How Mama and Papa Joe do Seafood Gumbo for the Holidays

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what's happening guys and gals welcome back to another episode with mom and papa joe's with us being so close to the holidays we'd like to take this time to wish you a merry christmas happy hanukkah happy holidays whatever it is that you uh celebrate uh today we are going to be making seafood gumbo i'll let papa tell you about it this is a seafood gumball recipe that i started cooking uh some 25 plus years ago when i first discovered the famous cajun chef justin wilson over the years i've slowly tweaked it to uh papa joe's style and it is something special absolutely delicious we usually make it about once a year and we haven't made it prior to this so uh this is going to be that one time of the year and what the perfect time is nice and cool uh uh gumbo is something that uh is always extra special uh during times of uh cold weather if this is your first time stopping in to check out the channel we absolutely appreciate you coming to check in we hope you enjoy and you we hope you enjoy what you see and if you do please don't hesitate to hit that subscribe button we need your help without further ado let's get started all right let's get this show on the road the first and most important part of a gumbo is a rule a rule is a combination of oil and flour shortening and flour i'm going to start with one cup of canola oil this is a half cup measuring device so one cup you can always use the oil of your choice and then two parts flour one cup oil two cups of flour i'm just going to gently whisk in and this might appear to clump at first but uh it will loosen up shortly the idea behind this rule is to slowly cook out all this raw flour taste until you are left with something silky shiny mississippi muddy chocolate color i've got this stove on medium high and we're just going to gently let this go this might take me all of uh 45 minutes to an hour just slowly under my watchful eye no rush you're welcome to speed this up by turning it uh higher but i think the longer and slower you do it the the better the taste becomes so while my roux is getting started i'm going to come in here with almost two pounds of uh and gooey sausage and i'm going to brown them to get out some of that oil before they go into the pot i'm also i've got a tablespoon of shortening in this one i'm also going to put a pound of uh 16 ounces the bag was 16 ounces but by the time i cut off the stem i probably got three quarters of a pound of uh sliced in the little chunks okra i'm going to fry these brown them more saute just to get the sliminess out uh this usually takes uh anywhere from 20 minutes to a half an hour okra is a traditional part of gumbo if you're not a fan you don't have to use it same thing with sausage if you want strictly seafood you don't have to add the sausage but i guarantee that sausage really complements seafood very well and amps up the taste all right here we are 15 minutes in medium high heat and we are already starting to take on a beautiful color you can smell the the nuttiness of this mixture as it cooks so again we're taking our time uh don't walk away very long otherwise this can burn and you might have to start over and here is our okra mix cooking you can see the sliminess it's sticking together uh when that disappears uh it's a good indication that you have cooked it out so just continue to gently saute this for maybe another 15 minutes or so all right here we are at 40 minutes folks man this is that dark mississippi mud that i'm talking about uh and if you let this sit a couple of two three minutes that shine will cover everything that you see great indication that is just about where you want it the longer it is cook of course the darker it gets and the darker it gets the more thickening power it loses so uh but the flavor is more pronounced more developed so uh you got to figure out what you want do you want some thickening power or do you want the additional flavor uh for me right at 45 minutes is where i will call it good and we've got another uh three or four minutes low and slow guys still stirring constantly my uh my okra has pretty much dried out you don't see a uh any it's not very much of the sticky strand so uh great indication i'm also draining my unduly gonna toss these in some paper towel and get out as much fat as i can before the uh they go into the gumbo here we are at 45 minutes look at that beautiful shine what i'm gonna do now i'm satisfied with my color this color 45 minutes gives me uh the the thickness that i want in my soup and uh that great flavor so i think i've got the best of both worlds uh in 45 minutes i'm not going to add the trinity uh onions two large yellow onions i usually overdo onions so i got about two and a half i love onions uh one red one green bell pepper and about a cup of celery the trinity directly into the roof that's a lot you've got to be careful because your rule will continue to brown even with the addition of these uh veggies we're going to move this around and we're going to cook this roux with the veggies for about another 10 minutes or so until the onions soften and get clear so i've transferred the roux along with the trinity into my uh gumbo pot and it's been going about 15 minutes and everything looks pretty translucent and it started cooking nicely so now i'm gonna add some chopped green onions about a cup about a three quarters of a cup of chopped parsley and a tablespoon and a half of garlic and let this go about another ten or so minutes and then we will start adding some liquids so it's uh it's about that time to add some liquids into this room mixture what i've got here just a little over four quarts of the seafood stock that i made yesterday a little over four quarts just going to pour half of it in and get this going this stock is cold to room temperature you do not want to add a hot liquid to a hot root because uh it will immediately begin to clump you would not want to add a cold uh a cold liquid to a cold root so one or the other has to be hot for it to uh integrate or to come together without clumping [Music] and this has come together pretty nicely you want to scrape the edges of your pot you want to make sure you got everything off the bottom oh man that is my color i love that color i absolutely love that the rule will color come to its full thickening power until it comes to a boil so once this comes to a boil we'll move it back to a simmer and let it go for an hour hour and a half [Music] just to get these uh veggies and this room to really get to know each other to this i'm going to come back with i give or take a tablespoon of worcestershire sauce a good shake the same with some tabasco or hot sauce of your choice i'm a tabasco fan and if you want a little more heat you can add some some cayenne or something along those lines i'm gonna come back with the rest of my stock so that's a little over four quarts guys i made this stock yesterday i buy uh shrimp shrimp is gonna go into this gumbo i bought whole shrimp heads on about three and a half pounds so i cleaned in the vein the shrimp and i kept the heads in the shell i made