WoW Burning Crusade Classic Attunement Guide

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[Music] one of the first things that people think about when they think the burning crusade are attunements in vanilla most of the raids had some sort of a tuning process the most intense being the onyxia tournament chain where you have to globe trout across the world killing dragons and collecting blood escorting prisoners and others were as simple as just paying your way in as if it were an amusement park the burning crusade takes it to another level however and considering i'm sort of on a guide streak here with my class race and profession picking guides i figured it might be prudent to also cover attunements so this video will include every single attunement mainly for guide purposes if you look at this chart and see it as a bit daunting i don't blame you the first thing we need to do is to familiarize ourselves with the phases for the burning crusade classic in the original release everything up to and including high gel players could technically enter on launch it's just that to get to the higher level raids you needed to complete some quests that required bosses or chains from the previous level raids and it wasn't until several months that guilds actually progressed to the quote end game raids due to everyone's more limited knowledge and skill sealing at the time but as vanilla classic has shown without restrictions players can and will blow through these raids at ludicrous speeds so blizzard's thought appropriate to lock many of them in the associated quest lines until they release in their appropriate phases the game will launch in phase one with karazhan grylls and make third answers unlocked and then phase two is your serpent shrine cavern and tempest keep phase three is hyjal and black temple phase four is aleman and lastly for phase five somewhat plateau all of these but girl's lair make theradyn's lair zolomon and sunwell plateau do require an attunement to enter blizzard did come out and say that you will be able to progress to the attunements before the raids are actually released the example they used is killing alar which is required for part of the black temple attunement you can do this prior to the black temple's release which again is phase 3. they also said that the attunements will eventually be nerfed mirroring how they were handled in the original release so just a short history lesson here the serpent shrine and tempest keep attunements were hot fixed out shortly after black temple's release so you can probably expect the same sometime after phase three i'd imagine karazhan hydrilla and black temple did require entombment until sunwell was out so probably at phase five we'll see the same and for the hydrilla tunement the vials that dilute from bash and kalethos got changed from only a few dropping per kill to one dropping for anyone who had the quest this was a 2.1 change which should translate to phase 3. ultimately it is up to blizzard and when they decide to change all of this stuff they have been wrong before so it's something i'd advise that you just look up if you're watching this video mid or late expansion so i figured the best way to do this is to just start where everyone is naturally going to start and that's with leveling through this tuning process you'll need to visit several heroic dungeons and to do so you need to be keyed for them which you can buy at the revered reputation with the five dungeon hubs in the game i'll get into this more thoroughly later on but for hellfire citadel this is honor hold for the alliance and thrallmar for the horde for coil fang reservoir this is cinereon expedition lower city is tied to the akan dune hub the keepers of time is the reputation for the caverns of time dungeons and the shatar is the reputation for the tempest key pub the quartermasters where you buy the actual keys are found in their respective zones where the hubs are found and are listed here for your convenience i'll also have them linked in the description if you have trouble finding them you get reputation for these hubs by completing quests in their respective zones or through dungeons the lower level dungeons listed here give your reputation until the honored level and the higher level ones give you reputation until exalted the shatar is kind of tricky because there aren't a whole lot of quest for them and the dungeons require flying to enter so really something that most people save for level 70. so your strategy will really depend on what type of player you are but in general the dungeons are going to give you better reputation for the amount of experience that you receive and many people will just grind out dungeons for the majority of their leveling from 58 to 70. if you do this you can knock out two birds with one stone and have a big head start on the attunement process whereas with the questing round by the time you hit 70 you will have to backtrack and run dungeons anyways to reach that revered level the only downside is that it makes for a pretty still leveling experience at least in my opinion so that's where the balance comes in if you maybe want to do a mix which is what i plan on doing i would suggest doing the dungeons first because as mentioned the lower level ones in each hub give reputation up to the honored level so to maximize it get it to honored with dungeons and then save the quest for after and you'll save yourself a lot of time at 70 trying to attune for all these heroic modes and at the same time you actually get to go out in the world and do some quests that's my preferred style at least in my opinion there's no right nor wrong way to do it just do what you think will be more fun for you since after all that's why you're playing the game in the first place or at least i hope some people have more fun questing and exploring the new zones and some people find it more fun to do things efficiently but i digress starting with the actual attunement chain level 68 is when you can start the karazhan portion of the attunement and i definitely recommend you doing it then because you may as well get some xp while you're tuning right no sense in saving this particular part for 70. if you really want to stay on top of things you can head on over to the coverage of time at level 