WoW Classic: Burning Crusade Enhancement Shaman PvE Guide (Talents, Gems, Rotation, Enchants) | TBC

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greetings everyone and welcome to the tbc classic enhancement shaman pve guide in this guide we'll go over everything to making an effective and knowledgeable enhancement shaman in tbc classic from a pve perspective this guide was written by evan a member of the classic shaman discord and will serve as your instructor for this guide as with all my tbc classic guides you can find timestamps in a pin comment below or you can use youtube annotations to navigate through this guide at your own pace or focus on a specific area of the guide that you're interested in let's get started before we move into the guide proper i want to take some time to talk about the classic shaman discord i myself melron i'm a co-founder of the discord and our overall goal is to create a place or home for all classic wow shaman whether it be from classic vanilla or classic tbc we have over 18 000 members and we've experienced and professional moderators and shaman trainers that are there for you to answer any questions you may have concerning shaman regardless of your spec or the area of the game you're most interested in we have discussion on spec specific strategy theory craft leveling and play improvements and you can bother both me and evan whenever you want there will be a link to join the classic shaman discord in the description once you click that link you'll see the readme channel and in that channel you'll see a post you can react to there are three different reactions one for classic vanilla one for classic tbc and one for classic wrath of the lich king which of course is still under development but depending on which of those emojis you click on it'll open in certain parts of the discord so if you're just interested in tbc classic just click that one and if you're interested in all three you can do that as well it's totally up to you i highly recommend anyone who's playing sham in any capacity to join the discord and become part of the community let's start moving the table of contents for this guide we'll be covering a lot everything from race selection enhancement spells and totems talents weapon imbues rotation and spell priority totem twisting threat stats and gearing gemming enchants consumes professions items that are still powerful in tbc classic from vanilla classic bis lists group composition and finally add-ons and ui again use the timestamps in the pin comment below or the annotations on youtube to go to specific section that you're interested in before we get started i want to introduce your instructor for this guide evan evan is the developer of the tbc enhancement shaman ep sheet which we'll be referencing heavily in this guide the link will be in the description below make sure you go to that it's a lot of work and it really makes gearing a lot easier for your shaman going into tbc classic if you're playing enhancement he's cleared all content on vanilla on tvc private servers and in tbc as an enhancement shaman he's currently a top 100 warrior parser in classic wow and the gm of the classic wild guild too high on blumo he plays enhancement shaman at a competitive level in retail well and of course he is a shaman trainer on the classic shaman discord so make sure you stop in and say hello or thank him for making this amazing guide all right evan without further ado let's get started hey thanks meldaron eben here i appreciate the introduction really excited to be joining the shaman community i play a lot of warrior in classic vanilla i would choose shaman but we all know it's not the most exciting spec in vanilla but it should be a lot more fun going into tbc and hopefully wrath beyond that so we'll start off with race selection first off we have orcs which are undoubtedly going to be your strongest choice they have blood fury which is a very potent cooldown on a two-minute timer as opposed to classic vanilla it adds both melee attack power and spell power kind of double dipping there on our damage profile while most of enhancement damage i'd say about 70 is physical the rest is affected by spell power we also have axe specialization which provides five percent expertise with axes so that may sound similar to what we have in vanilla but it's a little different weapon skill as mostly powerful in addition to the reduction in parry and dodge it improves your damage through reducing glancing blows but that's not the case in tbc expertise is just straight up parry lock and dodge as a melee dps especially on bosses you know you generally want to be standing behind the boss so it's just dodge that you're worried about and that's what expertise helps with they're really the only race here that offers that perk for the pvpers out there additional stone resistance from hardiness which is nerfed compared to vanilla but still good to have next up we have trolls and their cooldown is berserking which is on a three minute cooldown as opposed to blood fury's two minutes which doesn't quite sync up as well with your other cooldowns unlike two minutes on haste potion two minutes on shamanistic rage those type of things pair really well with blood fury berserking three minute cooldowns still strong pace is actually a great stat in tbc but just a little less powerful than blood fury also they have regeneration which might help save yourself because there's a lot of unavoidable raid damage in tbc so much so that on private servers like endless kind of acts as a gear check or stat check if you don't have x amount of health you're probably dead but if you're generating some of it a little bit extra you might survive not something to really worry about next up are taurens one of my personal favorite races but they're not quite so strong in pve unlike their orc and troll counterparts they have war stomp which pvpeers know to be very strong but minimal usage and raid settings you generally don't need to do a cc on an aoe pack usually that's already taken care of but the five percent bonus health from their endurance passive might allow you to opt for that piece of gear that has no health on it at all and go for a little more damage it'll kind of depend on the difficulty of the boss fights and the encounters in classic tbc last couple racials not really impactful in pve we got cultivation for herbalism but we're pretty profession locked as enhancement shaman which we'll talk about later probably doesn't factor in and nature resistance might have its use on the odd boss but not very useful or pve damage next up dranai the only race we can choose on alliance side their benefits for enhancement are honestly kind of non-existent and i'll explain why in tbc unlike in wrath which is probably the version everyone remembers the inspiring presence passive only affects spell hit so we get one percent spell hit for you and your party so five people sounds great it's okay personally for us as enhancement shamans because we do have shocks that affects our shock dps and our interrupt ability but it doesn't aid the people in our group right so enhancement shaman we do decent damage definitely