Crazy Life Fail Stories (GAME)

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(rooster crows) (lion roars) (wheel clicking) Welcome to Good Mythical More. Random disturbing fact. Oh, give it to me. There are over 200 corpses of climbers and Sherpas on Mount Everest. Just frozen up there? Yeah when you die up there, they leave you. I mean this is a random disturbing fact, it's a fact. Think about that. It's a true fact. You're going up there to the top of the thing that's the toppest and now you-- They call that the summit. And now you've got a, it's the toppest toppest of all tops. I'm gonna go to the top top please. One ticket to the top of the top. Of all tops and you're passing by all of these dead people. Pretty cool. Yeah it's pretty awesome. It's actually pretty awesome. Yeah yeah yeah, I'd like to get some for my house. Okay. Uh-huh, let's bring in some team members, the same ones we've been hanging out with and let's take 'em down a notch by talking about their, well you don't have to come in if you don't want to, guys. - [Ellie] We want to. Don't rush in all at once. Take 'em down a notch and talk about their extreme life fails and I got one more life hack for you that I found. You can take a medical glove, fill it up with warm water and you always have a hand to hold. Oh. That's so lonely. (Rhett laughs) There's one over there for you, Matt. Ooh! You always have a hand to hold. Now I have a friend. It kinda looks like one of those stress balls. It looks like it feels good. You're holding it romantically. It's very warm. It looks like it belonged to your potted legs. Do a flexion hold. No no, I only believe in interlocking the fingers. - [Link] All right so on these cards I have-- - [Ellie] Just another part of Mom's that they found after-- Printed. It's for handshake practice. All time life fails. I've been needing this. Our task, Rhett, is to match the life fail with the team member-- Person. With the life. I always lose this, even though we can't lose-- Come a little closer, Stevie. We're about to lose you behind Matt. Rhett, you come on over here. What's this? There you go, don't be shy, guys. All right here's our first one. I, now reading Is, not me, this is one of them. Just for clarity's sake. I audibly farted, it's off to a good start. Good, good, good, good. I audibly farted in the middle of an Irish step dancing recital and everyone had to dance through the cloud of it. The cloud of it. (all chuckling) The cloud of it. The cloud of it. Okay so who is the most likely to have been participating not in an audible fart because that could be any of you. Thank you, thank you. I believe you-- Do you participate in a fart? I believe you can all participate in an audible fart. I believe in you. Breathe deeply, you're a participant. But who would be in an Irish dance recital? To me the first person I think of is Emily, right, I mean how could that not be Emily? Wow. I think you're like, you're an Irish stepper. I think you've got some-- You know this is fake right? - [Ellie] Because of her red hair? She was blonde-- I pay a lot of money for this. Moments ago. I think they're calling you a drunk. I pay a lot of money to look like an Irish stepper. It has nothing to do with your red hair. It has to do with the fact that I feel like I've heard something about clogging or something in your background and I know that that's like-- Was it 'cause you heard me walking in these? Exactly. It's a southern thing to do to be involved in Irish dancing. Yeah my wife-- Oh I'm right down there. Christy, she was an avid clogger as a child. She would travel to fairs and participate in clogging competitions. Cool. And that's why you married her, right? Yeah it is. Every night, she gives me a private clogging. (all laughing) Honey, I would like a clogging. (laughs) They have numbers that you can call for that. (all laughing) Wow. Didn't know how fun that would be. Give it to Emily. I think this is Emily because seems like a, where you from, Kentucky, West Virginia? Nashville. (laughs) Wow. I've said that like five times to you. I'm convinced you're from Kentucky. Arkansas and Nashville, I'm both of those. Arkansas and Nashville. I think that Kentucky's a city in West Virginia. You from Kentucky, West Virginia? (all laughing) Next one, I stole my sister's Walkman to listen to her Celine Dion album and when she caught me, I pretended to make fun of her music choices, making her destroy the tape in embarrassment. I had to save up to buy her a new one. Wow, this has got Stevie written all over it. (crew and Rhett laugh) Stevie has a sister. Stevie, I met your sister a couple of times, she seems like she would be into Celine. And this-- And we know that you're secretly