Voice Changer Guess Who Game

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This reminds of the Whose Line is it Anyways game where they have to guess the contestants. But it's quirky personalities

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CheeseWeenie ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Was anybody surprised the childโ€™s mask in More that no one else could wear because their chins weโ€™re too big fit Rhett? I wasnโ€™t

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/wvufan94 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Link is wearing a John Mayer 2019 tour shirt in this episode... my obsessions are colliding!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/silverecstasy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Who the freak is Zack

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/thebardjaskier ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
- Can you recognize a person when their voice is changed? - Let's talk about that. (cheerful music) Good Mythical Morning. - What if you woke up one day, and a few people you knew from work had completely different voices? - Well I'd hate it, and I'd fire every single one of 'em. - That's a bit extreme, and unfortunate for a few Mythical crew members, because that's exactly what's happening today. It's time for The Voice Changer Dating Game. - According to a study from linguists at University of Montreal in Quebec, and when linguists at the University of Montreal in Quebec got something going, we're listening. It only takes two words, or four syllables, for a person of normal hearing to distinguish the voice of a close friend or relative. - Oh my goodness. - Oh, is that Link? It's Link! The researchers found this to be true within 99.9% accuracy. - Yeah, so two words, or four syllables, and that's because according to the study, humans have a sophisticated sensory memory, which gives us the ability to record and later recall vast amounts of speech. In fact, our sensory memory is so sophisticated, that when babies are born they can already recognize the voice of their mothers. - Sweet, so we decided to take this principle even further and ask the question, can you identify somebody by their voice if their voice is being disguised by a voice changer? And we don't need no linguists in Quebec to answer that question because we devised a game that will accomplish this very scientific thing. Let's play. Okay, backstage there are four Mythical crew members, we have no idea who they are, but all of their voices will be altered by our patent pending Voice Discombobulator Mask 5000. - Ooh, okay, crew members, each of you say hello if you would. - Hello. - Hello! - Oh my goodness. - Hello. - Hello. - Okay, and a lower robot. - This is not going to be easy. - Okay, just like The Dating Game TV show, we'll ask those contestants a series of revealing questions, but unlike The Dating Game, we will not be dating any of our employees, that'd be weird. - Our job is to use our sophisticated sensory memory to identify the crew members. At any point during the game we can make a guess, if you guess correctly you get three points. If you guess wrong, you lose one point, and you also lose the ability to guess that person again until the opposing player also tries to guess that person. - Okay, in the end, the winner will be known as the master of the mouth sounds, and get to take home a personal item found on the desk of one of the crew members. (jazzy trumpets) - [Host] All right, non-bachelor number one and non-bachelor number two, this first round of questions is to help you get to know the contestants' personalities. Rhett, since you have smaller ears, you can go first. - Oh, thank you. - That wasn't a compliment. - I guess I'll go with, why not, contestant number three. If you were a store at the mall, which store would you be? - My favorite store at the mall is Auntie Anne's. I'm a big fan of their pretzels, and their drinks. - You're a big fan of Anne's drinks. - Auntie Anne's drinks. - What about Wetzel's? - [Zack] No. - No. See, I don't know, I think I feel like I know who that is, contestant number three. - You know what, I have a guess. - Well if you guess wrong-- - I'm not gonna do it, though. - Contestant number one, tell me about a birth mark that you're particularly fond of. - I have this triangle that is on my upper thigh. - So your thigh is in the Illuminati, what's up? - No, it's not an equilateral triangle, it's more of an isosceles, so I don't think that the Illuminati is doing stuff with isosceles triangles. - Okay, at this point, the person that I think contestant number one is is now three. - No, the person I thought was three is one. - Okay, so you wanna go ahead? - I'm gonna make a guess! I'm