Guess Whose Trash (GAME)

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be your mythical best thank you for doing that welcome to good mythical more it's nice knowing that someone's under viewed under water proposal video is getting the comment boost from you guys yeah that's that's the that's the power that you had again don't listen I people end up always spoiling the surprise and saying that they're here because of GMM who's here because the GMM that's great if you but the idea is not to do that it's just to give them some love don't tell him we sent you just give him some some anonymous love leave them guessing on us because they know who you are speaking of guessing we're gonna play the crew garbage game here in a second after we big up our newsletter this is when the crew is brought in garbage from your own trash cans from home from home and then we're gonna guess whose garbage belongs to who who whom whom's garbage belongs to whom that's what we're calling it but let's big up this yeah listen mythical monthly a little bit now let me brush him dust off your shoulder now when were you started thinking about this idea one of the things we said we questioned we were like is this still a thing people still do emails isn't like a newsletter thing isn't that so the year 2000 but what I found is that from a few of the podcasts I listen to what I end up really if it's somebody that I like and they have something that they're recommending or they have something that they need to let me know about some event that I might be interested in it's a great way to kind of come into my inbox my email inbox let me know about that because I tend to like not subscribe to a lot of things and my email inbox tends to be pretty clean and just things that I want so if the idea of an email from us which you might find out about something that we're doing that we haven't talked about on the show a special product that we might be selling or a special sale on a product or a new project that project maybe we need your help with something or maybe maybe maybe the mythical monster would be the first scoop on something new right that's gonna do it that's gonna be a special group that we're kind of reaching out to in that way but in addition email address in there yeah can I can I also give them I give them what you want man my patented smoothie recipe yeah I've developed I've developed a smoothie recipe and universe mythical monthly we'll have links smoothie recipe in it and I'll have a name for it at that time yeah you'll name it it'll be great and catchy and then you can make it and you can't be having the same smoothie that link has every single morning hint cuz there's you find something you like it sticks it's got peanut butter and that's why we've been friends forever oh good my kids will not eat it because they're loser but in addition to that and I don't offer them any also things that were into like books movies gear whatever it is that we think is cool that we think the mythical beast will be into we will put it as here as well so so again head over there a Breitling comp slash mythical monthly put in your email address and there might be some other optional information do that make your life more mythical let's talk about garbage hello crew all right tell me how you're gonna do this oh the we have a box of trash Morgan you did it knocked over my mug but it's it's totes fine yeah yeah it's gonna happen to that it actually I called it indestructible I caught it before it even hit the ground I think you need to put all the pieces of the trash out here well we've got unopened Captain America my Avengers let's do it one at a time nope you want to throw them all I just feel like I mean we could okay we can make some observations about this and then we can just build the clues as we go I mean so what I would say about this is it someone who it was dented and you unbent of it someone who had a thought to wrap paper what to wrap gifts with paper I think it's someone who and let's not take that out that's part of it unless you want to reuse me that was in the trash you want to keep it I don't think that means anything they discarded it this is someone who's like you know what I'm buying Christmas gifts this year yeah and I think I'm starting I mean I'm gonna wrap them and then they bought wrapping paper and then they were like you know I'm not buying Christmas gifts for anybody well that is deaf only one way to interpret it but I mean it could be that this is someone who is thoughtful enough to buy wrapping paper but then thoughtful enough to know that they shouldn't wrap gifts in this kind of thing to give it to other people so somebody hunters are local but not too thoughtful an 11 year old boy I don't have any gifts I'm giving to an 11 year old boy okay so I'm just gonna throw this away all right here's a larger-than-life pencil that says Dave and Buster's on it that is an arcade and then it's burnt on me who doesn't use as a torch it definitely smells like this is the kind of thing you'd see here at the studio but at your homes that this was burnt oh really the eraser was taken off of him I don't think it was real somebody has a fire pit yep you're looking for you think we got to move that yeah I need a poker Oh somebody has a fireplace and moved some things around who has a fireplace okay somebody has a fireplace and needed a poker but wasn't high-class enough to get an actual poker Oh gross shrimp lips shrimp strips pok pok this says pok pok shrimp chips or lips it's so clean on the end somebody was hungry look at that they cleaned it out somebody you only date did you lick this Lizzy I feel like this is Lizzy that's yeah this is the first one that makes the most sense to me it's like Lizzy she eats a lot of different weird places and she's always talking about some new restaurant that's got a name like pop pop and she looking at her clean how can it be this clean is this this is unused you know what this was she ordered her shrimp lips man chips don't have residue that's what that's it duck chips it was like chips there's a greasy meal in there yeah it's grease right there what about the shrimp there's no shrimp resident there in the chips man they don't stick around they don't put like it sure you don't know why but you know what you don't I mean I'm making an educated yes Lizzie I'll tell us later how right I am all right so we're here we have a jewelry box kids at heart I think that's that's been censored