the bridge (new hypixel minigame)

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all right the stream is starting has everything everything going wrong my McAfee trial has expired so I guess I guess that's gone wrong but no one needed that program anyways we're playing the bridge welcome hero Kraft first person in the chair this is a brand new high pixel minigame I am a god at it as you can see by how I just whoa whoa all right we suck all right installing okay so the goal is the goal of this brand-new high pixel minigame no clickbait is to walk across this bridge and none of these guys notice me they don't even care is to walk across and then go in here and I scored goal whoo I'm doing a good job and you played the pit this you've only seen this new game for like 15 seconds Chad how are you already tired of it what is this anyhow we'll be playing this the cool thing about this game is that you can walk off the map you can't do that on any at now I'm kidding cool thing about this game is that you can like wall bridge checks out you can just sneak past everyone and someone else scored so all of that was pointless you can wall bridge though I've always wanted to Walbridge wall business when you're like bridging off of the side but you never get a chance to do it anywhere cuz it's such an irrelevant skill and like every game like Bed Wars skywars there's never walls to bridge off of but then you can just sneak past their entire team just like that it's incredible of course once you've built the bridge you can just use it again which feels a lot less fancy but you know whatever whatever wins the game whatever wins the game also we have hashed go on our team oh well we have hashed go on our team I've told them to defend mostly unless like the other teams any good this is because whatever you score a teleport he's playing defensively the team's any goodwill will tell them to go all out and I felt as you can see on the greatest player of all time literally never make mistakes what is what is their cool doing they're just there to stop they just let them walk by what are you what and that's how you win the game we're playing for view for because I mean we're a party of two playing four before because I figure we're just we're just gonna be going up again it's like Errol ran random dudes you only know need to go all out you know you don't have to set a win streak or anything but you know if like for like organized people fight us we'll probably get curb-stomped let's just hope that doesn't happen you know let's just hope that doesn't happen we gotta get that I get the full the bridge experience you know your mic is muted all right guys that mic is actually muted everybody say silence in the chat the word silence thank you donation my name's Jeff subscribe to techno blade he's good at PvP in bed wars I agree he's a god he's already okay he hasn't mastered it yet but to be fair to who does who does that mm-hmm I haven't mastered it either my entire chat is silenced Wow almost if they heard me almost of thinking here to the words coming all right we have a long way to go you know we haven't mastered the skill immediately leave me alone all right we had progress that time progress okay we're learning we're getting better and that's wait wait wait he's using my own bridge against me no no no no no oh planned calculated don't worry about it oh hello and go thank you very much thank you lacing Shep what is this trash it's a brand-new hypixel minigame give me the loos give me the clicks out of here what are you you know what you know what out of here are you gonna do about that now you better fall any other all they're all just standing on the edge what is this angle I think their team's given up on women man they just want to survive as long as possible and how we've always been going off of the side off of the left side let's go off well it's already a bridge here so it's unnecessary but you know ah yeah way lived the best nope I place that block alright they score the goal I think it reckon Liam plays do not die challenge please I don't know this game it's all about like just throwing yourself at their goal and just hoping for the best in my opinion I place blocks again this game is a scam anyhow we got a goal good work ask oh [Music] you do know I was open to just run by and knock three of them off but the first guy just denied me where did he where did he go how'd we get a techno Pepe oh it's cuz okay thank you for a Shin Yool Yool e no no no no escape and another goal and one of them left the game to a blazing redstone eight five one the elation chef it's probably bad cuz I'm not they're out of here chef Adi they're just trying to walk through it ain't gonna happen yep nope okay well as you can see I have complete awareness of my surroundings I never make mistakes that's that's the one consistent thing about technical aid I never make mistakes always upload every day three our streams I'm just incredible like that just the consistency amazing oh hey check no can you friend me and maybe party I'm not a big no to both of those things not doing a party today and I never do friendship I am allergic how long is this has this been going forward that the streams been going for five minutes it's not it's not it's not been a very long time at all we played like one game oh wait is this an actual team hurry up against an actual team uh alright we might we might get rekt this is an actual party of four and I you know I have hastily passed over the PvP legend do not smack talk ask oh but he is not he doesn't even care he doesn't even care he just won