a lot more than vanilla but a lot of our value comes from supporting the other damage dealers in our party right we have wind fury strength of earth grace of air all these great tools to help our party out but this one since you'll usually be either in a melee party or some kind of tank hybrid party or hunter group it doesn't help any of them the heroic presence which other classes in the draenei race receive which is melee and ranged hit something that we don't receive so if you find yourself in the odd caster group for whatever reason i don't know if you're in some kind of truly mid-max guild and we end up with very difficult forms of content and you can't really bring much melee sometimes you might find yourself in a group with a couple casters and it'll help out but for the most part not the best gift of the nuru three-minute cooldown heal scales with your level but also not that strong i would honestly rather have something like the tauren's five percent bonus health gem cutting passive is cool a lot of us might opt to go with jewelcrafting just because it's the newest profession in tbc but the personal bonuses of that profession which we'll get into later just aren't really that strong especially in the beginning they pick up towards the very end of the game so this five percent bonus may not see much use and then sort of kind of just like the tauren we have 10 bonus shadow resistance also neither here nor there next up new universal shaman spells so these are all the cool flavorful and mostly useful editions we receive in tbc biggest one that it's on everyone's mind is heroism and bloodlust if you've ever played any iteration of world of warcraft beyond vanilla this is one of the most potent tools in a shaman's arsenal so on tbc heroism and bloodlust are party specific so a shaman and a party of five pop that ability give all five party members 30 bonus ace for 40 seconds really strong right so if you have five shaman in your raid one in each group your whole raid can get 30 bonus haste really good for damage dealing for tank threat or increased healing output during boss encounters with high incoming damage additionally tpc has some unique interactions with these haste buffs you can strategize and cycle shamans into different groups to prolong each party members haste buff for example hunter group usually one of your biggest damage dealing groups probably looks something like three bm hunters a feral druid and you or another resto shaman something like that let's say you start the fight off and you pop heroism or bloodlust 40 seconds 30 haste and then the buff falls off unlike future iterations of the game there's no debuff that you incur from that ability so you can actually swap groups with another shaman give those other four players bloodlust again you can keep cycling if you'd like and allow your party to have permanent heroism for the duration of a fight if you so choose so there's a lot of different strategies that come into play here sometimes you might want to make sure that your healers get extra healing output on certain difficult encounters sometimes a warlock might have a better damage profile for the raid encounter than a hunter so you might want to cycle shamans through their group or you might just want to stick with bloodlusting your entire raid all right next up really good for enhancement shaman is water shield reading the tool tip you might think this seems more like a caster or healer ability we have lightning shield which does damage and we want more damage right wrong especially in raid encounters pve scenarios you're generally not getting hit by the boss right so water shield's passive effect so it makes it really strong now we get extra mp5 and we use mana throughout our rotation and especially intensively if you're totem twisting which we will go over later but water shield costs nothing to cast gives you extra mana just makes your damage a lot more sustainable through a fight next new shaman spell totemic call you can click a button and just recall all four of your totems really useful because it helps you with the mana conservation you get 25 of the mana back that you spent to place the totems sometimes you might have a open gcd in your rotation and one tone is about to fall off if you want to just claim some mana back hit the button also we all know totems can pull aggro in sticky situations easy to recall it back i know you could always right click but at least this gives you an extra bit of utility for recalling those totems next we have fire elemental totem it's a very strong damage cooldown a little sad that it's 20 minutes but when you pop it it does aoe fire damage and is much stronger than say searing totem on a boss or magma totem on a boss use it wisely that long cooldown means it's probably not up for very many bosses in a raid but still very strong earth elemental totem usually really good for you know solo questing five band dungeons where it can save your life or save the life of your group by aggroing all the mobs that are causing you trouble in a raid environment it's usually not tanky enough to take too many hits but can still be thrown down in a pinch not recommended to be using it willy-nilly though definitely use it as a emergency ability finally wrath of era totem doesn't seem like something we as enhancement would use very often but does have its uses so rather very totem is really good for paladin tanks because most of their threat generation comes from spell damage holy attacks it's kind of why you'll see them walking around with caster one-handers if you for whatever reason find yourself in a party with them this is definitely better than dropping wind fury or dropping grace affair next let's go over enhancement specific talents we got a lot of nice new things in tbc that really help our personal damage and make us a lot more than just a buff bot first off tool building you're no longer swinging around a big two-hander in pve or raid scenarios you're going to opt for a slow main hand and a slow off hand for that winfurion view additionally we get a little bit of extra hit through the dual wield specialization talent enhancement shaman just in their talents alone gets either very close to or they reach their special attack hit cap so it makes gearing a lot easier next we have mental quickness this talent allows some spell damage scaling to come from your melee dps stats so 30 of your attack power gets converted to spell damage really useful for increasing the damage of your shocks we have two talents that operate based off melee critical hits that are unleash rage and shamanistic focus unleash rage is a really potent group buff that increases your party's melee attack power by six percent and with approximately tier four levels of gear you're pretty much always going to have 100 of time on unleash rage as long as you yourself have high up time on the boss you're hitting shamanistic focus just helps with that mana conservation every time you land a melee crit your next shock costs 60 less you'll notice this talent's effectiveness when you're totem twisting for sure last new talent that's really important shamanistic rage shamanistic