gonna make a guess. I think I would like to guess contestant number one. - [Host] Okay. Go ahead. - Chase. - [Host] Let's see if you're right. - Yeah, isosceles! I know he knows about dem isosceles. You thought Chase was three, me too. And then one. - Were you also three? - I was not one and three. - Are you all of them, is the game over? - I've seen you naked on my desk, and I don't remember seeing any triangle. - It's a small one. - Small triangle. Okay, let's keep getting to know these contestants. Contestant number two, why is everybody all of a sudden into Brussels sprouts? What's up with that? - Fiber, digestive issues. Yogurt out, Brussels sprouts are in. - Yogurt is out, Brussels sprouts are in. - This one's really hard to understand. - Okra is out? - Yogurt. - Oh, yogurt, well are you saying you prefer yogurt, or do you prefer Brussels sprouts? - Yogurt. - Okay, that's a tough one, I'm just gonna move on to contestant number four. All right number four, what's your position on toe socks? Support your answer. - I am not a fan of toe socks. - That is very foreboding. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up toe socks. - Why are you not a fan? - I don't think feet should look like little hands. - I think I got something from that. I'm definitely not sure enough to make a guess. - I'm picturing one particular crew member for number four. Number two, whoo, that's a tough one. - [Host] Okay, do you guys have any more questions for these contestants, or any guesses before we move on to the next round? - I'm not gonna guess. - [Host] All right, let's move on. (jazzy trumpets) This next round is all about the rhythm and cadence of a person's speech pattern. Where do they put the emphasis on a word, and will that be a clue? Link, you may go first, I already spoke about your ear size, please ask any contestant to repeat any phrase of your choosing as fast or slow as you please. - Okay, contestant number four, can you repeat the phrase "I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen" five times? Well maybe three times. - I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen. I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen. I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen. - Okay, a little personality kinda came out there, have you ever actually seen a kitten eating chicken in a kitchen? - Not even once. - Ah, I wanna guess. - The rhythm is so slow, you have a guess, do you have somebody? - Im'ma go out on a limb here, 'cause I am trying to be competitive. - [Host] You're making an official guess? - I'm making an official guess on contestant number four. David Hill? - [Host] Let's see if you're right. - Aw, I mean, were you thinking David Hill? - No, I wasn't. - All right, ask somebody else a phrase. - Okay, I'll just magically close the door. Okay, that was contestant number four, I'm gonna ask contestant number two to say three times, "So this is the sushi chef?" It's hard. - So, this is the sushi chef? - Say it two more times. - So this is the sushi chef? So this is the sushi chef. - Well is it the sushi chef? - No. - Boy, that is a tough one. - Why they getting so angry? - It may just be the modulator 5000. - "No!" I'm trying to bring that back down to what that would wound like in real life, "No!" - Okay, contestant number three, can you say three times "Caramelize me, caramel daddy." - Caramelize me, caramel daddy. Caramelize me, caramel daddy. Caramelize me, caramel daddy. - That's a lot of syllables, and I ain't getting nothing. - What do you have in mind with the caramelizing? - Just like you cover somebody in caramel, man. - Are you the daddy? - Oh, yeah. - Okay, I've got another question. I'm going back to contestant number four. I would like them to repeat, "If you sprinkle when you tinkle, "be a sweetie and wipe the seatie." - If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie, wipe the seatie. - I have a guess for number four. - [Host] Okay. - Matt Carney? - [Host] Let's see if you're right. - Ah! - I thought you were right 'cause once you said Matt Carney, I heard that hot dog on a stick in there. Just I heard it. - You can hear that hot dog experience in someone's voice, and I thought that's what I was hearing. - I love that that is all he's known for here. - [Host] Okay, guys, you wanna move on to the next round? - Yeah, I need more help. - Gosh, yes. (jazzy trumpets) Before we ask our next questions, I wanna give a quick shout out to the Mythical Kitchen channel, where Josh is smashing snacks again, that's what he's doing, so if you wanna see what Reese's Doritos look like, head over there, subscribe to the Mythical Kitchen. - [Host] Okay, guys, in this final round, we'll see if you can get a clue about who someone is from the inflection and