Guess The Person From Their Ultrasound (GAME)

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(Rooster crows) (Lion roars) (anvil slamming) (game wheel clicking) - Welcome to Good Mythical More! - Random disturbing fact. - Alright. - Bet you didn't know this. The FDA is chill with bugs in your peanut butter. - How many? Yeah, we talked about this a while back. We talked about spiders and all types of stuff. - There's a certain amount of bugs that can be in your peanut butter. - They'll accept it. - I don't know what it is. That means you've been eating bugs in your peanut butter. According to FDA regulations, it's okay for peanut butter manufacturers to have 30 insect fragments for every 100 grams of peanut butter in a jar. What do you think about that Dr. David Hill, not really a doctor. - Pretty crazy, pretty crazy. - Would you- (laughs) - You still going to eat some peanut butter after that random fact? - I might have a PB&J after this. - Oh wow - It makes you won't want one immediately. - He's undeterred. Let's bring in some Mythical team members here. - And what, I'm supposed to get an invasive... - Well it's already happening, it's in process right now. - Oh. - He's on your ears right now. - Oh, okay. - Open your mouth. - He's got the largest flashlight I've ever seen a doctor carry. - Wow, he's going to whoa, whoa, whoa! oh, he's doing a lice inspection. Yeah, Alright. - Okay, yeah. - Now you're seeing if you can go all the way through. - Yeah, it feels a little compromising. - Hey, use the thing where there's a string that goes though his skull, like his head. - Pretty invasive. (laughing) - Yeah. I love when the doctor does that. - Are you taking any medications? - Am I taking any medications? (laughing) - Are you wiping my earwax on my guzzle? You, um - Hey answer the doctor's question, he can't treat you - I'm not taking any medication! - He's not taking any medications. Now bend over. - Oh my. (laughing) Oh, god. - You gotta look at the camera coverage, that's the dynamite. - Where is this going? - Yes. - Okay, so what we have here is, we have four ultrasound images and we're gonna match you to them. You know what? I'm so confident in this. - Were you? So, do you guys just? you just carry placards of your ultrasounds around in like, in your cardigans and what not? - Yeah. - Yep, wherever it fits. - This is what the millennials do. You keep up with these things, huh? - Mmm-hmm. - Because you know, we don't have these. They didn't have this technology. At least, they didn't let you take it home when we were coming up. But definitely the oldest person is this one because this one sucks. (laughing) This is like the year that it came out but also - No, we had ultrasounds. - No, but they didn't show you the picture. They didn't give it to everybody. - Well they've got ultrasounds out now that are like full color, like it looks like a Claymation baby. - That's the 3D ultrasound. - [Camera Woman] Can you guys shift to the right a tiny bit cause I can't see Kristen's, I can't see Kristen's face. - And also... [Camera Woman] There we go. - And also, we know at least - [Camera Woman] Thank you. - At least - Here I'll help you out. - A least one of them probably has a penis, so (laughing) - Can you find the penis? I think option one is who's the oldest? - Find the weiner. - The second one is find the weiner. (laughing) - Here it is right here. - You think that's a weiner? - I have to guess that these all might be a little too old for that to have developed, so to speak. - Yeah. - Too young, you mean? - Yeah, well like - You don't think Zach had a weiner at this point? - Like too old, like it happened too early. - It happens late sometimes. (laughing) - I think its now though. - Yeah, hmmm? - Do you see a budding penis on any of these? Not a fully formed, just a nub of a penis? - Just a little nub. - Well the one thing we do know is this says, 'body', 'fist', 'head', so that's a hand. - This one has a crocked neck. You see what's happening there. There's a, look at this spine curvature. - That's just, that's normal, I think, right? - Possible. - Everybody is like - Did anybody have spinal surgery at some point? - Nope. - No. - No, just little procedures, right. (laughing) - Um - Yeah, this is like looking at a freakin' bigfoot photo. (laughing) which one of 'em looks most like Bigfoot? (laughing) - Alright, what is the? - This ones got a head as big as the body. (chuckling) - This is freakin' - Here, that's Aubrey. - Okay. - Why? - That's Kristen. - Okay. - Awww, you were so cute. - Yeah, I don't - If it wasn't labeled - Its labeled, yeah. - Great. - Good thing. - That new technology, yeah. (giggling) - Alright, you see the penis on this one? (laughing) - Its blurry. - Its blurred out. (laughing) - Um, okay. Who am I to argue? - No, its right here. It's floating next to the baby. - I actually think, Bethany, yours is upside down. - Okay. (laughing) - Uh, okay, so tell us too, if we're right. - Okay, uh, this is not me. - Ahhh, gosh! - How are we doing this? - Kristen, which one is yours? - That one is actually mine. - Alright, how do you know? - I know, well first of all, its because my dad scanned this photo, so that's why it looks kinda grainy. - Oh. - It looks like you're looking right into the lens. - Cause it came from extra. - Are those eyeball right here? - Truly, I have - Like a nose and an eye? - I have no idea. I think this is my head. I think, head, rest of my body? I believe? - Oh, yeah. - Actually, a fun little anecdote about my birth, is I think I gave my mom a little bit of a challenge. So