rage is a on-use ability with a two-minute cooldown that reduces the damage you take by 30 which in pv situations might not be used very often could be a nice reaction to pulling threat but this ability is more useful for the mana regeneration shamanistic rage is a integral part of your dps rotation because there are times where you will run out of mana you pop this ability gives your melee attacks a chance on hit to regenerate mana and if you are smart about its usage combine it with a haste potion on the same cooldown or use it during a heroism window if you can manage it before you go loom then you'll see your mana bar shoot back up and this is the most important ability to keep your totem twisting alive we have spirit weapons which reduces the threat you generate by thirty percent extremely useful one of the most important times in the whole tree because as enhancement shaman you generally are quite threat cat especially in the beginning of a boss fight or just sustained throughout your threat without this talent will just be too much for most tanks to handle additionally spirit weapons activates your chance to parry attacks now if you're pvping or fighting mobs where you have aggro could help save your life and lastly for the important talents we have enhancing totems which increases the strength and agility bonus from your strength of earth totem and gray severe totems by 15 really powerful because it's useful not only for yourself but for the rest of your group and that 15 bonus equates to about 13 strength and 12 agility from your totems very strong and with the tier four set bonus this talent further improves your tier four so we've gone over all the important talents already here on screen is what your base enhancement spec will look like 45 points in enhancement and then we got a couple options for restoration or elemental the recommended subspec is restoration it's recommended because it has the most utility of the two options without really any downside you gain three percent hit which is not just melee but also spells so that increases your shock dps and your ability to land interrupts as well and with this talent in addition to your dual build specialization you reach your nine percent special attack hit cap so that means storm strike won't miss additionally we have increased range to your totems which makes it a lot easier to manage whether or not your party is receiving the benefit of your totems which is a huge part of shamans as you all know and we also have some mana conservation talents that enable totem twisting which we'll talk about later but is highly impactful in increasing your raids dps the other option aside from restoration is the elemental subspec that's 16 points in elemental generally this spec will come out on top early game where hit is really plentiful on gear reaching your special attack hit cap just from talents is not really that important we get a five second shot cooldown instead of six extra damage from those shocks you get extra damage on your fire totems but in general you'll notice as you get beyond early game the personal dps from the two specs will generally stay about the same so you're giving up quite a bit of utility to go for the spec maybe not receiving too much in return shaman and tbc have four different weapon and views at their disposal win fury flame tongue rock biter and frost brand but only wind fury and flame tongue are relevant dps options wind fury weapon favors slow hard hitting weapons and is most likely to be our only option in tbc for both main hand and offhand flame tongue weapon is only really an option early game if you happen to receive a very strong fast weapon to be used in your off hand compared to whatever weaker weapon you got while leveling it in that case you would imbue that offhand with flame tongue and still win for your weapon on the main hand something i like to add about wind fury weapon in view is that in tbc unlike vanilla classic there is a three second internal cooldown for this in view what that means is you cannot proc with infuriating more than once in a three second window so what that means is in plain english is if your weapons swings are shorter than three seconds that weapon cannot proc win fury more than once in a three second window is this something to keep in mind there's no way to get around this in very early tbc in live tbc you could put multiple ranks of winfury and bu to circumvent this icd that was fixed very very quickly in tbc's lifetime also people may think that since the windfury totem itself doesn't have an icd you can imbue your main hand with windfury totem to circumvent the icd but remember windfury totem only provides one extra attack with less bonus attack power despite that wind fury icd double win figurine view will produce the most dps throughout tbc classic and should be used in all pve settings i say this just so you know coming in from vanilla if you weren't aware of the icd that it does exist in tbc all right now let's get into our rotation and spell priority first off you want to make sure that you maintain up time on all your totems for earth we got strength of earth that's plus strength to your group air depending on your group composition that could be wind fury that could be grace of air or it could be wrath of air or you might even totem twist for water you're almost always using mana spring totem even though the other members in your party usually won't have mana bars except for maybe a red paladin this is really important for helping your mana sustain and fire totem steering totem on single target magma totem on aoe situations pretty easy but in general you just want to make sure these don't fall off especially those buff ones next up after totems we have flame shock wanna make sure that damage over time effect is always on your target if you're in a situation where it's aoe you want to make sure that flame shock dot is up on multiple targets for the most damage output then you want to make sure that you storm strike on cooldown and in single target situations you'll earth shock on cooldown to fill in gaps where your flame shock is still up or like mentioned earlier flame shock and aoe situations shamanistic reach comes last that's when you'll be looking to regenerate mana if you're close to going um or you find a really good situation for it with that spell priority in mind let's say you're engaging a boss now ideally you want to have all your totems set up before the fight starts so before that combat timer ticks you should have earth air and water down at least might not always be possible depending on the speed of your raid but it helps to get those global cooldowns out of the way before you start fighting now as you're running in towards the boss you want to use that gcd on flame shock once you reach the boss gcd should be up storm strike comes first always then your next shock usually single target or shock or if you've got some cleave situation flame shock the off target and keep that up through the whole fight if totems start to fail in duration you can refresh if you're moving you can use totemic call pull those totems up and as long as your shock is already on