How To Grow 1,000+ Active & Engaged Followers FAST in 2021 | Instagram Algorithm 2021

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welcome back dominators uh welcome back to our special multi-part video series on how to basically blow up on instagram using new strategies in our last video we actually talked about some stuff that's especially important before you even start to grow your brand on instagram anyway just to recap our last video maybe even give you some pointers because there were some questions in the dms and in the comment sections there's more or less three building blocks of explosive instagram growth as i call it you know number one actually being the optimization phase which we talked about in our last video which is mainly audience development that's so important i can't stress this enough but also you know setting up for example a solid content strategy where you actually give value to people and now just as a side note right here because there were some questions about this giving value people were like well i'm an artist or something like this i don't want to make just how-to content you know on instagram or something like this giving value you know so how can i give value that's a book dominic i hate you so much i want to keep when you're family yeah that's what people actually write me about twice a week but basically when people talk about giving value on social media you have to be aware that it's not just this one-dimensional thing where like value equals how-to videos equals tutorials or something like this no no okay value is actually a multi-dimensional thing it could be whatever you have figured out when talking about audience research and audience development what we talked about in our last video whatever you figure out your audience actually needs from you or wants from you or expects from whatever content that it is that they follow for example it could be just you giving them some sort of inspiration or it could be them just you know painting a very beautiful smile upon their faces but whatever it is make sure your content has the potential to keep them coming back all the time because they want to get more of what it is that they get from you not only in terms of your audience obviously also in terms of the algorithm which should in at one point recommend your content to you know potential people who are similar to this but we're not going to talk about the algorithm specifically here in today's video we're going to talk about the algorithm in the next video that will be up in a few days because the smart kids among you you know the smart dominators here might know already that the instagram algorithm which is supposed to recommend your content to an awesome amount of people that are going to interact with you at one point engage with you this whole thing relies heavily on data right and you guys might know that because we've been talking about this for the better part of the last year or more meaning they categorize you they scan your content track what you say track what's inside your content and then they try to find matching audiences and recommend your content to other audiences and this is how you're supposed to grow you know because then you'll be able to rank in the hashtags and then explore pages and in the real section just stuff like this and if the algorithm knows exactly where to put your content to and then at the end of the day if wherever it puts your content to the audience exactly behaves like they should you know then it's a match and then great things are gonna happen and the important thing is if you understand how to make this thing happen actually you're gonna see yourself getting massive results you know for example one of you guys recently sent me this but here's the thing we got to get there right we have to get there somehow first because especially if you're starting from zero the algorithm knows pretty much nothing about you and you might be like well nice this whole influence accelerator system that you've talked about in the last video dominic but how do i actually get there because without the help of the algorithm you know it's basically for nothing so let me show you a framework actually directly taken from my upcoming instagram black file 2.0 where basically i will walk you through your first let's say a thousand followers directly feeding exactly the sort of data that the algorithm needs from you or wants from you setting you actually up for long-term massive growth later on so this 1000 followers could you know let's say in 30 days you get a thousand followers could be that in 60 days or 90 days you have 10 000 or more followers because you've trained the algorithm the right way so let me get going guess what this whole thing means yeah i'm not gonna say it this time let's go right so let's talk about getting your first 1000 followers you know we're talking about multiple combining multiple strategies to get your results fast and you know this being taken by the way this is being taken from my upcoming instagram black file 2.0 uh if you want to get into this whole black file once it drops next week be sure to get in the waiting list down below and basically there's multiple strategies and the more the faster that you might want to grow the more strategies and the more effort and work you're going to have to put in there and just coming into this whole thing you have to be aware that especially your first thousand followers is going to be one of the hardest you know it's gonna be draining it's gonna take a little bit of your effort right but nothing comes free right especially when you when you set yourself up for long-term growth basically the first thousand followers are so important because they're important for the algorithm as well you know if those first thousand followers are targeted for your um you know target audience basically um then the algorithm will see well all right i have a clear understanding of where i should put you where i should recommend you and if those target people love to come back and love to check out your content and stay on your profile longer stay on your profile longer and you're getting your content viewed time up which is the new thing and the algorithm apparently um you're going to see that your engagement goes up as well you know and obviously but basically what kinds of methods could you take for this whole thing and in this video we're going