How To Build A Powerful Personal Brand on Instagram (0 - $100k Strategy in 2021)

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i want to talk about the importance of building a personal brand with you tonight today depends on when you watch it it's actually not night here and i kind of want to tell you some important steps that you have to take in order to grow your personal brand in 2021 kind of with the story of how this totally weird guy there's been seven of you already which i like was able to not only build a pretty powerful personal brand right from the beginning but also monetize this whole thing with not that many followers and actually create the dream life that he always wanted hit this guy's actually me two and a half or three years ago all right so things happen fast in the internet world yeah it could be you as well so let's roll the intro let's talk about some very important principles of growing a powerful personal brand in 2021 [Music] welcome back dominators you caught me off guard here anyway let's talk about building a powerful personal brand and there's a few important steps that in my opinion you know going through this whole thing still going through this whole thing are very important and these things go just beyond just growing on instagram we're growing on youtube you know this thing you know this whole thing actually being about very core fundamentals that you just have to nail down in order to create a personal brand that actually has something to it you know and the first thing actually being that a lot of people actually misunderstand in my opinion is that you have to brand yourself as some sort of authority figure you know people usually they're like okay i have to become an expert because usually gurus out there and people like that they talk about well you're gonna have to position yourself as an expert and this is kind of like this word that's just lingering around that not a lot of people actually think a little bit more what that actually means because if we just take a look at the the word itself you know becoming an expert or positioning yourself as an expert you might be like well that's it for me i can't position myself as an expert because i'm not an expert because when we think about experts or when we hear from experts usually one type of expert comes into our minds mainly the big gurus or university teachers but what a lot of people don't know or don't think about especially in internet terms is that there's actually multiple kinds of experts out there and you you are one expert you can position yourself as an expert even if you don't fit into this you know knowledge authority kind of expert niche another thing actually is experts who just go out there and share their journey in some sort of way whatever you're going through right now in your niche or something like this the wins your losses things that worked well things that didn't work well you know and really be honest and you know just basically what garyvee always talks about documenting versus creating kind of like a loosely based thing if you ask me because i know people who just just document and it's total crap but let's say you have some sort of goal you know some something that you want to achieve in your niche right and you're looking at these experts back there who have achieved x and y and you're like i want to get there you just have to go out there and try to achieve the same while actually documenting what you do well actually sharing the wins and losses that you go through the the pitfalls the knowledge that you gain your personal experiences what you have figured out by going through that yourself and just you know this is the this is the trickery right here just by you putting yourself out there on social media just by you actually doing those things and sharing those things makes you a kind of a authority figure in a lot of people's minds because what people usually do you know they they're in the same niche as you are there they have the same goals that you have but they don't actually do it they kind of just want to sit at home because it's a lot easier and watch some other person actually try to achieve the same right and just by you doing this you're actually 10 steps ahead of the rest of the people meaning you're actually an authority figure who goes through these things which actually gets me to point number two right here which has a lot to do with actually going out there and starting and facing your fears and just go past those fears whatever those might be and there could be a lot of different fears that you have for example when i started out i was like well what if other people see me what if people who know who are kind of experts in this field see me and what if they start to laugh at me or what if my friends and family actually see what i do and i don't have a lot of metrics and stuff like this at the beginning here's the thing it's just a totally normal thing to you know only be really afraid of something but um yeah to actually be kind of held back by stuff and this whole thing might be actually easier said than done you know knowing knowing that myself but i actually think the initial starting steps are actually the biggest hurdle that most people don't actually even go through and then you're just gonna sit around wondering and watching people like the experts that we just talked about who actually started to go through with this themselves and here's the thing there's going to be some pitfalls along the way there's going to be a lot of problems along the way that you kind of have to circumnavigate and kind of have to understand to deal with those problems you know important thing is just keep creating your content right this is the most important thing right here i'll give you an example you know my former client and friend actually camille from poland we started working together a year one and a half to two years ago or something like this right from the start i could notice that he wanted to you know break out of the shell he wanted to grow that his personal brand the thing is he he's in a kind of a difficult niche what and a lot of people might think that he's in a difficult niche where they create awesome looking stairs for people just in poland right so this is kind of kind of like a challenging thing going on right and he was employed at that time and he wants to break out of the