Seafood Gumbo Recipe | #SoulFoodSunday | Crock Pot Recipe

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[Music] welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling and cooking with me baby you know what this is week four of soul food Sundays you guys been watching this series you know we doing this all summer long and I'm coming to you with another YouTube virtue of popular along with soul food cooking hey you guys go by and take a look and see what they bring into the table because I'm sure hell I'm gonna tell you I don't ask me what they're doing and nothing like that I just wait so I can be surprised so it's a chance we could be making the same thing but you know what I can tell you this after just looking at everything that they do you know what I would like to see a different spin on what I'm bringing to the table myself so with that being said we don't break right into this video and I got a good one for you guys this time you know what this week I'm bringing to you a seafood gumbo really is you know what it's a long name it's chicken and sausage and seafood gumbo super easy to make I know you guys some people are like spirited like that room I was showing you guys just how easy it is to make a route where it's almost like foolproof you know so endure it let's watch it and let's break right into this video okay we're gonna get right into the ingredients look right here we just got shrimp that's already been peeled and deveined these are jumbo size as you can see a nice size over here boneless skinless you know chicken thighs I'm gonna go ahead and cut those trim those down but I just got em in there they've already been in ranch that's why you see the paper towel I just letting all the water drain off of them hey I know this is not part of gumbo you know what you got ahead you sweetie and of course you know what most people put crab in there I saw these crab claws this is what I'm walking with today I love to get the claws like super smooth we got two cups of our chicken broth and listen one you say gumbo you know me hey you know what I've been on that keys and then that Creole kick so you know we got to have any do these sausage [Music] we got celery a whole bell pepper just cut roughly cut the more you know the longer you cook you know the smaller again so I start off rough five cloves of garlic just right here you guys should be able to guess right now what that is that's that Creole kick by sweet smoky Jose they listen that's a two tablespoons here it is right here so you guys can see I'll put the information down into the description box below if you guys have not gotten gotten this right here man you got to try it and let me just say this listen if you use the discount code a be ten listen I'm not getting nothing from it that goes to show you how much I like this product right here hey you guys do yourself a favor get it that's a B ten here obviously II know that's a honey you know roughly chopped and you know what you do not have to have fresh thyme but I just like fresh thyme you know I just get like a little small pinch for you know it's about like six or seven lot of sprigs right there right here just to fire-roasted uh diced tomatoes you know this right here I like hunch I like this brand right here and what you're not looking at right now you're gonna put a half a cup of oil and we're gonna make our groove and then we gonna have an awesome flour so I'm get ready to take you guys over here to the to the stove we trying to get on that cast-iron skillet you guys saw last week how I did a how I made the gravy we're gonna do the same thing when you ready put it in the crock-pot super easy we don't cook it on high for four hours and then we fitting the grill okay look keeping this super simple listen I like to leave my ingredients out as I'm gonna use them and so if we making a roof we're using the cast-iron skillet this is already starting to get warm look we're gonna head add oil that's a half a cup and then we got a half a cup of all-purpose flour we're gonna put that in here we're gonna whisk it around there we go now I'm gonna move this over here so you guys can see we are using a cast iron so look you know we've talked about not using a you know metal on on metal but that goes for like nine or nonstick pendants then once we get to room a certain color we're gonna come back with our onions our failed peppers and our celery in and we gonna cook them down for a couple of minutes after that live you gonna start seeing this coming together so now this is go ahead and get our Roux together now once you get your skillet you know hot under medium-high heat go ahead and just add your half a cup of vegetable oil and this one it doesn't take long for a cast iron skillet to get that grease you know you're all up to uh up to temperature and then what you want to do is start adding slowly look that's the key just a little bit at a time add your all-purpose flour you know into your vegetable and this right here we on our way to make it the room now what you guys to pay attention to the color the color is key you can see what color it is right now you can see it's gonna start to becoming ten we'll be looking for and we're looking to get it somewhere like you know we wanted to almost have like a chocolate the color to it so and pay attention notice I don't stop whisking I just keep going keep going and under the heat you're gonna you might have to make some adjustments because the key here is you don't want to burn it and you don't want to cook it too fast I've seen people they normally you know burn it because they don't adjust the heat so just keep and you know what this is a nice sized pan so some of it you know in the center it concentrates the heat this is an electric stove I do not all right well let me just say this I was gonna say I don't like them I'm just not a fan of them and I'm noticing those who live and you know in the area where they have gas stoves they don't like electric and if you you know any if you like electric you don't like gas and then look right there you see the color chains I just kept whisking did you change nothing once you reach the desired color that you're looking for to me that's a rude right there and then go ahead and add your veggies now that's your celery then we're gonna put our onions and then we're gonna come with our bell peppers you know and then I cook those down I really don't want to say I cook them down you know cuz I don't want to mislead nobody I just cook them for about two or three minutes you know let them just know mix you know with the UH with our Roux mixture and just keep moving them back and forth back and forth you know that'll maybe sit for just like one minute after that I take all of this right here and I'll go ahead and you know