emotion in their voice. - Contestant number three, act as if you are our mom. And you're emphatically encouraging us to get a real job. - Rhett, Charles, I'm very disappointed in your decision to live life on the internet and eat testicles. Please, for the love of God, stop eating so many genitalia. Please. - I can't even tell if this is a girl or a guy. - I know, I had a, I got a little something again, but I'm guess shy now. - Okay, but I do know that this is a Mythical crew member that knows my name is Charles. I don't feel like they all know that, that's an intimate detail. - You gotta be here three months to get that information. - Y'all not throwing interns up over there. - Okay, contestant number four, in your saddest voice, tell me why you're upset about Pizza Hut not having a lot of sit-down restaurants. - I'm really really sad about that, because it's nice to bring your family to a sit-down restaurant, and what better food to eat at a restaurant than pizza? Also, I think they used to have the squiggly ceilings, and that's really comforting to me, 'cause you can just count 'em if you're feeling stressed out. - I have a guess! - [Host] Okay. - I have a guess. - The only thing I picked up on was, instead of saying "that" this person said "thot." It's a Canadian. Do we still have Canadians working for us? - I think that contestant number four, which I think is who we just talked to, is Ellie. - [Host] Let's see if you're right. - Yeah, girl! - Squiggly ceilings at a Pizza Hut? - That's actually Giordano's. - Okay. - Yeah, I got it when you said "That's comforting to me," and I was like "Oh, that's an Ellie vibe," and I was like "Yes!" - Say T-H-A-T. - That. - That's not how you did it earlier. - [Host] All right, guys, you still have two more contestants you haven't guessed, do you wanna move on to a special hint round, or do you wanna make any guesses now? - No, I need a hint. (jazzy trumpets) - [Host] Each contestant is going to give you a hint about themselves. You can guess who the contestant is, you will only be guessing for two points each because it's so easy this way. So, contestant number two, please give the guys a hint. - I'm a little bit goth. - A little bit goth? - Who's a little bit goth? - [Host] Contestant number three, please give the guys a hint. - I'm a big fan of what Croc loafers are on your feet. - I need another hint. - [Host] Okay, contestant number two, can you give them a better hint? - My favorite store is Marshalls. - I got a guess. - Shoot. - [Host] Wait, I don't know if I'm going with the hand raise, or the "up up up." I'll go with the hand raise, Rhett, what is your guess? - Emily. - [Host] Let's see if you're right. - [Link] I was gonna guess Emily. - [Rhett] Well you didn't say anything, you just said "Ah, ah." Emily! Marshalls, yes. Did you get this outfit at Marshalls? - Yes. - All right, you've won, can we bring out the last contestant to see who it was? - Well you don't wanna make a guess? - No, I'm losing so bad. - [Host] I'll allow it. Will the last contestant, contestant number three, please come through the door? - Crocs, someone who likes Crocs. - And a little bit goth? - Post Malone. - [Host] No. - Hey guys, what's up? - Zack! - It's Zack! - That was weird. - Do you like Crocs? - Yeah, I've been shamed here a lot for wearing Croc loafers, so I stopped wearing them, but. - Yeah, well, good. - Thumbnail savant. - Okay, so that means I win, I get a personal item from one of-- - This is from my desk, but I will need it back in about 28 days. - Jumbo tampons. Congratulations, Rhett, thank you for subscribing and clicking that bell. - Why do you need so many? - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Jill. - And I'm AJ. - And we have 300 tiny cupcakes at our wedding in Cedar Falls, Iowa. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Congratulations, I hope people show up. - Oh wow, click the top link to watch, I think people, everybody got quiet for the video. Click the top link to watch us test weird voice-changing toys in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - Oh god, I lost the chip, I lost the chip, okay, okay, go Erin, toss, toss, toss. - It's hot, it's hot, it's hot. - No, toss it in your hands to use the bowl to flip. Yeah, there it is, okay. Trevor, they're coming your way soon, buddy, you gotta be ready, you gotta be ready, get your hands up, kid. - They're sticking together! - I'm not catching it with my hands.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,674,638
Rating: 4.9273896 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, Voice Changer Dating Game, mythical crew, emily, zack, ellie, chase
Id: rI0hizPKamk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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