The Unknown History Of The Draenei

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previously on draenei lore sargeras coerced a large majority of the eredar into accepting his demonic power and they all turned into demons except for a small group called the draenei led by prophet villain the group of refugees got a magical spaceship given to them by the naaru and they escaped new the cosmos they traveled in their spaceship until they found a world called exiles refuge also known as draenor um where did the lights go [Music] ataru please tell me you know how to fix this the draenei's arrival on the draenor was anything but smooth they had been traveling around the cosmos visiting dozens of planets and in that time they started to run out of fuel the naaru cure dorei and kara powered the ship and kara was completely drained of its power when the naaru lose their power they enter the void state of their life cycle and its chaotic energies would only spell disaster for the other naru and draenei on the ship so velen he did what he had to do and he shot that [ __ ] in the space all right everyone crisis averted now we can [Music] the draenei had quite the unfortunate arrival when they crash-landed on draenor on impact one of the other naru dore was killed as well as some of the other draenei passengers the genedar was left a powerless husk of a ship and the last living naaru kirei told the draenei to leave the ship as fast as possible because it too would eventually morph into the void state of its life cycle and so the draenei set forth on this strange new land filled with wonder and mystery but shooting that naru out of the spaceship had sapped a lot of villains energy the prophet was known for his ability to see into the future but without the naaru's help it would be foolish for him to lead his people all by himself instead velen helped organize a group called the council of exarchs to help guide the different aspects of draenei culture first was the rangari scouts who would explore draenor and relay information to the rest of their people led by a draenei named nyelle next the artificers engineers who built armor weapons and fortifications for their settlements their leader was hataru a brilliant crafter in his own right who learned how to harness the power of arcanite crystals the vindicators served as holy warriors of the draenei who stood at the front lines of combat and were led by none other than a comma lastly was the shitari led by a priest named othar and they uh just prayed a lot and talked to dead people yep these four pillars of draenei society led their people deep into draenor and built a foothold and planned their next steps in securing a bright future for the nomadic race [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the first glorious city built by the draenei was called shattrath city also known as dwelling of light the draenei capital became the heart of the race's culture and religion but how did they build this giant city in five years i don't know a villain probably had creative mode on or something but that's off topic the next thing they built was the temple of akundun and they took the body of the naru dore and put it inside and the draenei souls who were attracted to it populated the city you're probably wondering what did the orcs think of these extraterrestrial alien goat people that landed on their planet well to be honest for the first like hundred years or so they didn't really bother each other the two races maybe did some trading of resources between each other but for the most part they really just kept it themselves besides the orcs were busy doing orc things like running around in the jungle making snowmen fighting ogres for hundreds of years and worshiping the stars and speaking of worshiping the stars a shadow moon clan where he clan that dabbled and void magic and were probably the most superstitious and shamanistic clan in all of draenor especially when it came to the stars remember how velen shot that naru in the space well the shadow moon orcs tried to tap into the power of the dark naru kara who now floated above the valley yes the perfect sacrifice ancestors of the shadow moon shine in the darkness lend me your strength [Music] kara's power was extremely overwhelming and totally murdered the curious orcs or drove them insane they called the anomaly in the sky the dark star and it became something they greatly feared and the chieftain forbade anyone from tapping into its dark power or they would be excommunicated from the shadowmoon clan let's see what else did the draenei accidentally do oh well because a giant magical spaceship drove headfirst into the earth its powerful energies of light void and arcane magic sent the primals and the breakers on draenor into a frenzy the draenei tried to correct their wrongdoings and quell these elements but they cannot save all of the natives from the element's wrath [Music] so the draenei's influence continued the spread and they established multiple settlements across the magical ley lines of draenor the most prominent of these settlements was the temple of karabor and over time the draenei brought the elements back into their equal balance but more importantly the draenei learned how to ride alex which are basically just elephants but cooler because they have horns this is a common trope for a lot of creatures and wow it's like oh you want to have a crocodile mob well you know this is a fantasy game so we got to make it unique so uh just put two more legs on that crocodile and then boom now you got a crocolisk well all that was going on back in the grand a peculiar thing was happening with their crash ship but before we talk about that here's a quick word from today excuse me for the interruption