WoW TBC Serpentshrine Cavern - SSC Raid Guide

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[Music] what's up my guys crook skin back with a serpentine cavern rate guide as always full in-depth guide in the description below along with some time stamps first off lurker are they positive okay let me try to make some sense of this so the score platforms is the main platform there's the North one the east one and the seven one what we do is we have them all grouped up in classes to make it a little bit easier we have our warlocks down here we have our hunters over here every mages at our one Shadow Priests over here reason is ad spot two ads per platform come one two here one two here one two here they only BCC and then there's three in the middle right here one two three have your word tank take one your patty tank tank the other your drew tank tank together your healers are just spread out a little bit and melee are spread out over here it looks confusing but it's really not so pretty much during the Han phase when it comes up when these submerges two ads come you have your warlocks death coil and then fear the reason you death coil first is because if you don't they'll get one shot off and honestly you can one-shot to heal those two pipes so you have your warlocks death coiled in fear we have your hunter's trap one or you trap both at least once and in one of them stays up and then afterwards we're all gonna nuke em before we go back to the boss anyway and then I have your shadow priest time to fear the hey OE fear so right when they come up the AoE fear hits them and then both your mages will sheep or higher image mages you have those sheep and then we go in order this one dies first everybody can reach him they can reach him they can reach him so we nuke this one down and then we help with this one they nuke that one down and then they'll nuke that one down and I hope that made sense I'll just kind of get a diagram out how we stand with everybody anyway a legendary lurker man one of the easiest bosses in the game not much you can really up on here guys notice where the tank is tanking him facing in the Western that is for a specific reason which I will show you later to start pretty much smaller we're about whorl he'll turn around in a circle right now and knocks the melee and the tank back that's all we like to have our tank close so we can get in there really fast so I three rolls the guy won't were on a million in a minute next up and the reason he's facing this way is cuz the waterspout okay so big spout of water will come out of his mouth boom and the reason you want them facing that way is because it gives everybody a direction of which way it's going to go so I really everybody can prepare you do not want to get hit by this make sure you were in the water for it if you're a catcher you can cast in the water same with hunters you want to make sure you dodge that at all costs and I hate to say it guys but that's the entirety of this phase it's a very easy fight man I know I say it all the time but it's the easy fight the only mechanic can worry about right now is submerge he goes in the ground here's the ads you'll notice B death coil and then fear him okay they're taken care of and then you see us nuking this one over here that's the first melee ad I showed you nuke em down and if that you'll see us go help that one hunter trap that came out we don't trap him again remember so we watch our fears over here we fear again and we go over there and you that one that's running around over there this one guys now you don't need to kill these ads they will eventually go away when he submerges again later down the fight that will go away and new ones will come up that's why we permanently CC him when he comes back up don't worry about threat if you're in this here in melee range range do not need to worry about it at all only melee heroes again when he gets up every time like clockwork he will spout every time in the same direction just get ready to prepare for guys don't get don't be that guy I was that guy come time don't be that guy don't get hit by it just pay attention jump the water we need to watch out for the world's if your melee nothing much you gotta do as a reign four times watching them you see him submerge again we death coil we fear we nuke that one down like clockwork man let me go help the hunter out just rinse and repeat boss that's it that's the fight man enjoy [Music] next up my brothers Leo theorists oh man this is a pretty easy fight as well it's it's a lot easier to mess up than the other ones they know a good amount of them because it's a lot about threat this is a big threat fight to fight you have three ads new come down doesn't matter what order pick skull X triangle new come down after you done with these three the boss will come out so ahead of time stay very big like I said threat fight there's many many threat drops every time there's a transition or he goes into any kind of demon form or whirlwind face you reset this threat start by having your tank pick him up as soon as this ad dies I think I'll pick him up give him a couple seconds to get some aggro and start pumping now notice his faces right now he's in a normal phase huh and all sudden he'll start war-winning as soon as you see this whirlwind run book it do not let it hit you it's taksa bleed on you and it hurts a lot and remember right as he goes back stops rolling back in the normal form who a threat reset happens to you to make sure before it whirl and aim ends you need to go ahead and just not PPS seem to be safe now it ends tank picks him back up now you could pump for a little bit and then he'll just go into the same thing again he'll do another whirlwind there you go not the whirlwind and you see I'm already too close to it run away no do not let it hit you that's the cause of most of the wipes he was getting hit by whirlwind or pulling agora on the whirlwind to pay attention