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hi welcome to Chris cook for you two happy holidays from my house to yours today we're going to be doing gumbo so I'm going to get started because this is kind of lengthy but if you can get the roux right then the whole dish will be superb I'm going to get started with just showing you the things that you're going to need in order to do the gumbo then I'm going to go away get my seasonings together and I'll come back and we'll put this dish together the first thing that you're going to do and I'm using my roaster oven is you're going to need a big enough container to hold the gumbo so here I have my roasting pan now I haven't decided or it's a roaster oven really I haven't decided if I'm going to use it with or without this part being in it that's just the first thing that you're going to need so come on over here and I'll show you the rest you're going to need a pot of rice because rice is what you're going to serve your gumbo on then you will need garlic powder black pepper I'm using sea salt you can use regular salt if you want thyme rosemary bay leaves garlic ground red pepper parsley onion powder Creole seasoning this is that I ran ground Philly and you will need Old Bay seasonings now you really don't need lifting on your soup mix but as you know I put lifting on your soup mix and everything especially dishes like this so I'm going to use it now let's continue with the other items that you're going to need here I have my my cast-iron skillet on the stove heating and the reason why I have I'm going to use this is because it has a high heat content it can hold heat for a long period of time you're going to need equal parts of your oil and your flour and this is all-purpose flour and please when you're making your gumbo do not use your olive oil this is canola oil and the reason why I'm using canola oil is because it can withstand the heat so I want to be able to use something that can stand the heat because once you make your room if you burned your room you have to start all over again no if ands and buts about it you might as well throw out your ingredients which is your oil and your flour and start all over again you cannot use a burnt root and I don't know how much I can stress that so I'm going to do the Rumba for you so you'll see exactly how it goes now as we continue I am boiling my chicken parts which I'm going to use thighs um chicken breasts and I also have some turkey necks in there now my son makes the best gumbo in the world and even though he's in Texas I know he's gonna watch this video in order to perfect last Christmas he was here with me he made gumbo he had turkey in it and man I told him I said you really need to market that because he really makes the best gumbo in the world and his wife is the best cook so I want to say before we get any penny further kudos to my family rule Tish and Charles now let's continue now I have these parts in here that have already as you can see they've already started to just pull away from the bone so what I want to do is I'm going to away and I'm going to just shred it off of the bones and you can use the same technique that we use for shredding chicken in the chicken and chicken and dumplings video now here I have this is chicken stock normally I told you I freeze my chicken stock in the ice trays today this is the chicken stock that was left from the chicken and dumplings I've frozen whole and I would prefer to use my own chicken stock instead of using Swanson's but I do have Swanson's as a backup so I'm going to just lay this chicken stock in here and once this chicken stock melts down I'm going to shred the chicken and I'm going to use this chicken stock to go into my gumbo it'll give it a richer flavor and it'll also give it a more of a homemade taste now let's continue around because there's a lot of steps to gumbo now here I have two types of shrimp because when I got my shrimp I'm like okay it looks like I'm gonna need just a little bit more so as you can see you can see a different ends covering the only reason why you see that is because this is uncooked this is cooked so what I'm going to do is just put the uncooked in almost at the very end let it cook a little while inside the gumbo mix and then I'm going to add this so everything will kind of finish up at the same time now here is my crab and it's a lot of it and my son told me that Dungeness crab is the best crab and I believe you because this gumbo is fantastic it's the best crab to use so I did get the gun to Dungeness crab and I did pull it apart but you know what every recipe you got to add your own little twist so I also got me some crab legs and I cut them so as you can see here's pieces that I cut and what I did was I just cut it with my um my kitchen shears okay so we have that now I have here let's start here I have the Trinity and the Trinity is peppers celery and onion so whatever kind of peppers you're going to use some people use red yellow and green I just use the red for sweetness and I use the green which is this is a bell pepper then here you have your celery and over here you have your onions okay I do have some lump crab that I am also going to put in this dish now you don't have to put lump crab in you don't have to put in two kinds of shrimps you don't have to put in two types of crab but this is what I'm doing this is a dish that I'm going to be serving for my Christmas dinner and I only do it once a year so hey why not go all out okay again this is just crab lump so I'm also going to put this is crab call me so I'm going to put that in the dish as well now I do have the chicken broth for backup I don't think that I'm gonna need it but I have it just in case I do need it this is my sausage I like kielbasa my son told me either go with beef kill bus cuz I wasn't gonna go with beef kielbasa now this particular sausage I am going to render push in that simply means that I'm gonna cook it kind of saute it on the stove so that I can take out all the fat because I don't want any extra fat to be in my gumbo so I'm gonna saute that when I get ready to put it in dish now