into Celine. Yeah and I like saving up. Yep, you do and this feels like the kind of mind trick that you could really easily pull off. Oh yeah. Mm-hmm. I could see you making someone feel awful about their choice. Even though you totally agreed with it. (all laughing) Thank you guys. Destroy the tape, sis. Destroy it! Yeah, thank you. Yep. That's brutal. That's savage. That's brutal. Anybody want to hold a hand? Aw. Yeah yeah yeah. Slap it. Wanna hold half? Yeah. I'll hold the thumb. Ew! It feels good, doesn't it? It is warm. It's really warm. It's like a cow udder. I wanna play with it. You just gotta spank it. It's pretty pleasing. Squeeze it like an udder. Yeah. Next one, Link. I want 'em to have as much fun with that as they want. Well they can continue to have fun. I did not have valid government ID for a full year and was able to get into bars and travel on multiple domestic flights. Whoa. Whoa, we've got a criminal in our midst. How is this a fail? Yeah sounds like a win. This is a success. Yeah. Well I mean my first instinct on this one is Ellie. Why, why you saying that? Why's that? Because you have a way of getting people to like you. I can see how you could just kinda talk your way into something and I also know that you recently-- Down to the point. Missed a vacation because of lack of government ID. Yeah fully missed a full vacation. It expired. Well then that undermines the thing 'cause it-- Well but you know what, times have changed, man. Do you wanna share a bit of that story, what happened? So for my birthday I planned, I bought tickets and lodging for a trip to Mexico with my friends and my boyfriend and the night before when I was checking into the flight, I realized that my passport had expired four days prior. No! You think you would check that but I had the passport. I'm good. Good enough. Because you know, sometimes that's not the case. 'Cause it's good for what, four years at least. 10 years normally. 10 years yeah. 10 years I mean youth, it's easy to-- It really sneaks up on you. I had-- And I wouldn't forget. - [Emily] It does. Life goes by fast. So that's why it's not-- And then my boyfriend went without me. Happy birthday! I've talked to Pat about this. Yeah. (chuckles) I think he did the right thing. Your good pal. (Rhett laughs) I haven't talked to Pat, he doesn't speak to me. (Ellie laughs) That's why this, I mean, I think this has gotta be Matt Lieb. You think this is Matt Lieb? Me? I mean did you hear her stories? How could it be her? Well okay. We can switch it in a second. Yeah we don't know what the last story is. All right here's the last story. In elementary school, I stabbed myself trying to make glasses out of a paper towel roll. Saw the blood, fainted, hit my head, then the floor. Wow. Who was trying to make, were they trying to make functioning glasses or was this like just fun glasses? Was this me? I feel like this might have been somebody whose parents wouldn't get them real glasses. I'm going to have to make my own! You don't wear contacts? Someone who was formerly British. No. We know this isn't Ellie. 20/20. Formerly Oliver Twist. Well I guess you don't have to have real glasses to make fake glasses out of paper towels. Here's what's true is that I look amazing in glasses and the fact that I have 20/20 vision is a huge bummer 'cause give me those frames baby. I think that's why this is her because she's the only one without glasses. All right you know what, I think you're right and another thing to back up the theory that Matt Lieb is the one who traveled without government ID. Go on. Is I don't know exactly how old you are. Mm, thank you. But I believe that you are old enough to-- That's good. You couldn't have done this before 9/11, right? Sure. But you could only have done this before 9/11. Right. Sure. And so I feel like you are old enough to be traveling-- - [Emily] And none of us were born yet. On your own before 9/11 as an adult. Wait so you think I'm older. Yeah. Bingo. Well then I rescind my thank you from earlier. Yeah so I think this is right. I think Matt-- I'm very young. Is the traveler and I think Ellie's the glasses. I feel really good about this actually. Ha ha. Let's start with Matt here. So you wanna know the truth? Is this you or no? This is not me. (groans) Dang it. It's me. (groans) It was you! That is you, okay. Yeah before the passport incident, I had no ID. (chuckles) All right so you'll just hold that one but now-- So tell us, how did you get on the flights? You just bring as much stuff as you can like pay stubs and your credit card-- What? And your debit card and your, I had a student, I had both my high school ID and my college ID. After 9/11? This is after 9/11, this is like two years