and put it in the crock pot [Music] now if you look at my crock pot you can see I don't know if you guys can tell but I went ahead and just sprayed it took a napkin and just like you know wiped it around you know just to help with the cleanup and I don't want to like leave no marks or no scarring in my porcelain so after you go ahead and put all the and your veggie and your rule mix in go ahead and add your chicken stock you know what you then come back with your Creole or Cajun seasoning you guys know I'm using a Creole kick then you know what what I can tell you is right here is where it becomes gumbo you guys already did the most difficult part of this whole you know whole gumbo now we're gonna put all our ingredients in here - the shrimp and the crab actually I'm gonna ready to put the shrimp and the crab back into the refrigerator you know as it cooks we gonna add that at the end of the cook but right now I just put it in I put it in it layers just make sure everything is mixed and then right here that's the frozen okra you can see look it's hard to get out that's because as I was making the roux I put this back in the freezer so it kind of like froze it actually frozen really fast and then we want to add our two cans of fire roasted dice you know garlic tomatoes go ahead and add those in there and then you know I just mix it up like I say I'd like to just mix it it later it so everything is evenly you know distributed throughout now once you finish mixing this up then it's time to add your chicken what I didn't show is and the chicken I cut mine in the quarter so you know these are the boneless skinless chicken thighs you know and I just put that in there like that I like a nice you know when I eat gumbo and it has chicken in it I want to taste the chicken I don't want no chicken you know no popcorn chicken kernels I want a real chicken and this root right here is so flavorful you know what it penetrates the chicken just turns out you know outstanding now then look everything else is just like super easy and at the time put it on the top and then after that we just want to set it we're gonna cook it on high for four hours and then we gonna come back now once it's done that's what it looks like I removed the time now I mean I sometime I set it off to the side you know put it back in there but right now you know what just take it off and then after that this is now's the time we're gonna add that seafood and we just did four hours on high I just mix it up see where we're at right there hey is looking good hey the chicken might not look the way you think it should look but our primary shoot is it's cooked thoroughly and it absorbed all of that gumbo flavor now we just want to go ahead and add our shrimp and then we're gonna put our crab in our case we're gonna put crab claws real easy nice jumbo size our shrimp already peeled and deveined and just add them in there you know what I do is I just like mix it around and I push them down cuz you want it all to be covered because for this next 30 minutes you know what it's gonna cook you know it doesn't take long we just won't cook them for 30 minutes I promise you that might seem a little long but in this gumbo you know a roux is if it turns out just perfectly and now we just don't have the know the claws as you see just put them in there and then we're gonna reset the timer I turn it back on I've done it all kind of ways sometime I just let it sit in there and just feel hot but because it was taking so long and I'm feeling it I was I lost a little heat so I went ahead and just put it on for another 30 minutes at high that's it anyway now coming back you guys are just seeing now after 30 minutes go ahead and take a look at it hey listen when you open that you can already smell it to you you know the crock-pot won't have Hiromi in your house already but listen when you open that up oh my goodness that right there we that's up to you I like mine like this this is was raised on it I've had other people's that might have been a little ticker but I can tell you this as it cools it just Dickens up you know real nice but I just stir it around I want you guys just to see everything is nice and cooked you can see by this you could look at these claws right there you see that redness that lets you know that a it's ready it's right and now it's time to go ahead and as we say you know we gonna call it plate but obviously I'm using a bowl so I just put it in here and then I'm going to show you guys listen this right here is just hands down you might not make it no other way but in the crock pot moving forward super easy there you go gumbo so there you have it you guys this is what I'm bringing to for week four of soul food Sundays this is my youtube virtual pot look you know meal listen it's a chicken sausage and seafood gumbo I hope you guys like what you just saw I'm gonna go ahead and get me some and right now I got my spoon loaded up with a little okra fire roasted tomatoes and this uh a this shrimp the heat is going down [Music] oh my goodness the shrimp is just right let me go ahead that might have been a fluke let me hit it again as you can see look comedy scroll just that stolen crap I'm gonna go ahead and eat that off camera super easy to make and especially the new people that has never ever made a gumbo and you probably heard cuz everybody hears this you know what it's all in the roof your rule is tricky as you saw you know what the mystery has been solved I don't see it being no mystery at all super easy to make just make sure that when you're making your roof you never stopped you know whisking and your heat is to keep medium-high and if it look like it starting to cook too fast and bubble all you got to do is reduce the heat hey what's that being said listen if you new to my channel let me go way to take this time to welcome you to my channel subscribe don't forget to hit the like button and share and let everybody out there know it's a channel out here just taking the mystery out of cooking and simplifying these recipes and with that being said you guys you know what I'm finna say I'm out peace
Channel: undefined
Views: 638,483
Rating: 4.9475589 out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, gumbo, seafood gumbo, seafood gumbo recipe, how to make gumbo, seafood, sausage, shrimp, gumbo recipe, chicken, roux, creole, cajun gumbo, #soulfoodsunday, make gumbo, soul food, how to make seafood gumbo, chicken and sausage gumbo, andouille, best gumbo recipe, recipe, food, new orleans, recipe for gumbo, comfort food, andouille sausage, delicious, southern cooking, cajun cooking, creole kick seasoning, sweet smokie joe, sweet smokey joe
Id: WnpFZPxlYNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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