he beat them all I haskó is better than a team of four just I don't even need to be here I can just spectate we'll just live commentate haskó winning the game look at him he's going back cuz he's holding back he's like oh I see techno blade you need to get footage too don't you know got him hey I mean I fell off but I got him that's the important thing uh-huh no yeah I'm pretty sure he's already but just just in case just in case she's holding back so the terrible PvP or techno blade can get some good footage I'm so bad I only exchange with like one player nope nope no no no mmm denied oh my god this is the power of a party for things Asian coax Remy as a clown and hi agreed my very merry life get gud leave me alone stop cyberbullying me up I'm so bad alright you know what you know what you can cyber bullying me all you want I deserve all of it where do you go what is this what there's just too many people man no there's actually a 2v2 mode which would make sense to play as a party of two but you know you want yeah I have the challenge man alright I say I want to challenge as I walk off by myself it's okay hash goes actually good at this game you can you can get although you can get all the points yep they're down oh why am I so bad it's oh they're all defending I was gonna say it's kind of weird there's not that many of them rushing but half of them are defendant that makes sense alright you know a smart person would be eating these Kapil's okay they're all they're all going like that I'm gonna try to rush before they can okay did not get there before they did it's that kind of missing all these donations because I'm actually I'm actually trying to win this game leave me alone yoo-hoo hi I love you you are my favorite youtuber okay you obviously have not seen many other youtubers channels my channel's trash learning I think the nation hi I try to pronounce my name sure thing now young Jang nailed it hey now you better stay away no intentional that was that was a strategy that was that was skill don't make fun of me you wouldn't understand it's just it's just too advanced of a technique for your mind to comprehend trust me on this one I I've been playing the bridge for like ten minutes okay I am a veteran like how I opened the chat there instead of hot key into five a veteran I say [Music] alright I didn't work at all all right we're getting rekt we might not actually win this emulation poem Ellen Games Nicolas vouilloz I'm doing science homework and died in but spelled I in is in like when you put color into like a fragment wait no we walked past me while I was reading donations no all right I think they're so proud of themselves techno ones await my even my teammate smack-talking me what is this what is this okay is this another party of four no please I just no not again I have a party of two I mean we get to you know random teammates but it's not the same thing if the nation cat bred you should play the pit I've already already played that game electronic wizard I was the one I already had already done I know what chronic wizard I know all right where are we going no they're walking past they're actually good they're actually good they know how to play this game all is lost alright maybe we should push maybe we should play to be to mode wait the battle ax 42 I know that name I don't know where I know it from but I know it don't interfere and go hey listen ship inflation my very merry life again asking me how are you so bad it's the talent okay I'm good at being bad up okay he fell he fell we're just just charging in the Blitzkrieg strat the homework involves colored eyes how that makes sense I give the nation Nikolas denied waited okay that's haskó going the other way and i got rekt all right thank you vision zigs thank you for being a youtuber no problem don't do it no all right the score is tied two to two who will win this game if I oh wait I did score I'm not useless yay ah all right did not work they fell through let's try the blitzkrieg strat they keep getting distracted because I don't want anyone to slip through the cracks but maybe we should just try blitzkrieg and forward before they can even react at all because even if they get past us if we can score first it'll just reset the round mmm I need to get better at clutching man I keep missing I'm bad wait like I just walked okay well he walked past us we can't no need to chase him you can rush up that way you can go behind I did not know that that is new information for me learning experience all around ok let's go let's do this real life we caught three kills we're doing it the dream some guy got past us hopefully someone can stop him please yeah why does he know okay I did not work as intended that guy's getting through but if we can get someone past looks like my teammate okay my teammate got past thank you donation my very merry life you're fired out of here little Asian cat bread acknowledged me okay sir I've been missing any donations the scores it's match point man this guy got past us out of here he's alive why is it going for me there's so many people I think we lose now we're done alright regulation we tennis pro the craft never stops I don't I don't know what that means but thank you for the donation man hmm her entire team knows I'm techno blade no okay we're gonna be playing to be to my hood okay my plant the reason I brought only a party of two and two four before cuz I didn't think there'd be so many parties of four but if there's just gonna get parties of four man we're not well haskó is that good I don't know about me you know maybe a party of three would be