grown man stabs children for coins (bedwars)

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let's play some video games all right what is he playing beg Dorothy I don't think I've ever played bed words before this is gonna be gonna be a first redoing teammate he's exploring he's having a good time that's the in person that's the important thing I think I saw a green dude I already went to the Diamonds to see well might as well I should not try to speed brushing this keyboard wait did you okay you did cover up the entire bed you just did a really weird weird job thank you for donation orange cat the green dude's gonna come back and he's gonna have all the emeralds in the world that was okay you can go away thank you bye vanquished restore all his items what a nerd are we to find the last green guy has been killed wait he got killed by red team's that mean red team is all this stuff now because I want that stuff I want those items where is the Rose the red dude where is he uh is he there is he there wait what oh oh there he is all he's gonna get there in time what a scam alright wait he hasn't gone back yet he hasn't gone back there's a chance he's going back what a nerd did he go back he bought an iron sword yeah I'm not doing this this is a mistake take information I don't know how to pronounce your name I'm sorry don't hate me it's like ohio middle oh my god I don't want to mispronounce donors names then they'll hate me so it doesn't seem like a proper way to thank them by mispronouncing their name I just can't pronounce literally anything I'm sorry anyhow we're gonna go over here I want diamond diamond we don't really have that many diamonds right now and we couldn't rush red because they've already stored their valuables most likely and you know didn't have any tnt to deal with that end stone over here did this guy go in to talk hi I see what you're doing there I see what you're doing there pot engineer I see what you're going for it's not gonna work but I I see I see you I see you and we just need one more and thank Q now I just need to not die that is our only objective that's pretty good objective to have a general not dying and okay we're gonna clean up the money I don't have enough blocks you over there I'll just go over here whatever we're gonna go prot 1 diamond armor fancy things it's gonna be incredible alright we don't actually have all any now it's not the thing I wanted I'm going to this this this and this alright here we go Orion rushed yet all right red team has valuables so I want to kill them first I don't know how many valuables they have by assuming with a decent amount you're fresh hamish muted okay like I I get this complaint where it's like all of my livestream commentary it's just me repeating the same memes over and over again like I haven't got some fair criticism I clearly I need to have some original content here but then I try to like read the live stream chat for inspiration and my live stream shots just entirely means no by has he not died yet okay I actually don't want to die with all these diamonds but killing there red takes priority and he disconnected what it didn't break are you kidding I as a scam of the highest magnitude what what what and the red dude disconnected I got zero final kills and my bet got broken yay whoo I'm having a good time I hope you guys can tell what was that I just got scammed right there what are you kidding me is this actually a things are gonna go down all right do I have a teammate I don't have a teammate anymore I have been robbed well guess I'll cry myself to sleep at least we have diamond armor but you know we don't have a bed all it takes is one hit to fall off the map we're gonna get this I want to be a rich white guy as sharpness even if he is like weaker stuff in us overall it's still threat I do want to kill him for his stuff though weighted in art various I need to kill this dude and get his stuff or die trying' never know huh nope no escape time never to use sharpness get back here nerd mm Oh didn't survive and three more emeralds is ours that's actually how many emeralds all things considered but we need to get out of here you should do solo do not I have to I have to climb up the UH I have to climb up the doubles leaderboards man I'm down to fourth place now there's been a usually I was in the top three of the leaderboards there but now for fourth guy is showing up out of the blue like I gotta fight for my spot man thank you for nation by the way stupid math love his life and middle again I don't know perhaps names again I'm sorry all right can you party me please now I have a strict no friendship policy I'm sorry oh I like these ender pearls all this texture all I just want to look at this for a while I don't wanna play better I just want to look at this texture oh yes you know I'd love a strong generator we need valuables because we're the only people in this game without of bed so clearly we're gonna need a lot stronger stuff and everyone else okay aqua team is clearly the threat this game what the heck they're just beating everyone up and they're about to kill gray team why are you here okay he's just here to take all my valuables if I can kill this guy I've got a lot of you know I want a final kill actually oh we got a final pill how is aqua doing looks like they have one guy defending and lordy Oh Peavy beat this guy's pretty decent stuff that was not that many emeralds and now his teammates coming all right that's not ideal not ideal play what do you not get the lower arm okay well I don't want to go down there because the Aqua dude might show up aqua team isn't beating like everyone up today something needs to be done to stop the reign of terror how many animals do we have we have a five it's a decent amount we need stronger stuff okay there's some gold that's gonna be needed more gold mm-hmm like this rack and rushed right all right let's go let's buy another ender pearl let's buy an invisibility potion Oh God they've already killed like everyone what the heck how are they so good at this game wait iron sword that's what I should get all right we need to get over there and kill aqua before everyone in pink team is killed and already one pink guy has been killed so that's that's a good start 30 seconds of invincibility let's go I'm gonna hurry need to hurry aqua team is actually good at