cooldown start placing totems for the next position let's talk about totem twisting now which we've alluded to a few times already this is a shaman's ability to keep the buffs of two air totems up at the same time for the most part totem twisting will require that you opted for that restoration subspec or you just won't be able to meet the mana requirements that totem twisting demands now totem twisting is pretty heavy on your mana smart use of shamanistic rage will usually cover what you need to continue twisting there will be times where you might have really bad rng and not get much mana back and it is always a raid dps boost to continue twisting and just drop shocks from your rotation until you can get your mana back under control totem twisting will in all situations lower your personal dps firstly through non-permanent uptime of your grace of air totem but you can minimize the impact on your shock dps by skilled play so totem twisting involves combining the effects of your windfury totem with either race of air or tranquil air totems when fury totem imbues party members main hand weapons for nine seconds so you'll start with that you'll drop the totem and then when you drop grace of air the weapon imbue on your party is still in effect so you'll drop wind fury totem weapon first and then gray severe totem or tranquil air totem immediately after the gray severe totem has to be up for its effect to take place but the windfury mb will still be on your party members weapons so essentially you'll have both effects at the same time the only downside for you as enhancement shaman is that the wind fury totem effect does not stack with your own wind fury weapon imbue so you'll lose a little bit of uptime on grace affair because that's the only totem that affects your personal damage but everyone else in your party will gain a lot from having the effect of both totems at once now this may make your rotation feel a lot more challenging because of all the extra global cooldowns you'll need to use and it can clip some of your shock cooldown a lot of the skill and totem twisting will be in using available empty gcd windows on totem twisting maybe in advance so you can make sure that your next shock comes right off cooldown so the specific benefits of twisting grace of air in with wind fury are that baseline not including kings and enhancing totems warriors paladins jewish and shaman all gain around three percent melee crit rogues and hunters around two percent crit rogues jewish and hunters just under 80 attack power and warriors rogues and more importantly hunters just over 150 attack power now we've already talked a little bit about this but threat is an issue for enhancing shaman enhancement shaman played well are generally one of the most threat-capped dps you'll have in your raid a lot of this comes from the rng and bursty nature of wind fury especially in the beginning of a fight if your tank has only gotten a couple swings in on the boss and your first attack prox winfury it's going to be a lot of burst threat coming your way fortunately we have a couple ways to mitigate this threat one of them is blessing of salvation that should be the paladin blessing you prioritize the most of course we get that 30 threat reduction from our talents which helps even with the two of these things you still may need to be careful at the start of a boss fight in addition the threat from our sustained dps can be quite high you may notice yourself riding right under the tank and as the fight goes on your threat slowly creeps up towards him and so in these situations where you feel thread cap the first thing you should do is drop shocks from your rotation once threat gets under control add the shocks back in alright let's get into stats next first off those primary attributes one strength converts into two ap pretty easy 25 agility equals one percent melee crit that means one agility equals 0.04 percent melee crit intellect will give you some minor amount of spell crit but the ratio is not favorable and so usually that effect on your dps isn't really considered when looking at gear pieces expertise is one of our new stats in tbc we talked about it a little bit earlier but it's different from weapon skill it has nothing to do with glancing blows it does reduce your chance to be dodged parried and blocked but of course the melee dps you're opting for standing behind the boss so that your attacks can't be period or blocked so expertise pretty much just means dodge reduction from your melee hits it functions differently from all the other secondary stats in that partial expertise skill does nothing for you so on gear pieces you'll find expertise rating which converts to expertise skill and if your expertise skill is 5.3 or 5.8 that means your effective expertise in combat will just round down to 5. 22.4 expertise skill would be required to remove all chance to be dodged this is what we refer to as our expertise cap but like i said only whole points are considered so you need to reach 23 expertise that expertise cap would be converted to requiring 91 expertise rating from gear so in tbc we still have hit rating 15.8 hit rating converts to one percent melee hit we talked about your nine percent melee hit soft cap for your special attacks like storm strike and of course since we're duel wielding we have that extra chance to miss with our white auto attacks that hard hit cap is 28 so we also spoke about the talents already but with the restoration subspec you reach the melee soft hit cap just through your talents with the elemental subspec you'll be three percent hit short of your melee soft kitkat which makes those initial points of hit from your gear more beneficial for the rest of subspec users you would need to have 19 hit from gear converted to 300 hit rating to reach that auto attacked hard hit cap for elemental subspec users you'll need a little bit more 22 percent hit to reach the hard cap so the 28 hard hit cap is not really something that you need to concern yourself with it just means that hit rating from gear will continue to be useful after you pass the soft hit cap but it won't be your most useful stats spell hit cap functions a little differently you won't find spell hit rating on any of your enhancement gear because you'll only be wearing gear with physical stats on them but this doesn't affect us in a way so boss mobs who are always three levels higher than you will have a 17 chance for you to miss them with spells so your shocks will always have a significant chance to miss you do receive three percent spell hit in addition to melee hit from the nature's guidance talent in the restoration subspec but that still means your shocks will have a 14 chance to miss the boss so that means your shock dps will be a little bit lower than your melee hit chance would suggest that also means you're a little less reliable on interrupting a boss than the elemental shamans in your raid so now while three percent spell hit might not seem like a lot it's actually a significant portion of the remaining chance to miss a boss next we have crit which functions the same as it always has and you'll need 22.1 crit rating for every one