Organic Instagram Growth Secrets Exposed (My Secret Strategy)

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but instagram is dead it's not possible to grow anymore come on i just just go into a corner and cry this is what i hear from so many people out there and meanwhile there's a bunch of gurus and social media marketing people out there still teaching instagram marketing like it's 2020. yeah you heard that right i'm not even talking about 2019 because compared to what it is right now 2019 is like ancient times and here's the thing that i kind of slowly start to believe it feels like a lot of those instagram gurus or whatnot out there are actually not telling you the full scope of things it feels like they're missing some integral parts out of this whole equation just create some content ideally you don't even have to create your content just repost and add some growth hacks that's all that you need yeah because they wobble with their heads all the time but my friends if you take a little bit of a closer look at what they actually do versus what they tell you you're gonna see that most of these people themselves actually use different strategies seems like a lot of these people use the strategies that i'm about to teach you here in this video serious actually it just feels like they seem to always forget to tell you about it anyway my name is dominic and i'm one of those instagram marketers you know that try to tell you how to grow and monetize your brands on social media and i've actually helped thousands of people over the past few years grow especially on instagram build their brands online and yeah i actually do have a lot of insights from this whole instagram world because i own a marketing agency that specifically you know grows people's instagram accounts working with all different kinds of you know instagrammers or brands actually and i've seen some things and i've analyzed some things some interesting things that i'm about to show you here in this video anyway in this multi-part video series i'm going to show you what i found out from analyzing successful instagram profiles and what they actually do differently that makes them actually grow and flow and blossom we're not just talking about some blatant numbers because at the end of the day you know if you have a lot of followers that don't really engage with you probably for nothing so we're talking about something with real substance here here's the thing it feels like when people click on a video like this most of them actually expect one of those videos that teaches those outdated crappy glitchy growth hack strategies that actually are not going to take you far but that's just what the instagram marketing world has become and feels like and i want to change this you know i'm trying my best actually to change this whole thing see the problem with those sketchy outdated hacks is that actually instagram is one of the fastest probably the fastest evolving social media platform ever and another thing that a lot of people forget is that actually people themselves evolve with the platform and they're just sick of it sick of those old crappy 2018 style tactics to grow their instagram accounts they can they can smell this from a mile away if somebody comes with this follow and follow crap for example but still a lot of people call these outdated methods traditional instagram marketing but i just tell you how it is it flat out doesn't work anymore and don't get me wrong i was partly on that path myself especially with my agency you know when i started my agency those glitchy hacks and quick fixes actually were the only thing there to grow your instagram account or that's what we were allowed to believe and they actually did give me some results of my clients you know it's not like they don't work at all it's just that they cap you very low they cap you but they kind of make you believe that this is the right way to go but this is kind of like the cap that you can achieve it's like this and the other thing is like this you know you understand huh it's hard for me to show this but i hope you understand so let's talk about the two things that i think might be the missing link in order to make this whole thing work for you number one i'm gonna actually show you what differentiates the most successful brands instagram brands out there from the rest of the old the algorithm hates me crowd because one day about two years ago or something like this it hit me like an apple from a tree you know i was like how come there's some creators out there that seemingly get traction like there's no tomorrow that are crushing it like never before on instagram while there's others with seemingly better content maybe even that's don't seem to get traction at all what i did was i've actually studied these brands and i've actually you know because i have a marketing agency myself i took a look at the the accounts and uh brands that we worked with actually who were performing way better than some of the others and took a look actually what differentiates them and this whole thing actually let me to develop the influence accelerator system as i call it or framework or whatever you might want to call it basically this whole system is a machine that anybody can use to transform themselves into a brand people actually love and engage with and eventually also become super fans buying their stuff and things like that and number two i'm actually gonna break down this whole influence accelerator framework showing you how to implement these steps for your own brand to get results fast so let me just get my whiteboard of truth and justice and a lot of pain and it's actually not even wide thinking about it right now it's actually a darkish blue but let me get into the inner workings of this whole system okay so let's just say you know you're here you're at this point wherever this might be could be that you just started out or you already have some sort of