video games I don't know if anyone saw me there no please don't see me please please please please please what a scam he saw me what is this when I'm gonna knock off I almost got knocked off okay one down uh-huh one final kill this is it it's time for some PvP he's gettin items pvb vanquished all right let's uh let's find this last guy it's time for the final PvP but watch this guy be like a pea because watch him be taught me he just like flies out of nowhere he's got a Golden Apple and silver fish let's go PvP solar fishes behind me so I got keep moving forward hey we did it boys still beat up these guys maybe I don't know they don't seem to be paying the most amount of attention but whatever maybe they'll get an intense tone defense the last second any year now we'll be over there they are not paying any attention at all what sick defense bro is that iron armor I think it is iron armor no wonder they took 12 years they waited for iron armor now this students going all the way over here which I just can't allow to happen my feelings oh guy he's gonna counter rush oh god no no no I don't actually have any defenses so if the counter rushes in the air is not much I can do you don't have enough blocks do all the way dude there's no way there's no way yeah you have to jump down at some point and why do you have such strong stuff why do I have so little health you hit me like once leave me alone anyhow we defeated him no wonder they took so long they're waiting for like iron armor and iron swords or something who does that anyhow first team vanquished I suppose I should put an entire block around my bed thank you for the donation mahjongg Magellan's and you please invite me to the party no and also i ballistic donated subscribe to squid if that's sweet advertisement in there man he needs it alright Tex now Blake our mic is muted ok can we like to kill that meme now I don't think it was ever funny and now it's like the only thing people say in my chat every single stream every 5 minutes my chat is just then it's just not it gets old man yeah yeah what I'm saying it gets old anyhow it's stuff do we need I want more valuables it looks like I have diamond armor right it was just my texture pack it makes leather it makes leather look like armor maybe you didn't even have iron armor earlier well let's go kill some teams we're gonna get prot to here and really what more do you need what more do you need man all right pink team why pink team is light let's go mmm looks like green teams attacking these dudes so might as well take advantage of the chaos to get over there hopefully Green Team will run green so I just got killed that is awkward hopefully Green Team will kill yellow team's bed but then die and I'll get all the final kills maybe I can dream the problem is our stuff that's next yes wrong we're just leather armor we have prot two for sure but you know still leather armor the green guys are the priority because there are the final kills there's two of them oh what a scam I got tag teams it's okay we can get right over there and there's probably gonna be at least one juicy final kill at least one I don't know okay he's only got half health he's got sharpness and it doesn't matter and the Pepe has been unlocked congratulations module medal for luck in the first Pepe of the stream I don't know why I was so delayed this third party website is kind of weird sometimes but congratulations and thank you for an Asian fake croque and also um wait that might not even have been him there was a different day that unlock the Pepe oh my god to peppe's can we get a Pepe in the chat I don't know how pronounce your name it's not it's not using it it's like it's not in English alphabet characters so I can't make an attempt to pronounce it but thank you for donation dude I need to learn how to pronounce things you need to speak every language I'll solve my problems all right let's go over here pink and gray are still alive I don't know how aggressive they are very aggressive what I my base is dead there's nothing I can do about that literally speed bridge and leave me alone I thought they were like right I'm like oh they're right next to each other so clearly they're not gonna go super aggro and I turn around there's like a guy speed bridge into my bed there's nothing I can do rest in peace okay okay then what happened - what happened to bed worse being filled with random players that had no idea what they were doing I miss the old days anyhow what stuff do I actually need we're getting like this their beds are still alive looks like there's only one person on that team the problem is great teams base is 12 miles in this direction and they can speed bridge so you know they're pvp legends whoo oh my god a double Pepe has been unlocked I was linked internation Ricky in he says respect woman I agree you should respect woman we're just gonna bridge all the way across here if anyone comes to kill us that's just kind of I just kind of how things are gonna go man the problem is we're still having me like emeralds or anything why are you here why are you so thirsty for my death first you speed bridge over to my island and now you're here that doesn't what another Pepe has been unlocked oh my god see the problem is I'm gonna get perma rushed by these clowns and they're getting ready to tag-team me even with stronger stuff I'm not gonna win a 1v2 [Music] okay he's gonna have spawn protection and his teammates gonna show up and he doesn't take knock-back until like a half-hour later so that's always good he is a strong sort of oh okay enemy down first target vanquished he got away we have a bow but it's too late he's already he's already to the mainland pink team is going full-on defense and this dude's going to mid to get all the stuff it's not ideal right we got all them world's made from three what should we get we should get a diamond armor another Pepe has been unlocked ladies and gentlemen oh my god please Nick slashed I won ping load ping load or ping Lord I mean I'll do whatever man it just seems what whatever your wish is my command all right let's get healing we already have arrows thank you for an amazing by the way I don't know who that last one is from it's really from Ricky I don't drink you earlier it's fine let's go beat people up we only have one end of pearls the problem we actually don't have that