to take uh you know talk obviously about one of them we're going to talk mostly about the you know one sort of the interaction method there's also uh other methods that ideally you might want to consider something that i call the reverse audience growth method basically you know i'm not going to get into this too much here in this video because it would take way too long but basically taking other platforms or other methods to send traffic over to your instagram profile to you know train the algorithm more and you could also do this through shout outs or slash and through ads as well but uh we're mainly talking about the interaction method right here and what is this whole thing you know let's just say you know let's just break this whole thing down um potentially saying well we want to get to a thousand followers within 30 days here's the thing sometimes it takes longer sometimes it takes not as long so you know don't nail me down on that because that's just not how the world the marketing world works contrary to what some marketers might want you to believe but just right around uh talking about numbers that i have actually that we actually have inside the black file and with my clients and profiles that we manage in our agency basically thousand followers in 30 days equals 34 followers um per day right right now you might be like well it's actually right now it doesn't sound so much anymore 34 a day could be doable especially if you if you are the driving factor behind this right you are the driving fan you are the driving factor behind this you're not in this method you're not relying on any algorithms basically nobody can stop you not not the evil algorithm nobody not the evil zuckerberg he can't stop you in this case we're almost siri but he's a knight he seems like a nice guy i don't know what you think about him but he still seems like a genuine nice guy so shout out to him so in order to get to those uh 34 followers a day we're obviously gonna have to because we talked about it we're gonna have to interact with people right and we talked about it for example a while ago i did this 90 day challenge video and this is something basically some some system that actually builds upon this whole thing and basically we want to comment and like on at least 170 you know posts a day might sound like a lot actually is quite a lot but like i said results speak for themselves plus we're going to break these things down so it's a little easier for you to not just waste hours at a time of your day to go there right and if we comment and like and dms and stuff like this 270 posts a day and we talk about a 20 conversion rate of people that you comment on actually follow back following back um you're gonna get there within a month to those 34 dollars a day to those 1 000 followers in the first month so how can you get this 20 conversion rate because in the other video we talked about 10 conversion rate um and granted sometimes it's more it's different every day it's kind of different for some people obviously this whole thing heavily relies on your profile optimization stuff like this you know on your whole foundation that you put up your whole branding structure you know if you're just a random page obviously nothing's gonna work out for you i just have to tell you how it is so you know if you're just a random page right now i would strongly urge you before first of all watch the video be before that video and then watch all of my other videos up until now but if you're you know somewhat optimized if your foundation is pretty strong and if you also use some reverse audience strategies talking about the external factor right here and the dms which we're going to talk about in a second you're going to get there you know we have people even being higher than that 50 in our agency for example which is really interesting so what you want to do is take 60 to 90 minutes out of your day and first of all you have to you know identify hashtags relevant hashtags relevant competitors and some external sources which um just a side note right here right so how are we going to find that first of all important thing i exactly know what kind of comments are going to be down in the comment section down below but here's the thing first of all if i say you have to keep your actions below 120 to 150 one action being at one interaction i don't want to write this word right here so we're just going to draw a star you know a little bit blue and a little bit yellow right this is one interaction meaning a like and a comment at least right and i say you have to keep this whole thing below 120 to 150 per hour now this is not a set number this heavily depends on first of all your own trust score it heavily depends on you know how you're set up what the instagram algorithm thinks of you how new your profile is and so forth you know if you never take any actions on instagram if you never like and share you might want to stick to this maybe even lower you know but if you are a little bit more advanced if your profile is 10 years old or already or something like this you can sometimes go above that right you know the limit obviously being different for each and every body of you how do i know that we have hundreds of clients first of all hundreds of test accounts as well and years of experience and we have never figured out you know i tried to set up so many test accounts to figure out what about this whole limit talk that people speak about and we did not find out a single limit that's uh the same for the whole platform so just just so you know so what you want to do is you want to find 10 to 15 hashtags right relevant hashtags obviously not just some random one ones relevant hashtags in your niche right where your target audience is hanging out you know um and then you want to put five comments each on your relevant hashtags right let's say you have 10 hashtags times 5 50 comments right we're going to talk about what exactly you have to comment then you're going to find out your competitors engagers right so let's just say i'm going to show you an example later on you you for example you go to garyvee obviously garyvee probably being a little bit of a too broad example i would suggest you to look into profiles with them with 100 to 250k followers or something like this sometimes even smaller ones you know right right around your size or thousands or five thousand emerging ones because this is