better okay okay okay no more losing hat agree now this is 2 V 2 so these guys are actually like a party probably I'm assuming but one of them is just sitting there with a bow instead of actually playing the game so you know ah welcome new sponsors shining Pig a English in my very merry life play bud words you're less bad at that true but now please don't clutch no wait I can still save this I believe in America eh that's not good that's not good at all this isn't good okay it actually worked hey fell off by himself up mmm did not work mm-hmm to actually win video games yeah so got a goal mmm to be two is much more relaxing you don't feel like well I mean you know where the targets are wait did he live how well does America's Haskell just walked past them so just slowing him down was enough to get us the point but still how did he live what is this nope okay well Haskell got past them so now never mind we used to walk through here hmm we hit the block clutch we just missed it I know it sounds weird but you know I place the block the placement was made mm-hmm pleased I know okay okay we got this I'm just gonna walk through man mm-hmm Asko is gonna be scoring right now hey this is Rick now there's great things I should megalodon this is my first donation please accept your money I will I'm just a kind person like that I accept everyone's money it's great it's great why isn't uh I cannot aim what is this some bad no denied and victory with your boys I just joined what's the bridge it's this game mm-hmm five-0 terrific ensnare up against grosso family and Wix Nikolas if you read this you have to jump off the edge and tell the chat to subscribe to tech now blade okay I'm just gonna I'm just gonna pretend that I'm fulfilling your request the UH the next time I fall off the map coincidentally please get there first hmm all right what are we doing oh they're smart they know how to they know how to wall bridge man they want to show off the fancy strats well guess what I'm gonna do it first mm-hmm no I was so close I thought okay he fell into the void but he managed to hit me a last time when it's all right we lured them away man and haskó is a pvp legend wait really not a party like I just left the game it's a 2v1 the most exciting kind of battle okay I guess we'll just walk in please don't respond welcoming sponsor Emmett elation Nicholas do you like my money I love your money he's alone alright well I guess we just you know score five goals and let the cyberbullying end we know No you even hit me twice wait he he's just sitting there he's s Co cyberbullying a man hello I'm sorry man your teammate left we just might as well head in the game as quickly as possible man you can get abandoned I'm just gonna abandon your teammate look at him you lost the spirit to fight which I mean make sense cuz it's a video game who cares so let's just end it let's go I have stream content to make guys let's go thank you for the nomination Desiree all levels except physical I am a pig oink okay thank you the nation Moo's semilla yo G night 1100 oh four sub detect I'm late I agree regulation Nicolas should I donate more money in my unbiased opinion you should that's what I think are these guys good I can't tell a it's a bit difficult as they respawn really quickly so even if you can it might not be worth doing the thing I do in bed works really like you know you place two blocks then you knock them off the map because it takes time to do so and oh that was for the that was through the guy earlier that told me to jump off the map and say subscribe attack normal I definitely didn't just fall off by myself as a PvP go how did he not get knocked off okay he got killed by someone anyways well now it's time for us to show off eh he waited for us I think this works actually it might not work better than for record but in two V two there's uh there's only two people on each team so you can't really use wait before me isn't he ah why he just teleported back you know what you know what no I got killed right then are you kidding me who are you in teleport back I'll work English in Harley Darby hmm pretty is he dead what happened only gonna get about this game so why do they give you two slots of clay it'd be a lot easier for me to hockey if like the AH I got knocked so far back if you a lot easier for me to hotkey if like the apples were in the fifth law there's only one thing in clay but I can't like to reset my hotbar every time I respawn that's just gonna take you know 12 years mm-hmm another goal Haitian be the name for the nation demon I have an idea sub detect no blade think about it it's great now I've made Saiyan subscribe attack Doble to meanwhile my channel is just you know free advertisement all day every day please don't respond time to stop me hey I like this game it's nice it's a nice casual arcade game you know and this guy's just waiting for me there nope a goal it's I also can like see there being like really cool montages where you like bridge off to the side like this kind of I mean usually there's not like supposed to be things in your way that make it slower but you know what I mean you know what you mean like you could like bridge along the side the entire way it'll be amazing it'll be amazing things they should hardly Darby your videos make me feel better I'm glad they make you feel that way I never make them so I don't think it's much help but you know I'm glad I'm glad the rare times I do make videos they help English and shrub tune your mic is muted no it's not wise what server is that it's high pixel it says it says on the right mmm I'm already