many blocks I don't want to spend my inner pearl on this guy enter pearls for emergency use only this guy can't have like any items at all he's been in his baseball game we just ran into blocks that's not ideal hello I don't actually want to kill you yes that was perfect if I can lower this guy's health of the bow first that would be ideal someone doesn't have much health left hello bye so we're gonna get a we're gonna get destroyed probably I got that don't worry man or one star teammates gonna carry he's a bad lying prodigy he's got this well it's gives much final kills as we can out of this anyways I hear him blocking up to me he's not doing the best job though he's just accepted his fate man you're kind of supposed to make him much more proactive defense than am I getting a blast by this can I get a kill that's my question it depends on how fast his teammate reacts actually this guy could just okay never mind his teammates completely afk oh okay I deserve that win I did it boys whoo yay subscribe my youtube channel we need more diamonds more diamonds always good quadruple Pepe oh my god it's the quadruple Pepe been unlocked can you add me as friends okay I'm sorry I don't I don't add people as friends I have a very clear no friendship policy you can refer to the description of the livestream this one man I'm sorry like Oh everyone's fighting over like how much the donations actually worth like I'm actually $300 so I'm okay with all donations man hi I'm Shelby people send me money I ain't good laning I'm good with it anyhow we have prot won and we're gonna get iron armor this is not actually that strong but whatever it's good enough for now let's get another gold we can get another TNT oh my god another Pepe has done luck can we get a Pepe in the chat ladies and gentlemen there I want more final kills I assume we're gonna get destroyed by some godly team in the future but I want to get as many final kills as possible and a year so I assume that red and blue aren't like looking over at me because they're all fighting each other right now but for some reason they haven't broken their bed so I assume they just don't have the resources to do that what basis this is blue base so it's red just trolling them right now or what do I have the resources to break the red wait where do they hey don't look at me look at them yeah wait no look at me look at me get killed get killed by them because you're looking at me yeah I am TNT yes the system works and you got blasted off into space wait if it's gone I got a final kill I deserve this completely where's the other guy in blue oh he's over there he's probably gonna get killed actually yeah he's gone yeah I don't care about your feelings the problem is I'm about to get sandwiched I did not make that hide he hit me to the side I don't know if that was intentional or if the gameĆ­s does that sometimes but whatever we got sandwich there wasn't much we can do except respawn and try again the problem is you don't have time to bridge back up because there's the guy like right on my tail wait are they gonna counter rush wait why are you here what are you doing dude we should get more diamonds the only a prot one right now it's not not the strongest the problem is I feel like pink team is out there getting all the items in the world that's just not ideal and I deal at all man so we're gonna try to make a run to become rich boys there's not that many emeralds here and I'm willing to bet this is the team that took them the problem is every time I leave my base my base is like wide open I don't I have very little faith in my one star teammate can be a you know a PvP god oh we're getting rushed by red why why would you leave your base wide open to Russia stop what is this or am I gonna get dragged down my angry people no don't do this to me man don't do this to me no I can't jump off I have too many valuables he died what a nerd okay oh but now the pink dudes coming for me Oh God Hall is lost no ho just watching the stream I'm gonna get killed we have prot - you we actually like really oh wait wait wait wait wait okay we actually have like really okay stuff not strong by any means but we can compete the problem is you don't have any gold how are we so poor okay I'm gonna have to ask you to chill out so you gonna survive that he did what a scam all right and he teleported back up and he died of fall damage nice alright we're gonna go like this let's make some tentative rushes you know just get some valuables you know a decent amount of stuff the problem is it's a lot that is a lot thanks ty we'll go store these valuables we need to start killing teams you don't actually have that much gold let our bed isn't gone yet so I guess that's okay hmm you don't have anyone defend right now it could be a problem I don't know where pink team is one of them's over there that's not the one I'm worried about though where's the other one is he invisible in his positions are really overpowered right now just just full disclosure is he could he be going all the way around he's going all the way around what a scam and it's too late for us to get back there in time we have to rush that's the only only way to balance out the game and the problem is yeah whoo fun now let's do pay attention this is a problem and I'm blind Oh God Oh Oh what I was hoping to get a sprint hit over there okay we got their bed hello bye okay okay this isn't terrible what oh you're here I thought that was gonna be the other guy I thought I was dead man he's gonna drop down and give me the GG ten do I have any stuff to give you I'm gonna be honest I don't I don't really trust how useful doing that would be we need to kill this last team you don't even have enough for golems okay what a scam you don't actually do a buy on our Peas iron armor at least okay that's good we have we got prot three for him anyways we're not completely useless teammates but I do want stronger stuff I feel like the best way to get that is to go to mid and if he's at MIT then we can have our epic 1v1 I didn't even get an iron sword I'm dumb oh there is BBB is he gonna run is he gonna be that guy lame lame bank wish sir get out here before the team T it's me okay that's good I swear to God that TNT hit me like from the side for no reason okay 31 star player has been eliminated he got her bed but that's because I'm not two