where this is where the growth is really at and then the people who comment on garyvee's post you comment on their comments yeah you comment on their comments you like their posts you comment on their posts and so forth and you want you're going to want to do this twice a day right and you can obviously make mix and match that you know let's say you have two sessions each day 45 minutes and 45 minutes you know one time you do two hashtags and just one um you know engagers engagers engagement whatever and the other way around at some point but at the end of the day you might want to get to a ride around those 170 actions right there's some more things that you could do we're not going to talk about this like i said because it's just too much here for a video like this but you're going to get there just with those two things you're going to get to those 170 actions 200 actions or whatever it is right now what are you going to comment on them be aware that you can't just comment them an emoji and saying wow i love your post great check out my own post don't do this then it's not going to work you know you each comment slash message must be unique and individual and this is why it just takes so much effort you know hence why we do in my agency we have a service people for people actually doing this because it takes effort but you know i get it if you're starting out obviously you might want to do this yourself even to also get to know your audience a little better because what you want to do is you want to actually be really social on social media you know not only for having to do the manual work yourself but actually getting a feel for your audience because this is another very important part to enabling massive growth on social media is actually deciphering your audience and deciphering what's what's happening inside your niche right so strike up a conversation for example comment on current trends you know show your knowledge show your authority and stuff like this and don't directly relate it to you this is the biggest no-no we talked about it in the last video people are just sick of it you know they know you're they know those methods those spammers that are commenting and then they follow and then they say hey check up my post i have something similar to this no you're gonna have to be a little bit more nuanced than this you know for example one tf for the people who are not yet inside my black file meaning one true fan meaning the one person you know basically customer cli follower avatar as people might say it basically in order to figure that out you're gonna have to do some competitive research this is how you're gonna find out your competitors ideally you know we have very very sophisticated systems of actually nailing these two things down inside the black file but basically with your content competitors for example in this case ron segal shout out by the way awesome guy um you're going to identify his engagers and then you're going to engage with them for example dolly dory she asks a question right so what you want to do is you want to hit the reply button and actually give her some value you know and you want to you want to look out for stuff like this obviously you don't only have to look out for questions but for example for the august team collins you could go ahead to his profile check out his content and then you know comment on his content and basically also give value you know and if you do that um you know you could comment on more than one post you know you can comment two three times uh to his content you know then you make sure he's gonna notice you right you also could strike him up in the dms for example you know which we have a framework in the black file but we're not gonna talk about that right here but basically if you follow this through you're gonna get results today you know i can guarantee you that take the next 45 minutes you know watch this video again do exactly what i said you're gonna see people are gonna come to your profile you're gonna get some traffic at least and now it's your time to actually use this traffic take this traffic and actually convert them over to becoming your followers you know so yeah this obviously being uh actually in my opinion the best method to actually get your first thousand followers your first few hundred to a few thousand followers on instagram but not only that uh but to also train the algorithm to get to notice you the right way with laser targeted people so that it can you know recommend your content recommend your profile to you know similar people because this is what actually instagram does now if you like to go even deeper into similar strategies like this obviously this being just one percent if even what we talk about in the black file 2.0 you know keep your eyes open because you know once this whole black file drops on february the 8th it's going to be only open for a few days so make sure you're on the waiting list down below you know just sign up with your name your email because here's the thing when i'm going to open this whole thing up on february the 8th it's only going to be open first of all for a few days and second of all only for a small set of students it's basically first come first serve you know so if you're on the waiting list you actually get access to join the black file before the general public does and last time that we did this actually almost all of the seats were taken from from the early bird people on the waiting list so make sure you're on the waiting list right now there's already about a thousand people on there but anyway my name is dominic in case you didn't know don't forget to subscribe obviously and in the next video we'll talk about the instagram algorithm really deep i can't wait to show this to you some some very interesting insights so i'll see you guys later bye bye my friends bye [Music] you
Channel: heyDominik
Views: 126,813
Rating: 4.8956914 out of 5
Keywords: how to grow on instagram, heydominik, heydominik instagram, 90 day challenge heydominik, 1000 followers instagram, how to gain instagram followers, how to grow on instagram in 2021, instagram algorithm, how to grow 1000 followers, how to grow 1000 followers on instagram, how to grow 1000 followers on instagram in a week, how to grow on instagram after 1000 followers
Id: cFPDLgNaXm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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