked him pretty badly log 35 missed calls to my phone in two days why did he want this specific gun so badly what type of firearm was it since we never took possession of it I don't know it never went in our indie book so I can't check as to why he wanted this particular one so badly no clue we've had competitive shooters two transfers and they get a bit twitchy if shipping takes a bit longer they cite in their guns before competition but this guy wasn't a hunter or a competitive shooter I like it when they make it obvious for me and hopefully joke about shooting at schools protesters it happens more than you would think also don't send your friend you were browsing with to try and buy the exact same firearm that he wanted 15 minutes after I told you I couldn't sell to you Rowe that's like joking about having a Bonneville airport how dumb do you have to be also after reading the thread it's surprising how easy it would be to buy a gun yet people still do it in the dumbest ways our range rents out firearms for trap skeet shooting had a lady come in asking strange questions like does it hurt if someone gets shot with it and also acted weird when she answered a call and told the person that she was at a coffee shop but she left and we called the cops to file a report of a suspicious person might have been suicidal the lady might have wanted a painless death and had a past off suicide attempts us light to hide that she was at a place where she may have intended to harm herself do cops where you live actually take reports for suspicious persons last time I called it was because a person wearing wearing an all-black a ski mask and a Guy Fawkes mask started walking at me yelling we're cool I am NOT gonna hurt you dar they said they couldn't do anything because it wasn't a crime paperwork accuracy is a big issue it has to be 100 percent if you're gonna shoot it doesn't match the info you put on a form and you don't have any of the allowed supporting information then no gun sells to you had one guy come and only with the title to his car no garbage photo it he spouted some BS about sovereign citizen blah blah we took his info and blacklisted him in the computer we didn't want to be associated with that type of folks we would also ask what the intended use of US foreign led them with a certain hunting season an example would be okay why do you need a 22 rifle going to hunt some deer if they would answer yes no gun the 22 rifle while capable to kill a deer is not allowed in our state's hunting regulations or any that I know of big red flag we had a protocol that if we got strange customers like folks asking for one bullet seemed like they were just trying to get any gun making threatening statements etc we would make them fill out their section of the 4473 for photocopy variate then deny the sale this way we could involve law enforcement as needed if we just told them no you have nothing else than a shitty description and some security camera footage sovereign citizen types are funny I don't know how they think they can get out of and such just by going now I choose to not follow any of them yep that's not how it works the best explanation I ever heard regarding soft sit is they are a cargo cult they see and hear fancy lawyers arguing law and getting people everyone knows is guilty off scot-free Oh Jay Simpson Wall Street bankers politicians etc they don't actually understand how the law works but like the cargo cultists they mimic it s best they can in hopes that it will have the same result back when I used to work behind the counter I had a guy who wouldn't stop sweeping customers and employees with the muzzle of firearms he asked to see I warned him several times to stop when he deliberately aimed it at a customer I immediately took the pistol away and kicked him out the store if that kind of and safe behavior is something I won't tolerate and I certainly denied sales back then and I will deny training if I see it on the range now I'm not a gun owner but isn't the number one rule of owning a gun not pointing it at someone else and why do it at a gun store edit thanks for the answer everyone four rules of gun safety all guns are always loaded never let the muzzle cover and a thing you are not willing to destroy keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target be sure of your target and what is beyond it join our community discord link in description drugs had a guy come in one time with his family and wanted something cheap he had all these track marks on his arms scabs on his face and was really out of it I did my best to tell him no without making a fuss and finally had to say something about the track marks in front of everyone not a good day for him I guess he'd been telling his family they were from something else and they believed him what our track marks track marks are the little bumps that are left behind after injection I'm not sure of the anatomy behind it but if I was guessing I'd say it has something to do with damaged veins under the skin a Google image search would probably give you better in further I don't work in a gun shop but I'm an avid collector and conducts private sales every so often in my state there's a couple of modest rules that have to be followed you can't knowingly transfer to a prohibited person you can't transfer across state lines you can't transfer to a minor unless they're a family member that kind of thing due to my state's proximity to Illinois and Chicago and the relative ease of obtaining a carry license the carry license has become kind of a stand-in for background checks out private sellers can't do I asked for a driver's license to show residency a carry permits to show this person would pass a 4473 background check if I ran one then have them fill out a bill of sale basically saying I promise I'm not a prohibited person any legit gun enthusiasts can breeze through those requirements people who get shitty about them set off red flags for me this one dude super sketched me out and I took some screen grabs of the conversation basically he was from out of state and tried to cajole me into selling him an ache a patent rifle after double and triple-checking the relevant laws I told him I wasn't comfortable with a private sale but I'd be more than happy to go to a dealer and pay the transfer fee it's legal to transfer to an out of state by a ref you do it through a dealer we'd have met at a gun store and taken ten minutes to do it I maintained a no sketch policy for sales there's always another buyer out there who won't give you [ __ ] about basic ass covering a week later the rifles sold to a completely normal dude with a valid permit who lived in the next county over I think the guy was just an idiot not a criminal straw buyer or an aspiring mass shooter but when someone argues with you about the law and tries to pressure you into a sale that's a red flag edit thank you for the gold I also accept baggies at loose point to 2lr homemade cookies and socks fully automatic sup wrists machine gun what a riot it's a GSG semi-auto point 2 2 lr mp5 clone with a faux suppressor to cover the 16 inch barrel LOL gun license photo in australia look nothing like him and he couldn't tell me the name or birthday on the license I asked because there was the lack of resemblance between him and picture and a big red flag when he picked up a rifle and pressed his eye hard into the scope to look through it just walked out with his head down when he was told we're keeping the lost stolen gun license at least police would be able to identify him by the black eye can I ask the significance of pressing his eye hard into the scope I know nothing about guns