to it it's about to end right now get a little bit closer and then you can start pumping right away but let the tank tilts Magra because remember like i said it was a threat wipe and now the second phase is the demon phase for this phase you have a warlock stacking fr gear so he could take the boss by spamming saving pain into the boss to whole time so he can take it right let me get some had grow and the whole all he does is throw chaos bolts at whoever casts blast I'm sorry hat whoever the tank is whoever your world like tank you just thought it was so he's pumping those chaos bolt syndrome mean you're just bumping used to everything you can don't work threat and just be careful about it okay as he starts to get a demon form and it gets close to the last like five six seconds it's a good time to stop EPS because the tank is not he resets a girl like I said so the tanks gonna have to pull pick him up and build up some hair growth so give him a little bit to build up and now it's back to normal face it's the same thing you rinse and repeat guys that's the fight there's human face I mean normal face even face and you just saw both of them you just do this whole thing until he's at 50% health once he's at 50% health he's splitting the two and you really just nuked the human for him down until he's dead hey war wins we run away do not get hit by it if you can't and then right before it ends make sure you stop he's gonna pick him up and that's it man all you guys gonna do he's easy [Music] [Music] at that last world he said go in the demon form soon and as the same two years already seen the only thing that you didn't see the first time I did demon but this women called inner demons you need to do what inner demons does is it puts a little black quote-unquote shadow of yourself and you have to nuke it down now when you get inner demons nobody can help you that's it right there the black demons are there nobody can help you only you can kill your inner demon and you have to kill them by the time that he's done with the in-phase or you get mind controlled you start messing your whole rate up guys that's it he goes back to normal from and you guys just keep pumping man nothing changes I'm going to speed up to the end like I said at 50% he's in a split it's gonna be here and it's fight him and the human fully ignore the demon it's go full normal mode until he's dead that's a fire gentlemen [Music] next up fathom Lord Cara through wow this is actually a much more fun fight than the other ones it's really easy I hate to say it it is man so it's an ad fight big ad fight in order of ads go shaman hunter and then this siren you take the siren off to the back we kind of pull him away away out of the way everybody because she's the one best of tornadoes and the further she way the less the tornados have to reach you so you need two shaman down first because he has totems he's annoying you wanna kill him as soon as possible and speaking of totems spitfyre totems this will wipe your rage you need to kill this right away this is a macro I put the middle of my screen slash target Spitfire over thar Spitfire set that macro for instance I'm a warlock I set that macro with my shadow burn it all my macro does is inflate our double Spitfire and throw shot of her nap or searing pain or whatever insert your class ability there and you guys just keep nucleic down the whole time so don't throw out the whole fight the only thing the boss is really doing besides mailing the tank is cataclysmic a bolt bolts it's a like a flurry of shadow bolt to hit you really fast so nothing really you can do to avoid it just kind of watch warlock tips don't like to have all the time make sure you're watching yourself because it kind of hits you out of nowhere I'm dr. tornadoes unlike what I was just doing they slow your casting speed by a lot so now the shamans dead now once every ad dies one of the major abilities it's gonna be the ones that I'm listening goes to the main boss so now the main boss can still do Spitfire items and now this is the hunter you're killing who has this beast within which sucks by the way and when he when you killed a hunter then the boss will be able to do the Beast within which is you know the in rage that you get from a hunter so you have to be really careful and just make sure you guys knew come down as quick as possible but now we're on the hunter right now as you can see we're all just nuke and hunter we're looking out for tornados the Spitfire about to come up we're all macro and the Spitfire down the and we're back on the hunter until the hundred eyes once the hunter goes down now the boss has the ability to do the beasts within as you know and after the hundred eyes make sure you put your casters or all in the siren hunters and melee around the boss only let the casters deal to siren so now you see it goes down we finish off a Spitfire go ahead and curse the boom up and then I run over there to the siren ad this has pretty easy just stands there and it just does the tornados and the tidal surges the type of soldier is kind of annoying just make sure you're not close to her and you really kind of won't even get it that bad you see how we're ranging and we're not really getting it's nothing serious she's she dies fine work her ass we'll get it to once again if you're arrange don't worry about if your melee just you know knocks in the air a little bit try to watch out for these tornadoes when you do it at the same time though cuz getting knocked by the tidal thing and then getting hit by tornado can kind of put you on Full Tilt mode so just keep pumping into the keep pumping into the ads until they're dead man once the answer did you win the fight that's the whole fight it's a fight like I said kill the ads kill the boss get some loot Gigi be on the next one [Music] our guys tied Walker time mower Graham tied Walker it's my favorite fight I'm biased cuz I'm a warlock and I get the