I did show you the pepper and I didn't want to go anything with anything that was too hot because I do have I need the gumbo to be kid-friendly because I do have children here so I went with the jalapeno pepper and it's while it's hot it's not really that hot now of course i have my cut up oprah which is here and at the very end I've already cubed some corn and I did that myself into little pieces like that and I'm going to add this at the very end when I get ready to add it at the cooked shrimp because I've already cooked the corn now it's just now we're down to a matter of minutes because everything has already been pre done before I came on to show you how to do it so once I get through with the roof we can put this together very very fast and we can be enjoying dinner by dinnertime okay I'm going to get my seasonings ready and I'll be back in a day now grip back and we're getting ready to start the root so I have the stove already on medium and the oil is already hot because I did preheat my cast-iron pot so I'm going to start to make the roux but before I start to make the rule and show you something I want to show you see that that that was in my sausage so I'm gonna take all of that fat I'm gonna take my sausage job because I didn't want to put that in my gumbo and here my rich stock is already ready for the next stage so let's get started on making this it's gonna take me roughly about 20 minutes to get this made we're gonna add a little bit of the flour you cannot walk away from this world you have to continually stir it and you don't want to burn it that's equal parts of oil and flour so I'm letting a little bit at a time because I don't want to get those lumps in and make sure that there are no lumps now this is the base or the foundation for your gumbo if this step is wrong you might as well throw this out we start all over okay and you cannot walk away and go and do something else you gotta constantly stir this okay now I'm gonna take this down as far as I can take it as low as I feel comfortable with the room adds or goes down it's gonna change in cold color and what I'm looking for is not a milk chocolate I'm looking for a little bit more than probably a sound like a dark chocolate okay so I'm gonna be here for 20 minutes doing this and after this step is over it's gonna be real real easy so I'll get that to you when we're ready to go the next all right I've been stirring for about seven minutes and I just want to show it to you okay this is the first stage of the roof this is not what we are looking for so I'm going to continue to stir but I just wanted to let you see it this is kind of like just before a caramel so that's where we are right now and I'll continue I want to also show you this because I took here's my sausage I took my sausage out of the pan and here is what I did not want see the grease that was in the sausage I didn't want that so I've taken that out and my sauce is just ready when everything else gets ready and I'll get back at the second stage of the roof remember keep it look out this is the first stage and it's like a caramel okay we're back and let me just show you stage number two now you can stop it right here if you but the dark of the room the richer the gumbo so I'm going to keep on going and taking it to stage three this is like your cocoa chocolate right here now one of the reasons why you see me continually to stir this is because one definitely you don't want to burn it but - this is the foundation for your roof you don't want all the lumps in it and you definitely don't want it to break apart if you can notice my cooking my oil and my flour has not broken it looks like a creamy milk chocolate and that's a good thing this is exactly how it's supposed to look so I'm gonna take this just a little bit darker I wanted to show you the stages and I would say I'm back and as you can see I've gotten a little bit darker and this is as dark as I'm going to take you through it's mixed very well and now I'm going to get ready to add my vegetables I have already took the chicken stock and poured it into a larger into my of my roasting oven I'm just going to I kept just enough chicken stock stock to kind of temper because I'm going to have to transfer the sauteed vegetables over there so this is enough and I'm going to add I'm going to reduce the heat just a little bit because I don't want it to pop flare now I'm going to start to add my vegetables my green peppers my onions my celery I'm losing this a little bit of it I don't want to do that okay and I'm going to continue to mix this okay now I'm going to let this saute up for a few minutes okay now I have the vegetables in and as you can see it is thickening up now my my rule is starting to take on the that beautiful color okay that beautiful deep dark color now in here I have the red pepper I have the green pepper I have the onions and I have these celery okay now just my heat down just a little bit more now I'm going to add my onions that are my green onions okay it smells delicious so you're still getting darker and I'm gonna add that jalapeno pepper okay now I might have enough wound that is a beautiful caramel color and I know you can see it it's a dark dark kind of chocolatey caramel type color beautiful has a very good spell but I do want to tell you when you're making the roof you need plenty of ventilation so if your stove don't have a vent on it you might want to open up a window or open up a door or something okay now we have that down and that is cooking and it looks beautiful see it's a deep dark chocolate but it is beautiful I'm gonna stir this just a couple of more minutes on this stove I want to have just a little bit of crunch in my vegetables so I'm gonna stir it just a couple more minutes on the stove man it has a good smell to legend all my booze and then I have just a little bit of chicken stock right here and what I'm going to do that you just see some small pieces of the chicken that's left in there I'm going to temper this by just pouring that over in here and then taking it and transferring it over to my other pot now we can pretty much put the car