A Short History of Raiding in World of Warcraft

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in this video we're going to be going over the history of raiding from vanilla wow all the way to shadowlands and everything in between starting off with the launch of vanilla wow where there was two raids immediately both out on november 23 2004 onyxia's lair and molten core and at the moment raids were 40 man only requiring a full 40 man raid to combat the forces of evil both had their own achievements molten core only a single quest with onyxia being a massive quest line however onyxia went down first surprisingly enough 69 days after launch it was killed for the first time and ragnaros was killed 154 days after launch within the caverns of molten core lay to three legendaries a special necklace that dropped for one single person before being removed as well as the parts to craft two far less unique but still awesome legendaries the sulfur's hammer of ragnaros and the thunder fury bless play to the windseeker two months later blackwing lair released july 12th another attunement but much shorter this time however it would not be cleared until after azul grub first 20 man raid in the game introduced in september 13 2005 which was cleared the day of its release within its walls a raptor and tiger mounts randomly dropped from their bosses followed by black winged lair finally being cleared 13 days later on september 26 2005. three months later the lands of silithus would be transformed forever the temple of encourage would become well unlocked players then needed to work together to unlock the raid by performing massive quest lines and ringing the gong as a scarab's lord to then battle the forces of the old gods for 10 hours and then the temple would be attacked first stop with the ruins of encourage the 20-man raid smaller wing would be cleared first day of openings of the gates on the 23rd of january 2006. however c'thun at the end of the temple the 40-men wing of the raid would not go down for three months on the 25th of april in 2006. within its chittering caverns the red blue green and yellow karaji battle tanks were obtainable these special mounts were only usable inside the raid though and now for the final raid of vanilla and the final ever 40 man raid to be added to the game the legendary knack ceramics opening on june 20th 2006 players would exchange materials less and less based on the reputation levels with the argent crusade in order to gain access to the raid and well how long did it take a massive 90 days for kel'thuzad to finally fall to the hands of nihilum on september 7th followed not too long after by the release of the burning crusade only four months later in january of 2007 so not many guilds had the chance to down the place especially with the announcement of the expansion resetting player's progress many players simply quit or did not bother to raid knowing their progress would end up basically pointless however within this raid players were able to gather the pieces to then craft the legendary atiesh limited to druid mage warlock and priests although a slightly different version of the staff for each class the burning crusade launched with many raids as compared to most other expansions at release in the same day of january 16 was gruel's lair magtheridon's lair serpentride caverds tempest keep karazhan and the battle for mount hyjal karazhan the longest of the launch rays was the first to go down with only 10 players allowed in the raid it was killed only 12 days after the launch of the expansion and january 28 2007 with the raid dropping his mount midnight from atum rarely the remaining raids at tbc would mostly be 25 man blizzard moving away from the 40-man raid style favoring a new 25-man system although it was the odd 10-man here and there gruel's lair was killed 19 days after the launch of the expansion with him dying in the second of february mactheradon went down after 40 days on the 24th of february in 2007 and was one of the longest raid fights in the game's history serpent shrine however as its achievement required was long and time consuming and the raid actually having more than one or two bosses it did not fall until the 29th of march 73 days after launch in big part to the last boss being extremely buggy now into the tempest keep the eye this raid's final boss kel thus was a very unique boss fight with the players looting temporary legendary gear mid fight to use for the remainder of the fight these items being the cosmic infuser devastation nether stand bow and to fire from the nether spikes face shift bulwark warp slicer and the staff of disintegration however even with all these legendaries the fight was deemed unkillable because of his very buggy nature and would not be until the black tunnel was released which was on the 22nd of may fixing many of the bugs on kel'thuz meaning he was finally killed 130 days after launch of the raid on may 25th 2007 having a chance to drop his phoenix mount alar and with his death players could finally enter mount hyjal which while available since launch it is hard to count it as such since it was locked behind killing kelthos so its days to kill is counted from black temple's launch however even though this raid was quote unquote available since launch and much smaller than black temple it would not be the first to be cleared illidan was such a fan favorite that players rushed to kill the legendary demon hunter black temple was cleared 21 days from its launch within its walls dropping