people I can't defend in rush at the same time but we got his bed in return so we have this teammate here this team is actually like surprisingly intelligent he's still alive I don't know if he's done anything this game what he's still alive they are Bo camping that's not good the only way to counter boat camping is NewsCenter pearls and we actually have Maxima yeah bad molds so we can afford under pearls once less convenient I don't know what white team at that's problem you could have it like obsidian or something else really powerful I want more diamonds I love like prop 4 or something well that's just not gonna happen I mean it could but it'd take 12 years oh wait wait wait wait wait oh never mind proffer was entirely within the realm of possibility we're gonna get it I didn't know we were rich what oh we got this man we're gonna go over here this is good because this is the base right next to them so we can ender pearl from here you can also use this to get items fancy stuff do they have anything here Oh free iron ooh two golems now I don't know her other golem has died yet you can only have I think you can only have like a few golems at a time I don't know I don't know quite the lore behind that one in biz hi there diamond sword a pretty solid upgrade and here we go can we got a clutch in the chat ladies and gentlemen I need know what no don't type up fletchling I type respects women in the chat to give me power if we respect women hard enough we can win this game I forgot to buy a diamond pickaxe let's hope they don't have obsidian if you respect women hard enough I shouldn't be holding the sword out you respect women oh no oh no I only have golems mmm stop stop stop this behavior at once okay we got them once we have to kill them both simultaneously and then break their bed I didn't buy haste that's a bit of a problem I think we can't deal with have you killed one of them you gotta kill the little one you got to kill him simultaneously as a problem if you don't kill him simultaneously it doesn't count Oh God okay we got him they hit me a bit but I golems the golems will rescue me yes beat them up get him oh yes where's the slower guy this is it the final 1v1 did we respect women hard enough to win uh he's getting away always he gonna turn around when he kill me that would be the biggest scam 2017 mmm subscribe detect no blade yes we did it guys we respected enough women to win the game everyone in the game knows who I am okay that we're off to a great start and I'm sure though I'm sure they'll not target me no one guy in the chat saying watch my new music video yeah I've got to get that exposure to where you can man techno blades techno blades a live stream it's where you go to promote your Bevo content okay these guys are going to the diamonds next to them so I can kill Green Team I'll have access to their diamonds oh wait a minute I don't have to worry about you oh I have to worry about this guy though okay his teammates gonna drop down he might if I get to me one that'll be a problem it'll be better than if he rushes us defend he's there go oh no it's my teammate oh god is he a god he's not a god he's dead okay that's the problem I won't that's the problem with playing doubles since I'm only one person if one of them rushes while I'm rushing them there's not really anything I could do I couldn't get there in time I don't like oh he's stream sniping woo yay fun yay I mean to be fair it's rather justified because I rushed him first but that explains why he was so aggressive because he watched rad you get what I'm saying you see what I'm saying the problem is I can't effectively make a sneak attack on him because he's you know watching the stream and you can see everything I do but knowing where I am does not negate the fact that I can give you the PvP combo II eliminated thank you very much well our bed died in the games and going on for like you know two and a half seconds so we're off to a pretty bad start here and the diamonds that I killed them for access to was now being taken over by blue wasn't blue the other team that was stream sniping oh boy oh boy this is working out just I did not think he'd back off all of my health is gone I'm dead there's no way there's there's a way I have full confidence myself I am one with the force the force is one with me the problem is were still very poor we only have problem it's really early in the game so having this amount of stuff isn't like anything week or anything the problem is we're stuck getting rushed by every team why is aqua here leave me alone they're teaming up look at them leave me alone what is this look at this 3 V 1 I don't have my life but I can hear their footsteps and they're right on my tail oh I got a final kill how did I do that subscribe to techno boy be gone thank you very much how am i alive what the heck I'm telling you man I am one with the first of course is one of me thank you the relation by the way whisper MC it's like my entire super chat log is just whisper MC and also we fuzzy zero thank you for amazing alright what stuff do we have the problem is you still we have prot 2 now prot - it's pretty decent how many diamonds can we control we have if we can kill grey we'd have access to these 2 generators just by ourselves red team's already been killed so they're gone we have proxy iron which is decent you know it's decent nothing to write home about at this point what I want is emeralds oh we actually do have access to these emeralds I mean I know we had access with great team doesn't go on to them so we involved full access think you've got anything by the way Lee fuzzy zero and also a guy named why that's his name is the letter Y thank you very much my dudes I want to get to MIT and get emeralds okay that's what I want the problem is people are already amid and they're already fighting I'm the only person in this game who can't respawn so if I do anything I'm a I'm gonna be a target because you get coins for killing people I can't respawn and B if I kill them they're just going to respawn two seconds later with full health while I'm gonna continuously lose health which is why we're gonna bring some healing it's gonna be fantastic it looks like white teams just been killed we need emeralds if we're gonna pull off the sick PvP clutch the problem is looks like there's already a lot of teams here thank