played this person all those blocks in place anyhow anyhow I promised in 2v2 mode in for v4 mode if you want to be a hero and just go like this then you can do so like without worrying no I almost made it but in to be two mode since you're half the team if you do that and it's like well I mean if you fail it's gonna be pretty awkward cuz you know half of your team is gone only just killed both of them so you know goal vacation Adz do you like frogs frog frog it pretty okay man you know now I consider myself a bit of an expert on frog backs you know not really yeah I thought okay I'm just bad I think that's the I think it's the main takeaway from this hmm I knock both of them a weight I kill him with nah he just fell into the void hmm let's go for it NoHo I was playing to like sneak past them and I know they'd chase me but then both of them would chase me and haskó could run by but i failed completely and haskó succeeded anyways because that's just the kind of player haskó is pvp god alright thankfully should hardly Darby why did you join YouTube because I wanted to play video games thought it'd be fun we they just put something stealthy that's just not gonna work okay go hey noodles and cheese Kevin your bike is not me - thank you my dude for the what what he was floating for a second what is what is this he's just trying to bridge he's just trying to mine a tunnel all the way across but that's not gonna work cuz that takes 12 years oh you know what you know what I'm just gonna go over you guys what are you guys gonna do about it oh yeah it's just not gonna work so you think of this game is if you dedicate leave you try to go like throw along the side you have to do it quickly man cuz once you once you score one goal the game resets he's taking he's taking 12 years to build that tunnel Haskell can just score man you just have to run my victory Thank You nation I do not know how brats that name so sorry Chiara Chiara where did you go well you see the thing about me is that I had like a midlife crisis like every like six months at most and I'm just completely useless I've been reading recently I think read and I think reading is pretty good you should read more especially if you're like an English major like I can't just can't just show up to college and then like my English teacher is gonna be like okay so what have you read recently like reading I don't read it's like but but you're earning why are you bridging this isn't bed wars it doesn't work here fancy stuff I think you could definitely pull that off a lot more smoothly but whatever man I'm not I'm not a wall bridging expert let's try to continuously run okay that didn't work I'm sure if I was good at wood though just for the memes I'm just walking past some of these blocks man I'm hacking don't mind if I do go Hank validation little flair who is your favorite singer I don't I don't really have one man I think evasion Harley Darby I love you Technol I love me too we have so much in common oh I really did not mean to place the blocks that way norsask Oh is he scoring ask her where are you doing to score score score he was just I don't know if he was trolling them or if he was trolling me but everyone's been trolled regardless all right I was gonna go like this just upset them my techno blade what's your cps my cps it's like six I'm not a fast clicker at all man it's not something I've learned how to do it's like six to seven ish look I'm old man I'm 18 my hands aren't as fast as they used to be okay you know what you know what okay never mind that plans just not gonna work at all mmm oh I fell use a weapon to hit people mm-hmm wait did I plate I place four blocks okay those four blocks ended up getting our team scored on I would have been a sad boy no no no don't mind if I do he's gonna have to jump down to stop me or he's blind I'll just walk my and score anyways and we were a all right my sponsor Minnie Wagner's in the chat says he says I'm bad because you can get 12 clicks per second but you're still bad how to hear Minnie Wagner's out of here I can get 25 she PS okay so seriously legit every random person nowadays claims oh man I can get like 500 CPS man 440 CPS ASEC I don't believe any of you like if it's like under 20 it's believable if it's like above 20 I there has to be like some fancy fancy clicking technique involved because that's not that's not a thing you know what anyhow I should actually play the game house goes just 1v2 in them and win in like I just how high can I go no goal I can get to CPS it's okay Lucas I believe in you I can auto click 200 CPS all right let's believable Vic there's one of the reasons people claim how did like I get knocked off the map and then knocked back on to the map oh no you see what did anyone see that was he okay kind of looks like he was flying there I didn't see it very clearly so I don't want to like you know say anything that's just what it looked like to me ah I'm the best subscriber day mm-hmm oh my god there's drag clicking man hope I'm bad nutri do every once in a while people and that like some insane new method of clicking that isn't even clicking and then it gets like five thousand clicks per second and they make like youtube videos on and it's like you know you're gonna get like watchdog band if you're getting like five hundred clicks per second right like that's not a thing like if you're right no I let him walk by like when you write in your band appeal oh man I've perfected this new secret form of clicking that allows me to get 50 clicks per second they're not gonna accept that appeal man they're just gonna say yeah that's