Magtheridon's Lair TBC Guide 🧊 DUNGEON DIVES

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welcome to this episode of dungeon dives where we'll be tackling magtheridon's lair if you're looking for a specific part check the description of the video or the time bar now let's get into it macteradon's lair is one of the most difficult raid encounters during phase one of classic tbc because of this you'll want your raid to be outfitted with some decent gear from cara or maybe some heroic dungeon gear and you will want to use consumables for your raid's composition you'll want 3-5 tanks 8-10 healers and the rest dps warlocks in particular are very good for this fight for reasons i will explain later this raid has no attunement process now let's go into the instance before we start the fight we need to kill some trash mobs simply pull them one pack at a time and interrupt their abilities kill all the trash before engaging the boss magtheridon's fight does not start until you engage in combat with the channelers around the room so get into your position before you start the fight wretched meddling insects release me and perhaps i will grant you a merciful death during phase one magthon will remain banished for two minutes your raids focus will be on killing the channelers one by one have each tank pull the channelers far away from each other because of the abilities they cast important note here some raids might just have only three tanks and two of the tanks are tanking two of the channelers this is a totally viable way to do the fight you just need to have some tanks that have some good gear and a lot of health for the sake of simplicity i'm just gonna have it so one tank is tanking each channeler um but just know that you can do the fight that way if you're lacking dps each channeler will cast shadowbolt volley which will hit all players in a 30 yard radius and should be interrupted they also have a dark mending ability which they will cast to heal themselves or other channelers if they are in range and this should be interrupted as well warlocks are great here because they can use cursive tongues to slow down their casts channelers will also summon abyssal infernals which will spawn on top of random players and deal aoe damage within a 10 yard radius make sure the ranged and your raids stay spread warlocks are also great here because they can keep one abyssal banished and the other one feared if you don't have many more locks that is okay you can simply just kill them lastly channelers will randomly fear a player in a 40 yard radius this one's pretty self-explanatory each time a channeler dies they will cast soul transfer which buffs all other channelers with a 20 damage increase and a 30 casting increase in stacks so as the fight progresses the more important interrupts and tank healing is basically phase one of this fight is focusing down each channeler at a time interrupting their casts and managing the abyssal adds that will spawn throughout this phase like i said phase one lasts two minutes and by the end you should have at least three of the five channelers dead during phase two you'll have to deal with magtheridon have your main tank grab threat and position him against the southwest corner mag has three abilities first you will leave random fire patches on the ground he also has a quake and a blast note 40 seconds into phase 2 he will cast quake this is a knock back ability that will bounce players around for 7 seconds you cannot channel spells during this time so healers should anticipate this ability beforehand after the first quake is casted it will be casted every 50 seconds afterwards the most important ability in this whole fight is blast nova every 60 seconds magtheridon will cast an ability that will wipe the raid if it's not interrupted the only way to interrupt it is to have five players click on the five cubes that are all around the room simultaneously after the cube has been clicked the player that clicked it cannot do it again for three minutes because of this you want four separate groups of five players to click on these cubes on a rotation if any of these players die you'll need to reassign a substitute let's get into cube clicking specifics because if anybody messes this up your whole raid is dead first you are supposed to click the cube as magtheridon is casting blast nova not before and not after second after you click the cube you need to channel the beam literally take your hands off your keyboard and let the channel finish third don't click the cube twice or you'll cancel the channel and lastly don't be afraid to just play it safe and stand there and hover your cursor over the cube a couple of seconds before you're supposed to click it again if you mess this up the raid's blood is on your hands so just play it safe please let the walls of this prison tremble and fall when magtharon gets the 30 health he will stun all players and they will take damage you can have really unfortunate timing with this if he starts the cast blast nova right after you get stunned because of this you may want to pause dps when he's at 35 health deal with the blast nova and then transition the boss into phase 3. during phase 3 it's pretty much like phase 2 but now the ceiling will start collapsing on players there will be a visual indicator of dust wherever the debris will land so move out of it this is one of the most mechanically intensive fights at the start of tbc that requires a good bit of coordination with your raid so just stay focused communicate clearly and the pit lord should be brought to his demise the legion will consume you magthon also drops his head for a quest and if you turn it in there's four different rewards you can get that is the end of the video if you found this helpful consider sharing it with a guild mate so they won't play like an idiot okay bye
Channel: Platinum WoW
Views: 339,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NBP7T9QMad0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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