Mythical Crew Undercover Interview

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(rooster crowing) (lion roaring) - That's a weak spin, sorry. - You need to practice. (audience laughing) Welcome to Good Mythical More. - It's so hard to get this. I don't usually take this off. - Oh yeah. - You should take that off. - Comment-- Oh, gosh. It's difficult. (laughing) Comment Takeover. This is where we send you to a relatively undiscovered video and have you comment on it. We're sending you to "One Confused Baby." This baby mistakes her (stuttering) This baby mistakes her father's nose for mother's milk. Ew. (laughing) - Did you get it? Look at that? Ow. - Comment with support about how confusing noses are. Remember, be nice and don't tell 'em we sent you. - That's right. Okay-- - It's exhausting-- - I'm not gonna keep this voice up. I'm coming back, I'm gonna be myself. - I'm also not gonna keep this eyebrow up, 'cause that's exhausting. - I don't constantly do that. - Oh, you don't? (laughing) - All right, come on in everybody. Members of the Mythical crew. We're gonna play-- Wow, look at the view from over here. I can see everything from this height. You're the same height as me, you're just lower. - Okay, so, here's what we gon' do. Every one of the Mythical crew members that you see right now has a fact in their hands. - Oh goodness. - And that fact may or may not apply to them, but it definitely applies to someone in this group. We're going to listen to these facts and then we're going to try to line them up with the person that they actually apply too. - Hmmm. - [Ellie] This is so weird. - I thought you guys were gonna dress up as each other too, so I'm a little disappointed. - They are. It's just, they did a really good job. (laughing) - Hold on, what? You did? - Yeah. (laughing) - Hey, she's from Canada, man. - So you wore a shirt that says Canada? - Yeah. - But everyone else, just for clarity, looks like themselves? - I'm dressed as Mike on the weekends. (laughing) - Never seen Mike on the weekends. Did you say this Mike? - Mhmm. - Oh, I thought you said "Micah." But then I said Mike. I'm making it weird. All right, let's do this. Who's going first? - Okay, Mike. - Take the knee slap as a first. - The first celebrities I ever met were Mary Kate and Ashley. - Mary Kate and Ashley. - Now this could actually be you. That would be a real trickeroonie. (laughing) Okay. - Mark Kate and Ashley. So, I'm just gonna make a mental note that, I know Chase grew up in Southern California. - And that's where they did all their stuff. - Yeah. (laughing) Yep. - Mary Kate and Ashley did a lot of Hollywood stuff. We met, um-- Didn't we meet, like, their mom in Encino one time at a Habit Burger? Don't you remember that? Somebody came up to us and-- - [Link] Yessss. - [Rhett] It was a fan. Afterward we found out it was the Olsen twins' mom. - Yeah, it was their mom. - Yeah, and she had brought up another child. - That didn't go anywhere, did it? - No, it didn't go anywhere. All right, um, Alex? - Okay, the first DVD I ever owned was Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star, starring David Spade. (laughing) And others. - That feels like a John. - We're immediately already saying that's a John. Now how do we... - Put it on the floor in front of John. And put this on the floor in front of Chase, just as a preliminary designation. - We haven't even heard them all, guys. All right, Jennifer. - I can balance an M&M on my nose, flip it up, and catch it in my mouth like a circus seal. - Do you have an M&M? - I don't. - Somebody get an M&M, 'cause that's gonna have to happen at some point. - I need to test the theory. - Wow, that actually feels like something that Jen would be able to do. - I know, that's exactly what I was thinking. - But it also seems like-- - I'm actually looking at everyone's nose and Jen, you've got a nice platform for an M&M. - It's kind of like a ski jump, if you look at it from the side. - Toss me the M&M when you got it, guys. - I think Ellie might be able to do that as well. - I don't know. - Here you go. - Oh, I have to do this? - No, no, that's cheating, man. - Oh, it would be cheating. - Whoever can do that should do it to close out everything. - Whoever we say. So, are we saying that it is Jen? Or that it's Ellie? - Why is it just between them? - Because everyone else's nose goes down-- - Sharp. - But Ellie's goes up a little bit, and Jen's goes up a little bit. - Let's just leave that one with Jen. How about that? - Let's leave it with Jen. - I feel like they would have thrown us a curveball like that, like, somebody would be like, "I'm gonna keep mine." - Warner. - I'm scared of horses. - Ooh, scared of horses. Mike might be scared of horses. - Might need to get another knee slap. (laughing) - I can see Mike being scared of horses, but it would be for, like, a reason like he believes they have some special insight into something. (laughing) Not, like, he's scared of them physically. - Right. - He's scared of them emotionally. - He knows something about them. - Yeah. - You're saying yeah? - No, don't give it away. - I'm just thinking about it. - I agree with that, so let's go ahead and put that over there for now. - Okay, Mike, scared of horses. - It could be Alex. - I don't think he's scared of horses. - Alex could be afraid of horses. What was that, Alex? - Nothin'. - Make that noise again? - No, no. (grinding) - Maybe somebody had, like, a