Auto click buy which is the same reason many servers banned butterfly clicking which is not even close to the most extreme form of clicking people have invented but whatever techno blade you should try establishing communism you mean to win this game I don't I don't see how that would help at all but you know what Who am I Who am I to not accept the advice of random people in the chat huh you didn't fall off but it doesn't matter take nation Harley take my money sure thing man regulation Hadrian no one expects the Spanish Inquisition they do not know God many ways we all fell off hmm well this guy is trying to be fancy not successfully trying what he's trying oh you could see him trying to stop me but it just wasn't fast enough man that's the best part about this game is when you do like the fancy the fancy wall bridge where are you trying to do you're trying to do no no no it doesn't matter it has to go out there first doop to do I'm gonna try for before again if there's not a party of four it was just for random players then you know it'll be good is this and I have no idea looks like random players mm-hmm hi man oh my god that's my thumbnail congratulations dude the greatest thumbnail ever made all right you should eat gabbles from the pregame cuz why not I mean you can free health I'm just bad so I never remembered mmm mmm bad someone score it anyways good work fatty that's his name I'm not I'm not insulting him man don't don't publish articles that I'm fat shaming what the heck what is he doing what were you place like is that is he Auto right clicking he place like 500 blocks per second man what was that what is that I don't believe that at all I'm gonna be level with you it's just not not on the list of things I believe in mmm no okay that's the thing blocked and over your head I go oh oh okay the problem is like they knocked me back and they're gonna respond by the time I can get back over there but as long as we're stalling more than one person we're helping our team because the rest of my team can score that's the important thing mmm Thank You agent heartily I suffer from depression and you make it better well I'm sorry sorry that's happening to you but you know glad I can help I'm not I'm not good at consoling I'm really not I'm really not I just play video games man glad it somehow helps I'm a terrible person man I can't I can't comfort people I can't it's not among my skills man I can I can sort of left-click see see tried it will attack them that's a right-click it's not in my area of expertise man okay not right clicking completely out of my domain now my team scored every single goal so far so I'm just bad and I did nothing whoo go me eh mm-hmm I carried man with my zero goals and six kills I am definitely the reason we won this game mm-hmm mm-hmm I agree is it party looks like the same people at last time so we should be fine all right that's just my teammates Oh one of my old teammates is on their team I'll just roll it didn't work all right mm-hmm okay that's just me being bad there's no excuse there hmm okay no I'm bad hmm what is this guy doing we and I'm still bad okay everything about this game is that you can fail all these time as I was saying the great thing about this game is that you can fail all those times and as long as someone doesn't walk into your base it's all good man it's all good what yadi blocked me and then rubber bands so he lived anyways that is a scam of the highest caliber Oh No Oh okay I tried to place a block to stop him from jumping over didn't okay that guys get him through I need to score a goal before he can no I hate my life okay the problem is they've uh what does this leave me alone life legend Adam the gamer and they scored okay promised that a little bridge they've made I'm trying to like jump through it but it's what okay you can't place blocks there they're just blitzkrieg in through an haskó scores a goal he's the best all right let's Creek man all-out blitzkrieg charge forward what are you doing why is half of our team just sit in there why did I get all the way over here anyways mmm Oh Haskell scored before I could well we got the goal that's what matters I guess half of our team is trying to defend which is not not help the blitzkrieg strat but whatever mmm if you're gonna defend man you gotta at least okay whatever I'm just gonna charge mmm no you guys are gonna defend you gotta at least not at least stop the guys slipping through otherwise you might as well just blitzkrieg forward like this what I'm so done no I was so close go go yes okay that's good we have a wrap you have a rout as long as their first line of players doesn't walk past us we should be good Go Go Go Go hey okay we're faster than them cuz they built though we're using their own bridge against them it's now we can uh sprint jump under it of course they're probably gonna catch on soon oh he's just waiting for me man and there's someone behind me didn't work on the bright side since they dedicated half of their team to defend and they shouldn't be able to score all right this is the final goal in Shermans a tall man and please tell me don't lose please please please all right mmm how did you not get knocked off please stop him and I felt I'm mad mmm this is the game point guys next goal decides the match whether we win or lose we got to go out there man they're looking out for me man they're not gonna let me slip through mm-hm unless no no they're waiting for me they're all oh my god are you okay we're going back to two of you too man we're going back to to be to do to do I think making hardly Darby I think at