the legendary war glaze from illidan stormrage himself followed by mount hyjal being killed 26 days later zulemon was then released and cleared on the day of november 13 2007. the second tanman rate of tbc and the last ever 10 man only raid of wow however this raid had a special event if complete within a specific amount of time the players could loot the amani warbear which was removed from wrath of lich king not wanting it to become too easy to get following that the last raid of the burning crusade in the last ever 25 man only raid ever would be open the sun will plateau on march 25th 2008 with a legendary thoradil bow dropping from the final boss kil'jaeden which was forced back through the portal for the first time on may 25th 2008 exactly one year after his minion kel'thos was killed in the tempest keep wrath of the lich king released november 13th 2008 introducing a new rating system and with this raid could be done in 10 man groups or 25 man groups the 25 man raids having slightly better year than the 10 man versions usually being seen as the superior version of course so world first kills will only be counted for 25 man the expansion launched with the vault of archevan a remastered naxoramus obsidian sanctum and eye of eternity it would not take long at all with naxoramus in the eye of eternity and the vault of archivon all being cleared in only two days on november 15th the eye of eternity containing the azir drake and the blue drake while the vault of archevon contained the three-person mount the grand black war mammoth a blue one for lions and red for horde part of the reason these were killed so quickly was because gear from sunwell plateau was still pretty good in early wrath of the lich king this was something they fixed later on in expansions where previous gear from previous expansions were no longer good enough to be good during entry level raids the other raid sartharion three drakes taking until the 21st of november to die sartherion is a dragon within a single room besides him as three smaller dragon mini bosses that need to be killed before engaging him however if the raid pulled the boss and killed him without killing the dragons they would join in on the fight and if the boss was then killed a special achievement and bonus loot including a dragon mount would pop up the black drake in 10 man and the twilight drake in 25 man next was ulduar releasing april 14 2009 containing the legendary mace valdeire with the raid also making the most use of the hard mode mechanic compared to any other raid in the game's history we have a whole video on these if you want to learn more about them but i'll go over them quickly here by doing something specific during or before the fight the raid can activate a harder version of that fight which would just make the fight harder giving extra special loot for killing the boss in that matter and also sometimes extra bosses algal on the observer requiring the players to kill a few of the bosses in hard mode to unlock however the biggest achievement was killing yogg-saron without the help of any of the keepers quite the difficult feat as the fight is very obviously designed around the keepers helping you with the fight which was known as yogg-saron plus zero or yogg-saron zero lights it took players 85 days to kill the mouthy clan with no lights all the way to july 7 2009 dropping the mimiron's head mount guaranteed to drop one per kill at least until the cataclysm pre-patch where it became a random drop in the very next raid they introduced some new mechanics the heroic mode these versions of the raid gave even stronger loot while also just being harder and to pair they added a limited attempt counter while in heroic any wipes would count that counter and if you ran out of attempts you would need to wait till the next week to be able to try again with the try the crusader even having a special achievement for killing the entire raid without a single wipe rewarding the players of the unique crusader horse and 25 man or a horse wolf for 10 men depending on your faction all retired with the cataclysm's launch so with the trial of the grand crusader launching on august 4th 2009 it's heroic would have been cleared soon except for the fact that its heroic mode did not actually open until september 1st 2009 almost a month later finally letting players attempt heroic versions of the raid so how long did it take well around seven days with the numerat going down september 7th followed shortly after by the return of enyxia blizzard in celebration of five years of wow brought back the legendary dragon in a new 10 25 man version that was killed the exact same day she came out on september 22nd having a chance to drop the onyxia drake a mount version of the dragon herself outside of enyxia's lair every raid after trial the grand crusader would follow the same system of normal slash heroic 10-25 man modest ice crown citadel where players crafted the legendary shadow martin after a long raid wide quest line to combat the legendary frostmourne wielded by arthas the lich king releasing in december 2009 on the 8th it would take a while to clear the raid as the raid needed to be cleared on normal before it could be cleared on heroic and with the raid having a massive time gate of releasing a new wing every couple of weeks heroic mode would not open until two months after the launch of icecrown on the 9th of february finally able to enter the raid on heroic it took players 46 days to finally put the lich king himself down on