I did front-end code for a lot of small firearm companies that used NF d ng Fi websites to sell guns online you wouldn't believe the amount of successful fraud there was in purchasing $10,000 scopes however the worst customer that one of them told me about was a man who had murdered his girlfriend a few days after purchasing a gun she gun shop owner unfortunately didn't see any red flags and lost her business over what happened she was forced to close for investigation but by the time the investigation was completed she had lost too much money and had to couldn't afford to keep paying the lease on her location amount of successful fraud there was in purchasing $10,000 scopes well do tell basically scopes are a very very expensive firearm accessory that you are allowed to have shipped to your home people would use a stolen credit card then purchase an item and have it delivered to abandoned buildings empty lots no idea why the UPS drivers would leave the package there the main issue is a lot of firearm dealers were set up with drop shipping so as soon as an order was created it went directly from the distributor to the customer without a dealer ever seeing the transaction unless they manually log in and look unfortunately it was very risky to use drop shipping due to fraud Thermal scopes can get expensive worked at a large outdoor store in their firearms section had a customer come in and ask about a precision rifle chambered in point three three eight Lapua then while handing him his plane ground paperwork he asks how far can this bullet hit a human size target he said he was buying it for big-game hunter a little sketchy I know I gave him some answer Oh at least 1000 yards yeah but I'll get a definite answer walked in back to find the manager who was the only person who can deny a sale explained what happed manager had him fill out paperwork and get his aid then denied sale immediately after and the kicker was he used his Chinese passport with a student visa as is it police were called and they took it to the FBI can a foreigner on a visa purchase a gun legally in the u.s. assuming they aren't sketchy edit got a lot of good answers thanks everyone as far as I know yes my dad's Dutch Canadian friend moved to Texas and within two years turned into a gun nut with something like 20 rifles he was a legal permanent resident go saying stupid stuff avoiding conversation and eye contact consulting their partner they were hiding outside yes we can see you out there some get by though husband and wife were looking for new turkey guns before the season she came in later that week and picked up new hunting gear and shotgun walk to get car and shot herself lots of bolo phone conversations with other shops being near a city kept us on our toes I tried to copy as many IDs as possible in NY you can only handle handguns with a permit so that reduced a lot of knuckleheads avoiding conversation and eye contact so what you're saying is regardless of my intentions I'd never be able to buy a gun these two things essentially define me did she kill herself if so was it entrenched noir or did she just shoot herself in the foot or something God there are so many psychos in this world this story should have ended with so we called the police and he was arrested but it doesn't he falsified answers on a federal form which is a felony he falsified answers on his firearm aid meaning it was likely fake felony he made a physically aggressive move intended to threaten a store employee that's assault felony welcome to the USA where it's only your problem as long as it's on your property in the times before the instant background check we just took their word for it the guy answered yes on the have you been convicted of a felony question I told him he couldn't buy our gun he asked for another form so he could answer no I told him to leave and never come back either it was an ATF sting or he was too stupid to own a gun he asked for another form so he could answer no ducking bold move there haha about a year ago I had a lady doing the paperwork to transfer a pistol and she asked the question felonies go away after 20 years right I promptly picked everything up and said nope have a good day reverse situation knife dealers of gun show and a guy wanted to trade a fairly unique handgun for knives I little geeky but no major red flags no problem he picked out his knives which resulted in a good-sized stack of blades talking to him while bagging them he says he wanted to trade the gun for knives because I never get the chance to shoot people I already had his info and reported him to local PD and had a gun checked he came back clean and so did the gun in the end just an odd fellow I just don't get why people would say that like I know people can be socially awkward and don't want to look like a bad person around someone selling weapons but out of everything you can say car pulls up in front of my store with window rattling bass doors open three gentlemen emerge from car in clouds of smoke said gentlemen enter store polluting the air with a horrible skunky smell head off the pack is wearing a black nylon shoulder holster so loose it's flopping out from under his jacket and holding his mid-sized block at a 45-degree angle pointed toward the ceiling the red-eyed Pheo approached the counter and want to see that ak-47 I told them that ak-47 was an SKS and I wasn't going to hand them any weapon as they were impaired in my judgment thankfully they left the store with nothing more than some cursing and promises to tell everybody not to come to my store thanks for letting your friends know they're not welcome here either the red light for you approach the counter and want to see that ak-47 I told them that ak-47 was an SKS and I wasn't going to hand them any weapon as they were impaired in my judgment my sides oh Jesus one people saying or wanting several at a time and after questioning figuring out they were intent on going to the gun show to sell them for way more than purchased for the common thing was people would buy a $500 to $700 AR then take it to a gun show and be able to sell it for $1,200 Plus this was during the Obama administration to people not knowing what firearm they want but being very general example see I won the 9-millimeter me okay any particular ground C doesn't matter me okay what price range are you in C man I don't care I just need a gun three people trying to buy for a friend but try to say it's a gift for people lying about their information I'm sure some of the other gun sellers in here can help but there's so many little things when it comes to dealing with people in the firearm industry you learn how to read people what questions to ask and how to ask them it's similar to when cops get a hunch and something ends up not being right happy to address any questions concerns etc thanks for reading thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 288,824
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Keywords: best of reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, best of r/askreddit, gun shop employees of reddit, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, gun shop red flags, gun shop employees, gun shop, red flags spotted by gun shop employees, gun shop eomployees, gun shop workers reddit, askreddit top posts, gun shop workers, gun shops reddit, planet reddit, 2nd amendment askreddit, gun shop employees what are some red flags that have caused you to deny a sale of a firearm?, gunshop workers
Id: iRJ4wVs2UCc
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Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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