audience or at a plateau or something like this right and everybody wants to go there you know first of all grow and build fans you know because without fans you know because there's a difference between followers and fans but you should know that by now already if you watch my videos right because fans will ultimately lead you or actual followers will actually lead you to also to money for example you know and this thing will then start to feed itself kind of if you know the funnels and if you know what to you know what measures to take but you're still here right so what are you gonna do there's obviously some sort of way to go there and a lot of people like i said said well just some growth facts and repost content that's it well obviously this is not how it's gonna work you know first of all you have to stand out because we figured out well it kind of if is a little uh saturated right now already so obviously the first important thing is you have to stand out from all the other people who are there who are in your niche who are you know just in general on instagram you know because the baseline is kind of always kind of getting higher you know in terms of content quality and stuff like this also you're going to have to because of that you're going to have to position yourself yourself yourself it's f all right with the f you're going to have to position yourself whatever that means because it depends uh what niche you uh you're in it depends what path you're at but ideally you want to position yourself as some sort of authority authority you know people say expert we talked about it in my last video actually this being the thing that a lot of people already don't know how to do because they think expert is just one thing but we're not going to talk about red right here all right then obviously these points actually being before you take your phone and sign up for instagram or before you actually start creating your content these are the things that you have to do before right now let's talk about content a bit because i see it a lot when i talk to people they're like well my content is great you know i don't know what else i should do i have great content something just don't work it out but uh do you actually know that you have good content or do you just feel that you know because this is actually the difference and this is kind of like a side note right here there's two kinds of marketings marketing marketing you know what i mean there's hope marketing and there's actual marketing hope marketing actually you just sitting there and saying well i think i do the right things you know my content is good without having any data to back it up right and this is being so important you need some data to to back everything up every decision in your process of you growing your instagram account you need something to back it up because yeah we're not in hope marketing territory we're actually doing some real stuff you know we're here to make a business probably out of this whole thing so be honest with me right now did you actually ever go into your analytics and honestly check out which kind of content works better or not or do you actually know whether you have different kinds of content or not if you don't exactly know backed by data you're just doing hope marketing you know and this is doomed to fail and this is why a lot of people actually do fail or not get you know off the ground right so coming from that we're approaching slowly approaching the content territory the content strategy territory you know what is that first of all you're gonna have to know who you're gonna serve meaning you really have to find your audience before i actually heard a very smart man say find your buyer first before you actually you know try to make your product or something like this same thing being with social media and instagram find your audience first before you start to dig into this whole thing and here's the thing it could be that you don't even know exactly what your audience is it could be that and this goes back right into the position in yourself well this is actually here to the positioning yourself it could be that just by you positioning yourself a little bit the wrong way your ideal target audience doesn't feel like they're being spoken to they they don't think you are actually creating content for them it's those tiny details that actually make a whole lot of different then you also have to know what you're gonna give your audience right meaning your content itself what types of content let's be honest with each other again do you actually know that there's different types of content did you ever analyze that for your profile for your brand that that there actually is different ways to approach your audience with different content and did you actually analyze that for yourself what might work better or not or do some tests you know just another thing then obviously you're gonna have to know how you're gonna do all of that together right and now you're gonna see we're approaching audience development that's what it means audience development right here and it's actually starting to get a little more complicated right and just right now you probably can see a lot of things that you can implement right now or at least figure out for yourself right now that you can change in your whole social media instagram strategy to you know make it for the better now talking about audience development and especially your content strategy right here you know how you're gonna find that obviously through running a lot of tests you know obviously you you can run tests obviously with ads but we're not gonna it's not a must but if you have if you have the budget test is obvious ads are is obviously a really good thing to you know perform these tests and see what kinds of different audiences actually perform better with types of content and types of niches and stuff like this but obviously just organic tests with