you for all informations by the way whisper MC again yeah well pink teams here pink team seems like they have a lot of stuff so if I can just win a 1v1 against this guy we should get all his items he knows I'm here or maybe he doesn't we're whiner assembler holds over here okay anyhow we have 5n Ralts oh here's this teammate and I have a lot lower health and I did a second ago and what is knock-back okay why are you here how many people do I have to kill and now if I kill this guy the pink guy behind him is gonna kill me oh my god I'm done leave me alone it's just a non-stop Shane of people it's just a conveyor belt how many nerds do I have to PvP leave me alone what is this or more they're just it's okay okay then what is this did I get a final kill I did not I need to get more emeralds leave me alone okay the problem is we're like destroying every single person who comes here but everytime you destroy them they get like a hit or something wait that was a final kill Oh free coins that is very good because that means he isn't gonna come back and bother me anymore thank you very much how many nerds did I have to slay just to be able to farm emeralds in peace a lot thank you for elaborations by the way whisper MC heard in my ears at this point that I guess that's the first rule problem how am I getting rushed I should probably get out of here before we board also uh DJ stag thank you for all donations I have got your I am a rich fancy boy and they will want my stuff you also farmed some more diamonds should we get a generator there's only two beds left sound like a generator is worth it we're gonna go like this so we have much stronger armor and we have a pearl pearls are a great get-out-of-jail-free card pearls are just nice to have okay and also look at the texture this texture pack makes pearls look amazing yes the problem is aqua seam is like killing every single team with ruthless efficiency we need to get rid of them like now because otherwise soon all of the other people are gonna be gone and they're just gonna have all the time in the world to hunt me down I think I killed them earlier so I'm pretty sure I could take them the problem is since they can respawn they don't need to kill me on the first attempt they just need to kill me on the fifth or so so oh no there's no other beds left just some random people lying around that's not ideal they have obsidian or something we have a lot a lot of gold because we we killed all these teams and now we can just loot their generators for ourselves so that's good I wouldn't mind more emeralds but to be fair a pearl in diamond armor not the worst position to be in if you okay I was worried there's gonna be a gap in the bridge there if I just walked off the map after all this hype no one would have ever let me live it down they give eliminations by the way leave fuzzy zero is there a way to get into your yield not really I'm sorry and also whisper MC saying subscribe to me well you're gonna super chat you might as well get some up might as well get some advertisement of your channel in there you know might as well wait is the next team aqua I should probably get some sort of diamond pickaxe just in case you know just in case we have enough for 3 golems that's pretty good oh my god the donations starting to hurt my ears okay I know that's the most first world problem you've ever heard but I I haven't set up for my other computer I haven't tweaks the audio here oh god they're coming for me no I want to live give me my one more gold the problem is now they know I'm here they can like permanently rush me and my permanent rush I mean they can just respawn infinitely to kill me I'm pretty confident unless this guy like teleports past me which he actually is probably about to do how am I supposed to hit a man that can teleport what is this leave me alone alright you don't have any sort of haste you didn't pick up the diamonds that's a problem I'd be a diamond so I could have gotten something fancy but whatever man all the other dudes here now - oh that was close mmm get cyber bullied alright we're gonna have to pull off the sick 1v2 against these guys that actually know what they're doing always a problem in bed worse when your opponent's to know what they're doing golems beat him up beat him up 1v2 and clutch successful there's still another guy left to kill but aquitine got eliminated apparently like I'd like no health so my golems just instantly vanquished him rest in peace we need a way to kill these columns so we can spawn more in the future though there is a strict golem women in bed words sorry Oh Lance you did you did well for the three seconds you were useful but but I'm gonna need more golems in the future so you gotta go I'm sorry please press f to pay your respects alright that's not a person that's just that NPC thing having a nametag for some weird reason it's just me versus great team where is gray team we'll never know my entire chat is paying their respects rest in peace alright well we can just go around the map getting more items for now it's always always a good idea just get more items there's actually a game where he had a pretty decent amount of resources because we pull off so many plays at the start because you know there's the two people right techno blade and they're like instantly rushing you so surviving through that was a good decision surviving generally is a good decision as decisions go alright we have items now you can go like this let's get blocks blocks are just a nice thing to have nerds spotted oh he has a diamond sword and diamond armor he is probably a threat unless unless we can hit him with a surprise attack Hey got him and subscribe my youtube channel but whatever ran do the wooden sword challenge just basically what I do every game unless my bed guy is in which case you bet him buying the decent sword out of my face so he dreams already Russian then that's surprisingly aggressive my teammates already on oh wait he's paying attention I shouldn't have Jones I shouldn't have jumps oh you got a double hit my teammates here I actually have more health than I thought I would beat him up I want final kills oh yes is some random dudes here restoring our valuables Oh is he gonna run past us no don't sir your items oh what a scam yeah I almost walked off the map juggling between perspectives like that thank