shell and actually start you know uh you know and pulling through with creating his personal brand online on instagram on youtube there was a lot of hurdles being thrown at his way i remember he told me his employer first of all didn't like that he was you know putting himself out there on social media showing his work or something like this at some point he actually got thrown out and he was kind of like at point zero again but then he actually took this personal brand that he had grown from the start and overcome all these things and what happened was the following i worked with dominic for about two years now we had a very intense beginning and what i learned from dominic at the very beginning before i quit my job helped me to accomplish where i am right now and when i where i am right now is actually i have sold uh 20 products last year uh during entire year which brought me to about a hundred thousand dollars in revenue and at this point i'm having so many clients that i can't even deliver the products i offer to everyone so it's a complex very complicated job to do and i'm happy i met him because i know that for you if i wouldn't give him a try i wouldn't be where i am and probably still would be working for someone else and hate in my life turned out pretty well right but here's the thing there was a million hurdles being thrown at his way but he just chose to ignore them or actually just deal with them because that's a big part you know whether you're growing an online business or your personal brand in general your instagrams or something like this there's going to be a lot of hurdles along the way but by you actually choosing to you know go after them and kind of tackle those things you're gonna see that there's a lot of things possible in my opinion this is what sets apart the 90 from the rest now another part in my opinion on how you should go about creating a powerful personal brand on social media in 2021 is that you should actually not just focus on one social media platform but actually two all right choose two platforms that you can you know put your whole time in it create awesome content for and ideally those two platforms should be something that serve different kinds of angles touching points with you as a personal brand for example what we always talk about in our live streams the golden triangle of social media in 21 what i always call it the golden triangle actually not being a triangle we figured it out in one of our live streams i guess but basically the golden triangle being for example youtube and instagram you know two platforms kind of different from each other but really complementing each other pretty well one platform being youtube for example where you have some sort of long format content where you can connect with people in a different set of way plus there's also the seo part right now at this at this time with instagram not having the seo part really out yet so you know there's one thing and on instagram actually showing the extension of this whole thing with content that actually complements your content on youtube along with some personal private stuff to actually make them connect with you a lot more and if done correctly this golden triangle line actually part of a triangle um actually works pretty well because if you're gonna do that if you're gonna serve people with content on both platforms that actually brings in value you're actually gonna see that both platforms are going to start to feed off of each other in a way you know one grows the other and the other way around so it's kind of like a golden ball and this is another thing that kind of detaches you from algorithms in a way you know for example on instagram you have your instagram base which should be there obviously with organic instagram growth people come into your profile all the time but when you have a second kind of platform that feeds over people you know and you see well some metrics don't really line up on instagram there's some engagement drops like here and there algorithm changes and let's just say you have an engagement drop on your profile but if you have a steady flow of people you know at least just checking out and interacting with you coming over from youtube for example you're going to see that you can never be thrown fully to the ground like so many people actually get just because there's actually multiple reasons for that but yeah just another way why this whole golden triangle is pretty pretty good if you ask me now another thing that a lot of people focus on way too much in my opinion especially when growing a personal brand is the you know metrics that you get you know the vanity metrics as people call it you know follower numbers like numbers engagement metrics and stuff like this and here's the thing you really should not obsess over them because first of all it's 20 21 people get it you know especially people who are lingering around with social media get it how hard it is to actually grow following the times are over when you're like oh you don't even have 100k you're nothing just understand that you can actually achieve a lot of great things without that many followers actually on social media usually if you start out you know the first kinds of people that are actively really following you apart from your family or something like this are usually people who are pretty laser targeted and who are actually there for you and actually sometimes it's kind of like an advantage if you don't have a lot of followers but your content is pretty great because that kind of gives you this hands-on angle you know because radar and stuff like this of people they see well a lot of followers person is talking about x and y might be some together with it because you know big people it's just the way that it is but if you're just starting out if you have great content that actually brings value to the table but you don't have a lot of followers uh people are gonna think well this is the real deal you know i see it unfold right now at this very second you know so you might even have an advantage by not having too many followers also in terms of the monetization part those people who are there could be that the trust is uh pretty tight with you and if you have some sort of service or product that you can sell them you know go for it you know you're gonna see that you can actually make a pretty nice income with not