Grow 1,000 Active & Engaged Followers on Instagram | Instagram Algorithm 101

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yeah the first 1,000 Instagram followers are the hardest once but here's the thing there are also the most important ones so in this video we'll deconstruct your first 1000 followers I'll give you a road map that you can follow along with some other tips so you don't get lost and here's the thing it's gonna cost you something it's gonna cost you a like it maybe even a comment down below so let's go [Applause] other people if you're not new here you kind of know what this means we're gonna go to the drawing board of hell but before I've kind of have to preface this you know a lot of people say you know Dominic isn't it too late to start to Instagram you know the algorithm hates me it's so hard to grow but here's the thing that's actually what it's about that is kind of hard to grow harder than before because all the other people that were in this whole pot they were just there just to make it crowded and you know it's all easy you know a lot of people they're all gone now because this is a little bit harder so you being there actually sets you apart from 99% of the other people s interesting a lot of the times people come over to me and they're like you know I just want to choose Instagram because it's easy because it's the effort it's kind of low I can just throw up my pictures in my posts and that's about it you know anything you really think that if you want to build something sustainable something that's thick something that maybe eventually will pay your bills you think that you can just build that based on some low efforts probably not my friends but your smart kids and you know that so let's get into that let's fire up my drawing port and let me just tell you that the main three points at every Instagram profile especially if you're starting out right now has to have so in order to get the foot off the ground you're gonna have to have number one this is say egg number one which is the optimization you know we're gonna talk about exactly what that is the second thing that you have to have are these precious algorithm points which are super important especially from the beginning and the third point is engaging content you know every profile that you see you know just go ahead take a look at every successful Instagram profile out there has that has these three points naturally there's some sub points which we're gonna get into right now so what is this egg what what means optimization and this is you know basically something that not a lot of people talked about something a lot of people just don't wanna do you don't want except that they can't want to neglect that there's some groundwork before you have to get into that you know there's some things I have to do for example competitor research you know competitor research you know you're gonna have to know what's up what's out there are there some competitors of you know my potential niche out there already what's going on you know chances are if somebody's out there already doing exactly the same kind of thing or something similar to to what you want to do chances are that you know it's gonna work out and plus you can actually kind of take a look now what are they doing you may be it works for me as well exactly or almost the same thing so you know take some inspiration they kind of do a lot of testing for you your competitors and if you're like yeah what I want to do exactly this nobody's done that before it's my thing I'm a unique snowflake probably not you know just just take it as this you're probably not a unique snowflake if you are you know I say congratulations and you'll call me I want to talk to you but still most of the times you're probably not gonna be one so start off with something that you know people already kinda or doing right now coming from that actually is figuring out a niche and there's a saying called the niches are in the richest you hear it all the time probably and basically it means you really have to go deep into that and you have to take a look at if you do your competitor research you know are they brought or are they not brought but always kind of even go deeper into that because here's the thing and this is just a short discourse into the Instagram algorithm and scrum algorithm and this is how it works basically a there's this audience out there now let's just put it that way there's your potential audience out there this is one niche but you say ok I kind of want to do this a little bit of this in a little bit of this which a lot of people want to do now here's the thing the Instagram algorithm tries to find your audience for you ok it's not against you I'm I'm pretty positive about that so but here's the thing if you have three or four or ten or two different niches out there it's gonna take a look what's going on and it's gonna find some overlapping audiences and then it's gonna be like okay this and this is the data that people want to see here this is what they have in common but there's also something like that they have in common it was kind of gonna be hard for the algorithm to figure out actually what your audience is because the algorithm wants to serve your audience so I actually just just stay there and all of a sudden the algorithm knows a whole bunch of more people that it could show your client until now if you've got that nailed down the next step that you want to take is the profile optimization face and you know we're gonna talk about it really in-depth in my upcoming program Instagram black file if you don't know what that is basically I can't wait to show it to you guys you know it's gonna be something you've never seen before something that maybe even it's going to be taught in