march 26 2010 dropping the infamous invisible mount invincible a guaranteed drop once per kill at least until the cataclysm pre-patch and just over a month later the raid ruby sanctum a single boss raid getting players ready story-wise for the cataclysm would release and be killed the same day on june 30th now before we move on from wrath of the lich king we must talk about achievements with their introduction many raid fights would get simple achievements for killing bosses however from now on any raids added would get new special achievements these achievements are gifted for doing unique things during the fight with various challenges some making fights harder some not really being anything other than doing the fight really well but completing these achievements usually gave nothing but a bit of achievement points to show off to your friends however there was one thing meta achievements by completing all of the special achievements for raid you would be granted a special amount for example completing all of the special achievements for all of the bosses in old war 10 man would give you the rusted proto-drake mount while 25 man would give you the ironbound proto-drake the same style reward was in the remastered naxoramus giving the plagued and black proto-drake however they were made unobtainable come old war's launch something they decided to stop doing after this as it seemingly did not go over well as the old war mounts and all those meta achievement mounts to follow would stay obtainable so for those that have meta achievement mounts we will list them in the video for example ice crown citadel had the undead frost strike mounts december 7th 2010 the cataclysm would release with some raid changes first off the limited attempt mechanic was removed and the rest of the changes would come later with the launch there was three raids bastion of twilight blackwing descent and the throne of four winds blackwing descent would be the first to be cleared on january 9th 27 days after launch bastion twilight would be next on the 20th of january 2011 38 days after launch the first ever raid to have a heroic only boss in normal the final boss is cho'gall however in heroic mode players would be pitted against the new heroic only boss sinestra this kill was followed shortly after by the throne of four wins at 42 days this raid having a chance to drop the drake of the south wind mount and doing the med achievement for all three of these raids the players would be gifted the drake of the east wind mount barodin hold was also in at lunch and was mento's replacement for world bosses locked behind pvp world zones and a new boss added with each new patch all just like the vault of archavon cleared day of of course the next raid to come out would be firelands on june 28th containing our firelord ragnaros once again and also after completing a long questline for it the dragon rat staff a staff which had a unique effect that allows you to transform into a dragon flying mount which you still need to have the staff equipped in order to do that as they didn't turn it into a toy or something for players that were able to obtain it the lord of fire ragnaros himself would not be killed once and for all until july 19 2011 only 14 days after its launch the raid had two mounts a good drop the pure blood fire hawk from ragnaros which is a guaranteed drop if killed on heroic mode before the mists of pandaria pre-patch and the flame talon of alice razor which was a rare drop from the alice razer fight followed by the corrupted fire hawk gifted to players for completing the glory of the firelands raider meta achievement and now for the big one dragon soul releasing november 29th and containing the twin blades of the dragon prince a rather cool pair of daggers for rogues crafted with the help of wrathion the son of deathwing and this raid contained a ton of mounts first the twilight heartbringer given to players who did the raid's meta achievement and three mount drops the lifebinders handmaiden from heroic deathwing guaranteed one drop per kill until mr pandering pre-patch the blaze wing drake randomly from nordic and heroic deathwing and experiment 12b randomly from ultraxion and enough about the good parts let's talk about some of the issues first off the raid was seen as rather poor with some awkward boss fights and some right out horrible ones it didn't take long to die though dying december 20th only 14 days after launch and yeah the dates do not add up 20th of december is not 14 days after the 29th of november but again that's because players needed to unlock heroic first so the first way they did normal to then unlock heroic week 2. so that is where it and others are counted from but the real problem was lfr a new difficulty mode introduced in the game this mode was very easy and quite time gated with its wings coming out week by week later nerfed to a new wing every two weeks it also gave weaker gear than normal but the problem was that it gave the tier set bonuses and could be combined with other difficulty tier set bonuses versions in order to get the two and four set and the tier said bonuses and dragon soul were some of the strongest in the game's history and there was this little exploit you could do in lfr where you could only personally loot the bosses once a week however other people in the raid could trade you gear as long as you participated in the fight so top raiders were stacking lfr with alts and just having them win the roles and trade all their gear to the main raiders