a stop i had a couple of fish carcass or carcasses in my freezer from the last time i went fishing i also threw them into that stock i added some carrots some celery some some parsley and a little creole seasoning to uh to about four quarts of water four and a half quarts of water and let that boil and then simmer for about two hours strained it to create this stock it's absolutely delicious so this is seafood flavor on top of seafood flavor all right so we're getting ready to kick this up while our uh gumbo pot is boiling or coming to a boil i'm going to create a little uh uh baggie of additional herbs and spices that's going to kick this dumbo up a notch i got this from my local mexican meat market it is uh two ounces of dried shrimp i used two of them i use half of a pack i told about one ounce yesterday when i made my shrimp stock and i'm going to use the other half into my gumbo pot i've got a couple of four small bay leaves i'm also going to add half a bag of uh crab boil this crab boil has no additional salt flavor north does uh these shrimp but they bring they bring so much to the party all right so i'm only going to add about a half a bag and it's great inside this cheese cloth because it's easy to fish out uh when you're done with it you don't want all these stuff floating around gumbo you're trying to eat all right this is something uh probably only justin wilson and i do i'm gonna add two cups of a dry white wine it should be a wine that uh you're willing to drink two cups [Music] along with my uh i believe they call this the french term bouquet garni or something like that not important all right that's gonna be easy to fish out but man it's gonna bring so much to the party man it smells good already this smells absolutely delicious i'm going to drop in my sausage yes this party has started all right we are at a rolling boil now it's time to really get this party kicked off we're gonna ease into this saltine we're gonna start with one tablespoon of tony's remember you can always add more salt man but you can't take it away that's a half and that's one we'll turn this down now remember bring it up to a boil that's when your rule reaches its full thickening power oh yeah i forgot all about that fan periodically we're going to be skimming uh the fat and any impurities that might uh float to the top we're not gonna let this uh cook for about a good hour letting these uh these ingredients get to know each other what i've got here is a pound of uh clean crab meat i picked through taking out any additional shells the processors might have missed i'm just going to now really amp up the flavor not going to add it all just gonna add a small amount a small amount of all my seafood some good scallops just a few and a couple of pieces of crab i've got dungeness as well as uh some maryland blue crabs i don't know if they're maryland blue crabs these are probably caught in texas so we've got some blue crabs and those are just going in there to help kick up these flavor got some white shrimp and some texas gulf shrimp just a few remember shrimp shouldn't be cooked very long otherwise it gets a little rubbery but so those are just going in there to prime the pot so to speak i'm going to turn this to a simmer remember we brought it to a rolling boil i mean look at that uh that sausage one of the things i always do with the sausage in my gumbo is i uh i brown it and i actually try to get a little bit of a char on the sausage that those little crispy bits bring some additional oomph to the party that's the tip you've got to incorporate and my okra i almost forgot to add my okra all right i'm gonna set my timer for one hour and we will come back and uh finish this up all right here we are uh we've been simmering for an hour and periodically i've been skimming off uh a little oil not very much and that's the way i wanted it that is what happens when you take uh the oil out of your sausage and when you properly cook your roux the oil does not separate from the flour so uh we did not have a whole lot of oil uh floating on top excellent so we simmered for an hour i wanted everything to get to know each other man and uh it's come way past that they've become family uh with very little seafood that stock is just so rich that this is going to be absolutely awesome so i am going to put all of the crabs in and give this maybe another 20 minutes to a half an hour then i'm gonna come back with the shrimp for me for maybe with the shrimp and scallops for maybe 20 minutes or so to make sure i do not overcook them so we're probably looking about another uh 30 to 40 minutes just let these crabs these blue crabs and these dungeness crabs do their thing and we're gonna be good all right it's been 35 minutes with those crabs in here let's finish this puppy out let's go with the rest of the crab meat remember the last drop we're gonna go with the scallops all that good scallops and now the shrimp we're only looking at about uh 20 minutes with the rest of this seafood in here and we should be good to go all right we got another five minutes letting the rest of the seafood come to temperature and finish cooking and i'm gonna come in with just a little bit gumbo filet [Music] all right it's a personal preference that i put it in the pot as opposed to sprinkling it on the rice uh just before eating gumbo thiele from the sassafras tree is a flavor enhancer and a thickener doesn't require a whole lot but again it's a personal preference so we've got five more minutes to go and we are we are ready to go to see what we have and what's great about this gumbo guys and gals is if you allow this to cool and refrigerate it's even better the second day biggest problem is uh trying to reheat uh an item like shrimp uh they don't reheat very well i'm removing my little bouquet it has served its purpose so what a lot of people do uh prior to refrigerating or freezing this freezes well is they'll remove the shrimp and pretty much just freeze the uh the juice and when it comes time to reheat they just simply thaw heat up the liquid and then add the shrimp that way the shrimp does not become overcooked all right let's uh let's dish up a couple for mama and myself [Music] all right mama you tell me what you [Music] think [Music] man the flavors really came together like a family it is absolutely delicious that's what i'm talking about [Music] great job [Music] this is absolutely delicious guys it's a little labor intensive but it's absolutely worth the trouble uh give this a shot and let me know what you think i want to thank you guys once again for hanging out with mom and pop we really appreciate uh you guys watching what we do and if you enjoyed it don't hesitate to hit that uh that subscribe button and be on the lookout for our next videos you know what you're gonna do for mommy papa jealous i want all of you to have a very merry christmas be safe and let's uh have an excellent 20 21 take care [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Mama and Papa Joe
Views: 1,060
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: tzJvNVeq5Pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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