universities I tell you how it is we're gonna talk about growing a sustainable Instagram account Plus monetization the way nobody has ever talked about before is it gonna it's gonna blow your minds anyway if you wanna you know know what's happening if you want to see some behind the scenes some other stuff that I wouldn't dare to share here link down below get on the wait list yeah I'm gonna sent you some things that I like I said I would never talk here I can't talk here plus you know I just tell you how it is it's you once it drops it's just gonna be here for a short term and it's gonna be really limited so you want to be on this list the link is down below anyway so what do you want to do on your Instagram profile optimization and you know there's a lot of things that we could go a lot more in-depth but for your first 1000 followers especially is you know brand yourself and talking about that okay just think about what is your brand and why and this is actually the only thing at this stage that you should ask yourself why should people follow you I'm pretty sure nobody or not a lot of people actually really taking taking their time and just sit down and think okay why exactly why should people follow me you know think about that write that down and then what just put it in your bio people come here you know the algorithms gonna serve your people to your profile people come here and they're gonna know okay why should I follow them that's what everybody asks themselves subconsciously and they're gonna be like okay this is exactly why this is exact yeah I want to hit that follow button another thing especially if you know here and if you knew here I strongly advise you to watch my Instagram algorithm video we talked about it a lot more in depth but especially in the beginning you don't want to put in a link in your bio you just don't want to do that basically it has to do with Instagram assessing if you are a spammer if you really mean it what you what your intentions are so if you're at least for your first 1,000 followers don't put a link in there if you want to know more I go to my video watch the video but for now just believe me it's gonna make a huge difference which brings me to the next face here which is the other thing you have to have is you have to dial in those algorithm points what does that mean you know we kind of tackle upon it first algorithm point is okay it has to know what's up it has to know all right this potential some audience will be you know will will be fitting to your profile if you like okay I'm starting right now how can I get algorithm points if I start right now don't have followers nothing nothing's gonna happen and here's the thing you know it's called social media you have to be social this is the first steps it's becoming social and it's becoming friends with the algorithm be social build a community actually even before that you know just participate in the community are you kidding me you'll be part of the community do your research you know interview and the optimization face and everything you should do some competitive research this your competitor mm-hmm some ears you know this your competitor you shouldn't like we said you should do some research interact with those people and here's the thing I'm not saying you should do some following follow things especially not with a bot okay this is another thing in terms of you know growing really sustainably your first 1,000 you don't want to use any bot or any automation you know cuz Instagram knows but basically BOTS you know they're not here for no reason basically people were like ok I want to know engage in the community because how and this is really interesting it's kind of getting a little bit off-track here but if you watch my my podcast I recently did with my dear friend Florian we talked about the beginnings of this whole online community building things becoming an influencer 10-15 years ago and we actually figured out that the beginnings of this whole things that happened in forums and the only way to grow some audience to grow some respect on forums obviously was just to engage in the community so you want to do that and that for example the community your competitors already have built you want to engage with them you know whatever that is like follow all these things engage with them and go from there the way when you do that you're gonna feed again the algorithm and the precious first data points and the algorithms gonna start serving your content all of a sudden you're gonna see wow I can rank again in the hash tags and here's the other thing about all these algorithm points you know you're gonna hear a lot if you watch the other Instagram videos and blog posts there's one thing that everybody says but nobody really knows why it's about consistency consistency and here's something that I figured out only recently when you know when we were doing research for our for my upcoming software called kid Flint's if you wanna you know if you want to get more brand deals and stuff like that you know we're launching pretty soon but anyway doing some research for that I tracked my profile for awhile I tracked the reach I got and kind of how the algorithm performs with my profile so I saw one one week I didn't post anything no story nothing you know and I saw this happen him you know if you don't post you're not gonna reach a lot of people and you're not gonna get the algorithm points from those people because you reach people these people interact with you you interact with them the algorithm gets some points and knows what to do if you don't post a lot if you're not consistent with your content you know the algorithm doesn't have some data points they're having you believe it or not I have on my private perfect my personal profile I