giving them all a full 4 set bonus as soon as heroic started and so many top guilds were banned because of this and also because of this blizzard nerfed lfr heavily in the following expansions not wanting high-end players to feel they needed to do lfr or especially that they needed to exploit it oh and also meta achievements could not be completed in lfr so you could do them only in normal heroic but it was best to do them in normal as that was the easiest way to make sure you can get them done with the downfall of deathwing we enter pandaria september 25th 2012. for the first time ever the raids were not available at launch giving players time to level before releasing the raids not wanting to worry as much about leveling being a major part of the world first race and so the first raid mogushan's vault was released on october 2nd and so week 1 of course normal raid was cleared which leads to week 2 the heroic final boss only dying three days after it became available dying on october 12 2012 within this raid was elegant a celestial cloud serpent that dropped a celestial cloud serpent mount of course following that the heart of fear would release on october 30th 2012 with yet again another short race week 1 normal clear week 2 heroic being cleared in only 5 days on november 11th terrorists of endless spring would be released on november 13th then being cleared in 5 days once a rug became available the shot of fear falling on november 25th completing the met achievements for all these raids granted the players the heavenly crimson clown serpent however also clearing all the raid bosses in heroic as a guild unlocked the thundering jade cloud separate mount to be purgeable from the guild vendor for 3000 gold then on march 5th we would be gifted with the amazing raid throne of thunder with yet again another heroic only final boss that being raw debt and the return of the limited attempt system the raid was called completed 14 days after heroic opened on march 26th but then raw den was taken out afterwards by a fair bit too not dying until april 11 2013 taking over two weeks and for completing this raid's bed achievement they rewarded with the armored sky screamer but for killing the bosses in the raid you had two mounts you could obtain as rare drops the spawn of auradon from horidon and the clutch of g-kun from g-kun now into the siege of orgrimmar launching september 10th it only took 14 days after heroic unlocked to kill garrosh on the 1st of october although 11 of the 14 bosses in the raid dined in only the first two days meaning the other 12 days was spent on the last three bosses of the raid the meta achievement gave the spawn of gallicrass mount and the korcron juggernaut mount a guaranteed drop from the hardest difficulty of garrosh changed with the warlord's adreno pre-patched to a random drop in the heartless difficulty but we're not done yet siege of orgrimmar introduced a few new systems first off the ahead of the curve achievement this achievement was granted the players who killed garrosh in normal mode or better before the release of borla's destroying our pre-patch this achievement granted players the core ground war wolf which meant once warlord's adrenal pre-patch came out the mount was no longer available the other thing was the flex mode easier than normal but harder than lfr this version of the raid could be done in any amount of players from 10 to 30 scaling the difficulty of the bosses to better suit your raid meaning you no longer had the issue of having 20 players and either pugging not raiding or splitting into two 10 man groups this would not last long though as the final change is the one that came in the pre-patch for world of the draenor they reworked all of the raid difficulties lfr stayed the same actually but flax was renamed to normal and stayed the same normal was renamed to heroic and now worked the same way as flex did but just as a harder difficulty while heroic was renamed to mythic this difficulty was rather unchanged staying the hardest mode and staying a static number of rating however mythic rating was limited to 20 people meaning no more 25 man rating and no more 10 man rating in the hardest difficulty if you want to do the hardest content you had to have 20 people no more no less however with all of the other difficulties as long as you had more than 10 players and less than 30 you could raid and that is a system that would stay to this very day before we move on i'm sure you noticed a lack of legendaries well from now on mostly legendaries would be earned through all sorts of content part to do with raids but mostly just earned all over the place world content questing crafting and even pvp but raids were not the main focus of where you obtain the legendaries anymore especially as legendaries were no longer something a couple few would get they were now something every single person was pretty much guaranteed to get as long as they completed their own questlines with their personal loot no longer having to fight against fellow raiders from random raid drops to craft for legendaries or roll for rare drops now onto warlords of draenor released november 13th highmaul in his first raid was released december 2nd with mythic not releasing until the 9th as like heroic of the past mythic would not open till a week after the raid's launch and so with mythic launching the 9th of december the final boss imperator margok was killed only 4 days later on the 13th of december 2014 the second rate of the expansion blackrock foundry