that many followers you know this is actually how i started out with not a lot of followers i managed to make for 500 each month just by you know selling some smaller products to my very small audience you know and this gave me actually the the confidence to actually go on you know but actually me telling you this should give you the whole confidence to go on anyway so there's that okay let's talk about the obvious right here that you're going to hear from every other person talking about this very thing consistency but let me tell you a little bit about why i actually think consistency is important in a way you know people just blatter that they they just repeat consistency is important without actually really knowing what this whole thing means let me give you an example my friends i follow this one person this one girl on instagram and she's not that big she has maybe a thousand followers or something like this and a few days ago i was actually thinking to myself why am i following her you know why actually am i following her i just want to know for myself what makes her stand out from the rest of the other smaller creators that i also follow and sometimes unfollow again and the answer is actually consistency i really know what to expect from her i know what kind of content i can expect i know that i'm never let down by you know actually clicking on her story for example and this is actually the standard that you should hold yourself accountable when being a content creator which you are because you want to grow your personal brand and these things go hand in hand you know just to side now right here algorithm social media algorithms especially the instagram algorithm is optimized for exactly that the next point is something that is very important that i can't stress enough which is you have to know your audience in and out ideally if you grow your personal brand in some sort of niche you are part of that niche you share the same passion you know there's another thing you have to have some sort of passion for whatever it is that you're gonna express yourself on on social media because talking about consistency and content marketing it is a lot of work it takes a lot of effort it could be long periods of time before you actually start to see some results so you better have some passion on hand on this because otherwise you're just gonna burn yourself out you know i can guarantee you that because the important thing about growing a personal brand growing on social media is hammering out content like there's no tomorrow this has to be the thing that you always have to optimize this is the thing that should be in your mind day in and day out how can i reach people how can i give value to people how can i make people actually you value me the thing being though just hammering out content like there's no tomorrow is not the answer to you know here's the thing this whole thing content is the most important part of growing a personal brand on social media but it only is the most important part if the other fundament fundamentals are actually right and correct you know the things that we have talked about here in this video and i speak from experience actually for example a friend of mine he's been creating content like there's no tomorrow for years and he still doesn't seem to get traction you know because he does not really reflect on you know all the other things that we talked about here in this video another thing being just a small thing to round this whole thing up is actually don't try to act this is another thing that i see so many content creators personal brands to be they try to be something they're not they try to show us somebody they're not and even though they might think they get away with it on a sub communicational level we all know and especially in 2021 the no approach as i call it is gonna be you know the way to go now obviously the things that we talked about right here are just scratching the surface actually but if you want to go heavy into these concepts you know learning how to implement these things practically into your own brand you know especially with the focus on growing your instagram account along with this whole thing duh i do have a very special announcement my friends guess what time it is my friends yes i'm gonna relaunch my instagram black file basically the only instagram related program you ever need and we have updated this whole thing we've updated this baby you're not gonna recognize it anymore because not only we have a lot of more strategies you know in terms of instagram oh god a whole lot of instagram related content growth hacks and just like awesome stuff we also go deep into the power of building a brand a personal brand and you know positioning yourself as an authority and actually selling yourself later at the end of the day you know walking you through this whole process basically my process that i went through uh on social media with instagram with youtube anyway in the upcoming videos here on youtube actually i will show you some of these newer concepts newer instagram concepts and stuff like this and if you're interested in taking part in the black file just be aware that you know this thing once it drops in about one and a half weeks or something like this it's only going to be open for a short period of time you know a few days last time we had to cut registrations early because there were so many people coming in that we couldn't handle anymore so so you know just be aware of that make sure you're on the waiting list so you'll be actually notified when this whole thing drops in about a week or two and there's actually going to be some very interesting special trainings also for people on the waiting list so down below my name is dominic i'll see you guys in a few days and grow your personal brands now's the time to shine i guess i'll see you guys later bye
Channel: heyDominik
Views: 10,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow on instagram, heydominik, heydominik instagram, personal branding social media, personal branding tips, how to build a personal brand, how to brand yourself, how to build a personal brand on instagram, how to become a youtuber and get paid, personal brand, how to build a magnetic personal brand, personal branding secrets
Id: nDjDE4h6DdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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