AoE though so I pretty much think of it as two phases first phase being this shooting shadow Bolton news ass second phase is the merlok phase when the Morlocks come out heads up they come from this doorway to the right and in all the way to the left we have two paddy tanks one on each doorway and getting ready to kite them into the middle when then we hit me I hit as a tidal wave which reduces or increases the time between attacks by 400% which is major a lot just gonna watch out for that if your melee tank I'm so yeah like I said he's gonna do earthquake soon and then merlocks will start coming out we already have our tank down the both hallways getting ready to pull them or logs earthquake will happen any second here and it does a metric to no damage to the rage yeah boom massive raid damage but whenever heat earthquakes that means the morlocks for coming so as you can see you'll see our tank popping out of the hallway here soon with the murlocs do not a oe wait for your raid leader to call today and then our other two patty take you can't see him yet but he's all the way on the west side pulling them okay so also to worry about it's called watery great it's the most annoying mechanic in the world it's this right here puts you in a watery grave for a while can't a we can't do anything and then decides to do a little half your damage already half your damage and then a bunch of following damage so pretty much in water eager he was gonna about to go out we have our healers already over by the graves getting ready to heal them just in case they were already low on damage I'm outside of that just like an AoE them down when they're did when they're all dead just put get back into position and start regularly doing damage like it wasn't phase one he earthquakes more murlocs come out smack these murlocs out with some AoE obviously wait for your radiator called do not get greedy or you will die right away nute the boss down newcomer locks watch for the watergate like you see a little bit of damage run back and that's that's the fight guys there's nothing really special about that it's more like working the hardest part of this fight for us was trying to get the kiting down on the Palin's you know and you also don't need a pound you can use a bear tank too but it's just easy if you got an alt powder any kind of powder well it just makes it so much easier helpful aggro help tanking him help okati him enough with everything and you see the consecrate and he's just kind of running around a little bit that's it that's the fight my guys the guys gals that's it enjoy at 25% he stops doing watery grave and instead does what are they watery globules or globules or whatever and pretty much instead of getting sent to the grave what happens is these watery little bubble things float from where the graves were and then they hit people and they blow up for like 4000 damage which is a decent amount of damage and you just kind of just avoid that hope you don't get it keep pumping in the boss don't ya we early like I just did earlier today other than that that's the end of the fight my dudes [Music] [Music] hydros the unstable this fight can be really easy but it can also be really hard at the same time it's kind of one of those hit miss ones to start he has two phases pretty much frost phase and a poison phase phase lack of better word it's not really a phase you forced the phase if that makes it so anyway in each phase he stacks up these marks by 10% 25% 50 100 250 and 500 percent and they stack up and it increases the frost damage or nature damage it depends on which phases in up to that many times we like to switch around four four stacks it could is that the safe one it's kind of based off your tank your tank gear and your DPS gear and everything so water too much these things that you're seeing right now these guys stuck in bubbles stuns you they can't do anything I think is like I want to say four seconds I'm not sure it kind of sucks you can't really do anything about it doesn't do that much damage to you once you get to the fourth mark you'll see us right now the raid leader will call stop DPS stop PBS and then you'll switch over to poison in order to switch him you get the dragon across this imaginary line he's about the cross as soon as he crosses that line going in either direction he switches his you know to poison from frost and for adds come home he has the same kind of mark which is just some different it's just the nature damage instead of frost damage with the for adds we like to nuke one had down to about fifty to sixty percent and then start AOE spamming them till they're dead after that instead of the water tomb he does vial sludge which is you see us flowing kind of green it's the it's it's this poison phases version of the water treatments nothing crazy it doesn't it doesn't do that much damage visiting is stun you so if anything I think it's better than the other one I'm yeah but you sit here until you get your fourth mark man at the fourth mark cross back over right now yours kind of pumping [Music] all right you guys it's fourth mark you'll see us cross right back over or ads come out like I said and now you just keep pumping to the boss get 1 out of 50 percent and then AoE him down now you see us with the 4th mark again get me to cross right back over to the poison where ads come out nuke 1 down the AoE em down keep pumping and last but not least pretty old lady V this fight is actually pretty easy a face to you can be kind of hectic phase 1 & 3 are pretty simple face 1 is literally a tank and spank I'm not kidding it's just a think it's big watch out for a static electrician you got to run out phase 2 is an ADD phase we'll go over it when I get there and phase 3 is the exact same thing as phase 1 except for you have spore bats you gotta watch out for so to start tank right there as you can see and we just pump min it's the whole thing just pump this boss down right now