ago. What? And they just, they make you go through a separate security so they look through all your bags and they like fully sort of-- But that didn't work for Mexico. They clog you. Why did you do that? No no. I just lost it and then once you lose everything-- For a year? It's very hard to get it back. Was this domestic travel or international travel? Domestic. Right so if you have an expired ID for domestic travel, you can be okay. But I didn't have that either. Okay well I'm just, this is for me because my ID's expired, I'm going to Hawaii. And I wanna make sure it's okay. You're gonna be fine. Thank God. You just have to get to the airport an hour earlier than you normally would. Which everyone loves doing that. Yeah. Yeah. Stevie-- Well it's a fun place. Are we correct? You are incorrect. Ooh! Mm! You lost this time. Wow. That's not mine, this is mine. All right so-- Yeah I, instead of like, okay, one would think if you're making glasses out of a paper towel roll, you'd compress it a little bit and you'd cut across. No not I, I stuck my hand into the paper towel roll and then stabbed it through. Oh. Like the bagel. Just like the bagel. Yeah and then when I saw that I cut myself, I fainted and I hit the table and the stool and the floor and busted the side of my lip and then mouth opened and then I woke up in a completely different room and I was like, "What happened?" (all chuckling) What happened? Well on the bright side, at least you didn't break your glasses when you did it. You know, since you had none. Right. So that's good. It could have been worse. Right. Did you get a nickname in elementary school as a result of that? No. The fainter. No. Dainty fainty. There were like 12 kids-- Dainty fainty. In my class so that would have been horrible. Crappy MacGyver. The 11 other kids making fun of me but they didn't. It was kinda cool, it was like a war, battle wound. Okay so-- We have to be with Emily. Completely wrong. And maybe Emily's right. Yeah this is right. (all laughing) Yeah. We knew you were Irish. Fart cloud. I wasn't Irish, I just really liked Lord of the Dance. Sure. Well I liked Michael Flatley, let's be real. Lord of the Dance. But yeah I was really into Riverdance and Lord of the Dance-- Yeah that was it. And my best friend and I when we were 12 signed up for community center classes which was full of divorces trying to find themselves-- Yeah the best, the best. And then us, the 12 year old girls and then we had a recital in a community center and it's just like old men and bad jeans and I farted so loud and then (laughs), but my best friend Laura was looking at me the whole time we're doing this turn and the whole thing-- Just keep dancing. Everybody's having to go through it. And we're looking, you know when you're in a place where you can't laugh out loud but you need to-- But you can fart out loud. It hurts so much more but just everyone is looking at me in this do-si-do situation. You were just looking 'em back like prove it. I was like I'm so sorry. Prove it was me. I'm so sorry. (laughs) Never went back, never did a class again. Breathe my cloud. You can't return. I'm so red just thinking about it, it was so bad! So Matt, which one were you? Celine Dion. Oh man. Oh! Yeah, yeah, I really loved the album. I would listen to it in my sister's room when she was gone and I would just listen to it alone because it's super, like the ♪ When you're doing me like this ♪ ♪ When you're doing me like that ♪ You know that song? Yeah. Yeah. ♪ You been there before ♪ So then she come in and I immediately started mocking her like ♪ When you kiss me like this ♪ (Rhett laughs) She thought I was making fun of her 'cause I had to cover my tracks and then she yelled at me and then she broke the cassette and I had to save up the money to buy a new one which I hid for myself in my room. So that's not right. So you didn't buy it for her. Oh you bought it for yourself. I had to save up to buy a new one, someone added her, I did not add her. They tried to give you credit. Thinking you were a good person. I think the assumption was well certainly he bought her the new album. But it's like nah, nah, I was still ashamed of it so I should really tell her I did that. Yeah. Oh well. What's her name? Diana. Diana. Sorry. - [Stevie] Great things come in pairs. Get the LTAT mug and tee now at
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 632,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, gmmore, good mythical more, good mythical summer, mythical team, gmm stevie, gmm ellie, gmm emily, gmm matt, guessing game, game, gmm game, crazy life stories, life stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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