least in Popkin can friend me no I'm already to Friendship sorry the invitation Adam the gamer and also dr. Dan people should stop saying techno your mic is muted it's getting old I agree so much I don't know how this meme started no more all right no more all right to be to proper party versus proper party I believe in the dream actually I don't think that our party but you know they look like they're not terrible so same thing same thing you just let him walk by okay I should actually be playing because because of in stories and he doesn't even need me he's just so good inflation Alexander Schumann and our doin just sayin my mic is muted lies slander they just they don't even care or not they're just sitting there with the bow man this is really getting old see that's not that's not gonna work cuz I can just go like this oh not if you respond what house was about to score anyways so doesn't matter English and bow David NASA you're like a stop say I want to do the fancy bridge thing that slows me down so if they just walk in a straight line past us then it's no good but I could just go like this I would work mmm blitzkrieg strat and go it's so annoying when you're like you're gliding along the wall everything's working perfectly and you just like knock into some random block someone placed a while ago you just fell off on your own what are these random blocks goal victory hmm do you know what a blitzkrieg even is yeah it's uh it's the German World War 2 strat where you just charge in and just overwhelm them cuz you know trench warfare generally made it really stale matey but then if you just like just tanks then you know doesn't really matter that much and then just plow through them see asko knows I wasn't yelling - you haskó I was just talking about the chat man they're making fun of me for my lack of historical knowledge man I mean how are you how are you even supposed to win minecraft if you don't know who Franz Ferdinand was and he contributed to the start of World War one you just can't win if you don't know that man you can can't be done Thank You Latian adversity people should stop saying can i friend I agree it's in the description it's been in the description for years out of here Oh mmm how did hear again out of here times three goal [Music] admission Mr pork your mic is not muted I agree it really isn't like it they shouldn't Adam the gamer technically Never Dies I agree literally never die Punk that guy's taking his sweet time I'm just gonna walk by don't mind if I do go he just leaves okay a 1v2 in this game just wouldn't you would not wish that on anyone especially in a game like this where momentum is key mm-hmm placed exactly the wrong block just don't don't mind me oh so there's nothing we can do man just end the game as quickly as possible and go on thank you for the nation dr. dan win to get more to get five more dollars oh man we got a win man we got a win we got a cyberbully Ostrander victory they listen Harley I have to go buy my Harley hope you enjoyed the stream blitzkrieg means lightning war in German oh right it does cuz like blitz survival games and like lightning I knew that I'm smart well let's that's what blitz I don't know what Krieg is and then there's the crits Krieg in tf2 which probably isn't what people are talking about what I believe in the dream yeah you know German I do not nope I speak English and French very poorly it doesn't even count as French I'm pretty sure [Music] they were both just sitting there on the edge just and denying me oh wow it's just completely unnecessary it felt fancy though there we go haskó can provide the German translation through this stream the elation cosmic brine I check no blade can I join you no no these people are trying something fancy but it's good oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait and close out of here hmm no I'm going pretty well asko is about to score a goal no okay I wonder how they look fancy but I feel like we've already messed up the bridges too much oh where did you even hit me what happened err shot nice mm-hmm why are we talking about German were strats and we should be talking about minecraft strats oh come on man you gotta you gotta learn real life warfare if you want to win in Minecraft man I mean any good PB Peters read the art of war that's why we won this game okay that's how we want equation dr. dan has promised ah yes my victory money agree I was in party chat with her watching the stream so you know I'll see it two counts yeah one of the same enemies from last time but now we have a different guy and he has a queue in his name which means he's a pvp god that's what queues mean trust me I played Minecraft for a long time I think I know a PvP God when I see one so we're gonna have to go all out man is he is he bridging did he fail the bridge that wasn't okay nevermind I completely revoke my previous assessment and now they can't even jump down to stop me because they okay this is gonna be a real game guys I'm the best what are you doing and goal see I want to do the fancy thing where you just run along and just build the entire bridge by yourself the problem is I'm bad and goal there we go there we go check home late I was wondering what does sponsor and tail well you get it like a well I don't know you mean well you get a green nametag in the chat and access to the worst discord server of all time and it cost like five dollars a month or whatever depending on location very slightly it's like if you know what is it's basically twitch TV subscriptions but there's already a thing called YouTube subscriptions so obviously they