How To Make Seafood Gumbo - Easy Gumbo Recipe #MrMakeItHappen #Gumbo

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[Music] what's up guys welcome back today i'm showing you my recipe for seafood gumbo but before i do that please take a quick second to subscribe to the channel make sure to hit that bell and enable notifications as well alright we can't have gumbo without the cajun trinity that includes celery onion and bell pepper i'm adding in a jalapeno pepper just to kick up the heat a little bit i like to dice these nice and fine or if you want to cheat you can throw them in a food processor or a blender like you see i've done right here make them real nice and fine that the way they blend right into that gumbo beautifully the next star of the show is this delicious smoked and dewy sausage it adds quite a bit of heat and some smoky flavor we're going to use a whole 15 ounce sausage here just cut into little medallions or little circles as you see me doing right here and dewey sausage is super common in cajun and creole cuisine i highly recommend getting it if you can find it at your local grocery store for the roux we'll be using one part oil and one part flour i recommend using a high smoke point cooking oil like avocado oil it has a 500 degree smoke point which is one of the highest in the market highly recommend using that we're also going to kick this up a notch by using our own seafood stock so here i have a fish head and some shrimp shells if you don't have the stomach fruit you know doing this step you can just buy some seafood stock from the store i also have some smoked turkey legs that we're going to be using to infuse a lot of flavor into the seafood stock here i have my stock pot which i'm going to add a little bit of that avocado oil to and then add in our andouille sausage what we're doing here is just toasting the sausage a little bit let them brown a bit let some of the fat and the flavor just render out of there that way we get some color on the sausage and we're to start the foundation of flavor for our stock as you can see we're starting to get some color developing some fond at the bottom go ahead and remove the sausage for later and then we're going to add our fish head and our shrimp shells into that same pot and just work them around a little bit over medium heat allow all of that seafood flavor to come out then we're going to add in all of our vegetables along with some garlic base you can also use fresh garlic or minced garlic whatever you got it will work just fine about a tablespoon or so and then mix that in beautifully your kitchen will be smelling absolutely amazing right now all of the flavor from those veggies and the smoked turkey the andouille sausage just everything's going to permeate through this stock and that's going to really kick up the flavor in your seafood gumbo next we're adding in some water or seafood stock about two quarts worth bring that up to a boil and then cover it and let that just chill out now we're moving on to the fun part we're going to make our roux i recommend starting this over medium low heat we're going in with one cup of avocado oil followed by one cup of all-purpose flour break out your whisk and whisk that to combine the ingredients now if you've never burned a roux you've probably never made one this can be a little bit tricky and there is one really easy method which is the oven method of making a roux but it does take several hours you can look that up online i'll show that to you guys in a later video we're going to make this on our stove top today so it cuts down the cooking time by quite a bit usually takes about 30 to 40 minutes to get the roux nice and dark the key here is just to keep this moving do not walk away from your roux if you do you'll run the risk of burning it and if you burn your roux you got to start over so just continue to whisk you need a whiskey roux constantly you can either use a you know a whisk like i'm using here or a wooden spatula works great you'll notice over time it'll begin to keep getting darker you'll get to like a caramel color a milk chocolate and then get almost as close you know get almost to like a dark chocolate is what we're looking for a nice dark roux is best for a good gumbo in my opinion if you start to smell a real pungent burnt popcorn smell or start seeing black flakes in your roux chances are you've burned and you'll probably need to start over so just be careful you know pay attention to it stay on top of it continue to work it around and you'll have some success with this don't worry don't let it stress you out everybody burns a rule or two once you get the color right where you want it we're gonna add in those uh minced uh vegetables that we did earlier in our food processor be very careful when you add those to your roux because it is smoking hot you do not want to burn yourself you don't want this stuff getting on you so just be careful when you add the veggies in work them in with your spatula they're going to cook really quickly so you can turn the heat down to low here as you can see we got a nice dark chocolate roux going that's a pretty rude guys not to brag but hey looking good i like to add in about a half cup to a whole cup of amber beer really any beer that you like will work fine here also like a log or something like that the beer is optional you don't have to add it but i do like to you know deglaze the pan with a little beer just a habit i've gotten into uh with my gumbo once you've done that we're gonna go back in with our andouille sausage and stir that in to combine my favorite part