on cruise because we can cruise it the rest of the way the hard work is done that is making the roof so once you perfect that the rest of it is just I mean like I said you can put the car on cruise because that's the hard part and everything else is easy after there okay so I'm going to transfer this into the other part and I'll get back okay now I've just put everything that was on my vegetables I've just put them over into the chicken stock because I had to chicken stop cooking in this big container I just took the rule and the vegetables and I added them into this big container so it has not come up to a boil yet because whenever you mix like what you know it takes a minute before it comes back up to the boil so I'm just going to go ahead and put in the rest of my seasonings here we have a teaspoon of Creole seasoning we have a teaspoon of obey salt and pepper to taste and of course I will test that you know it makes certain that it's to my liking I have my onion powder and it what you see swimming is just two bay leaves because I did go ahead and put them in and I also put in some minced garlic because I already had it minced and I did not add the minced garlic in when I was cooking adding the vegetables to the room because garlic burns fast and I did not want it to burn so I just waited until I got to this side and then I put it in over here and this is onion powder and it's not a lot okay now I'm going to let this just come up to a boil I've already cooked my chicken and I've already done my sausage so I'm not going to put it in right now I'm going to wait about 20 minutes to give all of these things makes a set a chance to kind of marinate and mix together then I'm going to add the rosemary the time I'm going to add the parsley um my there's two other seasonings oh the cayenne pepper and of course I'm going to add the fillets so that I will do probably won't come back on camera do it I'll probably just do that but then the next step is to start to add the meat so I won't do that now I'm going to allow this to just cook and I'm going to allow it to cook open with no top on the top of this pot I also did not put in my secret seasoning which is my Lipton onion soup mix but I'm gonna wait a minute until after I taste it okay well get out we're back and as you can see it has had a chance to simmer and it's looking really really good at this point so now we're going to add our sausage and I did need to add the sausage on the other side so I can saute with everything because if you remember I cooked it already I did sauteing so I could take the grease out so I'm going to put in the sausage now I'm going to go ahead and add my shredded chicken and that's chicken shredded umm thighs which is the breast and the thighs and then of course I have the chicken next I'm sorry the turkey necks that I shredded as well ask her my son okay and it's really beginning to take shape but as you can see it's rich and it's creamy so it's really looking good now all this stuff has been precooked as you know so I'm going to wait about five minutes I'll come back and then I'll start to add my shrimp and um my crab legs now I'll take this out when we get to the end process because I want to get all of the flavors that the bay leaves have inside okay okay now we're going to add our okra okay and I'm going to wait five minutes more and then I'm going to add the shrimp and I won't come back you know for to add the shrimp I'll come back when I get rid of the last at the last little part that cook shrimp but look at it okay now you see it has a little richness to it a thickness to it that's good but when this okra starts to cook a loose it's going to add even more of a thickness and thickness to it and you see the sausage and you see the parts of the turkey and the parts of the chicken so we'll get back all right there I've gotten to the part where as I'm getting ready to add these crabs and we're putting them there right now and as you can see I have big clusters okay and these are the Dungeness crab as well as the regular crab legs and I'll just wash them off and now I'm putting them into the gumbo all right now we still have two and as you can see I put a couple of shrimp over in here maybe about five or six but I only put them in so now I want those to pull apart and I want the actual seafood part of the gumbo to start coming in this looks really really good three more things to add and we'll get back okay now we're just putting in the shrimp and we're going to put the corn over in as well I was trying to get all of the uncooked shrimp out with a cup of a couple of the cooked shrimp spill in there but that's okay okay so that's in and now we're going to add the corn and the only thing else that I need to add to this it's just the cook shrimp and then I'll show you the finished product I want to stir this in alright now that looks real good okay we'll get back the gumbo is finished and as you can see it came out beautifully we do have the sausages willing to shred it meat we do have the crab claws that are down in here I was trying to pull one up there it is right there on the end as well as the corn and we have lump crab in here we have everything inside of this and I do believe that this dish is going to be really really good all right I'm making this dish on Saturday I'm not making it on Christmas Day because I do want to enjoy my Christmas I'd like to say thank you to all of my viewers I really do appreciate you watching with me I want to say thank you to my son because he shared this recipe with me and I hope I did not change it too much but of course that's what mothers do I also want to give thanks to my father because he came that I may have life and I may have it more abundantly so tomorrow when you celebrate the holidays please remember that Jesus is the reason for the season bye happy holidays
Channel: chriscook4u2
Views: 289,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gumbo2, Sea food, Chicken, Soup, Stew, Creole dishes, Rice dishes, Shrimp dishes, Rice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2011
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