had to make a new word for it and I died no no no fancy shenanigans here victory a blessing sludd can you friend me now no friendship no friendship ever I don't care about techno blade oh wow we may have won that game but my ego is taking a heavy blow let me tell you alright there's another person with a queue man they're all PvP gods but I means afk he's not afk mm-hmm no no okay we're just gonna walk off that's rubber band in there for every Ally scored all right skip read or names Chuck no blade can you friend me please if you're the real skeptic I've already friended you if you're not then now mm-hmm all right let's actually play the game what how do you live what is knock-back I don't mind me and go I can't tell if it's the real Skippy because super shots don't have the verification tag next to them but either way I appreciate that on engine let's just walk okay never mind we're just gonna kill him mm-hmm no I tried to I tried to do something fancier than I'm capable of I wanted to block him off from stopping me by placing off Oh see we're gonna place blocks like app and goal vision Andrew the perks of unlimited data watch and techno blade agreed can i it's a little bit too much stuff to do a fancy bridge all the way look at me don't look at haskó man he's a waste waste of time oh wait he fell oh no no oh he hit me anyways rest in peace Thank You agent Harley Darby I'm back you were not gone long but I'm glad you're back welcome to the stream again thank you dr. dan stop asking for friend requests I agree or is it it's the other guy just permanently defended because that is that is not a winning strategy I mean once you've consigned yourself to permanent defense you're just delaying the inevitable man you know you know what I'm saying I mean maybe in four before having one guy who does that would be fine but like you're dedicating half your team to it you're not gonna go far man you weren't even looking he killed me I'm done ASCO scored all right all right I thought okay usually if you're fallen you can't get combo'd and stay in the air but you still got me one of them I thought I thought one of them is doing something fancy but he's just he's just defending is the thing aah do you do think of agent Harley Darby what's the most you've got in a super chat like in one super chat I want to say 300 probably killed as you were falling into the goal I'll leave me alone alone Ronan leave me alone anyhow we won that's the important thing we was I click debated now this is a new game brand new mini game on a high pixel network straight in the prototype lobby man this is gonna be part of the bed worse update that this isn't this isn't bed worse it's not it's not related at all man oh no right over my head I got Rex alright things I shouldn't Adam the gamer warning if you try to add techno he will deny I'm going long and goal they would donation noscope Noah I love you techno and you give a shout out I mean I can it's not gonna do anything but you know here you go shout out to noscope Noah man nope just walk fast oh I'm a god did eat all right we're getting rekt man it's one to two we got to pull a sick comeback man we gotta go all out yep we goal the scores been tight ladies and gentlemen is the comeback possible why is my chat not scrolling automatically laptop what are you doing what are you doing alright let's go denied and haskó scores a goal you got the lead guys we're doing this they waited in Harley Darby can you type my name in today MC chat okay Harley Darby it'll it'll confuse haskó but you know whatever you're not task is just just gonna score a goal what are you doing man you can't take your sweet time in this game why me now I'm taking my sweet time but my teammates haskó okay it's it's a different gameplay experience entirely I just walked past them and that won the game alright see I told you very shucks no blade will never see this ugh that's where you're wrong straight PvP that's where you're wrong out of here alright guild and light well you're a sponsor so actually wait now guilds full well it's not full but we're not accepted invitations currently because I have more than 125 sponsors and you're only supposed to be able to have 125 people and your guild and well my guild technically has 2,000 slots I don't want to I don't want to actually use that because I'm pretty sure that's an accident and then like people will yell at me for abuse and admin and it's like you feel me you feel me anyhow yep we don't mind me don't mind me aggravation ELISA play bed Wars out of here this is a brand new game I've been playing it for less than an hour and people are already like red wash man you gotta play more bed Wars where's the other one really what are they doing he's doing you doing something fancy no he's just sitting there defend and wait where is he hmm I didn't even know oh he was defending he was just hiding around the corner I couldn't see his nametag the inflation no scope no what can you fret no thank you phone I even though I appreciate I think making Zulu he just just gonna let you're just gonna let us go she knocked him into the goal he wasn't even trying to score on you hello hello Zulu welcome to sponsor the 'man gaming or the e man gaming either way welcome what are they what is their plan what are you he responds right there what is what is this man doing honestly when they do something like that you might as well just walk past them like this ah I've messed up oh never mind this is fine if I maintain to my sprints I might have been able to get through but I hit a block and reset my sprint fancy stuff fancy stuff no