you very much even by the way whispering see techno if you love me don't talk for two minutes hacks psych we need to rush these clowns before they rush us back they don't appear to have any sort of valuables put your neck for now I cannot speed bridge on this keyboard at all I am sorry that you all have to witness how bad I am anyhow these guys are over here I have a teammate here he actually seems to know what he's doing well he's certainly doing a great job distracting them ot knock him off but that's not gonna happen they both have low health oh I might be able to a1 b2 okay why why do clicks not register hey thank you very much I'm about to get stabbed but these guys wait never mind blue team just fell into the void by themselves I completely overestimated how much of a threat they work so we're gonna go over here I gained 13 subs from my brother's credit card congratulations whisper MC I mean I'm getting paid but I don't think you should steal for people I don't think it's a morally response I won't have enough blocks to get back if I do that and the only thing I can do is jump off the map with the diamonds it's not a good idea we should get more blocks the problem is were really far away from her base blue team is getting rich it doesn't look like anyone's rushing us right now but you never know you never know blue team is a lot of valuables that's my problem right now we can buy prot two though with these six diamonds we have and then we can go see if we can make any plays do we have any iron I don't think we have any iron I mean gold we actually have tons of gold I'm wrong never mind we're fine we got this we're gonna buy iron armor life's gonna be fantastic and the wave which direction I think we should go um actually they already built a bridge to us blue team are they rushing me are they going to store their diamonds or their emeralds or whatever they're storing their stuff okay I need to I can't stop this guy in time it's just not gonna happen so I'm not gonna try it's that I'm gonna rush them what sound was that if I can rush their bread right now that would be legendary the problem is this guy is back I doubt he's just gonna let me walk in get sneak attacks is the blue guy going for me or my base I don't know what he's doing his teammates going for me though Oh final kill vanquished oh man Tammy get assault in the chat ladies and gentlemen we have we're playing with an angry gamer alright is this dude actually coming for us what's he doing what's his gameplay in here I know he's rich he has items for dayz we're just a wood sword we have iron armor and prot 2 but he's gonna have diamond armor and stuff so the chances of us actually win in this rush is next to none but I can dream oh he's got a diamond sword - that's just overkill alright the everyone type insults in the chat cubes wants prank we have to pull off the greatest PvP combo of all - dude four hearts are already gone this isn't gonna happen yeah if he does twice as much damage as us we're just not gonna win but we can respawn and we can actually buy stuff this time like an actual weapon a stone sword as strong as it gets and also the goal of an apple-bobbing it was 20% more max health what you've lost an item by throwing it in a place yeah I just put it in an end just man I can obtain it from there we need to hunt down this last dude he's going back to his base whatever we're gonna get more diamonds if we get prop three we could also get Diamond erm like he did I'm not gonna buy a diamond store that's just extravagant you should only do that when your beds been broken so it makes sense for him to do it but you know not really these guys can rush us Green Team is controlling a diamond see walked off the map I don't think I should view him as a threat I've probably seen in a built a Britisher I flee to our island probably not the smartest idea I've ever had but whatever they've gotten all of the emeralds is the problem yep they have diamond armor and stuff they are rich fancy boys can I actually pull this off get dunked I actually just let me walk in there I didn't even have tools I just punched all their stuff away okay the problem is I think the blue dude is out for revenge I mean we're the only bed left so obviously they would want to come to us and I don't have any I have zero emeralds this game but we can make this work my teammate is a legend he's getting kills and green we're not getting any final kills because of this even breaking the beds and there's not a beds broken leaderboard so it's just a final kills leaderboard but I just want another emerald so we can get prot three because I know I know the guy in blue is much stronger stuff than I do he has oh he's even got in the Golden Apple alright but the thing is having all the stuff in the world only means you take more hits to die I'm not confident we can get him in a PvP combo but even the greatest guy will get eight blocks once in a great while and that's overdue oh furgus one hit him off the map you never know the problem is if he has a bow there's not going to be much we can do about that without Interborough where is the blue guy is that him no that's a green guy well you might as well go for the green guy if the blue dude isn't an immediate threat to us I'm keeping a lookout oh there's the blue guy he's really far away let's just kill the green guy and then come back teammates here I think he wants to give me emeralds though I need final kills okay I need to stop focusing on the blue dude stab this individual all right I don't know what his game plan is is he gonna rush us later what's going on because he's still over there or diamond I missed something I think he's going for it man I can't type he's over there he's one base away from us he is getting ready to pull off the sick PvP rush this is a problem line that being said even with the strongest stuff in the world if there is a clown sitting right there there's not much you can do about it uh-oh all this is bad okay okay he's gonna he's gonna get stuck in here because he's too afraid to walk out this is what happened last time wait he's right here get over here team teammate what are you doing why are you over there stop getting items this is the only kill we need to get to win a teammate he is twice as much stuff as I do don't just leave me here alone okay we're just gonna go for the PvP