66 and work on unlocking the black morass dungeon as you'll need it later on i'll go over that when we get to that part of the chain though so located in the southern deadwind past and eastern kingdoms is karazhan and at the base of the tower you'll find an npc named archmage altruis who gives you a quest to take some wall readings in the cellars and loot some quest items from the mobs guarding them on this note from this point forward i won't go into extreme detail on the soloable quests one is because the video would be two hours long two is because they're pretty self-explanatory kill these go here go there i think if you have a pair of eyeballs you should be fine and three is to avoid spoiling things too much because the whole of tuning process is pretty cool and i think it would be doing it a disservice to dissect it with extreme detail i want to at least leave some of that discovery for you but if you follow these quests until you get sent to khadgar in dalaran he'll task you with collecting the key fragments to enter karazhan you'll be visiting some dungeons for these and you can do all of the quests on normal or heroic mode if you're 68 of course you'll be doing normal the first one is held within the shadow labs dungeon in akundun it's the southernmost dungeon but you'll find that you need a key to enter in the original game you could just commit sudoku and run past the gating ghost form but this is fixed for the re-release you can't go through the door unless your body is already inside the instance you can however just have a rogue with 350 lock picking open it if you don't have one though lucky for you king for the shadow labs is very simple you just need to run this at the calls dungeon which is the one to the east in the final bosses room there'll be a chest that contains the shadow lab key note that in the beta only one person can loop this i'm not sure if that's intended or not but if it is make sure that you roll it out so you now have access to the shadow labs and at the end in murmurs area you'll find this phylactery type device if you have the quest you can click on it to summon an elemental that will drop the first key fragment it is a lead so make sure that you have your group mates help you and returning to khadgar he'll give you a quest for the second and third fragments in one which are held in the steamvaults dungeon and coil thing and the architraze dungeon in the tempest keep steamvaults is rather straightforward no key needed for this the phylactery is hidden inside the water pool in the middle of the dungeon just jump in right here and you'll find it at the bottom and kill the elemental and loot your fragment the architraz requires a bit more work though this is the uppermost dungeon in the tempest keep which will record flying training to get you cannot summon up here at least as of the betas so the actual dungeon requires level 70 but you can start the chain to keyford at 67. so again something i recommend doing right away so you can get some experience while you're at it the actual dungeon has a gate blocking it just like shadow labs and just like shadow labs if you have a rogue you can just have him or her open the door recording 350 lock picking but if you don't have one at least one person in your group will have to do the key question to do so head to the area 52 and another storm and find this ethereal another stalker cage he'll send you on a chain of soloable quests where you collect insignias kill named enemies survey some spots and the finale will require you to kill an elite dreadlord which is intended to be a group quest it is soloable by some classes here i am soloing it as a warlock but imagine if you're a warrior or something you'll want to bring some friends so you want to follow this chain until you get the quest how to break into the architraze which requires you to clear through the other two dungeons in the tempest cape that's the mechanar and the botanica just like the architraz these do require flying to get to and you can't summon to them the final bosses of each of these dungeons drop your key fragments you turn them in in shattrath and you get your architraz key and finally you can get the final fragment for the karazhan key specifically the key is located in this big room with all of the void walkers it's to your immediate right as you enter the room but that's not quite enough now we need to visit an old friend medivh to restore the key into one whole piece unfortunately for us he died a long time ago but fortunately for us we have the power to travel through time and you can find him in the black morass dungeon which is located in the caverns of time but to get into the black morass you guessed it you have to get attuned and unlike the previous dungeons rogues can't bail you out everyone in the party has to do this a good thing though is that as mentioned earlier you can do this part as early as level 66 so something i do recommend you take care of as you're leveling if you want to knock out two birds with one stone so head on over to the caverns of time which is located right here in teneris in kalimdor there is a teleport straight there if you talk to zephyr who's located in the bar and chat draft right here on the map this might not be in at phase one though as it was originally added pretty late into the game in the original run regardless reach it talk to the drake outside and grab his quest to be sent down into the lair and you'll start the dreaded tour portion of this quest this quest is rather infamous among players because you have to take a tour that takes several minutes you'll get spammed with whispers and on pvp servers you're on the risk of being killed and trust me this spot is going to be camped like crazy especially if you're on fairlina a tip is that you don't actually have to follow the custodian you can just afk right here where you pick up the quest and grab a beer or something and come back to a quest completion and i did do some testing if you do get killed after starting the quest as long as you resurrect right when the custodian returns you will still get credit for quest completion so there's a tip for those on a pvp server button once you complete it you'll be sent to the escape from dern hall dungeon turn your quest in and accept the one to light