they actually had to suck me out from the head. And so I had a little cone head. - Through your mom's head? - No, yes, through my mom's head which like - Aw, we're gonna have to bring her out the mouth. - Yeah, I don't know how that happened. No, I actually, my head was - You're gonna have to vomit your baby out. - My head was shaped like a little cone when I came out. - Ah, warning! - Yeah, it was kinda strange. - How long did that last? - I don't think very long but babies heads are very malleable so I think that - Right. - You could just squish it. - Yeah, she just patted me a couple times. She was like, she looks good now. - Vrrrrrr! - So you switched with Bethany so, Bethany, is that now you? - It is not me. - Alright, so which one is you? - This one. (laughing) - So, alright. - Yeah, this is a little confusing because - I can't see what's happening at all. - So as we know, I am a twin, so this could possibly - Oh! - Yes. This could probably be my brother, or down here, I don't know. Or right here but this is my face, for sure. - Is that? It looks like an adult face like, there's the nose - Thank you! - Like there's the nose - I do have an old soul, I believe. (laughing) - Wise beyond your years. - Born with an adult face. - A mustache, a chin - Oh, a mustache. - I mean, it looks like - Am I, okay. - I mean if you look at it like that, it looks like an old man. - Oh, wow. Yes, it does. - With a beard, see the nose, eyes - Wow, you lost your beard, huh? - Have I? (laughing) - Look at that. Here's his shoulders, this is frickin' disturbing! - Hold on, hold on, and the more look at it. Then it starts looking like this is hair. Like, you're, you know what I'm sayin', - like hair coming out of a top ponytail. - Yes! - I can't wait for my mom to watch this episode. - Can you guys see that? (laughing) - Like a freaky old guy, that's going - Anybody got a marker? (chuckling) - Anybody else see that? - [Backstage Man] Yeah. - [Camera Woman] Yeah. - Bethany, you're possessed. - With what though? - Or maybe your twin. - Whoa! - Oh! - David is trying to throw a marker and he's impaling other boys. - Its not like the ceilings are 17 feet high. (laughing) - Yeah, like, look at that, its freaky. - You might have to make the face your, uh - Oh, wow. - Go ahead. The funny thing is that its actually my face though. - Yeah, those are shoulders down there. Everything about it lines up. - I don't know - This is hair going into like a - Wouldn't say that's a shoulder, it might be a womb situation. I still don't know. - None of that - Well now she kinda looks like the Iron Giant. - Look at that. - Look at that. You learn something every day. Okay. - Its freaky. - Uh, okay. - So this is actually a bit of a surprise, uh, you are half right. Um, I have three siblings. - You came out in two women? - Yes. (laughing) - Seven, um well, so I have three other siblings. My mom was not able to find my photo. She found every one of my other siblings. So this is my youngest sister, who is 17. (laughing) - You know what, something felt right about that. - Yeah. - And like this would, I mean, there's the spine. - Sure. - There's the eyes and there's the nose. There's the fist. (laughing) There's the head. - You've missed your calling as an artist. - There's the belly. (laughing) - What's that part? - What if this, what if this is what the doctor did and he's like, lemme get my Sharpie out. This is the body. Gonna be a beautiful (chuckling) - a beautiful little baby, gonna have spiky hair and an outie. - A belly button? - You know what? This is like something you should get done at the Santa Monica Pier. You bring your ultrasound. - Yeah. - And he's like, hey, give me a second. That'll be 20 dollars. - And Zach, so we were right about you. - Well you weren't but (laughing) yeah, this is me. - But now we are. - Uh, yeah, that's my head. - That's your head. You were like a frickin' Transformer. - Like in - You were like Bible man. - Like a Alien? (laughing) - Yeah. - Yeah, there used to be this really horrible super hero called, Bible Man. - No, when I sent this out to everybody, Kevin thought I looked like an alien. - Yeah, you do. - And then Matthew, uh - You look like a superhero. - Without me asking - He looks more like an alien. - Put that together. - Yeah but where is the penis? - [Camera Woman] Guys, listen to what Zach said. - They're not looking, they're not looking, they're not, that's fine. - Put what together? - [Camera Woman] Go, oh, yeah. - Oh! Yeah! You freakin' look like an alien. - [Zach] Right. There it is. - Dang. - Where's my penis? (laughing) - Well they blacked it out. - Can't find it. (laughing) - Its Lennie, Lennie and Lacey did that. - I did all of this. - Its like where's Waldo? - Yeah. - Hold on, hold on. Lemme see. I think it might be right here. (laughing) - That is so wicked, man. - Is that it? Is that a foot? (alternative music) - Oh. - Its a one toed foot. - You're so right. (laughing) - That's it! - [Narrator] Our journey of creativity started with a blood oath and cow pasture. Your journey to get the Blood Oath tee and long sleeve tees starts at
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 340,651
Rating: 4.9086308 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, gmmore, good mythical more, good mythical summer, What Am I Inside Of? (GAME), Guess The Person From Their Ultrasound (GAME), ultrasound, baby ultrasound, guessing game, guess the person, ultrasound guessing game
Id: 93Vnglc1d6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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