percent crit chance so another new stat in tbc is haste for melee users haste will give us faster white auto attacks by quickening the speed of our weapons and 15.8 haste rating converts to one percent haste last new stat in tbc armor penetration you won't see this stat until tier 6 and later but it's unique and that every extra point of armor penetration makes the previous points more powerful the more you have this stat the stronger it gets so now we've talked about all these different stats but how do we as enhancement shaman prioritize them and this is where we'll get into something called ep values ep stands for generally equivalency points an ep system is a system of equivalency points where we are able to weight stats so we can better understand how valuable they are a disclaimer for eps your ep values will differ from someone else with different gear on so for example as you gain crit your personal ep value for hit may increase compared to someone else's but the way we have them set up here ep values were generally calculated with a best set of gear per tier so you know how to gear up in that tier you'll notice in this table here that one ap equates to one ep so you can generally get an idea for how much ap each other secondary stat is worth and we lay out all the tiers here for you so tier four would be the rough ep values for someone in cara gruel and meg theradon gear tier v getting into serpent shrine cavern and tempest keep tier six we're looking at here from mount hyjal black temple and zulaman and then sun will at the end you'll notice also that strength listed here has a lower value in tier 4 compared to all the other tiers and that's just the difference in the king's buff we'll talk about the priority of paladin blessings later in the guide but in tier 4 content which is mostly 10 man you usually won't be able to rely on having kings in all the future patches where all the content is 25 man except for zulaman you can generally expect you'll have kings in the near future when we have access to better sims or maybe updated information that wasn't known or taken into consideration before these ep values might change if these ep values change in the future or you have a different set of ep values for your gear set that you want to use i'll have a enhancement gear sheet that we'll go over later in the guide that you can edit and adjust for yourself now that we've established these ep values let's get into how we use them we'll use an example from tier 5. you'll want to go down that tier 5 column and make sure you use the values listed there and here we've chosen leggings of murderous intent versus skulker's greaves with leggings and murders in 10 we'll take that 45 agility and multiply it by the 2ep value from the tier 5 column and we'll apply that same method with all the stats on the legs and end up with a total ep value of 256. now these skullcruise greaves are a little different because they have sockets and we haven't talked about gems yet but don't let it scare you sockets are worth a certain amount of primary or secondary stat which means we can still apply our ep values to them so for skulker's grieves we would choose three strength gems and in tier five those cap out at eight strength apiece so that's 24 strength multiplied by that 2.2 strength ep value in addition to all the other sets in the gear we'll end up with a total of 220 ep so in our comparison leggings of murderous intent went out even though they lack those coveted gem sockets that exist on the skulker's grease so we talked about gems a little bit but let's go into greater depth now gem sockets can be three different primary colors red yellow and blue gems of those colors will only come with one stat but there are also gem colors that blend the primary colors and result in multiple stats in the same gym for example orange gems are a combination of red and yellow gems and can therefore activate the gem socket for both red and yellow we also have purple gems which combine red and blue and green gems which combine yellow and blue for enhancement shaman our most powerful gem color is red because they come with strength yellow gems for enhancement shaman will generally be for crit rating but because strength point for point is generally more valuable than crit rating for us in our yellow sockets we will use orange gems for the most part and those orange gems will include both strength and crit rating same thing applies for blue blue gems are generally defensive stats for us we would offer stamina so in our blue sockets we would put purple gems with strength and stamina now while sockets do have colors you do not always need to match the color of the sockets that means a red gem our most important one can actually go in the socket of any color but in order to activate an item's socket bonus you do need to match the colors this brings up the question when should i care about socket bonuses when should i ignore them now looking back at the example from before skulker's greaves we see two red sockets one blue sockets and a socket bonus with plus four dodge rating plus 4 dodge rating is not going to contribute towards your dps so in this case you'd opt for using three red gems and ignore the socket bonus now there will be times where you want to activate a metagem which has a requirement for a number of color gems throughout your gear there may be cases where you would sacrifice a little bit of dps through a gem slot in order to gain some dps from a metagem but usually you'll want to opt for soccer bonuses that actually contribute to your dps so another piece of gear with maybe a plus four crit rating bonus would be a better option to activate compared to the one on these skulkers greaves now meta sockets you'll find only in helmets and not in all of them meta sockets can be filled with meta gems that often have more interesting bonuses than just raw stats the two best metagems for us as enhancement shaman are the relentless or storm diamond and the thundering skyfire diamond but the former is one you'll use for most of tbc the relentless earthstorm diamond requires three red gems two yellow gems and two blue gems to be socketed throughout your gear in order to activate and when it's activated you'll gain 12 agility and three percent bonus critical damage the thundering skyfire diamond requires two red two yellow and two blue gems to activate and has a proc for 240 haste for six seconds now the relentless earthstone diamond is generally considered your best option it will surely be your best option once you get past that pre-raid bisque gearing phase the three percent bonus critical damage scales with your gear and so this meta gem gets more powerful as the expansion goes on however it will not be available immediately on launch because the design in order to cut a relentless earthstorm diamond cannot be acquired until someone reaches exalted with the consortium rotation which means when we first start in tbc classic you should offer the thundering skyfire diamond it is generally better than the relentless earthstorm diamond in those pre-raid abyss gearing phases because our critical hit chance is not very high and also is