but i have ripped you through time and space so that we may conduct a mutually beneficial transaction introducing yeti x world of warcraft edition a microphone with excellent quality and a sleek and elegant warcraft design furthermore this device has the ability to mimic audio waves from other worldly dimensions using the software provided you may choose from multiple different voice changing presets and just recently they have added new ones for the burning crusade like ethereal that's my voice right now for a stroll [Music] can't you tell by my voice not only this but you can also play audio clips through your microphone device there is a large variety of clips from the infamous bell reaver [Music] to italian bolvar quando i strongly suggest you proceed with this transaction and click the link below to get a yeti x world of warcraft edition microphone for yourself thank you blue for partnering with me i will now transport you back to your original location in the spacetime continuum um what was i saying um oh yeah there is a weird thing happening with their crashed ship the husk of the genedar started to attract orcish souls who were drawn by its holy energies that lingered within the ship these light imbued orcish spirits were granted with sage wisdom and it was often shamans would travel to the ship so they could be enlightened with advice from their ancestors they renamed the ship to ashugun and it became a place of large cultural significance for the orcs uh this deeply troubled the draenei because here's the thing the last remaining naru cure was still alive and morphing into its void state deep within the ship what was gonna happen if it grew stronger what effect would i have on the orcs can the draenei really do anything about it no not really getting between an orc and his dead grandpa who tells him good advice like hide in bush with axe wait for ogre kill ogre give ogrehead to pretty orc orc become wife have tiny orc baby live happy life yes good advice like if the draenei tried to get into the middle of that surely the orcs would get violent with them instead the draenei kind of just decided to not to do anything and if something bad happened to the orcs it would be their problem and that was kind of the strategy the draenei had with pretty much any potential foe on draenor just don't get in their way and try and remain as peaceful as possible but sometimes warfare was inevitable [Music] okay so the draenei kind of made a mistake so apparently they built shattrath city on top of the ruins of an old ogre city called goria and the ogres were furious about this did these weak little blue monsters really think they could just waltz right on to draenor and build a city on their once great capital the dorian empire will not be overthrown by these peasants the leader of the gorian empire was an ogre named imperator haklan who accused the draenei of being usurpers who stole the knowledge and power of the arcane from the ogres besides how could the draenei make such a technologically advanced city clearly something was up imperator hawkland declared that he would seize control of the ogre's ancient lands once again and bring the gorian empire into a golden age the high mall aristocrats threw their support for the imperator's ambitious goals in an ogre army that outnumbered the draenei was formed and marched towards the gates of shattrath city [Music] the dre and i were not a race that enjoyed violence in fact velen did everything in his power to stay passive and work through his problems peacefully but the ogres wanted war they'd have to stand their ground seize this opportunity to die gloriously for your names will be carved into [Applause] history let the battle begin uh for the light for the now the war that the ogres declared on the draenei was over in a single battle the gorian empire's ruler was defeated and the army was left in disarray from the top of the city's ramparts villain appeared with outstretched arms and said gg easy get rolled kid imagine thinking you could kill us lmao bronze player trash okay well he didn't say that he said go home and you will not be harmed so instead of wiping out the empire right then and there they decided to let them flee back to their city and pick up the pieces of the gorian empire [Music] this whole event blew the orcs mind these blue aliens they considered to be a passing oddity just defeated the ogres in a single battle and orcs they have been in conflict with these guys for like almost all of orcish history no longer with a draenei just some anomalies they were now a threat every year the orcs had an event called the kosharg festival by ashugun and at that year's festival it was filled with unease some clans wanted to avoid all contact with the draenei while others thought showing mercy to the ogres was a sign of the draenei's weakness the clans never did come to a conclusion on the matter at the end of the day the drew and i never retaliated against them so there is no real reason to lock themselves in conflict just yet [Music] but back in shattrath city something deeply troubled prophet velen again and again his mind was invaded by dark visions he cannot fully trust his ability to see into the future but what he saw truly shook him to his core on multiple occasions he envisioned the world of draenor being consumed by darkness a large overwhelming army of orcs marched in unison bringing only death and destruction in their wake deep within velen's soul he feared the worst the legion was coming [Music] [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: Platinum WoW
Views: 453,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vF1fMP6WBjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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