releasing february 3rd 2015 and the legendary fight to blackhand would survive only 10 days dine on the 20th of february this raid was a return to glory being well known as the best raid of the expansion especially with such an amazing fight as blackhand completing both of these raids while in a guild unlocked the black steel battle bore while completing the meta achievement version of the fights granted everyone the gore strider grondling and for mount drops the iron hoof destroyer a massive cleft hoof coated with burning wood and metal dropping on mythic only as a random drop and now onto the final raid for draenor yeah that was quick hellfire citadel launching june 23rd with arkham undyne 16 days after the mythic version of the raid opening this place has three mounts first off the infernal direwolf for the meta achievement second off the grove warden for the ahead of the curve achievement mount which was removed in the preparation for legion and the fel steel annihilator dropping from mythic archimonde again a guarantee dropped until it was lowered to one percent come the next expansion now on to legion's final invasion of azeroth with legion launching august 30th its first raid emerald nightmare would not be released until many weeks later on september 20th and how long did it take for its mythic final boss to go down 18 hours most world first raid groups got to cenarius the second to last boss and assuming xavius would be really difficult they moved to heroic to do more farm and collect more gear to help them but the winners exorus said effort and instead decided to give it a shot and well it died really quick and was snatched away from midwinter and easy who were on the task to get it according to some world first raiders a reason xavius went down so fast was because of mythic plus gear being so good at the start of the expansion because it was then when that system was released for the first time and they hadn't figured out how to not make the gear super good for mythic raiding yet the next raid trial of valor came out november 8th and took only three days after mythic unlocked to die down in the 18th of november 2016 and while the raid did not drop anything super special it did have a special achievement if you completed the raid without having a single death during all three of the fights in one single clear you would get a unique color of the raid's gear set a quite unique reward that was removed with the bfa pre-patch january 18 2017 the nighthold still part of tier 1. this raid took a fair while to clear for once 11 days and a massive 248 attempts for goldan to finally drop on the 4th of february haloden was free and with that a couple of mounts too for the meta achievement the grove defiler and verandam drops the fel blaze and the hellfire infernals both dropped from gul'dan but the fel blaze infernal dropped from any difficulty of gul'dan except for the first week of the boss fight being on raidfinder where the infernal could drop as a bug but the hellfire infernal acted as a 100 mount from gul'dan from killing him on mythic again being reduced to one percent come the bfa pre-patch with how powerful players got by the end of legion and how long they had to farm this mount it ended up with a green version available in all difficulties being more rare than the red one as at least the red was a guaranteed drop while the green seemingly had less than a 1 chance to drop our next raid was the tomb of sargeras releasing june 20th the final boss being yet again another demon lord we beat before kil'jaeden this fight was well known for how horrible it was 654 wipes to take down it required most of the raid to race change the goblins in order to use rocket jump to counter one of the boss's mechanics and also with a heavy rng in the fight it took quite the toll on players fun fact he died two years exactly after archimonde did on july 16th 2017. the raid's meta achievement did not give a special amount it only gave a title and pet rather lame for non-pet battlers but at least it had the abyssal worm mount which dropped from mistress sazine and the final raid of legion was antorus the burning throne released november 28th 2017. the final boss argus the unmaker would survive a whole eight days nine on december 13th this raid also contained a special legendary there were epic trinkets that players could obtain being based on the titans however argus himself had a chance to drop a legendary trinket this trinket having an extremely rare chance to drop some guilds killing argus multiple times every week they could would never see this trinket with just how rare it was quite odd but it was quite powerful at least for some specs that is mount wise there was four of them the antoran gloomhound earned from the meta achievement and its twin brother both based on the twin hounds boss of the raid the antoran char hound which was a rare drop from those specific bosses sadly putting these mounts side by side does not make them bigger like the bosses do when they're near each other and once again we were given a mythic only final boss mount that being the shackled urzul an amazing mount at that sick and twisted it was 100 chance to drop when killed on mythic but with the bfa pre-patch it was dropped to one percent and for the ahead of the curve achievement we had the violet spell wing this mount was gained by gathering a blood of the titan from heroic or higher argus the unmaker and then turning it into khadgar like other head of the curve achievement mounts it was made