Gruul's Lair 👹 TBC Guide DUNGEON DIVES

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hi welcome to another episode of dungeon dives where we'll be delving into gruel's lair if you're looking for a specific part check the description or the time bar and let's get into it grows lair is a 25 man two boss instance with no attunements some classes you will need is at least one mage a warlock and ideally you'll also have a moonkin but that is not required this raid heavily favors range dps gruel is a dps race so make sure that your raid has decent gear is enchanted and bringing consumables is highly recommended with all that out of the way let's jump into the instance before we face the first boss we need to deal with some trash it's pretty self-explanatory just interrupt their casts and pull them carefully now let's face the first boss of the raid high king molgar and his goons are the real power in outland during this fight you'll be fighting all five ogres at the same time and there is a recommended kill order i'm gonna go down the list on the kill priorities and the abilities they have the first ogre we're gonna kill is blind eye overtime this is the healer of the group his abilities include a normal heal a power word shield and a prayer of mending ability which if he gets that one off he will heal back the full health burst him down as fast as you can blind eye should be positioned in the center front area of the room next is own the summoner he has a death coil and casts a stacking dot on whoever is tanking him and it cannot be dispelled so your tank is going to die eventually if he isn't killed fast enough but that is why he has another ability where he will summon a fel stalker so the warlocks near raid will need to enslave the cell stalker and use it to tank om the summoner these fel stalkers do have a taunt ability to make this easier if om is alive for a while he will summon multiple foul stalkers which you can either enslave banish or simply just kill them it's important to note here that it does take some time for om the sum and the felstalkers after the fight has been started so you will need a player tank to hold him for a bit now i have heard of some raid groups just having a player tank hold home the whole time but you can use that strategy at your own discretion you probably need a lot of dps for this to work well and during this fight ulm should be positioned next to blind eye after olm is dead the range in your raid will start attacking crash the melee and your raid will start attacking mulgar but first we're going to talk about crush this might hurt crush must be tanked by a mage who uses spell steel on him to take his spell shield it's very important no melee get near crash because he casts a blast nova that deals huge damage so your mage needs to have a good bit of stamina because the fireballs they are going to get hit with are going to seriously chunk their health instead of going super in depth with this i'm just going to leave a video by fake qt in the description that goes into more detail on how mages can survive tanking also by the way any fell stalkers still alive and enslaved from om can just suicide dive in the cross and he should be positioned right here after crosh is dead your range will now are focus kegler at now kigler must be range tanked this can either be done by two ranged dps players or one boomkin now boomkins are preferred because they are immune to the greater polymorph kiggler casts the reason why a range tank is needed is because he also casts an arcane explosion that will knock targets back and reduce their threat lastly he will cast a lightning bolt and an arcane shot which silences the target for 5 seconds and disarms them he should be positioned over here in the room ok with all the adds dead now we can kill the king now molgar is super simple he has a cleave so don't stand in front of him he has a knockback so the tank needs to face him against the wall he also has a whirlwind where he'll spin around tanks can just sit there and eat the whirlwind but melee dps should run away at 50 percent health he'll go in the phase two where he'll enrage cast intimidating shout and charge random players it's very important that when he charges he needs to get taunted as quickly as possible because you don't want him whirlwinding in your range group do all that and the high king and his minions should be defeated crush [Music] you [Music] gruel is a fight that is pretty simple mechanics wise the difficulty mainly just comes from the fight being timed every 30 seconds gruel will grow and increase his damage by 15 and this stacks up to 30 times so you're kind of put on a timer for how long this fight will last and as the fight progresses the more difficult it is gruel has a hurtful strike which will damage the player with the second highest aggro so you will need an off tank he will cast reverberation which silences all players in the raid for 4 seconds healers need to really pay attention to this and load the tanks up on hots so they don't get killed during this time you will also cast cave in which are just areas of falling rocks that you should not stand in and he will cast these more frequently as the fight progresses the most important ability he has is ground slam this will knock players back and reduce their movement speed by 20 and it stacks once you get the five stacks all of the players in your raid will get stoned yes that is what the ability is actually called and when players are stoned they cannot move and gruel will cast shatter shatter will deal damage to all players and if the players are closer to each other it will deal even more damage so you need to keep your raids spread out as much as possible all around the room preferably they should be as far as 15 yards away from each other that's pretty much the fight as long as you got big dps pumpers and your raid knows how to stay spread when they get stoned the dragon killer should be defeated that is the end of the video if you found this helpful share it with a guild mate so they won't play like an idiot okay bye
Channel: Platinum WoW
Views: 259,363
Rating: 4.9662695 out of 5
Id: MZo5F5irsPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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