Gumbo Recipe

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welcome back to smoker ribs today I'm going to be doing a gumbo a seafood gumbo a Creole style seafood gumbo all right here is all the seafood that's going this gumbo I've got five pounds of Gulf Coast brown shrimp these are about the size I like on a gumbo right here I don't like the little small ones they're aggravating to clean plus I want to taste the shrimp Brown shrimp is excellent in a gumbo it's got a really strong seafood taste that's what I prefer in a gumbo is the brown shrimp right here I have one dozen blue crabs and here I have one pound this is fresh crabmeat they pressurize this under heat to cook it so they can pick it but it was done just in the last day or two and then putting one of these containers that's also going in at the very end of the cook is what all the seafood goes in towards the end but I had a subscriber when I did my seafood ball here while back he was wanting to see a crab cleaned so I'm gonna go ahead you all know how to do shrimp so I'm gonna go ahead and take a crab I'm going to show you how I do it all right first thing you do is you grab it right here by these fillers you pop that shell off backfill all right these are what they call dead men fingers actually what it is is the filters for the crab these have got to come off of here right now with a pair of kitchen shears I'll take and I'll cut these flippers off they're these flappers and right now you got a plate here on the back by the way this plate determines what the sex is of a crab when it's this big plate is to female you'll catch these a lot of times right Tommy or they'll be having eggs it just this thing will be open to swap legs right here the male has the point of when let's see if I can find a male here there's a middle right there see the difference right there there's your difference all right anyway you want to take this plate off of here right now I'm going to take and cut your flippers off this side the only other thing I do is right here with a mouth and eyes is I clip that off all right so I took my crab over to the sink and I washed all the innards out right now what I always doing at gumbo is I break these in half or cut them in half just like that and they'll go into the gumbo just like this all right I got just pot here I'm getting ready to go in with one gallon of water we're going to make a seafood stock all right I got my heat on high we're going to go ahead and bring this to a pretty quick ball what you want to do is you want to take about half of these shrimp shells and heads remember I had five pounds of shrimp so I'm going to use half of them in here and the other half is going for another thing I'm doing all reduction crab shells in here we're going to about six we're going to talk about a handful of these flappers I've got the Frog bone all-purpose seasoning this is a Cajun seasoning we're going to season this water with that that should be plenty I got about a tablespoon in there all right now I'm gonna add in the Mara POIs which is just celery carrot and onion I've got one whole onion I've got about I don't know three pieces of carrot there that I chopped up just quarter it and I've also got about three pieces of celery quartered one clove of garlic I'm gonna add in a couple bay leaves about three all right I'm just going to give all this a real good mix we're going to let it come up to a boil we're going to let this simmer for about an hour to hour and a half all right I'm gonna go ahead and start this reduction here while I got in here so far is one tablespoon of olive oil into that I'm just going to take some really rough chopped onion this is one half of an onion and I got about four cloves of garlic going in we're just going to saute that for a few minutes all right you just want that coat long up to where you can really smell it now I'm smelling it so what I got going in here now there's two cups of water all right I'm going about a half a teaspoon of salt some cracked black pepper I'm going about a teaspoon of this frog bone all-purpose seasoning right now you want to add the remainder of these shrimp holes and heads in go ahead and throw some crab flappers in there as well all right now I got 1/2 cup of limp Aaron's Worcestershire sauce going in all right I've got three lemons that are quartered we're going to throw in go throw in about two or three bay leaves for I hate let's make it 5 i I'm gonna turn this heat down to a simmer about a medium who is smelling killer last thing I'm going in with is I'm going down with 1/4 cup of a merlot wine all right that's it we're just going to stir this in we're going to let this coat for around 30 35 maybe 40 minutes all right I've been going around 30 minutes and it's smelling incredible looking just about right all the lemons have gave up their juice got all the flavor out of these heads and all the other ingredients I put in here now what I'm going to carefully do is move this on the back burner and taking a smaller pot here with a strainer I'm going to attempt strain all the juice out of this all right now as you can see it made quite a bit of juice right