unavailable come the pre-patch for the next expansion now to bfa the last complete expansion of the time of this video releasing august 14th 2018 its first raid uldir would release september 11th 2018 with its final boss g'huun dropping dead on the 19th of september only living eight days while no mounds dropped in the raid completing its meta achievement gave the players the glory of the alder raider and the bludge gorge crack next we have the battle for dezara lore one of the most unique raids in many years first off it had different bosses based on your faction while trial of the grand crusader had different bosses based on factions visually and so did icecrown citadel with the loot ship being the opposite faction this one had three different bosses with not only different bosses visually but also different boss rooms and even slightly different mechanics in some cases it also had the unique effect of transforming your race while caverns of time dungeons in the past have visually changed your race this was the first time your race actually got changed force changing your racials the champion of light grog and jadefire masters fights were all different between horton alliance the jade fire masters for example's trash and the fight itself being famously much easier for alliance than horde then comes the fight opulence conclave of the chosen the king rastakhan horde members would be transformed into alliance and replay the alliance attack while the alliance would be transformed into the horde to replay the horde retaliation during the high tinker mechatorque stormwind blockade and the lady jaina proudmoore fights this was super unique and overall an amazing storytelling aspect something i would love to see used more often in the future maybe even with lady slovanna's fight being slightly different for horde members who chose to support her in bfa hmm now on to dates and times the raid released january 29th 2019 and gina finally died after 346 wipes seven days later on february 5th completing the meta achievement gave the desire a lower wind reaver but the raid itself has amazing mounts as drops first the gmod a replica of gallywix's blinged out mech suit including a massive engravement on its face and its shield dropping from high tinker mechatorg the next mount is the glacial tide storm a water slash ice elemental dropped from jayne on mythic it was guaranteed when it was current but now it's only one percent drop which by the way later in bfa's lifespan blizzard made a hot fix which caused this and the rest of the bfa final bosses mythic mounts to drop two at a time instead of one doubling the amount raids could get each week the crucible of storm our first two boss raid in a long time and also a very hard one of that releasing april 23rd it took until may 3rd to get beat with over 700 pulls it took 9 days to go down who would have thought that a raid with only 2 mosses would be so hard although to be fair the reason the wipe count was so high was because of a phase one mechanic that could wipe the raid very quickly if the six people at winton touched each other and since the super deadly mechanic was an early phase 1 mechanic it racked up an inflated amount of wipes for all world first raiders until it was hotfixed next we have the eternal palace releasing july 16th it took 12 days for azshara to be defeated ending on july 28th this raid overall was seen poorly by the community with a few rather annoying fights like the ones with orgoza having a maze radiance of azshara being an annoying mess of tornadoes and blackwater behemoth which ironically was one of the rather well-liked fights and was completely underwater and then queen azshara herself the first boss in many years to require the player to actively use line-of-sight mechanics for most of the mechanics for the fight and that did not go over well for players especially healers trying to heal people on the other side of pillars the raid had the azari bloat ray from its meta achievement but didn't have any random drop mounts last to bfa nyloth of the waking city its meta achievement granting the wriggling parasite mount the final boss nazath dropping the nylotha all seer on mythic only again guaranteed to drop one later two on kill but reduced to one percent drop rate with the pre-patch and the head of the curve mount the spawn of vexi noah given to players who killed n'zoth on heroic before the launch of the shadowlands pre-patch now how did the raid go well overall the raid was good but the new corruption system introduced kind of ruined how a lot of people felt about the place and especially with an old god going down so easily it angered a lot of the player base although it seems a lot of people forget that shooting anything with a beam intended to glass an entire planet made to destroy old gods in case they infected the planet is likely to kill it no matter if it's a powerful old god or not so with the raid releasing january 28 2020 not the corrupter the final old god of azeroth would find himself vaporized kamehameha style after only 10 days february 6 2020. cool fact this was the first ever world first nbos killed by us in over eight years as for the last eight years before this eu had a much better time maybe in part to complexity limit running a 21-man raid roster maybe go look up the video on that but gist of it is instead of having the raid lead in the raid they are focused 100 on rate leading by watching the raid through their streams so they can focus on what needs to be done by who without