buildings on fire and these barracks will be clickable barrels and you want to set all five ablaze to complete the quest then you kill the boss progress into the castle until you find thrall in the sex dungeon and here we have another escort quest so proceed with caution and make sure that everyone turns it in before you start it this particular escort is a little more forgiving than the standard that you're used to as you start the actual s chord through a dialogue option not by accepting the next part so everyone can turn in and then accept the next part which is called escape from darn hold so just make sure that everyone is on this part by checking your quest log and then tell through all that you're ready when everyone does have it this part can be kind of tricky as thrall is full zug it'll straight up sprint into elite groups of enemies with no regard to his or your safety you just have to keep up with them really the best advice i can give is to don't be afraid to let him tank as he has a ton of health you don't need to race him to the enemies he can hold his own for a bit so get some sips before you save his finely toned green butt from there complete the dungeon as normal beat the final boss turn into the blood elf and then get the follow-up quest and you're now attuned to the black morass and your goal is to just complete it so you can talk to medivh this dungeon works a bit differently it's like tower defense with your party as the towers portals will continuously open up and send enemies to kill medivh and it's your goal to keep them alive every sixth wave is a boss enemy with three bosses total and after finishing talk to medivh and he'll put together your key and congratulations because you can now enter the karazhan raid you can now fight every boss except for the optional one which is knight bane using the term optional lightly there because he is actually required for the serpent shrine attorney so how do you actually summon him well you can summon him on the outer balcony area right next to the back entrance to summon him though at least one person in your raid will need an item called the blackened urn which you get at the end of a lengthy quest chain to start it you need honored with a violent eye faction which you get by simply killing enemies in karazhan by now you may have heard about the week 1 nightbane strategy if you don't kill the bosses in karazhan you can continuously respawn the trash and farm them to get your reputation up just make sure that you don't kill the shade of iran as you'll need him in the process of unlocking nightbane so once you get honored head back to archmage altruist outside the raid and he'll give you the start of the chain medivh's journal which requires you to speak to a dude named aravian whom you can find in the giant room right after curator you'll be sent to a couple of npcs nearby in the same room you'll get sent to bring back medivh's journal from the shade of iran then to witness an rp event on the balcony i talked about earlier where you saw the nightbane and you'll go outside and dig up a bone bring that back to altruis who then sends you to carolina thread another storm right here on the map she'll ask you to retrieve two bucks one from the dark weaver sith who's the first boss in the sethe calls dungeon and another one from grand warlack nethercurse who's the first boss of the shattered hall's dungeon both of these must be done in heroic mode so as described earlier you'll have to grind out the revered reputation with the respective factions in this case lower city and honor hold for the alliance and thrallmar for the horde returning those to kalina will give you the black and urn which you could then use to summon nightbane and again only one person needs to do this there is a special note for the shattered hulls this also has an external gate blocking it which needs a special key or a rogue with 350 lock picking to get the key you follow a pretty short chain head on over to the shadow moon valley zone right outside the black temple right here in the map and find a mob named smith gorelunk you'll drop a quest starter that you turn in in hellfire the follow-up requires some trade materials and after that you'll have to take down a patrolling fell reverb in the same zone to forge a key that opens the shattered hull skate the fel reaver is a group quest so it's recommended that you bring four friends so that's every dungeon and karazhan covered next we'll cover raid 1 of 2 released in phase 2 and that's the serpent shrine cavern to start it you need to enter the slave pens on heroic mode about halfway through after doing that big drop down at the end of that room will be a caged prisoner scarthus the heretic he'll ask for two items the earthen signet and the blazing signet the blazing signet you get from nightbane as described earlier so this is something that you can pick up as soon as you unlock the coil fang heroics so i do advise you do that before you do your karazhan run as for the earthen signet you get this from girl the dragon killer who's the second and final boss of the girls laird 25 man raid which can be found right here in the blade's edge mountains noah tunman is record for this one so join 24 guild mates and just zone in and get her done turn him back into skarthus and you'll be attuned for the serpent shrine cavern and next we have the second rate of phase 2 and that's the tempest cape to attune to this one you first have to complete the cipher of damnation quest chain which is a very long quest chain started in the shadowmoon valley zone from these earth mender npcs for horde and alliance it's quite time consuming comprised mostly of soloable quests that are all pretty straightforward again i won't go over each and every one for the sake of video length and not completely spoiling it the finale quests do require a group though specifically for an npc named rule the darkener and cyric the fire lords so you'll need to find some friends for that part completing that entire chain unlocks the new quest from khadgar and chatreth called the tempest key which leads to the naru trials for the trial of strength you need to go to the steam vault and load a trident of the final boss there warlord califresh you also need to loot the essence of murmur who's the final