here now I'm going to reduce this down and keep reducing until we're down to light six tablespoons it's going to be highly concentrated with nothing but pure seafood flavor plus all the other goodness that was in that pot going to be excellent in this gumbo to really intensify that seafood flavor way before we ever put the seafood in all right well I'm letting that reduce what I've got going on here is some connect of sausage connect of sausages made right over there in Alabama right next door really good in a gumbo I always add it all right look how much we reduced here right here at the bottom I'm just about there I'm not going to go much more I'm going to take this off the heat and you can see how much it's thickened we got around six tablespoons that's just about what we're looking for we got all this drained out here that made a pretty good bit of stock there that should be plenty for gumbo if by some chance it's not you can always just use cold water in addition to that go ahead and take this concentrate that I made this reduction now I'm going to go ahead and add it to this stock stir that in real good then it back out this stock just become a super stock as you can see this is a pretty labor-intensive recipe and we near about doing I did most of it inside the stocks and such but I wanted to use my gas stove right here to do the roux and actually cook the gumbo and it's been raining all day been storming but we got a slack period here I'm kind of under the eve of my garage so hopefully we're going to be okay if not I'm gonna move everything a little bit further in all right I got a cast-iron skillet I just let my burner I'm running about a medium heat and that's where I usually start at I want to roof I'm going to go in with one cup of vegetable oil I do a one to one ratio on my roof I do a one cup oil in one cup flour all-purpose flour all right what I'm going to do now start working this flour in here all right I've got the whole cup in I'm just going to work this work this in and try to get all the lumps out of it get a good smooth looking roof as it begins the darken you'll see it get real silky and smooth looks a little weird at first but up it's going to be okay I promise you I know most of you have watched gumbo recipes and ruse and such as that and I guess you know that you've got to cook this on a medium to low heat the more Brown it gets the lower you want to bring the heat all the way to low as it can go right there at the end now one thing I want to do before I get too far into this I want to go ahead and season it one thing you'll notice about me is I seasoned everything as I go and that is the best way in my opinion don't try to season it at the end you can very easily over salt it but if you'll just do some as you go that's not a lot of salt that's probably a half a teaspoon of sea salt got some cracked black pepper going in all right by the way it's very common for this to foam up like it's doing right now I just add that salt and the pepper in there it's going to do that but all that's going to come out and I'll bring you back after this rue is just about where I want it all right I've got the Cajun Trinity which is celery bell pepper and onion I'm going to go in first with a celery we're going to saute this right here inside of the roof I've got four stalks of celery going in I keep in mind i cooled this rule off I'm bringing it back up slowly with the vegetables now I've got bell pepper this is about one and a half large bell pepper yeah one small onion and one medium onion that I've chopped up real finely as well all right I just added in all these vegetables you know what that means we need more seasoning I've got some more sea salt going in alright I'm just going to saute these for about four or five minutes into the onions begin to get translucent and right here at the end I'm gonna throw about a tablespoon and a half of garlic in here then going about four minutes I just added my garlic in here we're looking pretty good I'm going to go ahead and transfer this over into this big Cajun rocket Pike gumbo chili pot so now we're going to transfer all this into this gumbo pot so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to be adding in this seafood stock that I made earlier I'm just going ladle it in now this pot is cold the roots still warm I just took it put it in there and this stock has cooled off it's just a little warm this is why I normally do gumbo basically what I'm doing I'm just mixing this ain't good make sure nothing's clumping up and it's not it's just as smooth as silk all right I'm gonna go ahead and add some more to stock now I'm going to stop right here because I got other things going in here that's got water in them so I don't want to overdo it right off the bat all right I just lit my stove we're just going to let this come up like I said to a simmer see where we're at I tell you what these rocket pots are amazing like I said this is a gumbo chili pot and I just turned this thing on two minutes ago and it's getting ready to simmer I've got it on high once I get to a simmer course I'm um I'm gonna lower it down but that quick unbelievable where