about making gumbo is just the way it makes the kitchen smell it just puts me in a good mood it's one of those dishes that take a little bit of time a little bit of effort but it's super fun now we're going in with that seafood stock that we made earlier as always guys the specific measurements and ingredients are provided for you in the description box below so make sure to check that out after you add in this seafood stock you want to bring this up to a boil so make sure you keep stirring it make sure everything gets well incorporated all those flavors come together like we used to do before covet looking good we've reached that boil that we're looking for we're gonna give it one more stir just to make sure we get everything off the sides and off the bottom man that looks good toss in three bay leaves and then when it starts seasoning to taste i like to add a little salt pepper garlic onion powder some worcestershire sauce a little more onion powder some garlic whatever your favorite cajun or creole seasoning is add a pinch of that as well this is definitely one of those dishes you need to taste as you go and adjust the flavor to your preference everybody likes their gumbo a little bit different you can make it as spicy as you like by adding you know some crushed red pepper flakes a little cayenne a little hot sauce whatever you like looking good this is also one of those dishes they get better the longer they cook so really take your time and make this on like a sundae we don't have anything to do just let it simmer away now we're going in with some crushed tomatoes those are optional if you're using okra i don't i don't recommend using okra and crushed tomatoes because they both have a little bit of a slimy texture and that can be a little unpleasant to eat so if you're in the okra camp and you like okra go with okra if you don't like ochre then i recommend using the stewed tomatoes all right now we're adding in a few dashes of hot sauce here just to kick up the heat a touch give that a nice mix let me know in the comments what your favorite style of gumbo is i know the uh traditionalist folks may be a little bit angry at the use of crab but you if you have access to blue crab you can use that snow crab and stone crab are a little less common but hey it's your house make it how you like i'm adding in a tablespoon of garlic paste here just to you know add a little bit more flavor to the dish super important to taste as you go as always guys also adding in a pinch or two of chicken bouillon again as always the specific measurements and ingredients are provided for you in this description box below now we're going in with the crab meat you want to add your shrimp at the end because they don't take very long to cook at all you don't want to overcook your shrimp once the juice from this gumbo gets into those crab legs oh my god it's so good that's my favorite part and then a little bit of cayenne pepper just to increase the heat factor a little bit more seasoning remember guys you can always add more later you once you put it in there you can't take it out so season as you go don't overdo it at the beginning this is another optional ingredient we're adding a little bit of gumbo file that actually thickens things up a little bit looking good and just let that simmer away for a little while the longer the better now we're going in with our shrimp during the last 15 minutes or so also going in with some lump crab meat because this is a seafood gumbo you could use chicken for this you could use pork really whatever you like let me know in the comments what your favorite style of gumbo is adding in some green onion for additional flavor and a pop of color as you can see things have thickened up a bit for us this is the consistency i'm looking for as you can see here the shrimp are nice and fully cooked you can go ahead and taste now for seasoning and adjust if needed get in there with your ladle really move things around oh man that looks good i think that counts as a money shot quick little pro tip for you guys when you're plating this up you can use a small bowl like this with your rice pack it in there and then you have a nice little mound of rice like they do at the restaurants and then just ladle your gumbo around it makes for a really nice presentation white rice is traditional with gumbo you can you know use some cornbread use whatever whatever you want really this is the way i like to do it we're going to plate this up with the crab claw right on top and of course a little fresh chopped parsley or diced chive would work well also and there is your trademark money shot people now you know i gotta try this i gotta give me some of that andouille sausage some shrimp some crab a little bit of that rice moment of truth oh man this recipe is definitely going to blow you away guys let me know what you think in the comments make sure you subscribe to the channel and as always thank you for your support you
Channel: Mr. Make It Happen
Views: 49,275
Rating: 4.9359221 out of 5
Keywords: gumbo, how to make gumbo, gumbo recipe, chicken and sausage gumbo, seafood gumbo, authentic gumbo, how to cook gumbo, easy gumbo, easy gumbo recipe, shrimp gumbo, crab legs, cajun, cajun cooking, creole food, cajun recipes, cajun gumbo, creole gumbo, how to make a roux, roux, roux recipe, soup, soup recipe, mr make it happen, stew, stew recipe, shrimp and grits, shrimp recipe, shrimp and sausage, cooking, food, food video, cooking video, soup recipes, one pot recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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