don't you don't read that it's got tape over it then we've got like a prank this is jardín population Texas jardín Texas population departures departures z0 I'm going my initial instinct is that this is Stevie because I know she was born in Texas and she probably had like a relatively like sinner this is like a this is where you're born or this is where your aunt's from and wouldn't it be cute if you had this this is like something from like a this is like you know you go to a baby shower I do you play these stupid games it's like the babies because that's what baby showers are all about figuring out who the baby's going home with and the receipt oh and also received Ulta is makeup let's see where they bought clearly chic 19 cosmetic organized if somebody wants to organize their cosmetics $27 24 cent who's willing to spend more money on an organizer than on the makeup themselves okay cashier was our pine this was done on the 19th so as someone who was in town on the 19th it was in Burbank this is this is a this is a stocking stuffer that Chase got for his girlfriend yeah that's exactly what I was thinking all right the end especially because the entry method is dip dip oh he's a different he did that yeah I've seen chase do that so this is chase yep Lazare Park is Lizzy bebe right I don't know I don't know this feels like I think this is TV based on she may when you tell him at the fireplace poke in a fire I did see that look and I did see that I saw that look but I don't know uh Stevie seems like I don't know they've got like her and Cassie have like stylish things happening in the home I mean I feel like it's like I think they'd have a real fire poker unless they thought this was cool this is from a party man this is from a baby shower our party just a party and what else do we have to choose from this because we have okay so we have Kevin Mike and that's it this feels so n Stevie so I think this is kevin has like nephews or something probably I think he does right yeah seems like oh I'm gonna get him this but you know but I'm not gonna get him a gift I'm just gonna get him wrapping paper oh this is too difficult gift bag time you know thank time in fact I'm going Kevin that so Mike this is Mike I swear to you I don't know what it is but he's gonna explain it and this is Stevie Steven I kind of feel like these go either way I feel like that might be that might be Mike this might be Stevie but uh I'll go with that Mike likes fire let's switch it up Mike okay Lizzie chase Kevin Mike Stevie no this is definitely chase when we knew this the moment we looked at it this is definitely Lizzie those are right all of these are right we were right before I think I think they're wrong okay so I think you guys just got configure all right so now we're saying this is Stevie this is Kevin because he likes fire play and this is Mike Mike Mike would never buy that but it wasn't his trash can yeah you're right okay all right no it can't be true we're so right about all this I don't so we changed those that means we're only right about one of these so hold on one of the ones we changed we were right about so this is chase we know that we still get it right we were wrong about Lizzy this is this is Stevie Stevie got shrimp chips I don't think she did I feel like Steve you got shrimp chips didn't know she likes shrimp chips this is Lucy really this is chase man this is chase Jay this is that kiss I'm sorry this is Mike he does he would buy something in person Kevin this is Kevin really newly weds trying to get started off on the right foot organizing make up for his woman yeah okay you're right Kevin hey Mike chase Lizzie Lizzie Stevie and Mike you guys gotta tell us much y'all need to figure that too right I guess I week we got yeah I think we got Stevie right on this one okay all right Stevie Stevie with the chapped lips okay all right I don't know what a shrimp see ya and this I think we just said that this was Kevin but it's Lizzie it's it's Mike we were right about this taste we were right right from the back right off the bat and then we ever thought it this right not because we just said it was Lizzie why would you do this oh we were a story here why'd you bend it it was in my car for over a year and I was thinking about cleaning out my car did you kept something this big and unopened in your car for a year you didn't even get all the way through cleaning your car can I have it yeah Thanks don't want it okay so this is Kevin [Music] Mike Mike what'd you do with this did it torch up was there an action eraser on this I still have that did you get it from Dave and Buster's yeah did you win tickets and get him buy that at the counter learn something about you right so that leaves I was gonna say Secret Santa baby shower I was about to say Secret Santa dumb games baby showers Secret Santas same thing that was a year ago that's a mug she ordered me cuz she knew I liked the leftovers but it didn't come in time coming didn't come I should have known that oh that's the from the leftovers just like I ordered you this it didn't come so this well we're not as good as we think we are what up what I do is I'll say that and then if they are not excited about it then I won't order it because I really hadn't ordered the one thing I will say about this whole process is as you can see we were very wrong but we were very confident and that's all that really matters probably yeah more important than being right confident is more important than being right that's what he said thanks for sticking around for good mythical more if you want to watch more well we don't have good mythical more more we do have a lot more videos here's two of them also click the circular channel icon to subscribe
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 1,312,030
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Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical more, rhett and link good mythical more, good mythical more rhett and link, season 11, Guess Whose Trash (GAME), Guess Whose Trash (GAME) good mythical more, good mythical more Guess Whose Trash (GAME), Guess Whose Trash (GAME) rhett and link, rhett and link Guess Whose Trash (GAME), Guess Whose Trash (GAME) gmm, gmm Guess Whose Trash (GAME), guess who, trash, garbage, dumpster dive, guessing game, guess game, guess, dumpster diving, guess who?, game
Id: 5iuTtnRETek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2017
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