this rocket pot is going to be beneficial on this cook is not only the fact that I can get it up to a simmer really really fast see it's already starting to simmer look at it I mean I'm 2 and 1/2 minutes into it but also I'll be able to choke my fire all the way down as low as I can go so the biggest thing on this cook is going to be fuel efficiency I'm adding in to 14 half-inch ounce cans of stewed tomatoes all right now I'm going to add in about 5 bay leaves and about 2 tablespoons of fresh thyme we've only been simmering maybe 15 20 minutes what I'm going to add in now this is the frog bone low salt seasoning and the reason I'm using low salt and you can also use a no salt if you have that is because I'm seasoning as I'm going with salt everything I've done so far I've added seasoning too but we definitely got to have some that Cajun spice in this so you want to go with a low salt version there's another secret this is another thing that I do to really elevate the seafood flavor of a gumbo these are dried shrimp these or pops golden gems these are Louisiana shrimp these have been dried and man oh they have such a strong seafood smell and they're going to completely cook away you're not putting these in there to eat you're putting this in there strictly for seasoning for that seafood flavor all right now I'm gonna go ahead and add some more water in here at this point this is getting a little thick we're just gonna let it sit here and cook I've got more stuff going on but it's going to be just a bit about another 30 minutes I'm going to be out here with some okra right I'm always going to go ahead and pour the rest of this done here when now is okra I baked this okra that is a trick to stop it from slamming up your gumbo if you don't want a slimy gumbo bake your okra or you can also deep-fry it what I'm talking about alright it's time to go in with some blue crab I've got all these crab bodies here they've been on ice they're ice cold we're going in I want to turn this heat up just few minutes just to bring the heat up we're going to let these go about ten minutes oh by the way just so you know I have been going to and a half hours and I went another hour after adding that okra first thing I got going in is all the shrimp that I peeled earlier I don't get these good mix all right now what I got going in is I got one bunch of green onions that I chopped up I chopped the green part and the white part if you use it all right now I got one pound of this backfin crabmeat going in Oh oh man this is smelling good that's somewhere between a teaspoon and a tablespoon of salt that's sea salt alright going to go in with some more cracked black pepper and I'm at in about another tablespoon of this frog bone all-purpose cajun seasoning I think we ought to be pretty close I'm getting ready cut this fire off the shrimp are done the crabs done we're going to let this cool alright now this is important what I always do is I cook a gumbo a day in advance a day before I want to eat it I'm gonna let this cool down to room temperature at that point it's going in the refrigerator overnight it's going to chill down and it's going to get those flavors a chance to marry and get to know each other and come together and it's going to be twice as good tomorrow guaranteed alright it's the next morning I've got this pot of gumbo is spinning the refrigerator all night long it's completely cold and what I'm going to do I'm going to transfer some of this and this smaller pot because the rest of this is going to be frozen Dumbo freezes really really good all right you always want to make sure you bring this up on a real low heat it's going to take just a little while because it is ice-cold got a few crabs in there all right got our all put together still a taste test here we go I want two shrimp in my first bite there isn't much that I love more than gumbo if anything this has just got flavors that are unreal if you want to kick up to seafood gumbo take two our tips that I put in this video here and do them absolutely phenomenal I guarantee this is really really good stuff if you can't get fresh seafood I wouldn't even attempt it it's just not the same but what I hope you all use some of the tricks I showed you in here like the dried shrimp and also the the base that I made and course of seafood stock all that combined just gives you an absolutely fantastic flavor for seafood gumbo all right it should be Christmas day by time I upload this video so if it is Merry Christmas to everybody and I'll see you next time right here on smoky ribs
Channel: Smoky Ribs BBQ
Views: 747,107
Rating: 4.8731689 out of 5
Keywords: Gumbo (Dish), Gumbo recipe, Creole Seafood Gumbo, Seafood gumbo recipe, How to make gumbo, How to make seafood gumbo, How to make creole style gumbo, How to make a roux, How to kick up a gumbo, How to make a seafood stock, Seafood stock recipe, Using dried shrimp in gumbo, Frog Bone, Cajun Rocket Pot, Creole style gumbo recipe, recipes, cooking, Seafood, Cajun cooking, Food, Kitchen, Cook, Cook (Profession)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 25 2014
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