boss of the shadow labyrinth dungeon and the tenacity trial requires you to go to the architraze dungeon on heroic mode and kill the final boss while keeping milhouse mana storm alive you'll be summoned during the final boss gun then and you simply can't let them die and it's pretty unforgiving if you fail as you'll have to wait for the next lockout to try again the trial of mercy requires you to go into the shattered hull's heroic and reach the executioner before he executes all the prisoners which is 55 minutes but this timer only starts after the first boss and boy howdy was it a daunting task back then i do plan on making heroic guides for each and every dungeons so if you find yourself having trouble with this part or any of these heroics for that matter check out the channel and you might find a guide for it something that i want to note though and a big time saver that a lot of people trip up on is this big hallway you don't need to kill these sparring orcs on the sides you can just walk right past them the executioner himself is the guy right after kargoth the final boss and it's basically a callback to the timed stratholme run that you needed for your 2.5 dungeon set if you ever did that and just like the tenacity trial if you fail you'll have to wait a day for the lockout to reset so pretty unforgiving turn in all three of these trials to get the final trial make theradon which requires you to clear the single boss raid make their events layer which can be found at the bottom of the hellfire citadel approaching from the west side similar to gruesler this particular raid doesn't require an attunement and i do plan on making full raid guides for them and turning that in and tunes you to the tempest key parade the eye the next grades on our list are high gel and the black temple which are released in phase 3. if you're all caught up to this point the attunement for high gel is very straightforward you'll need to have obtained revered with the keepers of time which is the reputation tied to the caverns of time hub turn hold normal and gives you rep until honored and then black morass or any of these two on heroic too exalted and once you're revered find sora dormi inside the caverns of time for the vial of eternity quest this requires you to obtain kale's vowel remnant from kael'thas sunstrider the final boss of the eye in the tempest key and vash's vile remnant from lady vash the final boss of the serpent trend cavern it's pretty straightforward which feels weird to say because back then this was quite the task i'll tell you what especially kel foss who went un-killed by like 99 of the guilds until he got hit by a nerf bat but again if you've been following this guide you should be attuned to both of those and if not you'll have to backtrack in the video as mentioned these only dropped a few at a time until the black temple patch so if you're watching this prior to phase 3 it might take you multiple queries to get your entire raid attuned but turning both of them in attunes you to mount hyjal and lastly we have illidan's fortress and cancelled warlords of draenor city the black temple the starting location for the attunement chain depends on what shattrath faction you chose if you're aldor you talk to the anchor right sila right here in the shadow moon valley and if you're scryer you start with arcanist thelas located right here on the map similar to the cipher of damnation quest line i won't cover all of the soloable stuff i'll leave a bit for you to discover eventually you'll reach a point in the chain where you need to find an npc called udallo inside the architraze dungeon or at least his body which can be found in the room before the final boss following the chain will lead to a quest to kill the shadow lord death whale found right here in the shadowmoon valley he is an elite so i recommend that you bring a group and you'll then be sent to an npc located inside the serpent shrine cavern raid specifically you'll find him behind the fathom lord karathrass so following the theme of all of these attunements you'll require the attunement of the previous raid tier you'll then be sent back to the tempest keep to slay the phoenix alar while wearing the ash tongue call transmog and following that you'll have to defeat the first boss of mountain high gel rage winter chill and loot hispalactory and from there you do some soulable quests until you finally construct the epic medallion of karabor amulet which doubles as a key to the black temple much like how the drake fire amulet served as the onyxia key and that's it the following raids solomon and sunwell plateau are freebies no attunement required at this point blizzard caved in to the gamer dads with 47 kids and 24 seconds a week to play the game and the attunements would see a big nerf or they were even removed altogether in patch 2.4 this concludes the guide segment of this video but before signing off here i do want to point you towards a handy add-on called the tune which will help you keep track of all of this stuff so you don't need to keep coming back to this video and listening to my monotone yet soothing and pleasant to listen to voice you'll get a mini map button and either for vanilla or bc you'll have a really nice interface where you can keep track of character by character where you are in the chain it's really nicely done and i suggest it to everyone i'll have a link in the description but anyways thanks as always for watching i hope you found the video helpful like it if you liked it and i'll see in the next one peace [Music] farewell for now mortals we hope you enjoyed today's video see you again soon
Channel: MadSeasonShow
Views: 275,600
Rating: 4.9457102 out of 5
Keywords: wow, world of warcraft, madseasonshow, World of Warcraft, guide, tutorial, how-to, walkthrough, World Of Warcraft (Video Game), wow classic, wow vanilla, wow bc, wow tbc classic, bcc attunement, burning crusade classic, burning crusade classic attunement guide, burning crusade attunements, karazhan attunement guide, bcc attunement guide, serpentshrine cavern, tempest keep, black temple, attunement, black temple attunement, heroic attunement, tbc classic attunement guide, tbc
Id: FEjhqD7lwzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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