readily available we've included a chart with all the relevant gem options for enhancement shaman you'll want to apply the same ep values we use for gearing to gems and in some cases ap gems may win out over strength gems but it's very rare a lot of those gems with ap that are worth using will be unique to equip which means you can only slot one of them into your gear and are only marginally better special exception would be the crimson sun gem which is for jewel crafters only and provides 24 ap which is better than all of the other strength gems available in the game next let's talk about enchants here we've listed all the optimum chance to use on your gear for weapons our best enchant is mongoose in both the main and offhand it provides a proc for 120 agility and 2 haste for 15 seconds our second best weapon enchant would be crusader which provides 60 strength for 15 seconds which is down from the 100 strength at level 60 players received in classic vanilla later in the game executioner which provides 120 critical strike rating for 15 seconds becomes better in our main hand but only when we get around 600 armor penetration from our gear so we're talking in sunwell for the most part in the majority of the game you'll be running that mongoose enchant on both weapons for our helm the best enchant is glyph ferocity for 34 ap and 16 hit rating so our best shoulder enchant is actually from vanilla max rammus shopping off of safiron and that's the might of the scourge which provides 26 ap and 14 crit rating however the difference is not large so for the most part at least on non-missed pieces of gear you can opt for the alder and squire shoulder enchants the auto provides us with greater inscription of vengeance for 30 ap and 10 quid rating and the squires provide us with greater inscription of the blade for 20 ap and 15 crit rating now based on those ep values we showed above the aldor enchant is almost always better except for in tier 5 and generally scales the best with gear for our cloak we want to use the greater agility enchant for 12 agility or more likely the subtlety enchant from classic vanilla that reduces our thread by two percent for chest exceptional stats which is plus six stats all around for the bracers brawn for 12 strength gloves major strength for 15 strength legs nether cobra leg armor for 50 ap and 12 crit boots cat swiftness for eight percent movement speed and six agility which is essentially six agility plus the enchant boots minor speed from vanilla and if you're an enchanter feel free to slap four stats on those rings now we have consumables they function a little differently than they did in vanilla specifically how our elixirs work there is now a designation between battle and guardian elixirs and you may only have one of each active on you at any one time now on the slide we've listed all of your best options for each consumable slot for flash and battle elixirs your general use best option will be the flask of loneliness assault for 120 ap and just like in vanilla it persists through death however in situations where you're fighting demons the elixir of demon slang providing 265 ap is obviously better but it does only last for five minutes going back and forth between elixir of demon slang and flask of relentless assault may be expensive so it's up to you how you want to min max your flask and elixir usage for food we have the roasted cleft hoof which provides 20 strength and 20 spirit for 30 minutes better than all the other available food buffs for your potion cool down we will be using haste potions quite often and these potions are generally your biggest cost when it comes to consumables some fights are long and there are many fights in a raid and you essentially want to be using these liberally as a dps cooldown because they provide 400 haste for 15 seconds and sync up really nicely with something like shamanistic reach and the final consumable category are drums which are a new consume introduced in tbc that require leather working to craft and use there are a few different kinds but the one most relevant to us as enhancement shaman are the drums of battle which provide 80 bonus haste for 30 seconds now in classic tbc i think we're all hoping for a nerf to these drums so that they don't become another engineering like profession where it's required for the sweatiest of rays because it is possible without that nerf to chain four separate jumps of battle together for a permanent 100 uptime of that 80 haste rating bonus now even in the absence of a drum nerf not every single member of a raid will need to be leatherworking only four drums are required for permanent uptime which means four out of five members of a party would want leatherwork that means in a 25-man raid five players can get away without it drums lead us nicely into professions i did mention earlier that as an enhancement shaman you can feel profession locked and that's mostly because of blacksmithing and leatherworking if tinnitus which was originally introduced in wrath of the lich king as a nerf to drums is not present in classic tvc most shaman will want to be leatherworking because obviously we care about dps and drums are a great boon to that but also as shaman we can craft some strong binon pickup leather and male pieces but even more important than leatherworking for us is blacksmithing crafted blacksmithing weapons are extremely powerful and will usually last you until sunwell which is the last ray tier for all of tbc so that means the weapons that you can begin crafting at launch and then upgrade as you progress through the tiers are powerful enough that every enhancement shaman should opt for blacksmithing next we have engineering which is mostly notable for the crafted helms that are available it's unknown whether we'll have these available at launch in classic tbc but if so the surestrike goggles version 2.0 are extremely strong and will last you at least until tier 5. that same helmet can be upgraded later on in tier 6 and is equally as powerful compared to other options in that tier enchanting we've touched on a little bit already the personal bonus enchanting provides comes in the form of plus four stat enchants two rings means an enchanter gets a bonus plus eight to all stats jewelcrafting is probably the least valuable in terms of personal stat bonuses until much later in the game the crafted trinkets you can create early are not very competitive with five man in raid drops and jewelcrafter only gems won't come into a later patch however when we do get to sunwell content there are some very powerful bonuses from jewelcrafting that most hardcore players will pick up most notable of which are the hard corium ban which is very competitive with other bis options in the ring slot and the hard corneum choker which is the best neck available in the entire game so now that's just an overview on professions now what should you personally choose blacksmithing 100 you should pick up from the beginning of the game and potentially not drop until sunwell leatherworking if tinnitus is in the game nerfing the effect of drums is still strong especially early but falls off late game so it might be a good