I'm bad what are their Nick's don't don't tell them chat don't sell me out man we're gonna stream tonight man yeah he's got to put the effort in yourself can't just ask for handouts do they know you can just walk like through right here I it was a good game man your client just me oh did say my name on stream now out of here mm-hmm do we rip against now this is like a party all right here we go we got to go all out man thank you for the nation Jaguar it's nice I assume he pronounced it there's no I guess it's not it's J shade I don't know pronounce that man they like Harley Darby appreciate the compliment and go I think I was completely unnecessary but you know it felt good so that's what's important nah that does not feel as good not get the same level of satisfaction our channel show is I did not place that in time ah now we don't have the health to trade hits there looks like ASCO is already like all the way at that race though so whatever oh no and all part of playing thank you very much hey listen little monster 22 if I sponsor how do we end this where there is a guide in the descriptions or if you need any help just consult the guide let me just walk past these guys we English and swag money respect woman please I'm on it man it's the power of feminism it's the only reason I'm even able to win this game that and you know world war two tactics those are the two important parts of being able to left-click on people I'm Nick for one game no not doing that things the knife in the lad I'm Adam the gamer it's just it's just one dude I don't know you might might as well just score ah I'm the best thing welcome to sponsor lethal monster 22 [Music] wait did he see me he saw us I can't place blocks in here I don't he's going for it though I don't I'm just gonna add in the game here man wants half of their team leaves you might as well just end it and then start a new game it's not Hurley I think fun it's gonna happen once that happens I think if the sponsor waffle is best cat bridge is better than pit because it took the high road that's a I guess that's the sentence thank the nation I'll give you a slow clap that one quality content man inflation tumbling down nailed it agreed these guys good I mean it took them that long to jump down I mean did same but you know whatever and go alright we're gonna do something fancy it's not gonna work because they're gonna see it coming from a mile away but still how did that work [Laughter] alright beat and uh should be an actual golden apples what are you doing this isn't bed worse you're not just gonna bridge all the way to the race there's already a bridge that's the name of the game we know all part of that No Oh guessing how it work [Music] don't mind me no that was so close why did he try and go off of that bridge it's just not gonna happen yeah I didn't work we got both of them Oh English and tumbling down and swagman and lethal monster 22 respect to them and say subscribe to me for more money subscribe to me I don't know if you want me to say your channel but you know whatever oh no no I'm so sad no it's okay Haskell about them is this hypixel yes this is high pixel Z low cuz ization out on pronounce your name I'm sorry hey save myself oh oh master plan thank you very much mmm check rom blade you shine like a liberal I don't sir is there a distinctive sound for that why the wall that I wasn't aware mmm just walking through go you pronounced my name Z low location okay see low location hope you're enjoying the stream oh hey we won I think that what I'm paying attention zero ADHD here man none at all I took the LW and Q in that game rest in peace I taking the W was good did they score it maybe he wasn't in that game in particular I don't know man please friend please friend no I'm not not doing friendship I'm sorry I'm very clear about this policy no friendship ever under any circumstances I'm allergic I will die go techno snick latest sell me out I'm gonna do something fancy it's gonna mean that either one of it all right Haskell you just have to win the game for me because I'm bad mm-hmm ah I'm bad at least I thought he was doing something fancy but then he just walked off they just keep walking off and hastens towards goal still know how to join the discord please explain I give the guys the guide in the description is the best I can do man you're a brand new sponsor though so it might not have it sometimes takes up to an hour to sink discord might not know you're a sponsor yet so it'll be in your connections tab I'm not I'm not an expert man me me explaining it for memory isn't gonna be as helpful as the the full guide in the description well if it's not in the connections tab it should be there within an hour and above that dressing beasts nope and go where you got this man one more goal we got to do something fancy man fancy or we could just walk through that's a fun way to end it hey Duke do my snipers on I don't know what that means anyhow I'm gonna end the stream here guys I was just that was a brand new high pixel minigame the bridge hope you guys enjoyed the stream if you want if you're new to the challenge totally subscribe if you're not well then I guess respect woman then bye
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 1,727,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, hypixel network,, minecraft, technoblade, technothepig, livestream, hypixel new minigame, new minigame, the bridge
Id: RNi0gLnfUC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 27sec (4047 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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