you'll see some people with static charges around if you look right under me you can see a couple people with it I'll get it in a little bit when you get it just make sure you're 8 yards away I believe it's 8 yards it's a kind of a safe bet / range 8 if you want to static charge would have skull up charges the enemy with energy inflicting more damage than that or know why it says 22 it's way more than that but it did some damage just make sure that you stay out of it the way of everybody don't run into anybody with it so you see these pylons as four pylons right here 1 2 3 & 4 in phase 2 in order to get her out of phase 2 you get the let's use the word charge you to charge these pylons up or disable them I guess I'd have better over to get to disable them in order to disable them either pick up tainted cores not the tainted elementals and then put it in there but there's a trick to it I'll get to it a little bit okay so now we're gonna have some ads come up the has our elites Striders elementals and tainted elementals so right now focus on the elites we have the hunters and the melee dealing with the elementals all around and the charges and I'll explain that in a little bit but for now everybody else nuked down the elites and then you will nuke down one elite one strider one elite one strider and so on until the phases over with if you're one of these dps if you're any of the other dps that's on the elements duty your job is to simply kill the elementals before they get to her because they give her a stacking buff if they reach her if you're one of these range of a warlock or mage keep your instant cast or anything you can do to help and kind of snap back and kill an elemental to get too close after the firstly it goes down go ahead and got up and get ready to kill this strata in the killer's right as soon as possible we have a shaman cutting it the shaman is the best person to cut cut it due to frost shock rush shots one of the best spells in the game you should I know that you see how he's just cutting around make sure not to pull aggro off him because it is a shaman first off so it's a warlock you can definitely pull aggro out of that strider goes down we go off the elite I'm gonna pull this map up real quick just because this diagram up real quick so I can show you so if you can see the ring around it that's the ring where you're striding you're you're cutting the straight okay I'm gonna pause this real quick that's the ring where you're pausing this you're cutting the strainer your shaman will okay these are the pylons one two three four their name build map for area one area to area three area for so these tainted elementals will come walk up here all slow and you have your hunters kill them and pick it you have to pick up a tainted core and put it into the pylon the issue is when you pick up at an accordionist any of your inventory you can no longer move so you kind of have to do some frisbee golf type and say I'm a hunter and you get it right here beyond the melee right here we passes it to a healer who's right here or hunter and melee melee however you want to do it as long as you get it here there's no that you can't move if you haven't always remember that and then you just keep doing that to you phase two starts at 70% and every time you put you deposit one of those things into the pylon it drops or 5% and once she gets to 50% you'll come out of there and you guys can do some phase three back to phase two the very boring face to where you see me hitting a Strider per usual and after the Strider we're going right after the elite like we did last time and as you see her health is slowly going down it's because they're depositing the course into the field you just keep Newton you see Elementary clothes kind of snap back you see me one doing one here it gets a little close I snap back and eyeshadow burn it real quick push it away shadow burned death coil may just do whatever you got hunters anybody can help with it finish off the elites and then the Striders case you'll pop out now before you go back on her onto vag after this you need to kill off all the ads so you want to keep killing the elites and the strategy before you even touch her okay make sure you are helping with any of the elementals the ghost once again because it's not a wipe if one gets there but it's like what 10% damage if one gets there so kind of candy why you just want to kind of make sure that none of them get there and it's very possible for none of them get there okay that's the last rider an elite go down you just start spamming into the boss man that's the rest of his face okay she now cc's people and when you see seat as you see me see I'm feared as soon as you CC hit that macro you have and be able to see see the MDM immediately sorry I'm immediately as soon as you can you need to do it because that person you'll see me right here do so I died I was a shaman that note that we didn't see see and came up and just wind fairy crypt me to death so that's another reason why you want to do the you see the MD bias because that's it that's the fight see the bats kill the bats when they come out as a Phase three thing as a sport bats they leave little poison things in the ground after they die you just leave him alone new come down nuke the boss guys and that's all you got to do it's pretty easy fight looks more hectic than it is face to is the hardest part once you get out there you're ready to go man [Music] yayin ladies and gentlemen that is all for though SSC guide once again as always I know I talk fast I know my speed through these that's why I have a super in-depth guide in the description below I hope you guys enjoyed thank you for watching like fall for more content follow me on Twitch Crick's gaming underscore where its Wow all day baby enjoy my guys
Channel: Crix Gaming
Views: 47,623
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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