clutch she's already down to half health oh my god we actually did that what the heck never mind her fine we got this well blue hasn't already started Bridgman was just I know I almost walked off the map not come to roll with the shift key on the keyboard man alright but if I played it in a team and they did the bridge in for me it could work out these guys already have a sick PvP defense I could go back and store my diamonds but it's only two whatever man let me place the TNT what a scam okay that his teammates gonna respawn but I can get this final kill before he does and then I can place the blocks like that oh god that's not okay ya played me rip I thought he was gonna go the other way it didn't work out we got their bed and we got a final two low was completely wait we got two final kills oh never mind I I did that intentionally yep sick clutch thank you very much all right I want to be the first to mate if we get if we were the first to mid then we get a free diamond armor we also get these free diamonds because for some reason he died I'm not quite sure like wrong whatever brought one we already have problem I had to do that my team enlisted them at okay so free diamonds anyways where we gonna go over here we have a higher and we have gold to get iron armor if we can't get diamond armor well let's head to mid first now we're usually not the first people get them in because some teams ignore the team next to them and rush them it immediately yeah it's not something I can do because well you know diamonds I have emerald spawn there's only four generate there's only you know four emerald spawn at a time I have to wait a little bit for the second set to spawn because diamond armor cost six emeralds and I just used that time to rush the team nearest to us but sometimes seems just ignore them and go to mate and take the first set and it doesn't really work out they didn't see me do that this time so we're fine we got this man we have actual armor it feels fantastic and away we go you could sit around for another set there's not really much I need two emeralds for until the late game so whatever my teammate seems to be doing a pretty good job getting the diamonds and stuff so good for him okay not gonna walk off the map there and now we can go rush teams and we're gonna have prot 1 diamonds which is pretty pretty decent stuff have this early in the game as long as something goes terribly terribly wrong we should have a good time what teams are we old for now two hours it's nice nice a stowaway deposit you know in case we need potions in the future who should be rushing out what team is the big threat pink team has been eliminated who's next - pink pink who's next - you're right teammate okay ah almost walked off the map I'm a smart boy it looks like gray and red are in like a war a war right now let's go let's go believe that I'm great team escapes as well and no bed defense if we can sneak past them that'll be an easy bed break the problem is okay one of them just fell into the void we won't be able to sneak past them however another one just fell into the void what a scam yeah we're not gonna be I would just rushed right there but his teammate just got killed so there we go what is that reach what there's no way that's not a thing did the TNT kill him I got him anyways I have zero belief that that reach is possible leave me alone now we're getting rushed by White team oh boy the problem is he's doing the above rush thing there's not really anything you can do to counter that if you don't have blocks and I don't have any iron he's already all the way up there okay that's the thing no I see you not happening the problem is I need resources white team is already going super aggressive on us I don't know why they're doing that maybe they're watching the stream I don't know it seems rather uncharacteristic usually people are stream sniping if they rush like a completely random team on the opposite side of the map but you never know man you never know we have two diamonds already so we can go over here we can get stronger stuff the problem is I don't have the strongest equipment in the world I can't really deal with the team yeah I'm gonna take a wild guess and say he's watching the stream I might be this might be his motivation here if you could just kill me oh god they're both watching well I could guess the guy named Skippy four would know who I am Oh God now we've alerted everyone else No Oh God that's the problem with stream snipers they tell everyone else in the game that your what your secret identity is and they're like oh my god techno blades here everyone target I just doesn't work out my teammates here well that was almost very bad what are you doing man let's just pvp okay the problem is they're both banding together I can't 1 V 2 is just aren't a thing that happens okay okay what a cross demon what a cross team and I take back everything I said about one of you two is not happening the hi do those all the time what are you talking about we got a ton of diamonds out of that so that wasn't actually a complete waste of time like I thought it'd be the problem is now I don't have any health and they're gonna come back oh I was a gap I'm the greatest fed worst player of all time that's the proof right there subscribe to my channel for more sick plays oh what a scam I thought I was so safe know [Laughter] when I least expected it I got betrayed by the bridge No anyhow we're buying uh I actually kind of want to get like an over power generator I think I'd be useful in the game where we're getting where everyone knows I'm techno blade and plus yellow team is matching names so you know they're gonna be a threat and now red team is joined in on the trend whoo yay fun oh my god it's okay my chats being very nice to me now that I've been cyber bullying with a map like this I don't actually have any blocks wait this could still work there's already blocks place I can climb I can be a big boy yes this could work all right we're gonna head back hopefully you can get back to our base my blocks I'm pretty sure you can do that though it's like 90 percents I want this we need three diamonds I think there's gonna be two here and we can wait for the last one to spawn and fancy stuff he's gonna crush that it's not ideal and he's the problem with stream snipers is that not only are they