your audience you know the thing that you should focus on basically just you doing your thing you going in there with full force and constantly analyzing and optimizing this whole thing these things all have to come before you actually even think about the algorithm or before you think about growth hacks right because what growth hacks actually are they essentially they just give you some traffic that's it basically they give you traffic from within you know with the help of the algorithm if done correctly if done not correctly they will eliminate the chance of you ranking in the algorithm organically or in the hashtags but basically uh it's just traffic right so by you using growthx and we're going to talk about a very a good great growth hacking strategy that you can use that's right for my black file in the next video actually of how you can get 1 000 followers really quickly with some updated and advanced strategies but you know if if you do all of these things basically people just come to your profile and then there's a million touching points and here's the thing you always kind of have to approach this whole thing from from this angle somebody approaches you your brand the first time the first time they're gonna have some negative feelings attached to it you know the first time they do not care they do not care at all right so you're gonna have to take everything in your possibility to turn this around and actually make them care and basically trying to make it natural so people are actually happy when they when they come to your profile and then actually hit the follow button so they follow you and if you have watched my videos before this is only 15 of this whole cake because once they follow you you're gonna have to make everything in your realm to actually make them stay because this is actually what the algorithm really focuses on in 2021 make him stay how you're gonna do that obviously your content needs to be of some sort of value to them obviously there's a very vague concept everybody talks about value how am i going to figure out what actually is value well research huge thing in the whole growth hacking world and the marketing work research and analytics right make this your friend yeah analytics analytics make make them your friend and you're gonna see this is actually where it's at you're gonna think about things like when for example is there a special time that people tend to like my posts more also track the velocity of your likes is there maybe you know some small things even you know let's just say you have some carousels and initially they get less likes talking about absolute numbers but when you actually compare these metrics to your reach and everything that you get you maybe you're going to figure out that percentage wise you're going to get higher likes higher engagement than usual it's just the algorithm only pushes you out to a subset of people because it only thinks well these are the people that are going to be interested in the algorithm but by you nurturing this whole thing and you showing well those people that the algorithm shows us to are a little bit higher than usual you're going to see this whole ring is going to grow because because the algorithm is always going to try to find more audiences for you right and this is how you're gonna grow and this is what this is what we talk about consistency finding some micro trends certain upswings in your content strategy in your analytics right this just being a small part of it obviously once you figure that out we call it the best performing post best performing post you're gonna have to go all in on that on the best performing post you can even try to boost some stuff to reach into newer territories to reach some newer audiences and in this case it actually makes a lot of sense to boost some stuff usually it makes no sense to boost some stuff because the algorithm usually is confused especially when you make it wrong but if you know a lot of these things if you've dialed down on a lot of these things and know your best performing posts plus you know your audience right plus the algorithm knows your audience then it's up this is where the magic happens then you can use boosted posts and just with a bunch of bucks 20 bucks or something like this you're gonna reach thousands of laser targeted people and then it will feed the algorithm more and then organic growth is gonna be more than before you understand what i mean this obviously just being a side note and for all the people who want to go all in and start taking their instagram actually seriously i'm very stoked to announce that my instagram black file version 2.0 is set to be released on february the 8th and i'll be taking a small set of students teaching you literally every step of the way to grow a highly engaged instagram account without any of those weird tactics of crap stuff you know i can promise you that anyway access to the black file 2.0 is actually very limited as i'm only going to take a small set of students mainly to ensure some quality you know that's just how it is so if you're ready to crush it in 21 down below there's the waiting list make sure you're on there and like i said it's actually a very rare opportunity to directly work with me together ask me questions and learn from updated strategies and uh yeah work pretty closely with me you know usually this doesn't happen right now just because of the nature of this thing my brand anyway so if you have questions obviously just drop them down below and i'll see you guys with part two of this whole video series in a few days so my name is dominic be good kids bye bye i'll see you later be rebels actually that's what i want to say bye
Channel: heyDominik
Views: 32,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow on instagram, heydominik, heydominik instagram
Id: E1307F1cBUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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