pick up to craft pre-raid bis pieces of gear but in the future you would almost certainly drop that profession if tinnitus is not in the game leatherworking essentially becomes mandatory for any hardcore raid environment enchanting is unique in that you can enchant rings with plus four stats drop the profession and still have the enchant active on your gear which means you may see players with lots of wealth picking up and dropping and chanting throughout the expansion so let's say you're trying to maximize your damage output throughout the entire expansion in the beginning you would offer blacksmithing and leatherworking if tinnitus is not in the game if tinnitus isn't a game you would most likely go for a blacksmithing and engineer now enchanting is unique in that you can enchant your rings drop the profession and still have that enchant active which means you might opt for going blacksmithing and chanting in the beginning until you get your biss rings 4 tier 4 tier 5 depending on how they roll out the content patches enchant your best rings drop enchanting and pick up something like engineering and then when we get closer to the end of the game when you are able to replace your blacksmithing weapons which essentially happens only in sunwell you can drop blacksmithing and pick up jewelcrafting for the then bis options for rings and neck so now let's get into hearing options meldon has provided a link to my 2.4.3 enhancement ep sheet which ranks pretty much every item from the beginning of the game to the end of tier 5 in addition to some items from classic vanilla some of those strong vanilla classic items are listed here the ones that are the best for the longest amount of time are might of the scourge which we've talked about being stronger than the alder and squire shoulder enchant options and mark of the champion which is a quest reward from the phylactery of kel'thuzad from naxxramus this trinket is extremely powerful and will be used essentially throughout all of tbc classic for any of those fights where you're against undead or demon enemies there are some other strong gear options i've listed here but none of them quite match up to mark of the champion as far as tbc longevity goes if you're on the horde side definitely look through this list and try to pick up as many pieces as you can going into tvc because at the very least they'll greatly improve your leveling speed if you opt to go enhancement while leveling and in some cases won't be replaced until the middle of karazhan here is a pre-rate business for enhancement shaman and tbc classic all of this information is available through my spreadsheet but feel free to pause the video if you need more time browsing here we also have this list for tier 4 and tier 5 but again all of this information is available through my spreadsheet link in the description now what should we do for this list beyond tier 5. as we mentioned earlier your ep values will change drastically as your gear changes by tier six we should have a functional and hopefully sophisticated simulator for enhancement shaman dps and that will without a doubt provide better information for your gearing options than an ep sheet could once a good enhancement dps simulator does come melron will be sure to update you guys about it now we have group composition and raid buffs we touched on this a little bit earlier but there are some cool synergies that we didn't get into that i'll talk about now enhancement we know provides great utility to the raid so you might wonder which group is best for us enhancement shamans provide the most benefit to melee groups first and foremost that melee group will likely include at least one warrior tank sometimes too but in general enhancement shaman should be primarily in the groups that benefit the most from wind fury so warrior tanks combat sword rogues fury and arms warriors retribution paladins they all benefit greatly from my wind fury totem and of course our totem twisting hunters also gain a lot of benefit from enhancement shamans just not quite as much as melee do the optimal hunter group is generally three hunters at least two of which are beast mastery but usually they'll be three-piece mastery at least until end game in addition to one feral druid generally a tank and an enhancement shaman hunters of course gain a lot of benefit from our gray severe totem which is improved compared to other types of shaman as well as our unleashed rage talent which provides melee attack power to their pets now for enhancement personal dps now for enhancement personal damage we receive a bit more benefit from that same hunter group as opposed to the melee group beast mastery hunters provide ferocious inspiration which is a talent that gives three percent increased damage when their pet lands a critical hit this affects stacks so that when you have three bm hunters in one group you receive plus nine percent damage of course the feral druid contributes leader of the pack which is five percent melee quick chance these combined effects are more potent than a warrior's battleship which talented provides 381 attack power and finally we have paladin blessings the optimal 25 man raid comp will likely only have three paladins but if you do end up with four here's the priority system you should follow salvation is our first and foremost as we mentioned earlier threat is a big issue you always want to prioritize salvation next up mites will always provide more dps than kings even in laking finally wisdom is nothing to scoff at as it makes your mana management more bearable well that's it thanks for listening to my guide feel free to hit me up on the shaman discord at any time and definitely be sure to check out that enhancement ep sheet i'll be adding more and more to it as time goes on thanks so much evan this was an amazing guide and i really appreciate the hard work and dedication that you put into this guide we're going to wrap this guide up talking about user interface add-ons and weak cars a shaman's ui is crucial in adapting quickly to a fluid raid environment this is a picture of an elemental shaman egregious in magtheridon's lair as you can see here raid frames are centered and below the character frame all relevant information health mana totems are in the direct plane of view in the center of the screen as well as the boss's health and the action bar is minimized on the bottom of the screen leaving it plain in an unobstructed view of the entire encounter i highly recommend this type of user interface for shaman playing in pve it's important to see where people are standing where the boss is and any mechanics that may be coming your way important things like cooldowns totems and raid frames should be in your direct plane of vision and not in your peripherals having a good ui is just as important as having high skill if you have high skill and a poor ui you can significantly decrease your rate effectiveness with a poor ui as it can severely decrease your reaction time now it kind of goes hand in hand with ui or add-ons and weak arrows by this point unless you're new to shaman you should know the importance of the following add-ons a clear and concise raid