worrying about doing their own stuff and doing a rotation another fun fun fact this is the first raid ever that has required players to have their legendary to beat it as engaging azoth without the legendary cape would have the player near instantly mind control turning them against their allies which was an interesting experience when n'zoth finally opened up for lfr raiders now onto the current expansion shadow lands castle nathrea is the first rate of the expansion the raid only had one mount the ramparts creature from completing the meta achievement the expansion released on october 26 2020 and the raid released in december 8th 2020. the final boss cyrodinathrus was finally killed on december 23rd it took a fair while for a first rate of an expansion castle anathria proved itself to actually be quite hard well worth the vampire lord himself though now for the final raid launched at the time of this video the sanctum of domination which is not out yet however it will be launching on july 6 with the mythic launch the next week on july 13th so obviously as the raid has not come out yet we can't really talk about what was killed first or how long it took so for now we all just have to wait and see how long all that takes but what we can talk about is the mounts with three mounts the raid is rather well off the sanctum gloom charger dropping from the nine and vengeance a moth themed dragonhawk a manifestation of sylvanas's wanted need for vengeance acting as the 100 mythic drop mount from sylvanas windrunner like all others going to be reduced to one percent come the next expansion after shadowmans the final amount being the hand of hrest murak a giant hand mount granted to players who complete the meta achievement for the raid but it's been quite a while since we've had a legendary weapon drop from a raid and who better to drop one than sylvanas herself with her rare sheller's death whisper our first legendary weapon in 10 years hunters using this bow gain a new ability allowing him to fire a wailing arrow that damages and silences in an aoe just like her ability in heroes of the storm while also having a back that hunters can equip with the appearance of a quiver giving them a withering arrow passive again like her heroes of the storm ability and while we're at it we might as well mention the edge of night dagger which works for rogues applying a debuff that deals damage and finishing moves deal more damage as the enemy's health gets lower also as the years went on we got time walking in warlords of draenor allowing players to replay old dungeons scale down to somewhat relevant power levels for their respective place however as expansions went on we got more and more expansions eventually even getting time walking raids allowing us to replay old raids as they were currently sort of being black temple old war and firelands black temple time walking allowing players to earn the war glaives transmog for the demon hunters even eventually introducing a limited time event for the 15th year anniversary having raid groups do small fractions of key moments in braids of the past lady vosh kel'thos and archimonde for tbc hagan anub'arak and arthas for wrath of lich king cho'gall nefarian and ragnaros for cataclysm upon completing all of these iconic bosses of the past the players would be given the memories of fell frost and fire achievement granting them the obsidian world breaker mount a mount with a huge resemblance to deathwing an amazing celebration of 15 years of wow and of course with classic having been introduced many of the ray times were just destroyed karazhan magtheridon's lair gruel's lair all having been cleared within 48 hours of launch classic really has shown how much playerbase of wow has grown and how much we have meta-gamed everything to the utmost of optimization so i would love to go over that but it's rather depressing how quickly some of these impossibly difficult going to take forever to clear raids were actually cleared classic with i think even one of them being cleared after an hour after it launched now as mentioned above this video would be way too long if we went in depth over everything so we didn't mention skips which for example raids are very long and so many of them had unlockable skips killing specific bosses on a difficulty would eventually allow you to skip right to the boss in future weeks in places like caslinathia hellfire citadel blackrock foundry this made re-clearing the raid no longer necessary when you only wanted the final couple bosses but if you wanted any specific info on something mentioned you can easily search the channel to see if we have a video on it which we'll likely do like history of hard modes for example or the top 10 vehicle fights or history of legendaries easiest mounts videos and more all things that cover specifics of the raids that we had to skim over in this [Music] video you
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Views: 324,286
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Keywords: Battle, For, Azeroth, World Of Warcraft (Video Game), hirumaredx, history, wow, worl, vanilla, bc, burning crusade, wrath, wrath of the lich king, linch king, Video Game (Industry), World Warcraft, facts, Warcraft (Fictional Universe), how did doom work before wrath, before cata, how it use to work, funny, 8.3, 2020
Id: MeTa_XiAOR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 17sec (2117 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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