have I don't know 30,000 followers or something and there was one day where I reached 75 people I mean just think you mother every 75 people because I didn't post nothing you know so if you don't post if you're really slacking off you know nothing's gonna happen the next day I post it again you know guess what 13k reach worth more probably even and this is you know just see the difference between these and just those data points so if you if you post consistently and more than once a week for example you know the more the better obviously especially in the beginning phases of this whole thing basically this is what you do you put your content out you kind of try to see what are what do my stats say is there maybe something that performs better than other things you know for example you can use my Instagram tracking growth growth tracking sheet somewhere a link down below for free obviously but for example you know you check out and you see this type of content always does 20% better or something like that if you see something like that double down on that and go all-in on this content in this niche you're gonna see the algorithm even is going to show you more of that algorithm points engaging content you know we talked about it right now obviously it's about participating in the community and also creating content that people actively want to engage in you know people that people want to share that people want to have some community thing going on that people wanna you know talk to you and relate with you and you know communicate with you how are you gonna do that and that's another thing I see a lot of profiles do kind of wrong especially the beginning that you're kinda they are on some different level you always have to be at least on the same level as your audience is you know they always kind of have to feel like they're talking to a friend they're talking to somebody approachable and this is the thing have some approachable content approachable content and relatable content relatable content you know and you know if you have that you know along with these thinks you're gonna get those social signals those algorithm points and you're gonna see you're gonna start growing organically and here's another bonus step for you to make that work and it's not a bonus tip it's actually a huge main tip and main point of growing initially if you're not shadow band if you've not done angrier tactics if you've been a good kid done all of the things I have told you right now optimized you're gonna want to use hashtags to your advantage you know a lot of people are like yeah things don't work anymore Dominic it just doesn't work anymore I don't know I don't have a hashtag reach anymore I got 20 of those daily in my team's but here's the thing they actually do work you know believe it or not um you know you could be you could be a shadow band but you know if you stop doing all the crazy tactics you're slowly gonna get into normal stuff you really focus on a hashtag strategy I did a video about hashtags if you want to dive a little bit more deeper into hashtags it's linked somewhere down but basically you don't want to have a set of hashtags you know I have this one set of hash tags or I have two sets of five six that I always kind of use don't do that that's gonna hurt you a lot you know you're not gonna believe this but no don't do this have each post should have a unique set of hashtags let's say 70 put 5% of the hashtag city you need use are unique and the other one searches some some ones that you always use but dude that please believe me it's gonna help so much if you really want to you know be professional about this use the tool use a hash stick tool you know for example I use hash tastic which is you know I could just say it's an amazing tool I really use it all the time it's given me great results I get students and everybody else tells me they've been getting great results with hash tastic and yeah actually a lot of the times this thing right here the hash tags are really only a really starting to work if those things are nailed down you know you might not want to believe me but this is actually true so you know it was kind of a lot to go through this whole thing one more time if you want to kind of have a jump start by the way I have an Instagram starter course you know start telling you everything that we talked about right now with just a lot more in-depth it's linked down in the description and if you really want to dig deep if you really want to have the definite Instagram experience and if you want to know everything that I know basically and you don't wait for the Instagram black file it's gonna be huge I can't wait to show that with you like I said down below in the description the waiting list there's some exclusive things that I'm just gonna share with you if you're on this list and yeah I'm just gonna we're just gonna talk again in a couple of days I guess if you have some more questions about today's content if you want to dig a little bit deeper into something you know comment down below I'd like to know your thoughts about that but you're good kids you know what to do
Channel: heyDominik
Views: 118,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow on instagram, heydominik, heydominik instagram, how to gain instagram followers, how to gain instagram followers organically, instagram algorithm, how to grow on instagram to 1000 followers, grow 1000 followers, how to grow instagram to 1000 followers fast, 10k real instagram followers in 15 days, how to get real instagram followers, how to get real instagram followers 2020, get real instagram followers, instagram growth, how to increase instagram followers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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