targeting me they watch they've watched my stream they know all my tactics and they're gonna use them against me the good news is I'm usually better at my tactics than they are but it's still way more annoying than just letting a random person so it doesn't tend to work out techno I won't stream tonight but that's that's cool I appreciate it I mean to be fair he didn't specifically join the game because he discovered I was streaming half-breed joined so that's fine that's fine man if you're watching the stream and joined the game that's that's where it gets lame now we're gonna get rushed by this dude whoo oh my god why are you so lame [Music] some people man some people all right mm-hmm see he thinks he can Juke me that's just not gonna happen the problem is if he rushes us the entire game I can't leave my base now we do have a strong generator so this isn't as big of a problem as it could have been but it is still a pain wait wait a minute oh I have an idea I have a great idea check this out Oh check this out no no no place why would you okay I need a pickaxe Oh Oh TNT rush me now nerds ha ha techno blade going full-on trihard defense ladies and gentlemen they're not paying attention no they're still not paying attention that's odd I bet they're paying attention now oh what a scam and now they're rushing us and now he's here whoo yay I'm having a fun time and my bets been destroyed whoo yay stream snipers I love them fun huh well are you kidding me what well the supreme snipers got our bed but we're still alive anyhow we can actually go do things now we don't have a bed if we want to win we got to pull off the sick pvp clutch which i doubt is gonna happen considering how much look at these teams oh my god oh he's been camping me the entire time why do you hate me I told you I heard footsteps you all thought I was crazy like there weren't footsteps techno like you're seeing things now there were he was just camping the entire time what I clown the problem with yellow team is matching names so they're obviously not like complete clowns we have to go rush these dudes and spoiler alert I think they're gonna chiral someone because they want to kill techno blade oh oh my god wait you didn't Rick the bed okay he broke the bed but it didn't work because of a glitch or something I don't know bye that's not my teammates fault he broke the bed it was very clear they must have glitched on his screen so one of them managed to get away because of that like my teammates a god he killed them both well I mean well yeah he didn't technically kill em both it counts well here's uh is this team is he going for them no he's going for those guys why you're on my team okay here I heard that I heard that dropped I was like I don't want to die I want to kill this man he is valuables probably i can assume so pretty safely yep for emeralds we need to kill yellow team as well the problem is white team is still obviously gonna go for me it makes more sense for them to attack the other team about whatever they haven't been operated on what makes sense it would operate until it gets technically killed oh nice umm I don't know what to buy anymore I have all these all this stuff might as well buy everything alright let's buy it why not let's treat ourselves mm-hmm oh snap he's going in he's getting them kills well we're certainly stacked now we've been targeted this entire game by multiple teams but no one can say that we were starved for resources of course I had to you know intentionally allocate I okay my diamonds spend to get that but whatever get out of here no no jump up jump up okay I almost hit my head on something that would have been bad hmm I didn't work oh I didn't get the hill in time ah his teammates gonna respawn in a second he's gonna have I'm gonna have full health with a problem to see his spawn detection now he doesn't the gap will will revert it and thank you very much okay we vanquished our enemies the problem is there's still this dude out there who knows what he's playing in why something devious I don't know let's uh let's get the tracker considering how many times he's used in his pots this game I think that's a wise investment Oh what no no my dreams stop no no I'm alive don't panic all part of my master plan yep that was intentional you guys wouldn't understand it's a very it's a very advanced tactic that you guys just witnessed where it don't ask what the goal was cuz it's it's too complicated for you guys to understand trust me trust them you're gonna have to trust me I'm a pvp god I've never made a mistake in my life thank you very much oh my god my entire life oh you do deal with this Daniel I I need I need some I need some therapy okay I need therapy after that oh my god what is my life let's go help our teammate is he gonna fight or is that just from fall damage alright we are still alive he's got healing for days which is not ideal if I may say so myself oh he's drinking something all he's drinking a lot of things how many potions doesn't need to drink oh god he's got jump boost and none of it matters subscribe to techno blade by Ustream targeted the wrong man well uh uh good work teammate Daniel it was a better TV than most I don't know if we could have won that without a teammate like that they're just the amount the amount of people that wanted us to die that game it was ridiculous alright we have a nine win straight whatever stats are stats are pretty good sorry that's good how are you in the leaderboards we're probably spoken before place whatever man we're getting back up there well not really we're actually losing ground but whatever in seventh place in the wind leaderboards don't really play with a teammate ever so it's makes sense like I went one too much I'm in life sure here for now guys I'll probably stream later today do you guys want to see more garbage live stream subscribe possibly I don't know you do you want and always remember kids respect women and also subscribe
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 1,168,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, hypixel network,, minecraft, bedwars, hypixel bedwars, technoblade, technothepig, minecraft bedwars
Id: VL4eH7luqVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 35sec (3995 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2017
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