horse incident we get to hear about. - Okay, Ellie? - Okay, I used to eat Chapstick and sticks of butter as a kid. - Straight up butter. That feels like an Alex thing. (laughing) - I was actually thinking that feels like a Canadian thing. - To eat Chapstick straight? - Sorry Jen. I've heard about you people up there. You like, you like, semi-solid, mushy things. - Yeah, totally. - Like melting snow. - That's, like, our number one thing. - Hockey pucks. You know. - Yes. - Squishy things. - A hockey puck is a little bit squishy on the outside, but then solid on the inside, right? - No. (laughing) - No, that's wrong. - It's solid rubber, man. - It's straight up rubber. - All the way through. - Is it really? - Yeah. - I swear, I'm with you, man. - I thought it was a little-- - You thought it was, like, metal coated in rubber? - Probably like, a kid hockey puck would be covered-- - There are some that have like, squishy bits. Maybe that's the only one they let you play with. (laughing) - You got me, girl. - It's like the Incrediball. You remember that, growing up? - No. - It's was a baseball, but it was made out of cloth. Okay, I was the only one. (laughing) - That's a ball of yarn, Rhett. - Okay, so right now we're saying Alex. - Yeah. But let's see what Chase has here. - All right. I can play "Jingle Bells" with my hands. - Uh... - That's a really convincing reading. - Thank you. - "I can play 'Jingle Bells' with my hands." - Can I see everyone's hands? - Like, fart hand? (blowing raspberries) - How else would you play-- - I think it's a fart hand. - See, that feels like a John thing to me too. That feels like a John thing. - I don't know. - But the DVD... You know what, I could see Alex with the DVD of-- A David Spade DVD pretty easily. - This is tough one because-- - But I could see John with the hands. - I think Chase has got good fart hands. (laughing) - I think he's Mary Kate and Ashley, man. - Yeah, I agree with that. - Who's butter? - Who doesn't have-- - Ellie. - Hold on, but we just made a switch, if you go with my logic here. - I don't think Ellie has good fart hands. (laughing) I can't make a fart with my hands. - No, I feel amazing about it. - I can't make a-- Can you make a fart with your hands? (puffing air) Yeah. - No, no fart hands. Okay, let's do this. Okay. - It's Mike. - You think he's "Jingle Bells"? - Yep. - My hands are sweaty. - He's not doing a fart hand now, but I could tell-- - He's suppressing it. - He was suppressing it. - And you think Chase is afraid of horses? - Oh gosh. (laughing) - Do you think Ellie's afraid of horses? - I think Ellie is afraid of horses. - Okay, horses. I think John is "Jingle Bells," but I'm going to go with you on this one, and let's-- - Unless, can we start-- You wanna start here again? - Yeah, let's start. What is true about you? - You want me to reveal it? - Reveal what's true. - Can you play "Jingle Bells" with your hands? - No. I don't know. I've never tried. - Oh crap, so we're wrong there. Do you want to go around? - Are we saying what's-- - What's real? - Chapstick and butter. - Chapstick and butter. - That is so obvious. - So, semi-solid stuff? - I mean, not anymore, but, yeah, I guess at some point. I don't do it today. - I understand. I completely understand. - Alex, what's true about you? - Oh, I don't care for horses much at all. - You're scared of horses? - They got big human teeth. (laughing) - Ah, they can bite. They are biters. - Huge human teeth. - We may not be right about any of these. - Jen? - Um, I had the Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star. - Really? - Yeah, I watched it almost every day. - Really? - Yeah. - Have you ever met him in person since you've been out here, like movin' and shakin'? - No, but it's a goal. - It's a goal for Jen to meet David Spade. - John? - I can play "Jingle Bells" with my hands. - Yes! - Is it with a fart noise? - Yeah, here we go. Let me get it warmed up. Okay, here we go. (farting "Jingle Bells") (laughing) - Wow, that's amazing. - If I laugh too hard, my beard'll pop off. - Yeah, me too. All right, Ellie? - I can balance an M&M on my nose and flip it. - We knew it. - You guys got really close. - We were so close. - All right, let's see it. - I cannot wait. - Pressure is on. - Do you need to be standing? - Um, probably, but we can try it this way. Okay, there it goes. I can stand up from this position. - Okay. - Wow. - Do you need help? - I think I can do it from here. - Okay. - No, I can't. I'm going up. (applauding) - That was worth the wait. That was incredible. - Can we see that again in slow motion, forever? - And, that means that we were right. So we got two. - Well, you said I was "Jingle Bells," but we didn't go with that on the final answer. - That's true, sorry. - Oh, we went with Mike. See, I knew it man. - Sorry, I always screw things up because I'm Rhett.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 689,505
Rating: 4.9075561 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical more, rhett and link good mythical more, good mythical more rhett and link, season 12, mythical crew undercover interview, mythical crew, undercover interview, undercover, interview, good mythical crew, gmm crew, rhett link crew, alex punch, jen matichuk, john warder, mike criscimagna, chase hilt, ellie mcelvain, crew
Id: muzbUiBIZyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2017
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