frames as we've discussed in the previous slide totem timers to track your totem uptime weapon rebuff reminders enhancement shaman this is very important you don't want your weapon buffs or imbues to fall off in the middle of a fight make sure they are imbued before the fight since they last 30 minutes in tbc they should not fall off dps or hps add-ons now dps add-on or hps add-on is great for of course for bragging rights but you can learn a lot from the encounter by looking at these types of outputs why is your dps so low compared to someone else are you missing something it's important to look at this type of information as your rating of course dvm and bigwigs are required for any type of raid setting letting you know when important mechanics are happening so you can time cooldowns or other abilities a threat add-on as evan said enhancement shaman have a danger of being threat capped knowing when you're going to pull off a tank or when you're close to pulling off a tank could save your raid from a white very very important to know where you are on the threat table at any moment in combat item racks can be fights that require you to switch trinkets or switch other pieces of gear using an add-on to do that instantaneously instead of dragging pieces back and forth is much better a swing timer for enhancement even though you really don't have to time your storm strikes for wind fury procs it's important to know when you're gonna be swinging your weapons and especially in pvp this is also important so always have a swinging time if you're playing a melee class and a windfury totem buff tracker so this is not your totem timer of the wind fury totem but knowing that everybody in your group has windfury now there already is a weak r for this it's called wind fury now i use it as a resto shaman currently in vanilla classic it lets me know that the melee in my group have win fury and are within range of the totem it requires those players to also have the weak aura but if you're playing enhancement this is definitely something you should have everyone in your group install so you know that they have win fury however tbc itself brings some new mechanics to the table that should be tracked with an add-on or recorder that weren't in vanilla classic now totem twisting did exist in vanilla but it's not as popular as will be in tbc especially for enhancement shaman there are weak auras that tell you exactly when to put down your ace of air and replace your wind fury totem to keep your totem twisting up in an efficient manner i highly recommend getting a weak war that tracks this and lets you know when to swap your totems a watershield uptime tracker water shield as i've been stated is imperative to have on at all times on your enhancement shaman so you can be more mana efficient and keep your totem twisting up a cool down reminder that will let you know when your storm strike pops up your shocks your shamanistic rage bloodlust and heroism or your potion cooldown you should be tracking these types of things during the course of combat doom cooldown pulse is one option but there are many other options including weak horse and tell me when and finally a windfury internal cooldown timer there is eternal cooldown for windfury weapon enhancement that is 3 seconds in tbc classic because of this you may want to know when your wind fury's on cooldown and when it'll come off cooldown so you can potentially time a storm strike if it lines up with that cooldown if it doesn't just use stormstreak on cooldown but it's still very helpful to know when you're on windfury cooldown alright we've done it we've gotten to the end of the guide thank you so much for listening and watching this guide there are many other shaman resources that i highly highly recommend checking out including the classic shaman discord of course which we talked about in the beginning of the guide however if you missed that part the classy shaman discord is a multi-disciplined collaborative home for all classic wild shaman regardless of expansion vanilla or tbc if you click in the link in the description below you'll be invited to the discord and you'll see the readme channel where you can react to the first post and see the type of content you want to see if you just want to see vanilla classic you react to the first emoji if you want to see tbc you react to the second and we even have a wrath of the lich king button if you click multiple you can see multiple parts of the discord so i highly recommend going there and learning more about shaman and tbc from our very talented and very knowledgeable shaman trainers and moderators also i have a lot of shaman guides that i've made in the past over the years the newest one is the tbc classic advanced shaman guide where i go through many many other things for all specs in classic wow restoration elemental and enhancement it's more of a theorycraft guide but if you're still new to shaman i highly recommend checking that guide out i also have older guides from classic vanilla if you want to learn more about where shaman came from and where they're going and we didn't talk about this in the simming section but there is a very early sim that is available for tbc that currently supports enhancement shaman and warriors it's called tbc sim so again it's in its infancy you cannot upload gear yet but that's coming very very soon i would keep an eye on that there will be a link to that sim in the description below and as evan said sims are much better at telling you what potential upgrades are going to be than just raw ep values because ep values change depending on the gear you're currently wearing a tbc sim will let you input your gear and tell you what the most relevant upgrades will be for you so again keep an eye on this sim as time progresses when we get the tbc classic and the developer's goal is to have it ready for launch so definitely check that out well thank you so much for watching this guide and if you have any questions of course you hit me up on the shaman discord hit ebbing up on the shaman discord or hit me up in the comments section below if you like this guide if you like what i do consider dropping a like and subscription it really helps also classic live is a home for classic wow tbc and classic well vanilla content and guides i would check out class squad live out as well a link is in the description if you're looking for tbc specific guides thank you so much for watching keep on keybinding and grinding and peace my shaman brothers and sisters may the ancestors be with you [Music] you
Channel: Defcamp & Melderon TV
Views: 210,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warcraft classic, wow classic, classic wow, wow, world of warcraft, classic, shaman, pve, guide, endgame, spells, stat priority, totems, talents, keybinding, raid, stat prio, gear, gemming, jewelcrafting, macros, UI, tbc classic, classic tbc, burning crusade, pre-raid bis, race selection, rotation, enchants, enhancement, burning crusade classic, professions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 23sec (3263 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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